Technical Module: Common ICT (Information, Communication & Technology) Common Services and...


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Technical Module:Common ICT (Information, Communication & Technology)

Common Services and Harmonized Business Practices ToT14-17 September 2010

unite and deliver effective support for countries

What is the UNDG ICT Task Team?

Supports Deliver as One (DaO) pilot countries in their ICT harmonization initiatives

Mission:Provide continued direct support to pilot country implementationsAddress country-level common ICT service needsDevelop and publicize guidelines and templates for Delivering as One in ICTPropose capacity building measures that support other UNDAF offices

DaO ICT Guidelines

Created for UNCT and ICT to identify action plan for an ICT harmonization initiative

Focuses on:Improving efficiencies in delivery of UN ICT servicesLeveraging ICT in support of core UN businessEstablishing a technical foundation for country-level collaboration and information & knowledge sharing

Provides step by step process and lessons learned from DaO key pilots

Goal of the DaO ICT Guidelines

Improve efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of UN ICT services

Leverage ICT in support of core UN business

Establish technical foundations for collaboration, information, and knowledge sharing among the UN agencies and stakeholders

Assure Quality of Services

DaO ICT Guidelines Contents

1. Introduction: Background and General Strategy

2. Organizing for Delivering as One

3. Preparing for Delivering as One ICT Projects

4. Implementing Delivering as One ICT Projects

5. Supporting Shared ICT Services

6. Technical Guidelines

7. Annexes

Business Perspectives of ICT

Capabilities, services, and infrastructure tend to be developed and deployed in parallel, as per agency-specific requirements

Independent management of basic communications and standardize business processes may detract resources from substantive value-added services to marginal activities

Delivering as One in ICT is a mandate for inter-agency cooperation to leverage existing agency investments in ICT infrastructure and resources


Key Benefits for DaO in ICT

Improve overall ICT response to business needs

Increase ICT value for money

Synergies gained through collective strengths

Improved business continuity posture

Improve ICT staff professionalism and motivation

Enhance communication, redundancy, and information security


Risks for DaO in ICT

Increased operational expense without additional services

Unsustainable shared services

Lack of governance and business foundation for shared services

Additional stress to ICT resources


General Strategy for DaO ICT project

Set up ICT Working Group

Identify existing & future needs

Identify key ICT assets

Identify gaps in ICT services

Consult with guidance & cases

Follow business case approach

Follow project based approach for changes

Establish sustainable mechanisms for support


Organizing for DaO in ICT

Establish UNCT Commitment

Establish local ICT Working Group

Identify ICT Opportunities and Gaps

Conduct a Joint ICT Assessment

Identify Potential ICT Efficiencies & Value Added Services

Assess Sustainability Issues

Present Roadmap to UNCT


Establish UNCT Commitment

Benefits of ICT harmonization recognized at agency level

UNCT or OMT appoints ICT focal points from each agency

Time and resources provided for ICT focal points to meet


Local ICT Working Group

Formed by ICT focal points from each agency

Small agencies may wish to delegate to other agencies

ICT WG reports to OMT/UNCT

Sample TORs (Annex A in Guidelines)

Guidance can be sought from UNDG ICT Task Team through UNCT


Working Group Collaboration


ICT Opportunities and Gaps

Analyze current and future ICT operational needs

Inventory of all Agency considerations

Optimize use of existing assets

Share resources

Identify cost reduction opportunities

Identify new services

Conduct a risk assessment


Joint ICT Assessment

Goals: Shared understanding of ICT infrastructure

and services

Identification of common providers

Identification of ICT needs

Sharing of agency running costs and upgrade plans

Understanding of UN ICT staff resources


Efficiencies and Value Added Services



Training Resource



FinancialControl Systems


procurement &




End-user &

desktop support services

Shared Data





Assess Sustainability Issues

Cost and management issues of any shared ICT project requires assessment

Key Factors on consider:

Maintenance and operational costs

Cost sharing mechanism

Support structure

Defining investment worth, risks and benefits


ICT Road Map

Steps and strategies to take advantage of ICT opportunities (collaboration of ICT WG and OMT)


Results of joint ICT assessment

Potential efficiencies and value added services

Sustainability issues

Endorsement by UNDG ICT Task Team

Presented to & Supported by UNCT


Preparing the DaO ICT Project

Prepare the Business Case

Leverage Business &Task Team support

Gain UNCT approval for Business Case

Funding ICT changes & investments


The Business Case

Basis for UNCT to decide which ICT projects should be selected for implementation during the next UNDAF/programming cycle

Drafted by ICT WG

Realistic , Accurate and Practical

Tangible (versus intangible benefits)

Validated by all Agencies

Approved by the UNCT before implementation


Business Case-Table of Contents

a. Executive Summary

b. Vision and Organizational Objectives

c. Purpose/ Stake holder statements

d. Situational Assessment

e. Assumptions, Constraints, Risks

f. Statement of Business Requirements

g. Analysis of Solutions/Scenarios

h. Financial Analysis

i. Sustainability Plan


Leveraging Support

ICT WG role to leverage support

Local financial expertise to validate calculations

Share ICT road map and Business case with UNDG

ICT Task team

Present Business Case to OMT & UNCT

Focus on ROI

Flexible options for Agencies


Funding for DaO in ICT

ICT projects usually funded as one-time investments from RCO

Limited to No Funds from Agency HQ

Investigate other sources: Direct Donor Funding, Multilateral Donations Options for Other Countries

No funds = No implementation

Other non-Financial Resources

Not all projects require funding (process improvement)


Implementing the ICT Project

Identify Project Service Agency

Create Project Methodology & Plan

Establish Project Governance

Gain Commitment

Review Technical Guidance

Implement the ICT Project


Project Service Agency

Drives the ICT project (organize, implement & complete)

Agency is nominated after discussion with ICT WG

Significant country-level ICT presence and/or expertise

Full support of local country representatives to DaO goals

Able to dedicate a portion of its ICT resources to support the DaO project


Project Plan

Prepared by Project Manager with ICT WG

Includes: milestones, critical path, challenges, resource requirements, time requirements and financial requirements

Recommended standard: Prince 2 and PMBO

Elements: project tracking; communication and reporting; procurement, assets and resource management; risk management; closure and hand over (if applicable).


Project Governance

Governance Board- independent management oversight and direction recommended for larger scale and complex projects

Board validates changes & evaluates project goals & deliverables

Project Service Agency manages project funding & reports this to UNCT and Board

UNCT approval of high-level concepts in project plan

UNCT kept informed of high-level status of the project


Gaining Commitment

Two key steps in developing a Stakeholder Engagement Plan:

Step 1 – Identify key stakeholders and their views

Step 2 – Develop strategies for engaging stakeholders


Technical Guidance

UNDG ICT Task team support:

Technical guidelines with regards to design in various areas (e.g. network security)

Specific technical support through joint missions

Review of project design documents


Implementing the ICT Project

No funds = No project startFunds commitment needed from AgenciesEnsure plan has minimum project elements (project

tracking; communication and reporting; procurement, assets and resource management; risk management; closure and/or hand over

Project Manager tasks: Keep ICTWG and UNCT/OMT up-to-date Track benefits and ensures ongoing validity Manage and assign issues Manage risks Send out monthly status reports


Supporting Shared ICT Services

Define the Service Management Strategy

Define the Service Catalogue

Define the Service Management Model

Define the UN Service Agreement

Define the Financial Model

Service Management Governance


Service Management Strategy

Developed by ICT WG and Project Manager ITIL used as a best practice Outlines who (service manager) and how services will

be managed (operation, maintenance, changes, monitored, improvements)

Inter- Agency service catalogue Identifies the project service agency Common Service Operations Centre Outsourcing operation/management of servicesUN Service Agreement (SA) between UNCT & SMFinancial model- see considerations and case studyService Management Board


Service Management Models


Service Agency

Common Service

Operations Centre


Service Management ModelsModel: Service Agency

Pros•Easy to set up •Potential for reduced management overhead •Use of existing agency financial mechanisms for cost-recovery •Can leverage agency resources for service peak/surge capacity needs •Build up on an existing infrastructure if possible (multiple agency service provider given existing capacity and expertise) •Potential for Long Term service delivery and sustainabilityRisks•Staff assigned to manage the service may prioritize agency-specific duties over shared service tasks •Changes in Agency presence and capacity may dilute the ability to deliver service


Service Management ModelsModel: Common Services Centre

Pros•Managing, Support and delivery of services is well identified and is independent of any single agency •Potential for enhanced collaboration among the technical support team •Consolidated view of service provision in country Risks•New Approach at country level (untested within the UN) •Agency resistance to this approach and Policy restrictions •Accountability framework not in place •Undefined Linkage with the existing regional/global service centres of individual agencies •May incur higher resource overhead •Additional facilities and working space required


Service Management ModelsModel: Outsourcing

Pros•Takes responsibility for overall project•Responsible for operation and management of one or more shared services•Employ existing and best practice service management mechanisms and governanceRisks•Third party access to UN sensitive information and networks •May Incur higher expenses to operate the service •Lack of third party local capacity to manage such projects •Weak governance which could lead to decrease in quality of service •Agencies IT policies and standards may not be met


Technical Guidelines

See Guidelines for Dao in ICT Section 6, page 23

Annexes- Sample Templates

See Guidelines for Dao in ICT Section 7, page 38

Harmonizing ICT & Business Practices

Country Office ICT Objectives:Enhance ICT partnership to the business as an enabler and facilitatorIncrease the quality of service by establishing a common approach to ICTAllow all country offices seamless exchange of information and harmonized infrastructureImplement ICT Best Practices in Delivering as OneProvide same level of ICT services to all UN agencies

Country Office Mission:Increase UN Coherence, harmonization and effectiveness at thecountry level (one programme, leader, etc.)

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In 2007 eight pilot countries volunteered to test Delivering as One (DaO)

UNDG-HLCM Country-level Business Practice Review

Key Findings related to ICT Recommendations

ICT staff not empowered for change Use “UNDG Delivering as One in ICT” Guidance to implement a business-aligned change approach, linking local ICT WGs to the RC/CMT structure

Limited capacity to carry out business and technical changes

Enhance inter-agency capacity to support both business and technical challenges of country level ICT change projects

Limited IT support for new, shared processes

Enhance use of IT as a programme-enabler by looking at standard solutions to support new processes and information requirements

Common procurement of basic ICT components hampered by limited standardization among agencies

Enhance standardization by developing common service catalogues and shared specifications for “commodity” ICT equipment

Timeliness of gaining HQ approval for changes related to inter-agency ICT projects

Establish agency pre-approvals for standard ICT service agreements

Network Architecture & Security Guidelines

Network Architecture workshop took place at WHO Headquarters in Geneva (May 2010)

Eleven Network and IT Security architects participated, representing 6 agencies

Draft document completed and currently under review

Final version ready by mid September 2010

Guidelines to be reviewed and continuously updated in view of experience from newly implemented sites

Network Architecture & Security Guidelines

Scope of guidelines:

Local Area Networks (common LAN, small to large


Shared Wireless Access

Common Voice communications

Metropolitan Area Networks

Shared Connectivity

Network Security

Network Architecture & Security Guidelines


To develop a comprehensive guide for network

design that can be used in all possible "Deliver as

One" locations with different physical and business

requirements, based on latest industry standards

Network Architecture & Security Guidelines

Key requirements: Flexibility of architecture, can be applicable to all DaO scenarios

Facilitate effective collaboration and information sharing between


Provide high quality inter-agency voice and video communications

Maintain individual agencies' security standards and ensure

separation of individual agencies' traffic and networks

Ensure higher availability and performance of IT infrastructure

Provide higher level of security

Reduce operational costs by sharing network infrastructure and


Improve support by standardization and joint support arrangements

Support mobility of staff within a DaO site and abroad
