Technical Committee on Transmission, Access,...


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Technical Committee on Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems

Authors: Ahmed E. Kamal, Athanassios Manikas and Fabrizio Granelli

Date/Time: Tue, 24th May 2016, 7:30 am – 9:00 am

Meeting Location: Room Quartz, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Officers: Ahmed E. Kamal, Chair, Athanassios Manikas, Vice-Chair, Fabrizio Granelli, Secretary,

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 am 1. Participants (16)

Ahmed Kamal, Iowa State University, USA

Athanassios Manikas, Imperial College London, UK

Fabrizio Granelli, University of Trento, Italy

Jaafar Elmirghani, University of Leeds, UK

Tarek El-Bawab, Jackson State University (JSU), USA

George Rouskas, North Carolina State University, USA

Anura Jayasumana, Colorado State University, USA

Walter Cerroni, University of Bologna, Italy

Mehdi Bennis, University of Oulu, Finland

Daniel So, University of Manchester, UK

Abolfazl Mehbodniya, Tohoku University, Japan

Yezi Huang, Lund University, Sweden

Christos Verikoukis, CTTC, Spain

Koichi Asatani, Nankai University, China

Luca Valcarenghi, Scuola Superiore S’Anna, Italy (*)

Mauro Biagi, Università Sapienza, Rome, Italy (*)

(*) online participation

2. Introduction The Chair, Ahmed Kamal, welcomed all participants and outlined the agenda. First, the attendees were self-introduced. Then, the attached slides were presented by the Chair and discussed item-by-item.

3. Approval of the Globecom 2015 Minutes A motion was made by Tarek El Bawab to approve the minutes, the draft of which is posted on TAOS website ( The motion was seconded by George Rouskas and the minutes were approved without further remarks.

4. Highlights and Trends Ahmed informed the attendees about a number of developments and in particular:

The Fifth issue of TAOS’ Newsletter was released on May 9, 2016. It is important to state that: o Its focus is to report on R&D activities in the industry o Jochen Maes is the new industry liaison and newsletter editor (January 2016-December


TAOS continues as the sole sponsor of GC/ICC SAC Track: o Broadband Access (Access Networks and Systems, ANS) SAC Track

TAOS continues to sponsor two symposia in GC/ICC: o Optical Networks and Systems Symposium o Green Communication Systems and Networks (GCSN) Symposium

Note that GCSN is a Symposium starting for the first time ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Additional information is reported in Slide # 4. 5. Conference updates Main Globecom/ICC submission trends have not significantly changed. ONS continues to be at the lower end of symposia submissions. On the other hand, the SAC Track on Green Communication Systems and Networks is now an official Globecom/ICC symposium. In ICC 2016 TAOS was heavily involved in the organizing committee, with Stefano Bregni and Nelson Fonseca as Technical Program Co-Chairs, and Tarek El-Bawab and Fabrizio Granelli as Workshop Co-Chairs. The conference received 2,469 papers and accepted 960 papers (38.8% acceptance rate). In ICC 2016, TAOS sponsored the following additional events:

Second Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications: o Chaired by Mauro Biagi, Zabih Ghassemlooy and Anna Maria Vegni: o 40 submitted and 15 accepted papers (37.5%)

Workshop on Orchestration for Software-Defined Infrastructures (O4SDI):

o Chaired by Walter Cerroni, Barbara Martini and Federica Paganelli: o 19 submitted papers and 8 accepted papers (42%)

Tutorial on Designing 5G Networks: an Energy Efficient Perspective: o Fabrizio Granelli, Marco Di Renzo, Christos Verikoukis & Abbas Jamalipour

Tutorial on Greening Big Data Networks: o Jaafar Elmirghani

Next TAOS sponsored symposia in Globecom/ICC include:

IEEE Globecom 2016: o Sherman Shen is TPC Chair, and Maite Brandt-Pearce and Sennur Ulukus are Technical

Program Vice-Chairs: o Received about 2,500 papers o Green Communications Symposium: co-chaired by Taisir Elgorashi:

98 submitted papers: 33 papers in systems, 65 papers in networks o Optical Networks and Systems Symposium: co-chaired by Suresh Subramaniam and

Zhengyuan Zhu: 67 submitted papers: 35 papers in systems, 32 papers in networks

ICC 2017 (Paris), TAOS nominated (and TPC Chairs approved) o Steve Hranilovic as chair for SAC ANS o Cicek Cavdar as co-chair for GCSN o George Rouskas as co-chair for ONS

GC 2017 (Singapore), TAOS nominated o Mamoun Guenach as chair for SAC ANS o Jaafar Elmirghani as co-chair for GCSN o Paolo Monti as co-chair for ONS

ICC 2018 (Kansas City), TAOS nominated o Khairi Hamdi as chair for SAC ANS o Fabrizio Granelli as co-chair for GCSN o Tarek El-Bawab as co-chair for ONS

GC 2018 (Abu Dhabi)

ICC 2019 (Shanghai)

GC 2019 (Hawaii) Moreover, TAOS endorsed the following events:

DRCN 2016 o Nelson Fonseca is TAOS representative and Fabrizio Granelli is TPC member

ONDM 2016 o Franco Callegati is TAOS representative and Andrea Bianco and Jaafar Elmirghani are

TPC members

ICT 2016 o Athanassios Manikas, Franco Galleti and Mike Devetsikiotis are TPC members

Green Track at VTC Spring 2016 (first time): o First major collaboration between the IEEE Green ICT Initiative with IEEE Vehicular

Technology Society o Track co-chairs: Jaafar Elmirghani, Burak Kantarci and Emad Alsusa o 47 paper submissions, 19 accepted papers: 15 full papers + 4 posters o 4 tracks:

Green cellular networks

Energy harvesting and energy efficient wireless networks

Green wireless communications

Poster session: green communications

More information is provided in Slides # 5 to # 17. 6. Other Activities/Updates Contributions of TAOS members to current ComSoc leadership have been stated as follows:

Stefano Bregni, Tarek El-Bawab, Fabrizio Granelli and Steve Gorshe serve in ComSoc Board of Governors

Stefano Bregni is Vice President, Members and Global Activities

Nelson Fonseca is Vice President, Publications

Fabrizio Granelli is Director, Online Content

Steve Gorshe is Member at Large

Tarek El-Bawab, Michael Devetsikiots, and Fabrizio Granelli are Board Members, Education and Training Board (ETB)

The ComSoc Green ICT initiative was successful in Phase I funding (by IEEE). The initiative is now with Comsoc and Co-Chaired by Jaafar Elmirghani. Furthermore, Tarek El-Bawab represents TAOS in this activity. More information is provided in the following website: In addition, TAOS is contributing to the Distinguished Lecturers (DL) program, with Jaafar Elmirghani and Anura Jayasumana (2nd term), and Tarek El-Bawab, Athanassios Manikas and Abdallah Shami (1st term). Fabrizio Granelli represents TAOS in ComSoc Rapid standardization activity. Furthermore, he chairs the Research Group on Software Defined and Virtualized Wireless Access. Stefano Bregni serves in Ad Hoc Committee on Smart Grid Communications while Michael Devetsikiotis serves in Ad Hoc Committee on Cloud Communications and Networking. Emphasis has been given, once again, on the TC’s continuing policy to look for new volunteers and activists to contribute and lead ComSoc activities. For more information, please see Slides # 18 to # 22. 7 Awards The Best Paper Award in the ICC 2016’s Access Networks and Systems (ANS) Track, Symposium on Selected Areas in Communications (SAC) was presented to the paper: "Time-Domain Precoding for LTE-over-Copper Systems", authored by:

Yezi Huang, Lund University, Sweden Eduardo Medeiros, Lund University, Sweden Thomas Magesacher, Lund University, Sweden Stefan Höst, Lund University, Sweden Chenguang Lu, Ericsson Research, Sweden Per-Erik Eriksson, Ericsson Research, Sweden Per Ödling, Lund University, Sweden Per Börjesson, Lund University, Sweden

The TAOS Best Paper Award in the ICC 2016’s Green Communication Systems and Networks (GCSN) Symposium was presented to the paper: "Online Ski Rental for Scheduling Self-Powered, Energy Harvesting Small Base Stations", authored by:

Gilsoo Lee, Virginia Tech, USA Walid Saad, Virginia Tech, USA Mehdi Bennis, Centre of Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland Abolfazl Mehbodniva, Tohoku University, Japan Fumiyuki Adachi, Tohoku University, Japan

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 am. Attachments: Meeting Slides


IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)Transmission, Access and Optical Systems (TAOS)

Technical Committee

ICC 2016 TC meeting, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTuesday May 24, 2016

Room QuartzMandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

07:30 – 09:00

Ahmed E. KamalChair, TAOS

Agenda Welcome and Introductions Approval of the Globecom 2015 minutes of meeting (San

Diego) Highlights and Trends Conferences update (sponsorships and statistics)

• ICC 2016 and Globecom 2016• ICC and Globecom statistics (2010-2016)• ICC and Globecom conferences in the works

Globecom 2016 ICC 2017 Globecom 2017 Beyond Globecom 2017

• Other Conferences

Other Activities/Updates TAOS Best Paper Awards Any Other Business

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 2



Approval of the minutes of the TAOS TC meeting at Globecom 2015:

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 3

Highlights and Trends

Fifth issue of TAOS’ Newsletter released on May 9, 2016

• Focus is to report on R&D activities in the industry

• Jochen Maes is the new industry liaison and newsletter editor (January 2016-December 2017)

Continued sponsorship of GC/ICC SAC Track:• Broadband Access (Access Networks and Systems, ANS) SAC Track

Continued sponsorship of two symposia in GC/ICC:• Optical Networks and Systems Symposium

• Green Communication Systems and Networks (GCSN) Symposium GCSN is a Symposium for the first time starting ICC 2016 in Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 4


Conferences Update (1/13)ICC 2016 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Stefano Bregni and Nelson Fonseca as Technical Program Co-Chairs; Tarek El-Bawab and Fabrizio Granneli as Workshop Co-Chairs:• Received 2,469 papers• Accepted 960 papers (38.8%)

Statistics of previous conferences:

GC’15 915/2614 = 35%ICC’15 1285/3337 = 38.5%GC’14 861/2174 = 39.6%ICC’14 978/2591 = 37.8%GC’13 834/2251 = 37.0%ICC’13 938/2418 = 38.8%

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 5

Conferences Update (2/13)ICC 2016 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Green Communications Systems and Networks Symposium: co-chaired by Anura Jayasumana:• Received 109 papers

~30% systems ~50% networks ~20% mixed

• Accepted 42 papers (38.5%) 7 lecture style sessions, and 2 interactive sessions Same percentages as above

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 6


Conferences Update (3/13)ICC 2016 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

ONS Symposium: co-chaired by Walter Cerroni and Krishna Sivalingam:• Received 108 papers

59 papers on systems (about 55%) 49 papers on networks (about 45%)

• Accepted 43 papers (39.8%) 18 papers on systems (42%) 25 papers on networks (58%) 7 lecture style sessions, and 2 interactive sessionsAmong top 11 papers: 7 on systems, and 4 on networks

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 7

Conferences Update (4/13)ICC 2016 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

SAC Symposium: ANS Track, chaired by Ahmed Kamal: Received 22 papers; Track statistics are below.

• 1 lecture style session• 1 interactive session


StatisticsOptical Wireless







PLC Others Total

Submitted 3 2 6 4 --- 1 6 22

Accepted --- 1 4 1 --- --- 3 9

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 8


Conferences Update (5/13)ICC 2016 Workshops and Tutorials

14 workshops• Second Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications:

Chaired by Mauro Biagi, Zabih Ghassemlooy and Anna Maria Vegni:

• 40 submitted and 15 accepted papers (37.5%)

• Workshop on Orchestration for Software-Defined Infrastructures (O4SDI):Chaired by Walter Cerroni, Barbara Martini and

Federica Paganelli:• 19 submitted papers and 8 accepted papers (42%)

19 tutorials:• Designing 5G Networks: an Energy Efficient Perspective:

Fabrizio Granelli, Marco Di Renzo, Christos Verikoukis & Abbas Jamalipour

• Greening Big Data Networks: Jaafar Elmirghani

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 9

Conferences Update (6/13)Globecom 2016 (Washington, DC)

Sherman Shen is TPC Chair, and Maite Brandt-Pearce and Sennur Ulukus as Technical Program Vice-Chairs:• Received about 2,500 papers

Green Communications Symposium: co-chaired by TaisirElgorashi:• 98 submitted papers:

33 papers in systems 65 papers in networks

Optical Networks and Systems Symposium: co-chaired by Suresh Subramaniam and Zhengyuan Xu:• 67 submitted papers:

35 papers in systems 32 papers in networks

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 10


Conferences Update (7/13)ICC 2016 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

SAC Symposium: ANS Track, chaired by Luca Valcarenghi: • Received 36 papers• Track statistics are below.

• Others include: 5G front/mid-haul networks SDN in access


StatisticsOptical Wireless







PLC Others Total

Submitted 1 6 7 8 --- --- 14 36

Accepted --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 11

Conferences Update (8/13) SAC & ONS Trends, 2010 thru 2016

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 12

























er o

f S








Submissions to TAOS-Sponsored SAC Tracks and

ONS Symposium

SAC, Access TrackSubmissions


ONS Submissions


Conferences Update (9/13) SAC Access Track (All areas): 2011 thru 2016

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 13
























e o

f S






Access Track Sub-Areas




Cable (HFC/IPTV)


Others (Satellite, PLC,..)

Conferences Update (10/13) ONS Symposium: 2010 thru 2016

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 14
























e o

f S






ONS Composition

Optical Networking Research

Optical Systems Research


Conferences Update (11/13)Future ICC & GC

ICC 2017 (Paris), TAOS nominated (and approved)• Steve Hranilovic as chair for SAC ANS• Cicek Cavdar as co-chair for GCSN• George Rouskas as co-chair for ONS

GC 2017 (Singapore), TAOS nominated• Mamoun Guenach as chair for SAC ANS• Jaafar Elmirghani as co-chair for GCSN• Paolo Monti as co-chair for ONS

ICC 2018 (Kansas City)• Khairi Hamdi as chair for SAC ANS• Fabrizio Granelli as co-chair for GCSN• Tarek El-Bawab as co-chair for ONS

GC 2018 (Abu Dhabi) ICC 2019 (Shanghai) GC 2019 (Hawaii)

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 15

Conferences Update (12/13)Other Conferences (Including TCS)

DRCN 2016• Nelson Fonseca is TAOS representative, and Fabrizio Granneli is TPC


ONDM 2016• Franco Callegati is TAOS representative, and Andrea Bianco and Jaafar

Elmirghani are TPC members

ICT 2016• Athanassios Manikas, Franco Galleti and Mike Devetsikiotis are TPC


Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 16


Conferences Updates (13/13)Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring 2016

Green Track at VTC Spring 2016 (first time):

• First major collaboration between the IEEE Green ICT Initiative with IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

• Track co-chairs: Jaafar Elmirghani, Burak Kantarci and Emad Alsusa

• 39 TPC members

• 47 paper submissions (34 active + 13 inactive): Accepted 19 papers: 15 full papers + 4 posters

4 tracks:

• Green cellular networks

• Energy harvesting and energy efficient wireless networks

• Green wireless communications

• Poster session – green communications

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 17

Other Activities/Updates (1/4)

TAOS’ members contributions to ComSocleadership:• Stefano Bregni, Nelson Fonseca, Fabrizio Granelli

and Steve Gorsh eserve in ComSoc Board of Governors Stefano Bregni is VP, Members & Global ActivitiesNelson Fonseca is VP, Publications Fabrizio Granelli, Director of Online Content Steve Gorshe is Member at Large

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 18


Other Activities/Updates (2/4) IEEE/ComSoc Green ICT initiative successful in Phase I

funding (by IEEE). Initiative Co-Chaired by Jaafar Elmirghani. • Tarek El-Bawab represents TAOS in this activity

Updates:• New IEEE Transactions• New conference• Standards

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 19

Other Activities/Updates (3/4) Standardization activities:

• Fabrizio Granelli: white paper on standardization opportunities in virtualized

wireless access

Distinguished Lecturers (DLs): • Jaafar Elmirghan, Fabrizio Granelli and Anura Jayasumana

(2nd term)• Tarek El-Bawab, Athanassios Manikas and Abdallah Shami

(1st term)

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 20


Other Activities/Updates (4/4)

Editorship• George Rouskas is Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s Journal of Optical

Switching and Networking (OSN)• Tarek El-Bawab, Frank Effenberger, and Ravi Subrahmanyan, IEEE

Communications Magazine• Filippo Cugini and Ahmed Kamal, Elsevier’s Journal of Optical

Switching and Networking (OSN) • Fabrizio Granelli and Ahmed Kamal, IEEE Communications Surveys and

Tutorials• Athanassios Manikas, IET: Signal processing

Other Activities and Updates:• Fabrizio Granelli represents TAOS in ComSoc Rapid standardization

activity, and Chairs the Research Group on Software Defined and Virtualized Wireless Access

• Stefano Bregni serves in Ad Hoc Committee on Smart Grid Communications and Michael Devetsikiotis serves in Ad Hoc Committee on Cloud Communications and Networking

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 21

TAOS is always seeking new volunteers to participate and enrich our scope of technical activities• From industry and academia• From all over the world• Workshops, Tutorials, Panels, and special issues, with industrial

contributions in particular

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 22


TAOS AWARDSICC 2016 – Kuala Lumpur

Two Best Paper Awards

TAOS’ Best Paper Awards (1/2)

The TAOS Best Paper Award in the ICC 2016’s Access Networks and Systems (ANS) Track, Symposium on Selected Areas in Communications (SAC) is presented to the paper:• “Time-Domain Precoding for LTE-over-Copper Systems"

Yezi Huang, Lund University, SwedenEduardo Medeiros, Lund University, SwedenThomas Magesacher, Lund University, SwedenStefan Höst, Lund University, SwedenChenguang Lu, Ericsson Research, SwedenPer-Erik Eriksson, Ericsson Research, SwedenPer Ödling, Lund University, SwedenPer Börjesson, Lund University, Sweden

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 24


TAOS’ Best Paper Awards (2/2)

The TAOS Best Paper Award in the ICC 2016’s Green Communication Systems and Networks (GCSN) Symposium is presented to the paper:• “Online Ski Rental for Scheduling Self-Powered, Energy

Harvesting Small Base Stations"Gilsoo Lee, Virginia Tech, USA Walid Saad, Virginia Tech, USA Mehdi Bennis, Centre of Wireless Comm, University of Oulu, Finland Abolfazl Mehbodniva, Tohoku University, JapanFumiyuki Adachi, Tohoku University, Japan

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 25

Questions?Other Business?

Ahmed E. Kamal, May 24, 2016 TAOS meeting, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur 26

Meeting Adjourned!
