Team 2 Comprehension Lesson Plan Technology UDL



Lesson Plan Team 2

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Instructional Lesson Plan

Interns NameSarah Kugle, Regina Rossi, and Ryan WhiteGrade1st Class Size

22Date / Time

November 11, 2013



Mentor Initials

I. Purpose of the Lesson What will the students learn? How does this learning fit within broader unit goals? Why is this learning meaningful, important and appropriate? What will the students say or do that will serve as evidence of learning?Standard (Use MD State Core Curriculum)

Anchor Standard RL3 CCR Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of text.RL3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

Lesson Objective

Students will be able to identify character traits of the main characters in the story A Tale of Two Sisters

Formative Assessment (planned for use in this lesson)The students will complete a worksheet filling in the character traits of one of the main characters in the story.

II. Instructional Decision-Making What knowledge of students influences my instructional decisions in this lesson? How will my instruction respond in order to remove barriers to learning and/or build on students strengths? Knowledge of Learners Instructional Decisions based on

this knowledge

Knowledge of Age-Level Characteristics

There is a deep need for approval from adults and peers. There is an eagerness to learn and they ask a lot of questions.

Learns best through active participation.

Enjoys fairy tales.

The students will be reassured when they answer questions. The students are provided with several chances to participate and answer questions. The students will enjoy the fairy tale nature of the story that is being read.

Knowledge of Academic Readiness (based on pre-assessment)

All students can tell the meaning of the story based on pictures. 15 of the 22 students can make predictions based on the title, cover, and pictures.

19 of the 22 students can recall basic facts from a book.

The teacher will explain to the students that they should use picture clues to determine what the character traits are in the story. The students will be able to use pictures from the book as a reference when determining the character traits.

Knowledge of Subgroup or Individual Needs (IEP accommodations, ELLs, G/T, other strengths/needs)

Annie has a hearing problem and must have preferential seating. Andrew has visual issues and must have extra time to complete assignments and must have directions repeated. Sean has an IEP that requires extra time to complete work, directions needed to be repeated and needs a checklist to complete tasks.

Annie will be able to sit at the front of the room and in the front row at the carpet so she can hear the instructions and the story. Andrew will be seated towards the front, near the board so he can see more clearly. He will also have written directions on his worksheet. He will also have an audiobook so that he can listen to the story. Sean will be allowed to complete his work at home if he does not finish and he can bring it back the next day. He will be given a laminated sheet that has the directions and as he completes steps he can use a whiteboard marker to check off each task.

Knowledge of Interests and other Motivational Factors They enjoy active participation Enjoy hearing fantasy stories

The students are actively involved in the lesson through answering questions. The students will also enjoy hearing the fantasy story that will be read in the lesson.

Multicultural Considerations / Equity Measures Implications for this Lesson

The book includes winter season/ cold weather details and includes an animal that is native to the cold weather area.

Teacher will explain to the students that in some parts of the world it is very cold and there are different animals that only live in cold weather areas. The teacher will show the students the different animals and different places where there is a cold climate. Show the students a video of the different animals that are seen in the book.

Academic Language Demands Scaffolds to support language

development in this lesson

The students need to understand what a character trait is.

The teacher will refresh the students memories about what a character trait is. The teacher and students come up with examples of character traits found in their own families. The students find character traits of the main characters in the story.

III. Instructional Procedures What instructional strategies and sequence will I use to ensure that every child is a successful learner?Instructional Materials and Technologies

A Tale of Two Sisters by Melissa Lagonegro

Character Trait worksheet

Whiteboard markersCrayons


Computers with internet ability so students can access wordle or tagxedo

Promethian board or smart board

Document camera


Video viewing device

Management Considerations (Procedures, Transitions, Materials, Behavior)

Call students to the rug by table and rowGet the students attention using rhythmic clappingCall on students using the drawing of popsicle sticksHave the students raise their hand if they would like to do the character traits worksheet for Anna and the students who do not have their hands raised will be given an Elsa character traits worksheet.

Instructional SequenceApproximate


Planned Beginning




10min.1. Teacher will call the students to the rug by table.2. Teacher will read objective to the students.

3. Teacher will ask the students what they already know about character traits.

4. Ask students if they have siblings and what character traits their siblings have.

5. Teacher will write the character traits on the board.

Development of the New Learning

(Clearly explain instructional activities in sequence.)(Think I Do, We Do, You Do or Modeling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice)

15min.1. Teacher will pull up the powerpoint/activeinspire that pertains to the lesson. 2. Teacher will take a picture walk through the book A Tale of Two Sisters3. The teacher will have the students discuss what they think the character traits are based on what they see in the pictures.

4. The teacher will read the book to the students.

5. The teacher will tell the students to keep in mind the character traits that are written on the board as they listen to the story.

6. Have a discussion about what character traits the students found in the story.

7. Teacher will circle the traits that the students found in the story that were already listed and list any new traits that the students found while reading.

8. The students will now have a chance to come up to the promethean/smart board and create a comparison and contrast chart.9. Teacher will show the students the worksheet that they will be completing when they get back to their seats.

10. Teacher will model one trait for each worksheet before sending the students to their seats.

11. Teacher will send the students back to their seats by row.

12. Students will complete the character trait worksheet by filling in the silhouette of one of the characters with their character traits.

13. Students will now be given the opportunity to share their work with the class using the document camera.14. The students will now have a chance to go to the computer lab and create a wordle/tagxedo using character traits that describe themselves.

Enrichment or Remediation

(As appropriate to lesson)

If students complete the worksheet early they can color in the silhouette. The students can also use iPads to complete a comparison chart comparing themselves to a friend or family member. For the students that may need assistance the character traits will remain on the board as a reference.

Planned Ending(Closure)


Homework5min.1. Teacher will reread the objective with the class.2. Ask the students if their objective was completed and ask how the objective was achieved.

3. Collect the worksheets and display them on a bulletin board.
