Technical visits in the municipality of karlstad




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Welcome to Karlstad, the city with the happy sun! We are certain that you will enjoy your stay in Karlstad, after all, we love to entertain our guests. This is part of our proud heritage which comes from the well known 18th century waitress, Eva-Lisa Holtz. Her cheerful and friendly personality gave her the name of “Sola i Karlstad”, (the Sun of Karlstad). Today her statue stands in the centre of Karlstad, nearby where she used to work.

It is well known that the city of Karlstad has a lot of hours of sunshine, together with the sunny disposition of the waitress, Karlstad was inspired to have the smiling sun as its official emblem.

Karlstad has more than 90,500 inhabitants, our ambition is to grow and Karlstad is now transforming into a bigger city. We are proud to be able to show visitors our city.

We have great shopping facilities, cosy restaurants and beer gardens. In Karlstad, Sweden’s longest river, Klarälven, meets Swedens largest lake, Vänern. The delta of the River Klarälven surrounds Karlstad with fresh, clean water, enabling you to go for a swim in the heart of the city! If you would rather be on top of the water, why not view the city from one of the many water buses during the summer.

There is always something going on, to view upcoming events please visit

Technical visits Menu | Karlstad, Sweden 3

DEMOCRACY & ORGANISATIONThe municipality is controlled by politicians who are chosen directly by the local electorate every four years. Karlstad wants to be a municipality in good order and we work hard on keeping an open dialogue with our citizens. As a result of our work we are considered one of Sweden’s best managed municipalities. In this area you can choose from the following study visits;

• General information about the city of Karlstad and how Karlstad is governed.

• Human resources within the municipality, training, rehabilitation and staff policies.

• Internal audits and budget process.

• Youth democracy and organisation of youth clubs.

• Study visit at the Public Youth House, UNO.

SUSTAINABLE CITY DEVELOPMENTKarlstad municipality works for a sustainable growth in many fields. One of our guiding principles is the ‘Good Green City’ and we have been awarded several prizes for our environmental work. Karlstad has signed the ‘Covenant of Mayors’ on energy. In this area you can choose from the following study visits;

• Waste management, recycling and district heating.

• Adaptation to climate changes, flood management.

• Energy saving techniques in new buildings.

• Mobility management & public transport.

• City planning process, land use in city plan.

• Environmental control systems and organisation.

The city of Karlstad offers the following technical seminars and information visits…

Technical visits Menu | Karlstad, Sweden 4

EDUCATIONChildren attend school for nine years as part of their basic education. The municipality owns most of the schools, some are free schools. Parents and children can choose which school to attend. In this area you can choose from the following study visits;

• Information about the school system in Sweden and Karlstad.

• Primary and secondary school.

• Upper secondary school and vocational training, information on organisation and programs.

• School for pupils with learning disabilities.

• Study visit at a public school.

SOCIAL WORKKarlstad municipality is responsible for providing a number of local social services. The municipality is obliged to provide some of these services by law, others are voluntary. In this area you can choose from the following:

• General information about social work in Karlstad’s municipality.

• Information about care of families and individuals. Drug and alcohol prevention.

• Care of the elderly and handicapped in Sweden, organisation and working methods.

• Study visit to an elderly care home and information on organisation and working methods.

Technical visits Menu | Karlstad, Sweden 5

SAFETY AND PREVENTIONSafety and security are core values of our quality of life. The municipality of Karlstad is responsible for crime prevention. Security-building efforts are our major priority. In this area you can choose from the following study visits;

• Information about the emergency services, organisation and methods for prevention of fire and accidents.

• Techniques and tactics at accidents.

• Crisis communication and organisation at major incidents in society.

• Municipal safety work and study visit at the local safety centre.

CULTURE & TOURISMKarlstad is the city of culture in many ways. Every year a large number of events, concerts and theatres take place in Karlstad. The goal for our work is to be attractive to visitors and to be one of the top destinations in Sweden. In this area you can choose the following study visit;

• Tourism and development of destinations.

Karlstad municipality creates good days for the people of Karlstad. The municipality ensures that everyone has water in their taps, buses and cycle paths to help people move around and schools where students feel secure and can develop their talents. The municipality gives older and disabled people a higher standard of living and a safe, stimulating home. The municipality builds the city, making it a place where everyone is welcome, and ensuring that exciting events, featuring music, entertainment or culture, can take place.

SHORT FACTS ABOUT KARLSTAD:• Founded by Duke Karl in 1584.

• 220km from Oslo and 300km from Stockholm.

• The region of Karlstad is a world-leader in pulp, paper and packaging, known as ‘The Paper Province’, one of the most successful business clusters in Europe.

• Fantastic university with more than 16,000 students, forming a significant hub in regional development.

• We constantly strive towards a sustainable society. Among other things we harness the energy from the winds of Lake Vänern, a newly constructed offshore wind farm upon the lake provides large amounts of environmentally friendly electricity.

• Karlstad is a Fairtrade Capital City.

CONTACT INFORMATION For more information about Technical visits please contact:

Mia Marklund, Internationational coordinator E-mail:

Karlstad Municipality, City Management Office, SE-651 84 Karlstad, Sweden.Phone: +46 (0) 54-540 00 00. E-mail: Website:





Karlstad is located in the delta of the River Klarälven on the northern shore of Lake Vänern, midway between Stockholm and Oslo. Karlstad’s municipality has around 90,500 inhabitants, making it the 17th largest municipality in Sweden.

August 2

