Team Building. “ A team is small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a...


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Team Building

Team Building• “A team is small number of people with complementary skills

who are committed to a common purpose ,performance goals & approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”

• Characteristics Of Team:-1. Small number2. Complementary skills3. Common purpose4. performance goal5. Common approaches6. Mutually accountability

Why Have Teams Become So Popular

• Teams typically out perform individuals.

• Teams use employee talents better.

• Teams are more flexible and responsive to changes in the environment.

• Teams facilitate employee involvement.

• Teams are an effective way to democratize and organization and

increase motivation.

Team Vs Group

1. Shared Leadership roles2. Team discusses, decides, and

does real work together3. Specific Team purpose that the

team delivers itself4. Individual and mutual team

accountability5. Collective work products6. Measures performance directly

by assessing collective work products

7. Encourages open-ended discussion and active problem-solving meetings

8. Size-limited number of members9. Selection- very critical10. Skills- complementary

1. Strong, clearly focused leader solo leader

2. The Leader discusses, decides and delegates

3. The group’s purpose is the same as the organizational mission

4. Individual Accountability5. Individual work products6. Measures effectiveness indirectly

e.g. financial performance of the business

7. Runs efficient meetings with information sharing main activity

8. Size-number of members may be medium or large

9. Selection random or accidental10. Skills-varied

Types of Teams1.Problem-Solving Teams

• Groups of 5 to 12 employees from the same department who meet for a few hours each week to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the work environment.

• Member share ideas or offer suggestion on how work process & methods can improved

2.Self-Managed Work Teams• A self managed team is set up to plan ,organize ,influence & control its own

work situation with only minimal intervention & direction from top management

• Fully self managed work team even select their own members & have the members to evaluate each other performance .

• Supervisory position importance decreased may be even eliminated

3 .Cross-Functional Teams

• Employees from about the same hierarchical level, but from different work areas, who come together to accomplish a task.

• A cross functional team is composed of personnel from different functional area of the orgenisation who are al focused on specified objectives

• This take more time to build trust & teamwork

• Cross functional teams are effective means for allowing people from diverse areas within an orgenisation to exchange information , develop new ideas , solve problems & coordinate complex project.

Team Characteristics1. The absence of preverbal and nonverbal cues2. A limited social context3. The ability to overcome time and space constraints

Team Characteristics1. The absence of preverbal and nonverbal cues2. A limited social context3. The ability to overcome time and space constraints

4.Virtual Teams

•Teams that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal.

5.Informal teams:-– These teams are formed for social purpose – These teams form out of a set of common concern &

interest – Leader from team only

6. Traditional teams :-– These are the organizational group commonly thought of

as departments or functional areas – Leader or manager are appointed by orgenisation – The team has to do organizational activity

A Team-Effectiveness Model

A. Context

1. Adequate resources2. Leadership & structure3. Climate & trust4. Performance evaluation & reward system

B. Composition5. Abilities of the member 6. Personality 7. Allocating role8. Diversity9. Size of team 10. Member flexibility11. Members preference

C. Work design

1. Autonomy2. Skill variety3. Task identity4. Task significance

D . Process5. Common purpose6. Specific goal 7. Team efficacy8. Conflict level9. Social loafing

Key Roles of Teams

Team Element1. Team Goal2. Productive participation of all members

1. Contributing data & knowledge2. Sharing in decision making process3. Making decision4. Making an imposed decision work.

3. Communication4. Trust5. A sense of belonging6. Diversity7. Creativity & risk taking8. Evaluation9. Change compatibility10. Participatory leadership

Stages in team development1. Forming

• In this stage team members are introduced • forming includes following feelings & behavior• Excitement, anticipation& optimism• Pride in being chosen for project• Suspicion & anxiety about the job

2. Storming• Team member begin to realize the task are that ahead are different & more

difficult then they previously imagined • Resisting the task• Resisting quality improvement approaches suggested by other members• Defensive , competition & choosing sides

3. Norming• During this stage members reconcile competing loyalties & responsibility• They accept the team ,ground rules , roles & individuality of fellow members• Norming include following behavior• Acceptance of membership in the team• An attempt achieve harmony by avoiding conflict.• Establishment & maintaining team ground rules & regulation • Friendliness ,confiding in each other & sharing of personal problem

4. Performing• The team has settled its relationship & expectations.• Team members have discovers & accepted other’s strength &

weakness • constructive self change• Ability to prevent or work through group problem• Close attachment to the team• Team is now an effective ,cohesive unit

5. Transforming• The team is performing so well that members believe. it is the most

successful team they have experienced.

6.Adjourning• many relation formed within these team continue long after the team


7.Ending• The team has complete its mission or purpose & it is time for team


Team building process• Team building is long-term & highly participative process which involve

much more than simply bringing a bunch of people together .• Team building is also needed in teams which currently exist, but they are

not successful in doing thing • Team building process having following steps1. Team assessment:-

– Team member begin by diagnosing the group’s strengths & challenges by using web-based team effective inventory.

– This survey develop baseline for team development

2. Behavioral profile:-– Used to build interpersonal relationship ,by understanding personnel preferences

3. Interactive exercise:-– These activities generate stronger personal bond between team member

4. Skill development:-– Team member skill are developed by coaching session on communication ,

managing conflicts

5. Follow-up process:-– Providing progress report & opportunity to continue on the path to working


Teamwork• Henry Ford quoted teamwork as “coming together is a

beginning ,working together is progress, achieving together is success.”

• Teamwork is about working together to achieve shared goals ,& getting that lovely feeling of shared achievement that comes from success

• Good teamwork create synergy ,where combined effect of the team is greater than sum of individuals efforts.

• As well as enhancing orgenisation performance good teamwork benefits individuals too.

Turning individuals into team player / for effective teamwork 1. Selection of member on the basis of knowledge & skills2. Setting challenges & difficult goals 3. Developing rules of conduct

– Punctuality & regularity– Confidentiality

4. Establish urgency– Team work better under pressure of time

5. Allocating right role to right people– Manager has to understand the strength that each person can bring to a team ,

select member with their strength & allocate work assignment that fit with member.

6. establishing accountability– Every member should clear with his individual responsibility– Some of the member take advantage of the group efforts

7. Developing trust8. Recognition & reward system

– Positive reinforcement can improve team efforts & commitment

Advantage of Teamwork1. Combination of strengths2. Range of opinions3. Divided responsibility4. Team spirit– A good team led to ,creates loyalty in its members

5. Ability to communicate6. Trusting relationship7. Creativity– All members have different skills, knowledge , & personnel

attribute by utilizing

8. Satisfaction9. Speed10. support

Conflict in work team• Conflict arises when individuals come together in work teams their

difference in terms of power ,values & attitudes ,& social factors all contribute to the creation of conflict

• Three majors sources of conflict

1. Barriers of communication can be major sources of understanding. Communication barriers include poor listening skill, insufficient sharing of information

2. Structural disagreement include the size of the orgenisation ,turnover rate, levels of participation ,reward systems

3. Personal factors include thing such as an individuals self-esteem ,their personal goals, values & needs

Source of negative conflict in team1. Administrative procedure2. People resources– If the team does not have enough resources to do the job

3. Schedules– All member should be willing to work together to help

each other meet their deadlines.4. responsibilities-– If no proper assignment responsibility

Benefits of Team1. Economic benefits-

– Lower risk of litigation because they comply with legal duties– Improved return on investment in training & development– Improved customer care relation with client & supplier

2. Management benefits– Reduced staff turnover & intention to leave– Fewer accident– Improved work quality– Improved organizational image & reputation

3. Benefits of team to orgenisation– Collaboration– Communication– Commitment– Accountability

4. Benefits for individuals– People feel more motivated & committed to their work– Morale is high– People work harder& perform better– People are happy in their work– Moral is high

Advantage of Team• Team members have the opportunity to learn from each other

• Potential exists for greater work force flexibility with cross training

• Communication & information exchange may be facilitated & increased

• Interdependent work flow can be enhanced

• potential exits for greater acceptance & understanding of team-made decision new approaches to tasks may be discovered

• Team can foster grater cooperation among team members

• Team commitment may stimulate performance & attendance

Disadvantage Of Team• Some individuals are not compatible with team work

• Some members may experience less motivating job as part of team

• Conflict may develop between team members or other team

• Teams may be time consuming due to need for coordination & compromise

• Less flexibility may be experienced in personal replacement or transfer
