Team name Team roles - Australian STEM Video Game Challenge · 2019-02-20 · Team name ....


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Team name Doombotville. Team members Team roles Nic Mac Project lead Jill Jams Music and story Dan Wood Art and programming School West Westville P to 9 college Game title Will & Jill in – the wild maths robot showdown of doom Game description Will and Jill are here to clean up the desert from rampant maths robots, to save the day they will have work on their angles and their addition, subtraction and multiplication and save the town of ol’ Westville from deadly rampaging maths bandit robots! This will be a side scrolling platformer style of game but with “mathdowns” which will be short maths question to duel a doom bandit bot. It will have basic levels with a retro feel. Platform Eg : Windows, OSX, iOS, android This will be a game maker game

Focus Gameplay So the game will go a bit like this :

1. You will select will or Jill as a character and then you will start running up a hill to face the bandit bot – each hill will be on a different angle (if we have time you might have to jump a cactus or something) and there will be 3 bandit bots.

2. To duel a bandit bot you will need to answer and angle question

3. if you get it wrong – you cant get to the duel stage and

4. get zapped and sent back to the start of the level.

5. Once you answer correctly you move to duel stage

6. Duel stage will be about multiplication, subtraction and addition – this will be timed somehow (we haven’t figured that out yet) and if you get it wrong you will be sent back to the start of the level

7. if you get it right, you destroy the bot and move on

Then you face all three and the game ends Challenges Getting all these pieces to work !

References We looked at old platform games like pitfall and H.E.R.O on youtube to get an idea of the graphics

Focus Art!

We looked at old Atari and commodore games to get an idea of the kind of characters they had and then made our but with more modern things like the hood on will. We thought about putting cowboy hats on everyone but didn’t like it Challenges Drawing with squares is hard and time consuming, especially since we will have to draw each character 4 or 5 times so they can run and move for the duels.

References this gave us good ideas for colours and backgrounds

Focus Music!

Our game theme on pulse boy ! Challenges We had never really made music before so it was hard to figure out how to make the music for our game. We found pulse boy which is a free “chiptune” maker online - There was a couple of youtube tutorials on how to make it and we made a basic song and exported it as a wave format so we can put it in the game.

References the pulseboy site this is the pulse boy beginners tute

Focus Authoring Coding is hard. The yoyo game site has a lot of tutorials for beginners, i used the platform game tutorial first

but the best thing is that it has the resource section – here i downloaded the assistant scripts for sending messages, the text entry for the bandit doom bot duels and some help for the keyboard short cuts. Challenges Trying to get the character to move in the way we want and then making sure we can have answers that then make the characters move Oh and learning code.

References all the tutes the resource section but some are no good and some are a little bit dodgy (stolen sounds from other games)

Focus STEM content PRE DUEL We will use angles as a pre duel question, so the bot will say “ok what was the angle you ran up to get here?” and it will give you 3 options – get it wrong BLAM, the bot wins, you need to start that stage again

THE DUEL Once you pass the angle challenge, you will move to the maths duel with 3 bot and 3 areas, addition, subtraction and multiplication.

This won’t be multiple choice, this will be a timed answer and each time you will get less time to do it

Challenges Working with our maths teacher to make sure we are right and coming up with the problems ourselves (also coding the answers seems hard)

References Ours maths teacher