Teaching vocabulary to advanced students reflection


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Teaching vocabulary to advanced students: a Lexical Approach.

In daily life students are seen as individuals who are able to communicate

and express themselves with other people may be through understanding

the words in different situations. However for communicate is not only

necessary to know what types of word is needed to establish a

conversation , but also how to use them appropriately and correctly, in

terms of style, formality, fluency or written etc. The teaching of vocabulary

is a vital part of human communication as a way to bring out an issue and

been capable of be in contact with humans.

The teaching of vocabulary requires a lot of practice, it is not a process

that comes instantly and their expansion involves the developing of some

skills. First of all is necessary to know what kind of words a person could

make up from one single word, and get familiar with its meaning.

However, communication it is also a process that comes from the brain,

so knowing how our brain works it is also a clue which allow people get

use to the idea on how to create effective ways to teach vocabulary, for

example somebody may required hear the word as well as the one who

need to see the word, but that will depend on the tools that are able

straight away.

Consequently, it is valuable to make students agent of their own learning,

been able to identify themselves in their personal way, to figure out what

they do not know it is important, it give them extra credit when they are

using the language. Nonetheless, at the same time they have to learn how

to organize them in order to make possible the ability to associate them

do some recognition, and contextualize them.

Other sources will be needed as they get new vocabulary, and also new

words will be included in their language. For the time being, as much they

can understand how important is the language is good enough, if

someone could understand their language it is easier to communicate

with other. Our point of view of the world comes directly from the hand of

the language.
