Technique (February 19, 2010)



Volume 95, Issue 24

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TechniqueThe South’s Liveliest College Newspaper

Motorcross show stuns audiences with

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Friday, February 19, 2010 • Volume 95, Issue 24 • Nuclear Cowboyz

Royster named new Ivan Allen College DeanBy Emily Chambers


New dining slated for Student Center Strategic Planning

draft released

By Zimu YangStaf Writer

By Kamna BohraContributing Writer

snow daysnow day

he Student Center is getting a make-over with the addition of ive new fran-chise restaurants.

An expanded Chick Fil-A, Subway and Taco Bell restaurants will replace the current space occupied by Pandinis. Con-struction on that space is currently sched-uled to begin on Mar. 13.

“Sales at Pandini’s have continually fallen, and we’ve gotten feedback from our faculty, staf and students that waiting ten, ifteen minutes for a meal, even though it’s really good, [but because] everything is made to order that makes things diicult and is not conducive to a college environ-ment. So we decided that with such a big location, we were really losing out, and we could really do more with the space,” said Dori Martin, marketing manager of GT Dining.

he other two additions will be in the upstairs food court. With Burger King’s contract ending soon, the fast food res-

taurant and Chick Fil-A’s spaces will be replaced with Zaya (a Mediterranean res-taurant) and Café Spice (an Indian restau-rant), respectively. However, both Burger King and Chick Fil-A will stay open through the rest of the spring semester, and will not close for reconstruction un-til the summer. All of the new venues will

open Fall 2010.Jackets/WoW Cafe and Wingery is

tentatively planned to remain open, but it will become a purely burger restaurant. However, multiple issues such as nearby construction and its shared kitchen with Pandini’s is causing issues in planning.

See Dining, page 4

Following months of discussions and meetings with students and faculty across campus, Tech’s Strategic Planning Com-mittee publicly released the irst draft of the Strategic Planning Report. he documents highlight the positive aspects of Tech, in-cluding its growing diversity, strong research preeminence and cohesive Tech tradition; however, the drafts also address the poor student-faculty interaction, lack of lexibility in both the classroom and degree choice as well as negative student attitude about ex-pectations.

he draft’s papers analyze how Tech started of as a white male society and has transformed into ethnic and gender-based subcultures. Tech is now the leading produc-er of African American and Hispanic scien-tists and engineers in the nation.

“[Tech needs] to apply the same process skills it teaches to setting a clear course for its own future in the globalized 21st century,” said Joseph Bankof, President and CEO of Woodruf Arts Center in Atlanta.

“A few cultural aspects [at Tech] are nega-tive. Generally, they are vestiges of times past that have not yet completed the transi-tion to the modern era,” the draft said, citing students’ negative attitudes and the battle for attention between engineering and other academic disciplines as ongoing problems.

“hese concerns have manifested them-selves in the form of less favorable word-of-mouth among current students...and delayed institutional giving patterns by young alum-ni,” the draft said.

he draft also heavily emphasize poor student-faculty interactions. Tech is nation-ally ranked in the Princeton Review for

See Draft, page 5

Snow fell Friday, Feb. 12 afternoon throughout north Georgia, accumulating almost three inches. The snowfall and cold temperatures led to class being cancelled at 2:30 p.m. that day.

Jacqueline Jones Royster has been named the new dean of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts following a semester-long search and month-long inalist applica-tion process to ill the position. Royster will ill not only the posi-tion of dean of the college, but will also join the faculty as a professor in the school of Literature, Com-munication and Culture where

she will bring her expertise in rhetorical studies, women’s stud-ies and literacy. She is expected to arrive on campus over the summer and begin work by the start of the fall semester. he search for the new dean was led organization-ally by the consulting irm of R. William Funk and Associates, the same irm used during the search for the current Institute President, and was chaired by Provost Gary Schuster.

“With a proven record of lead-

ership and scholarship, Professor Jacqueline Royster brings a great wealth of academic and adminis-trative experience to the Ivan Al-len College,” Schuster said in the oicial announcement of the posi-tion. “As one known for fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, she will not only be a strong advo-cate for the College, but also work with faculty, students and staf to expand its role within Georgia Tech.”

Royster comes to Tech after

working in various positions at he Ohio State University, where she recently served as the senior vice provost and executive dean of the school of Arts and Sciences. Royster’s new position at Tech is actually a return to Atlanta. She received her Bachelors degree from Spelman College, her Mas-ters and PhD from the University of Michigan and held a previous academic position at Spelman.

Photo by Virginia Lin/Student Publications

The Pandini’s restaurant and surrounding dining area will be transformed into a

fast food court featuring Taco Bell, Chick Fil-A and Subway in the Student Center.

Artistic rendering courtesy of Auxiliary Services

See Dean, page 5

Photo courtesy of The Ohio State University

New IAC dean Jacqueline Jones

Royster will arrive this summer.

Photo by John Nakano/Student Publications Photo by John Nakano/Student Publications


Photo by Sierra Schmidt/Student Publications


2 • February 19, 2010 • Technique NEWS

POLL OF THE WEEKHow far would you walk for a Wale House?

21.2%I don’t go to Wale House

15.3%Any distance

11.0%30 minute walk

52.5%5 minute walk

Next issue’s question:

Tell us at

Did you go to

Night at the


Based on 118 responses

Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an oicial publication of the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. he Technique publishes on Fridays weekly during the fall and spring and biweekly during the summer.

ADVERTISING: Information and rate cards can be found online at he deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor-mation, or for any other questions please e-mail us at You may reach us by telephone at (404) 894-2830, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

COVERAGE REQUESTS: Requests for coverage and tips should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief and/or the relevant section editor.

TechniqueThe South’s Liveliest College Newspaper


353 Ferst Dr., Room 137Atlanta, GA 30332-0290Telephone: (404) 894-2830Fax: (404) 894-1650


Emily Chamberseditor@nique.netTelephone: (404) 894-2831

Copyright © 2009, Emily Chambers, Editor-in-Chief, and by the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publications. he ideas expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Publications, the students, staf, or faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia.

First copy free—for additional copies call (404) 894-2830

NEWS EDITOR: Vivian Fan / news@nique.netOPINIONS EDITOR: Matt Hofman / opinions@nique.netFOCUS EDITOR: Kate Comstock / focus@nique.netENTERTAINMENT EDITOR: Jennifer Aldoretta / entertainment@nique.netSPORTS EDITOR: Nishant Prasadh /


http://nique.netTwitter: @the_nique

By Vijai NarayananAssistant News Editor

From the iles of the GTPD...

Campus Crime

A hit of silver

On Tuesday, Feb. 9 a student iled a report about getting struck by a silver vehicle while crossing North Avenue, NW. he incident occurred in the morning around 10 a.m., but the student did not report the incident until ive hours after it occurred. he student stated that the vehicle was outside the lane of travel and did not slow down before striking him. He stated that he was displaced from the crosswalk to a nearby sidewalk on the north side of North Av-enue, NW. he driver exited the vehicle before being advised by

the student that he was ine, and did not wish to ile a report. he student was evaluated and cleared by Stamps Health Center. he student iled the report following his release from the Health Cen-ter.

Elevator Entrapment

At around 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 9, an oicer responded to a call about an elevator entrapment at the Undergraduate Living Cen-ter (ULC). he oicer found a student trapped in elevator num-ber four on the ground loor. An elevator specialist arrived at 3:55

p.m. and opened the door, freeing the student.

Where’s the stuff, man?

An oicer responded to a call about marijuana smoke at the Smith residence hall on Feb. 12. he oicer met with the occu-pants of the room where the smell originated. he oicer observed the occupant of the room having bloodshot eyes and sweating pro-fusely. he occupant stated that there was one more person in his room, who also denied marijuana use. he on-campus hall direc-tor responded to the location and gained entry into the room. he oicer discovered another occu-pant in the room, whom the re-maining occupants failed to men-tion. No contraband was found in the room and the occupant was referred for a Code of Conduct Violation for lying to GTPD.

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 3 NEWS

A lot of things went on outside the bubble of Tech

in the past week. Here are a few important events taking place throughout the nation and the world.

Breaking theubble

Three killed in UA shooting rampage

A biology professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville is accused of fatally shooting three of her colleagues and injuring three others. he woman, Amy Bishop, was alleg-edly distraught over the biology department’s decision not to grant her tenure. Bishop earned a degree in neurobiology from Harvard University and joined the UA faculty as an assistant professor in 2003. According to reports, Bishop allegedly shot and killed her teenage broth-er in 1986, but the previous shooting was ruled accidental.

Top Taliban commander captured in Pakistan

he White House conirmed the capture of Afghan Taliban commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Karachi on Feb. 8. He is reported to be the

second in command behind the Taliban’s leader, Mullah Omar. Baradar was arrested during a joint operation by the CIA and Pakistani security forces. he White House hailed the devel-opment as a signiicant step for joint US-Pakistani eforts in the region. he Taliban claim, however, that Baradar is alive and still in Afghanistan. he arrest came as US and NATO forces continued a week long ofensive called Operation Moshtarak, a surge in Helmand province. he ofensive is considered to be the largest against the Taliban since 2001.

Winter Olympics beginhe 2010 Winter Olympics

began on Feb. 12 in Vancouver, Canada. Over 80 countries will participate in the event, lasting through Feb. 28. Over 60,000 people were in attendance at the opening ceremonies. he games began on a sobering tone of mourning, following the death of a Georgian luger, Nodar Ku-maritashvili, during practice. As of Feb. 17, the United States led the medal count with 12 medals overall.

BCouncil ClippingsThis week in Student Government

Each Tuesday, elected members of the two houses of the Student Government Association, the Undergraduate House of Representatives (UHR) and the Graduate Student Senate (GSS), convene to consider allocation bills and discuss issues facing campus. Here is a summary of those two meetings.

By Vijai Narayanan, Assistant News Editorhis edition of Council Clip-

pings covers the UHR and GSS meetings from Feb. 16, 2010.

Caribbean Expohe Caribbean Student Asso-

ciation (CaribSA) requested fund-ing from SGA to host the second annual Caribbean Expo on March 10.

According to the organization, the event will showcase the culture of the Caribbean Islands through dances, skits and a fashion show. he bill requested funding for decorations and advertisements for the event, totaling approxi-mately $431.48. he bill met with JFC policy and passed UHR 44-0-0 and GSS 21-4-3.

SCAhe Student Construction As-

sociation (SCA) presented a bill before SGA to cover the costs of attending a national conference and design competition in Wash-ington.

he bill requested funding for travel, registration fees, and lodg-ing, totaling $3464.

he bill was amended to con-form to JFC policy regarding non-competitive organizations, bring-ing the total down to $3224. he bill passed GSS 26-3-1 and UHR 44-0-0.

Conceal and CarryUHR considered a resolution

opposing legislation currently in the Georgia General Assembly to remove the ban on concealed weapons at college and university campuses in the state of Ga.

In recent weeks, the legisla-tion has aroused reactions from a diverse range of groups. Just recently, presidents of the univer-sities and colleges in the state of Ga. voted unanimously 34-0 on a resolution against the legislation. he faculty senate similarly passed a unanimous resolution against the house bill. Furthermore, SGA presidents from universities and colleges in the state of Georgia, also voted to pass a resolution against the house bill with a vote of 32-3.

he debate in UHR began with a report from a representative for the U-council, a body represent-ing the College of Computing. he U-council distributed a sur-vey asking for student opinions on the legislation and presented a de-tailed list of statistics during open forum. According to their internal survey, a majority of students fa-vored the house bill. UHR repre-sentatives considered a motion to postpone a vote on the resolution for one week in order to perform similar research before deciding

on the resolution.Opponents of the motion ar-

gued that representatives should always perform background work on the bills before consideration during the meeting, and post-poning a bill to perform more re-search when it was past due was according to one representative, “shameful.”

Proponents contested that while many representatives hadn’t prepared well for the discussion, it would be irresponsible for UHR to vote on the bill without prior research. Other representatives were concerned that voting on this issue would attach a politi-cal statement to the Institute as a whole, suppressing the views of students with the minority opin-ion. A majority of representatives believed that it was appropriate for UHR to vote on this resolu-tion, as it could have a direct im-pact on student life.

A debate also ensued about the efect of guns on campus, with representatives supporting the resolution stating that guns would escalate violence on campus and others claiming that college stu-dents were responsible enough to use weapons only to defend them-selves. In the end, representatives resolved to postpone the resolu-tion and reach out to constituents.

4 • February 19, 2010 • Technique NEWS

“We’re trying to keep it open, we have people evaluating wheth-er it can be kept open while we’re doing construction there,” Martin said.

he decision to bring the four new chains to Tech and expand Chick Fil-A came as a result from market research by Sodexo, Tech’s food service provider. Student sur-veys indicated that Subway and Taco Bell were the most popular restaurants to bring on campus.

“We’ve had students asking us for a very long time for Taco Bell. I mean, years and years and we couldn’t respond then because of space,” Martin said.

While the Pandini’s area will host a variety of new fast food restaurants, the food court will attempt to adopt a more interna-tional lavor with Zaya and Café Spice.

“[Students] got what they want. hey wanted more variety from ethnic options, and with the growing amount of vegetar-ian students we have on campus, we want to select options that ac-

commodate them as well,” Martin said.Changes in the restaurants and their locations will also vary the menus of each establishment.

“Right now at our Chick Fil-A at the food court, we have a very limited menu and that’s for a lot of reasons. Space is one of those rea-sons but also Chick Fil-A, the way they work is you have to earn the ability to carry their full menu. We really do hope to earn more and more of Chick Fil-A’s menu item,” Martin said.

Subway’s menu is currently planned on including everything in their menu, except for pizza which will be sold at Pizza Hut. he menu for Taco Bell has yet to be inalized. he construction will include increased seating areas in the Student Center, and may in-clude dining options for students on weekends as well.

With construction tentatively scheduled to be near and around spring break, Auxiliary Services and the Student Center hope to open some of the restaurants as early as mid-June.

Dining from page 1

Photo Courtesy of Auxiliary Services

Plans for the new dining area will remove the glass wall on the

side of Pandini’s and replace it with some additional bar seating.

Photo by Jarrett Skov/Student Publications

Soon-to-be graduating students sign and look over deals for class rings, announcements and

regalias with vendors at the commencement fair at the Student Center on Wednesday, Feb. 17.


Two goldish were in a tank. One says to the other, “You drive, I’ll man the guns.”What do those orange glasses mean??you’re so weird...its like your mind makes a spider web of thought and by talking you tangle yourself in it.he yellow bandannas are causing paranoia!i luvs da crash diet... now with 90% more vomitt-painCan we please stop saying “Who dat”I have no problem failing youSubway, Taco Bell and a bigger CFA where Pandini’s is? Awe-some!THE BEARI’m gonna go singing on my way home from the library. Why? Because I can, and I need to let out some stress someway...Table in the food court with the structure, that looked awesome!I’m falling asleep at the keyboard...If AFK is away from keyboard, SAK would be sleeping at key-board?Who was that group playing Smash Bros. next to West Side?Ok, so, has anyone ever been at the library 1st loor west com-puter terminals early in the morning and seen/heard those silver clocks turn on their own!?? freaky stuf, man…..spooky scary. boys becoming men. men becoming wolves.realsieshe Queen is a tyrant. Of with her head.Ryann I want you to sit in the front with megive us guns, please.when all else fails, play people are the misits; the ones that don’t it in.the stars are holding you tonight.the time for being subtle is past. man up.I wish they would lower the out-of-state tuition We’re wobegone with Wingnuts welocating westwardof course I’ll go to a concert with you Just ask - indie girljust when you think you’ve got it made, tech happens.

By Vivian FanNews Editor

For hundreds of fourth, ifth, sixth and even seventh years, Wednesday Feb. 17 marked the beginning of their last days at Tech as undergraduates with this semester’s commencement fair in the Student Center Ballroom.

Previously called the “gradua-tion fair,” the commencement fair was once limited to a single table at the Barnes and Nobles book-store at Tech Square.

Over the last year, the fair has grown to include a number of dif-ferent resources and vendors to serve upcoming college graduates, with about 25 percent of the grad-uating class attending the irst fair

during fall semester.“Basically all students are fu-

ture alumni. We want to help students build a lifelong connec-tion with Tech while you guys are on campus. We want students to remember their alma mater. We have alumni clubs across the country to help you stay connect-ed with Tech,” said Derek Lee, marketing research analyst for the Alumni Association.

Touted as students’ “one-stop-shop” for commencement needs, the fair gave students an oppor-tunity to take care of everything from purchasing regalias and class rings to taking their picture for Blueprint.

As well, it featured a number of departments and third-parties

who provided information con-cerning homeownership, job searching and higher education.

“We have a committee made up of departments integral to the commencement process including the Alumni Association, the com-mencement oice, graduate stud-ies, the CRC because they do have alumni memberships, the regis-trar’s oice and others,” said Lisa Pusateri, Event Coordinator for Communications and Marketing.

“After coming here I under-stand that one—I am graduating, and I learned the things I need to do before graduating like signing up for the alumni association, and student foundation. hat was def-initely helpful,” said Brian Tyson, ifth-year EE major.

Commencement fair gives a real world look to undergraduate students

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 5 NEWS

“lackluster faculty-student char-acteristics.”

“he physical locations where professors and students live, work and play are all independently dif-ferent from one another. his does not provide any ‘extracurricular’ opportunity for faculty and stu-dents to interact,” the draft said.

he draft suggests a residen-tial modiication, modeled after other colleges. According to the draft, “Live-Learn-Play” com-munities would create close-knit student-faculty relationships, while supporting a “global vil-lage” that would put various di-versities in direct contact with one another. he draft cites large and

impersonal classes, the faculty’s lack of interest in teaching and minimal lexibility in curriculum as issues. One of the “Big Ideas” in the draft includes “student-directed, discipline-independent degree programs and leadership development.”To bring more aca-demic diversity to Tech, the drafts call for more liberal arts pro-grams, and for cross matriculation planning with Emory University.

“Some faculty members per-ceive that good teaching is not rewarded in the promotion and tenure process,” the draft said.

According to the draft, the lack of efective teaching may result in less-than-honorable activity.

“In some cases, they have led

to duplication of efort and un-productive internal competition,” the report said.

Externally, the Strategic Plan-ning draft calls for more state-wide, national and global coop-eration.

“As [Institute President G.P. “Bud”] Peterson has toured the State, he has found that while everybody appears to have great respect for Tech, many residents view us as aloof, arrogant and committed to a world view that few Georgians identify with,” the drafts said.

From an educational stand-point, the draft plans to raise math scores in Georgia and to of-fer joint-enrollment to all Georgia

Draft from page 1high schools.

Tech also plans to work with other post-secondary institutions to create a college of law, engi-neering-entrepreneurship degrees and statewide engineering pro-grams. From an industrial point of view, the drafts note Tech’s inluence in Georgia by “spinning of technologically-based startup companies.” Tech hopes to make use of Atlanta, “riding [its coat-tails] in the rare combination of inspirational vision and pragmatic advantage of being a port city connected to the world.”

“We can do a better job us-ing Atlanta as our classroom. We looked at a number of other uni-versities who have a wider range

of living and learning options, and how some of these places used these arrangements to increase student-faculty interactions,” said Dr. Larry Jacobs, Associate Dean for Academic Afairs.

Beyond the state, “an on-ground presence in key ‘innova-tion hot spots’ is essential, where remote or periodic visiting col-laborators are simply not enough,” the draft said, naming the issue a “barrier against developing na-tional inluence and the ability to draw the very best and bright-est from around the nation and globe”.

To read the reports’ drafts in full, visit

Committee accepting provost recommendationsRoyster was on campus on

Jan. 26 to give a presentation to members of the Tech community, speciically Ivan Allen College members. While there she covered her views on the political and so-cial responsibilities of education, as well as her views as an educator.

“I believe that if we put good people, who take themselves and their work seriously, together in spaces that promote good work, excellence can happen on a regu-lar basis and that the role of the institutions that surround is to keep structures, processes and protocols in balance as we learn how to get out of the way of good people so that synergy, collabora-tion and dynamism can happen,” Royster said at her Jan. presenta-tion.

Dean from page 1

By Vijai NarayananAssistant News Editor

he Provost Advisory Search Committee began actively review-ing candidates for the post earlier this month.

he current provost, Dr. Gary Schuster, announced his decision to step down in Oct. he commit-tee will invite inalists to campus later in the spring for an extensive interview process.

he new provost would ideally take up the post at the start of the next academic year which begins in July so as to prepare for the Fall semester.

he search committee was formed last semester and consists of faculty, staf and student repre-

sentatives. hey interviewed sev-eral executive search irms to aid in the search, and identify a wide variety of candidates.

he committee chose R. Wil-liam Funk & Associates, a profes-sional search irm that also assist-ed in the Presidential search last year and the Ivan Allen College Dean search.

“We chose to use the services of an executive search irm be-cause of the critical importance of this position. We selected R. William Funk and Associates af-ter interviewing three top search irms. We were very impressed by Bill Funk’s knowledge, expertise and experience,” said Dean Steve Salbu, the chair of the committee.

he search irm will work with

the committee to identify candi-dates receive applications for the post, but will not have a direct role in the selection of candidates.

“hey use their contacts and outreach to develop and cultivate the broadest, most diverse possi-ble pool of top candidates for the position. hey assist us with the interview process itself, and pro-vide guidance and expertise to the committee as needed,” said Salbu.

According to Salbu, a candi-date for the post must have expe-rience in a discipline represented within the Institute, and ten or more years combined experience in higher education administra-tion, instruction and research.

“We seek to identify people with great vision, who have suc-

cessful leadership experience at a research-intensive university. Someone who understands the complex operations and dynamics of a top research-intensive univer-sity,” Salbu said.

Of-site interviews will be con-ducted in mid-April to narrow the pool of applicants. Campus inter-views will be held in early May. he inal selection will be made in early June by the President.

“he position of Provost at Georgia Tech is a very attrac-tive one to potential candidates. President Peterson and the search committee are conident that this opportunity will attract a very tal-ented and accomplished pool of prospects and applicants,” Salbu said.

6 • February 19, 2010 • Technique NEWS

Tau Beta Pi, SWE celebrate Engineers Week

his past week, Feb. 14-20, engineering honor society Tau Beta Pi hosted National Engineers Week (E-Week) at Tech.

“We’re the largest engineering school in the US in terms of at-tendance and enrollment and so it seems important that Georgia Tech would really push to have a nice E-Week celebration,” said Jason Cordero, ECE graduate stu-dent and president of Tau Beta Pi.

he events stretched through-out the week and included and a number of events across campus, including socials, scavenger hunts, building contests and a movie night.

“I think it was a very good selection for E-Week. It’s a good start. It’s a good reminder of what engineering and the sciences can

By Coby LuContributing Writer

do. And so it’s kind of inspiring in that respect,” said Santiago Hassig fourth-year EE major.

In addition to hosting their own events that week, Tau Beta Pi and the Society for Women Engineers hosted an E-Week so-cial at the Academy of Medicine. Motorola sponsored the event, which featured Dr. Jane Ammons, Associate Dean of the College of Engineering. In past years, Tau Beta Pi’s celebration of E-Week was limited to a single day event on Skiles Walkway. Diferent en-gineering societies like the honor societies from the diferent disci-plines would come and showcase.

“Basically they would bring a contraption or some kind of pre-sentation and they would show-case this on Skiles Walkway. Stu-dents could walk by and see what the diferent organizations were doing. At the end of the day, the

engineering society that had the coolest presentation got a prize,” said Kiersten Petersen fourth-year BMED and Tau Beta Pi vice pres-ident of programs.

“We really wanted to expand our celebration because it’s an En-gineer’s Week and we were only having a one day event – not tak-ing the full advantage of the full week,” Cordero said.

hrough the week, organizers are trying to increase awareness in diferent facets of engineering.

“[Engineering is] not just tests and exams and working your cal-culator and MATLAB. It’s how you become professional, how you network and make contacts, how you license to practice engineering in your state and a lot of diferent aspects of engineering that we are trying to introduce our students to,” said Ryan Westafer, EE grad student.




e south

’s liveliest college new



Photo by Dean Liao/Student Publications

College of Engineering Associate Dean Dr. Jane Ammons speaks

to members of Society of Women Engineers at the E-Week Social.

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 7 NEWS

Night at the Aquarium brings new shows, leadership

Photo by Basheer Tome/Student Publications

Students gaze at marine life at the Georgia Aquarium for the second annual GT Night at the

Aquarium. The event was co-hosted by the Student Center Programs Council, RHA and SGA.

By Basheer TomeContributing Writer

Students got to spend a night with the ish at this year’s GT Night at the Aquarium. he event was co-hosted by the RHA, SGA and Student Center Programs Council’s (SCPC) new Atlanta Life committee.

“his was our second year do-ing the event. Last year we were clueless about what would happen but this year we knew about what was going on. he biggest wrench was working with new people within both organizations,” said Elliot Mork, third-year AE major and president of RHA.

Although in the same location, and at approximately the same time in the spring semester as the irst annual campus aquatic tour, the event featured a plethora of changes and additions to both the operations behind the scene and the activities and entertainment available.

While the price increased from $7 for all entrants to $8 for the irst 2000 students ($14 after the irst 2000), the nights exhibits included free admission to the Planet Shark and Ocean Voyager exhibits, behind-the-scenes tours and vocal performances from Nothin’ but Treble, the Sympa-thetic Vibrations and the men’s glee club, rather than the Tech Student Orchestra..

“I thought the price was more than fair, deinitely a bargain if you’re going to compare to the

normal price admission,” said Simon Turgeon, second-year ARCH major.

“he aquarium had a double booking that night and so that’s why we got backstage passes to the Ocean Voyager exhibit, which was closed for the irst hour and a half. If they [students] came with-

in the irst hour and a half you got to see the Ocean Voyager exhibit from the back,” Mork said.

In addition, RHA coordi-nated scavenger hunts and trivia throughout the night. An esti-mated 2300 students were said to be in attendance at the event, a slight drop from last year’s irst-

time turn-out of 3,200 students, more than double the expected attendance during the event’s irst ever year.

“We were kind of worried about attendance this time. We knew we had lots of people last year,” Mork said.

What difered most between

this year and last year’s events was the planning of the aquarium night, with the participation of the SCPC’s Atlanta Life commit-tee. he event was previously or-ganized by the Arts committee of SCPC, yet this year’s Night of the Aquarium marked the irst event of the newly created Atlanta Life committee.

“All of the of campus events were initially scattered about dif-ferent committees and diferent organizations so the Atlanta life committee brings all the of cam-pus events into one committee like the Aquarium, Six Flags night, if we were to do Buzz around World of Coke that would have been our program,” said Paul Brideau, sec-ond-year ME major and chair of the Atlanta Life committee. “he purpose of the committee was to combine it all into one with a sin-gle goal to get them to experience life outside of campus.”

With the new committee, the group brought a new perspective to the event, one that was more fo-cused on engaing students in the Atlanta comunittee, rather than just entertaining students at vari-ous venues in town.

“It’s always a great pleasure to cosponsor an event with other or-ganizations. When you combine forces you end up with a higher quality event than if you do it alone. Everyone brings something to the table. When you combine all those ideas and plan together it really brings out the best in all parties involved,” Brideau said.



February 19, 2010

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.

—Winston Churchill

Opinions Editor: Matt Hofman

he “hot or not” section of last week’s Technique [printed Feb. 12] incorrectly asks the College Democrats to bring political can-didates to campus, in light of the College Republican’s two speak-ers this semester. However, last semester we brought to campus, among several other speakers, two Gubernatorial candidates- General David Poythress, a for-mer Secretary of State who ran the Georgia National Guard for 8 years, and then Georgia House Minority Leader DuBose Porter, one of Georgia’s longest-serving and most highly regarded public servants.

Both events were well publi-cized and well attended (40+ at-tendees for Poythress and about 30 for Porter), and I recall a Tech-nique editor was at the Poythress event, but there was no follow-up article.

I really don’t care that the Re-publicans are getting glory articles for bringing in their candidates, but it would be nice if you could refrain from incorrectly slighting our organization, considering that we beat them to the punch.

On March 1, House Rep. Kathy Ashe will be speaking to us, and we will be reviewing the cur-rent legislative session. On March 8, we will be holding a campaign event with Michael Mills, who is running for Secretary of State. On March 15, Georgia Attorney Gen-eral and Gubernatorial candidate hurbert Baker will be on campus for a large campaign event.

We will hopefully be bring-ing former Governor Roy Barnes to campus in early April, pending inalization of plans.

hank you!Kristofer Carta

Fourth-year HTS

Mass Efect 2 has shortcomings

he excellence of Mass Efect 2 is hard to overstate. In regards to last week’s review [“Mass Efect 2,” printed on Feb. 13], however, to say that the bad elements of the game are not worth mentioning is to do a disservice to those looking for a balanced review.

One of the most common com-plaints concerns the mineral scan-ning, which is a tedious process of panning over planets looking for “blips” of resources on your radar. his, if anything, was a step back from exploring planets by vehicle in the original Mass Efect. he time spent on this monotonous task can range from minutes to hours, depending on the number of upgrades desired.

Additionally, I feel BioWare re-moved too many of the role-play-ing game elements. he combat and irst-person shooter aspects are vastly improved, certainly, but the near-complete removal of any inventory system and oversim-pliication of the leveling system

left a bit to be desired.Overall, I will not fault Bio-

Ware for striving to improve their game in its weakest areas, but I felt that these negatives were im-portant to be mentioned. I still highly and wholly recommend this game.

Ross Llewallynhird-year ECE

Campus MovieFest losing amateurs

he annual Campus MovieF-est event is a deeply lawed com-petition. Campus MovieFest does not provide the necessary guide-lines to ensure a level playing ield among the competing teams. As a result, the winning teams are of-ten those with access to the best resources, not those with the best creative insight.

A competition, as a concept, distinguishes the best skill, talent and cleverness among a group of voluntary participants with simi-lar backgrounds and training. In most quality competitions, the administrators take great care to ensure that no one competing individual or team has an unfair advantage. Whether in athletic games, talent shows, academic bowls or other competitive events, establishing these equitable condi-tions and avoiding mitigating fac-tors ensures that the winners are determined only by these afore-mentioned traits.

Campus MovieFest, however, exercises little oversight on the ilms that their student teams produce. While all of the teams are given a standard set of video equipment at the start of the com-petition, many with access opt to rely on more professional cameras, microphones, lighting and video editor software. Furthermore, even though Campus MovieF-est was originally designed to be an amateur’s competition, teams will often bring on board (or be composed entirely of) students with considerable ilmmaking experience. A quick browse on Campus MovieFest’s YouTube channel reveals dozens of videos that almost look to be the product of a highly-equipped, well-trained


New Dean, new directionIAC must reposition itself to play larger role at Tech

he appointment of Jacqueline Jones Royster as the Dean of the Ivan Allen College validates Tech commitment toward enhancing the educational community through academic and social diversity. Her strengths will broaden the capabilities of not only the IAC faculty but the Tech faculty as a whole. Her prior experience with other Atlanta Universities should also help Tech better connect with more academic institutes.

With a new dean, the Ivan Allen College is also at a cross-roads, and should seek to enhance its role at Tech. Too long the college has played a supplementary role within the Institution and must exploit this opportunity to play an equal, complimentary role. It needs to lead the way in innovative learning techniques, since many of the other colleges seem to be lagging. All students would beneit from a stronger and more diverse liberal arts education, giving engineering and science majors a chance to better broaden

their horizons, and allowing others to ind educational pursuits more to their interests.

But in order to achieve these goals, the college must grow in all ways. Enrollment within the must increase, and active recruitment could go a far for such endeavors. Academically, the college should look to ofer more majors within the diferent schools, especially Modern Languages. Many more masters and doctoral programs are also needed within the college.

Partnerships with other colleges within the Institute would also prove to be highly beneicial to achieving these goals. IAC could be the key to transforming the goal of Tech leading the way in interdisciplinary practices into a reality. Even as an engineering school, Tech must develop graduates that understand more than just textbooks; Tech must develop students with a true understanding of many facets.



College Dems. also bring in speakers

Write to us:

We welcome your letters in response to Technique content as well as topics relevant to campus. We will print letters on a timely and space-available basis.

Letters should not exceed 400 words and should be submitted by Tuesday at 7 p.m. in order to be printed in the following Friday’s issue. Include your full name, year (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We re-serve the right to edit for style and length. Only one submission per person will be printed per term.

he Consensus Opinion relects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors.

Technique Editorial BoardEmily Chambers, Editor-in-Chief

Jonathan Saethang, Managing Editor Hahnming Lee, Business Manager

Jennifer Aldoretta, Entertainment EditorVivian Fan, News EditorNishant Prasadh, Sports EditorKate Comstock, Focus EditorMatt Hofman, Opinions Editor

Steven Cappetta, Advertising ManagerKelvin Kuo, Photography EditorReem Mansoura, Development EditorChris Russell, Online Editor

See Letters, page 10


Technique • February 19, 2010 • 9 OPINIONS

I was 17 years old the irst time I was ever asked to cen-sor an article. At that point in time, I had just taken over the position of opinions editor at my high school newspaper, and the principal of our school in north Atlanta had tasked me with the job of severely editing down a piece on the Junior-Se-nior wars that occurred every year. It technically was not my article but an older editor’s, yet the experience felt very close to heart.

hus, I fought back in my irst act of professional rebel-lion. Rather than cutting and replacing excerpts, I covered out nearly 75 percent of the ar-ticle in large black boxes wher-ever a red slash or mark ap-peared in the principal’s edited version, and attached a small, italicized note at the bottom, which read, “Edits courtesy of the [name withheld] high school administration.”

his anecdote is not to promote the idea of “taking down the man” or rebellion, in any case. Rather, it’s to demonstrate what a ine bal-ance that journalistic writing and providing the news must maintain. Each writer, news program or newspaper must separate their own emotions and experiences out from a story to inform the public, not to sway them. It’s the public’s own responsibility to make a judgment, not the writer’s. When a journalist covers a

story, he or she must be self-less, leaving personal vendetta or passion behind.

In the same manner, of-icials (whether from student governments like SGA, school administrators, or even the federal government) should not come to expect to control or sway the media in anyway. As Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black once said, “he press was to serve the gov-erned, not the governors.”

Censorship is not always as black and white as it may seem. Yes, there are the ex-treme instances of censorship, but even the slightest of biases or a withheld verse could have detrimental efects on a popu-lation of any size. In the world of journalistic integrity, there can be no “luf” or “happy sto-ries,” only the delivery of the truth, however unpleasant as it may be. Journalists also have the responsibility of acting as a voice for the people and a critic for any person in power when necessary and in the most ob-jective manner. Rather than try to quash or feel hostile to-

ward the press, those in power should embrace it and use it as a tool to enhance themselves or symbol of what unchecked power could be.

For example, the Tianan-men Square massacre of 1989 has seemingly been erased from the history books, news-papers and even minds of China’s population, so much so that when four present-day students at Peking University (the institution whose students led much of the protests 20 years ago) were presented by PBS reporters with the iconic “Tank Man” photograph, many of them confused it with a military parade.

Yet as journalists, we should aspire to not stand as enemies toward those in power, but shed light and voice student and the people’s opin-ion. While a majority of time these stories can be negative, the goal is not to assume that governing bodies are all cor-rupt. In fact, our own SGA has made a number of strides to better academic and social life for students at Tech. Yet,

there is always room to im-prove and things to uncover. More so, the general student body has no way to monitor constantly what administra-tors and elected representa-tives may choose to do. hus, journalists must act as the middleman, even if it means playing good-cop-bad-cop.

A supposedly “critical” sto-ry goes a much longer way to improving a problem than a “happy” story that does noth-ing but ignore it. If a news-paper was illed with articles touting the triumphs of XYZ campus organization in all its 32 pages, it assumes there are no laws. At that point, the newspaper loses its purpose, and becomes merely a piece of organizational propaganda.

here is no perfection in any organization or posi-tion of power; there is always something to criticize or room to improve. After all, it was two journalists Bob Wood-ward and Carl Bernstein who were the irst to report on the Watergate scandal, one of the most notorious instances of political corruption in Ameri-can history. It would be naïve to believe otherwise.

Despite what tension may exist between the two parties, the press and the government (in any form) must coexist. While it is possible to work together, that partnership should never come at the ex-pense of the truth.

Journalists report on issues, not luf“We should aspire to not

stand as enemies toward

those in power, but shed light

and voice student...opinion.”

Vivian FanNews Editor

Kevin Jamison First-year UND

“I imagine a world where humans and zombies can


Amy LambethFirst-year BIO

“I thought it was a lot of fun... besides we are all zombies from studying.”

Zach DickeSecond-year ChBE

“I watched it from Einstein’s for hours everyday, and it was


Jonna TiitinenSecond-year ISYE

“I didn’t know what it was until it was over”

What do you think of Humans vs. Zombies?

BUZZAround Campus

For such a tech-savvy school, Tech doesn’t have near-ly enough of a presence in on-line education opportunities. While several peer universities maintain a healthy presence on iTunes U and YouTube with courses, tutorials, and lecture series, Tech is notice-ably absent from this arena. While our school has certainly grasped the use of social me-dia for things like announce-ments, news and keeping in touch with its students, it seems a little behind the curve in using it to get actual intel-lectual content out to people who can use it.

While Tech avoids ex-panding into this area, several universities—many of which have far less prestige than Tech—have embraced the idea with open arms. Anyone with a computer and an internet connection can go online and learn about any topic under the sun. From economics, to C#, to the theology of Tolk-ien’s Middle Earth, if you want to know about it, some univer-sity has posted a lecture of it online.

Some universities even take it past just posting a few inter-esting tidbits. MIT’s Open-CourseWare, for example, allows internet users to study whole courses at their leisure, with everything from audio, to video, to lecture slides avail-able for perusal.

It seems like maintaining at least some presence on iTunes

U or the like would also be an excellent recruiting tool for the school as well, at a fraction of the efort required by several of Tech’s current program. At any recruitment event I know of, a visit to a class is always one of the main things on the agenda, so why not allow students to see a class with-out dragging them all the way down to Atlanta?

For me, at least, a major part of the college search was seeing what I could ind on-line about the colleges on my short list. hough Tech was deinitely at the top of my list by this point, I was put of by the utter lack of any examples of courses here. I found dozens of examples from what seemed like every one of Tech’s aca-demic rivals, and even several that I wouldn’t consider any-where near Tech’s level of per-formance.

Stanford, MIT, and Carne-gie-Mellon all maintain a fair-ly large collection of course-work online, both through organized channels like iTunes and simply through individual

professors posting lectures on YouTube. Aside from making these universities seem more accessible and impressive, it also made Tech’s absence that much more noticeable. It made me think, “If these schools are conident enough in their ma-terial to put it up for the world to see, why isn’t Tech?”

Making a bigger efort here might also go a long way to-wards increasing Tech’s pres-tige up to the next level. Too often it seems that Tech is overshadowed by some of it’s contemporaries, even when there’s not really much dif-ference in the quality of their education.

In computer science, for example, the names to beat are the ones I listed above: Stanford, MIT and Carnegie-Mellon. Regardless of whether or not these programs are any better or worse than Tech, they’ve got name recognition as the places to go for a good CS education. he problem is equally about shifting people’s perceptions of Tech as much as it is about improving programs

here at Tech.Of course, a big potential

concern with posting lectures online would be students skip-ping out on lecture entirely. While this is certainly a valid concern, I don’t see it afect-ing attendance too drastically. Students already have lecture slides, textbooks, friends’ notes and solution manuals to replace going to lecture, so giving them one more resource isn’t going to result in any paradigm shifts in lecture at-tendance.

Even if it did, who’s to say that’s a bad thing? he stu-dents who care would still at-tend, and would probably ben-eit from a smaller class size anyway. If it is worth going to class, students will still go. If not, then why should they at-tend anyway?

here’s always a lot of talk about interdisciplinary educa-tion being the next big thing, so why not let students learn about another ield without making them wade through a degree’s worth of prerequisites so they can take a class?

While a student might not be willing to go through the hassle of taking or audit-ing a class, that same student might not mind spending an afternoon skimming through videos on the topic. If they’re going to be watching YouTube while “studying,” why not at least let them get something out of it?

Tech must enhance its online oferings“Maintaining at least some

presence in iTunes U or the

like would also be an excellent

recruiting tool.”

Chris Russell Online Editor

Photos by Eric Mansield

10 • February 19, 2010 • Technique OPINIONS


Batter upBaseball season kicks of to-

day at Russ Chandler Stadium against Missouri State. he be-ginning of baseball should give students another opportunity to ditch their studies for some fun. hey are poised to get a lot of production out of senior irst baseman Tony Plagman. he Jackets also are looking to make a trip Omaha this year after failing to make to make the trip last season.

HOT– or –NOT

Delayed reactionhe Institute’s decision to

wait until late afternoon to cancel classes last Friday in the face of the snow storm showed a lack of foresight. Atlanta is notoriously ill-prepared to handle weather events, and putting students, faculty and staf in the middle of the chaos was unappreciated by most. In the future, swift, more timely decisions like those this past Monday would be appreciated.

Flowing drafthe release of the draft of

the strategic plan gives an in-sight as to the purpose and hopes the administration has for the document. While nothing is oicial yet, the plan has shown a great understand-ing of the current Tech and ofers tangible goals for the In-stitute as it pushes forward for the next 25 years. he should help lead to Tech new heights in education thought nearly impossible before.

Pandini’s passingWhile the new options

coming to the student center are much welcomed, the pres-ervation of Pandinis should have been given greater consid-eration. Keeping Pandinis in some fashion would have been preferred by many students over a continued Jacket’s pres-ence. Since the two already share a kitchen, maybe some of the Pandini’s elements, say, the Bufalo Chicken Pizza, could be spared.

Attn: Student Organizations

This space could be your ad for only


Letters from page 8

Hollywood studio. hese are not amateur ilms by any stretch of the imagination.

As a result, Campus MovieF-est is often unfairly biased toward teams with better access to supe-rior equipment and professional talent. It destroys the equality that most competitions are sup-posed to ensure. How is a team of casual friends with no ilm back-ground supposed to compete with a team from, say, BuzzStudios or Berkeley’s Digital Film Institute? Campus MovieFest is in danger of being overrun by upcoming ilm-makers looking for a new venue for their craft.

Campus MovieFest needs to re-evaluate their guidelines to re-turn fairness to their competition. First, Campus MovieFest should prohibit any student currently or formerly associated with a ilm production club, department or studio from participating. Teams may consult such individuals in an unoicial advisory role, but these individuals may have no di-rect involvement in any stage of production. All teams should sign an honor statement to this efect.

Second, Campus MovieFest should require teams to use only the video equipment that they issue. hey should also require their teams to edit their videos in iMovie, which is much faster and simpler to learn than Final Cut Pro. hese latter two guidelines will equalize the technical aspects of ilm production.

When Campus MovieFest started at the beginning of the decade, it presented a great oppor-tunity for students to produce and show of casual videos. here are plenty of other venues and exhibi-tions for students looking to turn ilmmaking into a serious hobby or career. Let’s give Campus Mov-ieFest back to the amateurs.

Joshua CuneoGrad. Student LCC

Consensus of point, rebuttal needed

I would like to ofer a rebuttal to the main points raised in the Consensus Opinion.

You argue that the sword at-tack on campus is an example of why students shouldn’t be allowed to have weapons.

he sword attack on campus underscores the inability of law enforcement to prevent violent crime and the inefectiveness of current laws as a deterrent. It is just as much of a felony to carry a blade over 4 inches as it is to carry a irearm on campus.

he arms race that you predict between students and attackers has not taken place in the rest of the city or, for that matter, the 48 states that allow concealed carry. Allowing carry on campus will do nothing to reduce crime because of the small population of stu-dents and faculty who qualify for a Firearms License.

here is a strong correlation between the proliferation of right to carry laws and reductions in violent crime during the 1990’s. Even if we ignore the statistical data, denying a fundamental right to a section of the population be-cause they are a minority is consti-tutionally and morally wrong.

You argue that the average stu-dent or faculty member would not be able to help themselves with a weapon during a crime. I would ask that you show more respect toward your peers. he U.S. De-partment of Justice also disagrees with you. According to the DOJ Crime Victimization Survey, vic-tims who use a gun to defend themselves from an attacker are the least likely (3.6 percent) to sustain injuries in an attack. Vic-tims who do nothing (the suggest-ed tactic by GTPD) are injured a startling 55.2 percent of the time.

You also state that the aca-demic environment is too stressful for irearms. However, none of the horriic accidents that you predict

have occurred at universities that allow students to carry concealed weapons. he same pressures that you cite exist of campus.

Like it or not, irearms are deeply rooted in our culture and society. We can pretend that they don’t exist by banning them on campus but that is a naive, head-in-the-sand approach. Ignorance is the real danger to our com-munity and anytime we promote it we are doing more harm than good.

Nick ReavesFifth-year ME

gtRIC succeeded only with gracious help

I want to thank you for cover-ing he Georgia Tech Research and Innovation Conference (gtRIC). here are several points in the article that I want to clarify.

First, I want to thank all of the volunteers, students, staf and judges that helped at gtRIC. he student response was overwhelm-ing, and this event would not have happened without dedicated vol-unteers. gtRIC emerged from the Graduate Symposium and owes a lot to the work of prior confer-ence chairs and organizers. I want to particularly thank Janna Blum. In addition to overseeing the con-ference last year, Janna was the technical director this year. he technical challenges of a confer-ence this large are immense and she did a fantastic job.

Second, I want to clarify that there were a total of 300 posters. We actually had more entrants than we could accommodate in the space we had.

hird, I wanted invite pre-senters, judges, volunteers and staf to complete, a short survey at Our goal is to improve this event next year.

Baruch FeigenbaumGrad. Student CE

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 11 OPINIONS

In college, we are forced to work in group projects and take part in organi-zation that are reliant on groups people working together to achieve goals. We are told that in the “real world” em-ployers are going to expect us to be able contribute and successfully complete as-signments. But ultimately, the ability to succeed in any and all of these situations boils down to responsibility.

If one person fails, the group fails. I am in my third year, a senior by hour of credit and in ME 1770. Personally I am terriied that my grade in the class is highly contingent upon my group mem-bers. It is not that I do not trust them or that I think they some how will not hold up their end of the bargain in terms of the project, but I know that I cannot con-trol their actions. I have to assume they are responsible. And that is very unset-tling.

I, like most over-achieving people at Tech, believe I am the only person who can do everything perfect all the time. I believe my way is always right, and suc-cess is my destiny. his disposition of mine also causes me to be paranoid when I have work with and trust people.

Admittedly, I am not a very trusting person either, even in situations where another person’s work is the point of con-cern. So what am I suppose to do? Freak out at every instance I have to work with a group of people?

No. I have to be responsible and ma-ture enough to adapt. Regardless of what happens I must do my personal for what I am responsible for. I have to be a passive

leader. I have to show that I am going to do my part, and, in a way, guilt others to do their part.

It sounds simple, but most people have been in similar situations, but things did not go as smoothly. Somebody de-cided not to their part and everybody sufered. And

that is where the maturity comes in. Move on.

If the problem cannot be ixed, there certainly is no point in wasting time on it. Take the hit, get acquainted with a bottle of your poison of choice, wake up the next morning and ask, “What’s next?” I have found this acquired sense of helplessness reassuring and grounding. It teaches me that sometimes life happens.

But there is also a bitter sweet justice when such a circumstance occurs. he person who fails to fulill their end of the bargain damages much more than a grade; they damage their reputation and the reputation of the company organi-zation they represent. In the especially small world of today, that fault cannot swiftly be made up for.

For all the supposed evils of instant access to information and the constant stream of gossip that goes with the “now society,” this beneit is invaluable. It al-lows paranoid people like me to research any company before I buy anything or it allows me to check reviews and health department ratings for restaurants before I even look up the address.

his forced accountability has been the greatest lesson I have as of yet taken from my still uninished college experi-ence. Responsibility deines people, or-ganizations and companies alike. We are forced to be accountable to one another. Professional networks and shorter ca-reers mean the days of being able to leave town and get a fresh start are all but over. Burnt bridges will need to be traveled over one day.

“If a problem cannot be

ixed, there is certainly no point in wasting

time on it.”

Matt HofmanOpinions Editor


techniquewith the

Academic diversity needed to excel in modern age

Since initiating the strategic planning process last fall, I have often been asked: “Given the rapidly changing world in which they will live, how can Tech continue to prepare its students with the critical skills and knowledge base required to ensure that they will be successful in their careers?” At its core, this is a question of the role of academic diversity in the Tech curricula and one that we are trying to answer as part of our strategic plan-ning process.

As competition for jobs and resources becomes more focused globally, there will be an increasing need for Tech graduates to maintain a competitive edge. Engineers will be re-quired to have a command of more than just a tradi-tional skill set to compete efectively in tomorrow’s marketplace. Our objec-tive is to understand what has in the past, and what will in the future, diferen-tiate our students and en-sure that we are preparing our students for this com-petitive environment.

One of the ideas being considered by the Rede-signing Education Strategic Vision Subcommittee is to add new areas of study to better equip our graduates with the adaptability and lexibility they will need to succeed in the increasingly global environment. We need to provide our stu-dents with opportunities to examine new languages, cultures and studies in pol-icy, law and health-related areas – along with the criti-cal thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for them to adapt and succeed throughout their careers.

As part of this process, we are investigating how to modify our curricula so that students can develop a broader range of capa-bilities, without losing the focus and challenges pro-vided by a technological university. he ability to think critically, solve prob-lems and exhibit leadership are just some of the skills that are as vital as those acquired in one’s own dis-cipline. Some majors on campus already allow more interdisciplinary lexibility

in their core classes, and we are looking at ways to incorporate more lexibility across all disciplines across.

While there are argu-ments on both sides of this issue, our aim is to enhance the curricula with the technical and human-istic skills students need to be contributors to society, stewards of knowledge and global citizens. Graduates with a broader, more com-prehensive knowledge base can innovate more efec-tively and solve problems by looking at them from diferent perspectives.

During these diicult economic times, we need to make tough decisions. In order to modify or add to existing curricula, some-thing has to change. hose of you who are engineer-ing majors already have a packed course load, so how do we adapt your educa-tion to relect the changing nature of the marketplace, without increasing the length of time it takes to get an engineering degree?

here are no easy an-swers to these questions and no major decisions have been made, but these are the types of important discussions that are ongo-ing as part of the strategic planning process. I urge you to take advantage of the Institute’s eforts to chart our future course, get involved and have your voice, the student voice, heard.

“Our aim is to enhance

the curricula with... skills

students need to be

contributors to society.”

G.P. “Bud” PetersonInstitute President

Team work requires responsibility, maturity

Photo courtesy of Clair Campbell

Eden Smith, Meg Russell and Claire Campbell ride with the APD mounted

unit in Grant Park and stop to visit the kids at the Cyclorama and the zoo.

By Julia Turner Contributing Writer

Recently, the Tech Equestrian Club found a way to distinguish itself in the Atlanta community as well.

On Feb. 24 at 12 p.m., the At-lanta Police Department (APD) will be making seven members of the club: Gillian Newberry, Meg Russell, Megan Harris, Eden Smith, Rachel Cornelius, Kristy Stengard and Claire Campbell honorary members of the Mount-ed Patrol for their help with the unit’s horses.

For the past few months, these girls have been going out to the unit’s barn, located near the At-lanta Zoo and Turner Field, to exercise the unit’s horses.

he Mounted Patrol is a key part of the police department and is especially good for crowd con-trol at events like parades and out-door festivals. hey also patrol the parks around the city and even a few neighborhoods. Keeping the horses in good care is a critical el-ement for the patrol’s functioning ability.

“here are 15 to 16 horses and 14 oicers,” said Stengard, IsyE

Tech Equestrian Club to be honored by APD

By Chris RussellContributing Writer

Tech’s campus has recently seen a number of big named speakers. Between the famous come-dians, Nobel Laureates and four-star generals, one question is bound to come up: who brings all of these big speakers to campus?

For many of these speakers, the answer is the Center for International Strategy, Technology and Policy (CISTP).

Angela Levin, CISTP’s Program Coordina-tor, described the Center as, “the research arm of the Sam Nunn School of International Af-fairs.”

According to Levin, CISTP sponsors a num-ber of programs, from emerging and nano tech-nologies, to political regional hotspots.

One of CISTP’s big programs is their lecture series, where they bring big names to campus to give talks on their area of expertise.

he program recently drew a great deal of attention for bringing General David Petraeus, the former Commanding General of the multi-national force in Iraq, to the Ferst Center for a discussion with students.

According to Levin, it’s a bit of a mixed bag who comes to campus.

“Many of our lectures are geared towards [our] speciic programs, but not all of them are. Some of them are just wonderful opportunities that come along. If an ambassador or an intel-ligence expert is around and wants to speak at Georgia Tech, we jump on it. hat’s how we got Gen. Petraeus,” said Levin.

Last November, an of-campus attendee mentioned that Petraeus would be speaking at the Cherokee Town Hall in January. CISTP immediately called a member of Petraeus’ staf, and the next day, the event was scheduled.

Students who missed Petraeus’ discussion can ind a link the full video of the event on CISTP’s website at

See CISTP, page 15

Black History Month expands diversity awareness

CISTP brings unique speakers, views to campus

Andrew Nelson Staf Writer

For the seventh year now, Tech’s African American Student Union will host its Black Leadership Conference over the Feb. 19-21 weekend, focusing on their I-Change campaign: a call to individual change in and out of their normal communities.

“he Black Leadership Conference is a breeding ground for those who be-lieve in leadership and diversity and those that are willing to grow in their leadership journey,” Jakeisha Smith, third-year IE and co-chair of this year’s Black Leadership Conference (BLC) committee, said, “his year in particular is ‘I-Change: illing the void between self and community.’”

he conference starts with the Partnership and Alumni Reception, co-hosted by the Black Alumni Orga-nization, at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19, at the Georgia Tech Alumni House. he irst major events start the next day at 8 a.m. in the Management Build-ing, featuring workshops and keynote speakers.

Saturday morning and early af-ternoon, business professionals from

companies like Proctor and Gamble, Turner Studios and ADP will cover ar-eas of community leadership, personal inancial strategies and entrepreneur-ship.

Scot Safon, a CNN Worldwide ex-ecutive vice president responsible for marketing the CNN brand, will also deliver a keynote address on personal branding—a recent career manage-ment technique most pervasively used by Donald Trump, like “Trump Tow-er” and “Trump Steaks.”

To end the day, actor and youth leadership activist Luis Ramos will moderate a town hall panel discussing important diversity.

Sunday will start with a commu-nity service project in the morning and end with a keynote speech in the Ferst Center for the Arts, delivered by Dr. Mae Jemison—the irst Afri-can American woman in space—and Chuck D—author and co-founder of Public Enemy. he speech is free to all Tech students, and Smith aims to completely pack the theater. Smith has gone as far as asking her past profes-sors to ofer extra credit to students who attend.

See BHM, page 14

‘09 and club president, “when the oicers go out, they leave behind 6 to 10 horses.”

hese horses need to stay in shape by exercising almost ev-ery day, which is where the Tech equestrian club comes in.

he members try to go out to the police department barn two to three times a week, and at least one rider is there every day of the work-week.

“We groom them, tack them, stretch them, and then exercise them by putting them through their paces,” said Stengard.

According to Stengard these are some of the most well groomed horses she’s ever encountered.

Occasionally, the girls have gotten to go out on the streets with the oicers, though not to patrol.

“hey still have a few horses who spook easier,” said Stengard, and they need to become acco-modated to where the oicers will need to take them. hey usu-ally just take them around the sur-rounding area near Turner Field but, it is enough experience for the horses to get acquainted with street riding.

Like many exceptional oppor-tunities, the chance to help the

APD arose rather spon-taneously. One of the club members ran into an oicer of the mount-ed patrol while working at her second job.

he APD had had to ire their former exercis-ers, and when the Tech Equestrian Club came up the idea fell into place.

“Right now we just have the higher level riders going out there,” said Stengard.

Because the club has members of all riding levels, the less experi-enced ones could have been more hindrance than help. Next year, though, they plan on opening the opportu-nity to all members through a kind of big sister-little sister pro-gram.

he club has two types of members: club riders and team riders. he club riders are part of the club solely for recreation and the team riders are members of the club to

compete. he club has instructors in both the Western and English disciplines. Most people prob-ably recognize Western riding

over English; it was developed by American cowboys who needed

See APD, page 14

Focus Editor:Kate Comstock

Organization Spotlight: Tennis Club

Play team tennis competitively against other

schools - local ladder - local practices.

Contact: tennisclub



February 19, 2010

Photo by Marcel Williams/ Student Publications

Photos by Ben Kyserling, Jon Drews/ Student Publications

The African American Student Union sponsors the Black Leadership Conference where several campus leaders are

honored each and prominent African Americans are invited to speak . The theme for this years’ conference is I-Change.

Photo by Matt Emerick/ Student Publications

Photo by Amanda Thomas/ Student Publications

Photo by Ben Kyserling/ Student Publications

14 • February 19, 2010 • Technique FOCUS

a diferent style saddle to be able to eiciently rope animals while English riding comes from Euro-pean military riding form. Eng-lish riding also includes jumps.

Even with these accomplish-ments, ifteen years after its found-ing, the club is still in its “growing pains stages,” as Stengard says, who is now club president.

he members who do go cer-tainly appreciate the closeness of the ADP’s barn.

he two barns that they use for the club are about forty-ive min-utes away.

“Riding is a big time commit-ment. We have to get out there, ride, get back, shower. You really have to block of four to ive hours when you’re planning it,” said Stengard.

Even so, the club has about 20 competitive rid-ers in addition to several non-competitive ones, and this u p -com-i n g pub-licity f r o m t h e c e r e -mony o n F e b . 2 4 brings h o p e to the c l u b

BHM from page 13

members that the honors will garner the campus’ attention and maybe with that the potential of new riders.

According to Stengard, the arrangement with the Mounted Patrol Unit will continue indei-nitely, establishing a new way for Tech students to ofer their skills to the Atlanta community.

he team riders compete through the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (ICHSA) in both Western and English styles. Last year, despite being one of the smaller entrants, they came in fourth overall for Western style and ifth overall for English style.

“We want participants to take this sort of accountability that I feel is necessary for us to progress as a people,” Smith said, “I want us to create community-minded people that are going to be will-ing to reach out to their neighbors and be a resource to others.”

he entire conference weekend costs $20 per Tech student. Ad-vertised extensively at Tech and in the metro area, this year’s BLC will also include alumni and stu-dents from UGA, metro Atlanta high schools and even Kent State University in Ohio.

“We’re deinitely expanding the program, and it should also be noted that it is one of the big-gest student conferences in the Southeast,” Smith said, “If some-one’s aware of the conference all the way in Ohio, then it just goes to show how we’ve expanded the program so far.”

Smith considers the confer-ence the “big inale” of the Afri-can American Student Union’s (AASU) year-long I-Change cam-paign.

Members with the BLC com-mittee have contributed 500 hours to community service in metro Atlanta since August, including starting an SAT-prep program and working with local volunteer organizations like Team Buzz and Hands On Atlanta.

“It’s about making the impact, because you can’t become a leader in two or three days that is the BLC. hat’s why we started plan-ning last year,” Smith said, “We

APD from page 13

also partnered with career services at one time to have pre-conference workshops so that students can have a transition process prior to the conference”

he Black Leadership Con-ference is the AASU’s signa-ture event during Black History Month; however, the Black His-tory Chair is responsible for Black History Month advocacy across campus, featuring several events to celebrate Black culture. Events include a jazz night, arts festival, trivia night at Junior’s Grill, a high school essay contest and the Onyx Ball.

“Our main focus right now is black history, and it’s more so based upon social action. We’ve always tried not being compla-cent, and we are always being vigilant about what’s going on around us,” Smith said, “We are addressing issues that we think are pertinent right now in the Black community. We want to create that family feeling amongst our community at Tech.”

he BLC committee coordi-nates the conference as well as the Leadership for Tomorrow pro-gram, a mentoring academy start-ed last September for about 50 inner-city high school students.

he students involved will be presenting their information at a gala the Saturday of the BLC, where the students are divided into small groups to plan and ex-ecute community service projects.

Smith is a second-year mentor whose group last year had a bake sale and donated their contribu-tions to Haiti police eforts. All projects are fully funded by cam-

pus sponsors like SGA, Career Services and the Institute of Lead-ership and Entrepreneurship, who irst sponsored the BLC.

Another successful youth pro-gram is the high school SAT prep program. Students are all from local metro area Atlanta schools, like Maynard Jackson High School.

“Last semester we had about 75 [high school] students, but due to overwhelming responses we’re looking to expand it this semester to 200 students. We are reaching out to departments on campus to see if they could donate the SAT practice books to us,” Smith said.

Last semester AASU has other social events like movie nights, which are usually in the Instruc-tional center; for this, they have partnered with some of the Pan Hellenic Council organizations in the past.

Also this year, sometime in April, they will start the Legends Ball program, highlighting dy-namic people in the community in several categories. AASU is also seeking to expand membership; of their roughly 200 members, most of them are of African American race.

“I would love to get to a point where we have persons of all skin tones that are going to be; I want AASU to grow in such a way so that not just black people feel com-fortable coming to our meetings or coming to our events,” Smith said, “Although we have participa-tion from other races, I just want our numbers to increase so we can move forward with that.”



Technique • February 19, 2010 • 15 FOCUS

here’s no set pattern as to who gets invited to give a talk.

“It’s a combination. Either we seek a speaker, or someone comes to us and says, ‘We could arrange for so-and-so to come speak,’” said Levin.

Among recent speakers are ex-perts on almost any policy topic imaginable, from national intel-ligence, to politics in east Asia, to nuclear non-proliferation, to the recession’s efect on Europe.

CISTP nabs many of these speakers while they’re in town for another event or two. Often when an ambassador or expert in an area comes to give a talk at the Carter Center or the Capital, CISTP extends an invitation for them to come speak at Georgia Tech as well.

While money does occasional-ly change hands to attract speak-ers, it’s not always the case.

“We don’t always ofer an hon-orarium—sometimes we do, if the

program supporting the speaker has a little money

for it—but we get a lot of big names even without

an honorarium,” said Levin.

Several of the Cen-ter’s speakers with military or govern-ment backgrounds are actually forbid-

den from a c c e p t i n g honorariums

for giving lectures; they

just do it out of a desire to get their message out to students.

On hursday, Feb. 24, CISTP will be holding a colloquium on intelligence in the United States. he event is open to students, and speakers from several public and private sector organizations—in-cluding Georgia Tech—will be present.

“We’ve got some marvelous speakers, all of whom are experts in their area, [though], in many cases, you would not know the in-dividual names,” said Levin

While individual names might not ring any bells, several of the organizations represented will. Oicials from the CIA, FBI and NSA will be present, as well as several representatives of the Di-rector of National Intelligence.

Students are welcome to at-tend, even if they can only attend one or two of the events, though they are requested to RSVP at CISTP’s site. Students will also get the chance to meet with sev-eral intelligence experts at a net-working session held at the end of the day.

he keynote speaker for the event is Margaret Maxson, repre-senting the Oice of the Director of National Intelligence.

According to a brochure for the event, the topics covered will include cyber security, intelli-gence issues in the 21st century, intelligence issues in east Asia, and others

Another major event on the horizon is CISTP’s Sam Nunn Policy Forum in late March.

According to the Center’s site,

the forum “is designed to foster informed discussion of critical is-sues confronting the United States in the 21st century. Ofering a sig-niicant venue for policy-relevant research and dialogue, the Policy Forum transcends disciplinary boundaries and engages scholars, practitioners, students, and the public.”

he forum—sponsored by

CISTP from page 13

Bank of America—will be on the topic of nuclear non-proliferation. he goal of the forum is to discuss ideas for the road to zero nuclear weapons and will speciically fo-cus on Europe.

For students interested in see-ing future speakers, CISTP keeps an up-to-date list of upcoming speakers available on their site.

On Feb. 23, CISTP will host a

talk by Mark Blyth, a Professor of Political Science at Brown Univer-sity, titled, “Europe, the Financial Crisisn, and ‘Staying on top’ in the 21st Century.

Two days later, CISTP will also play host to Ambassador Morton Abramowitz, the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State and Ambassador to Turkey. Ac-cording to the CISTP site, he will

Top Left Photo by Colin Ake, Bottom Left photo by Ben Keyserling, Right Bottom photo by Ben Keyserling and Top Right photo by Ethan Trewhitt/ Student Publications

The Center for International Strategy, Technology and Policy brings speakers to campus. Shown

here (counterclockwise): Adam N. Stulberg, Dan Breznitz, Dr. Gary Samore and Jason Owen-Smith.

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 17 FOCUS

Lunar New Year celebrated by many cultures on campusBy Jonathan Saethang

Managing Editor

Typically, when you receive a red envelope on Feb. 14, you ex-pect to see a Valentine’s Day card. his year, however, many people who got red envelopes on Feb. 14 did not receive cards, but rather a bit of cash.

hese red envelopes are a bit diferent—they are called hóng bāo (Mandarin), lai see (Canton-ese) or lì xì (Vietnamese) and are just one of the many traditions associated with Lunar New Year.

Lunar New Year is one of the most important holidays in many cultures around the world, espe-cially in Asia.

he date of Lunar New Year changes every year depending on the irst new moon on the lunar calendar. his year, the beginning of Lunar New Year fell on Feb. 14 on the Gregorian calendar. Each year is also associated with one of 12 animals on the Chinese zo-diac; 2010 is the Year of the Tiger.

Lunar New Year is celebrated extensively by many cultures and their respective populations around the world, including Chi-nese, Korean and Vietnamese cul-tures, to name a few.

“It’s the most important holi-day in Chinese culture, even more important than Christmas,” said Ginger Tsai, fourth-year BMED and president of the Taiwanese American Student Association (TASA).

Because of the importance of the holiday and the many tradi-tions associated with it, Lunar New Year is traditionally a time spent with close friends and fam-ily. Because it is a time to spend with family many people travel home for the holiday.

“On New Year’s Day, my fam-ily eats a traditional dinner to-gether either at a restaurant or at

home and the adults give children red envelopes illed with good luck money. We then spend the rest of the celebration week visit-ing relatives and wishing them a happy new year,” said Jasmine Fu, a third-year IE and member of the Chinese Student Association (CSA).

he tradition of greeting fam-ily members and wishing them luck for the upcoming year is one that is revered and maintained, even with family members half-way around the world.

“I celebrate Lunar New Year by joining with my family to have a dinner then make calls to the families in Korea to wish them Happy New Year,” said Sunny Lee, fourth year management ma-jor and a member of the Korean American Student Association (KASA).

Like many major celebrations, a big highlight of Lunar New Year is the food. Diferent types of food served have special symbolic

meanings; for instance, bamboo shoots, egg rolls and oranges sym-bolize wealth, and a whole ish symbolizes prosperity.

“We have a big traditional dinner with our family, or if our family isn’t here, with our second family—our friends. he dinner consists of ten dishes and must include one whole steamed ish, never eaten fully to ensure contin-ual fortune throughout the year, along with nian gao or year cake, which symbolizes higher/greater success,” Tsai said.

“Vietnamese New Year, or tet, is actually a three day event…of course, food is everywhere, from condiments such as all kinds of mut (pressed fruits), banh tet and banh chung (rice cakes),” said Anh Tran, third year IE and presi-dent of the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA).

here are countless other tradi-tions associated with the new year season as well, some of them dat-ing back centuries.

“Before Chinese New Year people clean. A lot. hey believe in cleaning the house to sweep away bad luck to make way for incoming good luck,” said Doug Wang, fourth year EE and presi-dent of CSA.

“he irst guest at your door the day after new year is the most important because they are the in-dicator of your fortune in the next year, so generally you would want a prosperous, healthy individual to show up on your doorstep…overall, the new year is perceived to set the tone for the whole year so it is only a time of happiness. It is a drama-free three days,” Tran said.

“When I was a kid, we lit irecrackers during the festival. I liked the vivid atmosphere, and the noise is what makes the festi-val,” said Zhengqin Fan, president of the Chinese Friendship Asso-ciation (CFA).

Students also have expressed a deeper appreciation for childhood

traditions since growing older and coming to college.

“I’m sure things are the same as they were when I was a child, but my perspective of the holiday has probably changed. When you’re a kid, holidays are about playing games and having fun. You’re al-ways with your family, so spend-ing time with them is taken for granted. After going away to col-lege and not seeing them so much, you realize just how important they really are,” Wang said.

“I really appreciate having a family dinner now that I’ve grown older since I hardly ever go home these days. Although the big din-ner seems a lot smaller, the rar-ity of the occasion is more than enough to compensate,” Tsai said.

he rich heritage and tradi-tions associated with Lunar New Year continue to be carried out by student groups at Tech.

VSA, TASA, CFA and CSA all hosted events to celebrate the lu-nar new year season.

Photo by Jerry Fu / Student Publications

A member of the Atlanta Chinese Dance Company performs a

ribbon dance at the Lunar New Year celebration hosted by CSA.

Photo by Jerry Fu / Student Publications

On Feb. 17, the Chinese Student Association had a Lunar New

Year celebration that featured the Wing Sing Lion Dance.


Motocross freestylists

make heads spin at

georgia dome

By Robert SolomonContributing Writer

he beauty about America lies not only in a company’s ability to meet the needs of a public, but to also create en-tertainment that serves a need that many of us did not know we had. How else can we ex-plain Disney on Ice or this, the Nuclear Cowboyz.

I am certain that if any of you are familiar with motor-cross or supercross, you are thinking of one thing above all: riders on dirt bikes perform-ing really sweet jumps. hese are the kind of jumps where the rider goes airborne beyond all bounds of sanity. hey are also jumps where the rider of-ten leaves the seat to perform some maneuver in which the slightest mistake would result in a massive payout on an in-surance settlement. Just look at those pictures!

Somewhere, somehow, the creators of Nuclear Cowboyz decided that World Wres-tling Entertainment had the right idea, that competition was best discarded in favor of hackneyed storylines topped of with female dancers and absurd amounts of pyrotech-nics. Nuclear Cowboyz is an adolescent male’s greatest dream, if that adolescent spent the vast majority of his spare time riding an All Terrain Ve-hicle (ATV).

here was no better illus-tration of this than halfway through the show, where a lone rider of an ATV was featured.

After performing ridiculous jumps, including a full front lip, two of the scantily clad fe-male dancers got on the ATV with the rider. As the rider drove back towards the start-ing gate, he pumped his ist in the air as massive amounts of ire shot in the air behind him. It was a dream comes true on the scale of rock concerts, only on four wheels.

Up until this point, there was a fairly predictable pattern that emerged. A rider would come out and do some tricks, surrounded by ire. he “Nu-clear Cowgirlz” would come out and do a dance number, surrounded by more ire. hen, more riders would come out, doing even more ridiculous jumps. he dancers come out with stripper poles and all the while, ire everywhere.

his served it well for the irst half of the show, cleansing the audience’s palate so that neither activity got old. By the second half, the show had run out of ways to escalate the ex-citement, leading one to feel slightly detached from the pro-ceedings. Yes, even with sweet jumps, there can be too much of a good thing.

his was the only detriment to the show though. he rid-ers themselves were all techni-cally lawless, soaring into the air in streams and performing tricks in sync with one an-other. here was a particular goal that this show wanted to accomplish, and accomplish it

See Cowboyz, page 20

Scorsese’s Shutter Island redeines thriller genreBy Chris Ernst

Staf Writer

Shutter Island, based on the eponymous 2003 novel by Den-nis Lehane, is one of the best real thrillers to come around in a while. he ilm stars Leonardo DiCaprio, a seeming favorite of director Martin Scorsese. he ilm follows DiCaprio’s character, Teddy Daniels, as he investigates


Shutter Island

GENRE: Drama, Thriller

STARRING: Leonardo DiCaprio

DIRECTOR: Martin Scorsese


RELEASED: Feb. 19, 2010

OUR TAKE: «««««See Shutter, page 21

a disappearance in a prison/men-tal health hospital.

Saying Shutter Island is of the thriller genre, it is not to be confused with horror/thriller or action/thriller, which are very popular these days. Unlike most movies in the box oice lately, Shutter Island contains hardly any violence or even action. hat is not to say it is a tame movie, but instead it inds ways to excite

the audience without resorting to those tried and tired meth-ods. his is really just a plain old thriller.

Shutter Island does not seem wholly original at irst. Until about half way through the mov-ie, it comes across as a rehash of several others. However, as the movie progresses and “the truth” comes out, it becomes more and more entertaining and original.

Some might claim that they knew how the movie would end. But on the contrary, it makes the au-dience question so much and so many things, that all possibilities are seriously considered at one point or another.

he movie is about seemingly crazy people, which Scorsese por-trays very well. He uses some cin-

Entertainment Editor:Jennifer Aldoretta

Assistant Entertainment Editor:Zheng Zheng



February 19, 2010

Photos by Kelvin Kuo/Student Publications


Nuclear Cowboyz

WHAT: Freestyle Motocross

WHEN: Feb. 13, 2010

RIDERS: Adam Jones, Mike Mason, Nate Adams, Todd Potter and many others

OUR TAKE: «««««

20 • February 19, 2010 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT

did. It cannot be said that the au-dience left unsatisied if they came to see what the show had to ofer.

But let us not be too critical. When one comes to a gigantic show in the Dome, one expects a visceral experience and not an intellectual one. With the loud music reminding you of songs that you had forgotten existed (Prodigy’s “Breathe,” for instance) and the action working in close connection with it, the resulting experience transcends all attempts to categorize it.

It is very diicult indeed to describe just what makes the Nuclear Cowboyz so appealing to those who are not already primed for its joys. It is like going to a heavy metal show or a professional wrestling match. You can’t think about it too terribly much, nor should you. Instead, you should simply let the almighty roar of the engines and the audacity of the post-apocalyptic storyline wash over you.

After it was all over, I could say only one thing: God bless America and the inventor of pyrotechnics.

Cowboyz from page 19Hi-Rez Studios hosts Global launch partyVIDEO GAMES

Global Agenda

DEVELOPER: Hi-Rez Studios


GENRE: MMO Shooter

RELEASED: Feb. 1, 2010

OUR TAKE: «««««

By Yameen HuqStaf Writer

his past Feb. 1 saw the re-lease of Global Agenda, the greatly hyped release by Hi-Rez Studios. A project ive years in the making, it pushes innovation through its oxymoronic blend of shooter style and massively multi-player online role playing game (MMORPG)

elements. he MMORPG aspect of this game, allowing for thou-sands of players all over the world to assume customizable avatars, works seamlessly with fast-paced combat. Accessible through Valve’s Steam application, this is quick fun that any casual gamer can pick up.

he game’s production history is also worth noting. he compa-ny, Hi-Rez Studios, is homegrown in Ga. and comes from humble upbringings. Ga. itself has lately become a hub for digital enter-tainment with the Georgia Game Developer’s Association (GGDA) pushing for legislation that allows local industry growth.

“We’ve worked with legislators to create tax credits for the video game industry. We meet with in-ternational executives to get them

to relocate here and have a trade show called SIEGE that’s grown to over 900 people this year,” said Clinton Lowe, President of the GGDA.

“[Hi-Rez Studios] was founded by entrepreneur Erez Goren. He had this idea of going back into the games industry and making the games he always used to play,” said Todd Harris, the Executive Producer of Global Agenda.

his ive-year project was done in conjunction with the develop-ment of its own studio and team.

“he inspiration was that MMO’s allowed you to be in a persistent world, but we liked that combat and energy of shooters. We wanted a game that was really fast-paced like an online shooter, but the matches would be per-sistent and really matter,” Harris

said. Using the popular role-playing

game World of Warcraft, Global Agenda frames classic RPG ele-ments, such as creating and de-veloping the character’s unique identity, and puts it in an action-oriented context. he shooter component of the game is similar to the series Tribes in that it fea-tures a jetpack for light as well as third person action.

Stylistically, the game’s color-ful design and graphics are remi-niscent of the Disney movie Tron, and, while not stunning, are cer-tainly easy on the eyes.

he controls and mechanics of gameplay are all simple enough to learn with of a curve of a half an hour at most. With relatively ac-curate and easy to use guns and swords, the game is well suited for beginners and veterans alike with not too much of a skill gap.

A game like this has actually been attempted in the past. he game Planetside also featured sim-ilar elements, but unlike this one, failed from too many glitches and technical problems. Fortunately, Agenda avoids such issues with its constant patches and upkeep.

“We’re starting a genre which has challenges of its own. Like for-eign food it’s unfamiliar at irst, but you get used to it. Planetside was deinitely a key milestone. However, our encounter size is a lot smaller and we avoid having tons of people,” Harris said.

Global Agenda is unfortunately not available on Mac. On the PC, for a monthly fee, players can gain access to features like weapons creation and player versus player combat.

A fun, easy-to-pick-up game makes this one a winner. Whether one seeks a long-term commit-ment or quick action, Global Agenda can ofer both.

Image courtesy of Hi-Rez Studios

I want you. I want you so ba-a-a-a-ad. I want yo-o-o-o-o-o-ou. I want you so ba-a-a-ad; it’s driving me mad. It’s driving me mad.V is very, very extraordinary.Love Potion #9Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big, black block!next time we go to the crc we are brining a camera. so many in-teresting people to behold.Calling all architorture students: there is still time to join AIAS!Discovery is Joy, Understanding is DominanceDon’t be hating just cause you can’’t get to jump of the 10m whenever you want!Lifeguards should be tan...Ante Up!!Here let me Reboot your Transformer with Liger-0’s upgrade modeled after Lion-O, snarf. By the power of Greyskull !!!Challenge morals and don’t substitute them for your ethicsevery beauty needs to go out with an idiotSleep is inversely proportional to focus :Djust say “hello” because i really would like to get to know ya :)the friend zone’s not so bad, right? new school song: “im a ramblin wreck and SOCIALLY INEPT, and a hell of an engineer...” rolfcopterV-day was boringWebAssign DIE!!!!!!!!hey hot chick at the crc every weekend, thanks for motivating me to stay in shapeI feel like everyone I live with is shacking tonight...It’s “law,” not “lawl”Fernando, i was the one that threw paintballs at your doori want a perfect body.Who knew being a rebound could be so much fun?Guy from Chem 2380- I still have your pencil... hanks for sav-ing me mid-test!why are there no air fresheners in the student center bathroom??Is playing the lava game in my apartment a housing violation?

Photo by Kelvin Kuo/Student Publications

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 21 ENTERTAINMENT

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Connecting people and communities,one home at a time.




By Patricia UcedaContributing Writer

he New American Shake-speare Tavern’s rendition of Romeo and Juliet has been a staple on its repertory for 11 straight seasons, illing the Feb. time slot for the past nine years.

his timeless tale of forbidden love is perfect for the month of Feb., especially around Valentine’s Day. It has become as essential to the holiday as roses and chocolate. his year’s performance, directed by Laura Cole, is no exception. A talented cast and crew breathe new life into Shakespeare’s classic play.

he theatre itself consists of cabaret-style seating, with tables all the way up to the stage. here were a few tables that were im-possibly small and it was pretty crowded. However, that is to be expected in a sold out show. he theatre is a non-proit venue, and relies on donations and word of mouth to keep it running. he food was excellent, with an “au-thentic British pub” menu full of delicious plates such as Shepherd’s Pie and Cornish Pasties.

Many people probably remem-ber reading Romeo and Juliet in high school. If you were like my-self, you found it very boring and incomprehensible. Don’t worry,

Romeo & Juliet shine at Shakespeare TavernPERFORMANCE

Shakespeare Tavern’sRomeo & Juliet

STARRING: Mary Russell and Lee Osorio

DIRECTOR: Laura Cole

DATES: through Feb. 28

OUR TAKE: «««««

you’re not alone. However, it is of-ten said that Shakespeare’s works were not meant to be read, but were meant to be seen. You don’t read movie scripts in English class, do you? On stage, the words take on a whole new meaning when they are paired with actions. Conversations that were supposed to be comical or sad may not ap-pear that way on paper, but when acted out, the intended emotion is conveyed.

Almost everyone is familiar with the story of Romeo and Juliet. Capulets versus Montagues, boy meets girl, they fall in love, boy gets banished, plan to reunite goes wrong, and both kill themselves. It’s a classic tale of teenage angst.

What saves this play from be-ing totally depressing is the les-son learned by the young couple’s parents, as they realize that they drove their children to this with their pointless feuding. It ends with them promising to end the ighting once and for all.

Artistic director Jef Watkins has said that he was greatly in-spired by Franco Zeirelli’s take on Romeo and Juliet. his is evi-dent in the way he incorporates music into the play, using real period instruments in the dance scene.

he actors even perform a peri-od dance on stage, which is pretty impressive. Another commend-able aspect was the way lighting was used to convey morning, night and daytime. he audience knew instantly what time of day it was by how bright or orange the lights were. It was extremely use-ful.

Lee Osorio plays Romeo and Mary Russell is Juliet. hey both did a marvelous job, and were very believable in their roles. Osorio did a good job of conveying the ickle, boyish nature of Romeo.

After all, the young lovers were only 14-years-old. Osorio as Ro-meo goes from being hopelessly in love with a girl named Rosaline, to falling head over heels for Ju-liet in only one night. While this could make Romeo appear annoy-ing, Osorio manages to keep him likeable with his sweet, sincere and vulnerable acting style. His long-winded speeches did get a little tedious sometimes, but they were few and far between.

Russell and Osorio were very good together, and they brought a lot of chemistry and tenderness to their scenes. Juliet is just as naïve, and Russell conveys her youthful and dramatic nature perfectly, jumping from a sad to joyful dis-position in the blink of an eye. Her acting style, like Osorio’s, was also very sincere, making the character of Juliet very relatable to the audience members.

When her father is forcing her to marry Paris, you feel her pain. When Juliet is debating whether or not to drink the poison, you feel her confusion. She also did a marvelous job in the comedic scenes with her nurse, played by Jane Bass.

Other notable performances in Romeo and Juliet were the two characters of Mercutio and Ben-volio, played by Daniel Parvis and Nicholas Faircloth. hese two were meant by Shakespeare to cre-ate comic relief, a fact that is often missed when reading the script. Parvis and Faircloth did a great job of carrying out their charac-ters’ intended purposes.

his comedic duo was hilari-ous, especially Parvis, who has a real talent for comedy. hey did not hesitate to engage the audi-ence with their jokes, egging them on and hamming it up. hey had the whole theatre laughing. he audience became connected to the

characters, and you could feel the sadness when Parvis’s character Mercutio is killed in the middle of the play.

hose same plays you hated so much in high school just may take a new form on stage, especially during the month dedicated to love.

If you don’t get the chance to attend this play, more Shake-spearean masterpieces are soon to come. From the depiction of King Lear in March to April’s pre-sentation of Taming of the Shrew, the Tavern will keep theatre bufs happy all year long.

Seeing a play at the Shake-speare Tavern is a thoroughly en-joyable experience, and I highly recommend it to everyone. he Tavern is only blocks away from campus and is a great idea for any-one who enjoys good entertain-ment.

Press Image courtesy of the Shakespeare Tavern

Mary Russell and Lee Osorio

both shine in Romeo and Juliet.

Shutter from page 19

ematic tricks to keep the audience just a little of-kilter. At times, the image is very warm and invit-ing, but switches between shots and becomes very cool. Over the course of a conversation, what is in the room and facial features become shrouded in shadow and then are illuminated again, much like the experience of DiCaprio’s character throughout the ilm.

he ilm always keeps the au-dience confused. What is really reality is always in lux and there is never much more evidence than hearsay to back up any claim. Be-lieving who or what for certain is impossible without just picking a side and refuting all else.

his is why this is such a good movie. he progress of the story is revealed several times and it is always something completely dif-ferent. he ilm builds a reality and then gives all the necessary evidence to convince otherwise, yet it just seems too implausible. he inale, however, leaves little to question.

Shutter Island is well written, which has more than a little to do with being a successful novel pre-viously. By the end, it is possible to think back and see the clues and hints. he ending is fairly deinite, purposefully and heavily provid-ing evidence to support one claim, which goes against other claims that audience wants to believe.

he ilm does not hide behind old tricks to entertain. It presents a story and develops it. Further-more, that story keeps the audi-ence intrigued by involving the audience itself. Between the Red Scare in the movie and the threat of terrorism now, the fantastic be-comes plausible both in the movie and to the audience.

Shutter Island gives an un-steady closure that would seem very tied-together and neatly done in another time. he ilm is simple and well done, a rare combination.


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Technique • February 19, 2010 • 23 ENTERTAINMENT

THEME CROSSWORD: PARADE RESTBy Robert ZimmermanUnited Features Syndicate

ACROSS1. Loony5. Gloves10. Signed on the dotted line15. Famous baker?19. Small purse20. Very, in music21. Minister’s house22. Pulls along23. March, to a mapmaker25. His march was long, his-torically27. Kind of political group28. Put in public oice30. Man of the cloth31. Use the red pencil32. Long, steep slope33. Handel oratorio34. Uncle’s child37. -- Unis38. On a grand scale, in litera-ture42. -- and outs43. His “March of the Toys”

debuted in 190346. Trio for Nero47. Native dwelling49. Gotcha!50. Kid stuf51. Internet designation52. Pull down, so to speak53. Green agcy.54. Cofeehouse order57. Caterpillars, later58. Prisoner’s restraint60. Felt some pain61. Glass bead for sewing62. Squeals, in a way63. Wit’s asset64. Wouk’s minesweeper65. “Cielito --”66. Moms in Montmartre67. One-wheeled carts69. Drive in Beverly Hills70. Remove71. Chem. suix72. Intoxicating drink of an-cient legend74. War god75. Suix in politics

DOWN1. Cotillion VIPs2. At the summit3. Roll up4. Puts in order: with “up”5. Vermouth creation6. Atoll7. Despot8. Yellowish brown9. Motorcycle add-on10. Put underwater11. Civil-rights org.12. Bowline13. Superlative conclusion14. Loses heart

15. King of the Huns16. Grimace17. Holds title18. He wears stripes24. Salad herb26. Spew out29. Builder’s strip32. Greek colonnade33. Builder’s strategy34. Quote35. Shaq or Tatum36. 1964 ilm role for Fredric March37. Wharton’s “-- Frome”38. Receded

39. Fictional chronicle of the March family40. Supple41. Cries from the kennel44. Underworld VIPs45. Appraiser48. Switchyard sights51. Reptile with upturned snout53. herefore54. Former irst lady55. High points56. Not these57. Early national-park advo-cate

59. Preix for some Asians61. Naked63. Unit of frequency64. Pirogue65. Actress Sophia66. Bad person67. High IQ is not her strong suit68. Hit with force69. Tear down73. Gray75. Peril for mountaineers

76. Pro --77. Dad’s sister78. Walk with long steps80. Newbie on campus81. Fisherman, at times82. Blacken83. Bishop of Rome’s domain84. Support for rails87. Arch90. Ominous tollings92. Muralist Rivera93. “Atlantic City” director

77. --, amas, amat78. Heavy haulers79. Buddhist doctrine80. Composer of “Marche Militaire”85. Suix for ordinal numbers86. he works88. Old hi-i input89. Island chain of Scotland91. PBS TV series92. Started a hand93. Frankfurt’s river94. Actress Milano97. Pepys kept one98. Bookkeeping issues102. He warned Caesar about the Ides of March104. He created Augie March106. his is one107. Long battle108. High achiever in scouting109. Actress Anderson110. Angel’s armful111. Boo-boo112. Tapered of113. Wineglass feature

(1980)94. Author in Yiddish, d. 195795. Dancer Falana96. -- Majesty97. Hairdresser, at times98. Annoys99. Soak up a spill100. Muscle quality101. Do the crawl103. Bach’s “-- on the G String”105. Motorists’ org.

24 • February 19, 2010 • Technique COMICS



Technique • February 19, 2010 • 25 COMICS


26 • February 19, 2010 • Technique SPORTS


J. Garofalo


T. Plagman


M. Skole


J. Dantzler


J. Rowland20


C. Burnette


C. Leonida


D. Dietrich



D. McGuire (R)B. Cumpton (R)J. Bradley (L)M. Pope (R)L. Bard (R)B. Farmer (R)



K. Jacob (R)A. Robinson (R)Z. Brewster (L)J. Davies (L)P. Long (R)T. Nichols (R)



C. WinnJ. EschE. MartinJ. DidrickJ. UsseryM. SimondsB. Thomas

2010 Georgia Tech Baseball PrBy Kyle Conarro, Staff Writer

Alex Mitchell, Assistant SPorts Editor

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 27 SPORTS

On the mound, junior right-hander and First Team All-Amer-ican Deck McGuire returns as Tech’s top starting pitcher. Mc-Guire is 19-3 in his career at Tech and has a career ERA of 3.48.

As a sophomore McGuire led Tech starters with a 3.50 ERA and was selected as the ACC Pitcher of the Year. McGuire’s 118 strikeouts last season showcased his ability to get batters to swing and miss using his four-pitch repertoire.

Tech also returns its second starting pitcher in junior Brandon Cumpton. Last season, Cumpton was second on the team in strike-outs with 63. He inished the sea-son with a 4.76 ERA while allow-ing an ACC-low three home runs.

he Jackets’ lineup heading into 2010 has several key hitters returning. Tech’s 111 home runs last season led the ACC and put them at third in the NCAA. De-spite losing two key middle-of-the-order hitters in catcher Jason Haniger and right ielder Luke Murton, who led the team in homers last year with 20, the Jack-ets should continue their trend of power hitting in 2010.

hree returning players hit over 10 home runs last season. Se-nior irst baseman Tony Plagman had 16 homers and led the team in

RBI, driving in 73 runs as Tech’s clean-up hitter in 2009.

Junior shortstop Derek Diet-rich hit 10 homers and registered 54 RBI, and sophomore third baseman Matt Skole was second on the team with 17 home runs.

Junior center ielder Jef Row-land will resume his role at the top of the order. Rowland hit .340 last year and inished with 13 doubles. Rowland’s speed allowed him to steal 21 bases as well.

Seasoned junior Cole Leonida is prepared to take over for Hani-ger as the starting catcher. Leoni-

da played in 25 games last season, hitting .306 with ive home runs.

“I think [Leonida] has total respect of our team and pitching staf and I fully expect him to have a great year,said head coach Danny Hall.

Hall has indicated that Skole will be the main backup catcher.he defense looks to be set, with Skole, Dietrich, Plagman and se-nior second baseman Jason Garo-falo all returning to man the in-ield. Junior homas Nichols and senior Patrick Long will con-tinue their dual roles as relief

pitchers and backup inielders.he outield returns plenty of

talent, but former starters Mur-ton and Chris House are gone. Rowland will be joined by junior Chase Burnette in right and red-shirt senior Jay Dantzler in left.

Sophomore Evan Martin will be one of Tech’s main utility play-ers of the bench.

One side story is the addition of Roddy Jones to the roster. he redshirt sophomore A-back will probably not start much, but his

speed should make him a viable pinch-runner.

Tech will need to ind right-handed power after losing Ha-

niger and Murton.Tech will have to ind a way to

replace weekend starter Zach Von Tersch, who went 6-2 in 13 games last season and was drafted by the New York Mets.

Sophomore right-hander Mark Pope ofers one option. Pope was Tech’s primary closer last sea-son, but Hall said that he expects to employ Pope as a starter this season. “We started to transition [Pope] towards a starter because we felt as though that was...better suited for him,” Hall said.

Tech has another option in sophomore lefty Jed Bradley, the lone southpaw starter last season. Bradley posted a 6.65 ERA but had some bright spots, including a victory at Georgia.

he Jackets could also turn to freshmen right-handers Luke Bard and Buck Farmer. Both had stellar high school careers. Bard, who is the brother of Boston Red Sox re-liever Daniel Bard, was 10-0 with an 0.37 ERA as a senior.

Tech returns a number of pitchers who performed well last season, including junior closer Kevin Jacob. Jacob started seven games for the Jackets last season and logged 55 innings. He went 5-3 with a 4.69 ERA. His strong play in the summer Alaskan League led Hall to make the First Team All-American his closer for 2010.Tech also returns two left-ies to the bullpen in junior Zach Brewster and sophomore Jake

Davies.Brewster made a team-high 32 appearances out of the bullpen, 20 of which were score-less outings. He had a 3.73 ERA and held opposing hitters to a .214 average.

Davies made 27 appearances last season posting a 3-0 record with a 3.54 ERA.

Senior right-hander Andrew Robinson will be a key set-up man. Robinson came on strong at the end of 2009, with a 1.47 ERA in his last 10 appearances.

Senior Patrick Long and junior homas Nichols, right-handers who double as reserve inielders, ofer additional relief arms.

“It’s the deepest pitching staf we have ever had,” Hall said.



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Photo by Kelvin Kuo / Stud

ent P





h Baseball Preview

28 • February 19, 2010 • Technique SPORTS

inning home run by Yee—who later added an RBI double—and a fourth-inning shot by Adkins were more than enough support for Rush in the circle.

he freshman phenom pitched another complete game shutout and came one out shy of throwing a no-hitter in Tech’s 3-0 win.

After allowing a walk in the irst inning, Rush proceeded to retire 18 straight Pirate hitters and allowed just two balls in that span

to go beyond the inield. With two outs in the bottom of the seventh, ECU left ielder Marina Gusman-Brown knocked a single to right to end the no-hit bid.

Rush allowed another hit to the next Pirate batter, but Gus-man-Brown was thrown out, ending the game and completing Tech’s third straight shutout to open the year.

he tournament inale pitted Tech against Florida Gulf Coast, and while the Jackets inally al-lowed a run and committed ive

errors in the game, Tech’s bats led the way to a 10-5 victory.

Adkins, the starting pitcher for the Jackets, got two quick outs in the top of the irst but allowed the Eagles to manufacture a run on a walk and two singles.

She made up for it in the bot-tom half, though, at the plate. Adkins drove in Yee and sopho-more Shannon Bear with a two-run double to put Tech ahead 2-1. Tech added three more in the bot-tom of the second increasing the lead to 5-1.

Over the next three innings, the Jackets scored ive runs, with Yee and Weseman again combin-ing to drive in three runs in the ifth. Tech gave up a run in the fourth and three in the ifth, but all were unearned and resulted from a series of defensive mishaps.

With runners at the corners and one out in the top of the sixth, Head Coach Sharon Perkins shift-ed Adkins to third base and put Coan in to pitch. he sophomore Coan struck out the next two Ea-gle hitters to end the inning, then struck out the side in the top of the seventh to close out the game and improve Tech’s record to 4-0 to open the year.

Of the ive runs that Adkins surrendered, only one was earned. Adkins gave up seven hits and two walks in 5.1 innings pitched, striking out two. Coan pitched the inal 1.2 innings and struck out every batter she faced over that span.

At the plate, Weseman went 3-for-3 with four RBI, and she fell a home run shy of hitting for the cycle. Yee, batting leadof in the game, went 2-for-2 and drew a pair of walks, and she scored all four times she reached base.

he Jackets will travel across the country as they look to con-tinue their strong start at the Lou-isville Slugger Desert Classic in Las Vegas from Feb. 19-21. Tech will face ive teams there before returning for their irst home game of the season against Ken-nesaw State on Feb. 24.

Photo by Kelvin Kuo / Student Publications

Jessica Coan winds up for a pitch at Mewborn Field. Coan started Tech’s irst game of the 2010

season, striking out nine over ive shutout innings against Canisius to get the win in the 9-0 victory.

Track & Field strong at Tiger

Paw InvitationalTech’s track and ield teams

traveled to Clemson for the Tiger Paw Invitational on Feb. 12-13.Sophomore Melanie Akwule took irst in the 60-meter hurdles. he Jackets won both 1,000 meter dash events, with sophomore An-nie Martin winning the women’s event and senior Billy Mateker taking the men’s. Senior Tifany Grant took irst in the women’s 300-meter dash, and sophomore Teri Ann Grant won the women’s high jump.

Jones, Walls on ACC’s All-

Academic TeamTwo Tech redshirt sophomores,

A-back Roddy Jones and defensive tackle Logan Walls, were named to the ACC’s All-Academic Foot-ball Team.Jones started at A-back for much of the year and had 345 rushing yards on the season. Walls was one of Tech’s main four-man tackle rotation and recorded 25 tackles and two sacks.


Softball from page 31


for future teachers

Teach Science and Mathematics: 6-12•Complete program in 14 months•$10,000 scholarship • per year for up to

two years•

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 29 SPORTS

Men’s Tennis faces No. 27 Auburnhead coach Paul Hewitt said in Monday’s teleconference, cour-tesy of “In assessing the video and looking at some of the things we did in the game, I thought we did some re-ally good things...and I just hope we carry that into Tuesday night.”

And carry good things into Tuesday night they did. he Jack-ets took the loor in Atlanta on Tuesday night to face a struggling North Carolina team for the sec-ond time this season, and again Tech came away victorious. he win gave the Jackets their irst season sweep of UNC since the 1995-96 season.

Both the Jackets and the Tar Heels started slowly, notching three fouls and two fouls respec-tively in the opening two min-utes. UNC took the initial lead, but three Tech dunks helped the Jackets tie the score at seven with 15:51 on the clock. A jumper by freshman forward Derrick Favors pushed Tech in front 9-7, and they never looked back.

By the eight-minute mark, the Jackets had extended their advan-tage to 10. UNC cut it to nine twice over the next minute, but a three pointer by Rice propelled Tech’s lead back to double-digits, giving them a 30-18 edge with 6:37 remaining in the half.

whe Jackets went on an 11-3 run in the inal six minutes of the half, giving them a 41-21 lead at the break.

he second half saw Tech con-tinue their dominance. After just over ten minutes transpired, the Jackets had increased their lead to an insurmountable 28 points, putting the score at 57-29. he Tar

Heels were able to reduce the dif-ferential down to 17 with 1:20 to play, but Tech held them scoreless for the remainder of the match to take the 68-51 win.

he Jackets shot well against Carolina, shooting 44.6% from the ield as a team and 40% from beyond the arc. he points were more evenly spread across the line-up as well, with the starters con-tributing 30 points and the bench adding 38 to the board.

“hat’s the way the game should be played,” Hewitt said of the more even point contribu-tions.

Favors, who led the team in scoring on the night, inished with 13 points and nine rebounds. 11 of his 13 points came in the irst half.

“It’s always important to get [Favors] of to a good start,” Hewitt said.

“Obviously he is a guy that can have an impact on the game.”

Oliver and Peacock each re-corded 12 points, and Miller added 11 to give him his second straight double-igure game.

he free throw shooting dropped of compared to the Wake Forest game, as the Jackets shot just 12-for-24 from the line in the contest. Both Favors and Lawal loundered at the foul line, going just 1-for-5 and 1-for-6 re-spectively. Despite their 50% free throw efort, Tech actually out-shot Carolina in this category. he Tar Heels shot just 41.7% from the stripe, hitting only 10 of their 24 opportunities.

“It’s good to get the win,” Hewitt said. “I thought our guys played really well in the irst half and pretty good at times, espe-cially at times in the second half.”

Men’s from page 32

Photo by Basheer Tome / Student Publications

Eliot Potvin makes a return during Wednesday’s game against

Auburn. Potvin defeated Auburn’s Oliver Strecker in three sets.

By Hahnming LeeBusiness Manager

After falling behind 3-1, the Jackets won the last three matches to claim the victory over No. 27 Auburn on Feb. 17 at the Bill Moore Tennis Center, 4-3.

Facing their ifth straight ranked opponent, the Jackets broke a two-game losing streak and stayed undefeated at home.

Tech took two of three of the doubles matches to take an early lead. he teams of junior Guill-ermo Gomez and junior Ryan Smith and freshman Magin Or-tiga and freshman Juan Spir each won their matches, securing the point heading into singles play. Tech’s No. 1 team of junior Dean O’Brien and junior Eliot Potvin could not take down Auburn’s team of Tim Puetz and Alex Stamchev, ranked No. 6 in the nations in doubles.

Still, despite falling behind early, the Tigers were able to take a large 3-1 lead to force the Jackets to win all of its remaining match-es in order to win the matchup between the two schools. All of Tech’s higher-ranked players lost their matches.

O’Brien, No. 3 on Tech’s sin-gles team, was the irst Jacket to drop his singles match, losing in straight sets to Tim Hewitt.

Ortiga, No. 2 on Tech’s singles team, was next to lose, also losing in straight sets to Alex Stamchev, ranked No. 86 nationally in sin-gles play. he inal score was 6-4, 6-4.

All-American Gomez, ranked No. 4 in singles play in the na-

tion, lost a three-set match on top court, 2-6, 6-3, 7-5. It was just the second match Gomez has lost this year in singles. Gomez’s opponent Tim Puetz had earlier in the year lost to Gomez in the ITA Nation-al Indoor Championships in the Round of 32 in three sets.

Tech began the come back when Spir won his point, 6-4, 6-4 in the No. 4 matchup. While Pot-vin lost his irst match set, he won the next two, blanking opponent

Strecker. he inal score was 4-6, 6-2, 6-0.

Tied at 3-3, Tech turned to sophomore Kevin King to break the tie for the victory. King beat Auburn’s Alexander Sajonz, 6-4, 6-3 to secure Tech the comeback win.

Tech will next play its ACC opener against Florida State in Tallahassee, Fla. on Feb. 21. he Jackets lost last year’s meeting at Bill Moore Tennis Center, 5-2.

30 • February 19, 2010 • Technique SPORTS

Women’s Basketball tripped up vs. No. 10 FSU

Photo by Adebola Adedire / Student Publications

Metra Walthour looks toward the basket while handling the ball in Monday’s game against Florida

State. The Jackets were ahead at halftime but could not complete the upset of the No. 10 Seminoles.

By Alex MitchellAssistant Sports Editor

On Monday, Feb. 15, the Tech women’s basketball team hosted the No. 10 Florida State Semi-noles. he Jackets played hard but ultimately did not shoot well enough to beat the Seminoles, hitting just 32.8 percent from the ield and 15.4 percent from three-point range.

he loss was the irst loss at home this season for the Jackets, who now stand 20-6 overall and 6-4 in ACC play.

Early in the game, both teams looked like they were evenly matched. Halfway through the irst half, the score was tied at 10

apiece. Senior forward Brigitte Ardossi and junior guard Alex Montgomery kept the Jackets close early, combining to score all 10 of those early points.

Ardossi scored a game-high 23 points, nine rebounds, and added four assists.

After the early tie, the Jack-ets seemingly began to pull away by going on a 12-2 run. Ardossi scored six straight points for the Jackets, and then sophomore cen-ter Sasha Goodlett made three straight jump shots to give the Jackets a 22-12 lead with 4:32 left in the irst half.

Goodlett inished the game with 16 points and nine rebounds. She also shot 50 percent from the

ield. She picked up her third foul late in the irst half, though, and was forced to sit, allowing FSU to take advantage.

he Jackets were able to build their lead thanks to their strong play in the paint. Tech’s forwards combined to score 21 of their 26 points in the half, and Tech out-rebounded the Seminoles 28-14 in the irst 20 minutes.

After allowing Tech’s low post players to dominate the majority of the irst half, FSU ended the irst half on a 14-1 run.

FSU’s Alexia Deluzio came of the bench and scored four points and Alysha Harvin ended the half with a long jump shot to pull the Seminoles within three at 26-23.

he Seminoles used their mo-mentum from the latter part of the irst half to grab the lead early in the second half. In less than a minute, Jacinta Monroe’s four quick points gave the Seminoles the lead, 27-26.

Monroe inished the game with 14 points, 12 of which came in the second half.

A pair of successful free throws by Montgomery at the 9:02 mark kept the Jackets within one at 42-41, but from that point on-ward the Seminoles controlled the game.

FSU went on a 14-4 scoring run to give them a commanding lead, 56-45.

Sophomore guard Mo Bennett tried to keep the Jackets close with a layup with 2:08 left in the game, but it was not enough. FSU’s Monroe and Harvin scored six of the Seminoles last ten points to give Florida State the win, 69-59.

here was one bright spot for the Jackets as Montgomery hit a three-point shot with 11.3 seconds left in the game. he outcome of the game was already decided, but the shot was special because it made Montgomery the twenty-third Tech player to reach 1,000 points in their career.

Montgomery inished the game with 10 points and 13 re-bounds. She struggled from the ield, though, hitting just two of 15 ield goal attempts.

“Alex did a tremendous job on the boards but her shot just wasn’t falling,” said Head Coach Ma-Chelle Joseph, courtesy of

he Jackets look to rebound from this tough loss on Friday Feb. 19 when they host No. 8 Duke in their second consecutive matchup against a top-10 oppo-nent. Duke is currently at the top of the ACC standings with a con-ference record of 9-1.

W-Tennis from page 32victory for the Volunteers despite Ngo’s 6-3, 7-5 win over Zubor in the court four match.

Tech rebounded in the last of its three contests in the tourna-ment, defeating host Wisconsin 6-1 on Sunday, Feb. 14.

he Jackets took the doubles point, winning two of the three matches. All were close contests, but Falconi and Krupina defeated Aleksandra Markovic and Angela Chupa 8-4 on court one and Ngo and Davis held of Hannah Ber-ner and Kathleen Saltarelli 9-7 to clinch the point for Tech.

In singles play, Tech won four matches in straight sets as Fal-coni, Krupina, Ngo and Kilborn cruised to victories. Blau won by default after taking the irst set of her match 7-6. Wisconsin’s only singles victory came as Alaina Trgovich edged Davis 7-5, 7-5 on court six.

he Jackets have ten days of before opening ACC play at home against Clemson on Feb. 24.

Photo by John Nakano / Student Publications

Hillary Davis makes a return at

the Bill Moore Tennis Center.

The economy sucks.Free pizza rations on Tuesdays.

7 p.m., Flag 137, Technique

Technique • February 19, 2010 • 31 SPORTS


what does the Student Health Center have against the Peace Corps?prayers for you, miss clark.a sphincter says what?for crying out loud, i know you are capable of independent thought and action. so please stop acting like you’re not.Zombie who ran up behind me on Tuesday, you’re so cute!forget tellin dudes to close their legs to free up a seat, tell them mofos to movehat guy who got attacked with a sword should have pulled a kage bunshin no jutsucouldn’t the student center come up with a better name than “hair cuttery”?WebAssign sucks disgusting stuf.To library studiers, 2nd loor east: I’m sorry my table is so squeaky...How come I always understand my homework AFTER it’s due?oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh, caught in a (nonexistent) romancehe Colts had no fear of the underdog. hat’s why they did not survive.dear adam, you have a huge spare tire...I really wish my psych teacher could present powerpoints efec-tivelyOk new stinger drivers, you can stop for longer at North Ave now. hanksssWhere are all the humans?!atlanta is not supposed to be so cold!I’ve got jumbo marshmallows and I know how to use them!My little sister prefers her 20 gauge over her 380Cofee is the life-blood that fuels the dreams of champions!Time lies like an arrow; fruit lies like a banana.Heavies bring the HEAT! !Basketball concessions take buzzcards? Awesome.How did my shoe get wet?listening to U2’s Angel of Harlem while doing my CS homework: makes the task considerably less depressing

Softball goes 4-0 to open ‘10, including win over No. 3 UF

Photo by Kelvin Kuo / Student Publications

Jen Yee hits a ball to right ield in a game at Mewborn Field. Yee

hit .778 with two homers and was named ACC Player of the Week.

By Nishant PrasadhSports Editor

he opening weekend of the 2010 season was a record-breaking one for Tech’s softball team. Led by freshman phenom Hope Rush, who pitched two complete-game shutouts and homered in the irst plate appearance of her career, the Jackets defeated No. 3 Florida—marking their irst-ever win over a top-ive opponent—and opened the year 4-0 at the University of South Florida’s Wilson-DeMarini Tournament from Feb. 13-14.

It was a solid start for the Jack-ets, who were ranked No. 13 in the preseason National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) poll and predicted to repeat as ACC champions. he tournament was scheduled to begin on Friday, Feb. 12, but rain throughout the day in the Tampa area prevented any Friday games from being played. Tech had been set to face Long Is-land and then Florida; the Long Island game was cancelled, while the contest with the Gators was postponed to Saturday afternoon.

As a result, Tech opened the season against Canisius on Satur-day morning, and the Jackets had little trouble in picking up their irst victory of the year. Sopho-more Jessica Coan carried a no-hitter into the ifth inning and three Tech players homered as the Jackets rolled to a 9-0 ive-inning victory over the Griins.

Tech took the lead right out of the gate, as Rush, the designated player, hit a two-out, opposite-ield two-run homer to deep right in the top of the irst. Junior irst baseman Kristine Priebe and se-nior third baseman Kristen Ad-kins reached scoring position later in the inning but were unable to score, and Tech inished the frame ahead 2-0.

Canisius threatened in the

third inning, loading the bases with two outs. Coan, though, in-duced a lyout to escape the jam, stranding all three runners and escaping with no damage.

he Jackets went on to add seven runs over the next two in-nings, two in the fourth and ive in the ifth. With the bases loaded

in the fourth, sophomore right ielder Jessica Sinclair doubled down the left ield line. Senior Kelly Eppinger—who pinch-ran for Priebe—and Adkins scored on the hit, but sophomore left ielder Kate Kuzma was thrown out.

Redshirt senior second base-man Jen Yee led of the top of

the ifth with a solo home run, increasing the lead to 5-0. After sophomore shortstop Kelsi Wese-man was hit by a pitch, Adkins reached on an error and Kuzma drew a walk, Sinclair struck again as she hit a grand slam, bringing her RBI total for the day to six.

With Tech ahead 9-0 after ive innings, the mercy rule was invoked and the Jackets won the game.

Coan shut down the Griins’ lineup, allowing just one hit and three walks while striking out nine. Sinclair’s 2-for-3, six RBI performance powered the ofense as the sophomore got of to a big start after struggling from the plate in 2009. As a team, Tech took advantage of every oppor-tunity at the plate, scoring their nine runs on just seven hits and leaving just four runners on base in the game.

he Jackets returned to the ield later that afternoon to face No. 3 Florida. In addition to be-ing a battle between top-15 teams, it marked the ifth time the Jack-ets and Gators had met since the start of the 2007 season, with UF winning all four games over that span. Additionally, two Tech play-ers, Adkins and Priebe, had trans-ferred to Tech from UF.

Tech sent the freshman Rush into the circle to face UF junior Stephanie Brombacher, who had gone 42-0 with a 1.10 ERA in her irst two seasons with the Gators. It was Rush, though, who proved to be the star of the game.

he Gators put two runners on base in each of the irst two in-nings, but both times the Jackets were able to escape with no dam-age. In the top of the second Ga-tor second baseman Aja Paculba hit a line drive up the middle; Rush caught it, then quickly ired to Adkins at third to complete the inning-ending double play.

In the third, UF loaded the bases with one out, but Rush got a strikeout and induced a grounder to third to end the inning, once again with no damage.

Tech was having no success at the plate against UF’s Brom-bacher, though. After junior cen-ter ielder Christy Jones led of the game with a bunt single and stole second, the Jackets were unable to get another hit until the ifth inning. heir only baserunner in that span came in the fourth, when Weseman was hit by a pitch.

In the ifth, Tech inally got on the board. Sinclair doubled with one out, and after freshman designated player Caitlin Jordan grounded out, Kuzma knocked a triple into the right-center gap to plate Sinclair and put Tech ahead 1-0.

he Gators went quietly in the top of the sixth while Tech added two more runs in the bottom half. After Yee hit a lead-of triple, Rush launched a long home run to deep left to increase the Jackets’ lead to 3-0. Rush then retired the side in order in the top of the seventh, striking out two Gator hitters as she inished the complete-game shutout and handed Brombacher her irst career loss.

he victory over the No. 3 Ga-tors marked a milestone for Tech, as the Jackets had not defeated an opponent ranked higher than No. 9 since Louisiana-Lafayette in 2004. Tech hosted then-No. 3 Washington in last year’s Super Regional round but was swept in the best-of-three series against the eventual national champions.Tech faced two more opponents on Sunday, Feb. 14 and notched another pair of victories over East Carolina and Florida Gulf Coast.

Tech’s ofense was fairly quiet for most of the game, but a irst-

See Softball, page 28

Sportssports@nique.netSports Editor:Nishant Prasadh

Assistant Sports Editor:Alex Mitchell

Fever Pitch

The No. 6 baseball team’s quest to reach Omaha begins this weekend.

Preview the season ahead426



February 19, 2010

Women’s Tennis takes one of three at ITA IndoorsBy Nishant Prasadh

Sports Editor

Facing some of the top teams in the country, the No. 9 Tech wom-en’s tennis team‘s early-season un-beaten streak inally came to an end. he Jackets fell 5-2 against No. 3 California on Feb. 12 and 4-3 against No. 13 Tennessee the following day before rebounding to defeat host Wisconsin 6-1 on Valentine’s Day at the ITA Team Indoor National Championships.

he Jackets qualiied for the tournament two weeks earlier when, as the host of one of 15 re-gional tournaments on ITA Kick-Of Weekend, they defeated Ari-zona State and Kentucky to clinch a berth in the 16-team tourna-ment.

With the eight highest-ranked the country qualifying for the tournament as well, the Jackets were unseeded and received a irst-round matchup with No. 3 California.

It marked the second year in a row Tech had faced Cal at the ITA Indoors. Last year, the Jack-ets dropped the second-round contest 5-2 despite a win by now-senior Amanda McDowell in the irst light.

his year, Cal jumped out to a quick lead by sweeping all three doubles matches. Sophomore Hillary Davis and junior Viet Ha Ngo went down 8-3 against Cal’s Marina Cossou and Kasia Si-wosz, and sophomore Lynn Blau and freshman Elizabeth Kilborn dropped their match by the same

score. On court one, sophomore Irina Falconi and junior Sasha Krupina came closer to victory but ultimately fell 8-5.

he highlight of singles play was on court one, where the top two singles players in the nation faced of as No. 1 Falconi took on No. 2 Jana Juricova. he match was close throughout, and ulti-

mately Falconi exacted revenge for her 2009 loss to Juricova with a 7-6, 7-5 victory.

By the time their match in-ished, though, the Golden Bears had already clinched the match.

Cossou, the No. 10 singles player in the ITA rankings, took down No. 66 Krupina 6-2, 6-1 in the irst match to inish. Tech re-

Photo by John Nakano / Student Publications

Irina Falconi makes a return at the Bill Moore Tennis Center. Falconi, the nation’s No. 1 singles player,

faced two top-10 opponents, beating Cal’s Jana Juricova but losing to Tennessee’s Caitlin Whoriskey.

Men’s Basketball stumbles at Wake, cruises past UNCBy Kyle Conarro

Staf Writer

A close game between Tech and Wake Forest swung in the Demon Deacons’ favor late, and the Jackets lost their fourth straight road game on Saturday, Feb. 13 as Wake won 75-64. Tech rebounded, though, shutting down North Carolina 68-51 on Tuesday, Feb. 16 to complete a season sweep of the Tar Heels.

When Tech and Wake met in Jan., Tech downed the Demon Dea-cons 79-58 in their biggest victory in conference play. his time, Wake Forest returned the favor, handing the Jackets their second straight loss and dropping them to 5-6 in the ACC and 17-8 overall.

he Demon Deacons struck early in the irst half, building up a 15-5 lead within the irst ive minutes of play. By the 11:29 mark, though, Tech had stolen the lead, hitting ive three-pointers to put them in front 20-18. Junior Maurice Miller hit one for the Jackets, and freshman guard Glen Rice, Jr. and freshman forward Brian Oliver hit two apiece during the run.

After exchanging leads for a couple minutes, Wake Forest pulled ahead by nine with 5:04 left in the half. Tech surged back before the break, though, slowly cutting into the Demon Deacons’ lead and ulti-mately tying the score at 37. Eight of the Jackets’ 13 points over this pe-riod came from the foul line as they shot 84.6 percent on free throws in

the irst half.Tech jumped back in front head-

ing out of the locker room, as junior forward Gani Lawal hit the second of two free throws to give the Jackets a one-point edge. Wake distanced the score yet again, though, going on an 8-0 run to take a 46-38 lead with 16:19 to play. Tech responded with an 8-0 run of their own to tie the score, and the next seven min-utes saw ive more ties as the Jackets battled to keep it close.

A jumper by Wake guard Ish-mael Smith put the Dea-cons ahead 64-62 with 5:18 remaining, and they never gave it up. An 11-2 run gave Wake Forest an 11-point lead with one minute left, and they held that lead un-til the inal buzzer.

he Jackets had one of their best nights from the foul line, going 16-for-20 from the stripe. Lawal, who has struggled from the line, shot 7-for-10 on free throws.

Despite their solid efort from the free throw line, the Jackets were held to just 34.5 percent from the ield. Neither of Tech’s starting guards scored in the game, as freshman guard Mfon Udoia shot 0-for-3 and sophomore guard Iman Shumpert went 0-for-7 from the ield.

Lawal led the team with 15 points and 12 rebounds,

but the rest of the starting lineup combined for just nine points. In fact, 40 of Tech’s 64 points came of the bench. Rice notched 14 points, Oliver and Miller recorded 12 each, and senior Zachary Peacock added two of his own. Peacock, who aver-ages 9.6 points per game, shot just 1-for-8 against the Demon Deacons.

“I thought we played a good game on Saturday night against a very hot Wake Forest team,” Tech

Photo by Kelvin Kuo / Student Publications

Brian Oliver puts up a shot against two UNC defenders

during Saturday’s win against UNC. Oliver scored 12 points.

Photo by Tim Nowack / Student Publications

Moe Miller looks to make a pass while

running in Tuesday’s game against UNC.

bounded as McDowell completed a 6-2, 6-4 victory over Siwosz to give the Jackets their irst point.

Cal took the next two matches, sealing their victory. On court six, Cal’s Tayler Davis defeated Kilborn 6-4, 6-3, and Mari An-dersson knocked of Ngo 6-0, 6-3 to clinch the victory for the Golden Bears.

In the court ive match, Blau took an early lead on Cal’s Annie Goransson but fell 3-6, 6-4, 10-1.

With the loss, Tech moved into the consolation bracket to face No. 13 Tennessee, which had lost its irst-round matchup with No. 2 Northwestern.

he Jackets were once again swept in doubles play, but they put up a ight. Falconi and Kru-pina had a tough matchup against the nation’s No. 1 doubles tandem of Caitlin Whoriskey and Natalie Pluskota, but they kept the match close before falling 8-6.

Davis and Ngo dropped their court two match 8-3 against Zso-ia Zubor and Rosalia Alda, and Blau and Kilborn fell 8-4 to Maria Sorbello and Katie Lee.

he Jackets evened things up in the irst singles match to inish, as McDowell notched a 3-6, 6-1, 6-2 comeback victory over Alda in the third light.

Blau and Tennessee’s Jennifer Meredith played a close match on court ive, but Meredith held of the sophomore for a 7-6, 7-6 win.

Court one saw the closest match of the day--another battle between top-10 players in Falconi and No. 6 Whoriskey. Falconi edged out a irst set victory, but Whoriskey held her of to win sets two and three to take the match 6-7, 6-4, 6-4.

Kilborn knocked of Lee 6-2, 6-0 on court six to keep Tech alive, but Sorbello’s 5-7, 6-2, 6-3 win over Krupina clinched the

See Men’s, page 29

See W-Tennis, page 30