Technical Presentation MBAA-Rocky Mountain District Meeting Wednesday August 19, 2009



Technical Presentation MBAA-Rocky Mountain District Meeting Wednesday August 19, 2009 5:30PM-9:00PM at Wild Mountain Smokehouse & Brewery 70 East First Street, Nederland, Colorado 80466 Ph: 303.258.9453; Fx: 303.258.2739. Presentation Topic. Hubris, Madness, or Sheer Genius: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Technical Presentation MBAA-Rocky Mountain District Meeting

Wednesday August 19, 2009



Wild Mountain Smokehouse & Brewery

70 East First Street, Nederland, Colorado 80466

Ph: 303.258.9453; Fx: 303.258.2739

Presentation Topic

Hubris, Madness, or Sheer Genius:

How One Couple Took a Weed Choked Lot to Functional & Successful Brewpub.

My goal is to entertain & (hopefully) edify.

Points Of Discussion• Personal Industry Experience: Why go down this path.• Site SelectionRaw Lot, Breaking Ground• Demographic Research• Differentiating Concepts• Lease vs. Own• Perils of Partnering or Employing Spouses/Significant

Others/Friends• Action Plan & Business Plan• Land Purchase, Building Design, GC Selection &

Monitoring• Food Conception/Menu Design• Licensing & Permitting• The Good Part: Brew system procurement, storage,

installation, & daily Brewer Operations Future Goals

Slideshow Overview

• Brewing Equipment Installation

• Brewing at Wild Mountain

Feb. 1, 2007

Brewing Equipment Transport from Left Hand Brewing Co.


It Was Cold Day…

Loaded and Ready to Go

Arrival in Nederland


Brew Day

Presentation Text

Tom Boogaard, Brewmaster

Wild Mountain Smokehouse & Brewery

70 East First Street

Nederland, Colorado 80466

Ph: 303.258.9453; Fx: 202.258.2739


Hello, & welcome to Wild Mountain. I know many of you, but for those of you I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting (or, more likely, can’t remember), I’m Tom Boogaard & this establishment is equal parts my creation, my folly, my dream, & my absolute worst nightmare. Although this sounds like a cliché, arriving at the point that we could host this ever so prestigious gathering of master brewers & doctors of consumption has been the greatest challenge & most intense learning experience of my life. When your very own master of unicellular fungal farming, Jeff Biegert invited me to host this meeting & give a presentation to such a learned group, I had to ask myself why & what topically appropriate knowledge could I offer you. Was Jeff merely preying on my well known adoration for public speaking to avenge the infamous pH 7 solution for sanitizer switcheroo I pulled right in front of him on my very first day in his employ or did I actually have something to offer you besides free beer & tasty BBQ? Obviously, in terms of economies of scale, degrees of process control, microbiological & chemical examination, & final packaged product stability, a 385 barrel a year micro that doesn’t even filter let alone package isn’t going to offer too much food for thought or an applicable comparative framework. All I have is the knowledge painfully garnered from the experience of taking a hare-brained idea & turning it into a profitable enterprise in an industry well known for (forgive the restaurant analogy) taking even experienced restaurateurs, chewing them up & spitting them into insolvency. Despite the dire risks involved there must still be a few of you who, after years of adhering to rigorous production standards & schedules to consistently produce someone else’s products might have fantasized about opening your own little brewpub where you could cheerfully experiment on a (as my wife says) cute little system to produce any style you want, in any fashion you choose for an adoring throng of regular customers. If I am describing you, then I hope this presentation offers you some useful information…learn from my pain. If a brewpub isn’t in your plans, then I’ll do my best to amuse you with selected tidbits from our progression from hazy concept, to committed (a few say I should have been), land purchased & By The Way Honey, I’m Pregnant, to the joys of finding financing in a less than perfect economy, to design & construction with ever expanding wife sharing her pregnant pearls of wisdom, to jumping through all of the flaming hoops placed before us by federal, state, county, & town officials, to finally opening only to realize that my goals & planning ended with getting the doors open while the establishment careened on with an all consuming life of its own. Holy run on sentences…Anyway, sit right back & you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful pub.

Before embarking on our concept to operational status breakdown, a little personal history is in order to explain my relevant experiences in the industry & how they led me to believe I could pull this off. Turn the clock back way too far…the year is 1994. It’s a beautiful, sunny late afternoon at Snake River Brewing Company in Jackson Hole. I am sitting at the end of the bar sipping beer that I had the pleasure of brewing & playing fly on the wall. All around me patrons are drinking, smiling, & talking about how tasty & fresh their beers are. Since I had played what I felt was a significant role in shepherding those products from grain to glass, I felt that particular brand of profound

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