Technology in sports


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Technology in sports

By Jose Gonzalez

Technology in tennis

• Professional tennis has a computerized tracking system that shows whether a ball is in or out

Pole-vaulting technology

• The technology in pole-vaulting has evolve from pole to pole. First came the wooden pole, next was the metal pole and finally came the fiberglass pole.

Technology in swimming

• Speedo came up with a new swimsuit the LZR Racer it features ultrasonically bonded seams and water repellent fabric to reduce drag

Technology in hockey

• Goalies instead of wearing leather padding now wear synthetic padding making more comfortable

Technology in football

• The helmets we use in football are better. They went from being leather to awesome helmets we have now

Basketball technology

• Basketball technology has changed in many ways, but one way stands out to me. The balls have went from leather to micro-fiber composite balls.

Sports chartSports technology Before After

Tennis Couldn’t decide if ball was in or out

Technology has made it possible to determine if in or out

Pole-vaulting Poles was wood Pole is now fiberglass

Swimming Not bad swimsuit The LZR Racer really good swimsuit

Hockey Old leather padding for goalies

New synthetic padding for goalies

Football Old helmets were leather Now are better

Technology in sports

• Technology in sports will continue to improve for years it will never be perfect


• What people can do to get ready for technology in the future is learn how to use modern day technology. You have to learn to able to adapt to new technology. So I’m in bad shape because I can barely use technology today.

The End
