TEFL Destinations Guide!



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TEFL Destinations Guide


Teach English Worldwide: 3

Teaching English in: Argentina 5

Teaching English in: Brazil 7

Teaching English in: Canada 9

Teaching English in: Costa Rica 11

Teaching English in: Chile 13

Teaching English in: China 15

Teaching English in: Czech Republic 17

Teaching English in: Ecuador 19

Teaching English in: Guatemala 21

Teaching English in: Japan 23

Teaching English in: Mexico 25

Teaching English in: Peru 27

Teaching English in: South Africa 29

Teaching English in: South Korea 31

Teaching English in: Spain 33

Teaching English in: Thailand 36

Teaching English in: United Kingdom 38

Teaching English in: United States of America 40

Learn more: 42


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Teach English Worldwide

Start teaching abroad right away!

Welcome to the World of Teaching English Worldwide, where you can travel the world by teaching English. In this guide, you can browse through the most popular TEFL destinations!

Teaching English can be a cultural exchange in many ways. New discoveries proliferate for the international English teacher inside of you in every phase of life. As a teacher, you will gain a fresh perspective and even a new way of life, making new friends, learning a different language, exploring a new environment and rejuvenating a career path.

The demand for English teachers worldwide is strong and growing as the English language markets in our ever widening global economy. If you are looking for an opportunity to make breakthroughs in different areas of your life, the potential for growth is endless! For instance, you will be able to learn first hand the importance of internationalism.

TEFL Versus Work Abroad

Teaching English is a job that one can be proud of versus working your way abroad as restaurant help. Teaching English as a Foreign Language grants you the opportunity to land better positions and develop the skills necessary for promotions. Working in travel and tourism is very low paying, the jobs can be monotonous, as well as, thankless, and most opportunities are entry-level types with very little room for promotions. On the other hand, English instructors are looked up to by their pupils and being involved in the learning process is neither predictable nor boring. The pay scale for an English teacher can vary from place to place, but salaries are enough so that he or she is able to live comfortably and on time off can travel around. Life is to be enjoyed, having a rewarding position where results are obvious and a comfortable lifestyle filled with adventure are good ways to start.

Holding a TEFL Certification

The English teaching market is extremely competitive. For instance, every advertised English teaching position is estimated to have a minimum of 60 applicants. The TEFL or TESOL certification is crucial for the developing English teaching market. Also, there are some language schools that demand college or university degrees. The higher qualifications that the teacher has, the better the job offers, benefits, and salaries will have.

Teaching Abroad On Your Resume

Individuals teaching English abroad can include each job experience obtained to his or her resume which, is in itself, an impressive venture. Having the courage to move to a different country and taking such a big risk, shows potential employers that you possess huge capabilities. One of the strongest impressions that an overseas teaching position can demonstrate, is that the English teacher is not afraid of change and of being fully dedicated to a job.


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Why Take a TEFL or TESOL Course?

TEFL/TESOL certification allows the teacher to gain experience in English teaching even before going into the classroom. Reputable courses outline all skills necessary to learn the language: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The English teacher finishes the course feeling more than capable to embark the ever changing needs of those who study the language. Career opportunities are extensive for the TEFL/TESOL certificate holder. Jobs can be found in private business schools, larger or small language centers, international schools, private one on one tutoring, and some public schools. Just one of the advantages of holding a TEFL/TESOL course is having the ability to apply to different countries, especially when a contract with one country is finished. TEFL/TESOL certificates from recognized institutions are acknowledged around the world and can transfer over for use in any context and in any country.

Who Takes a TEFL Course?

Students of TEFL come from many different of backgrounds and have a wide range of experience. He or she is usually ready to re-charge an unsatisfying career, lifestyle, or perhaps is just ready to begin a career. The TEFL student may also be a new retiree ready to merge in work experience with travel and adventure. He or she might be fulfilling a work abroad experience essential for a university program. Commonalities amongst all studying TEFL is the willingness to change, to feed a vital interest, to grow in perception, to be courageous in learning about the unknown, and to be flexible with planning approaches.

When to Take a TEFL Course?

A good time to study TEFL or TESOL is completely up to the individual. It is advised, for example, when the student has a gap year to fulfill some travel aspirations before going back to more years of study. This not only merges the chance of becoming a part of a fascinating new culture, but it is also an opportunity to gain experience in a professional field. Professionals, who feel overwhelmed in their career, can take a TEFL course as a way to ease the pressure of their environment. Someone who does not feel valued in the corporate world due to lack of opportunities, would be a possible candidate for the TEFL course.

Being TEFL certified offers the successful teacher enormous flexibility at work with any hours of choice and with independence of the corporate drone culture. EFL/ESL teaching can be a breath of fresh air for the office employee who has very little human interaction. The TEFL teacher creates his or her own terms of success!


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Teaching English in Argentina

There is a high standard in place in the teaching field for Argentina, as it has always had a large number of the population who speak English. Competition is tough, so the individual must be aware to pack all their credentials. Some schools can require, in some cases, up to five years experience. Contacts are essential, business teaching is more lucrative and there are a number of private language schools that one can apply to. Materials such as books can be scarce, it is therefore best that the individual plans ahead for such a circumstance. The foreign teacher should be prepared to independently search for accommodations. A one bedroom apartment can cost up to $600 US per month. The best time of the year for hiring would be March to April.

The teacher is advised that customary practice in hiring is to sign on for perhaps up to a year contract in order to obtain the necessary working documentation. Most schools may want a certain commitment. The larger language schools can usually help with the necessary paper work. Teachers may be paid $15 US per hour in private institutes and perhaps more for private lessons, for which he or she must register and pay a small percentage of tax. Work is most plentiful in Buenos Aires; however, the teacher may look for work in Mendoza, Cordoba or the Patagonia.

Traveling to Argentina

Argentina, known as “the most European country” of all South America, is located in the southern hemisphere, next to Chile and southwest of Brazil. The population of this immense, natural resource rich, and beautiful country is estimated to be just fewer than 40 million. The color of the flag stands for the color of the sky, as one feels surrounded by a big bubble under it. The “pampas” or flat lands are home to rich soils, a broad farm land, ranches, and the traditional delicious beef cattle.

On Argentina’s west side of the country lies the rocky Andes mountain range and to the south are the very green Patagonian Lake District landscapes. The center of the country opens up to the southern Atlantic ocean and borders Uruguay through the Rio de la Plata (River of Silver). Temperatures are very mild for the most part, ranging from 90°F to 68 °F during the summer and from 54 °F to 39 °F during the winter. Seasons are cooler in the southern Patagonia and at the higher altitudes.


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Buenos Aires is Argentina’s largest metropolitan area with a population of approximately 13 million. Most Argentineans are Caucasian, mostly of Italian and Spanish descent. The currency is the Argentine Peso approximately $1 US dollar to 3.5 Pesos. The country’s political history has been weighed down with years of military totalitarian rule and most recently economic collapse. The country is recovering from many years of turbulent governments. Argentina has a rich historical memory of a past era of wealth. Buenos Aires has many monuments, museums, opera houses, and of course, the graves of their beloved Eva Peron (Evita) and the most famous tango singer Carlos Gardel. No visit to Buenos Aires would be complete without going to a live tango show. The capital is a stunning city filled with French Colonial architecture and giant sycamore trees. The Argentines are superb cooks, putting together their earthy, strong, yet tasty, red wine usually accompanied with a fine cut of the thickest juiciest beef, cooked on the traditional wood burning brick “asados” (barbeques).

Argentine people are somewhat conservative, courteous, family oriented, and proud. They place great importance on appearances. Bring your nicest clothes, as you would feel better among them. Their Spanish is certainly infused with Italian phrases and accent. Some extraordinary places to explore are to the north, the giant Iguazu Falls, which border Brazil, or Mendoza to the west, an excellent wine growing territory, or the relaxing gorgeous mountainous vistas in the Patagonia, or the short ride to Colonia, Uruguay, a certainly a must-see town.

Carlos Gardel, French born, is a legend in Argentina who helped make tango, Argentina’s traditional music, a world wide popular dance. There are seven countries in the world that have a larger land mass than Argentina: Russia, Canada, U.S, China, Brazil, India and Australia. Argentineans love dove hunting!


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Teaching English in Brazil

Job vacancies for native English speaking qualified teachers can be found in any city regardless of size or location. Legal working papers are hard to come by and there is caution that this being the case may not guarantee a most pleasant work experience. Cost of living in the bigger cities is on par with the US. Pay is usually from $8 to $10 US per hour.

The best time of the year to start working is in February. Good schools can offer shared accommodations plus $800 to $1,000 US per month salary. Teachers are better off to apply from their own country for the best job offers. It is best to have a strong will to tough it out in the Brazilian market and as per usual private lessons are the most lucrative. Private lessons can bring in approximately $11 US per hour. Individuals with at least 2 years experience are given the most stable jobs.

Traveling to Brazil

Brazil is home to a great many beautiful stretches of white sandy beaches, the green lush dense rainforest of the great Amazon River and certainly some of the most highly industrialized mega-cities in the world. This is a country of an immense size and population, which is estimated at just fewer than 200 million people. The currency is the real which is approximately 2 for $1 US dollar. The official language is Portuguese, Spanish, English and French are also spoken. The ethnicities of the people are 54% Caucasian, 39% Caucasian and Black mix, and rest Black. Brazil enjoys a very pleasant climate with five varying degrees of tropical zones. The very humid Amazon region gets more rainfall than most of the country where rain is very moderate. Temperatures range from 70 F to 85 F and the coasts have some nice trade breezes coming through from the South Atlantic Ocean. Brazil has one of the most unique settlement histories being that it resembles Portugal’s culture and customs very closely. The country was settled very early on as a colony in the 1500’s. There have been a number of military governments and a myriad of failed economic policies throughout modern times however the country has somehow up to now been able to weather the shocks. The newest president comes from the working class and set up a number of drastic economic measures to rescue the ever sinking poor citizens. Currently, although there has been some scandal involved Brazil is on the upswing.


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The country has long captivated the world with its famous deep dark jungle along the Amazon and the never ending party atmosphere of Rio de Janeiro. It houses one of the world mega cities Sao Paolo which has an estimated population of over 18 million people. Brazil’s natural beauty is astonishing. Rio is a playground for beach bums, party animals and sport enthusiasts. There is a fluidity or rhythm to the city found no where else. The local people live life to the fullest and cheerfully welcome every visitor. Whether one wants to shop, sight see or just lounge there is no shortage of entertainment. Carnival is the place and time to visit; however, the foreigner must be wary of inflated prices, not a minute of tranquillity, or the prospect of some danger. Although pollution is a great problem visiting the grand metropolis of Sao Paolo is certainly worth it just for the adventure. There are world class museums, galleries, restaurants, shopping, and an endless night club scene. Not far away from the big city are some tranquil beaches to rest upon once energy has run low. There are many eco adventure tours of the mighty Amazon River with expert navigators for the traveller who is used to packing for the back country so taking the opportunity of a life time is highly recommended.

The Amazon River is the longest river in the world. Brazil has won the World Cup in soccer more times than any other country Brazil is only Portuguese speaking country in the Americas and the largest Portuguese speaking in the world. Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue, found in Rio de Janeiro, is one of the 7 wonders of the modern world. Brazilian soap operas and soccer are very popular in Portuguese speaking Africa.


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Teaching English in Canada

Due to a considerable amount of immigration there are many private run language schools in Canada. Immigration laws are quite stringent so red tape for the foreigner must be arranged in advance. Approval is contingent upon each individual country’s arrangement with Canada; for example certain placements give an allotted amount of permissible positions. Some companies may help with the paper work if one possesses experience combined with credentials. The cost of living in Canada is quite steep and every consumer item is subject to a general sales tax of 6%. Apartments rent from $500 US to $1,200 US per month, dependent upon city and area. The English teacher can make from $15 US to $20 US per hour.

Traveling to Canada

Canada is the second largest country in the world and has an estimated population of 33 million people. To the south is the United States of America, to the west is the Pacific Ocean, to the east is the Atlantic Ocean and far north land stretches to the arctic circle. Canada is a country extremely rich in natural resources; especially timber and fresh water. One of the world’s natural wonders are the five great lakes which comprise the largest fresh water supply available and the other of note are the two parallel mountain ranges of the Rockies and the Coastal parameters. The climate in Canada is extreme and regional. Temperatures range from lows of minus 10 F in the long winter months to highs of 90 F in the short summer. Ethnicity is varied; however, approximately 28% are from U.K. descent, 23% French, all other parts of Europe 15%, 2% Native and all other of mostly Asian descent. The system of government is parliamentary, with strong French representation. A representative of the British monarchy resides in the House of Commons and acts as a consult to the Prime Minister. Canada is a bilingual country with English and French equally being official languages. Economically, the country thrives based upon its export of natural resources, its industrial output and advanced technology. The currency is the Canadian dollar and it trades at approximately .85 to 1 US dollar. Canada was first inhabited by native peoples in all regions. In the early 15th century the French explorer Jacques Cartier discovered the eastern sea board and made a small settlement there. By the early 17th century, the Hudson Bay area was occupied by a group of British fur traders. The nation was then divided into two parts; Upper and Lower Canada. Interestingly, the country was invaded by the United States in 1812, but with the help of the native people the invaders were defeated.


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The birth of the country became official in 1867 with the building of the Canadian National Railway which went from coast to coast. Canadians are known to be very amiable, friendly people who are quite intrigued by other cultures. The people often go out of their way to help foreigners and when going to any bar or club you will become aware that they really know how to have a good time. Of great importance to most Canadians is care of the environment which is evident by how clean the streets are. Many laws exist to protect nature and the government plays a large role in enforcing these. There are activities to do for both outdoor enthusiasts and for those who prefer the city environment. Toronto is known as the heart of the country and is set on one of the Great Lakes in the province of Ontario. The city has a quick pace and is home to many museums, galleries, parks, and the famous CN Tower, the tallest free standing building in the world. Nightlife is brilliant and there are restaurants that serve every type of food imaginable. Quebec City is recognized as one the most European influenced city in North America. The architecture is French Colonial with cobble stoned walkways and if the visitor is expecting to hear people speak English they will be quite surprised to find that the French language dominates. Montreal is Quebec’s largest city; it is set along the beautiful St. Lawrence Seaway and is host to some of the most interesting summer festivals. Unless the traveler is interested in winter sports the best time to visit is in the summer months. The winters there reach arctic temperatures. Vancouver, British Columbia on the western coast of the country is truly one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is set amongst the coastal mountains, the Pacific Ocean and the northern rain forest. Outdoor enthusiasts will think they have died and gone to heaven with skiing, snowboarding, surfing, biking, hiking, kayaking, rollerblading, sailing, and fishing all in one place along side the city life. Whistler, British Colombia is an hour drive away along the sea to sky highway and boasts world class skiing and breathtaking hiking trails.

The name “Canada” comes from a St. Lawrence Iroquoian word, kanata, which means village or settlement. Hockey and lacrosse are Canada’s national sports. Canadians consume more macaroni and cheese than any other nation on earth. There have not been mail deliveries on Saturday in Canada for the past 35 years.


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Teaching English in Costa Rica

Teaching English in Costa Rica is a good choice for the TEFL teacher as it is in close proximity to many other Latin American countries and the opportunities exist for job placement in a variety of areas of the country. More of an emphasis is put on commerce rather than the use of natural resources for the Costa Rican economy so the demand for native English speakers is immediate. The currency is the colon approximately 460 colon to the US dollar. Salaries for the TEFL certified English teacher can range from $700 US - $1,100 US per month for full time work. Private tutors can earn up to $15.00 per hour. Accommodations can cost from $350.00 US to $460.00 US per month, but assistance is often provided by employers.

Traveling to Costa Rica

The population of Costa Rica is just over 4 million, which is small in contrast to other Latin American countries. The climate in the mountainous areas of the country is continually spring-like with temperatures ranging from 60 F to 79F, the coast boasts much hotter temperatures ranging from 70 F to 86 F. Dry season occurs from late December to April and wet season lasts for the rest of the year. The people are homogenous in terms of descendants; coming from mainly European backgrounds. The economy is strong, as business initiatives recently made have drawn it away from exportation of resources; more technically based corporations are developing. Unemployment is very low estimated at approximately 6.6%. Costa Rica has the reputation as having a history of providing its people with a strong social welfare system and for negotiating peaceful resolutions to political disputes. The government maintains high educational standards. Geographically, the country is one of the most dramatically picturesque of all in Latin America with plenty of beautiful coast line as well as stunning mountains surrounded by an unprecedented amount of flora and fauna. Costa Rica is a dream for the naturalist. The local people are known as friendly and as a whole they uphold strong environmental awareness. The pace of life in Costa Rica is deliberate. The people are conservative in their approach to life. Costa Ricans affectionately refer to themselves as “Ticos”; they value family above all else. Religious holidays are very elaborate as at those times of the year festivals abound all around the country. At night, the “Ticos” like to show off how skilled they are on the dance floor and find many occasions to dance the night away.


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Costa Rica has 112 volcanoes although only six of them are active. It takes 3 hours to travel by car from one coast to another. Costa Rica is the only country in the Western Hemisphere that does not have an army of any kind. Many people in Costa Rica give coffee to babies (in their bottles) and young children.


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Teaching English in Chile

Teaching positions are available especially in Santiago but one can find work in various parts of Chile. Most learners are in the business sector and increasingly children are an ever growing percentage of language learners. Many institutions prefer to have the teacher off site to give lessons right in the place of business although a combination of both on site and off site classes may be offered. Middle management may have lessons before the work day and upper executives may have lessons taught mid day. There are a plethora of options for the English teacher. One may for the most part however, be teaching in the business setting.

Education is a top priority so teachers are trained with high regulations. Without a contract one can expect to make approximately $3000 pesos per hour, good schools pay from $4000 to $5,000 pesos per hour. Regular hours are not always guaranteed as the teacher has to show some type of commitment before more will be issued. The cost of living is fairly high in contrast to other countries in South America. One has to budget accordingly in order to make a comfortable salary. With ingenuity one can make the necessary connections and get affordable housing so that costs are not so high. Hostels offer great long term rates of up to approximately $300 US per month and apartments cost up to approximately $470 US per month.

Traveling to Chile

Geographically, Chile is uncommonly long and narrow with one third of the area taken up by the formidable Andes mountain range. To the north lies Peru, to the West lies Bolivia and Argentina. Interestingly, Chile claims a large part of the Antarctic Territory and also the famed Easter Island. The most populated area of the country is the valley which is rich in natural resources. Chile has many beaches, mountains, volcanoes and is teeming with forests. It is a wonderful country to visit for the natural explorer. Temperatures are similar to many places in the United States however the seasons are opposite due to it being in the southern hemisphere, for example, July is in the winter season. The summer season can be anywhere from 84 F to 54 F minimum. The winter season can be from 59 F to 39 F. Population is estimated at approximately 16 million, 96% of the population is white and white Amerindian. Santiago is the largest metropolis with a population of approximately 5.3 million.


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The currency is the Chilean Peso which is approximately $530 to 1 US dollar. The country has quite a unique political history having elected a Marxist platform government in the 1970s and having suffered through dictatorship platforms right up to the 1990s. After all the scandals and loss of lives, Chile has now emerged with a fresh, more enlightened government and a woman as head of state for the first time. Politically, the future of the country looks bright. Economically, the nation has one of the strongest markets in Latin America due to its great output in industrial sectors. Santiago, the largest city is bustling with business. There are many museums, restaurants and modern clubs to seek out for night life. It is economically a boom town and is currently one of the fastest growing centers in South America.

Other places to see in Chile include the beautiful resort of Viña del Mar with its posh restaurants and night life and also the mysterious Easter Island which some have thought to be inhabited by extra terrestrials. Driving through the country, especially south of Santiago is a good way to see the lush landscapes and to be able to visit the world class wineries. The Chilean people love the rodeo, enjoy soccer and have a passion for fine wine and food much like their European ancestors. Chileans approach their work with great enthusiasm although family definitely takes precedence over all other pursuits. Their manner in life is to be conservative, personal relationships are very important and politeness goes a long way. There is no room for one who comes across as shrewd. The people like to take their time making decisions so the foreigner must be patient in all dealings.

Chile is one of only two countries in all of South America that does not border Brazil Over 1/3 of the world’s copper production is produced in Chile. Most of the Chilean population lives in Santiago, the capital. The “maoi” island of the coast of Chile, originally owned by the Dutch, was annexed by Chile and renamed “Easter Island” in the late 1700’s.


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Teaching English in China

Teaching demand in Hong Kong is especially for ESP teachers. They are needed for medical staff, tourism operators and of course all areas of business. Eastern and Western culture differ in many ways. Native speakers are especially revered for authentic western cultural knowledge. Certified teachers will be offered fair salaries and also those with higher university qualifications better salaries. Currency is approximately 8.27 Yuan Renminbi for $1 US dollar. Salary ranges from approximately 2,500 RMB to 3,000 RMB per month and accommodations are almost always provided by the employer. Work papers are possible to negotiate from the home country as well as after landing in China.

Cost of living is very reasonable but especially in the north. Hong Kong has its own system within China with its own currency which is approximately 7.80 HK dollars to $1 US dollar and although pay may be from $12,000 HK to $50,000 HK the cost of living is very high. Class sizes are considerably larger than what the teacher is used to which must be taken into account. There should be some pre education done in terms of cultural clues. Discussion of politics is not received well and various other not so obvious things which the foreigner must learn as they go along.

Traveling to China

Historically it is one of the world’s oldest, intricate, and fascinating dynasties. China is for the most part a mountainous country. It borders several countries Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam. The estimated population is approximately 1.3 billion people. Until 1978 the government was strictly communist giving way economically to many insufficiencies. The market based modernization of the country has been responsible for a great shift in productivity. The greatest gains have been made in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Shanghai. China is referred to as the “sleeping giant” by monetary speculators for quite some time as more and more it awakens to its strength economically. It is now only second to the U.S. for investment output. The tide is slowly turning because strong government controls on population control


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measures do not exist anymore. This can be both a good point and a negative point of departure for China as population growth has consequences on the environment. Climatically the country is extremely diverse with regions of subtropical weather in the south and areas of sub arctic weather in the north. Temperatures range from below zero F in winter to 85 F in summer. Monsoon season regularly threatens coastal areas starting in April and lasting until October. One official dialect does exist in language however every region has its own style which other areas do not understand, on the other hand written language is such that all are universally understood in written form. Many of the world’s most advanced inventions came from China notably paper, printing, silk, the abacus, and the compass. Places to see and things to do in the nation vary as much as the climate therefore depending on what one is most interested in. The best times of year to visit are in spring and fall. Hong Kong offers a whole spectrum of everything for the visitor from big city shopping, sight seeing, deep relaxation, historical exploration and in many places one finds the comfort of western civilization influence. Getting around the city is very easy. Beijing shows all the signs of modernization so there are many restaurants and shopping centers with something to interest everyone, but clearly even more interesting one can visit the historically significant places namely, the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven Park and the Lama Temple. Shanghai is known as a very stylish city that has thoroughly embraced a freer state of culture. The Yuyuan Gardens and bazaar is the place to go to buy souvenirs, witness the classic Ming design and represents the best in local fast food. Night time in the city is the best in all the country having jazz clubs, bars and dance clubs. Shanghai is developing a reputation of being a shopping paradise.

China is often considered the longest continuous civilization,

with some historians marking 6000 BC as the dawn of their civilization. China is the 4th largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada & USA). Toilet paper was invented in China in the late 1300s. It was for emperors only. The Chinese invented ice cream by packing a milk mixture and rice into snow


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Teaching English in Czech Republic

Quite recently, Prague became very attractive for foreign language teachers, as it has a very exciting repute especially for its night life. Not quite so attractive but still available for the job seeker, are the smaller towns in the industrialized sectors of the country or in the capital of Moravia, Brno. The smaller centers offer much more varied positions due to the fact that Prague is so popular. Qualified instructors have the choice of working either in the public sector or the private sector. The public sector is known to be much more secure to work in as there are often offered perks such as accommodations and health insurance. The private sector offers many opportunities however all types of schools exist. Keeping an awareness of the facts when offered a position is quite worth it as there are many good employers.

Teachers in public schools earn approximately $500 US per month and private schools may pay from $600 US to $800 US per month. Private lessons can be charged from $10 to $14 US per hour. Accommodations are challenging to find and finding a roommate is the best way to go as monthly rental payments can cost from $180 US to $300 US. Cost of living is very cheap especially for anything that is locally produced. The best time to apply for jobs is June before the academic year and paperwork is best started from your country of origin. Czech students are known to be very easy to work with and business English is not of the utmost importance.

Traveling to Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has undergone many changes in the 20th century, first after World War I it broke away from the Austrian-Hungarian Empire becoming Czechoslovakia. After the Second World War the nation fell under the Soviet communist regime. This was a very arduous oppressive part of its history. It wasn’t until 1989 that the country emerged from the iron curtain and peacefully became the Czech Republic, joining the European Union in 2004. Located in the middle of Europe, the country is surrounded by Germany just to the northwest, Poland to the northeast, and Austria and Slovakia to the south. The population is approximately 10 million people. The Czech Republic shows all indications of a prosperous country. Demand is especially driven within the country and Germany has become a very


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important trade partner. Government run public services have slowly been restructured and the Euro currency has provided a very strong monetary base. The currency is the Czech Koruna which is approximately .046 US. The Czech Republic is encircled by the Bohemian mountains: two large rivers flow through namely the Elbe and the Vltava. The climate is characteristically continental; in the winter temperatures range from 14 F to 35 F and the mountainous areas get plenty of snowfall. The summers are cool with temperatures ranging from 57 F to 73 F. Ethnic majority is Czech and the largest minority are Moravian. There are many small villages that are pleasurable to visit. The closed off influence of communism makes one feel that time has been reversed. Worthy stops in the country are Moravia located in the mountains and dominated by spas. One more stop to be made would be in the central Bohemians in a town called Kutna Hora which is out of the way and unblemished by tourism. The town is known for its charming architecture of both Baroque and Goth styles. Prague has become the heart and soul of the Czech Republic. It is currently one of the most popular European tourist destinations. The city is brimming with mythical architecture such as medieval churches, a maze of cobblestone passages and surrounded by an 11th century castle. The night life is very sophisticated for quite a small city; there is sure to be entertainment to please everyone and for every type of budget. Going out is easy on the pocket book certainly in comparison to other European cities. Restaurants serve modern fare and as well one can find typically traditional simple menus. Czech people are warm and unassuming toward visitors. Folklore costumes are worn for festive occasions and are based upon the region the people live in. These are a source of great pride and the adornments for each are placed with great care. Each feature such as the head scarf for the woman signifies individual dignity.

Czech people are mostly of Slavic descent, but many people can

also claim partial German ancestry. The Czech Republic is almost entirely surrounded by mountains. Czech people are the world's heaviest consumers of beer. There are over 2,000 castles, keeps, and castle ruins in the Czech Republic. The Charles University in Prague, founded in 1348, is the oldest university in Eastern Europe


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Teaching English in Ecuador

English is the language of business so the need for native instructors is thriving especially in the capital of Quito. The city of Guayaquil and the beautiful city of Cuenca are good centers to find work. Most classes are conducted for university students and business people. Because of the climate, early classes are preferable to the students as are evening classes. Many language centers exist and some are owned by expatriates so finding a job is a relatively easy task. The best schools pay a salary of about $950 to $1,100 US per month. There exist many living arrangement possibilities, apartments in the cities can cost up to $250 US per month. Living expenses are very low and one can expect to spend only a few hundred US dollars per month. Most experienced teachers have given the advisement that not a lot of money is left over for savings, but one can expect to have the extra money to be able to travel around the area and to live an affordable existence while in the country. Due to its size, the cities in Ecuador are very easy to network in, so it is wise to keep open ears for various tips on setting up and any opportunities that can be found to decide which are most suitable.

Traveling to Ecuador

Ecuador is one of the smallest countries in South America and is unique in its rugged Andean high altitudes. The country boasts some of the most spectacular volcanic panorama and pristine impenetrable rain forest in the world. Isla Bartolome is part of the Galapagos which belong to Ecuador and is home to the rarest birds, crabs, sea lions, pelicans, mockingbirds, doves and penguins. From Isla Bartolome, there are some outstanding vistas atop one of the great volcanoes and because of the Island’s remote location; this is one view truly not to be missed. The Galapagos are a study in the progression of the growth of the planet, as a matter of fact, many scientists visit for this unprecedented perspective. Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is distinguished as one of the most appealing cities in South America. The climate is refreshingly spring like all year round and dazzling snow capped volcanic mountains surround the lofty 9350 feet above sea level metropolitan area. The old architecture is surrounded by the new sleek modern architecture of Quito. There are many ways to pass the time in the city, one can visit the museums or just relax in a cafe to watch the fascinating passers by.


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The population of Ecuador is estimated at approximately 13.6 million, 55% are of mixed native mestizo Caucasian origin, 25% are indigenous, 10% Caucasian and 9% black. The country is not only characterized by its eclectic inhabitants, it has also been known as having a turbulent political system. Most recently the country was involved in border disputes with Peru for which a treaty was signed in 1999. 1998 was a turbulent year economically for Ecuador because of the hurricane "El Niño". A military coup took place so that the collapsed economy could rebound. An adoption of the US dollar as currency was then put into place. Ecuadorian government has been plagued with internal corruption; six presidents have served in only seven years. The people are known as being composed, harmonious and gentle. There is a great mix of distinctive cultures all together in a compact area which makes for a mosaic of experiences and sights. Afro-Ecuadorians are well noted for their marimba music and dance festivals. The ancient cultures of the tribes in the Andean areas still thrive. The people really make the country what it is in terms of great character. The bigger cities maintain a genuine yet pleasant feel due to the graciousness of the locals. Visitors are welcomed with an openness which is rare to find. The climate in Ecuador is tropical along the coast and in the Amazon region, but cooler in the higher altitudes. Temperatures along the coast and in the Amazon are from highs of 90 F to lows of 66 F. Quito’s temperatures range from highs of 72 F to lows of 55 F.

Ecuador gained independence from Spain in 1822 after defeating the Spanish Royalist forces and gained independence from Gran Colombia in 1830. They have 2 independence dates! The official currency of Ecuador is the US dollar, which was adopted in 2000 after Ecuador suffered a financial crisis and defaulted on their external loans in 1999. The Guinea pig is considered to be a delicacy in Ecuador.


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Teaching English in Guatemala

Finding work in Guatemala City will require a lot of careful planning. The standard of living is low. On a more positive note, cost of living is low. Work visas are hard to get so most foreigners work on a tourist visa. With a high standard of formal training, TEFL work can be found in better paying schools if there is persistence on the part of the job seeker. The English teacher must be flexible in what he or she aspires to. The educational center of Guatemala is in Quetzaltenango or, as it is more commonly known as, Xela. It is a dramatic city geographically as it is surrounded by 10 volcanoes; however, it is growing in population quite rapidly and is recognized as a good place to search for work as an EFL teacher.

There are five universities in Xela and numerous language schools. The need for English teachers is great in Guatemala some students right out of secondary schooling need to show proficiency in order to enter a university and others need to improve their career opportunities. Some Guatemalan people are simply interested in learning English because they like American culture. There is a preference for all English schools for obvious reasons. There are four schools among others that accept native speakers: Best English School, Instituto Central America, Instituto Guatemalteco Americano and Inter-America School. Each school offers benefits, for example, some may offer free Spanish lessons. Hiring usually occurs during the spring months for the fall terms. Hours of work vary from school to school and benefits depend upon qualifications. The salary for the English teacher is estimated as between $2.00 US to $5.00 US per hour in language schools; $5.00 US to $8.00 US per hour for private lessons. Furnished one bedroom apartments can range between $250 US to $360 US per month. Shared accommodations can run at slightly cheaper rates.


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Traveling to Guatemala

Guatemala is one of the most native Indian of all of the Central American countries. Almost 50% are from Mayan origin. It is the most heavily populated of all Central America with just over an estimated 14 million people. A large amount of the population left during years of civil war; however, in the 1990s some returned. The 36 years of civil war only officially ended in 1996; therefore, there remain residual social injustice and habitation problems. The have-not population greatly out number the haves. Guatemala is on the mend but the healing process needs some time to work itself out. Violence still abounds within the disenfranchised groups of its citizens. The working foreigner is cautioned to keep her or himself aware at all times and to use common sense when navigating city streets. There exist some difficulties for the foreigner and the individual must be aware of this reality. Good advisement would be to fit in with the surrounding culture rather than stand out. Guatemala is fascinating in aspects of color and character. Many Mayan brightly colored handicrafts line the streets and the architecture has a distinctive; cheerful rustic quality. An area of interest in Guatemala includes, Antigua a city located just west of Guatemala City. It is a less Americanized touristy view of the country inhabited by a mix of Mayan and upper class Latinos. The city is known for its laid-back, interesting, extremely friendly and comfortable atmosphere. Lake Atitlan located just north west of Guatemala City attracts many visitors for its unparalleled views and its pristine shores. The currency is quetzals trading at approximately 7.5 to the US dollar. The weather varies according to altitudes; the average temperature is 68 F and can rise to 99 F. Rainy season at higher altitudes is from May to September, although, generally the nights are clear and during this time the temperature falls sharply at night.

Guatemala means ‘Land of the Trees’ in the Maya-Toltec language. Quetzal is a nacional bird and is also the name of the Guatemalan currency. “La Aurora National Zoo” is one of the oldest zoos in operation in Latin America.


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Teaching English in Japan

Positions may be offered before one enters the country and they are usually well paying as the cost of living in Japan is high. Credentials for the best positions must include university education. Contracts are signed usually for up to one year. Competition is high for these lucrative teaching jobs as increasing numbers of foreigners make the transition. Japanese people are high achievers and are very committed to learning English. The best time of year to come to work in Japan is in March which is the start of the school year. Be aware that if you work outside of Tokyo you may need to obtain an international drivers’ license as schools can provide the teacher with a car. There exist such employment programs where the teacher works alongside a Japanese teacher to help one get oriented to methods used in the country. Some foreigners take up to six months to adjust to the culture. Full time salaries for qualified teachers are estimated at $2,100 US per month based upon an hourly wage, return airfare is usually provided, and a minimum number of hours can be arranged. Private lessons can be charged at $20 to $40 US per hour. Income tax rates are low. Some schools will provide accommodations free of charge.

Traveling to Japan

Affectionately known as the land of the rising sun, Japan has shown its strength in terms of being able to recover from sharp economic changes and isolationist rule. It has been a sovereign nation since 660 BC founded by Emperor Jimmu. In past times, the country has attacked both China and the US which today are both allies. The population is approximately 127 million people. Geographically it is a chain of islands which is in between the North Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan and East of Korea. The terrain is rugged, about 80% mountainous and contains volcanoes; the earth shifts at least 1,500 times per year quite unnoticeably. The islands are susceptible to tsunamis and typhoons. Climate is tropical in the south with temperatures ranging from 70 °F to 90 °F and cooler in the north with temperatures ranging from 50 F to 80 F. Currency is approximately $1 US dollar to 118 Japanese Yen. Both economically and technologically Japan is one of the top in the world in terms of prosperity. Japanese people are known for their strong work ethic and expertise in the field of electronics. Loyalty for a life span is given to employers by their employees. Relationships between people are based upon the strong foundation of trust.


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Holiday celebrations honor people; some are for the aged and some for the young. Lifestyle is high as economically Japanese people can afford luxuries; they enjoy vacations especially in the US. Life expectancy is rated the highest in the world for females 85 and males 78 on average. Arranged marriages still exist today. Strong customs exist between people which have elaborate social rules. Social honor is of great importance. Rice and seafood dominate the Japanese diet. March to May is the most popular time to visit as it is when many spring festivals occur and the country is spectacularly covered in cherry blossoms. Kyoto with a population of 2 million people is the creative center of the country with temples, shrines, gardens and officially recognized worldwide heritage structures. Japanese people are quite ahead of the times in terms of style and art so the visitor will be exposed to some sophisticated ultra modern works. Animation and computers carry much favor in the creative scene. This is a “switched on” lively culture.

Tokyo has a population of over 12 million people; it has two vibes one that is ultra calm and one that is ultra exciting. The city shows the most commercial side of the Japanese culture. It has the highest concentration of population thus buildings, traffic, and obviously people are in great abundance. The pulse on the streets can take one’s breath away. Shopping is a science and an art; choices especially in electronics are endless. The nightlife is a place to let down all barriers to language and culture as the spirit of the people shows that they are eager to share their enjoyment of life. The menus for cocktails, beer and food are quite out of the ordinary; in fact the visitor will have all of their senses stimulated by time spent in the big city. There are a number of spas available which are a great tradition of the Japanese culture. These “onsen” places are where the visitor will receive hot water spa therapy and share a bath with several others. The motto is to expect the unexpected in Tokyo.

Raw horse meat is a popular food in Japan. Poorly written English can be found everywhere, including T-shirts and other fashion items. Mt. Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan, is an active volcano. There are four different writing systems in Japan, romaji, katakana, hiragana, and kanji. Japan is the largest automobile producer in the world. Japan is an archipelago of more than 3000 islands


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Teaching English in Mexico

Due to the North America Free Trade Agreement, close proximity to the United States, and a keen knowledge that affinity through effective communications can bring higher understanding; the need for English language and culture has established itself well in Mexico. This is typically a highly interactive society. Prospects for teaching opportunities abound in the cities of Guadalajara, and the capital Mexico City. It is possible to find work in some smaller remote communities however pay scale and resources will be considerably lower. Fully certified individuals can make up to $1,000 US per month salary with benefits. Work visas are possible to obtain and bigger companies may help to pay. Accommodations can be arranged locally as most schools will not include it with employment. Cost of living is fairly low especially outside Mexico City. Essentials such as food, transportation and housing usually only cost up to about 40% of earned wages. An important thing for foreigners to remember about Mexicans is that they don’t operate on the stressful time constraints that other countries do so patience is to be exercised. Close communicative relationships combined with respect are very important in business. Classes will vary according to structure of any given institution or private language school. The teacher may conduct instruction just for business purposes, for children, adults and also for conversation. Interaction is key and sharing the subtleties of your culture is of great interest to the students. Local people are considered very polite so the integration process is very easy and made even easier if the foreigner can learn some Spanish.

Traveling to Mexico

Mexico has approximately 104 million people of which about 60% are mixed Spanish Amerindian and about 30% are pure Amerindian. The currency is the Mexican Peso valued at approximately 10.8 to $1 US dollar. Recently the country has shown strong recovery from harder economic struggles. Mexico features an array of climates; tropical rainforests, volcanoes, snowy mountain tops, and famous white sandy beaches. Temperatures range from a minimum of 20 F to a maximum of 110 F depending on what area of the country; the climate is known as varying from tropical to desert.


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Mexico City is one of the largest in the world; and is also the center of the country’s culture; it is a vital link for communication, industry and transportation. Mexico’s close proximity to the United States has been influential in several areas including migration, economic trade and culture. Mexican culture stems from a cohesive mix of native and Spanish colonialism. The Mexican revolution was very important in establishing a stable presidential government. Internal struggles in the early 20th century had for some time upset the economic outlook of the country, but now these harder times are remarkably being worked through. Religion plays an important role in the country and as is the case with all of Latin America, family is the number one priority. Mexican food is distinguished in style as being mainly composed of wheat or corn tortillas, beans, meat and chilies although there is quite a variety of delicious dishes available. Many modern pastimes are the same as in westernized countries; however soccer is the country’s most treasured sport. People are laid back, genial, humble and are kind toward visitors. City life although very colorful and interesting does not draw in tourists to the country as do the sun and surf of the beaches. Acapulco is the longest standing glitzy of all resorts in Mexico. Filled with high rises, lagoons, rain forest, and a throbbing night life. There are many outdoor activities to explore, including cliff diving if one dares. A visit to the art gallery where there is a large handicraft market is recommended. Cancun has recently emerged from oblivion as a ritzy well groomed resort area and is visited by travelers from all over the world. The city hops along at full speed at night with some of the best night clubs featuring all types of music. Mexico City is teeming with crowds, sites, museums, and keeps the visitor fascinated at all times. Jacaranda trees; ones with big violet colored flowers are in full bloom in the months of February and March which is a good time to visit the city before the hotter months. Guadalajara is known as the pearl of all Mexican cities; it has a hot artistic life, and the vibe is known to be the most authentic of all. There are many exhibits and colonial architecture to admire. Shopping is heaven in the city where markets with local handicrafts can be found in any number of locations.

Mexico introduced chocolate, corn, and chilies to the world. The first printing press in North America was used in Mexico

City in 1539. The red poinsettia (which the Aztecs called cuetlaxochitl) originated in Mexico and is named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first United States ambassador to Mexico (in the 1820s). Mexico has the largest population of Spanish speakers in the world. The first university in the Americas was founded in 1571 in Mexico City.


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Teaching English in Peru

In Peru, there is an urgent need for English teachers, especially in Lima, Peru's capital. The numbers of available positions are abundant. Bigger companies have in-house instruction, but most people have to arrange their own lessons privately. Based on what previous experienced teachers have recorded, one must be careful about perks and salaries that are promised by some employers and not actually delivered. Salaries generally are $5.00 US per hour in an institution; private lessons are $10.00 US per hour. Cost of living is very low so depending upon how much the teacher wants to work will depend on how well he or she will do financially.

There can be an array of possibilities. One can choose from age groups and settings as to what ones would be best suitable. Lima may have positions for those who want to just teach in a business setting, public schools and language institutions. If one is interested in teaching in remote areas there are even ecotourism positions that may be available. The smaller metropolis of Cuzco, for instance, may offer positions from primary aged children to specialized adult learner classes. Some schools may offer furnished accommodations. Local people are considered to be very helpful to the foreigner who seeks a place to stay so one may not have to worry too much and make plans as you go along.

Traveling to Peru

Peru is divided geographically into three zones. The pacific coast line is barren due to the Andean environs, more in-land, and the very high altitudes house extreme terrain with profound valleys and lastly to the east the country slopes into the lush Amazonian lowlands. The medium sized land mass is surrounded by many countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador. The population of Peru is estimated at just fewer than 29 million. Lima is the largest metropolitan area with an estimated 8.2 million people. 45% are Amerindian, 37% are Mestizo (Caucasian mix), 15% Caucasian, and the rest are Black or Asian. Peruvian history is rich, as it was the site of the great Incan Empire which evidently was based upon natural, intellectual, as well as, deeply spiritual values. The country has in recent history been plagued by an array of guerrilla militia factions. These rebel warriors were responsible for an enormous loss of human life. Through many internal struggles somehow, though not perfect, democracy has managed to survive in Peru. Economically, though rich in natural resources and growing industries, a high percentage of Peruvians live below the poverty line.


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The currency is the "nuevos soles", which is approximately $3.27 to $1 US dollar. Peru has a 91% literacy rate which is testimony to a nation of resilient people. The landscapes throughout the Andes are some of the most beautiful in South America. Keen mountain climbers come from the world over to explore. The mountains are home to millions of Quechuan people who maintain their traditional way of life. For people with the true explorer spirit there are guided tours through the Inca trail to the all important Machu Picchu village ruins. The vistas from this wonder of the world situated at the basin of the Amazon River are unprecedented. Truly the mysterious Inca tribe that disappeared without a trace, was a fascinating, advanced civilization. One could spend days in Machu Picchu and still feel that there is more to its historical significance than modern man will ever be able to fathom. Lima, the largest city shows the sharp contrast between the well to do and the poor. It is a city with a slow yet steady pace of life. The people demonstrate a genuine openness and kindness to visitors. The city is known as the dream city as from May through October there is a natural fog that settles over it. There are many attractions in Lima such as the “Gold Museum” where visitors can see some very fine Incan artefacts. The city has some fabulous intricate colonial architecture with many places to join in on the cafe culture; it also has sprawling handicraft markets, bullfighting arenas, parks and soccer stadiums. Just south of Lima there are some much undeveloped white sandy beaches, one called El Silencio which is just as the name suggests, serene and not overwhelmed by tourists. Peruvian climate is generally spring-like and especially in Lima, it is almost always sunny from December to May. From June to November, the weather is humid and cloudy. Temperatures range from highs of 75 °F to lows of 50 °F.

There are almost 4,000 native varieties of Peruvian potatoes. The national culinary dish is cuy, or roasted guinea pig. It is served whole, with the head and feet intact. Incans, the indigenous people from Peru, would not be considered married unless they exchanged sandals. There are 1701 bird species.


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Teaching English in South Africa

There are jobs available in South Africa especially around and in Cape Town. Preference is given to locals in the market when job hunting. In order that an employer can obtain the necessary documents they must prove that they were not able to hire a South African. This means that competition is tough so one must bring considerable credentials as well as have experience. Teachers may earn from $10 to $20 US per hour. Accommodations are very expensive as the local living standard is steep. It would be wise to do some research before simply just moving to South Africa.

Traveling to South Africa

Located on the southern most tip of the continent of Africa, South Africa is surrounded by Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, and the southern Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Indian Ocean to the east. The estimated population is approximately 44 million. The largest city is Cape Town with approximately 3 million inhabitants, second largest is Durban/Pinetown with 2.3 million people and thirdly is Johannesburg with 1.3 million. The country is divided into 9 provinces. The people are approximately 80% of black African descent, approximately 10% caucasian, and the rest of mixed color or Indian/Asian descent. There are 11 official languages usedand they vary a great deal, an estimated, 23% speak IsiZulu, 17% IsiXhosa, 13% Afrikaans (Dutch dialect), 8% English, 8% Setswana, and the rest other languages.

The climate in South Africa is known to be one of the most comfortable on the planet. Temperatures range from 60 °F to 82 °F all year round in most areas but of course are different at the higher altitudes. Sunshine is plentiful in every area of the country. The currency is the rand which trades at approximately 7.3 per 1 US dollar. South Africa was originally settled by a group of Dutch Colonists earlier in its history; however, by 1902 the British navy claimed it for its wealth of diamonds and gold. What then ensued was a colony ruled under the code of apartheid which was abolished in the 1990s. Economic policies are known to be on the conservative side making it very stable and ranking in one of the top positions of the world.


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There has long been a rift between the races of black and white in the country reflected through art and literature. The painful past is lifting toward a better present and an even better future. The fact that the cultural conflicts are being resolved gives way for a very colorful multicultural discovery. Music is very important to the people and the visitor quickly detects this by the amount heard on every street corner in Cape Town. Cape Town is known for its openness to foreigners. The setting for this city is one of the most picturesque to behold. Mountains, beaches, wineries, and a rocky coastline are just some of its features. Johannesburg is known as a city of contrasts and is often viewed as notsafe; however, with proper foresight this is easily navigable in safety. Johannesburg has a faster pace than others in the country and it bubbles with an exciting arts scene. September and October are the best months to witness the liberating Arts Alive festival. South Africa is a great draw for the tourist for its abundant natural beauty. There exists there an array of wild life of distinctness. The country boasts one of the most pleasant weather conditions ever to be found. The keen observer can find a richness of multiculturalism found in no other place.

The Kruger National Park supports the greatest variety of wildlife

species on the African continent. South Africa has a penguin colony, which thrives thanks to the cold Antarctic currents on the west coast near the Cape. South Africa has 11 official languages: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu. South Africa has three capitals: Pretoria (executive), Cape Town (legislative), and Bloemfontein (judicial).


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Teaching English in South Korea

The learning of English takes place mainly in the business context used as a practice to maintain usage and fluency. Many Koreans need conversation classes after having returned from being educated abroad. Private institutes as well as public schools have a demand for native speakers as English is rather compulsory at the lower levels as well. Often termed as a hotspot, there does loom some hesitancy for foreigners to live in the country due to the prospect of bad relations with North Korea.

Therefore, there exist promising job placements for the native speaker. High education is looked upon as an important consideration in the country so there is great interest from employers in the foreigner that holds a degree and certification. Fixing up a position in advance to arriving in the country makes obtaining work papers a relatively easy task. Numerous agents exist to assist in placing the foreign teacher. There are hundreds of language schools in Seoul. The general salary offered in schools is approximately $1,200 US dollars per month many will offer as well return airfare, accommodations, medical insurance, paid holidays and a bonus. Many teachers are able to save money working in Korea. The interviewing process can be done through the internet or on the phone. Going to interviews is made very easy once one has arrived because the subways in Seoul make announcements in English. Working under the table is not an option as in Korea the government highly regulates the teaching sector so caution is given to those who want to set up some freelance lessons. Life in the smaller cities may be more peaceful than living in Seoul however the hours that one puts in per week are great so these positions are for those who want to work hard.

Traveling to South Korea

South Korea is geographically mountainous with a range called T’aebaek-sanmaek that forms a chain due east parallel to the coast. Flat lands are concentrated on the west side of the country but don’t amount to very much area. The coastlines are known to be wild having very high tides. Many long rivers flow throughout. South Korea has dry, very cold winters with temperatures from 19 F to 33 F; the summer season is hot and rainy with temperatures from 71 F to 83 F. Rain falls heavy in the months from June to September characterized by typhoon speed wind velocity. South Korea has been swept into being an industrialized nation at a tremendous rate. Known as one of the poorest countries recovering after the devastation of the Korean War to becoming one of the most productive economically in a span of approximately 40 years.


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Government has multi-levels with a president and a prime minister in charge of a cabinet. Presidents are elected every five years. Despite some recent struggles within government factions the country has prospered. Ethnically Koreans are very homogeneous with the largest minority being Chinese. The population is estimated at 48 million people. The currency is the won which is approximately 1,300 to 1 US dollar. Korean people are outdoor enthusiasts having the natural inclination toward climbing mountains.

Seoul has a large population of approximately 10 million people and having survived invasions from both Japan and North Korea the architecture is thoroughly modern. There are still some intriguing areas hidden away that have the dynastic old temples and beautiful gardens. It is recommended to join in on the bustling market scene by day. A night out must include dining on an array of dishes washed down by beer and of course going to a noraebang (singing room) to sing like a pop star. Other attractions to investigate are the Seoul Grand Park which is a zoo set amongst hills, trees and has a river running through it, Seoul Museum of Art showcasing the most modern collection of works and the N’ Seoul Tower with sweeping views and a revolving restaurant. The port city of Busan is a good place to explore while in South Korea; it is the site of the largest spa in Asia a good place to contemplate while soaking in a tub or having a massage. If night life is of interest Youth Street is lined with many bars becoming a good place to meet and watch people. Water sports are easy to access and the beaches are good places to relax.

Fruit is a luxury item in South Korea. Koreans love sweet potato and sweet potato-flavoured things. Tipping is not required in South Korea. Most homes in South Korea are equipped with heated floors. South Korea has the most sophisticated IT infrastructure in the world and is world-renowned in information technology, with leading brand names like Samsung and LG. South Korea also earns credit for being the largest shipbuilder in the world. South Korea also earns credit for being the largest shipbuilder in the world.


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Teaching English in Spain

The trend in Spain is to teach English in the primary schools; to start the process early. The push for primary language acquisition has even reached private language institutes. There are a number of programs set up for younger students such as summer camps. Growth economically has been sharp in the country; therefore, inflation is high so although there are numerous positions available the jobs are not very lucrative. Accommodations are expensive and working conditions on the whole are not advantageous. Competition is reportedly high as Spain is a popular selection for the foreign worker. With many considerations in mind the teacher must have high credentials to teach in the country. Large chains of institutions are the best bet when job hunting as many have resources, operate above the law and when the teacher is willing to commit to a certain time frame the working conditions are considerably quite agreeable. There are libraries, newspapers and even the telephone book to research when job searching. The best time of year to arrive is early September for the beginning of the school year. Another good time to get a job there is in November and also January as some teachers quit for the holiday season. Room and board can be exchanged with becoming a live-in tutor for families with children. Freelance work pays higher as is always the case but consideration must be given to travel time and expense. Unemployment is high in Spain so the ability to obtain working documents from anyone outside the EU is a tough measure.

Before coming over from North America it would be wise to do a heritage search for any relatives from Europe; this would make the task of obtaining documentation much easier. Another tip for legally working in the EU would be to arrange all necessary paperwork from your home country and to land a position before coming over. It is enormously beneficial for the instructor to have a working knowledge of Spanish as the pupils especially those in the lower levels will respond more fervently and thus learn quicker. Culturally students will be more attentive toward a warmer, more social exchange from the teacher and a direct yet diplomatic approach to enforcing study habits. Spaniards love to talk so make classes as interactive as possible.


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Wages for full time work can be approximately $1,000 US per month; rent can be at least half of that salary especially in the larger cities. Some schools may find at least temporary apartments for the foreign teacher. There are a lot of resources for finding a place to live and optimistically speaking, the Spanish people are very receptive and willing to help with such arrangements. Most landlords will require a deposit and some up to two months rent in advance so financial preparations are key.

Traveling to Spain

Spain is known to be one of the great empires with a continuing legacy. There still exists a king as head of state along with his heir apparent. There is a parliamentary democracy in place to govern. It is a country which suffered in the early 20th century through a civil war that depleted the spirit of its people. Freedom has been an important mandate recently for the country as it had to modernize very quickly after being under military rule till the early 1970s. Economically, it remains at a stable point relying mainly on tourism; however is behind others in terms of wealth in the European community as there is considerable unemployment. The population of Spain is estimated at over 40 million people. Nationality is homogenous with two classifications of Spaniards ones from the north and ones who live along the Mediterranean shores. There are different dialects spoken of the language, however Castilian is the official one. The geography of Spain is delightfully varied from, to the north being bordered by the Pyrenees mountain range, to the west the Mediterranean Sea, to the south the North Atlantic Ocean and finally the east on the Bay of Biscay.

There are three different climates in the country, one being continental with hot summer, cold winters, another being maritime moist weather and the last being Mediterranean which is mostly mild and temperate. Temperatures range from 30 F minimum to 101 F maximum throughout. The currency is the Euro which trades at approximately 1 to .80 US. The most favorable time of year to travel in Spain is during May, June and September to avoid the huge summer crowds. Places of interest to explore must include: Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Granada and Ibiza. Barcelona has become one of the most happening, trendy, artistic cities in the world. It abounds with Goth style medieval churches, palaces and buildings as well as the greatest vibrating buildings all over, put there by the eccentric larger than fiction architect Gaudi. The sites, music, food, fashion and excitement of Barcelona stays with the visitor for a life time.

Madrid, the capital, tells the history of Spain in all its formality with an exploration of the royal residence, and has a world class dining scene, galleries and night life. For those in search of the Holy Grail, Valencia the city of the citrus is worth seeing. The main palace is in the “over the top” Baroque style which is unbelievably busy to our human eye; certainly, there has never been an era like it since. There are many parties to be welcomed to, some very special art exhibits to feast one’s eyes on and the best times of year to travel are during the festival months. Granada is situated in the south near the strait of Gibraltar just on the pathway to the African continent. It is a laid back small city in the Sierra Nevada rolling hills which displays the historical significance of the Moorish people who had lived there centuries ago. The atmosphere is charming, tranquil and the people are warm. Ibiza is inhabited by tourists year round as it is known for its non-stop party palaces in a night club scene where the dancing never ends. The beaches are long, with soft white sand and the town itself is full of beautiful architecture. It is a club culture to be experienced at least once.


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The official language of Spain is Spanish (Catalan, Valencian, Gallego, Euskera are independent languages spoken in Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia and The Basque Country). Accepting a second serving is one of the best ways to show appreciation to the cook in Spain. Spain is home to the world’s largest tomato fight: La Tomatina. Euskera, spoken by the Basque population in northern Spain and southern France, is one of the oldest living languages in the world.


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Teaching English in Thailand

Most of the positions for foreign teachers are for less permanent amounts of time. If the prospective teacher is willing to stay for an agreeable amount of time contracts are made more attractive and this is due to high turnover. The Thai people are quite enthusiastic and fun loving, therefore, lessons which involve games are popular. The Thais have different customs which should be observed, for example, dress conservatively, and hand gestures are to be kept to a minimum as large boisterous ones are considered rude. The best times to be searching for a job is from mid-March to mid-May; which is when regular schools have vacation. October is a good time for the quest to find a job but January and February are quiet months. There are plenty of private schools in both Bangkok and Chang Mai but there are alternatively less well known cities where the competition for positions is not so stiff. Nakhon Sawan, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani and Ubon Ratchathani are worth at least checking out. Conclusively the foreigner will not have such a struggle to find work however the wages offered can be very low. The teacher can earn approximately $5 US per hour to $16 US depending on the type of company. Teaching positions in Universities are abundant but degrees and certificates are required; the days are past when the native English speaking beach bum can find work. Work visas may require an official offer from the employer, official photos and a visit to the embassy. Teachers can easily find their own accommodations which may cost for a studio approximately $130 US per month and a one bedroom as expensive as $500 US per month. Cost of living in general is low in Thailand.

Traveling to Thailand

Thailand is located in Southeast Asia along the South China Sea, the Andaman Sea, Gulf of Thailand, and Southeast of Burma. The estimated population is 64 million people. The country borders Burma, Laos, and Malaysia. The climate is tropical due to its close proximity to the equator; rainy season is usually from November to January and are quite extreme as flash floods can be common. Humidity is high. In summer months from February to June temperatures reach approximately 95 F and in the cooler winter months in some regions temperatures usually stay at a more comfortable 85 F. In the northern part of Thailand, near Chang Mai temperatures can go down as low as 56 F at night, to highs of 95 F during the day. The currency is the Thai Baht which trades at approximately $.35 to $1.00 US dollar. Official language is Thai; however English is spoken amongst the elite. Religion is 95% Buddhist and approximately 4% Muslim. Thailand is a kingdom and was known as Siam until 1939. It is the only


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South-eastern Asian country never to be conquered by a European country. In modern times although there have been occasional government coup operations, they are for very brief durations; for instance, one lasted for only 10 hours. The country stands strong politically as a constitutional monarchy. Economically Thailand experienced a marked increase in productivity from the late 1970s right up until 1997 when there was a collapse due in part to the devaluation of the whole Asian region. The recovery period from this time is not quite back to previous standards but it has been steady. Thailand has one of the strongest economies in the region. The nation has an abundance of ancient ruins that are beautifully preserved because of the gentle climate. The cuisine in Thailand is world renowned for its mouth wateringly, sweet, savory, spicy, and tangy properties. Each dish is served with the sweet tasting jasmine rice, but one should beware of its potent hot bite. Thailand is known affectionately as “the land of smiles” and this is shown in the faces of its people. Visitors are embraced by congenial service. Bangkok, the largest city in the country, with a population of approximately 6 million, is a plethora of sights, smells and sounds. The floating market place along the Chao Phraya River is a great attraction as the tourist can see a whole different way of life and can buy just about everything from the boats. The stunning royal palace located in the center boasts a very large reclining gold Buddha. The city is full of surprises feeling both ultra westernized and old traditionally Thai at the same instant. Located in the south, the beach resort area of Phuket has become a Mecca for beach loving tourists because of its natural beauty. The island of Ko Phi Phi has some of the longest beaches in the world. Ko Samui has private very affordable bungalows with easy access to the surf. Chiang Mai is located in the north at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains and is certainly worth the trek to investigate how the hill tribes live. Night time is relatively cooler there and the city has a slower more relaxed pace than Bangkok.

Thailand is the only country in south-east Asia that has never been under a European power. Thailand means “land of the free.” Bangkok currently holds the Guinness record for having the longest name of a place. Apparently “Bangkok” is just the short version of “Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit.”


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Teaching English in the United Kingdom

Finding a position in the U.K. is only possible if the teacher applies and is sponsored by the employer before entering the country. The cost of living is high especially near or in London. Accommodations are extremely hard to find in London and prices escalate moment by moment. Smaller towns may have arrangements through host families for the teacher to stay. There are many private schools in the U.K.; the prospective teacher can easily access information through the internet and make contact with any one of them. Salaries can be from $500 to $600 US per week which may seem like a substantial amount but in reality is not by living standards.

Traveling to the United Kingdom

The U.K. comprises England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The population is estimated at 60 million people. London is for certain the heart of the country and has a population of approximately 7 million people. Currency is the pound sterling which trades at approximately 0.5 to 1 US dollar. Ethnicity is approximately 83% English, 8% Scottish, 4 % Welsh, 2% Irish and the remaining mixed. Economically, the U.K. has a strong well established system. The pound sterling trades at a considerably higher rate world over and is a long awaited hold out in exchange for the euro dollar.

The country was officially established in the 12th century under monarchy rule after many tribal infusions. Colonization was so widespread that at one time the U.K. dominated almost 25% of the world. The modern era was anchored by Queen Victoria who during her reign accomplished a stabilized democratic style government. After heavy involvement in both the First and Second World Wars, a new young Queen Elizabeth ushered in the mid 20th century. Government is headed by both monarchy and the parliamentary systems. In recent times, the U.K. is headed by a more decentralized governing body and a strong deeply rooted monarchy.


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Many scientific advancements and contributions to art, music and literature are due to British innovation. Climate is predominantly temperate with temperatures ranging from a low of 38 F to highs of approximately 65 F. Summer is cool and winter is mild. Cloud cover is common especially along the coast and there is a healthy amount of rain. The people of the United Kingdom are known for their sophisticated flair and sharp intelligence. There is a feeling of acceptance that originates from a well practiced exposure to foreigners from every background. London is a world class destination mostly because one can find just about everything there. The culture in the city is equally famous for the predominance of green spaces or large park lands. Many Londoners have picnics on their lunch hours.

This world class city is the differentiated by the serene pastoral countryside. Bath is recommended for its architectural treasures and 1st century hot springs. Historical devotees can spend hours browsing through Bath’s museums. The town is set on the beautiful Avon River amongst many parks where the visitor can enjoy strolling. The saying “kindness of strangers” seems to have been invented in Ireland no matter which part is visited. The landscape is aglow with green. Belfast is easily seen on foot as it is a very compact city; around every corner one comes across a pub. Live music venues make for an enjoyable night on the town. Ancient beside contemporary is seen in Edinburgh Scotland in conglomeration in a sophisticated style.

In 18th century England, women's wigs were sometimes 4 feet high. These headdresses were dusted with flour and decorated with stuffed birds, replicas of gardens, plates of

fruit, or even model ships. The Windsor Castle is the oldest royal residence in the world that is still being used by the royal family. The Buckingham Palace, built in 1702, is believed to be haunted by many ghosts, including those of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I, King George, and Charles I. London has had many names in the past. It was called Londonium during the Roman Invasion, Ludenwic in Saxon times and Ludenburg during the kingdom of Alfred the Great.


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Teaching English in the USA

Red tape can be quite overwhelming if one seeks work in the U.S.A. and is not a citizen. Each state has its own regulations in regard to acceptable teaching qualifications. After obtaining necessary certification in some states these will only be issued on a conditional basis. It is not an easy task to accomplish but it is set up this way to ensure that the teacher is dedicated to the work. The foreigner seeking certification should be aware that qualifications do not transfer from state to state. There are hundreds of ESL schools that the job seeker can first research through resources such as magazines or the internet and then send a resume to. There has been a steady influx of immigrants into the country so positions are available for teaching adults and children. Many colleges have a job site board where one can browse to look for positions; as well there are state run schools for young learners which will also have jobs posted. Pay scale and cost of living will vary from state to state these can be negotiated accordingly to ensure comfortable living arrangements.

Traveling to the USA

Known as one the world’s most powerful and successful nations the United States of America has a population of over 290 million people. The country has a remarkably varied climate and geography. It borders Canada and Mexico as well as the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. There is a chain of mountains which are called the Rockies that line the north western states of Colorado, Montana and Wyoming. Climate is mainly temperate. Temperatures in most of the country can be as low as 30 F in winter months up to 100 F in summer months. Some northern states receive heavy snowfall. Florida and Hawaii enjoy hotter temperatures year round as they are tropical climates. Alaska has a very brief summer and year round is much colder as it has an arctic climate. Economically the country sees growth year after year and unemployment remains low. The market seems to work in such a way so that investors may move their money around quite freely. Technological advances have been responsible for much of the world market monetary gains. The government historically spends a very large amount of tax dollars on military might. Known as an ethnic “melting pot”, the U.S. has people of almost every nationality Black, Hispanic, Oriental, and all areas of Europe. Caucasian people make up the majority with Hispanic and Black people being the largest minority groups.


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The idea of the melting pot is that no matter where the people originated they become exclusively American once living in the country. Historically the U.S.A. was a British settlement but broke away from it in 1776 but less than one hundred years later the nation was embroiled in a traumatic civil war. Having united after the civil war it experienced a complete economic collapse from the stock market crash at the end of 1929 to the bank panics of the early 1930s. Politically, the nation is strongly democratic. There are many beautiful landscapes to visit as well as many exciting cityscapes to explore in the U.S. and depending on what your interests are there is sure to be something within the country to please. Regions have their own cultures. The north east coast is known for having the most sophisticated of all people. New York City is well established in the art scene and is so different from any other city in the country that it seems at times to be a country unto itself. People move at a very quick pace; there are many restaurants, galleries, live theater venues and bars to see and be seen in. Late spring is the best time to go as the weather is moderate and the crowds are not overwhelming. Worth noting as well is Miami, Florida with its exciting Latin flavor, long stretches of white sandy beaches, entertainment galore and gorgeous weather. The visitor can join in on the excitement or just plan to relax. At night the feeling is more like a European club scene than any other in the U.S.; hedonism abounds. California has a beautiful coastline drive that is breath taking. The north is the site of some of the most unique forests in the world. Los Angeles is the place to spot celebrities, visit many famous sites and perhaps enjoy a drink in one of its fabulous hotels. The beaches and the life style make it not only the back drop for a glamorous night vibe but for a sporty day time, beach stroll, game of volleyball or surfing. San Francisco is known for its natural beauty, and laid back yet lively “hippie” art scene. Las Vegas, Nevada is a world class entertainment Mecca. People come from all over to experience the excitement that is totally man made. This is one giant amusement park of a city where gambling is a way of life.

The wettest place in the world is Mountain Waialeale in Hawaii, USA. The state of Montana has 3 times more cattle than people. The only royal palace used by a monarch in the U.S. is located in Honolulu, Hawaii.

It is the Iolani Palace and belonged to the monarchs King Kalakaua and Queen Lili'uokalani until the monarchy was

overthrown in 1893. Today the Iolani Palace is a museum.

The hottest temperature recorded in the United States (and in North America) was in Death Valley, California on July 10, 1913. The temperature measured 134°F (56°C).


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