Tecto Energy Pebble Creek Geothermal Project Outline Outline World Geothermal Power Status BC...


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Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


OutlineOutline World Geothermal Power Status World Geothermal Power Status BC Geothermal ProspectsBC Geothermal Prospects Pebble Creek (North Meager) ProspectsPebble Creek (North Meager) Prospects Plan for DevelopmentPlan for Development Costs and ConclusionCosts and Conclusion

Tecto EnergyPebble Creek (North Meager Creek)

Geothermal Prospect

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal

Project The Growing Trend in World The Growing Trend in World Geothermal Installed CapacityGeothermal Installed Capacity

An increase of about 800 MW in a three year term (2005-2007) has been achieved, following the rough standard linear trend of approximately 200/250 MW per year

Installed Capacity Wordlwide








1970 1980 1990 2000 2010Year





Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Distribution of Geothermal powerDistribution of Geothermal power











Installed capacity sharing among the continents

a total of 12,000 MW in 24 countries

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Geothermal Energy accounts for 1/5th of thetotal electric power generation in the Philippines

A clean and economically viable alternative

A 300 MWgeothermalpower Plantsite in thePhilippines

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


A useful rough estimate for a flashed steam power plant system is about $2,000 to 3,000 per kW for a larger (55+ MW) system,

These costs are roughly split between the power plant itself (50 to 60%) and the resource infrastructure (well, piping, water treatment, etc.) (40 to 50%).

For Pebble Creek the costs for the first 110 MW initial development is estimated at about $2,500/KW (including power plant and steam-field development)

Geothermal Power Development Costs

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Geothermal Regions in Canada

Young volcanic(high-gradegeothermal)

Canadian Sedimentary Basin and ShieldDeep-circulating watersMedium grade geothermal

Hot Dry RockMedium-grade

Total Power Potential:3 to 5 MW (high-grade)

5 to 15 MW (including medium-grade)

Medium Grade

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


West CoastVolcanicCenters

12 youngVolcanicComplexesin BC and Yukon

Tecto Property in Pebble Creek (North Meager)

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal

Project Potential Viable Geothermal Power Capacity Potential Viable Geothermal Power Capacity in British Columbiain British Columbia

– – Geothermal Power (3-5 GW)Geothermal Power (3-5 GW)

Pemberton/Garibaldi Pemberton/Garibaldi – South Meager CreekSouth Meager Creek– Pebble Creek (North Meager)Pebble Creek (North Meager) --– Mt. CayleyMt. Cayley– Harrison Hot SpringsHarrison Hot Springs

Rocky Mountain TrenchRocky Mountain Trench– Canoe ReachCanoe Reach

StikineStikine– Mount EdzizaMount Edziza– Castle RockCastle Rock– Hoodoo MountainHoodoo Mountain

Anahim BeltAnahim Belt Wrangell MountainsWrangell Mountains Wells Gray-Clearwater Wells Gray-Clearwater Queen CharlottesQueen Charlottes Vancouver IslandVancouver Island Peace RegionPeace Region

Pebble Creek Geothermal Prospect is the most viable geothermal prospect in Canada with an estimated 700 MW Developable Capacity

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Geothermal is a viable renewable,ranking 4th after hydro, biomass and wind,

and significantly higher than solar in terms of sustainability.

US Energy Administration, Short-term Energy Outlook, May 2012

US supply in Quadrillion BTU

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal

Project Pebble Creek Viable Power Corridors

Besides geothermal,about 150 MW hydro capacity is planned to be developedin the Pebble Creek area.Tecto generatedPower will be connected to the BC Hydro gird atPemberton (red line).

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


On the left: MC1 discharging 200 °C two phasegeothermal fluids.

The first Canadian geothermal pilot plant was successfully tested for 40 days in 1984 with the discharge from MC1.

Brief History of South Meager Creek Brief History of South Meager Creek (8km South of Pebble Creek)(8km South of Pebble Creek)

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Geothermal Reservoir Model of the Meager Creek Complex, South-North Cross Section

The pink area highlights the boundary of thegeothermal resource (BC Hydro Model).

(The resource is predominantly situated on the Pebble Creek side)

Pebble Creek Permits

South Meager vs. North Meager (Pebble Creek)

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal

Project Geological Cross Section of North Meager (Pebble Creek)

Remarkable presence of primary permeability in the Pebble Creek Geothermal Prospect

associated with high temperatures.

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


The red lines define the boundary ofTecto’s Pebble Creek property.

The Pebble Creek Hot springs are located within the Tecto property.

Tecto Geothermal Prospect in Pebble Creek

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Pebble Creek Hot Springs

Tecto Property in Pebble Creek (North Meager)

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Plan of Resistivity and SP surveys

Electrical Resistivity Survey in the Pebble Creek area

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Overview Map of the Pebble Creek Hotsprings 70°C

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal

ProjectHighest Temperature Gradients Discovered in Canada

In the North Meager(Pebble Creek)temperaturerises by 80 to 90 deg C.Per km (Data fromBC Hydro deep core holes). L5 (inside the TectoProspect) has a temperature gradient of 83 degC/km.

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Study of core samples from deep core holes From Meager Complex show the presence of both primary and secondary permeability associated with volcanic vents. Intrusive rocks close to the vents are also highly fractured.

Looking deep in the groundCores from Meager Creek area

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Locations of Proposed Drill Holes

Planned Confirmation drilling

To depth 2500 m

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Flash Steam Geothermal Power Generation Technology (most of the world’s geothermal power capacity)

The Pebble Creek Geothermal resource is high-grade,to be exploited by Flash Steam technology.

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Cost, Revenue, PaybackCost, Revenue, PaybackFlash Base Case – 8000 ft wells, 200°C, 500K lb/hr, Basin and Range drilling,

Dual Flash plantA. Basline Case Capital O&M Total % of all

CostsExpl & Conf 0.74 0.00 0.74 14%Well Field 1.26 0.06 1.33 25%Field, Other 0.05 0.23 0.28 5%Power plant 1.71 0.77 2.48 47%Royalty 0.00 0.25 0.25 5%

Contingency 0.19 0.00 0.19 4%Total 3.96 1.32 5.28 100%% of all Costs: 75% 25% 100%

The Capital Cost for the first 200 MW geothermalpower generation at Pebble Creek is estimated at 500 million Dollars ($4000/kW installed, EIA, 2012).

At 9 cents/kWh the invested capital will be paid back in less than 6 years.

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


International Geothermal Association 2012

Cost of Geothermal Energy Production

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


ESMAP MISSION (World Bank 2012)

Risk and cost relations

TectoPebble CreekProject

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal


Drilling and completion of two production-size holes at Pebble Creek to depth 2500 to 3000m, and comprehensive feasibility study for the first 200 MW generation

Geotechnical /environmental 1Mob-Demob. 1Drilling 8Well testing /reservoir engineering 1 Feasibility for the first 200 MW 1 ------------------------------------------------------Confirmation/feasibility 12 MContingency 3M------------------------------------------------------Total 15M

Cost of Resource Confirmation at Pebble Creek

Tecto Energy

Pebble CreekGeothermal

Project Conclusion:

Geothermal power technology is mature, clean, and offers the best solution for word increasing demand for electricity.

B.C. has at least 3000 to 5000 MW geothermal power potential

Meager Creek Complex is the most advanced Geothermal prospect in BC with estimated 1000 MW Potential.Tecto’s Pebble Creek (North Meager Reservoir) prospect hasan estimated developable power potential of above 500 MW.

The chemistry of the Hot springs and temperature data from deep slim holes have proven the presence of a high-grade geothermal resource associated with the Pebble Creek Hot springs.

The cost of two Production-size confirmatory holes and feasibilityfor the first 200 MW Development in the Pebble Creek Tecto Property is estimated at 15 M. The cost of 200 MW power development is estimated at 600 MThe payback period will be less than 6 years.
