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TE. 151553










Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirement to get

Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in Education


TE. 151553








Alhamdulillah God the grace and gifts of thy God, I can finish this thesis. I dedicate

this thesis to:

1. For my father Anuar and my mother Destini who always give prayer, motivation

and suggestion for me over the years. I will try to give the best for you. How this self

wants to see you guys proud of me with the results that I have achieved today.

2. For my little brother and sister Penda Welya and Elti Desriani who have made me

smile, I would like to thank for you my family.

2. For my advisors who have guided my thesis, I would like to thank the infinite on

science that you have given to me.

3. For all of my friends on campus that I can not mention one by one, the moment that

I missed when gathered with all of you in the class.

4. The last for all people who have helped me in writing this thesis. I would like to say

thank you so much. I love you all as always.



“Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you

do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the

people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.” Al-Maidah (2): 67.

Artinya: Hai rasul, sampaikanlah apa yang diturunkan kepadamu dari Tuhanmu. dan

jika tidak kamu kerjakan (apa yang diperintahkan itu, berarti) kamu tidak

menyampaikan amanat-Nya. Allah memelihara kamu dari (gangguan) manusia.

Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang kafir.


Name :Depi Andesih

Study Program : Bahasa Inggris

Title :.Teacher‟s Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension at

Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi

Skripsi ini membahas tentang strategi guru dalam mengajar pemahaman

membaca di Kelas Delapan MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi dan objek pada tahun

kedua di tahun akademik 2018/2019. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif,

penelitian yang menggunakan observasi dan wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data

dan analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi guru dalam mengajar

pemahaman membaca di Kelas 8 MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi sangat berguna

bagi siswa. Guru menggunakan menghafal di mana dalam satu minggu siswa

menghafal sepuluh kosakata karena dalam seminggu mereka memiliki dua pertemuan

dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris, tanya jawab di mana guru menyiapkan pertanyaan

yang berhubungan dengan materi yang akan mereka bahas di kelas; permainan

menebak di mana guru membagi beberapa kelompok. Setelah itu guru berdiri di depan

kelas dan menunjukkan selembar kertas atau kartu yang ada gambar dan berdiskusi di

mana siswa membaca teks dengan diam dan keras. Setelah teks dibacakan, mereka

menjelaskan satu per satu berdasarkan pada kelompok apa teks yang dibicarakan

untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa di kelas dan juga membangun ramah

dengan menggunakan lebih dari satu strategi pengajaran seperti: terjemahan dan

pemahaman, melihat kamus , berlatih dialog dan mendongeng, dan menulis esai

sederhana untuk komunikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Strategi-strategi ini

membantu siswa dalam berpikir cara yang lebih mudah, lebih cepat, dan lebih

menyenangkan untuk menguasai memberikan ide sehingga mereka benar-benar

mendukung peningkatan pemahaman membaca siswa.


Name :Depi Andesih

Study Program : English Department

Title :.Teacher‟s Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension at

Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi

The aim of this study was to investigate teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading

comprehension at Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambiand the object on

the secomd year in the academic year of 2018/2019. This a qualitative research, the

research employing observations and interviews to collect data and data analysis in

this research was descriptive analysis.

The result of the study showed that teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading

comprehension at Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi were very useful

for the students. The teacher used memorizing where in a week the students

memorized ten vocabularies because in a week they have two meeting with English

lesson, question and answer where the teacher prepared the questions which have

relation to the materials they were going to discussed in the class; guessing game

where teacher divides some group. After that the teacher stands in front of the class

and show piece of paper or the card that there is the picture and making discussion

where students read the text by silent and aloud. After the text was read they explained

one by one based on the group what the text talked about to enhance students‟ reading

comprehension in the classroom and also build friendly by using more than one

teaching strategies such as: translation and understanding, looking up at dictionary,

practicing dialogue and storytelling, and writing an simple essay for communication in

daily life. These strategies helped the students in thinking easier, faster, and more

enjoyable ways to master giving the ideas so they really support the students‟ reading

comprehension improvement.


By saying Alhamdulillahirabbil‟alamin all veneration to Allah SWT. The

beneficence and merciful, who has given us the mercy, and blessing and guidance to

complete writing this thesis. Mat peace and solution always be given to our prophet

Muhammad SAW who has given his life moral improvement and to be mercy to


The goal of this thesis is a partial requirements for the undergraduate degree (

S1) in English Education Study Program at The State Islamic University of Sultan

Thaha Sifuddin Jambi which is entitled “Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading

Comprehension at Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi”.

The writer would like to express my sincere gratitide to Dr. Mahmud, MY.,

M.Pdas the first advisor and Dr. Faurina Anastasia, SS., M.Hum as the second advisor

who give me support, guidance for accomplishing this thesis. Then writer also would

like to express many thanks to the following people who provideed me helps in

finishing this thesis, namely :

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as the rector of The State Islamic University of Sultan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Prof. Dr. Su‟aidi, M. A., Ph. D, as first vice rector of The State Islamic

University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd, as the second vice rector of The State Islamic University

of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Dr. Hj. Fadilah, M.Pd, as the third vice rector of The State Islamic University

of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd. I, as the dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Dr. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd as the vice dean of Academic fair of Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of Sultan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Dr. Zawaqi Afdal Jamil, S. Ag, M. Pd. I, as the vice dean of Finance and

administration of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State

Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Dr. Kemas Imron Rosadi,

M. Pd as the vice dean of students‟ Affairs and Cooperative of Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of Sultan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

5. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd, M.Hum as chief of English Education Study

Program of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of

Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. All lecturers at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in The State Islamic

University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who gives knowledge to writer.

7. The administration staff at The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

8. All classmates who give me support and suggestion to finish this thesis. The

writer hopes that this thesis will give contribution to the world of teaching



PAGE OF TITLE .............................................................................................. i

THESIS AGREEMENT ................................................................................... ii

THESIS AGREEMENT ................................................................................... iii

OFFICIAL NOTE ............................................................................................. iv

LETTER OF RATIFICATION ....................................................................... v

ORIGINALITY THESIS STSTEMENT ........................................................ vi

DEDICATION ................................................................................................... vii

MOTTO ............................................................................................................. viii

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. xiii


A. Background of the Study ...................................................................... 1

B. Research Question ................................................................................ 3

C. Purpose of the Study ............................................................................. 3

D. Limitation of the Study ......................................................................... 4

E. Significance of the Study ...................................................................... 4


A. Theoretical Review ............................................................................... 5

1. Teaching Strategies .......................................................................... 5

2. Teacher Strategies in Teaching Reading .......................................... 8

3. Teaching English in Madrasah Tsanawiyah..................................... 14

B. Previous Studies .................................................................................... 16


A. Research Design.................................................................................... 19

B. Setting Description................................................................................ 19

C. Subject of the Research ......................................................................... 20

D. Data and Sources of Data ...................................................................... 20

E. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................... 20

F. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................. 21

G. Research Schedule ................................................................................ 24


A. Research Finding .................................................................................. 25

1. Teacher‟s Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension ............. 25

a) Teacher Used Memorizing .......................................................... 35

b) Teacher Used Question and answer ........................................... 34

c) Teacher Used Guessing game ..................................................... 38

d) TeacherMade discussion ............................................................. 39

B. Discussion ............................................................................................. 47


A. Conclusion ............................................................................................50

B. Suggestion .............................................................................................50





A. Background of the Study

Teaching is the process of teacher in helping students to learn by sharing of

knowledge and experience. It also includes any technique that involves the students in

learning process for their own learning (Halik, 2016, p. 23). Teacher must have many

experiences of active teaching techniques without being aware of students, by asking

questions as a part of normal teacher style. The goal of teaching and learning is to

make students understand the language even spoken and written (Muslaini, 2017, p.

1). It means that teachers need to teach the students which are relevant to the student‟s

current situation and the teachers should find good strategies in teaching in the


Teaching strategy is a teachers‟ plan in teaching and learning process to

achieve a purpose which has been plan (Muslaini, 2017, p. 8). In other word, teaching

strategies are approaches to teach the students. The teachers have to apply the strategy

which is balance between strategies and also materials. One of factors to be successes

in teaching is teaching strategies (Wulandari and Ihsan, 2014, p. 6). It means that

teacher should have understood well four language skills in order that their students

could use the skills to communicate or express their thoughts, feeling, and opinions in

English. One of the vital components of the language in learning language besides

listening, speaking and writing is reading (Nugroho, 2013, p. 24).

Reading is one of the four skills in English that must be mastered by every

student. Rahman (2015, p. 22) said that reading is the ability of an individual

recognizes a visual form to associate the form with the sound or meaning acquired in

the past, and the past experience, understand and interpret its meaning. Mahardinata

(2012, p. 4) stated that reading skill is very important, especially for students who

learning to develop their skill in education and they also can apply in their daily life.

By reading students can get some information to increase their knowledge. Reading is

very important in education world because it provides access to get the information,

knowledge, facilitates life-long learning, and open doors to opportunity (Marlini,

2014, p. 6). It means that Reading is also very important for English students because

reading can enlarge their knowledge, vocabulary, and information.

In effective reading, teachers lead each student in the classroom to become

proficient and successful readers. Effective teachers do not use only one specific

strategies, but implement many strategies and skills to accommodate the needs and

learning styles for each individual student in the classroom. The successful reading

teachers realize that reading can be taught by using a variety of strategies (Kasim and

Wahyuni, 2016, p. 52). It must be modified by the t/eachers depending on the

students‟ needs. Teaching reading is one of language skills learned in MTS to

understand and not only the content of it, but also the pronunciation and intonation.

Reading comprehension is fundamental for English foreign learner in observing new

information and knowledge.

The researcher found that MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi is one of the

favorite schools for the students in Jambi city the reason because MTS Laboratorium

uses K 13 curriculum. This school always makes extracurricular activities such as;

storytelling, reading poetry, drama performance, speech and the activities which make

the students‟ interest is studying English including reading. Moreover, this school has

an activity which called “Environment Exploring Learning‟s Strategy” once in a week,

the teacher holds this activity and this activity is a place for students to learn with

nature and read the interesting materials in environment and also joyful environment.

The students will have opportunities to read and share their ideas. The students always

practice their English from different background and skills based on their knowledge

and experience that is why some students are interesting in learning in this school.

The English teachers provide students to assess their learning styles, strengths

and weaknesses by reading and sharing in group and it can enhance student‟s

motivations to read the texts and enhance their academic performance. The teachers

also help the students to communicate or express their thoughts, feeling, and opinions

in English. Some students are good in reading the texts and also their score in

academic. Some students know how to read and pronoun the words well and they can

get the information and answer the questions easily. It means that the teacher should

have a plan as accurate as possible to get an effective teaching and learning.

Especially, to reach a good development in teaching reading, teacher should create

various teaching strategies to enhance student‟s motivation to understand the texts


Based on the reasons above, the researcher analyzes this thesis entitled

“Teaching Strategy of Reading Comprehension at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS


B. Research Questions

The researcher decided to focus on two relevant questions to address for the

purpose of this study was formulated as follow:

1. What are teaching strategies applied by the teacher in teaching reading

comprehension at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi?

C. Purpose of the Study

Therefore, the purpose of this study was formulated as follow:

1. To find out teaching strategies applied by the teacher in teaching reading

comprehension at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi.

D. Limitation of the Study

In this study, the researcher focuses on teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading

comprehension at eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi.

E. Significance of the Study

In this study, there are two significances of the study, namely;

a. This study is expected to be input in practicing and learning process especially

for knowing the teacher‟s strategy in teaching reading to students‟ eight grade

at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi and give additional information and

knowledge to the readers especially to the students and lectures in English

Department who want to read this paper.

b. The researcher hopes this study can give some suggestion for the teachers in

teaching reading to students‟ eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS


c. The researcher hopes this study will be useful as guidance of reference to the

next researcher in understanding teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading to

students‟ eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi and it can give

contribution to the society.



A. Theoretical Review

1. Teaching Strategies

There are a variety of teaching strategies that teachers can use to improve

student learning. Kimbly and Garmezy in Brown (2000, p. 7) define that teaching

is the activities to show or help someone to learn how to do something, give

instructions, guide in the study of something, provide with the knowledge, causes

to know, understand knowledge and give new knowledge. Harmer (2011, p. 394)

said that teaching strategies refer to methods used to help students learn the desired

course contents and be able to develop achievable goals in the future. Brown

(2000, p. 7) also says that “teaching cannot be defined apart from learning.

Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learners to learn, setting

the conditions for learning”. Meanwhile learning is getting the knowledge or the

acquisition of the knowledge.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded teaching strategies is a way

of making decisions about a course, an individual class, or even an entire

curriculum, beginning with an analysis of key variables in the teaching situation.

Teaching also as helping, facilitating, and giving instructions how to learn and get

something or knowledge. Here the teacher is the subject in doing those because the

teacher has the obligation to help the students getting or acquiring the second

language that is English. So teacher strategies is suitable to find out teacher‟s

strategies in teaching reading comprehension at eight grade at MTS Laboratorium

UIN STS Jambi.

According to Richards and Renandya (2002, p. 16-27), there are ten

teaching principles that may be appropriate in teaching reading that is summarized


a) Lowering Inhibitions

In the classroom, students need some activities to decrease their

difficulties in studying English. Nation and Newton (2009, p. 61) said that

there were many activities that teacher can apply in the classroom, those are,

playing guess and communication games, doing role-replay and skits; sing a

songs, using group work, laughing with the students, having them share fears

in small groups.

b) Encouraging risk-taking

Richards and Renandya (2002, p. 19) say that when students feel afraid

in making mistakes in studying or doing exercises, some efforts can be applied

in the classroom, those are, praising students for making science efforts to try

out language, using fluency exercises where errors are not corrected at that

time, giving outside-of-class assignments to speak or write or to try out the


c) Building students‟ self-confidence

Teacher need to build the students‟ confident in studying English

because self-confident is one of important factor which influents the students‟

success in studying English (Brown and Palincsar, 1984, p. 97). To do that,

teacher should tell students explicitly (verbally and nonverbally) that he or she

do indeed believe in them that their students can do their job. Teacher should

ask them make lists of their strengths of what they know or what they have

accomplished so far in the course.

d) Helping students develop intrinsic motivation

Developing intrinsic motivation can help students to improve their

achievement in studying English. Some efforts that can be done by the teacher

are reminding students explicitly about the rewards for learning English,

describing students that many jobs requires English, playing down the final

examination in favor of helping students to see rewards for themselves beyond

the final exam (Cameron, 2001, p. 21).

e) Promoting cooperative learning

In studying English in the classroom, teacher needs explain that

cooperative learning in the class is more important than competition between

the students. some activities can be done in cooperative learning are directing

students to share their knowledge in a group, asking the students to think of

themselves as a team so that the students who have a good ability in learning

can help the students who do not have it (Richards and Renandya, 2002, p. 21).

f) Encouraging students to use right-brain processing

In studying English, teacher should insist that learning is not only doing

exercises and decide the right and the wrong answer but the teacher also needs

some activities to develop the students‟ creativity in learning English

(Cameron, 2001, p. 21). Some activities which can be done are using movies

and tapes in class, having students read passages rapidly, doing skimming

exercises, doing rapid „free writes‟, doing oral fluency exercises where the

object is to get students to talk or to write a lot without being corrected.

g) Promoting ambiguity tolerance

Making the classroom is enjoyable and comfortable is a good way to

make students feel relax in studying English. Some activities can be done are

encouraging the students to ask you and each other, questioning when they do

not understand something, making your theoretical explanations very simple

and briefly by doing translation into a native language to clarify a word or

meaning (Richards and Renandya, 2002, p. 23).

h) Helping students use their intuition

Making the students not depend to the teacher is a good way to building

their intuition. Some strategies can be done by the teacher are praising the

students for good guesses, doing not always give explanation of errors, letting

a correction suffice and correcting only selected errors (Harmer, 2001, p. 72)

i) Getting students to make their mistakes work for them

Teacher does not need to correct and always explain why the students

make errors in their learning. Asking the students to do self-learning activities

is good way for them (Cameron, 2001, p. 21). Some activities can be done are

recording students‟ oral production and getting them to identify their errors,

letting students catch and correct each other‟s errors, encouraging students to

make lists of their common errors and to work on them on their own.

j) Getting students to set their own goals

Setting the students‟ own goals are good way to improve their study.

The activities are asking them to make list of what they will achieve on their

own particular week, getting students to make specific time commitments at

home to study the language, and giving “extra credit” work (Brown and

Palincsar, 1984, p. 98).

These are the ten principles which can be implemented in the teaching

reading in the classroom. Teacher can select one or two appropriate principles

as the need of the students because the appropriate principle influences the

students‟ achievement. From ten principles above, it will be used to know the

teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading comprehension at eight grade at MTS

Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi

2. Teacher Strategies in Teaching Reading

In teaching English, teacher as the center and facilitator to the students in

the classroom needs to prepare some teaching strategies and principles to teach the

students so that they can understand well what the teacher teach in the classroom.

In teaching reading, the teacher needs some strategies to make the students

comprehend the reading texts. According Brown (2000, p. 306-311), the following

are eight strategies which can be applied in the teaching reading comprehension in

the classroom.

a) Identifying the purpose in reading

By knowing the purpose of what the reader reads, the reader can throw

the unwanted distraction or information. By doing this, students know what

information they want to know in reading the texts (Brown, 2000, p. 306).

b) Using graph emic rules and patterns to aid in bottom up decoding

(especially for the beginning level learners)

At the beginning levels of learning English, one of the difficulties that

students encounter in learning to read is making the correspondences between

spoken and written English. Here teacher also need to teach how to read the

sound words with sort vowel sound such as (bat, leg, wish, etc) and the sound

words with final silent “e” such as (late, time, bite, etc) (Brown, 2000, p. 306).

c) Using efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension

(for intermediate to advanced levels)

In advanced learner, teacher can apply reading fast to reduce time

consuming in reading (Richards and Renandya, 2002, p. 29). Readers do not

need to pronounce every word and do not need to know the meaning of every

word but the comprehension of the text is more important.

d) Skimming the text for the main ideas

Skimming is the one of the most valuable reading strategies for

learners. Skimming consist of quickly running one‟s eyes across a whole text

(such as an essay, article, or chapter) to find out what the text tells about or to

find out the main idea of the text (Harmer, 2001, p. 69). Skimming gives

readers the advantages of being able to guess the purpose of the passage, the

main topic, or massage, and possibly some of the developing or supporting

ideas (Brown, 2000, p. 306).

e) Scanning the text for specific information

Scanning is quickly searching for some particular piece or pieces of

information that the reader needs in reading a text. Scanning exercises may ask

students to look for names or dates, to find a definition of a key concept, or to

list a certain number of supporting details (Brown, 2000, p. 308).

f) Using semantic mapping or clustering

Readers can resume the long string of ideas or events by grouping the

important key of the word they get from the reading (Harmer, 2001, p. 69). The

strategy of semantic mapping, or grouping ideas into meaningful clusters, helps

the reader to remember the contents of the text.

g) Guessing when you are not certain

Learners can use guessing to their advantages to:

(1) guess the meaning of a word,

(2) guess grammatical relationship (e. g., a pronoun reference),

(3) guess a discourse relationship,

(4) infer implied meaning (“between the lines”),

(5) guess about a cultural reference, and

(6) guess content massages (Kader, 2008, p. 108).

Based on Richard and Renandya (2002, p. 274) said that there are

four strategies in teaching reading which can be seen in explanations


I. Memorizing

Memorizing technique is kind of technique that is appropriate to

be used in reading activity which uses short dialogue to be memorized.

This technique is held between pairs in which the students also

memorize their partner‟s line, and each pairs might perform the

dialogue or texts. In addition, to make it clear about this technique, the

writer provides how the technique is applied. It will be stated in some

steps as follows: The teacher asks the students to memorize the words

from the text; The teacher asks the students to read as the example;

After the words from the text has been memorized, teacher ask the

students to perform the words from the text for the rest of the class in

pairs (Richard and Renandya, 2002, p. 274). The technique can be used

for beginner and intermediate levels as long as the teacher provides

suitable topic that will be done by students.

II. Questions

An assortment of questioning tactics exists to enhance reading

comprehension. Depending on how a question is asked. Kurfiss (1988,

p. 4) suggests that the thoughtful use of questions may be the

quintessential activity of an effective teacher. Questions are only as

good as the thought put into them and should go beyond knowledge

level recall. Questions should be designed to promote evaluation and

synthesis of facts and concepts. Asking a student to evaluate when

exercises should be included in a teaching, it is more challenging than

asking a student to define all the time (Facdev. 2001, p. 3). Lower and

Higher-level thinking questions could be start or end with words or

phrases such as, “explain”, “compare”, “why”, “which is a solution to

the problem”, “what is the best” and “why”, and “do you agree or

disagree with this statement?” For example, a student could be asked to

compare the use of Greetings and Leave Taking. Examples of words

that can be used to begin questions to teach reading comprehension in

different levels it called Bloom Taxonomy (Walker, 2003, p. 265).

Category Key Concepts Examples

Knowledge Memorization,


What, when, who, define,

describe, identify, state, show,


Comprehension Explanation,


Conclude, demonstrate,

rephrase, differentiate,

explain, give an example of

Application Solution,


Build, construct, solve, test,

demonstrate, how would you

Analysis Induction, Support your, what


logical order

assumptions, what reasons,

does the evidence support the

conclusion, what behaviors

Synthesis Productive


Think of a way, propose a

plan, develop, suggest,

formulate a solution

Evaluation Judgment,


Choose, evaluate, decide,

defend, what is the most

appropriate, which would you


Another type of questioning technique is Socratic questioning. It

could be used as calling on students who do not have their hands up,

can promote learning by engaging students to think. The Socratic

strategy focuses on clarification. A student‟s answer to a question can

be followed by asking a fellow student to summarize the previous

answer (Walker, 2003, p. 265). Summarizing the information allows the

student to demonstrate whether he or she was listening, had digested the

information, and understood it enough to put it into his or her own

words. Avoiding questions with one set answer allows for different

viewpoints and encourages students to compare problems and

approaches. Asking students to explain how the elementary and junior

high school field experiences are similar and different is an example.

There is no right or wrong answer because the answers depend upon the

individual student‟s experiences.

In addition to using these questioning strategies, it is equally

important to orient the students to this type of classroom interaction.

Teacher should provocative questions and it should be brief and contain

only one or two issues at a time for class reflection (Richard and

Renandya, 2002, p. 274). It is also important to provide deliberate

silence, or „„wait‟‟ time, for students upon asking questions. Waiting at

least 5 seconds allows the students to think and encourages thought.

Teacher must wait even as long as 10 seconds allows the student time to

think about possibilities. If a thought question is asked, time must be

given for the students to think about the answer.

III. Classroom Discussion

Classroom discussion can enhance reading comprehension.

Various techniques are available. Walker (2003, p. 265) states that a

negotiation model in which students were confronted with credible but

antagonistic arguments. Students were challenged to deal with the

tension between the two arguments. This tension is believed to be one

component driving understanding. Controversial issues in education,

such as technology, costumes and human resources, were presented and

discussed. Students responded favorably and, as the class progressed

over time, they reported being more comfortable arguing both sides of

an issue. Students could be assigned to defend the use of a certain


In this activity, students may aim to arrive at a conclusion after a

content-based lesson, share ideas about an event, or find solutions in

their discussion groups. Before the discussion, it is essential that the

purpose of the discussion activity is set by the teacher. One of the

reasons that discussion fail is that students are reluctant to give an

opinion in front of the them, particularly if they cannot think of

anything to say and are not confident of the language they might use to

say it. Many students feel extremely expose in discussion situation.

(Menggo, Ketut, & Made, 2013, p. 31) concluded that the discussion

points are relevant to the purpose, so that students do not spend their

time chatting with each other about irrelevant things. For example,

students can become involved in agree/disagree discussions. In this type

of discussions, the teacher can form groups of students, preferably 4 or

5 in each group, and provide controversial sentences like “people learn

best when they read vs. people learn best when they travel”. Then each

group works on their topic for a given time period, and presents their

opinions to the class.

IV. Game

Game is composed of questions that the content is relevant and it

is designed to examine the students‟ knowledge that is acquired from

the class presentation and team work implementation (Richard and

Renandya, 2002, p. 274). The game is played by the leaders of team and

they represent their own team.

Those micro skills can be used for the teacher as strategies to

overcome the difficulties in the students‟ reading comprehension.

Moreover, the students should encourage themselves to be strong

readers. Strong reading comprehension skills help the students in all the

other subjects and in the personal and professional lives on their future.

From explanation above, it can be known that the researcher used the

theory above to find out the teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading

comprehension at eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi.

3. Teaching English in MTS

Teaching English in MTS has an important role in our education. Tambe

(2015, p. 234) categorizes children in the ages between 12 and 14 year as older

children and between 7 and 8 years as younger children. Thus, students of MTS,

based on their level of ages, are still called as young learners. In line with

Cameroon (2001) and Brown (2001) state that MTS students are in age of

transition, confusion, self-consciousness, growing, and changing bodies and

minds. He also adds that teens are in between childhood and adulthood, and

therefore a very special set of considerations applies to teaching them, as follows:

a) Intellectual capacity adds abstract operational thought around the age of


b) Attention spans are lengthening as a result of intellectual maturation, but

once again, with many diversions present in a teenager‟s life, those

potential attention spans can easily be shortened.

c) Varieties of sensory input are still important, but, again, increasing

capacities of abstraction lessen the essential nature of appealing to all five


d) Factors surrounding ego, self-image, and self-esteem are at their pinnacle.

Teens are ultrasensitive to how others perceive their changing physical and

emotional selves along with their mental capabilities. One of the most

important concerns of the secondary school teacher is to keep self-esteem

high by:

(1) Avoiding embarrassment of students at all costs,

(2) Affirming each person‟s talents and strengths,

(3) Allowing mistakes and other errors to be accepted,

(4) De-emphasizing competition between classmates, and

(5) Encouraging small-group work where risks can be taken more easily by

a teen.

e) Secondary school students are of course becoming increasingly adult like

in their ability to make those occasional diversions from “here and now”

nature of immediate communicative contexts to dwell on a grammar point

or vocabulary item. But as in teaching adults, care must be taken not to

insult them with stilted language or to bore them with overanalyzes.

At MTS, the English teaching and learning process is targeted to

enable students to gain the ability to communicate in daily life context. As

language is a mean of communication, students have to be accustomed to

speak English orally. Their communicative competence has to be

developed through tasks and activities which are carried out during the

teaching and learning process. Considering the fact that the students of

MTS are still young learners, the teacher has to organize the lesson based

on their needs, interest, and characteristics as well. They need enjoyable

activities, which involves body movement, pictures, real objects, during the

teaching and learning process.

B. Previous Studies

In this study, the researcher did the research about the teacher‟s strategies in

teaching reading comprehension at eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi.

There are some previous researchers that have discussed aboutteaching reading

comprehension, they are;

Firstly, the student from English and Literature Department Faculty of

Languages and Arts State University of Medannamed Dessyana Nasution (2017, p. 5)

by journal entitled“The Teachers’ Strategies on Teaching Reading Comprehension

of Recount Text at Grade X of SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat”. This research

discussed about the Teachers‟ Strategies on Teaching Reading Comprehension of

Recount Text at Grade X of SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat. It was conducted by

using qualitative research method. The subjects of this study are two English teachers

at SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat. The two teachers taught at Grade X. They chosen

as the subject which were observed and interviewed. The writer used two instruments,

they were observation and interview. This study found that the teachers at SMA

Negeri 1 Simpang Empat used appropriate strategy in teaching reading comprehension

of recount text and using the media to make the students be motivated and interested

in learning. The teachers guided and managed the students in comprehending the

material. The teachers' reason in using strategies is because the students get difficulties

in comprehending the material if the teachers were used the traditional teaching

strategies. The implementation of the strategy adapted by the teachers with the

material, the indicator, the purpose of learning on the syllabus and curriculumn. All of

the students were active and motivated in teaching and learning process. They were

also brave to share the idea, asked the teacher when they found the problem on

learning the material and answer the question that given by the teacher.

Secondly, the student from English Education Department Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teacher Training The State Institute of Islamic Studies (Iain) Tulungagung named

Tiin Nurlaili (2014, p. 4) by thesis entitled “A Study On Teacher’s Strategies In

Teaching Reading Comprehension in Second Grade of Student’s MTS Tarbiyatul

Ulum Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar Academic Year 2013/2014”.This

research discussed about the teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading comprehension in

second grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar. Research method,

the researcher used descriptive qualitative research consisting of some data in the form

of word, phrase and sentences. It is used to describing something that is known to have

happened in the process of teaching activity. In conducting the research, the researcher

collected data through observation. Then the research interviewed the English teacher

to get more information. The subjects of this research were the English teacher at MTs

Tarbiyatul Ulum Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar. The result showed that teacher‟s

strategies in teaching reading comprehension is use fourth strategy they are:

memorizing strategy, question answer strategy, game and discussion strategy. With

those strategies the students easily understand the text of reading comprehension.

Thirdly, the student from Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta School of

Teacher Training and Education named Muhammad Agung Nugroho (2013, p. 3)by

thesis entitled “A Descriptive Study on Teaching Reading to the First Grade of

SMA Al-Islam 3 Surakarta in 2012/2013 Academic Year by Ums Students on the

Job Training”.This research discussed about the teaching reading implemented by

UMS students and the problem faced by them during teaching-learning process. The

research is a descriptive research. The writer collets the data by observing teaching-

learning process, conducting the interview, and documenting some important data that

support to this research. The data are from interview script, field note, syllabus, text

book, and lesson plan. The methods of collecting data are observation, interview, and

documentation. The techniques of analyzing data are reduction the data, data analysis,

display the data, and conclusion and verification. The result of the research: 1) the

method on teaching reading used by UMS students are GTM and GBA. 2) the goal of

teaching reading is to help the students in understanding the reading material such as

genre text. 3) reading materials that are given to the students are recount text, narrative

text, and procedure text. 4) teaching-learning process is implemented by using three

phase technique: pre-reading, whilst-reading, and post-reading. Two students on the

Job Training use GTM with applying translation, previewing, and repetition in the

classroom activity.

From the preview related research above, most of them analyzed about the

implementation teaching reading comprehension and the same point this research with

them in using qualitative method through observation, interview and also

documentation which were same with the researchers above, but the different this

thesis with them, the researcher analyzed teaching strategies applied by the teacher in

teaching reading comprehension on descriptive text at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS




A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative, becauseit describes the

teacher‟s strategy with the environment exploring learning in teaching reading

comprehension to students‟ eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi in the

academic year of 2018/2019.The researcherselected this method because it conveys a

broader understanding of the teacher and students‟ views on teacher‟s strategies in

teaching reading. The data collected in the form of words as a descriptive explanation

than a number and the result of teacher‟s strategies contains quotations from the

teacher and students‟ views in order to interpret their words (Creswell, 1997, p. 34).

The results of teacher‟s strategies emphasize more toward the data interpretation found

in the field and it is not written in the form of figures and tables with statistical

measures, but it is illustrated in the form of describing words to the teacher‟s strategies

and it is presented in narrative.

Based on explanations above, it can be concluded that descriptive qualitative is

analyzing about descriptive data that is collected in the field, by using descriptive

qualitative the researcher gets the answer about the environment exploring learning‟s

strategy applied by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension to students‟ eight

grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi.

B. Setting Description

This research was carried out at eight grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS

Jambi and it is located in the street of Telanaipura Jambi City. The reason for

conducting this study in teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading comprehension

because English teacher had good knowledge, experience, understanding, style and

interest in teaching reading comprehension at eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN

STS Jambi.

C. Subject of the Research

The subjects of this study is the English teacher and students of eight grade

when the teacher uses the strategies in teaching reading comprehension at MTS

Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi in the academic year of 2018/2019. There are five

classes of eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi such as class A, B, C, D

and E, in this research the researcher only takes class A because the limit of time and

the students always follow the activity “Environment Exploring Learning‟s Strategy”

once in a week than others class and also the students are good in reading the texts and

also their score in academic. Some students know how to read and pronoun the words

well and they can get the information and answer the questions easily.

D. Data and Sources of Data

In this research the researcher takes the data from the teacher‟s strategy

through observations, interviews and documents when the teacher as the subject

applies the strategies in teaching reading and the students as the object in practicing

learning process. The sources of data in this study is teacher as a person who applies

the strategies in teaching reading, student‟s interactions and situations process when

teacher uses the environment exploring learning‟s strategy in teaching reading and

also student‟s note, photos, modules.

E. Technique of Data Collection

This research uses three kinds of technique to collect the data. They are

observations, interviews and documentation. It can be seen in the explanations below:

1. Observation

The researcher uses this technique to observe the teacher‟s strategies in

teaching reading comprehension for class A and also student‟s interactions and

situations process. The researcher comes and sits in the class and writes the

important points that the researcher finds and also uses the observation field to find

out the teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading comprehension at eight grade at

MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi.

2. Interview

The interview is also used to answer the formulation of the study, related to

the objectives of the teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading comprehension. An

unstructured interview is used to collect data and the researcher asks the teacher

and the students of eight grade class A. The researcher starts with a general

guiding question based on formulation and allow the teacher and the students to

talk freely and to avoid misunderstanding the teacher and students will be

interviewer in Indonesia language Later the interview take shape as themes

emerged from the information given by the teacher and students.

3. Documentation

The last technique is documentation. Documentation is used to collect

teacher‟s modules, materials and photos when teacher uses the strategies in

teaching reading comprehension. The researcher will collect the notes, pictures of

the conditions while teaching and learning process. The documentation of their

notes will help the researcher gets additional data.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis. Using

this technique, the researcher collects, arranges and presents the data. The qualitative

method is a kind of research without using any calculation or statistic procedures. The

scheme above is the techniques in analyzing data by;

1. Data Reduction

During the field notes processes, the data gains grow much and complex.

The data need to be reduced. Data reduction means to summarize, to choose the

points, to focus on teacher‟s strategies, in order to find the answer. The researcher

reduces from the whole data collected and gets the more suitable data that would

be analyzed.

2. Presentation

The data are organized and managed for they are able to be understood.

Data presentation enables the researcher to understand the teacher‟s strategies and

the whole situation. Presentation of data gives possibility of taking of conclusion

and taking action. In this study presentation of data is descriptive. Descriptive

means giving description of the teacher‟s strategies in the narrative way. The

researcher was collecting the information from the teacher and students based on

Brown (2000) and Mukhroji (2011) theories about teacher strategies in teaching

reading comprehension and after taking the information then explain the data and

take the conclusion.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion needed to be verified for its credibility. Verification is

some programs to check the researcher‟s carefulness and to the accurate data.

Taking conclusion is only the part of activity in though configuration. The

researcher begins to seek supporting information, then the reduction data,

presentation data, and the last was making conclusion. After reduced and presented

the data, the last step the researcher made the conclusion about teacher‟s strategies

in teaching reading the classroom.

G. Triangulation

Triangulation was a technique that use to examine and check the data validity or

in other word knows like “trustworthiness” with use something other out of data for

check and compare the data are collected (Creswell, 1997, p. 34), triangulation of data

was a technique that was used to compare and check back of time and different

equipment in qualitative research that would be rich through the observations,

interviews or document analysis. Triangulation can be done by;

1. Comparing between the results of observations and the result of interviews.

2. Comparing about people saying in public with what he or she says in private.

3. Comparing between someone‟s opinions in front of public with researcher


4. Comparing the interviews result to the data document that related to the object of

the study.

5. Comparing between observation data and document analysis of the teacher‟s

strategy with the environment exploring learning in teaching reading

comprehension to students‟ eight grade at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi in

the academic year of 2018/2019.

Finally, the result of data reduction, data display, and also the result of

triangulation process were elaborated in the form of words, phrases, and sentences

through a descriptive qualitative. The qualitative descriptive method will be used to

present analysis along with citations of the original sources and a part of analysis


H. Research Schedule

Schedule of the study can be seen in the following table:

NO Activities


May June July August September

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Preparation of


2 Improvement

of proposal

3 Seminar of


4 Improvement

of seminar

5 Research


6 Research


7 Research


8 Scrip arrange

9 Scrip


10 Final report

Note: it can be changed in any times



A. Research Finding

1. Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension

Based on the result of observation and interview to the subjects of the

study, the researcher presented the finding of the study. The data were also taken

from documentation. The following researcher presented the findings of the study,

it can be seen below::

In reducing the difficulty of students in speaking English, I give students

activities namely word guessing games. For that reason, I told them to

make groups. After that each group guesses the word explained by the

student where the student has been shown a word before. Then the students

who were appointed as representatives of each group explained without

mentioning the word. So one student from their group will answer the

word[Refky Wardana].

From the interview above, it tells us that teacher gives a game to the

students. The teacher diveded the students in some groups and shows to the

students a word to guess to the student. Then, one of student frome each groups try

to guess the word. This part presented the research findings which the researcher

found in the field by doing observation and interview. It related to the teacher‟s

strategies in teaching reading comprehension at Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium

UIN STS Jambi. After the researcher investigated the teacher strategies in teaching

reading, finally, the researcher got some data. The results of the research findings

were presented in the descriptions bellow. There were four strategies used by the

teacher in teaching, they were memorizing, question and answer and games

strategies. All the strategies were used by the teacher in teaching reading

comprehension effectively, because with those strategies the students can

understand the material easily, as he said that on (25th March 2019).

There are a number of strategies that I use in teaching reading in class, I do

not focus on one strategy, but by using a number of strategies that I

combine to match those that are based on students' needs in learning. Of

course I have implemented and made a positive impact on students in

improving their reading skills, making it easier to understand texts and also

pronounce words correctly[Refky Wardana].

The teacher believed that in teaching reading comprehension the he needs

to understand his strategies very well, it is used to make students understand and

have fun to the materials that the teacher give. The first strategies when teaching

reading comprehension to encourage students‟ reading comprehension is

memorizing, the teacher gave three or five vocabularies based on the materials that

students learnt. In this strategy the teacher utilizes memorizing strategy on student

for reading comprehension‟s learning. After the activities in the classroom the

teacher asked to students to memorize minimum three vocabularies from text

readings that was taught, student was given a few minutes to memorize

vocabulary. After that, the student asked to memorize vocabularies at each theirs

seat with attendance. As he said that on (25th March 2019) “I told to them to

memorize at least three words from the texts and it will help them”, this strategy

utilizes in order the student easily to understand content of that text‟s reading. This

strategy can help students to understand the reading text. Because after memorize

and know what it means students will easily understand in understanding the text.

The second strategy was question and answer.Teacher utilized question and

answer ‟s strategy on student for reading comprehension‟s learning at the class. In

this strategy which utilized by teacher, the teacher gave problem or question to

student as much 1 until 2 problems at each learning final so the students answer

that the problem. The teacher believed this strategy used to give material to the

student in order the students easy to accept material that gave by teacher. This

strategy was used by the teacher to see if students really understand it with text

they read. If the student can answer the questions they have been understood in

understanding the text, and if they cannot answer the question then the students not


understand with those text. This strategy can help students if students really

answer that question with their own words or with the answer from the text.

The following is field note that researcher got on 25th March 2019. The

field note describes an activity conducted by teacher in providing the students

opportunity to memorize the words and asking the questions. In the second

observation, the researcher observed the Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS

Jambi of A class. In the A class the teacher asked the students to understand the

texts very well, the students allowed to see dictionary if they could not find the

meaning. The students also are asked to memorize the words at least three words,

it is used to enhance their vocabularies, so they can speak English in any time.

Teacher gave the easy questions to the students. It is depending on how a question

is asked to enhance to enhance students‟ reading comprehension, the student may

use various abilities such as interpretation, analysis, and recognition of

assumptions to form a conclusion based the questions (Lai, 2012, p. 6). The

teacher asked to the students to give suggestions about the questions and the

answer must tell about the facts. The teacher could start the level thinking

questions could be start or end with words or phrases such as, „„explain, ‟‟

„„compare, ‟‟ „„why, ‟‟ „„which is a solution to the problem, ‟‟ „„what is the best

and why, ‟‟ and „„do you agree or disagree with this statement?‟‟.

He also used open-ended questions to encourage discussion and active

learning. Students and teacher incorporated questioning into their everyday

discussions with students. He worked on the text book from which the students

read the text and discussed with partner. He explained the texts before, during, and

after the text was read and asking the questions to the students. Generally the

teacher read or asked the students to read the text, he explained what the text

talked about, then the teacher asked to the students to answer the questions related

to the reading text. In that process whenever students found the unfamiliar words,

the students were asked to translate them by asking her or look up in the dictionary

to find out the meaning. Because dictionary was the easiest tool that can solve their

difficulties in finding the meaning of the vocabularies, so they can understand the


He knew that his students have problems in their study or not. He tried to

compare and contrast about anything in the classroom and the book that his

students read. He compared and contrast today‟s English lesson with the last

week‟s about the ideas are endless. Teacher developed the questions that were

going to help students‟ assignments. He helped his students with essential

questions to make sense of the knowledge they were learning. He also used open-

ended questions, with no right or wrong answer, which prompts exploration in

different directions and require synthesis of information. Sometimes the teacher

round that some of students when they discussed about one lesson or topic. If there

were students could not understand the text well the teacher asked them to find out

the meaning in dictionary.

Sometimes he asked the students when they were doing and understanding

the texts. The teacher gave the clue if the students ask about the meaning of

sentences so they can guess the meaning of the sentences. The students looked

enjoyable in doing their activities in the class. Not only giving the clue of the

words, the teacher also asked the students to explore their ideas about the topics

and if the students could not understand to speak in English the teacher asked the

students to write in their paper and then they could speak based on the writing on

the paper. The teacher also asked his students to write on the paper and then the

students spoke based on the texts. When the students could not understand the

words in English, the teacher gave them chance to use dictionary to know the

words, meaning and pronunciation. He was not only asked his students to use

dictionary when they want to find the meaning or sentence, but also when they

learned at home. He asked his students to ask her or their friends when they had

troubles in learning English. So, it could be one of activity to practice their

thinking mastery.

The third strategy is game. The teacher used this strategy in reading

comprehension class. The teacher used picture dictionaries, guessing and filling

the blank game. In this game the teacher divided the students into some group. The

teacher used card or piece of paper that there was a picture. So, the teacher showed

that card in front of the class and all of students saw. Next, the students answer that

picture and spell the words with find the in the dictionary quickly. And the group

who that they had low score the other group will get the punishment. This

punishment was done by the teacher in order the student active. This strategy

helped the students because the students felt enjoy in following this lesson.

The teacher gave the games to the students to make comfortable class

during learning process and in this activity students did not work in groups, but

they make a circle in classroom. They listened the familiar song that had given in

previous meeting. After listening, the students played a game related to the song,

called Roundtable. The fourth strategy was Discussion. Teacher utilized

discussion‟s strategy on reading comprehension‟s learning in the class. Teacher

divided student in little group, and teacher gives the passage to each group with

different title. Teacher asked students for translating the passage reading with each

group. After that the teacher also asked one of student of that group presentation in

front of the class. And the other groups comment the result of presentation. This

strategy can help students because students can share ideas with their friends.

Because in this discussion one group should give ideas in order to get the right


The students working together in the group used to force the students to

communicate orally with friends frequently. Students would work in their groups

if materials from textbooks were used after that they told to other groups about

their finding from the texts. On the other hand, when additional materials were

given to help them understand the reading, students would not work in groups.

However, even though students were not in their groups, students would still

work cooperatively with friends since the seating position in the classroom. The

students would take a place based on the situation. Thus, group would be applied

all the time. Students worked together as a team to not only learn the material but

also help each other to understand the material because it can be learned and

promoted through teamwork. The success of the exercise depends on combining

their work. Every student would have texts and they would have good

communication with all members in the group and they need to practice

communicating in a positive ways.

The teacher would normally start giving the materials to the students. Next,

the students read the story from their textbook and then do the activities given by

the teacher. Sometimes the teacher would ask the students to do workheets, make a

drama, and so forth. When the students were reading and discussing with friends,

the teacher would move around them and visit each group to see their progress and

assist them in learning. The teacher became facilitator and helper. By asking the

students to playing the game, he had word games which were good to use not only

to enhance students reading comprehension, but also to make his students enjoy in

learning process. He asked his students to describe some pictures by using some

word that has been discussed before, while the other students guessed what was to

be described. In testing his students understanding the texts, he did not mention if

he test it, because through her daily teaching he could know how far his students

thinking mastery. It was representing through their students‟ speaking, or writing.

He said that if the students able to answer the question automatically, they

mastered the topic that has been learned.

The third strategy is discussion, the following is field note that researcher

got on 14th

August 2016. The field note describes an activity conducted by teacher

in providing the students opportunity to share and discuss to make a group. In the

third observation, the researcher observed the Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium

UIN STS Jambi of A class. In the A class the teacher discussed the exercises in

module. In discussing the exercises the teacher asked his students by saying “do

you have any question? Or “have you understood?” Those questions were replayed

by the teacher before he continued her teaching. And in this strategy the students

can become involved in agree/disagree discussions. In this type of discussions, the

teacher form groups of students, preferably 4 or 5 in each group, and provide

controversial sentences like “students learn best when they read vs. students learn

best when they travel”. Then each group works on their topic for a given time

period, and presents their opinions in front of the class.

Additionally, teacher asked the students to make dialogue in group based

on the certain texts that have been learned and practice it. Sometimes the teacher

also asked his students to retell the texts. Those activities helped the students to

understand the context of the texts. Because the teacher believed that context was

important as it helped students‟ to understand well the texts. In addition, in order to

make the students have a good retention in thinking, the teacher asked his students

to give their opinions that they have learned and used them in daily life

communication. The subject not only worked on the text books, but also worked

with some literatures that were available online. He asked his students in a group

to find out some texts on internet such as some kind of texts that have been learned

for example descriptive text, recount text, narrative text, etc. After the students

have found some kind of texts, the teacher asked his students to give their ideas

about the texts and discussed them with others group in the class before it was

collected as group assignment. In promoting students to seek both sides of an issue

is pro and con grids. Students created grids with the pros and cons or advantages or

disadvantages of an issue or treatment.

The data related to the teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading

comprehension at Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi were taken

from conducting interview with the subjects and having observation. The

presentation of findings, in this part covers four strategies, they were memorizing,

question and answer, discussion and game strategies. It can be seen below:

a. Teacher Used Memorizing

In this strategy, the teacher gave the texts to the students based on the

students‟ interesting, then he asked the students to memorize three to five

vocabularies and those meaning individually related to the topic that they have

discussion. It is done in the end of lesson. In a week the students memorized

ten vocabularies because in a week they have two meeting with English lesson,

as he said that on (25th March 2019).

I ask them to read the text, but before that they need to understand the

purpose of their reading, they also use skimming, scanning and

guessing the meaning of words when they read, Sometimes I ask them

to read aloud, they read the text. in front of the class and sometimes I

ask them to read on their own. So they can understand information

from the text. I teach them time of the week, at each meeting I ask them

to memorize vocabulary based on the text in class. When they want to

share their memory, they can come to me or their friends that I have

chosen to be a leader. They are interesting because I have tried to do

my best for them [Refky Wardana].

It can be known that, the teacher made good strategies for teaching

reading comprehension in the classroom, because he always asked the students

to read carefully on their texts, sometimes he asked his students to read loud in

front of the class and sometimes focused on their text, it was used to get the in

formations from the text. After the students understand the text, then they

memorized the words if they could not understand the words itself. The teacher

also helped the students to remember vocabulary based on the context. He

explained the words clearly in front of the class, because the words should be

introduced within the context of a story, everyday situation, sport, activity or

any context his students are familiar with. In understanding the texts the

students were asked to use skimming strategy if the texts were explained

before with the teacher. The researcher‟s observation found that the teacher

asked the students to find the topic first and then the students can develop the

texts based on the students‟ experiences, as he said that on (25th March 2019).

By memorizing words in the text students are learning, they will get

additional vocabulary and finally they can speak English well, because

of course I hope they can read and understand the text well so that they

can communicate in English well. I also use a cursory reading strategy

when the topic is easy and has passed, such as traveling, family, or also

about animals[Refky Wardana].

He believed that by using skimming strategy the students can develop

their experiences with the texts that they read, so it will help them to be easy in

understanding and getting the information from the texts. The teacher also

asked the students about the vocabularies that they have memorized, because

repetition should follow at progressively longer intervals. So, to ensure that

students will remember the words you teach them, they must use them again

and again.

After the students understood the texts and answer the questions in the

texts, then the teacher asked the students to find the vocabularies in the texts

and they must memorize those words, the words could be three to five. He also

did not forget to ask his students in general review of words learned in the

previous week and the last he concluded the texts before close the class, as the

students said that on (25th March 2019).

Actually there are not many strategies that you use in teaching us to

read in class, if I am more interested when you are not angry and

comfortable learning, you always pay attention to all the friends in the

class [Dimas] You give praise and appreciation in learning, like

chocolate and so on, so we follow our words well. By memorizing the

words that have been discussed, we find it easy to understand the text.

Baoak also allows us to use skimming or scanning, depending on the

interesting thing[Novita].

It means that, teacher should make the students loved her in learning

in the class, so the students will follow teacher‟s attention. He also allowed the

students to use skimming or scanning the texts depend on their interest,

because he believed that if the students have many vocabularies in their mind,

they will easy to understand the texts. In every meeting the students should

memorize five vocabularies and those meaning. They memorize the vocabulary

from reading passage that they have done. In a week, the students have ten

vocabularies to memorize, because in a week only twice meeting. The trick

used to memorize call by teacher directly one by one.

These strategies help the teacher in teaching reading comprehension in

the class. Because with memorize the words that the teacher gave, the student

always remember what already the teacher to give them. Although maybe

available one forgets, but students tries to remember it back. The words that

was memorize by the students, teacher took from reading passage that already

work together sometimes also from the teacher‟s utterance. The teacher did

this, in order the students if they found the words that have not known they will

not be lazy to memorize it and it also help the teacher in process teaching and

learning which is if there is difficult word the students will not always ask to

the teacher.

b. Teacher Used Question and answer

In this strategy, the teacher gave to the students more than one

questions. So the students answer that question. The questions were about the

lesson that they want to discuss of they had discussed. It was done by the

teacher to know students understand or not understand about the materials. It

was done in final learning with the teacher point one of student to answer that

question. And they answer it by sits in chair each, as he said that on (25th

March 2019).

The strategy that I use is related to the material that we will discuss in

class, from the questions of course related to their skills, they will more

easily understand the material to be discussed, but I also prepare

questions that also correspond to the material they have

discussed[Refky Wardana].

These strategies help the teacher in teaching reading comprehension.

With this strategy the teacher able to know how far their students understand

what he had given to them. And in this stage the students were not only read

the passage but also really understand what the content of the content. In this

strategy, the teacher also prepared well for the class. He composed specific

questions that he would ask to her students. That was used to make the learning

process run well, he also anticipate the answer if the students would ask her

about the previous lesson. It helped the teacher to increase student participation

and encourage active learning. When teacher asked questions in the classroom,

he was modeling a process that students can and should use themselves.

Teacher encouraged his students to use the following questioning and

strategies. It was used to assess what they have learned, to develop their

reading skills and to study for exams. The teacher used the questions to make

students practice some skills, as well as communicate to them the facts, ideas,

and ways of understanding the texts that were important to their learning in his

class, as he said that on (25th March 2019).

Of course, all things must be well prepared, I also read a lot of books

related to student needs. I have to make some questions to help my

students improve their reading, they can learn how to communicate

among themselves about facts, ideas from the texts and also how to

give their ideas about the topics they studied at that time, because It is

important to make our students active and they know how to solve

cases [Refky Wardana].

It means that, teacher should make the goal by asking students to

explain why they answered the way they did. The teacher did not ask more

than one question at once because students often did not respond. It because

they were unsure which question the teacher wanted them to answer. Asking

questions throughout the class would not only make the class more interactive,

but also helped teacher measure and improve student learning. The teacher said

he would not ask the students if he only had two or three minutes before the

time was up, “I will not ask my students in the end of the class about the topic

if I have not enough time. Thus, at least twenty minute before the end of time I

will ask them. It is to make me easy to give the suggestion about their

questions”. In doing this strategy to enhance students‟ reading comprehension,

the teacher would wait the students to answer her question. He waited for

students to analyze and formulate responses for 5-10 seconds. It would

increase the number of students who volunteer to answer if students did not

volunteer before 5 seconds have passed.

This strategy can make students felt easy to understand and get the

information from the texts, the students can use their experiences related to the

topics that the teacher gave. The teacher always make interaction to the

students to build students motivation and the teacher always respect and give

chance to all of the students. Teacher would repeat the questions to listen their

answer about the questions. The teacher also did not interrupt students’

answers because he thought he knew what the student was going to say. So,

the teacher let the students to thing about the answer from the questions. He

showed that he was interested in students’ answers, whether right or

wrong. By using facial expressions that show he was listening and engaged.

He did not look down at her notes while student was speaking if there was a

student gave an incorrect or weak answer. He pointed out what was

incorrect or weak about the answer, but also he asked the student a

follow-up question. That would lead that student, and the class, to the

correct or stronger answer as the students said that on (25th March 2019).

We are asked to understand their reading texts in the right way, you

always use the question as a beginning before the beginning of learning

or before giving the text to learn. Every student in the class will have

the opportunity to give their views on the text that will be discussed

[Yessi]. Indeed there are some friends who can not answer properly.

You keep asking us to practice using analysis and available knowledge


It means that the teacher wrote the notes from the student‟s answer

overlooks. The most important conclusion of the study they were discussing,

then he asked that same student to try to recall what that conclusion was. If he

or he did not recall the conclusion, teacher asked by using these questions to

the class (Appendix II). Questions should be designed to promote evaluation

and synthesis of facts and concepts. Asking a student to evaluate when

exercises should be included in a teaching, it is more challenging than asking a

student to define all the time. Lower and Higher-level thinking questions could

be start or end with words or phrases such as, „„explain, ‟‟ „„compare, ‟‟ „„why,

‟‟ „„which is a solution to the problem, ‟‟ „„what is the best and why, ‟‟ and

„„do you agree or disagree with this statement?‟‟

In some occasions, the teacher asked the students to look up at

dictionary if they could not understand the meaning of the texts. It was done by

the teacher to help the students become independent learner. This activity

could be done by the students not only at school but also at home when they

found the difficult words. If the students found some difficult word, the teacher

asked the students to look up dictionary. They were supposed to translate some

words by themselves in most cases with the help of dictionaries as he said that

on (25th March 2019).

During the learning process in class, if there are some problems that

can be solved well at that time, for example when students make a fuss

with their friends behind them, I can ask or order them to move to

another seat. I also asked some students to open the dictionary when

they could not understand the meaning of the words of the text I gave

them. They can do it themselves or they can work with friends if they

don't carry a dictionary. I gave them an explanation of how to use a

dictionary too[Refky Wardana].

At first; the teacher gave instruction about how the students used what

they found in a dictionary so they could transfer meaning they found into

something useful. Students might be confused by different meanings for the

same word, but later they would accustom to do it by themselves. From those

ways, the students knew the meaning, spelling, and pronunciation from the

vocabulary. As subject stated, “By asking me or their friends and looking up at

dictionary, the students could easily learn vocabularies”. After the students can

understand the words in the texts it will make them easy to get the information

from the texts itself. The students also were asked to answer the questions in

the texts itself.

Sometimes, the teacher gave additional materials beside the stories

from the textbooks. The teachers presented the short story in the LCD projector

so all students could read it. One student was in charge of reading and others

were reading silently too while listening to their friends. The teachers asked

other students to retell the story in their own words in order to check their

comprehension. This activity integrated reading, listening, and speaking. In

addition, when retelling the story, the student needed to employ their

vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar at the same time to produce correct

and understandable discourse as he said that on (25th March 2019).

I also often add a few short texts or pictures that have some knowledge

in it, how to be a good person and also by showing some successful

people if they have a diligent life, this is intended to build student

motivation to continue learning. In addition, I also ask them to read the

text that I put on the LCD, so that all students focus on the LCD and

they will one by one have the opportunity to read and explain the

meaning of the text and images on the LCD [Refky Wardana].

The teachers then asked more evaluation questions to the students, like

the moral message of the story according to the student. The teachers also

asked knowledge questions to check students‟ background knowledge, such as

“why the pronoun he in present tense the verb must be followed by s/es”.

Students tried to guess the answers, but at the end, the teachers told them the

correct one.

c. Teacher Used Guessing game

Usually the students are happy with this activity because it is conducted

with students in group. For example, the teacher in front the class showing the

card that there is a picture and the students finding the answer what is the

picture. And if the students did not know the English language and the spelling

the student can open the dictionary. And they must answer that picture quickly.

Game is conducted with the students in group. The teacher divides some group.

After that the teacher stands in front of the class and show piece of paper or the

card that there is the picture. So the students answer what is the picture and

how to spell it done quickly. If the students do not know the English language

about that picture the students can open the dictionary. And who group have

low score will get the punishment. This punishment done in order the students‟

active as he said that on (25th March 2019).

I also use games to make students happy and eager to learn in class.

They will be divided into two groups, then I show pictures of an object,

and then students from one group will answer the words in English, but

if they cannot answer they will be given the opportunity to other

groups. I also added a guessing presentation, students will go from one

of the group representatives, he will explain sign language or other

information that approaches the word, so friends in his group will

answer and if they cannot answer it will be given an opportunity to

another group[Refky Wardana].

The teacher had word guessing which were good to use not only to

teach students‟ reading comprehension, but also to make his students enjoy in

learning process. He asked his students to describe some pictures by using

some word that has been discussed before, while the other students guessed

what was to be described. In testing his students understanding he did not

mention if he test it, because through her daily teaching he could know how far

his students thinking mastery.

d. Teacher Made discussion

The third strategy was discussion, they worked on the text book from

which the students read the text and discussed with partner. He explained the

texts before, during, and after the text was read. The students to read the text

and they explained what the text talked about, then their friends asked answer

the questions related to the reading text. In that process whenever students

found the unfamiliar words, the students were asked to translate them by asked

her or look up in the dictionary to find out the meaning. Because dictionary

was the easiest tool that can solve their difficulties in finding the meaning of

the vocabularies, so they can understand the texts as the students said that on

(25th March 2019).

"Before starting learning, the importance of delivering the material

first. More effective because it will not create confusion when asked

about its understanding of the material to be studied. After we read the

material that we decided earlier, we discussed it on the topic itself, we

looked for strengths and weaknesses of the material we read. We will

give each other the opportunity to give their opinion about the material

we read. "[Yannti]. The need for division of members to exchange

ideas with each other, who knows by exchanging ideas makes it easier

for us to understand what is explained. We always discuss every text or

material what we learn, if it is not discussed there will be nothing for

that we sit together to discuss it with mutual respect for each


It means that they need to discuss the materials in every meeting. They

would respect each other to listen and give the questions about the materials.

Sometimes they tried to compare and contrast about anything in the classroom

and the book that they read. They compared and contrast today‟s English

lesson with the last week‟s about the ideas are endless. They can develop the

questions that were going to help students‟ assignments. They helped each

other with essential questions to make sense of the knowledge they were

learning. They also gave problem or question to each other as much 1 until 2

problems each learning final so they can answer that the problem. They

believed this strategy used to give material to the them in order easy to accept

material that gave by that day. This strategy was used by the students to see if

they really understand it with text they read. If the student can answer the

questions they have been understood in understanding the text, and if they

cannot answer the question then the students not understand with those text.

This strategy can help students if students really answer that question with their

own words or with the answer from the text.

The major strategy in learning reading comprehension was discussion.

The students read the story based on the lesson at that day, because the

students loved on the text book from which they read the text. In reading text

automatically the students read and understand the text. Generally, the teacher

read or asked the students to read the text. There were various types of text

such as notice, narrative, and recount. They explained each other about the

words before, during, and after the text was read as the students said that on

(25th March 2019).

"... Discussion is a very appropriate step to solve complex problems.

Ideas that are solved together make it easy to solve a complex problem

with together. We must continue to discuss time before reading, while

reading and also after reading the text, so we continue to discuss from

the text we read, we also often ask questions from the text we read, if

there are friends who can't answer, sometimes we play face scribbles

using baby powder [Azizah]. "Frequently creating discussion groups

will make it easier for us to share good ideas and of course the problem

will be resolved quickly. I keep on discussing, so from our discussion

we got a lot of new knowledge, so we found out who really read the

text and sometimes those who were too lazy to get caught, and that's

where we really wanted to learn so there was motivated diligently.


Before reading, students were unknown story in the text. In this case,

the students had a preparation about what kinds of the text that was learnt. It

was easy stories used there, and decided which story was new, difficult to

understand the story and presented them before reading activity. During

reading, sometimes the students read text by silent and aloud the text. After the

text was read, they explained what the text talked about. He discussed the new

information, and then asked the students to answer the questions related to the

reading text. Through this activity, from this activity will make the students‟

thinking mastery could increase, because the students found a lot of events in

the story that they had never known before.

According to the subject, the students needed to know the meaning of

the texts well. It was used to understand the story because the texts in English

language, so the students could work in group to find the meaning of the texts,

then the students could read and tell the story or give their opinion from the

text. Sometimes they used two languages when they wanted to explain the

story in learning process. For example, the student used Indonesian language in

explaining the story. The following is field note that researcher got during the

observation (29th April 2019) that gave illustration that the teachers used

Indonesian language in explaining the story in learning. “the students read and

understand the text in their group. It was started from the first group than

continued to another group. The students discussed and explained the story

from the text by speaking it in Indonesia” From the illustration it can be known

that in explaining the story, they used Indonesian language. The understanding

the texts were done when the students worked in group. They discussed with

their friends and do the exercises on the text book or module. Firstly the

teacher asked the students to read and tell the story in front of the class. It was

used to know their understanding of the text as well as the students said that on

(25th March 2019).

"Usually we discuss together and can discuss many things that we will

discuss, of course with this frequent discussion many ideas come out.

Where we usually discuss it can be anywhere. But we often We discuss

in class and outside the class with pleasure, because the topics we

discuss are always interesting, starting from the latest news and also

about global issues, but of course with positive things. "[Aisha]. "When

we have discussions we don't always solve complicated problems

seriously. We also take small discussions sometimes, joking too, so that

the atmosphere is too serious and not playing too. That discussion is

what we like the most, because there are funny, funny, especially if

there is a friend who does not master the material, so he got confused ".


From that statement, it can be seen that the other useful way to enhance

their reading comprehension by practicing discussion, conversation or debate.

The student firstly read dialogues and stories so that other students should

listen carefully to get an idea what the text was about and provides short

information of the story. Secondly, listening was done after the text was read

and students listen and read consequently. After that they should be able to

provide more detailed information. Since the students had different experiences

of proficiency, the topics given to them were news issues which can be seen

the current actual issue in society. The students would work in team to practice

debate. Sometimes the team in agree or disagree towards a motion, the reason

must lie on a strong ground that could cover the whole argumentation. Theme

line was the underlying reason which answers the big question “why” one side

of the house supports or opposes a motion. Theme line was what a team needs

to proof, it is also the main reason why a team attacks the opponent‟s case.

(Observation on January 16th

2018). This strategy used by the students like a

battle of argument, in which each team stands on their position, attacks the

opposite and defends their own case by using logical thinking. To win in

debate, the team was not only needed to build a strong case but they also have

to attack their opponent‟s arguments and provide strong defense from any

attacks. That was why rebuttal was one of the key to get the crown of victory

as the students said that on (25th March 2019).

"Certainly in discussions we have rules in conveying ideas or ideas that

we will express. In discussions we respect each other, and also requires

compact group work to avoid mistakes, in this discussion we are

sometimes divided into groups and also sometimes each of them, it's

better if I think it's a group, because it can help other friends and can

argue according to each other's understanding and be fun. [Shafa]. "...

Usually the text can be one by one, after that we will read the text first,

sometimes there are some who have explained the description of the

contents of the text to be discussed, so that it will facilitate us in doing

it. In addition, we also discuss with friends who are there, sometimes if

a friend who can not explain properly it will get scribbles in his face,

using the game will add excitement in the discussion. ".[Parel]

It means that by working in team the students might be got new

knowledge. It was not easy for the students since the students could not prepare

the topic. The students needed to prepare form many references or sources to

support their arguments. Besides, prepare materials also meant prepare team

stands on their position, attacks the opposite and defends their own case by

using logical thinking, this kind of strategies was a useful invention for

promoting all students‟ understanding. Sometimes this strategy applied in

classroom and outside classroom, so the students can feel enjoy and fun as he

said that on (25th March 2019).

"The formation of discussion groups certainly has its own benefits.

there are so many benefits to get when discussing it. Discussion groups

are very good for students, because they will train themselves to give

their opinions and also make comments on the material delivered by

their friends. By giving each other input it will establish good

cooperation and also the addition of knowledge. For this reason, they

will be more motivated to learn when they take part in group

discussions. And do not forget to give motivations to students. With the

encouragement of motivation will make students more active in

following the lessons and also more independent. " [Refky Wardana].

From the explanation above, it can be known that group decision gives

chance to students do discuss a topic to a targeted group of people where the

individuals collectively decide their opinions. As a group has a lot of members

and they as individuals come from different backgrounds so ultimately they

have unique and different ideas and opinions regarding the matter at the hand.

All the ideas may be as unique and better in comparison to the individual

decision making. The active members may or may not be the expert in that

particular topic but their opinion still matters because of the participation and

dedication shown. It is important that the members in the group should have an

understanding nature because all members have to accept the decision no

matter what the quality may be as the decision affects in the favor of the group

as a whole. Acceptance of the suggestion and opinions bring motivation and

eagerness of the participation within the group, thus generates quality decision.

From making discussion, it helps in removing the barrier of monopoly

in the decision making process. At times if a decision is made by a single

individual it is unreliable in nature. Hence with the help of having a collective

idea chosen the factor of unreliability is removed. A decision by a single

person can be partial in nature and mainly works in his favor so collective

decision making is important because it can favor all the people in the

organization. Active participation from all the individuals of the group helps in

building the morale of the team and builds a healthy and coordinative

relationship among the members of the team of the particular group. As this

happens the members develop certain skills pertaining to the decision making

process which benefits the group members and the group as a whole. It means

that making discussion is a process where a large number of ideas are put forth

in front of the group and a decision needs to be made which will come in favor

of both the individual and the firm. For this verdict to be decided, voting is

used to come to a common outcome acceptable by all the members. One

member is given one vote and the opinion which receives the most votes is

chosen as it is in favor of the functioning and working of the firm leading to its


The activity of the discussion regarding attention based on the

observation are; listening to the videos in LCD about the topic or new issues

and the then, is the conscious thinking of some events in the videos. The

activity based on the listening activity such as; focusing to the information and

check the place and also focusing on new vocabularies (taking note in every

new words, phrases or quotations). It means the recognition of a general rule.

The activities of the debate regarding the understanding about the topics, every

student got chance to re-tell the story chronologically or information. So the

teacher pointed one student to re-tell and it will be continue by all students.

The students divided into two teams and each team there were three or five

students it depended the number of the students. Moreover, students should

contribute ideas and make note the ideas. Once one student had offered an

idea, ask if any other students have a view on the matter. It was important to

remember that there were no right or wrong answers: encouraging students to

express an opinion and encouraging discussion is the most important thing.

Furthermore, the activity benefits to increasing understanding about topic and

speaking ability.

The following is field note that researcher got on 12th

March 2018. The

observation describes an activity conducted by students in providing the

opportunity to share and discuss to make a group. The students made dialogue

in group based on the certain texts that have been learned and practice it.

Sometimes they retell the texts that they have read. Those activities helped the

students to understand the context of the texts. Because the context was

important as it helped students to understand well the texts. In addition, in

order to make the students have a good retention in thinking, the students can

give their opinions that they have learned and used them in daily life

communication. The subjects not only worked on the text books, but also

worked with some literatures that were available online.

They also make making discussion and active learning with fun. They

can incorporate questioning into their everyday discussions with each other.

They worked on the text book from which they read the text and discussed

with partner. Sometimes one of them will explain the texts before, during, and

after the text was read and asking the questions to their friends. They can ask

their friends when they were doing and understanding the texts. Their friends

gave the clue if the students ask about the meaning of sentences so they can

guess the meaning of the sentences. The students looked enjoyable in doing

their activities in the class. Not only giving the clue of the words, the students

also asked each other to explore their ideas about the topics and if the students

could not understand to speak in English they can write in their paper and then

they could speak based on the writing on the paper. They can use dictionary to

know the words, meaning and pronunciation. So, it could be one of activity to

practice their thinking mastery.

When additional materials were given to help them understand the

reading, students would not work in groups. However, even though students

were not in their groups, students would still work cooperatively with friends

since the seating position in the classroom. The students would take a place

based on the situation. Thus, group would be applied all the time. Students

worked together as a team to not only learn the material but also help each

other to understand the material because it can be learned and promoted

through teamwork. The success of the exercise depends on combining their

work. Every student would have texts and they would have good

communication with all members in the group and they need to practice

communicating in a positive ways.

B. Discussion

This part presents the discussion of the research findings. There was one

research question proposed in this study. This research focused on the teacher‟s

strategies in teaching reading comprehension at Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN

STS Jambi. In attempt to make the teaching and learning process successful, especially

in teaching student‟s reading comprehension, the teacher should consider some

factors, there were two factors, which are: (1) Individual factors such as students‟

ability to use the concept map, students‟ motivation about topics discussed in the

online group discussions, and individual learning style and (2) Group factors consisted

of a combination of students‟ learning styles in a group and group roles facilitator and

summarizer. In this case, the teacher of Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS

Jambi considered that factors, one of them was by considering the strategies he

employed to teach the reading comprehension. In employing the strategies in teaching

reading comprehension, she also taught based on the principle of reading

comprehension (Richard and Renandya, 2002, p. 274).

From the research finding, the teaching strategies employed by teacher in

enhancing student‟s reading comprehension were so various. The first strategy was

memorizing in a week the students memorized ten vocabularies because in a week

they have two meeting with English lesson. The teacher always asked the students to

read carefully on their texts and then they will memorize the words if they could not

understand the words itself. The teacher also helped the students to remember

vocabulary based on the context. She explained the words clearly in front of the class,

because the words should be introduced within the context of a story, everyday

situation, sport, activity or any context her students are familiar with.

The second strategy was question and answer,the teacher prepared the

questions which have relation to the materials they were going to discussed in the class

and she also did well for the class from the times and help sessions, compose specific

questions that she would ask to her students it was used to make the learning process

run well, she also anticipate the answer if the students would ask her about the

previous lesson. Kurfiss (1988, p. 4) suggests that the thoughtful use of questions may

be the quintessential activity of an effective teacher. Questions were only as good as

the thought put into them and should go beyond knowledge level recall. The teacher

gave additional materials beside the stories from the textbooks. The teachers presented

the short story in the LCD projector so all students could read it. The teachers asked

other students to retell the story in their own words in order to check their

comprehension. This activity integrated reading, listening, and speaking. In addition,

when retelling the story, the student needed to employ their vocabulary, pronunciation,

and grammar at the same time to produce correct and understandable discourse.

The third strategy was guessing game, in this helped the teacher in teaching

reading comprehension class. The teacher divides some group. After that the teacher

stands in front of the class and show piece of paper or the card that there is the picture.

So the students answer what is the picture and how to spell it done quickly. The

teacher With these strategies the student feel enjoy to join the class. The teacher can

include the material without the students know. Guessing game can help him in

teaching and learning process because in this learning without student realize the

teachers can include materials into guessing game. Guessing game was used by the

teacher to interest student anxiety in learning reading comprehension. Teacher also

added short paper to understand the students‟ reading comprehension and also to build

students‟ writing, because short paper was one of seven types in writing assignments

(Smith, 2012, p. 6). Researcher found that in writing assignment‟s strategy teacher

gave Free Writing in 5 to 10 minutes to the student, where they can write anything that

comes to mind which is On or Off topic, make planning, teachers made planning to

make students‟ writing could get focused and keep them on track. The results of the

present study are related with the results of (Mahardinata, 2012; Nugroho, 2013;

Haryanto, 2011).

Another strategy was group discussion, in this strategy the students had made

preparation about what kinds of the text that was going to learn; easy stories used

there, and decided which story were new and presented them before reading activity.

During reading, sometimes students read the text by silent and aloud. After the text

was read they explained one by one based on the group what the text talked about,

discussed the new information, and then asked the students to answer the questions

related to the reading text. Through this activity, the students can get new knowledge

and also information because the students found a lot of events in the story that they

had never known before (Richard and Renandya, 2002.274). Sometimes, the students

also would work in team to practice the debate. Sometimes the team in agree or

disagree towards a motion, the reason must lie on a strong ground that could cover the

whole argumentation. Theme line was the underlying reason which answers the big

question “why” one side of the house supports or opposes a motion. To win in debate,

the team was not only needed to build a strong case but they also have to attack their

opponent‟s arguments and provide strong defense from any attacks.



A. Conclusion

The finding indicated that the teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading

comprehension at Eight Grade MTS Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi were very useful

for the students. 1) Teacher used memorizing where in a week the students memorized

ten vocabularies because in a week they have two meeting with English lesson; 2)

Teacher used question and answer where the teacher prepared the questions which

have relation to the materials they were going to discussed in the class; 3) Teacher

used guessing game where teacher divides some group. After that the teacher stands in

front of the class and show piece of paper or the card that there is the picture; 4)

Teacher made discussion where students read the text by silent and aloud. After the

text was read they explained one by one based on the group what the text talked about

to enhance students‟ reading comprehension in the classroom and also build friendly

by using more than one teaching strategies such as: translation and understanding,

looking up at dictionary, practicing dialogue and storytelling, and writing an simple

essay for communication in daily life. These strategies helped the students in thinking

easier, faster, and more enjoyable ways to master giving the ideas so they really

support the students‟ reading comprehension improvement.

B. Suggestion

The researcher suggested English teacher can consider the strategy in teaching

students‟ reading comprehension was very important for the students because they had

to express their opinions. The students could still find a space to speak English more

often without having to worry about anything and with the right guidance from the

teacher. The researcher believed that if the students would follow the teachers‟

strategies, they would enhance their adding comprehension, even though it is not fully

fulfilled, this could bring students into positive results on their adding comprehension.

For the future researchers that are interested in conducting the other research but

still in the same scope, the researcher hopes that the other researchers could conduct

the other teacher‟s strategy to help students in speaking skills, writing skills and

listening skills. In additional, because this research only focuses on the teacher‟s

strategy teaching students‟ reading comprehension, the researcher hopes the future

researchers to investigate the solving strategies in other skills like in writing, listening

or reading. Last, hopefully this research could be a good guide which had reach

information for the further researches about the teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading



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List of Interviews Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading at MTS

Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi

1. What are the purposes of teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading?

2. What are the objects of teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading?

3. What are kinds of strategies in enhancing student‟s motivation?

4. What are kinds of strategies in teaching reading at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS


5. How do these strategies enhance student‟s reading comprehension?

6. Why does teacher use these strategies in teaching reading?

7. What kinds of materials that teacher used?

8. What are the problems that the teacher finds in the classroom?


List of Interviews Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading at MTS

Laboratorium UIN STS Jambi

1. What are the purposes of teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading?

In reducing the difficulty of students in speaking English, I give students activities

namely word guessing games. For that reason, I told them to make groups. After

that each group guesses the word explained by the student where the student has

been shown a word before. Then the students who were appointed as

representatives of each group explained without mentioning the word. So one

student from their group will answer the word. There are a number of strategies

that I use in teaching reading in class, I do not focus on one strategy, but by using a

number of strategies that I combine to match those that are based on students'

needs in learning. Of course I have implemented and made a positive impact on

students in improving their reading skills, making it easier to understand texts and

also pronounce words correctly

2. What are the objects of teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading?

I ask them to read the text, but before that they need to understand the purpose of

their reading, they also use skimming, scanning and guessing the meaning of

words when they read, Sometimes I ask them to read aloud, they read the text. in

front of the class and sometimes I ask them to read on their own. So they can

understand information from the text. I teach them time of the week, at each

meeting I ask them to memorize vocabulary based on the text in class. When they

want to share their memory, they can come to me or their friends that I have

chosen to be a leader. They are interesting because I have tried to do my best for


3. What are kinds of strategies in enhancing student‟s motivation?

By memorizing words in the text students are learning, they will get additional

vocabulary and finally they can speak English well, because of course I hope they

can read and understand the text well so that they can communicate in English

well. I also use a cursory reading strategy when the topic is easy and has passed,

such as traveling, family, or also about animals

4. What are kinds of strategies in teaching reading at MTS Laboratorium UIN STS


Actually there are not many strategies that you use in teaching us to read in

class, if I am more interested when you are not angry and comfortable learning,

you always pay attention to all the friends in the class [Dimas] You give praise

and appreciation in learning, like chocolate and so on, so we follow our words

well. By memorizing the words that have been discussed, we find it easy to

understand the text. Baoak also allows us to use skimming or scanning,

depending on the interesting thing

Discussion is a very appropriate step to solve complex problems. Ideas that are

solved together make it easy to solve a complex problem with together. We

must continue to discuss time before reading, while reading and also after

reading the text, so we continue to discuss from the text we read, we also often

ask questions from the text we read, if there are friends who can't answer,

sometimes we play face scribbles using baby powder [Azizah]. "Frequently

creating discussion groups will make it easier for us to share good ideas and of

course the problem will be resolved quickly. I keep on discussing, so from our

discussion we got a lot of new knowledge, so we found out who really read the

text and sometimes those who were too lazy to get caught, and that's where we

really wanted to learn so there was motivated diligently. "[Efendi]

5. How do these strategies enhance student‟s reading comprehension?

The strategy that I use is related to the material that we will discuss in class, from

the questions of course related to their skills, they will more easily understand the

material to be discussed, but I also prepare questions that also correspond to the

material they have discussed

"Usually we discuss together and can discuss many things that we will discuss, of

course with this frequent discussion many ideas come out. Where we usually

discuss it can be anywhere. But we often We discuss in class and outside the class

with pleasure, because the topics we discuss are always interesting, starting from

the latest news and also about global issues, but of course with positive things.

"[Aisha]. "When we have discussions we don't always solve complicated problems

seriously. We also take small discussions sometimes, joking too, so that the

atmosphere is too serious and not playing too. That discussion is what we like the

most, because there are funny, funny, especially if there is a friend who does not

master the material, so he got confused ". [Evi]

"The formation of discussion groups certainly has its own benefits. there are so

many benefits to get when discussing it. Discussion groups are very good for

students, because they will train themselves to give their opinions and also make

comments on the material delivered by their friends. By giving each other input it

will establish good cooperation and also the addition of knowledge. For this

reason, they will be more motivated to learn when they take part in group

discussions. And do not forget to give motivations to students. With the

encouragement of motivation will make students more active in following the

lessons and also more independent. " [Refky Wardana].

6. Why does teacher use these strategies in teaching reading?

Of course, all things must be well prepared, I also read a lot of books related to

student needs. I have to make some questions to help my students improve their

reading, they can learn how to communicate among themselves about facts, ideas

from the texts and also how to give their ideas about the topics they studied at that

time, because It is important to make our students active and they know how to

solve cases

"Certainly in discussions we have rules in conveying ideas or ideas that we will

express. In discussions we respect each other, and also requires compact group

work to avoid mistakes, in this discussion we are sometimes divided into groups

and also sometimes each of them, it's better if I think it's a group, because it can

help other friends and can argue according to each other's understanding and be

fun. [Shafa]. "... Usually the text can be one by one, after that we will read the text

first, sometimes there are some who have explained the description of the contents

of the text to be discussed, so that it will facilitate us in doing it. In addition, we

also discuss with friends who are there, sometimes if a friend who can not explain

properly it will get scribbles in his face, using the game will add excitement in the

discussion. ".[Parel]

I also use games to make students happy and eager to learn in class. They will be

divided into two groups, then I show pictures of an object, and then students from

one group will answer the words in English, but if they cannot answer they will be

given the opportunity to other groups. I also added a guessing presentation,

students will go from one of the group representatives, he will explain sign

language or other information that approaches the word, so friends in his group

will answer and if they cannot answer it will be given an opportunity to another


7. What kinds of materials that teacher used?

"Before starting learning, the importance of delivering the material first. More

effective because it will not create confusion when asked about its understanding

of the material to be studied. After we read the material that we decided earlier, we

discussed it on the topic itself, we looked for strengths and weaknesses of the

material we read. We will give each other the opportunity to give their opinion

about the material we read. "[Yannti]. The need for division of members to

exchange ideas with each other, who knows by exchanging ideas makes it easier

for us to understand what is explained. We always discuss every text or material

what we learn, if it is not discussed there will be nothing for that we sit together to

discuss it with mutual respect for each other[Azizah].

We are asked to understand their reading texts in the right way, you always use the

question as a beginning before the beginning of learning or before giving the text

to learn. Every student in the class will have the opportunity to give their views on

the text that will be discussed. Indeed there are some friends who can not answer

properly. You keep asking us to practice using analysis and available knowledge

During the learning process in class, if there are some problems that can be solved

well at that time, for example when students make a fuss with their friends behind

them, I can ask or order them to move to another seat. I also asked some students

to open the dictionary when they could not understand the meaning of the words of

the text I gave them. They can do it themselves or they can work with friends if

they don't carry a dictionary. I gave them an explanation of how to use a dictionary


8. What are the problems that the teacher finds in the classroom?

I also often add a few short texts or pictures that have some knowledge in it, how to be

a good person and also by showing some successful people if they have a diligent life,

this is intended to build student motivation to continue learning. In addition, I also ask

them to read the text that I put on the LCD, so that all students focus on the LCD and

they will one by one have the opportunity to read and explain the meaning of the text

and images on the LCD

