Teaching Philosophy Statement


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Teaching Philosophy Statement

James A Douglas


Teaching Philosophy Statement

I believe that children are the future and with correct guidance, nurturing, and motivation

they can change the shape of the earth. These aspects can be achieved by providing and creating

an environment where their inner talents can shine. As an educator, my aspirations are to

provide an opportunity for children to obtain education and demonstrate their interests. In

today’s environment, there is a severe need to enhance and provide more opportunities for

children to obtain education. There are various issues and problems that are experienced and

observed in today’s society; all which could be resolved through education. I believe that

education is very important and builds the foundation for the achievement of goals and working

towards success.

There are many elements that contribute toward becoming an educator. I believe that

providing knowledge and exposure to students in various fields would help them in pursuing a

career in which they can shine and provide society with their areas of need. My vision is to

allow students to explore all the grounds and possibilities towards finding a solution to a

problem. When students strive in different aspects and push to find solutions, their inner thinking

and analytical skills are developed. I believe students should be given the freedom to explore and

play around different concepts. This helps them to better understand the overall context of the

information and then apply it in real life.

I am a firm believer in encouraging students to do their absolute best. They should be

provided wit clubs and honor societies where they can encourage others, show their strengths

and give back to the school and community where they reside. Students should be allowed to act

on their intuitions to give them a sense of pride and accomplishment through their own abilities.


Honor societies bring out the best of students and give them a goal to reach for. This also teaches

them to work toward a goal, not only while in school, but in every aspect of life.

On a collegiate level, my vision is to allow students the creative freedom and the choice

to study the fields of their interests. Criminal justice is a field that has many dimensions, and as a

criminal justice instructor, I would encourage students to explore the very foundations of this

area, and choose the dimension that interests them the most. The role of a teacher is to facilitate

and provide guidance to the students; they play the role of a counselor and advocate the choices

and options that student have. There are various elements that have to be considered when you

are teaching students. There are certain responsibilities and duties that a professor has to perform

in order to ensure quality is delivered. My belief is that quality can be ensured when students are

involved in the field of studies they are passionate about and have high levels of interaction. This

provides and creates different avenues for communication and flow of information.

Sharing experiences and opinions helps in self-discovery and stimulates the learning

process. I believe that education can provide an individual that extra element or spark to do

something exceptional in life. Education equips a person with the information, knowledge, and

skills to perform to their maximum capabilities. My vision is that we need more quality

education facilities and options in United States for children of all ages. There are many people

that cannot afford quality education and avail the opportunities that perhaps others can. In order

to remove this disparity and inequality, I see myself fighting for this cause in the long run.

Therefore, as an educator, I would instill education as the very foundations of any aspect

of life. There are many opportunities and areas where improvements can be made and students

can be indulged in educational activities. As an educator, I would inspire students and encourage

them to follow their motivation to make themselves great in life.
