TEACHING PREPOSITIONS THROUGH PICTURE ...pustaka.unp.ac.id/file/abstrak_kki/abstrak_TA/MARWAH...i...


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PAPER Submitted as a Partial Fulfill of the Requirements for the Strata One (S I) at the

English Department of State University of Padang

By: MARWAH 77065/2006

Advisor : Dra. ARYULIVA ADNAN, M.Pd








Marwah.2011.Teaching Preposition Through Picture Dictation to the First Grade Students of SMK. Paper. Padang: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang


Dalam makalah ini penulis membahas sebuah teknik pengajaran preposition melalui “picture dictation” atau pendiktean gambar yang bertujuan untuk membuat proses belajar mengajar lebih menarik dan lebih mudah dipahami oleh siswa, terutama pada siswa kelas I SMK. Didalam teknik ini ada tiga tahap pengajaran yang digunakan yaitu tahap awal atau yang disebut dengan Pre-Teaching Activity, tahap kedua yang disebut dengan Whilst-Teaching Activity, dan tahap terakhir disebut dengan Post-Teaching Activity. Pada tahap awal guru menceritakan tentang suatu cerita dan kemudian melontarkan beberapa pertanyaan pada siswa tentang cerita yang diceritakan. Kemudian guru memperlihatkan suatu gambar yang sesuai dengan cerita tersebut kepada siswa. Pada kegiatan kedua guru menjelaskan materi pelajaran (prepositions) dengan meggunakan gambar sebagai media. Pada tahap ketiga guru memberikan tugas kelompok dimana masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari dua org. Pada tahap terakhir ini guru juga memberikan tugas individu pada siswa dengan menggunakan pendiktean gambar.

Teknik pengajaran prepositions dengan menggunakan picture dictation memiliki beberapa kelebihan, yaitu:1) siswa akan lebih mudah memahami materi (prepositions) yang dipelajari karena teknik ini menggunakan gambar sebagai media. 2) siswa akan lebih aktif di dalam kelas karena mereka akan melakukan beberapa kegiatan seperti berbicara dan mendegarkan. 3) guru akan lebih mudah memeriksa kemampuan siswa dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan dengan melihat kesesuaian gambar dengan teks (yang dinilai bukan keindahan gambar, melainkan kesesuaian letak suatu benda yang ada di dalam gambar dengan teks).




By saying ‘Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘Alamin’, the writer would like to express

her praise to Allah SWT, who has given her chance, knowledge, and strength in

finishing this paper entitled “Teaching Prepositions Through Picture Dictation to

the First Grade Students of SMK”. She also sends shalawat and salam along with

greetings to the prophet Muhammad SAW, the last prophet and the greatest leader

of human beings.

Moreover, she would like to dedicate her sincere gratitude and

appreciation to her advisor, Dra. Aryuliva Adnan, M.Pd, for her professional help,

a great deal of time, guidance, and valuable advice in the completion of this paper

from the beginning until the end. A sincere gratitude also due to all lecturers that

involved in her examination: Drs. Amri Isyam, M.Pd. and Drs. Don Narius, M.Si.

for the improvements, suggestions and comments.

Then, the writer also thanks to her academic advisor, Yuli Tiarina, M. Pd,

for her support and attention during her studies, Dr. Kusni, M.Pd. as the chairman

of English Department, Dra. An Fauzia Rozani Syafei, M.A. as the secretary of

English Department, and also for all lecturers who have taught and guided her

during her studies.

Next, the writer sends her gratitude to her beloved parents, Ikhwan and

Rohana for their pray, love, patience, care, understanding, and supports. She also

sends her gratitude to all of her family members for giving supports, prays and

encouragement in finishing this paper.

In addition, her thanks are also addressed to all of her best friends who

cannot be mentioned one by one. Finally, the writer would like to thank all friends


at the English Department of State University of Padang, who entered the

university in 2006, especially for Education Class for their help, existence and the

most important is for their nice relationship.

Padang, February 2011

The Writer







Background Of the Problems...................................................................................1

Identification Of the Problem...................................................................................3

Limitation Of the problem.......................................................................................4

Formulation Of the Problem....................................................................................4

Purpose Of the paper................................................................................................4


The Nature Of Prepositions......................................................................................5

The Nature Of Picture Dictations.............................................................................7

Teaching at SMK.....................................................................................................9


The Application Of Teaching Prepositions............................................................11

Teaching Procedure

• Pre-Teaching Activity...............................................................................13

• Whilst-Teaching Activity..........................................................................16

• Post-Teaching Activity..............................................................................23


Advantages and Disadvantages of Picture Dictation............................................26










A. Background of the Problems

English is a tool of communication that people use to transfer their ideas

or to tell something to another. One of languages that every country accepts in the

world is English; and all countries use English in education, business, commerce,

and cultural life. According to Knapp and Watkins (2005) English as a language

that has participation in social, economic, and cultural life. It means that English

is used in social, business, and cultural. Because of that, the Indonesian goverment

tries to improve the students’ ability in using English by including English as one

of important subject from elementary school until university.

There are four skills that should be mastered by the students in English.

They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They are integrated each other;

and the components of language such as; grammar, pronounciation, and

vocabulary can not be separated to master English skills. Especially in grammar, it

is needed to support all of these skills because it is the fundation of the language.

Betty (2007) states that grammar helps the students to discover the nature of

language. So that, it can not be ignored because it has important role; and it

belongs to the competence of English that should be learned by the students to

improve their ability in English.

Moreover, there are several parts of speech in English grammar. They are

adverb, verb, noun, adjective, article, preposition, and pronoun. Warner and Jhon

(2002) explain “parts of speech are the smallest grammatical units: adjective,

adverb, article, conjunction, noun, prepositions, pronoun, and verb”. It explains



that parts of speech consist of adjective, adverb, article, conjunction, noun,

prepositions, pronoun, and verb. They have an important role in teaching English

that the students should be able to define and identify them; and the students

should also be able to demonstrate correct usage of them in a sentence. For

example is preposition, it is not easy to be understood because they take meaning

from the phrase or sentence in which they are used. It means that one preposition

may communicates more than one meaning; it depends on how it is used, for

example “ The black bag is on the table”, on here communicates preposition of

place, “ The talk show will begin on August”, on here communicates time. So, in

one preposition may has more than one meaning and usage.

Based on writer’s experience, actually, preposition is not difficult to

understand, but many students at SMK still get difficulty in understanding

preposition. This is caused by several factors, the students and the teachers. From

the students’ side. Firs, the students still get difficulty in understanding

prepositions because the students have lack of vocabulary that they do not know

the meaning of the words. Second, the students confuse how to use prepositions

because some words of preposition have similar word but has different meaning

and function in different sentence, for example the word “on”. It can be used as

preposition of place and also preposition of time in different sentence.

Beside the problems come from the students’ side, it also comes from the

teacher’s side. First, the teacher does not give clear explanation of preposition to

the students. So that the students do not understand the topic that the teacher has

explained. Second, most of the teacher only teaches the students by using English

textbook. So, sometimes the students do not have enough background knowledge



about the topic in the text book. Third, the teacher does not use interesting media

that appropriate with the material when teaching process. So, learning preposition

is not interesting for the students.

Based on the conditions above, the teacher has to be able to handle those

problems in order to help the students in understanding the material. Actually,

many teaching techniques that can be used in teaching prepositions such as

guiding questions, puzzle game exercise, picture-cued task, and picture dictation

to stimulate the students’ interest in learning preposition. In this paper, the writer

uses picture dictation as one of techniques in teaching prepositions for the first

grade students of SMK. Picture dictation is an activity that describing the picture

to the students, and then students redraw the picture and rewrite the text according

to the picture that is described.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the writer’s explanation above, the first grade students of SMK

still have difficulties in understanding preposition. So, they can not use the

preposition well when they practice in oral or written communication. There are

several factors that cause prepositions difficult to understand by the students. The

factors are come from the students’ side and the teacher’s side. The factors that

come from the students’ side are the students still get difficulty in understanding

prepositions because the students have lack of vocabulary, and the students

confuse how to use prepositions in different sentence. Whereas the problems that

come from the teachers’ side are the teacher does not give clear explanations, lack



of facilities and materials, and does not use interesting media to interest the

students in process of learning prepositions.

C. Limitation of the Problems

There are many teaching techniques that can help the students in

understanding the prepositions easily. But, some of the teachers do not use

interesting media to interest the students in learning preposition. So, in this paper,

the writer only focuses in using picture dictation to teach prepositions for the first

grade students of SMK.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The problem of this paper is formulated as follow “ How does the teacher

use picture dictation to teach preposition for the first grade students of SMK?”

E. Purpose of the Paper

The main purpose of writing this paper is to introduce the usage of picture

dictation to develop students’ understanding in prepositions to first grade students

of SMK. The writer hopes this paper can help the teachers in teaching

prepostions; encourage students’ motivation in learning preposition with fun and

enjoyful; makes them active in learning English in the classroom.




A. The Nature of Preposition

Preposition is a word that takes place before noun or pronoun which

related to place, time, directions, and agent . Wishon and Julia (1980) state that

prepositions are always followed by noun (or pronoun), which is usually indicate

relationships, such as position/place, direction, time, manner, agent, possession,

and condition, between their objects and other parts of the sentence. It means that

a preposition usually related to positions of place, time, direction, manner, and

egent as a noun or pronoun in a sentence. Hooper (1980) adds that the function of

preposition is to connect some words structure to a noun in a sentence. It means

that preposition has a function as a connecting word to show a place, agent,

manner, time and direction in a sentence. According to Manser (1995) preposition

is a word to show place, direction, and often placed before noun or pronoun. It

shows that preposition is a word that takes place before noun or pronoun which

indicate relationship with place and direction. Moreover, Boquist (2009) adds that

the English preposition is often defined as a word that describes a location of one

object in relation to another. It shows that preposition is a word that shows the

relationship of a noun to another. Erien (2005) says that a preposition is a word

that shows a relationship between its object and the other word in a sentence. It

explains that a preposition is a word that has relationship with noun or pronoun as

a place, agent, time, manner in a sentence.




There are two types of preposition that Kirn and Darcy (2004) explain.

They are:

1. Prepositions of place

Preposition of place Notes


It describes something inside something else.

It is used also before the name of buildings,

towns, cities, regions, provinces, countries, and



It describes something upon something else.

It is used also before the name of streets and

bodies of water or place.

At It is used with the name of streets /addresses

and specific locations.

Between It describes a location between two


Near It describes something close in distance.

Far from It describes something far from distance.

Next to It describes something beside something else.

Across from It describes something opposite something else.

Under It describes something that is below something


Over It describes something that is above something




2. Prepositions of time

Prepositions of time Notes

In It is used before year, season, month.

On It is used before days and dates.

At It is used before a specific time of day, noon,

night, and midnight.

From...to It is used with beginning and ending of time.

During It is used with periods of time.

Until It is used in endings of time.

Before It is used to express an earlier event or time.

After It is used to express a later event of time.

From the explanations above, it can be concluded that preposition is a

word that is placed before noun or pronoun that has the functions as connecting or

modifier the words in a sentence. Furthermore, Preposition is differed also in two

types. They are preposition of time and preposition of place.

B. The Nature of Picture Dictation

Picture dictation is an activity that uses a picture to explain the material to

the students without showing the text before. Miller (2008) states that in a typical

picture dictation activity, a picture is described to the students who can not see it;

and then they draw what they hear. It means that the picture is described to the

students; and then the students draw the picture according to the text that they

hear. Krueger (2010) says that picture dictation is an activity that the teacher or a

student describes a picture to the students who draw it according to what they



hear. It argues that picture dictation is an activity to draw the picture according to

the text that they hear. So, if they do not understand the language that they hear,

they will not be able to draw the picture well.

Picture dictation is useful and necessary to check the students’

understanding about the material which the teacher has explained. In these

activities also use integrated skills, such as speking, listening, reading and writing.

Leong (2003) says that picture dictation involves learners in all four language

skills of listening with attention, fun and interest, speaking with confidence,

reading with care and purpose, and writing with accuracy. It means that by picture

dictation, the students have to learn one material in integrated skills such as

listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Moreover, Lado in Sriyanti (2006) argues that picture dictation is an active

process of interpretation of the sound sequences and students’ analysis into

meaningful unit by reconstructing the text, which the pupil heard in flow of

sounds. It means that by picture dictation, the students will be active to listen the

text that is dictated; and then they try to understand it because they have to rewrite

the text or draw the picture according to what they hear.

In summary, picture dictation is an activity which describing the picture

that without showing it to the students, and then the students rewrite the text and

redraw the picture according to what they hear. It will make the students

concentrate to the sound that they hear. It means that their listening ability can be

improved. Then they rewrite the text or draw a picture according to what they

hear. So, it means that their ability in writing can also be improved. When they

describe the picture by themselves without reading the text, their speaking ability



also will be improved. So, by using picture dictation, the students can learn the

integrated skills in one time.

C. Teaching English at SMK

Teaching English at SMK has a little different with teaching English at

SMA. Erien (2005) says that English language aspect that the students should

master at SMK are grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation, and spelling to show

the students’ability in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It indicates that

the material that the students should master at SMK are focus on grammar,

vocabulary, pronounciation, and spelling. Astuti (2008) adds that the purpose of

teaching speaking for the students of SMK is to master grammar, vocabulary, and

pronounciation. It means that the students have to master grammar, vocabulary,

and pronounciation in learning speaking ability. At SMA, the material that the

students should master is focusd on the kind of the texts.

The purpose of teaching English at SMK is to make the students able to

communicate well which involves four language skills: listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. SMK Curriculum in Afriani (2007) explains that the

objective of teaching English at SMK is to improve students’ ability in four

language skills. It means that teaching English at SMK involves four language

skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Maisiska (2008) states that the

students at SMK should have ability to communicate in English because SMK is a

special constructed education to prepare the students to enter into a particular

opportunity in workplace. It means that the purpose of teaching English at SMK is

to make the students able to communicate well because they are the students who

are prepared to enter into workplace. Cahyaningsih (2009) explains that the



purpose of teaching learning English at SMK is to develop the students’ ability in

communicating English which involves the four language skills. It means that the

purpose of teaching English at SMK is to make the students able to communicate

well which involves the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. Anata (2010) states that the teaching English at SMK is very important in

order to support their major. It means that English is required for the students of

SMK to master English themselves with four language skills in order to support

their major.

Based on Education Ministry roles No.41 in 2007, there are three process

of teaching and learning, they are Pre-teaching Activity, Whilst-teaching Activity,

and Post-teaching Activity. The explanation is as following:

1. Pre-teaching Activity

The activity is done at the beginning of the class. While this activity, the

teacher prepares the students’ physically to follow the process of learning. Besides

that, the teacher asks the students some questions that related the last topic to a

new topic. Furthermore, the teacher also explains about the objective or the basic

competencies should be reaching. Besides, the teacher tells the students about the

lesson based on the syllabus.

2. Whilst-teaching Activity

This activity is continuing from pre-teaching, the teacher needs to teach

the students to write in order to reach the objective or the basic competencies

which is done interactively, imperatively, fun, and challenges. It also motivating

the students to active, and giving enough chance to initiative, creative, and



independence based on the students’ talent, interest and the physical and

psychological movement. In this activity, there are three processes that

appropriate to the students’ characteristics and for the subject, they are

exploration, elaboration, and confirmation.

3. Post-teaching Activity

In this activity, the teacher and the students or by themselves conclude the

lesson. The teacher makes assesment or reflection of learning process which is

done consistenly and programmed. The teacher gives some feed back of the

output and the process of learning. Next, the teacher may give the students

homework individually or in pairs, and then the teacher tells the students about the

next topic.

In conclusion, teaching English at SMK has a little different with teaching

English at SMA such as in material. At SMK, the material that the students should

master focus on grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronounciation. Meanwhile, at

SMA, the material that the students should master focus on the kind of the texts.

Moreover, there are three stages of teaching and learning process, they are pre-

teaching activity, whilst-teaching activity (exploration, elaboration, and

confirmation), and post-teaching activity.




A. The Application of Teaching Prepotions Through Picture Dictation to the

1th Grade Students of SMK.

There are three stages of teaching English, they are: Pre-Teaching

Activity, Whilst-Teaching Activity, and Post-Teaching Activity. Each of them has

different activities.

1. Pre-Teaching Activity

Pre-Teaching Activity is the first stage in teaching process of

prepositions; and the aim of this stage is to build up the students’ backround

knowledge which has the relationship with the topic that will be learned. Morever,

In this stage the teacher greets the students and builds up their backround

knowledge by telling a story. Then, the teacher shows a picture to the students

according to the story; and from the picture, the teacher asks some questions to

the students.

2. Whilst-Teaching Activity

In Exploration, The teacher explains the prepositions by using a picture as

a media. Moreover, the teacher explains defenition of preposition first to the

students. Then, the teacher explains the fucntions of preposition in a sentence to

the students. Next, the teacher introduces the types of preposition of place to the

students. Last, the teacher discusses the example of prepostion to the students. In

this stage, the teacher also gives the assignment to the students by pair work

activity or individual work activity. In elaboration, the students have finished their



works that are given by the teacher and they need to collect it. Then, there are

some groups or some students that are choosen by the teacher or even volunteers

that present their work. The next activity is checking the students’s work together

(teacher and the students) in order to know what their mistakes are. In

confirmation, the teacher gives a gift or additional mark to the students who get a

good work in order to motivate them for participate in the classroom.

3. Post-Teaching Activity

Post-Teaching Activity is the third stage in teaching process of

prepositions. The teacher and the students conclude the lesson today, and then the

teacher asks the students if they have some difficulties, so they can solve it


B. Teaching Procedure

1. Pre-Teaching Activity

a. Greeting.

b. Check the students attendance list.

c. Brainstorming.

(The teacher does the brainstorming to activate the students’

background knowledge and sitimulates the student’s ideas with material

in last meeting)

Teacher : “Do you still remember our last week lesson?”

Students : “Yes”

Teacher : “Ok, tell me now!”

Students : (tell about what they have known)



Teacher : “Good”

d. The teacher reads a new story that is related to topic today and asks the

students to take a note.

Teacher : “Now, I have a story for you. please listen to me and take

a note”

Students : (listen to the teachers’s story and take a note)

Text: My name is Monty. I am at the first grade student of SMK N 09 Padang. I have a friend, his name is Mike. He often does crazy things in my class. One day he hid his rat in Mrs.Gilbert’s desk because he knew that she was afraid of rat. When she sat on her chair and opened the drawer, she screamed loudly, and the file on her hand threw away over her. Mike and his friend, Jhon, were standing beside Mrs.Gilbert, and they laughed loudly. I sat in front of Mrs.Gilbert’s table and spontaniously I loughed too, and then all the students in my class laughed together at Mrs.Gilbert.

e. The teacher asks some questions to the students according to the story.

Teacher : “Where did the story take place?”

Students : “In the classroom”

Teacher : “Where did Mike hid the rat?”

Students : “In Mrs.Gilbert’s desk”

Teacher : “What did happen with Mrs.Gilbert’s file?”

Students : “Her file threw away over her”

Teacher : “Where did Mike and Jhon stand?”



Students : “Beside Mrs.Gilbert”

Teacher : “Where did Monty sit down?”

Students : “In front of Mrs.Gilbert’s table”

Teacher : “Good”

f. The teacher shows a picture according to the text to the students.

Teacher : “Look at this picture (Appendix 1) and your note”

“ Do you think the story that you have listened same with

the picture?”

Students : “Yes”

Teacher : “Ok”

g. The teacher asks the same questions with the questions before to the

students without showing their note, just pay attention to the picture.

Teacher : “We review again without showing your note, but pay

attention to the picture, OK?”

Students : “OK, Miss”

Teacher : “Where did the story take place?”

Students : “In the classroom”

Teacher : “Where did Mike hid the rat?”

Students : “In Mrs.Gilbert’s desk”



Teacher : “What did happen with Mrs.Gilbert’s file?”

Students : “Her file threw away over her”

Teacher : “Where did Mike and Jhon stand?”

Students : “Beside Mrs.Gilbert”

Teacher : “Where did Monty sit down?”

Students : “In front of Mrs.Gilbert’s table”

Teacher : “Good. Now, we continue to our topic today”

2. Whilst-Teaching Activity


a. The teacher tells and explains the students about topic today.

Teacher : “Ok, today we study about prepositions of place”

“Do you know what preposition of place is?”

Students : “No”

Teacher : “Prepositions of place is a word to show a place. It is

often placed before noun or pronoun”

The kinds of prepositions of place

Preposition of place Notes

In It describes something inside something else.

It is used also before the name of buildings,

towns, cities, regions, provinces, countries,



and continents.

On It describes something upon something else.

It is used before the name of streets and

bodies of water or place.

At It is used with the name of street addresses

and many specific locations.

Between It describes a location between two points.

Near It describes something close in distance.

Far from It describes something far from distance.

Next to It describes something beside something


Across from It describes something opposite something


Under It describes something that is below

something else.

Over It describes something that is above

something else.

b. The teacher takes the example of prepositions from the picture;

and writes the text in whiteboard.

Teacher : “Look at the picture (Appendix 2) and listen to me!”




Susan and Andy are working together in an office. Susan is a secretary and Andy is a computer programmer. Today they are very busy. Andi is sitting on the chair and there is a set of computer in front of him. His right hand is on the mouse and his left hand is on the keyboard. There is a CPU next to the monitor. Moreover, the CPU is between monitor and notebook. Susan is standing in front of copy mechine. There is a file on her hand to be copied. They look anthusiastic for finishing their work.

c. The teacher asks some questions about the picture and the text.

Teacher : “Do you understand the text?”

Students : “Yes”

Teacher : “Do you think the text describing the picture?”

Students : “Yes”

d. The teacher asks the students to tell the sentences that use prepositions

in the text.

Teacher : “OK. Now tell me the sentences that use prepositions in

the text” (teacher writes down the sentence that

students are told in whiteboard)

Students : “Susan and Andy are working together in an office”

“Andy is sitting on the chair”

“There is a set of computare in front of him”

“His right hand is on the mouse”

“His left hand is on the keyboard”



“There is a CPU next to the monitor”

“The CPU is between monitor and notebook”

“Susan is standing in front of copy machine”

“There is a file on her hand”

e. The teacher asks the students to read and find the prepositions in each


Teacher : “Good. Now, read the sentence and find the preposition in

each sentence”

(Teacher underlines the preposition in each sentence)

Students : “in, on, in front of, next to, between”

Teacher : “Susan and Andy are working together in an office”

“Andy is sitting on the chair”

“There is a set of computare in front of him”

“His right hand is on the mouse”

“His left hand is on the keyboard”

“There is a CPU next to the monitor”

“The CPU is between monitor and notebook”

“Susan is standing in front of copy machine”

“There is a file on her hand”



Teacher : “Do you have any questions?”

Students : “No”

Teacher : “Do you understand all?”

Students : “Yes”

Teacher : “OK. Now, we continue to exercise”

Pair work activity

f. The teacher invites the students into pairs and gives the same picture

(Appendix 3) for each pair.

Teacher : “Listen to the instruction”

1. One group consist of two students. One as a speaker

and one as a listener.

2. Take your drawing book.

3. Write your group name.

4. As a speaker, stand up in your group.

(teacher gives the picture for each speaker)

5. Speaker has to describe the picture and do not show it

to your friends.

6. As a listener, listen to the text that speaker dictates,

and then draw the picture acording to the text that you

hear, and to make it clearly rename the things in your


7. Afetr you finished your work collect it and we will

discuss it together.



Teacher : “Do you understand all of the instructions?”

Students : “Yes”

Teacher : “Ok, do it from now”

Students : (Do their works).

g. After they finish doing their group works, the teacher asks each group

to collect their works (picture) and discuss it together.

( The assesing is not taken from the beautiful of the picture, but it is taken

from how the students describe the picture to their group; how the students place

things in the picture according to the text that they hear)

Individual work activity

h. The teacher gives individual exercise for each student.

Teacher : “Now, we continue for individual exercise”

“Listen to the instructions”

1. Each student, takes your drawing book, pencil or

your crayon.

2. Listen carefully to the text which is dictated.

3. Understanding the text.

4. Draw the picture according to the text that you hear.

5. Rename the things in your picture.


Angel is a secretary in a cosmetic company. She is beautiful and natty. Almost every day, she spends her time to sit on her chair between computer and



her table. There is a coupboard behind the computer. She puts the flower beside the computer. She is a busy worker. Sometimes, when she is typing a letter in the computer, the telephone rings on her table. So, she stops typing; and she takes the phone and a note book on her table. At the moment, her friend, Mike, comes to her room and stands up in front of her table to ask where her basket is. Then Angel tells her that the basket is beside the table.


a. The teacher waits the students to finish their pictures for a

few minutes; and collect them)

Teacher : “Have you finished?”

Students : “Yes”

Teacher : “Collect your picture”

Students : (collect their picture)

(The assessing is not taken from the beautiful of the picture, but it is taken

from how the students place and rename the things in the picture. If they able to

place the things in their picture according to the text that they hear, it means that

they understand the material.


a. The teacher invites some students to presents his/her work, and then

the teacher gives additional mark.

b. The teacher shows the original picture to the students

Teacher : “Look at this picture (Appendix 4)”



“ Do you think the picture that you have drawn is the same

with my picture?”

Students : “Yes/No”

Teacher : “Ok, if you have picture like this, it means your picture is

correct. I believe that you understand our lesson today”

“ If not, it means that you still do not understand our

lesson yet. So, please ask me some questions that you do

not understand”

“Do you have any questions?”

Students : “No”

3. Post-teaching Activity

a. The teacher concludes the lesson by asking questions to the students.

Teacher : “In concluding our lesson today, I ask you:

Can you tell me what our lesson today is?”

Students : “Preposition of place”

Teacher : “Good. So, who can conclude our lesson today?”

Students A : “I am, Miss.”

Teacher : “Stand up in front of the class, and tell it to your friends”

Students A : (conclude the lesson today)

Teacher : “Good. give a plus for him”



(The teacher gives a sticker as a reward)

b. The teacher invites another student to conclude the lesson today.

Teacher : “Who else can conclude our lesson today?”

Students B : “I am, Miss.”

Teacher : “Ok, stand in front of class and tell us what you know

about our lesson today”

Students B : (tell about prepositions that she knows)

Teacher : “Good. Give a plus for her”

(The teacher gives sticker as a reward)

“Do you have any questions?”

Students : “No/yes”

(if there is any questions, the teacher has to expalin or

discuss it clearly to the students)

c. The teacher closes the meeting today.

Teacher : “Give a plus for our class”

“If you do not have any questions. It means that you


“If I ask you about it later, I hope you can tell me again”

“Ok class, that all our lesson today”



“See you next”

Students : “See you”

From the procedure of teaching prepositions above, it concludes that

teaching preposition through picture dictation is a good and intersting technique

for first grade students of SMK. It is caused that the students will be active in the

classroom. They are encouraged to describe the picture well to their friends. They

also have to listen carefully when the picture is described.

C. Discussion

From the teaching procedure of the prepositions above, it shows that

teaching prepositions through picture dictation to the first grade students of SMK

is a good and an interesting technique because it makes the students active in the

classroom. From the first stage until the end stage of teaching process of

prepositios, the students are involved. In the first stage of teaching preposition, the

students have to answer some questions from the teacher’s story based on the

picture that the teacher shows. Furthermore, in the next stage of teaching

preposition, the students have to find the kind of prepositions in the text that the

teacher gives; and the students have to retell the sentences that use prepositions in

the text.

Moreover, in the next stage of teaching prepositions, the students are

devided into pairs. They are speaker and listener, the speaker has to describe the

picture which the teacher gives based on the usage of prepositions in the picture;

the speaker does not show his/her picture to the listener. The listener has to draw

the picture based on the speaker’s description. If the pair gets some problems from



the speaker’s description or the listener work, the pair work is not correct because

the assessing is taken from the correct usage of prepositions in the picture which

the speaker has; for example, in the picture, the speaker describes “ there are

flowers next to the boxes” and the listener draws the picture .

so that, the sentence and the picture is not matching. It means that the students

still do not understand the lesson and the pair work is not correct. Because of that,

the teacher has to discuss the problems clearly and asks the students some

questions about prepositions until it clear for them.

Furthermore, in individual work, the students have to draw a new picture

based on the teacher’s picture description of prepositions usage. In the final stage

of teaching prepositions, all of the students have to conclude the lesson by their

own words. Then, the teacher asks the students who be volunteer to present their

conclusion in front of class; and the teacher gives a sticker as a reward to the

students. It is done to motivate the students to be active.

From the discussion above, it concludes that teaching prepositions through

picture dictation to the first grade students of SMK is a good and an interesting

technique to make the students active in the classroom because all of the students

are involved in teaching and learning process from the first stage until the end.

D. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Picture Dictation

There are some advantages of picture dictitation to first grade students of

SMK. First, it is easier for the students to understand the prepositions because

they do not only listen to the teacher’s explanation, but also find it in the picture.

Second, it makes the students active in the classroom because they have to do



many activities such as answer the questions; describing the picture; draw the

picture; and conclude the lesson. Third, it expects the students to be creative,

because they have to imagine the picture according to their understanding about

the use of prepostions in the picture. Next, it is easy for the teacher to check

students’ understanding of prepositions because if the students do not understand

the prepositions that is used in the picture, they will not able to draw their picture.

Because of that, teacher can check the students’ understanding from the picture

that the students have drawn. (it is not assessing from the beautiful of the picture,

but how the students place things in the picture according to the description that

they hear). Finally, it is an interesting techniqu because there is a combination

between English and painting.

Moreover, teaching preposition throught picture dictation to the first grade

students of SMK also has disadvantages. It is showed from students’ activity in

pair work and individual work. It will be difficult to do for the students who does

not have ability in drawing; and, it will be difficult for the students who has lack

of vocabulary.




A. Conclusion

Based on the previous discussion, it can conclude that in order to help the

students to develop their understanding about prepositions, the teacher should pay

more attention to activities, material and media. The teacher is expected to be a

good designer in facilating the learning process in order to create and activity to

the students in learning prepositions. Applying “picture dictation” in teaching

preposition is one of effective technique to do. By picture dictation, the students

are easy to understand the materials that are discussed. They are also active in

learning prepositions in the classroom because many variation of activities that

they do; answer the questions; describing the picture, drawing the picture, and

conclude the lesson. So, picture dictation is one of interesting teaching and

learning technique for the first grade students of SMK. It can help the students to

develop their English ability, especially in understanding prepositions.

B. Suggestion

Through this paper the writer would like to give some suggestions for the

teachers related in teaching prepositions for the first grade students of SMK : (1)

The teacher should use a picture as a media. (2) The teacher should be creative to

find the suitable picture to be dictated to the students (3). The teacher should find

another sources material of prepositions that should teach to the students (4) The

teacher should give a clear instruction to the students.




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