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A Thesis Presented to

The Graduate Program in English Language Studies

in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.)


English Language Studies


Rosalia Hening Wijayanti Student Number: 136332016












My deepest gratitude is for God and the universe that have poured me with blessings.

My thesis making process was not without challenges. Yet, eventually God and the universe

surrounded me with good people in perfect timing and granted this happy ending.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Sanata Dharma University, especially to

The Graduate Program in English Language Studies. This is the alma mater at which I was

very fortunate to enjoy the privilege of acquiring knowledge, expanding my opportunity to

explore my own potentials, and experiencing the importance of having good relations and

communication with the civitas academica. Every value I had acquired during my education

in this institution has influenced my self-transformation to be the person as I am now. I am so

grateful and proud to be part of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my kind thesis supervisor, F.X.

Mukarto, Ph.D. for every useful remark and patience. My appreciation also extends to my

inspiring lecturers to whom I am indebted a great deal: Dr. J. Bismoko, Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko,

M.A., Widya Kiswara, M.Hum., Rm. Mutiara Andalas, S.J., Josephine S.M. Pudji Lestari,

M.Hum., and Dra. Novita Dewi, M.S., M.A. (Hons), Ph.D.

My sincere gratitude also extends to my two respected participants, who willingly

shared their precious time for the interview process; Bu Is from SMP Pangudi Luhur 1

Yogyakarta, and Bu Lydia from SMP Pius Pemalang. This thesis would never come to

completion without their warm friendly cooperation and openness during the interview

sessions. I have also learned a lot from these two great teachers.

Of course I would have not survived this long academic journey without l‟esprit de

corps of the afternoon class fellows in KBI 2013, namely the inseparable sisters Anna and

Tanti, the peaceful partner Maya, Ratri the petrichor lover, Mimi and Nita who are always



cheerful, Nugroho our savant fellow, and the youngest brother who chose to leave us early to

be a teacher, Tian. Thank you for the meaningful years we have shared. I would also like to

deliver my special thanks to Vivi Muryanti for her never ending supportive chats and help.


Last but not least, no emotional turmoils I could endure without my energy boosters:

my fabulous parents: Bapak and Ibu F. Suwandi, brothers and sisters for their never ending

prayers; gorgeous husband, for being supportive and so helpful throughout the thesis making;

Kinanthi the artistic daughter and Lila the little explorer, for being so understanding. This is

the result of our hard work. Love you to the moon and back.




TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................................................. i

ADVISOR APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................ ii

DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. iii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .......................................................................................... iv

LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ......................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ xiii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................ xiv

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................................. xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

A. BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................. 1

B. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION ....................................................................................... 3

C. PROBLEM FORMULATION .......................................................................................... 7

D. RESEARCH GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................................... 7

E. PROBLEM DELIMITATION .......................................................................................... 8

F. RESEARCH LIMITATION .............................................................................................. 9

G. RESEARCH BENEFITS .................................................................................................. 9

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................ 11

A. THEORETICAL REVIEW............................................................................................. 11

1. The 2013 Curriculum ................................................................................................... 11

a. Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) or Passing Standard ....................................... 13

b. Core Competence and Basic Competence ............................................................... 14

c. Scientific approach................................................................................................... 15

2. The 2013 English Curriculum ...................................................................................... 17

a. English in 2013 Curriculum..................................................................................... 17

b. The concepts in 2013 English Curriculum............................................................... 19

1) The competence model ....................................................................................... 20

2) The linguistic theory .......................................................................................... 21

3) The language learning stages ............................................................................ 22

3. Textbook ...................................................................................................................... 24

4. Adapting a Textbook.................................................................................................... 26

5. The 2013 Curriculum English Textbook ..................................................................... 28

6. English Teachers in 2013Curriculum ......................................................................... 30

7. Teachers‘ Beliefs ......................................................................................................... 33

8. Lived Experience ......................................................................................................... 35



B. PRE-UNDERSTANDING .............................................................................................. 36

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................... 40

A. RESEARCH METHOD .................................................................................................. 40

B. RESEARCH DESIGN .................................................................................................... 42

1. Research Setting and Participants ................................................................................ 42

2. Nature and Source of Data ........................................................................................... 43

3. Data Gathering Technique ........................................................................................... 43

4. Research Procedure ...................................................................................................... 45

C. TRUSTWORTHINESS .................................................................................................. 49

CHAPTER IV DESCRIPTION AND INTERPRETATION .................................................. 50

A. PARTICIPANTS OF THE RESEARCH ........................................................................ 50

1. Bu Is ............................................................................................................................. 51

2. Bu Lydia....................................................................................................................... 52

B. THE LIVED EXPERIENCE DESCRIPTION ................................................................ 54

1. Bu Is‘ Lived Experience Description ........................................................................... 54

a. The milieu................................................................................................................. 54

b. Feeling ..................................................................................................................... 55

c. Belief ........................................................................................................................ 57

d. Action ....................................................................................................................... 60

e. Epiphany .................................................................................................................. 62

2. Bu Lydia‘s Lived Experience Description ................................................................... 63

a. The milieu................................................................................................................. 63

b. Feeling ..................................................................................................................... 64

c. Belief ........................................................................................................................ 68

d. Action ....................................................................................................................... 71

e. Epiphany .................................................................................................................. 74

C. INTERPRETATION ....................................................................................................... 75

1. Pre-figured Themes ...................................................................................................... 76

a. Open-mindedness ..................................................................................................... 76

b. Teachers‟ Beliefs ...................................................................................................... 78

c. Flexibility ................................................................................................................. 80

2. Emerging Themes ........................................................................................................ 82

a. Autonomy ................................................................................................................. 82

b. Hope ......................................................................................................................... 83

c. Integrity .................................................................................................................... 84

d. Being Realistic ......................................................................................................... 85

e. Optimism .................................................................................................................. 86

f. Gratefulness .............................................................................................................. 86

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ........................................................... 87

A. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 87

B. IMPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 91

C. SUGGESTIONS.............................................................................................................. 92

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 94

APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 97




Figure 1. Curriculum Cycle ..................................................................................................... 22

Figure 2. Research Procedure .................................................................................................. 45




Table 1. The Passing Standard for Junior High School ........................................................... 14

Table 2. The relation of learning steps with learning activities and their meaning ................. 16

Table 3. Changes in English Subject ....................................................................................... 18




KBK : Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (Competence Based Curriculum)

KTSP : Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (School Based Curriculum)

KI : Kompetensi Inti (Core Competence)

KD : Kompetensi Dasar ( Basic Competence)

TEFLIN : Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia

SKL : Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (Passing Standard)

CC : Communicative Competence

SMP : Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Junior High School)

MGMP : Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (A group of teachers teaching the same


UN : Ujian Nasional (National Exam)

Kurtilas : Kurikulum 2013 (2013 Curriculum)




Appendix 1. Core Competence and Basic Competence in Curriculum 2013 for Grade 9 ...... 98

Appendix 2. Changes in Bahasa Indonesia and English Subjects ......................................... 103

Appendix 3. Content of English Curriculum 2013 for Grade 9 ............................................. 104

Appendix 4. Observation and Field Notes: Bu Is .................................................................. 105

Appendix 5. Observation and Field Note: Bu Lydia ............................................................. 106

Appendix 6. Interview Transcripts: Bu Is .............................................................................. 107

Appendix 7. Interview Transcripts: Bu Lydia ....................................................................... 129

Appendix 8. Textbook Excerpts: Think Globally Act Locally ............................................... 159




Rosalia Hening Wijayanti. 2016. Teachers’ Lived Experience in Using the 2013

Curriculum-Based Textbook: Think Globally Act Locally. Yogyakarta: The Graduate

Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Indonesian national education has undergone a dynamic change of its curriculum.

Since 1947 there have been eleven curriculums being developed. The recent curriculum being

implemented now is the 2013 Curriculum with accompanying issues still yet to be settled,

some of them are the provision and distribution of the textbook which was developed and

published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the unpreparedness of teachers as the

implementer of the new curriculum, and the reduction of the class hours for English subject.

Teachers as the implementer of the curriculum via the textbook have faced specific

challenges in practice. The centralized textbook is not always suitable with all schools in

Indonesia. Each school has its own conditions and cultural contexts. In addition, teachers

were not well enough sensitized to information about the curriculum itself so that many of

them were not really prepared when the new curriculum were launched to be implemented.

The reduced class hours is another challenge for teachers in executing the 2013 Curriculum


The research question to be answered is ―What is teachers‘ lived experience in using

the 2013 Curriculum-based textbook entitled Think Globally Act Locally?‖ To answer the

question, the researcher investigated the meaningful experience internalized by the English

teachers of junior high schools when implementing the 2013 Curriculum English textbook in

practice, particularly of grade 9. Two teacher participants, namely Bu Is and Bu Lydia were

purposefully selected from two different Catholic private junior high schools in two different

cities, namely SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta and SMP PIUS Pemalang. Their lived

experience was then described and interpreted using the hermeneutic phenomenology

approach. The data in form of narratives acquired from in-depth interviews were

crosschecked with classroom observations and desk study on the 2013 Curriculum related

documents—including the textbook in use.

The description of the teachers‘ lived experience revealed how they have put a lot of

effort to deal with the challenges in using the textbook for teaching. The interpretation of

their lived experience is characterized by themes. The themes consist of pre-figured themes

and emerging themes. The pre-figured themes are predicted and drawn from the reviewed

theories. There are three pre-figured themes, namely open-mindedness, teachers‘ beliefs, and

flexibility. The emerging themes are those occurred when gathering the texts, yet cannot be

predicted in advance. There are six emerging themes, namely autonomy, hope, integrity,

being realistic, optimism and gratefulness.

Keywords: 2013 Curriculum-based textbook, lived experience, teacher, hermeneutic





Rosalia Hening Wijayanti. 2016. Teachers’ Lived Experience in Using the 2013

Curriculum-Based Textbook: Think Globally Act Locally. Yogyakarta: The Graduate

Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Pendidikan nasional Indonesia telah cukup sering mengalami dinamika pergantian

kurikulum. Sebelas kurikulum telah dikembangkan di Indonesia sejak tahun 1947. Kurikulum

terbaru adalah Kurikulum 2013 yang masih membawa persoalan-persoalan untuk

diselesaikan, antara lain masalah penyediaan dan distribusi buku teks dari Kementerian

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, ketidaksiapan guru sebagai pelaksana dari kurikulum baru

tersebut, dan pengurangan jam pelajaran untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Guru sebagai pelaksana kurikulum melalui buku teks menghadapi banyak tantangan

dalam praktiknya. Buku teks yang terpusat tak selalu sesuai dengan semua sekolah di

Indonesia yang memiliki kondisi dan konteks budaya yang berbeda-beda. Selain itu, guru

juga tidak mendapatkan pembekalan informasi yang memadai tentang Kurikulum 2013 ini

sehingga banyak yang belum siap saat kurikulum baru ini diluncurkan untuk dilaksanakan.

Alokasi jam pelajaran untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang dikurangi juga menjadi

tantangan tersendiri bagi para guru dalam menjalankan buku teks Kurikulum 2013 tersebut.

Pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini adalah ―Apa pengalaman yang

dihidupi (lived experience) para guru dalam menggunakan buku teks Kurikulum 2013 yang

berjudul Think Globally Act Locally?‖ Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut peneliti

menelisik pengalaman-pengalaman yang dialami oleh para guru Bahasa Inggris sekolah

menengah pertama, khususnya kelas 9. Dua orang guru, yaitu Bu Is dan Bu Lydia dipilih

secara purposif dari dua sekolah swasta Katholik di dua kota yang berbeda, yaitu SMP

Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta dan SMP PIUS Pemalang. Pengalaman mereka tersebut

kemudian dideskripsikan dan ditafsirkan dengan pendekatan fenomenologi hermeneutik.

Data dalam bentuk teks naratif yang diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam diperiksa kembali

dengan pengamatan di ruang kelas dan pemeriksaan dokumen-dokumen yang terkait

Kurikulum 2013—termasuk buku teks yang digunakan.

Deskripsi pengalaman para guru ini mengungkapkan usaha keras mereka dalam

menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam menggunakan buku teks ini untuk mengajar.

Interpretasi pengalaman para guru ini ditandai dalam bentuk tema. Tema-tema tersebut terdiri

atas tema-tema terduga (pre-figured themes) dan tema-tema munculan (emerging themes).

Tema-tema terduga (pre-figured themes) merupakan tema-tema yang diprediksi atau didapat

dari teori-teori yang dikaji. Tiga tema terduga adalah (1) keterbukaan pikiran, (2) nilai-nilai

yang diyakini oleh kedua guru tersebut, dan (3) fleksibilitas. Tema-tema munculan (emerging

themes) yakni tema-tema yang muncul saat pengumpulan teks namun tidak dapat diramalkan

sebelumnya. Terdapat enam tema yang muncul, yaitu (1) otonomi, (2) harapan, (3) integritas,

(4) realistis, (5) optimisme dan (6) rasa syukur.

Kata kunci: buku teks Kurikulum 2013, lived experience, guru, fenomenologi hermeneutik





This chapter describes the issues on the current national school curriculum in

Indonesia and the change of textbook which accompanies the implementation of The 2013

Curriculum. It also covers the problem identification, problem formulation statement,

problem limitation and the research objectives and benefits.


Indonesia has been so dynamic in developing curriculum in order to improve the

quality of education in this country. Since 1947 Indonesia has developed eleven different

curriculums (Kemendikbud, 2013: 14) with each of its strengths and weaknesses. The

development of the 2013 Curriculum is the continuation of the development of the 2004

curriculum - the Competence Based Curriculum (KBK), and the 2006 Curriculum - KTSP;

which integrates attitude, knowledge and skill (Kemendikbud, 2013: 72). The 2013

Curriculum is also believed to be the strategic instrument to increase the quality of education

in Indonesia.

The changing curriculum has consequently brought different components which are

depicted in learning and teaching activities. The 2013 Curriculum is expected to create

Indonesian generations to be productive, innovative, creative and affective by strengthening

their behavior, skills, and knowledge holistically and integratedly (Kemendikbud, 2014: 24).

The 2013 Curriculum proposes different changes in order to reform education in Indonesia

and to achieve the intended outcomes of its implementation. There are four big changes

following the implementation of The 2013 Curriculum, namely the curriculum concept, the

textbook, the process of learning and teaching, and the assessment process (Kemendikbud,



2014: 26). These four changes must be understood well by curriculum implementers,

including teachers as the administrator of curriculum implementation in classrooms.

The balance of hard skill and soft skill has become the concept of The 2013

Curriculum; which is started from the Passing Standard, the Standard of Content, the

Standard of Process and the Standard of Assessment. As the learning and teaching tool to

achieve the intended outcomes, the Ministry of Education and Culture has published

textbooks which comprise students‘ book and teachers‘ book. The students‘ book refers to

core competence (KI), basic competence (KD), and syllabus as the curriculum concept, and

involves activities and projects which will be done by students; while the teacher‘s book

provides guidelines for teachers in teaching the materials to students (Kemendikbud, 2014:

35). In the learning process, the scientific approach is implemented as it is believed to

provide opportunities for students to be active, creative and innovative. It involves five

important aspects, namely observing, asking, exploring, associating and communicating

(Kemendikbud, 2013: 24). In addition, the assessment of students‘ learning is the one which

can foster their creativity and focuses not only to the result but also to the process of learning

(Kemendikbud, 2014: 47-48).

Despite the good concepts and ideas which are attached to the 2013 Curriculum, some

objections are given to the Ministry of Education and Culture due to the implementation of

the 2013 Curriculum. One of the objections, which is formulated in the TEFLIN focus-group

discussion, is related to the role of teachers due to the availability of syllabus and textbook

which are already provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The discussion comes

to the conclusion that the availability of centralized syllabus and textbook seem to offer

benefits for teachers since it reduces the working load of teachers; yet it may put teachers

simply as the doer or the performer of the provided syllabus and textbook. Therefore, it is

potentially threaten teachers‘ creativity and competence in analyzing what competence



should be achieved, what materials are needed, and what kind of assessment is appropriate

(TEFLIN, 2013: 7). The teachers may not have chance to explore their potential in

performing their important roles as teachers.

Teachers have an important role in the implementation of a curriculum beyond their

role as the performer of the provided textbook. Therefore they need a chance to articulate

their needs and wants as well as to sharpen their competence and creativity instead of taking

the provided materials for granted. Consequently, it is important for the teachers to develop

and to adapt the provided materials in the textbook by considering their beliefs and their

students‘ ability in absorbing the materials. Since the textbook is centralized, that is provided

by the Ministry of Education and Culture and is used nationally in all schools with different

characteristics from different areas in Indonesia, teachers must be able to ensure the fitness of

the textbook to be used, at least, in their own school. Therefore teachers need to analyze or to

evaluate the provided materials.


The 2013 Curriculum has been implemented gradually since the school year of

2013/2014 or in the mid-year of 2013. It was started in several schools which were officially

assigned by the Ministry of Education and Culture as the pilot project in implementing the

new curriculum and it was also gradually implemented in the impact schools, another schools

located nearby the assigned schools. The Minister of Education at that time, Muhammad

Nuh, explained that in the first year the implementation of the new curriculum would be

started for grade one, four, seven and ten; in the second year its implementation would be

continued for grade two, five, eight and eleven; while in the third year it would be for grade

four, six, nine and twelve (http://edukasi.kompas com/read/2013/02/13/16430169). The 2013

Curriculum has eventually been expected to implement in all schools in Indonesia in 2015.

However, the implementation of the new curriculum has not been as smooth as expected.



Prior to the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum, an association of English

teachers in Indonesia, TEFLIN, had held a focus group discussion on the 2013 Curriculum.

TEFLIN Focus Group Discussion sensed that government feverishly decided to implement

the 2013 Curriculum; therefore TEFLIN suggested several points to consider before the

implementation of the 2013 Curriculum. There were several weaknesses in the new

curriculum which should have been re-evaluated before implementing the new curriculum.

Some of which were related to the clearness of Core Competence and Basic Competence as

the base to develop teaching materials; the readiness of the curriculum implementers

involving supervisors, school administrators, teachers and students; and the readiness of other

supporting components such as syllabus, textbooks and learning facilities (TEFLIN, 2013: 1-

14). These would potentially leave several problems in its implementation.

One of the challenges in the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum has been related

to the 2013 Curriculum teaching materials or textbook. The problems of the 2013 textbook

have given large amount of challenges to the curriculum implementers, particularly to

teachers and students. As reported in TEFLIN focus-group discussion, the problem with the

teaching materials is related to the centralized syllabus and learning materials which were

provided by Ministry of Education and Culture. The centralized syllabus and teaching

materials would not facilitate local potentials (TEFLIN, 2013: 7). They may not fit whole

schools whose nature, conditions and facilities are varied. Another problem is related to the

distribution of the textbook developed and published by the Ministry of Education and

Culture did not go well. The data inaccuracy in the textbook distribution caused some schools

received the package of the 2013 Curriculum textbook several times, while another schools

did not receive textbooks at all (TEFLIN, 2013: 10). In addition, the e-books of the 2013

Curriculum textbooks which have been provided to download via internet gave another

problem due to the low or lack of internet connection in several regions in Indonesia.



Another challenge in the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum has been related to

the readiness of the implementer, particularly teachers as the key in translating the curriculum

to the real teaching and learning practice. TEFLIN FGD had detected the problems in

preparing teachers to implement the new curriculum. The 2013 curriculum socialization

which was ineffective and too general, and the limited time provided to train teachers and

school administrators would only leave problems for the curriculum implementers in

understanding and implementing the changes and ideas of the new curriculum (TEFLIN,

2013: 11-14). Even the best curriculum will not bring any changes to national education

when the implementers are not equipped with sufficient knowledge of the new curriculum

and skills in implementing it. By understanding the ideas of the new curriculum, teachers are

also expected to help students in achieving the intended curriculum outcomes through

learning materials, practices and activities in the provided textbook.

Along with the challenges which have to deal with, teachers should make sure that the

2013 Curriculum textbook supports the implementation of the curriculum and that it fits the

nature of their schools, including their students‘ needs and ability. The 2013 Curriculum

textbook is also expected to possess qualities of a good textbook. It should serve language

input for learners, ideas of language practice occurring in the classroom, and ideas of how to

plan and teach a lesson (Richards, 2005: 251). Furthermore, Cunningsworth in Richards

(2005: 251) states that materials play the role as a resource for presentation materials (either

spoken or written), a source of activities for learner practice and communicative interaction, a

reference source for learners (on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and so on), a source of

stimulation and ideas for classroom activities, as a syllabus (where they reflect learning

objectives that have already been determined) and also as a support for inexperienced

teachers to get confidence.



Various challenges in implementing the 2013 Curriculum, particularly in using the

2013 Curriculum textbook, may provide teachers with certain events which leave certain

meaning to those who experience them. Each meaningful event may also potentially help

make the teacher, either as a person or as a teacher. Such experience is personal; each teacher

may meet different meaningful experience involving feelings, actions, awareness, beliefs,

perceptions and judgement or evaluation on the textbook in use. However, there is also

possibility that teachers share similar meaningful experience when using the 2013

Curriculum textbook as the tool to achieve the intended curriculum outcomes. Either such

similar or different meaningful experience may occur depending on the teacher‘s needs and

wants which are also related to their beliefs and the nature of their students and their schools.

The meaning of a certain experience which potentially change teachers‘ values and

attitude can be unnoticed as it may occur in some parts of a person‘s everyday experiences

which seem trivial. Within the context of this research, using textbooks seem to be usual

practice for teachers. Therefore, teachers may not be aware of any meaningful events or

experiences which happen during their using the textbooks in the classroom which may make

her/him as she/he is today. Other seemingly trivial events and experiences in teachers‘ life

may also contribute to the construction of their values and attitude either towards teaching in

general or teaching English in particular. These meaningful events or experiences can only be

unveiled by involving ―the ability to be reflective, insightful, sensitive to language, and

constantly open to experience‖ (Van Manen as in Laverty, 2003: 16).

Laverty states that the study of phenomenology intends ―to return and re-examine the

taken for granted experiences and perhaps uncover new and/ or forgotten meanings‖ (2003:

4). Van Manen further explains that ―lived experience is the starting point and end point of

phenomenological research. The aim of phenomenology is to transform lived experience into

a textual expression of its essence—in such a way that the effect of the text is at once



reflexive re-living and reflective appropriation of something meaningful‖ (1990: 36). As

readers, we will be taken to a certain time and place where the meaningful events happened

so that we know what it was like to have been there and eventually gain empathic

understanding of what has happened.


The researcher intended to get the answer about what meaningful events that the

participants had experienced in using 2013 Curriculum textbook. The meaningful events

which included teachers‘ beliefs, feelings, awareness, actions, and intentions may help shape

the teachers who experience them. Therefore, the research question for this study is ―What is

teachers‘ lived experience in using the 2013 Curriculum textbook?‖


The use of the 2013 Curriculum-based textbook entitled Think Globally Act Locally

becomes a phenomenon as this mandatory textbook, which has to be used in all schools to

teach English for grade 9 is based on a centralized syllabus and is provided by Ministry of

Education and Culture. The use of such centralized teaching material potentially initializes

meaningful events to teachers. Such meaningful events which may contribute to the

construction of their values and attitude towards teaching represent teachers‘ lived


Therefore, the goal of this study was to have empathic understanding on the

participants‘ lived experience in using 2013 Curriculum-based textbook, entitled Think

Globally Act Locally. Consequently, the study emphasized the importance of understanding

from the participants‘ point of view or understanding what it was like to have been in the

teachers‘ position when using the provided 2013 Curriculum textbook.



To achieve the goal, the researcher had to describe and interpret teachers‘ lived

experience in using 2013 Curriculum-based textbook entitled Think Globally Act Locally.

Therefore, two objectives were then set up. Firstly, the study aimed to collect texts such as

stories or anecdotes of teachers‘ lived experience in using Think Globally Act Locally.

Secondly, the texts were put together into a narrative to describe and interpret.


The study focuses on junior high school teachers‘ lived experience in using the 2013

Curriculum textbook which is published by the Minister of Education and Culture. The study

is limited to the lived experience in using 2013 Curriculum textbook to teach English for

grade 9. Therefore, the participants will be junior high school teachers who teach English of

grade 9 and has been using the 2013 Curriculum textbook provided by Ministry of Education

and Culture, entitled Think Globally Act Locally.

In order to gain rich data, the researcher purposefully selects two teacher participants

from two different Catholic private junior high schools in two different cities. Both schools

have implemented 2013 Curriculum; one of which is one of the first designated schools in

Yogyakarta City to implement 2013 Curriculum. The other selected school is located in a

small city in Central Java.

The study gives room to the participants to articulate their beliefs, either about

language, language learning or language learners. Teacher participants also may talk about

their actions, particularly related to teaching their students. They can also articulate their

feelings towards the situations and conditions, either related to their work place, to their

professional practices, or to the times in implementing 2013 Curriculum and in using its

textbook. All the texts created during the interviews, which can be in the form of anecdotes or

stories, are used as the main source of the study.




Some constraints did occur along the process of the study. Distance and time

constraints encountered by the researcher during the data collection really limited the amount

and the quality of the data. This situation especially applied to Bu Lydia whose location was

in Pemalang—about six hours away by car from the researcher‘s residence. In Bu Is‘ case the

constraint would be her time availability for at the moment of data gathering for this study Bu

Is was appointed committee coordinator for her school‘s open house event. Even when she

had spared her time for interview, occasionally there were interruptions from other teachers

and students consulting her regarding the school‘s open house preparation. Therefore, the

interviews conducted with Bu Is were not as fruitful as expected.

The limited time available either for the teacher participants or, especially, for the

researcher—apart from her motherhood responsibilities for having a new baby in the middle

of her study—really made the data collection quite a tough task. Consequently the data

successfully gathered for this study were not as extensive as the researcher had planned in

advance. Therefore, the researcher then had to keep working with whatever data at hand to

analyze, even if the data were not as extensive and deep as expected in the first place.


Accomplishing the study, the researcher hopes that this study will give benefits for

various parties. It is expectedly beneficial not only for the participant teachers, but also for

the researcher, for other fellow teachers and for the field of English education itself.

In revealing teachers‘ lived experience in using the 2013 Curriculum textbook, the

participant teachers will explore, recall, uncover and reflect upon their teaching practices,

their feelings, their beliefs and their awareness. The process of recalling and re-examining the

meaningful events in using 2013 Curriculum textbook will hopefully make the participant

teachers to be more reflective and evaluative in using a textbook and in practicing teaching.



The participant teachers will also be more aware to articulate their voices. These abundant

experiences in exploring their feelings and practices in using the 2013 Curriculum textbook

may shape their teaching practices and will make them more autonomous, confident and

competent in their profession.

The unveiled meaningful experiences that potentially help shape the teachers can

expectedly provide empathic understanding, both to the researcher and the readers of the

study. Both parties may have empathic understanding on what it was like to have been in the

participant teachers‘ situation.The elaboration and evaluation on the textbook in use which

potentially occur in text-making process will help other fellow teachers and the researcher to

understand and be more aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook. Eventually,

they shall be more competent in overcoming the weaknesses of the textbook or in dealing

with the problems occurring when using the textbook. Although the researcher is not the

practitioner in a formal school, the study will hopefully strengthen her belief in the

importance of being reflective and evaluative in textbook use and teaching practice.

For the field of English education, this study will expectedly provide scientific

benefits. Teachers‘ lived experience is personal; so that it will not be generalized for other

people. The uniqueness or personal meaningful experience in using a textbook will

expectedly enforce and provide additional information to the existing theories about English

education in general, and particularly about English curriculum including the textbook in use.

This study will also expectedly contribute to the body of knowledge in term of

providing other researchers with comparative study cases being discussed. Therefore, the

topic being investigated in this study is still open for further researches with different

approaches and cases.





This chapter attempts to provide discussions on general principles of the new school

curriculum applied as the national curriculum in Indonesia, that is the 2013 Curriculum, on

the 2013 English Curriculum, on general knowledge of textbook and on Junior High School

English textbook that is based on 2013 Curriculum, particularly the one published by the

Ministry of Education and Culture, for junior high school level. The following part provides

brief discussions on English teachers‘ roles, particularly in relation to 2013 Curriculum, and

on phenomenological research, particularly related to lived experience in using 2013

Curriculum textbook.


Textbook has been widely accepted as an essential learning and teaching instrument

in language classrooms. It is also one of the significant elements of a curriculum. As a

systematic map to effective learning and teaching, a change in the curriculum will influence

and also change the other elements in it, including the textbook to use. As the teachers are

placed as the significant curriculum implementer and there is the need to understand teachers‘

voice to the success of the new curriculum implementation, teachers‘ lived experience in

using the new curriculum based textbook needs to be articulated.

1. The 2013 Curriculum

There has been a large amount of definitions of Curriculum. Curriculum is generally

related to the official program of activities for the teachers and students to achieve certain

educational objectives. Rodgers (as in Richards, 2005: 39) defines curriculum as:



…all those activities in which children engage under the auspices

of the school. This includes not only what pupils learn, but how

they learn it, how teachers help them learn, using what

supporting materials, styles and methods of assessment, and in

what kind of facilities.

Similar definition of curriculum is also given by Wiggins and McTighe (as in Richards, 2013:

6) saying that curriculum is not simply a list of topics, key facts and skills (the ‗input‘) but it

takes and shapes content into a plan for how to conduct effective teaching and learning. It is a

map to attain the ‗outputs‘ of desired pupils‘ performance through suggested appropriate

learning activities and assessments.

The Law Number 20 Year 2003 about the National Education System, Article 1(19)

defines curriculum as a set of plans and regulations on goals, content, materials and

methodology which are used as the guidelines to conduct the teaching and learning process to

attain certain educational objectives (Kemendikbud, 2014). Curriculum is therefore the

systematic design for a program or a course and how the content of the course is transferred

into a map or a plan of teaching and learning to achieve the desired or targeted learning


It is stated in the curriculum documents that the 2013 Curriculum is outcome-based

curriculum in which its development is led to achieve competences formulated in Standard

Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) or Passing Standard. The assessment of learning and of the

curriculum is also measured based on the competences achievement (Kemendikbud, 2013:

90-91). Therefore, the success of the curriculum is meant as the achievement of competences,

formulated in curriculum document, by all students. There are several elements of 2013

Curriculum which are highlighted in the following discussion:



a. Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) or Passing Standard

The Passing Standard of 2013 Curriculum puts emphasis on the balance of soft skills

and hard skills. As an instrument to enhance education quality, 2013 Curriculum is

implemented in line with the reference of the Law Number 20 Year 2003 about the National

Education System. The 2013 Curriculum is expected to produce Indonesian generations who

are productive, creative, innovative and affective. All of the expectation is attained through

integrated attitude, skill and knowledge (Kemendikbud, 2013: 2). The need to create the

productive, creative, innovative and affective generation leads to the formulation of the

Passing Standard, known as Standard Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL).

The Passing Standard puts emphasis on holistic competences which should be

possessed by students. The implication is on what should be learnt by students, how to teach

and when to teach. It comprises competences of attitude, skill, and knowledge. Tare achieved

to some processes (Kemendikbud, 2013: 112-118). The competences The competence of

attitude can be achieved through the process of accepting, responding, valuing, internalizing,

and actualizing. The competence of skill can be achieved through the process of observing,

questioning, experimenting, reflecting, communicating, associating, and creating. The

competence of knowledge can be achieved through the process of knowing, understanding,

applying, analyzing, and evaluating.

The Passing Standard is formulated by considering several elements, such as the

education level, the students‘ psychological development, and the depth of materials

(Kemendikbud, 2013: 124). Therefore although the competences comprise the same

dimensions, the competence qualification of each dimension for each education level is

slightly different. The description of the passing standard qualification for junior high school

level can be seen in Table 1 below:



Table 1. The Passing Standard for Junior High School (Attachment of the Minister of

Education and Culture Regulation No. 54/ 2013)

Dimension Competence Qualification

Attitude One must have a behaviour which reflects the attitude of a person who is religious, having noble character, knowledgeable, self-confident, and responsible in interacting effectively with the social and natural environments within the reach of his or her socialization and existence.

Knowledge One must have factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge in science, technology, art, culture with the sense of humanity, nationality, state/constitution, and civilization related to the visible phenomena and events.

Skill One must have ability to think and act effectively and creatively either in the abstract or concrete domains according to what he or she has learnt at school or from other sources similar to the ones learnt at school.

The targeted competence to attain by students is also stipulated in the Government

Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 about National Education Standard which defines Passing

Standard as the qualification of graduate‘s competence which comprises attitude, knowledge

and skill (Indriyanto, 2013; PP19/ 2005, PP Kemendikbud 54/ 2013). In other words, the

desired competences which should be achieved by the elementary, junior and senior high

school graduates are the balanced competences of attitudes, knowledge and skills.

Consequently, all learning subjects must contribute to the formation of attitude, skill and

knowledge of the pupils. All learning subjects in the same education level will have to refer

to the same SKL. Therefore, in relation with English language teaching, the English subject is

expected to develop the competences of attitudes, knowledge and skills relevant to the nature

of the subject.

b. Core Competence and Basic Competence

Passing Standard or SKL (Standard Kompetensi Lulusan) is generated into Core

Competence, known as Kompetensi Inti (KI), which is incorporated in every learning subject.

Therefore, the core competence is the same for all subjects. There are four competences

included in the core competence of all subjects, namely spiritual attitude competence, social

attitude competence, knowledge competence, and skill competence.



The Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 68 Year 2013 about the

Basic Framework and Structure of the Junior High School/Madrasah Tsanawiyah Curriculum

also suggests that the core competences are the organizing elements of basic competence,

known as Kompetensi Dasar (KD). The basic competence and the learning process are

therefore formulated and developed to attain the competences stated in the core competence.

Therefore, the elements in the basic competence are always related to the core competence. In

addition, the formulation of basic competence is developed based on the nature of the subject.

In other word, while the core competence is the same for all subjects, the basic competence is

specifically designed for each subject. The basic competence of English for junior high

school based on the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 68 Year 2013

about the Basic Framework and Structure of the Junior High School/Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Curriculum, particularly the one for junior high school grade 9, can be seen in Appendix 1.

c. Scientific approach

2013 Curriculum applies scientific approach in the learning process as learning

process is believed to be similar to scientific process. In a scientific work process, scientists

emphasize inductive reasoning, instead of the deductive one. In inductive thinking process, a

specific phenomenon is seen and a general conclusion is then formulated. In order to get the

conclusion, several investigation techniques are done, new knowledge is gained or the

previous knowledge is corrected and/or combined with the new one (Kemendikbud 2014:

30). Apparently the scientific approach imposed in 2013 Curriculum is intended to make

students active as learners. They do the learning. Students are also expectedly guided to make

use of and enhance their critical thinking and the learning process is led to be learner


The scientific process which is imposed in the learning process in 2013 Curriculum

comprises five significant learning experiences. Based on the Ministry of Education and



Culture Regulation Number 81A Year 2013 about Curriculum Implementation, Attachment

IV Learning Guidelines, the scientific approach in learning emphasizes activities of

observing, questioning, collecting information/ experimenting, associating and

communicating (Kemendikbud, 2014: 30). The activity of observing can be done through

activities of reading, seeing or listening; questioning can be done either in verbal or written

form; experimenting can be done by doing experiments or interviewing a respondent;

associating can be performed when students connecting or deciding the relations of stories or

concepts; and the activity of communicating can be done either in verbal or written forms;

such as tables, charts, or graphs. Those five learning experiences of scientific approach in

various learning activities can be seen in the following table:

Table 2. The relation of learning steps with learning activities and their meaning

(Kemendikbud, 2014: 30-31)

Learning Steps Learning Activity Competences being Developed

Observing reading, hearing, listening, seeing/ watching (with or without tools)

Developing persistence, thoroughness and information acquisition

Questioning Asking questions about information which has not been understood from what is being observed; or questions to gain additional information about what is being observed (started from factual questions to hypothetic ones)

Formulating questions to develop necessary critical thinking

Experimenting/ Collecting Information

- Conducting experiments - Reading sources other than

textbooks - Observing objects/ events/

activities - Interviewing respondents

Developing thoroughness, honesty, politeness, respect to others, communication skill; applying skill to collect information by any means, developing habit of learning

Associating - Processing the collected information either from experiments or from the result of observing and collecting information

- Processing the collected information either to add/ enhance knowledge or to gain solution, from various sources that have different or

Developing honesty, thoroughness, discipline, obedience, skill to apply certain procedures and skill to think inductively and deductively in making conclusion



even contradictive opinions.

Communicating Communicating/ reporting the observation result or the conclusion based on analysis, either in verbal or written form or other media

Developing honesty, thoroughness, tolerance, skill to think systematically, skill to express opinions clearly and precisely; and developing language skill

These stages applied in 2013 Curriculum are to guide students‘ critical thinking

during learning process and to attain the goal of learning of all subjects in 2013 Curriculum.

The scientific approach applied in 2013 Curriculum is oriented to competences which cover

attitude, skill and knowledge. The emphasis on competences of attitude, skill and knowledge

in the learning process will expectedly result in improvement and balance of students‘ soft

skill, and hard skill; producing students who are productive, creative, innovative and


2. The 2013 English Curriculum

The general changes in the curriculum are adopted in all subjects, including English.

This section will discuss the 2013 English Curriculum and the concepts of the 2013 English


a. English in 2013 Curriculum

In English subject, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture has made several

significant changes in 2013 Curriculum. The significant changes can be seen in standard

content and the learning approach to be used in the 2013 English Curriculum (Agustien,

2014; Putra, 2014; TEFLIN, 2013). The standard content elaborate the competences that have

to be achieved by students and the teaching materials which are developed based on the

principles used in the development of the curriculum. Scientific approach is applied across

the curriculum as the learning approach, including English. Other significant changes relate

to the removal of English subject from elementary school, the reduction of teaching hours in



senior high schools, the reduction of contents of teaching materials, the integration of all

language skills and reduction of teachers‘ duties in material development.

The changes in English subject are also stated in 2013 Curriculum training materials

or documents made by Ministry of Education and Culture. The changes for English subject

can be seen in the table below:

Table 3. Changes in English Subject (Kemendikbud, 2013: 102)

Changes in English Subject

No. Old Curriculum New Curriculum

1 SK and KD were categorized based on

language skills so that there were

repetitive formulation of SK and KD

Categorization of KD is based on competency

(attitude, knowledge and skill)

2 Skill-based Competency-based with genre-based approach

3 Categorization of SK and KD was based

on skills which tended to be

understood as 4 separated skills

Categorization was based on competency of

attitude, knowledge and skill as one comprehensive


4 Using a lot of linguistic terms which

were difficult to understand

KD formulation avoids linguistic terms

5 KD formulation was too general, using

umbrella term which covered text

forms (e.g. narrative)

KD formulation is more specific (e.g. narrative in the

form of story)

The adoption of genre-based approach in 2013 English Curriculum as stated in the

training materials or documents of 2013 Curriculum is an evident that 2013 English

Curriculum aims to develop the skills to communicate, both in spoken and written language

(Agustien, 2014: 3-4). Derewianka elaborates the use of genre approach by saying that ―while

the emphasis in language learning is often placed on the acquisition of syntax at the sentence

level, in genre-based approaches the emphasis is on the creation of meaning at the level of the

whole text‖ and that ―genres evolve within a culture to enable members of that culture

achieve their social purposes‖ (Derewianka, 2003:135-136). This approach helps language

learners to develop skills to use language to do things in their daily lives.



Swales(1990) and Martin (1984) share similar viewpoint that all genres ―control a set

of communicative purposes within certain social situations and that each genre has its own

structural quality according to those communicative purposes Furthermore, Martin (1984)

provides several examples of genres: buying fruits, telling a story, writing a diary, applying

for a job interview, writing an invitation letter, and so on (Kim, 2006: 34, citing Kay and

Dudley-Evans, 1998:309). In addition, ―genres are seen as social practices – dynamic,

evolving ways of doing things through language‖ (Derewianka, 2012: 130). The genres use

accepted ways or conventions which are related to communicative purposes. For instance, a

personal letter talks about personal stories and starts with a question in a friendly mood since

it aims to maintain good relationship with friends, while a movie review analyzes movies and

emphasizes its thesis since its purpose is to make argument.

The training material on 2013 English Curriculum, as seen in Appendix 2, provides

more evident that communication skill is emphasized in the new curriculum (PLPG, 2014:

19). As also seen in the basic competence stated in the Minister of Education and Culture

Regulation no. 68/ 2013, English language teaching in junior high school intends to develop

students‘ ability to communicate both in spoken and written target language accurately and

appropriately. The communicative competence is therefore emphasized in the language

learning. The ability to use the target language in the four language skills is applied in various

contexts for varied purposes by making use of text types and language functions. Adequate

knowledge about texts (interpersonal, transactional and functional), text structure, grammar

and vocabulary is provided for the students as the support to be able to communicate in the

target language (Priyana, 2014: 2).

b. The concepts in 2013 English Curriculum

Based on 2013 Curriculum documents and training materials, some observers who

concerns on Indonesian education and curriculum, share similar view point on the concepts



applied in 2013 English Curriculum. They agree that the concepts which are adopted as the

basis to develop 2013 Curriculum consist of (1) the competence model, (2) the linguistic

theory, and (3) the language learning stages (Agustien, 2014 and Putra, 2014). Each concept

is briefly discussed as follows:

1) The competence model

Language learners need to attain several competences that support the development of

communicative competence; since Communicative Competence (CC) is developed as the

main goal of language education. Celce-Murcia at al suggests linguistic competence, actional

competence, socio-cultural competence and strategic competence in order to communicate

(Celce –Murcia et al, as in Agustien, 2014: 3). In her revision of previous model of

communicative competence in 1995, Celce-Murcia et al (2007) mention six competences as

the main target competences to be developed. The six competences are socio-cultural

competence, discourse competence, linguistic competence, formulaic competence,

interactional competence, and strategic competence (Celce-Murcia et al, as in Putra, 2014:

68). These competences contribute in the creation of texts or in discourse participation.

Socio-cultural competence is related to L2‘s pragmatic knowledge in appropriately

using the target language in social and cultural context of communication. Discourse

competence refers to the ability of L2 learners to construct and interpret oral and written

discourse in the target language. Linguistic competence relates to the knowledge of L2

learners on phonological, lexical, morphological and syntactic systems of the target language.

Formulated competence refers to L2 learners‘ knowledge about languages which are

frequently used in daily life interaction, either in formal or informal contexts. Interactional

competence refers to the knowledge to perform speech acts, maintain communication and

non-linguistic elements (such as gestures, eye contact, etc) in interaction. Strategic

competence relates to L2 learners‘ learning strategy in learning the target language. All of



these elements should be developed and reflected in the teaching-learning process as well as

in students‘ learning outcomes.

2) The linguistic theory

In line with the theory mentioned previously, systemic functional linguistic theory is

used as the basis to develop 2013 Curriculum (Agustien, 2014: 2). In this theory, language is

the resource for interacting, for making meaning, for communication. In addition, as

explained by Halliday (1978) that the use of language provides three functions: ideational

function which means that language is to express or construct ideas or information,

interpersonal function which means that language is to interact with others, and textual

function which means that language is to construct coherent and cohesive text ( Putra, 2014:

69). As the consequence, the teaching and learning process will guide students to apply these

three functions in using the target language.

The adoption of functional approach provides several implications in English

Language Teaching. Citing Derewianka‘s explanation that students need to know how to use

language for various functions, Agustien points to the implications of applying functional

linguistic theory in the curriculum. First, the targeted social purposes and the genres to be

taught should be specified in the curriculum. Second, explicit knowledge on vocabulary,

expressions and sentence structure should be provided to help students share messages

properly. Third, the ability to construct grammatical sentences and to connect them logically

should be scaffolded, Next, knowledge of how to exchange or negotiate ideas as well as

feelings and attitude should be provided for students to converse meaningfully and

successfully. It is also important to provide knowledge of how to construct coherent texts

which meet the expectations of the readers or interlocutors (Agustien, 2014: 2-3). Therefore,

teaching different genres of both oral and written texts means providing knowledge of the



context of situation and the context of culture in which the text is constructed, applied and

addressed to.

3) The language learning stages

As the adoption of genre based approach is mentioned in the document of 2013

Curriculum provided by Education and Culture Ministry to develop the ability to

communicate both in spoken and written language, the learning process is carried out in both

spoken and written cycles (Agustien, 2014: 3-4). There are several stages in each cycle to

guide students develop their ability to communicate in the target language independently.

Agustien suggests Derewianka‘s five stages to scaffold students, as seen in the following


Figure 1. Curriculum Cycle (Derewianka, as in Agustien 2014: 4)

In order to help students communicate for certain purposes, teachers need to go

around the cycles twice. As seen in Derewianka‘s diagram above, each cycle consists of five



stages. It is started with the first stage called Building knowledge of the topic in which

teachers and students build cultural context, share experiences, discuss vocabulary,

grammatical patterns and so on. All of these are related to the types of spoken texts and topics

they are going to deal with. The second stage is Learning about the text type where students

listen to short functional texts related to a certain communicative purpose. After listening,

students come to the third stage that is Guided practice in using the text type where they can

develop spoken text, can be with their peers, with the help from the teacher.

After having the experience of developing spoken text and working with their peers,

students enter stage four called Independent use of the text type. At this stage students are

expected to be able to speak spontaneously and independently, for instance to create and

present monologues which aim to show ways to do/ to make something. The last stage at the

cycle is Reflecting on the text type and its use where students reflect on what they have

learned, done and created. Teachers can help students in recycling some knowledge and

making necessary revision. This cycle is integrating listening and speaking skills. The next

cycle can be done at integrating reading and writing skills, in which students are exposed to

written texts.

As there are speaking cycles and written cycles, the teaching and learning process is

designed based on how language is acquired and on the difficulty level of skills to learn by

students. Saville-Troike suggest priorities of L2 activities in the development of interpersonal

competence in which listening, speaking, reading, and writing are placed in order in the

teaching and learning process (Putra, 2014: 70). Therefore the teaching and learning process

focus both on receptive skill and productive skill.

Similarly, Paul Nation suggests the balance of four strands which should be provided

in a well-designed course. The four strands comprise meaning-focused input, meaning-

focused output, language-focused learning and fluency development (Nation, 2007: 2-7). The



balance of these four strands aims to cover both receptive and productive skills. Meaning-

focused input involves learning through listening and reading in which learners use language

receptively. Meaning-focused output involves learning through speaking and writing in which

learners use language productively. Language-focused learning involves the deliberate

learning of language features such as pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and

discourse. Fluency development involves all the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and


3. Textbook

A textbook plays a significant role in in a language curriculum. The processes of how

the rational sequence of linguistic contents are taught or learned are depicted in the activities

and exercises of a textbook. It is a type of printed teaching material which teachers can use

along with other types of teaching materials such as audio and/or video materials, computer-

based materials or internet-based materials. Richards states that not only do textbooks or

other teaching materials such as institutionally prepared materials and materials prepared by

teachers provide teaching ideas for inexperienced teachers, but they are also the basis for

much of the language input received by learners and the language practice occurring in the

classroom (2005: 251).

This type of teaching material serves as the significant resource and reference in a

language program and provides motivation, security, and guidance in language learning for

both teachers, particularly the novice ones, and learners (Cunningsworth as in Richards,

2005; Dudley Evans and St. John as in Richards, 2005; Ur as in Ansary and Babaii, 2002).

Textbooks play their role as a language learning support since they can serve as the resource

of the ready-made presentation materials and learning tasks; as the stimulation and ideas for

classroom activities; as source for learners on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation; and as

a syllabus where they reflect learning objectives that have already been determined. They



cater a plan of what is intended and expected; therefore the participants can see what is being

done and how much work should be covered. In addition, a textbook is considered to provide

cheaper prearranged learning materials in terms of cost and effort compared to what teachers

can produce within their available time (McDonough and Shaw in Crawford, 2002: 81-82).

Nevertheless, several counter-arguments of using a textbook have long been part of dilemma

that teachers face.

The counter-arguments of using a textbook are mostly due to the prearranged

materials which may not meet individual learner needs and cultural differences and may

deskill teachers (Ur as in Ansary and Babaii, 2002; Crawford, 2002). A textbook may not be

able to serve all differing needs, learning styles and learning strategies that exists in a class

and topics in it may not be relevant for all students since textbooks have their own rationale.

A textbook sets pre-prepared sequence and structure that may not be realistic and situation-

friendly. In addition, a textbook is confining in nature that may restrict teacher‘s creativity

and put teachers as simply mediators with their hands tied.

Although a textbook provides several less positive arguments in using it for a

language program, it is still considered to contribute positively to language teaching and

learning. Therefore, there are several principles that a good textbook should take. As

Tomlinson suggests (as in Richards, 2005: 263-264) good teaching materials should help

learners develop confidence and feel at ease in maximizing their learning potential. They also

should provide relevant and useful materials to learn, expose authentic use of language to

learners, and provide the learners with linguistic features of the input as well as opportunities

to use the target language for communicative purposes. Therefore, instead of relying too

much on controlled practice, good materials should provide opportunities for outcome




The demand to provide balance opportunities of learning input and output brings its

consequences. Firstly, the balance of meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output,

language-focused learning and fluency development which are called as the four strands

should be considered in creating a well-designed language course (Nation, 2007: 2-7).

Secondly, since a textbook is a framework which regulates the language program or course

and provides ready-made teaching texts and learning tasks, a good textbook should also

provide roughly equal amount of opportunities for the four strands. Therefore, there is also

demand for textbook authors to design textbooks that can portray the balance of the four

strands and can cover four integrated language skills.

4. Adapting a Textbook

A textbook is a tool of teaching which does not do the teaching, yet it provides

stimulus for learning and teaching. Masuhara perceives that good textbooks meet teachers,

learners, and administrators‘ needs and wants (1998: 239-246); while Graves emphasizes that

‗no textbook was written for your actual group of students, and so it will need to be adapted

in some way‘ (2000: 176). In addition, Richards believes that teachers may vary according to

their language proficiency, teaching experience, skill and expertise, training and

qualifications, teaching style, beliefs and principles, and even morale and motivation (2005:

99). Those factors influence how teachers assign the meaning of the textbook in use.

Teachers who have different language learning/teaching beliefs may differently perceive a

textbook in use; either in terms of its appropriateness with students‘ learning needs, language

level difficulty, cultural appropriateness and many other aspects. The success in teaching with

a textbook depends on both the teacher and the students who use the textbook.

Teachers can be the providers of good materials. As Dudley-Evans and St.John (as in

Richards, 2005: 260) suggests that a good provider of materials will likely be able to select

appropriately from and be creative with what is available, modify activities to suit learners‘



needs, provide supplementary activities by providing extra activities and extra input. In other

words, teachers have chances to make a textbook a better teaching resource.

Graves suggests that the difficulties or the disadvantages of using a textbook can be

successfully dealt with by treating the textbook as a teaching instrument that you can adapt to

your particular group of students by changing, supplementing, eliminating and resequencing

the material in it. Yet, it is worthwhile to create your own materials or look for another

textbook when there is so much to do to adapt the textbook (2000: 175). Masuhara also

suggests that teachers‘ homegrown materials may be more finely tuned to the local classroom

needs with valid methodological awareness (1998: 247). Therefore, teaching with a textbook

always involves decision making and skill based on the users‘ understanding, beliefs and


A textbook can be treated as a teaching instrument that can be molded and adapted so

that it is better suited for your beliefs, understandings and teaching goals. Graves explains

that once a textbook is written, it is fixed; whereas when you teach with a textbook, you can

make changes in how you use it. The changes stem from your beliefs and understanding, your

goals and objectives, your students‘ needs, and the requirements of your context (2000: 173).

It is easier to adapt a textbook when you have gradually become familiar with the book or

already had the experience teaching with it.

Graves further elaborates three forms of choices of how much to adapt a textbook,

namely: (1) adapting at the activity level, (2) adapting at the unit level and (3) adapting at the

syllabus/ book level (2000: 188-197). Adapting at the activity level means that you can stick

to the syllabus and make adaptations by changing, supplementing and/ or eliminating

activities. Adapting at the unit level can also be done by doing the activities in a different

order than in the book and by adapting the existing activities; that is by changing, eliminating

or adding activities. Thus this kind of adaptation also involves adaptation at the activity level.



This type of adaptation can be done while you are still sticking to the syllabus. Adapting the

textbook at the syllabus level means adding new areas to the existing syllabus and changing

or eliminating parts of it. Adaptation at the syllabus level involves adaptation at the unit level.

Richards suggests several textbook adaptation forms to individualize the textbook for

a particular group of learners (2005: 260). Textbook adaptation can be done by (1) modifying

content to suit the target learners due to their age, gender, social class, religion or cultural

background; (2) adding or deleting content by considering whether the textbook content is

too much or too little; (3) reorganizing content into the more suitable order for a particular

reason; (4) addressing omission that is adding omitted items that the teacher thinks are

important; (5) modifying tasks, for instance by changing exercises or activities to give them

additional focus; and (6) extending tasks by adding additional practice tasks to exercises that

may contain insufficient practice.

5. The 2013 Curriculum English Textbook

To implement 2013 Curriculum, government has designed and provided the 2013

Curriculum based textbooks which are used nationally as the primary source of the teaching

and learning process at schools. There are student‘s book and teacher‘s book which are

provided, both in form of printed books and free electronic books. The teacher‘s book is the

guideline for teachers to teach the subject materials or in conducting the teaching process

which comprises guidelines in doing teaching preparation, guidelines for teaching process

including guidelines to implement each stage of the scientific approach, the guidelines for

assessment and the guidelines to use student‘s textbook (Kemendikbud, 2014: 35). The

students‘ book is the learning source which consists of the title for each chapter, and the

information of basic competence to achieve based on the topic of each chapter. Every chapter

is equipped with conceptual map, introduction, activities and projects for students either

experimental or non-experimental ones or discussion, exercises, summary, evaluation and



other assignments for students (Kemendikbud, 2014: 59). In addition, the scientific elements

addressed are even explicitly written on the top corner of every page of the students‘ book.

The textbook to implement 2013 curriculum should be in line with Passing Standard

(SKL), Core Competence and Basic Competence. The list of The Core Competence and the

Basic Competence for class 9 can be seen in Appendix 1. The contents of English textbook

for junior high schools based on 2013 Curriculum comprise short and simple texts of

interpersonal texts, transactional texts, and various types of functional texts (descriptive,

recount, narrative, procedure and factual report) in the four language skills; in which

descriptive texts are given in class 7 and 8, recount and narrative texts are given in class 8,

and procedure and factual report texts are given in class 9 (Kemendikbud, 2014: 4,

Kemendikbud 2015: 5). The mastery of each type of text comprises three aspects, namely

social function, text structure, and linguistic features all of which are selected based on the

communication context and purpose (Kemendikbud, 2015: 5). In other words, text structure,

grammar, expressions, vocabulary and social function also provided as part of the learning

materials. The content of material for grade 9 students comprising text types, short functional

texts and values to learn can be seen in Appendix 3.

There are some principles of the language materials (for both Bahasa Indonesia and

English subjects) as stated in the concept of 2013 Curriculum (Kemendikbud, 2014: 53). The

learning materials emphasize linguistic competence to communicate students‘ ideas and

knowledge. Activities and practices provide opportunities for students to comprehend,

summarize, and communicate texts in their own words systematically, logically and

effectively. Text structures are also introduced to help students construct appropriate texts.

The activities and practices also give opportunities for students to express themselves and

their knowledge with convincing language.



Guidelines to conduct each activity for each learning unit along with the examples of

possible instructions and expressions given to students are provided in teacher‘s book. It is

also emphasized that teachers play important role in implementing 2013 Curriculum in the

learning process. A brief discussion on the role of English teachers is provided in the

following section.

6. English Teachers in 2013Curriculum

Teachers play significant roles in the successful implementation of school curriculum

changes, including in implementing 2013 Curriculum. In implementing 2013 Curriculum in

English subject, it is emphasized that teachers are the model in using the target language,

both in verbal and written form. Therefore, teachers are obliged to use English appropriately

and fluently. Teachers need to mind their intonation, stress and pace when they speak and to

pay attention to their spelling and punctuation marks when they write in the target language.

They are also encouraged to develop English environment, in which students are exposed

with the target language use as much as possible (Kemendikbud 2014: 31)

Teachers are the key factors in the implementation of the curriculum. The concept of

learner-centered classroom which is emphasized in 2013 Curriculum places the teacher no

longer as the information center but as the facilitator toward students‘ learning. As the one

who directly faces the students in implementing the new curriculum, the teacher is also

expected to be able to (1) elaborate the learning topics of the related subject into interesting

explanation or information which can be easily understood by students, (2) identify students‘

level of difficulty in learning a certain material and help students to solve the problems in

learning, and (3) evaluate students‘ learning progress. It is based on the result of the

evaluation that teachers can determine the right strategies in teaching the students

(Indriyanto, 2013).



Supports from teachers are also needed in accommodating the scientific approach

elements as the learning approach to achieve the target competence; particularly when the

learning approach is part of the curriculum change that is still new for students. As learning

centeredness is emphasized in 2013 Curriculum, teachers play their role more as facilitators

who will assist students in their learning process. The following parts are some activities that

teachers can do to assist students by applying the scientific approach in their learning process

(Kemendikbud, 2014: 12-13, 34-45; Priyana, 2014: 3-4).

Observing is the initial stage where students for the observation in order to understand

texts. At this stage teachers can provide students with guidelines or list of items needed to be

observed or list of items they can choose to observe.

The next stage is questioning. Teachers then stimulate students‘ curiosity and critical

thinking trough class or group discussions where they are encouraged to formulate and ask

questions. At this questioning stage teachers can provide some questions for the students to

start with, since making and asking questions in the target language is not always easy for


The following stage is collecting information or experimenting in which students

collect data or information to answer their inquiries. This activity can be done individually by

each student or collaboratively in groups with the assistance of the teacher. The teacher may

need to provide worksheets or other relevant learning resources to help students in collecting


At the associating stage the teacher assists students to sort out and compare texts

based on the social function, the text structure and the linguistic components. The teacher

then helps students to see patterns and draw conclusions.



Next stage is communicating where students have to present their conclusion in verbal

and/or written form. At this stage the teacher can give feedback on students‘ conclusions. It

means that the teacher enriches students‘ knowledge.

The final stage is creating in which the teacher prepares tasks which encourage and

scaffold students to create texts. It will be in the form of guided, semi-guided and productive

tasks. Prior to the given tasks, the teacher needs to provide students with necessary strategy

or language supports.

There have been various teachers‘ reactions towards the curriculum change, including

the guidelines to implement it, and the ready used-textbook which has been provided by the

government to use nationally. More and more teachers are getting aware of their right to

articulate their voices. They know that they are not simply the users of the new curriculum

implemented and its instruments provided. Some teachers do not welcome the chance to try

out the new materials or method as they realize that the provided textbook needs to evaluate

and should not deskill teachers. Some other teachers cannot make effective use of them.

There are also teachers who need the help from others to make them aware of the importance

of reflecting on their professional activities in implementing the new curriculum textbook,

instead of simply accepting and using the provided textbook or the new curriculum without

further questions. The reasons for these various attitudes towards the curriculum change may

due to their acknowledgement of their students learning needs, their own needs and/ or many

other aspects that influence the way they see the curriculum change and its elements.

As teachers have significant role in educational system, they have voices to be heard

and even to be involved in the curriculum development. Therefore, listening to,

understanding and involving teachers‘ ideas, understanding, belief, and feelings related to

educational issues and policy making are worth doing.



7. Teachers’ Beliefs

A lot of things that teachers do in classroom are influenced by their beliefs. Although

the beliefs may not be present in teachers thinking, they underlie much of teachers‘ decision

making and actions in relation to the process and content of teaching. Those beliefs can be

influenced and gradually developed over time by various factors. Some of which are by

teachers‘ experience as learners, experience as a teacher and how students responded to her

and each other, experience of what works best, understandings from readings, personality

factors, preferred teaching styles and practices within a school, personality factors,

educationally-based principles, and principles derived from an approach or method (Richards

and Lockhart, 2005: 30-31; Graves, 2000: 32).

There are several forms or categories of teachers‘ beliefs. Some of the teacher‘s

beliefs may occur in more than one category since the boundaries between them are blurred.

Graves(2000:27-31) categorizes teachers‘ beliefs into (1) beliefs about language, (2) beliefs

about the social context of language, (3) beliefs about language learning and learners, and (4)

beliefs about teaching. This categorization is based on Stern‘s framework in which he

proposes that any theories of language teaching needs to address the concepts of language,

society (or social context), learning and teaching.

Beliefs about language refer to teachers‘ view of what being proficient in a language

means. The way teachers perceive what language is affects what and how they teach it, and

how a language should be learned. For instance, an emphasis on language as rule-governed

may lead to the belief that learning a language means learning to use it accurately without

grammatical errors.

Issues of sociolinguistic, sociocultural and sociopolitical in language teaching are

connected to the category of beliefs about the social context of language. Sociolinguistic

issues are connected with how language is adapted to fit or to not fit the social context.



Learning a language means learn to adjust the language to contextual factors. Sociocultural

issues concerned with the interaction between language and culture. Understanding of both

one‘s culture and the target language‘s culture is involved in these issues. While

sociopolitical issues refer to the beliefs that learners need to know how to participate in a

community by making use of language they are learning, and that language teaching involves

helping learners gain access to social system.

Beliefs about learning and learners are related to teachers‘ view of how people learn

and the roles that enable them to learn. Learning can be perceived as the process of discovery

by learners, or in contrast it is perceived as the process of applying received knowledge.

Learners can be the source of expertise or recipients of it. Learning may count on individual

effort or depend on a group effort. The learning focus may be on acquiring new knowledge,

mastering skills, developing awareness, learning about attitudes, how the language works or

on using the language,

Beliefs about teaching is related to how teachers perceive teaching and their role.

They are also connected to beliefs about learning. In articulating teachers‘ beliefs about

teaching, they may believe that teaching is knowledge transmission, a collaborative process,

or providing of learning structures. While teachers‘ role can be seen as a decision maker,

knowledge transmitter, collaborator, resource, or provider of learning structures.

Similarly, Richards and Lockhart put teachers‘ beliefs under four categories of (1)

beliefs about English, (2) beliefs about learning, (3) beliefs about teaching, (4) beliefs about

the program and curriculum (2005: 32-39). Beliefs about English refer to people‘s view of

English. Different people may perceive English differently. For example, some people

perceive English as a means of doing business. Others see English as the language of

English-speaking world. The beliefs about English that teachers hold may influence their

classroom practice. Beliefs about learning may be based on teachers‘ training, teaching



experience or their experience as language learners. The beliefs can be represented in various

practices, for example in teachers‘ exposure to language that facilitate language learning, in

the learning styles and strategies which teachers encourage or discourage in learners, and

many more. Beliefs about teaching vary differently from one teacher to another since

teaching is a very personal activity. Each teacher may hold different beliefs and assumptions

about what makes effective teaching. Teachers also have specific beliefs about the program

and curriculum they work in. Teachers‘ views on things within a program will lead to

different classroom practices. For example, some teachers may depend a lot on published

textbook and let the textbook make many of their instructional decisions; while others may

perceive textbook as a hindrance to their creativity and prefer to make more use of teacher-

generated materials.

8. Lived Experience

Lived experience is essentially part of and emphasized in phenomenological research.

Van Manen states that lived experience is the breathing of meaning and the starting point and

end point of phenomenological research whose intention is to transform lived experience into

a textual expression of its essence—in such a way that the effect of the text is at once a

reflexive re-living and a reflective appropriation of something meaningful: a notion by which

a reader is powerfully animated in his or her own lived experience (1990: 36). In addition,

Valle et al. states that the emphasis of phenomenology is on the world that is lived by a

person, not the world or reality as something separate from the person (as in Laverty,

2003:4). Further Dilthey (1985) suggests that ―lived experience involves our immediate, pre-

reflective consciousness of life: a reflexive or self-given awareness which is, as awareness,

unaware of itself‖ (as in Van Manen, 1990: 35).

Lived experience, therefore, refers to meaningful events which are internalized in a

person‘s life, that shape the person as she/he is today and whose meanings can be disclosed



or presented through a process of reflection. As stated by Murphy (1960: 13), lived

experience includes many aspects, such as understanding, desire, intention or expectation,

action, anticipation, relation with others, cultural pattern, feelings, beliefs or sights,

behaviors, smells, sounds, etc. (as in Bradley, 2002).

Phenomenological approach is applied to study the lived meanings in attempt to

describe and interpret these meanings to a certain degree of depth and richness, as stated by

Van Manen (1990: 11). The hermeneutic nature of this research, as mentioned by Barclay (as

in Laverty, 2003:15), is characterized by its interpretive process which includes explicit

statements of the historical movements or philosophies that are guiding interpretation as well

as the presuppositions that motivate the individuals who make the interpretations.

This study will pay more attention to the participants‘ feelings, awareness, beliefs,

actions and expectations included in their lived experience in using the 2013 Curriculum

textbook. The stories that the teacher participants tell of their experience in using 2013

Curriculum textbook and the meanings they derive from sharing them are the focus of this

study. Van Manen suggests that empirical generalizations, the production of law-like

statements, or the development of functional relationships cannot be found in

phenomenology. It intends to acquire understanding about concrete lived experience by

means of language (1990: 22-23). Therefore the understanding of teachers‘ lived experience

in using 2013 Curriculum textbook that is developed from this study will not be generalized

for all teachers.


The implementation of 2013 Curriculum and the provision of the textbook by

Ministry of Education and Culture bring several changes as well as challenges for teachers to

undergo. Teachers need to understand and apply the changes embedded in the new

curriculum in the teaching and learning process. The provision of 2013 Curriculum-based



textbook by Ministry of education and Culture seems good to some extent. The reduction of

teachers‘ duties in material development gives room for teachers to focus on other things.

They do not need to spend much of time to select, to adopt, to adapt or to develop their own

teaching materials. However, the uniformity of materials, the learning approach to follow,

the limited time allocation for English subject, the poor textbook distribution and even the

provision of electronic textbook to some extent ignore the diversity that exists in the

classrooms and the differences of schools condition in Indonesia. Yet, the provision of

textbooks may be perceived differently by different teachers.

Teachers play an essential role in the success of teaching with a textbook. A textbook

serves as the significant language teaching and learning support since it is the resource and

reference of language learning in the classroom. Yet, Graves suggests that ― no textbook was

written to your actual group of students‖ (2000: 176). Therefore, teachers are challenged to

ensure the fitness of the textbook not only to their students but also to the adopted curriculum


There are several empirical truths that potentially lead to the pre-figured themes of the

study. First, curriculum changes will lead to changes on a textbook to use in class. The 2013

Curriculum-based English textbook, which is obliged to be used by teachers, is developed

based on the centralized syllabus of 2013 Curriculum which is provided by Ministry of

Education and Culture. Second, teachers‘ beliefs may influence their classroom practices. It

includes influencing the way teachers feel about, perceive and treat the provided textbook.

Third, teachers are inevitably required to involve their awareness, critical thinking, prior

knowledge and experience, beliefs, intention and action from the time they pick up the

textbook and teach from it. Therefore, the essence of using 2013 Curriculum textbook is

stated in the following pre-figured themes: (1) open-mindedness, (2) teachers‘ beliefs, and (3)




The first pre-figured theme in this study is open-mindedness. ―Teachers are the key

factor in the successful implementation of curriculum changes‖ (Richards, 2005: 99). The

fact that Indonesia has undergone dynamic changing of its curriculum has prompted teachers

to be always open to curriculum changes. In other words, teachers are expected to be ready

and willing to accept and understand about the new curriculum to implement in their teaching

practices. Teachers also need to be willing to accept the provision of the new textbook as the

teaching material since it is a key element in most language program. Textbooks play an

important role as the syllabus reflecting the learning objectives that have already been

determined (Cunningsworth, 1995:7, as in Richards, 2005: 251). By accepting and

understanding about the textbook, together with all aspects of language presented in the

textbook and about how students are asked to work with the practices or materials, teachers

can grasp what to do to achieve what is intended and expected from the learning.

Teachers‘ beliefs often guide teachers in making decision on classroom practices.

Richards and Lochart points out that ―what teachers do is a reflection of what they know and

belief‖ (2005: 29). Teachers‘ beliefs do not only influence their judgement or evaluation of

the textbook but also their decision on what to do to make the textbook works and

successfully used to achieve the learning objectives and to fit the learners. In using a

textbook, a teacher will often need to consider how long to spend on certain activities or

material, which activities to skip or to add, and many other things to decide. Indeed,

teaching—including teaching with a textbook—always involves decision making. When

those beliefs are not involved in using the textbook, a teacher will only treat a textbook as a

sacred tool which cannot be molded to suit the students‘ needs and conditions. This will

eventually deskill the teacher. Thus, the second theme addressed is teachers‘ beliefs, which

cover beliefs about language, about language learning and about EFL learners.



The third theme is flexibility. It refers to adapting a textbook; that is making

necessary changes on the textbook which is used. Since no textbooks are written to really suit

your students, you will need to make necessary changes so that the textbook which is used

can function better. Graves highlights the idea that ‗once a textbook is written, it is fixed;

whereas when you teach with it, you can make changes in how you use it‘ (2000: 173).

Richards points out that poor quality resources and materials that teachers have to work on do

not really matter for brilliant teachers for they can often find better alternative resources and

materials to compensate (2005: 99). Teachers‘ beliefs about language, about English in

particular, about language learning and about EFL learners very much take part in making

decision of textbook adaptation. The textbook adaptation is also influenced by what teachers

know, their teaching experience, teaching style and other dimensions which vary from one

teacher to another.





This chapter provides the methodology which is employed in this study. It covers

three sections, namely research methods, research design and trustworthiness. Research

method part will describe what happens in a hermeneutic phenomenology research as part of

qualitative research approach. The next part will elaborate what the researcher actually did or

what happened in the research process. The last part is elaborating what has the researcher

done to increase the validity of the research.


The main purpose of this study was to explore and to assign a deeper understanding

toward Junior High School teachers‘ lived experience in using the 2013 Curriculum English

textbook which has been designed and implemented nationally. According to Van Manen, the

attempts to gain ―a deeper understanding of the nature or meaning of our everyday

experiences‖ belong to phenomenology (Van Manen, 1990: 9). The researcher tried to find

the answer by assisting the teachers to reflect, describe, feel, and share their experience in

using the Curriculum 2013 English textbook provided by the government. As suggested by

Patton that to explore how human beings make sense of experience and transform experience

into consciousness, the researcher has to ―methodologically, carefully and thoroughly capture

and describe how the participants perceive the phenomenon, describe it, feel about it, judge it,

remember it, make sense of it and talk about it‖ (2002: 104). Whatever emerged as important

to understanding what participants experienced – such as talk, action, text, facial expression,

is captured, described and interpreted. When description is ―mediated by expression (for

example: by blushing, talk, a work of art, action, a text) then the description seems to contain

a stronger element of interpretation‖. An interpretation of experience via some text or some



symbolic forms is hermeneutic (Van Manen, 1990: 25). Therefore, this research is a

hermeneutic phenomenological research.

According to Van Manen, ―phenomenology describes how one orients to lived

experience, hermeneutics describes how one interprets the texts of life, and semiotics is used

here to develop a practical writing or linguistic approach to the method of phenomenology

and hermeneutics‖ (1990: 4). Yet descriptions of experience and interpretations are so

intertwined that they often become one. ―Interpretation is essential to an understanding of

experience and the experience includes the interpretation‖ (Patton, 2002:106). As cited by

Laverty, Van Manen suggests that ―the ability to be reflective, insightful, sensitive to

language and constantly open to experience is required whenever phenomenology or

hermeneutic phenomenology is pursued‖ (2003: 16)

As this research is part of the qualitative research approach, small samples of

participants are purposefully selected. Qualitative researchers usually work with small

samples of people to study in depth (Miles and Huberman, 1994: 27). Patton further clarifies

that qualitative inquiry ―typically focuses on relatively small samples, even single cases (n=1)

selected purposefully to permit an inquiry into and understanding a phenomenon in depth‖

(Patton, 2002: 46). The participants are people who directly experience the phenomenon.

―The ‗data‘ of human science research are human experiences‖ (Van Manen, 1990:

63), that is the personal life stories in the form of narratives. These data are gathered from a

series of in-depth interviews with people who directly experience the phenomenon of interest.

In hermeneutic phenomenological science, the interview is aimed ―to gather and explore

experiential narrative material that can serve as the resource to develop a deeper

understanding of a human phenomenon. It may also be used to develop a conversational

relation with the interviewee about the meaning of an experience‖(p. 66). In addition, Van

Manen suggests that ―the art of researcher in the hermeneutic interview is to keep the



question (of the meaning of the phenomenon) open‖, to keep the researcher and the

interviewee ―oriented to the substance of the thing being questioned‖ (p. 98). Therefore,

open-ended questions will be used to gather the participants‘ stories in depth.


1. Research Setting and Participants

The research was aimed at understanding junior high school teachers‘ lived

experience in using the 2013 curriculum textbook. Two participants were purposefully

selected. They were two teachers of Junior High School who have taught English for grade 9

and have used 2013 Curriculum English textbook, published by Ministry of Education and

Culture, for teaching. Aiming at gaining rich data, these two teachers were selected from two

different non-public schools in two different towns. One English teacher has been teaching

English at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 in Kota Yogyakarta, the other one has been teaching

English at SMP Pius in Kabupaten Pemalang, Central Java.

There were several reasons underlying researcher‘s choice of where to conduct the

research. The researcher chose SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 and SMP Pius Pemalang as these two

schools were under Catholic Foundations, although they were from two different foundations.

Yet these two schools were different in nature. SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 has been implementing

2013 Curriculum since the school year of 2013/2014, and in fact it was one of five 2013

Curriculum designated junior high schools in Kota Yogyakarta when it was firstly launched.

The other reason was because this school was located in Kota Yogyakarta which the

researcher assumed to have good facilities for the learning process. This condition was in

contrast with the other selected school. SMP Pius was located in Pemalang, a regency in

Central Java. It was not the 2013 Curriculum designated junior high school, yet has been non-

consecutively implementing 2013 Curriculum since the school year of 203/ 2014. Eventually,



from the preliminary interview the researcher found out that the school implemented 2013

Curriculum as the local government obliged all schools in the regency to implement it. This

school was not equipped with facilities as good as schools in big cities.

2. Nature and Source of Data

The nature of data of this study is text, such as direct quotations, narratives or

anecdotes about the participants. As Van Manen suggests ―The lifeworld, the world of lived

experience, is both the source and the object of phenomenological research‖ (Van Manen,

1990: 53). Therefore the text captured the participants‘ personal life experiences. It consisted

of the reflected feelings, awareness, actions, and beliefs.

The sources of data of this study are the participants. Two junior high school teachers

who have directly used the 2013 Curriculum textbook to teach grade 9 are purposefully

selected for the in-depth interviews and observations. The teachers come from two different

Catholic schools from two different cities, namely SMP PIUS Pemalang and SMP Pangudi

Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

3. Data Gathering Technique

In order to capture the participants lived experience, the researcher made the most use

of interviews with the selected participants. There were two kinds of interviews conducted.

The first one was the preliminary interview. This initial interview was projected at building

good rapport and trust between the researcher and the participants so that both parties would

feel comfortable during the in depth interview. This interview was also used to gain initial

information to make sure that the school and the teacher were the right place and the right

participant for the research. The second kind of interview was the in-depth interview. The

researcher met the participants directly to have in-depth interview. By meeting them directly,

the researcher could capture their facial expressions, gestures, and tones of their voice clearly



which could be useful in describing and interpreting the gathered texts. The in-depth

interview for each participant was done several times in several different days which matched

with the participants‘ available time.

The interviews were audio-taped and involved open-ended questions. The interview

questions were developed based on the theoretical review, pre-understanding and the

reflection of the previous interview(s) orienting at gaining clarity and deeper understanding.

Note taking during the in-depth interviews was also done as the back-up data obtained from

the recording.

An observation of each participant‘s class was also conducted with the purpose of (1)

obtaining the supporting data, (2) increasing validity, and (3) checking whether what the

teachers believed were executed in class. The observation was video-taped and notes were

taken to document teachers‘ action and behavior in teaching with the textbook and in

executing their beliefs. For getting another data support, the researcher also conducted a

literature study on the 2013 Curriculum English textbook and necessary documents of The

Minister of Education and Culture regulations.

The relevant interview transcript, observation notes and documents were collected

and examined as the raw data. Notes of the participants‘ significant gestures, facial

expressions and/or tone during the interview were also marked. Relevant records of

interviews were converted into transcripts of interviews with needed coding. Following the

transcript coding was narrative composition and interpretation under essential themes. The

transcripts and notes of observation were read a lot of times in order to capture the essential

and emerging themes relevant to the phenomenon.



4. Research Procedure

In this section, the researcher reveals what she has actually done in her attempt to

answer the question of this research. Several steps were conducted to obtain the needed data

for this research. The research procedure is elaborated as follows:

Figure 2. Research Procedure (Researcher‟s construct)



The first step was deciding the research setting and participants. Before the interviews

were conducted, the researcher tried to find information about schools in Yogyakarta which

have implemented 2013 Curriculum, particularly about those which have become the

designated schools to implement 2013 Curriculum since it was firstly launched. The

information was gathered from her friends working as English teachers in several schools in

Yogyakarta. Yet, since the researcher had to go back to her hometown, Pemalang, in the near

future and because the researcher believed that having more than one school from different

regions for her research would offer rich data, she then planned to also collect the needed

data from a school in Pemalang which has implemented 2013 Curriculum. The researcher

eventually found out that the school she once studied at, SMP Pius, has implemented 2013

Curriculum. Since SMP Pius Pemalang is a private school under a Catholic Foundation, the

researcher then decided to choose SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta as the destined school

to collect the needed data because it has similar nature. Then, research permits were sent out

to those schools.

The second step was conducting preliminary interview. It was done after the

researcher already got permission from the designated schools to collect research data at

those schools. This interview was mainly projected to build good rapport and trust between

the researcher and the participants. At this step, the researcher came to the school, met the

teacher, built good rapport through conversations, informed her intention to participants and

made appointment for the next interview.

Once an appointment for having the interview was settled, the researcher did the third

step. The researcher constructed guidelines of interview questions in order to avoid over

abundance poorly managed interviews. The questions were constructed based on the literary

reviews and the researcher‘s pre-undertanding on the phenomenon being studied. The



questions were then developed during the interview in order to gain deeper understanding of

the subject matter being talked about.

The fourth step was conducting an in-depth interview with the participants. This was

the step in which the large amount of data was obtained. The researcher thoroughly listened

to the participants‘ stories and reflections on their personal experience or their teaching

practices with the new curriculum and related textbook. The researcher paid attention not

only to the participant‘s stories but also to the participant‘s significant gestures, facial

expressions, or tone of voice which were shown accompanying certain words or sentences in

the conversation. Questions in the interview were kept open and being developed during the

interview based on the participants‘ stories and reflections, yet they were still oriented to the

phenomenon being studied. The interview was audio-taped and notes about the interview

were taken as the back-up data.

The fifth step was then conducted. The massive amount of recorded data obtained

from the interview was then converted verbatim into data transcript. This process occupied a

lot of time since the researcher had to listen thoroughly to and repeat the recorded data quite a

lot of times, while she was trying to type every word she heard including to type certain notes

about significant facial expressions or tone of voice to complete the transcript.

The transcribed narrative from the interview was then categorized and coded. It was

the sixth step of the research. The researcher had to read the transcript a lot of times to feel

and capture significant words, expressions or sentences in the participants‘ daily living stories

and put them under categories or themes. Then the significant data were marked or coded,

and the unrelated data were omitted. While categorizing and coding the data, the researcher

also tried to capture and to reflect on certain points which needed to be understood and

reflected further with the participants. These captured points were then used as the object of

reflection in follow-up interview(s).



An observation on the participants teaching actions in the classroom was also

conducted. It was done once after the second interview. The teaching and learning process

was video-taped, and notes on the classroom setting as well as atmosphere and the

participants and students significant actions were taken. Then the researcher watched the

video several times to capture significant points and matched them with the notes and the

result of previous interviews. A follow up interview was conducted afterwards.

The data gathering took longer time than the initial plan. At first, I planned to gather

data within the first semester of the school year. Yet, since it was the first semester for the

teachers in using grade 9 textbook, I had to wait until the second semester almost ended to

continue gathering data. By doing so, I expected to gain richer data.

The next thing to do was composing the description and the interpretation in the form

of narratives. Following what Van Manen has said that as we gain themes and thematic

statements from our various sources, we may wish to capture the thematic statements in more

phenomenological sensitive paragraphs (1990: 95). The categorized transcript was read again

and again to capture emerging themes, significant sentences, words, and expressions. The

selected quotations were then underlined or marked, as the raw data to examine, to create

easy organization of data. The similar thing was also implemented in reflecting the

observation notes. The description in the form of narratives was then composed. After the

description of the participants‘ lived experience in using 2013 curriculum textbook was

completed, the interpretation was composed.

The text quoted in the description and interpretation was presented as direct quotation,

printed in italic and accompanied by respective code. The text is presented in English even

though the interviews were mainly conducted and transcribed in Bahasa Indonesia. The

interview transcription in Bahasa Indonesia can be viewed in Appendix 6 and 7. The text is

numbered by the day of the interview, the initial of participant (―S‖ for Bu Is and ―L‖ for Bu



Lydia) and the row number of the transcription. For example, a quotation with coding

(Int2_S32) or (Int3_L24) means ―Interview Day 2 with Bu Is, row 32‖ or ―Interview Day 3

with Bu Lydia, row 24‖.

The interpretation part was mainly about thematic analysis. The researcher attempted

to interpret the narrative data which had been described. The interpretation narratives were

put in isolated themes: the pre-figured themes and the emerging themes. Once the description

and interpretation of the participants‘ lived experience were composed, conclusions could be



To reduce the bias in the participants‘ narrative story or to increase the validity of the

research, relevant documents and observation notes cross-checking was done by the

researcher. The relevant documents refer to the 2013 Curriculum textbook and the regulations

related to the implementation of 2013 Curriculum. The observation notes were the ones

which were taken when the researcher was observing the participants‘ teaching practice in

class. In addition, the transcribed interview was also consulted to the participants. The

researcher showed and read the written or the transcript of the interview to the participants to

check (or to reflect on) in order to make sure that what had been written was not interfered by

others. The participants had the chance to comment or give further information after each

point in the transcript was read. It was done to make the narratives valid and more complete.

Relevant theories were also considered to analyze the data.





This chapter attempts to describe and interpret the research data, which are mostly in

forms of words and sentences or statements. There are three sections in this chapter.

The first section provides the descriptions of the research participants as the result of

interviews and observation. The aim to provide relevant information about the participants,

including about their credibility and unique characteristic, is to help readers understand why

these participants were selected. The next section presented the description of the

participants‘ lived experience in using 2013 Curriculum textbook. The description is in the

form of narratives. Finally, the last section reveals the essential themes, which are divided

into pre-figured themes and emergent themes.


Two participants were purposefully selected from two different schools. The main

consideration was the teaching experience, particularly related to 2013 Curriculum

implementation. The two selected participants had to have experience in teaching nine grade

students with 2013 Curriculum textbook. Some other considerations, such as the school

location and educational background were used as the supporting considerations which might

provide rich data. Both of the participants graduated from a faculty of teacher training and

education and currently work for private schools, yet in two different provinces. The

descriptions of the participants are as follow:



1. Bu Is

Mrs. Andrea Ismargyaning Utami, who is cordially called Bu Is, currently works at

Pangudi Luhur 1 Junior High School Yogyakarta, a private school owned by a Catholic

Foundation. It is one of the first six designated schools in Yogyakarta City to implement 2013

Curriculum. This school is attended by students from mostly middle to high class families

She started her career at this school as an English teacher for grade 7 and grade 9. However,

since 2015 she has become the only English teacher for seven parallel classes of grade 9.

She is an experienced teacher who is worth talking to. In the first interview session,

she could be easily recognized as a helpful and cheerful person who could radiate good

feelings to whom she is talking to. Yet, at times she could also easily express her impatience

towards certain situations; particularly those related to 2013 Curriculum and its textbook.

She also proudly and happily told me about the award she gained for her 15 years of duty as

an English teacher at Pangudi Luhur1 Junior High School Yogyakarta.

Bu Is, born 48 years ago in Bantul, did not start her professional job as an English

teacher, though. After graduating from Sanata Dharma University, majoring in PBI

(Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris), she had worked in a private national bank – BCA for about two

years before she got married and had a baby. After the baby was big enough and there was a

house assistant, she applied to be a teacher at Tarakanita School where she had worked for

about three years. She finally quit Tarakanita because she didn‘t see a promising prospect for

her career there. She then applied to Pangudi Luhur Foundation and stationed at Pangudi

Luhur 1 Junior High School Yogyakarta.

Beside teaching, Bu Is was also given responsibility to coordinate the ‗school open

house‘. Our interviews were often interrupted by her colleagues who asked for several things

related to the school open house preparation. Some other guests who came to the school to

give donation for the event also often interrupted our interviews. Such important



responsibility indicated that she is one among important people in that school. She also

initiated and facilitated an English Club at school where students who joined the club were

able to practice their speaking skill. The objective of establishing the English Club was to

facilitate and motivate the students to dare to speak, especially in public. The club was also

meant to prepare students for any English Contests that the school was participating in. Since

2015 the English Club was included in the mandatory English extracurricular program. Bu Is

also participated in some extra school activities such as workshops and teachers‘ forums. She

was also one of the pioneers of JETA (Jogja English Teacher Association), a local English

teachers‘ forum in Yogyakarta, although for some technical reason she couldn‘t actively

participate in JETA any longer.

Bu Is was a perfect participant or source person for this research. All the experience

and either personal or professional background afore mentioned have profiled her as a

respected senior English teacher.

2. Bu Lydia

Ms. Lydia Yehswy Irsanti was the second participant I met. She is cordially called Bu

Lydia and currently works as an English teacher at SMP PIUS Pemalang which is located in

Pemalang Regency, Central Java. SMP PIUS Pemalang is one among many private schools

under the umbrella of Asti Dharma Foundation, an Educational Foundation for Catholic

schools. It is also the only Catholic private school in Pemalang. Even though this school is

considered a private school with good reputation, this school doesn‘t have many students.

Each classroom is occupied by less than thirty students. There are two parallel classes for

each level which are labelled A class and B class. The A classes are mostly occupied by

students graduated from SD PIUS, and the B classes are occupied by students graduated from

other than SD PIUS. The students in this school are mostly from the low to middle class



families. In addition, this school implements 2013 Curriculum because all schools in

Kabupaten Pemalang are obliged by the local government to implement it.

Bu Lydia gave me somewhat surprising facts in the first minutes of the first interview.

In the beginning of our meeting she gave impression as a quiet personality. Yet, that

impression was soon proven to be wrong after the first minutes of our conversation. She is in

fact a resourceful and energetic teacher who is always willing to share rich stories about her

teaching practices, particularly stories related to her lived experience in using the 2013

Curriculum textbook. Eventually I also found out that she was my junior at the same junior

high school, SMP PIUS Pemalang. This fact truly helped me in understanding her stories that

she shared.

She is a relatively new teacher at SMP PIUS Pemalang, yet she has experienced

teaching all junior high levels. She started teaching English at SMP PIUS in 2010. Grade 7

and 8 were the first classes that she taught. The following semester she started teaching all

levels namely grade 7, 8 and 9 since the other English teacher was retired. It was a

challenging semester for her as a new and the only English teacher in that school. She

eventually could feel relieved after a new English teacher was recruited to teach grade 7 the

following semester. Since then, she has been teaching only grade 8 and 9.

Teaching English to junior high schools students is not the first, nor the only teaching

experience she has ever had. Even before she graduated from Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, an honourable university in Bandung, with the major of PBI (Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris), she had had plenty experiences in teaching English in several English language

courses in Bandung. Then she moved to Semarang and still taught English in several English

courses until she had to move to Pemalang. It was at SMA Santo Lukas Pemalang that she

firstly started her career as a teacher in a formal school. She became a non-permanent English



teacher for grade 10, 11 and 12 in that school for about a year. Eventually she moved to SMP

PIUS where she teaches at present.

Bu Lydia was the perfect candidate for being the participant of this research. Beside

her vast experience in teaching English prior to her teaching English at a formal school, the

fact that she has been teaching English using 2013 Curriculum textbook for two non-

consecutive semesters has given her quite challenging experiences in implementing the 2013

Curriculum, particularly in using the 2013 Curriculum textbook, amidst the limitations she

has been facing.


This chapter provides the narrative forms of the participants‘ lived experience in using

2013 Curriculum textbook. When revealing teachers‘ lived experience in using the 2013

Curriculum textbook, the participant teachers explored, recalled, uncovered and reflected

upon their teaching practices, their feelings, their beliefs and their awareness. Therefore, the

description of their lived experience covers those dimensions and is presented in four specific

headings, namely feelings, beliefs, actions and epiphany, related to the using of 2013

Curriculum textbook. Participants‘ milieu is initially presented to help readers understand the

experience lived by the participants.

1. Bu Is’ Lived Experience Description

In this part, the researcher presents the description of Bu Is‘ lived experience in using

2013 Curriculum textbook. It covers the description of Bu Is‘ milieu, feelings, beliefs, actions

and epiphany.

a. The milieu

Pangudi Luhur 1 Junior High School Yogyakarta is a private school owned by a

Catholic foundation. It is one of the first six designated schools in Yogyakarta City to



implement 2013 Curriculum. This school is attended by students from mostly middle to high

class families. There are seven classes of Grade 9 at this school namely Class 9A to 9G, and

Bu Is is responsible for the English subject in all of those Grade 9 parallel classes.

Pangudi Luhur 1 Junior High School Yogyakarta owns complete facilities for

students‘ learning activities. Some of which are laboratories, including a language laboratory,

students‘ sport hall and a cosy library with a lot of books that students can borrow. Enough

amount of 2013 Curriculum English textbooks have also been provided for each student.

Each student can borrow the textbook and can take it home for the whole school year. It will

be returned by the end of the school year. The leftover textbooks are kept in the school‘s


Located in the center of the City of Yogyakarta, this school benefits the relatively

good access to infrastructure and facilities. It is located relatively not far from other junior

high schools designated to implement the 2013 Curriculum in Yogyakarta City since the city

area is not that large. It is also not far from the Education Office of Yogyakarta City.

b. Feeling

Bu Is was one of the teachers in a school designated to implement the 2013

Curriculum. Being so, she has been equipped with sufficient trainings related to the

implementation of the curriculum. Therefore she felt confident to implement this curriculum.

Good school facilities, including the provision of the 2013 Curriculum textbook, and good

students‘ academic competency have added Bu Is‘ confidence, along with her long

professional career as an English teacher.

As an experienced English teacher she has recognized the nature of the National

Exam very well. Therefore, when she got the 2013 Curriculum English textbook for grade 9

she could easily recognize that the textbook did not provide expected materials to prepare her

students for the National Exam. "If you see the textbook, well, for Grade 9 you have to refer



to the Ujian Nasional, right? There, most of the examples are conversations, right? Well, in

reality the examination materials cannot be just like that." (Int1_S19). She felt that since the

ninth graders were also preparing for the UN the 2013 Curriculum textbook was not adequate

enough because it contained mostly sample conversations meanwhile the materials for the

UN were more than that. Therefore she felt that she still had to supplement this textbook with

other materials. Grammar, other standard texts such as narrative, description, recount, etc.

need to be added (Int1_S19). The textbook also tended to go straight forward to the sample

dialog or conversation without any detailed information.

... (in this textbook) There is no detailed information like, oh.. the

rules are like this... none. It directly goes to application


Bu Is implied that using the given textbook alone was not enough, even impossible. She felt

that she had to add extra materials, especially to prepare her students for the UN, even if that

meant she had to compile her own materials from various sources (Int1_S21).

When she came to the material in Chapter VII which specifically talked about the

message of a song, she preferred to drop this material and used the session to review other

more important materials instead. She said, ―Specifically about song?... well, you can always

be flexible, right? Not necessarily specific about a song in one session‖ (Int3_S29). There

were some portions of materials which Bu Is felt abundant yet insignificant such as a certain

chapter dedicated for song interpretation while, on the other hand, there were materials

needing more time slot to cover such as narrative which needed supporting materials on

expressions, verbs 2—meaning she also needed to explain verbs 1-2-3—which consumed a

lot of time (Int3_S30). Such poor organization of materials in term of time allocation in this

textbook made her difficult to finish it all within less than one school year since she had to

allocate time for preparing her students for the UN. Nonetheless, Bu Is felt that it was still

better compared to the textbook for grade 7 (Int3_S6-7).



However, regarding the 2013 Curriculum itself Bu Is admitted that she preferred this

curriculum—regardless the quality of the textbook—to the KTSP in term of teaching method.

...For instance, we're on the topic about 'procedure'. There's an

example of what procedure looks like but the students are much

welcome to explore—as many as possible—other examples of

procedure. In that respect, this curriculum is better. (Int3_S10)

She felt that this curriculum had open opportunity for the students to be absorbed in

their own exploration—and eventually their own discovery—which she felt it was the

positive spirit of the 2013 Curriculum.

c. Belief

In teaching Bu Is always tried to provide materials or activities which facilitated the

four skills to be experienced by students. For example, when Bu Is was teaching Chapter

VIII, she prepared several teaching materials, learning activities and teaching aids such as a

song and pictures which could be used to stimulate students‘ listening, speaking, reading and

writing skills (Int2_S10). Such teaching practice reflected Bu Is‘ belief that English language

learning should give balanced proportion among the four skills namely reading, speaking,

listening and writing. Roughly equal time and focus should be allocated to those four skills

even though in academic context reading would be more demanded later either in senior high

school or university.

One day when the first time Bu Is opened the textbook, she saw an illustration that

concerned her. The nature of the school in which she has been working had influenced the

way she perceived the illustration. Bu Is actually felt reluctant to share her thought on the

issue of religious sensitive illustration because she thought it might only be a voice of the

minority. Yet, after she was convinced by the researcher that even the minority voice should

be heard she eventually shared her story. She talked about the illustration in the grade 9

textbook depicting the main character of the textbook wearing Muslim outfit which she



thought to be not neutral, despite of the illustration‘s attractive coloring in the textbook. She

believed that a good textbook should be neutral from sentiment to a particular group of

society and should be able to be accepted by all Indonesian students regardless their ethnic

groups or religions (Int3_S21-23). However, she admitted that her students did not mind the

illustration since they had been accustomed to it since they were in grade 7.

In teaching English for grade 9 students, Bu Is did not only use the textbook provided

by the Minister of Education and Culture. She also used an English native based textbook,

Winner by Longman. Regarding listening and speaking, Bu Is believed that referring to

native English speaker was very important so that students could listen to the native speaker's

voice and then practice it (Int1_S25). Bu Is added that even if a non-native English speaker

could speak English well, including having correct pronunciation, there would always be

differences compared to the native one. ―There must be dialect or whatever it‘s called

that…that…well, in Javanese we call it „medhok‟, right Mbak? It‘s different, right…‖

(Int2_S23). Through vocabulary assignment to her students, she expected them not only

know the meaning of a particular word from dictionary but be able to pronounce it correctly

as well (Int2_S26). Therefore, native English speakers were still considered as the best

listening source and speaking samples for students.

In most of her teaching practices, Bu Is always makes use of teaching media to

maximize students‘ learning. She believed that teaching English using various media, such as

picture as an example, could stimulate her students‘ imagination. Therefore, students needed

to be given opportunity to explore on their own. Take an example, when she was teaching

Chapter VIII with the grammar focus on Present Perfect Tense. She did not use all activities

provided in the textbook. She prepared other materials which she believed more interesting

for students. As she said, ―With just a picture of a forest like that... just like that, children are

happy, their imagination wander everywhere. When we can open students' imagination, they



can be inspired that the source of learning could be abundant—not only pictures—and they

could explore from the internet or any other places. They were glad to be given the

opportunity to explore" (Int3_S11).

When she was teaching or explaining a lesson, there were always students who asked

„Miss, itu ngomong apa-e?‟ which meant that the students did not understand what she was

talking about. Therefore, she decided to make use of Bahasa Indonesia and English

interchangeably when explaining the materials (Int2_S24). In her classes the students‘

English competence varied from one student to another. Students whose English was fluent

were talkative while those whose English was at low level were likely to be confused—let

alone to speak up (Int2_S24 & Int3_S13).

When it came to drawing conclusion stage of the scientific approach, Bu Is tried to

find a way to scaffold the students to be unafraid to express their opinions verbally. Most of

her students were able to write well, but when it came to speaking they were a bit afraid.

Therefore, they needed to be encouraged (Int1_S32). Bu Is then played her role as facilitator

and motivator. In addition, the students were still afraid of making mistakes and sometimes a

bit lazy to think about the grammar, so they were likely to avoid using English in the

classroom even for simple expressions. Yet, she kept encouraging the students to keep

speaking English in class (Int2_S20).

Bu Is also encouraged her students to be brave either in speaking or writing. She also

planted the value that students should not be afraid of making mistakes. When giving a

writing task, she emphasized the importance of choosing topics which were close or familiar

to the students' daily life. Such choice would help students feel confident to compose their

own texts. Prior to letting students work on their own, Bu Is tried to give necessary examples

(Int2_S19). Giving examples before asking the students to write was a part of the scaffolding



that Bu Is practice. She believed that scaffolding was still needed until the students were able

to produce their own texts.

d. Action

In order to support the development of students' four skills, Bu Is decided to use and

copy some materials from another textbook, namely Winner (published by Longman) as a

supplement to the government supplied textbook. "I have them copied and distributed to the

children... [whispering] I'm sorry, this is actually not allowed—from Longman. I use Winner.


Bu Is decided to use Longman's Winner as her reference English textbook for several

reasons. Firstly, it didn't only put the four skills but also keep the continuity among those

skills throughout the whole textbook design, "..started with listening, then speaking, reading,

then finally writing. So it goes like that" (Int1_S25). Secondly, Winner had vast variation of

exercises which were integrated to each other. Thirdly, unlike the 2013 Curriculum English

textbook, there were not any typos in Winner's texts (Int2_S27). Fourthly, it used native

English speakers for conversation examples which she believed important in English

language learning for her students (Int1_S25).

Besides using the Longman's Winner textbook as a supplementary book to the official

textbook by the Ministry of Education, to anticipate the UN Bu Is also compiled her own

summary on grammar. She made use of her collections of grammar books, “most of them are

my private collections… eh… this… I have them from my college era, like Living English

Structure, something like that, English Grammar and so on. While some kind of texts and

alike, well, I download them, Mbak (Int2_S12)”. She also exchanged materials such as

PowerPoint presentations with her colleague teachers during MGMP forum, "Sometimes we

also exchange (materials) with other colleagues during the MGMP meetings. For example



what PowerPoint materials they have that can be shared with other teachers, so we can

enrich ourselves from various sources." (Int2_S11)

Bu Is also set up a strategy to save time so that her students later had enough time for

examination drill for UN. She gave her students certain projects to be collaboratively done in


… So, last time for the first step (of scientific approach—

collecting information), to master the textbook as quickly as

possible because in January we have to start exam drills, Mbak, I

split the class first. I split, using lottery, oh… there will be some

students in that class getting the same task, for example at least

five students have to search for the short functional text 'notice',

then they have to find as many notices as possible. (Int3_S11)

Students were asked to explore the topic in the textbook by finding information from

other sources. She split the class by drawing lots of topics derived from the SKL for instance

to search some short functional texts on the internet. For example some students got 'notice'

then they had to find examples of 'notice' as many as possible. So did with other texts like

'recount' or 'narrative'. The results from the students' research on the internet then were

compiled so that the class would have a complete anthology of notices, recounts and


…I maximize the students' role. So I distribute the topics that each

student will have to search on the internet based on the topics in

SKL. Some students will search for recount text; some will search

for notice, and so on. Later on we'll compile their findings and

group them into recounts, notices and narratives. So the students

are getting richer. They get not only what I gave them but they

also make their own quest. By searching they're also learning,

because to collect example of notice… they have to know what

notice is, right? (Int1_S27)

By doing such project, students were active gathering information while also learning on their


Bu Is thought that the textbook from the government was very basic. Therefore, she

sometimes took her own strategy that she felt necessary. For implementing the steps of



scientific approach for example, she didn't have to complete all the steps in one day. She

could conduct some steps today and postponed some other steps for the next meeting. She

was also flexible in using the materials in the textbook. She added some materials that she

thought need elaborating, and omitted some materials that she thought insignificant or easy.

She held the SKL (passing standards) as her main reference, since the UN (national

examination) was also based on the SKL.

This (textbook from the government) is only the basic. If there are

materials that haven‟t been covered yet, then we have to add up.

Or if there are materials which are too easy, we leave it. Leave it.

We cannot cover everything. It's impossible to cover everything.

We have the SKL, so let‟s focus on SKL. Nonetheless, SKL still

reflects the 2006 Curriculum which is also reflected in UN, that's

what we have to pursue. (Int3_S19)

e. Epiphany

There was a time that eventually confirmed Bu Is‘ belief of the power of a visual aid

in teaching. She experienced it when she made use of pictures of forests to teach a lesson in

Chapter VIII. As she said ―…With only such picture, students‘ imagination is really

stimulated‖ (Int3_S11). The activities and projects as part of learning activities emphasized in

2013 Curriculum Bu Is has been convinced that the 2013 Curriculum has opened opportunity

for students to explore and made them active and creative. Therefore, teacher‘s role in

stimulating the students becomes paramount.

Meanwhile, the reduction of learning hours for English subject has given a particular

challenge for Bu Is. ―Hours, Mbak… It‘s killing me. If it is 5 hours, well… at least we can

breathe, but 4 hours?‖ (Int3_S16). The plenty of materials, the limited time, and the burden

of UN preparation to be done have challenged Bu Is to apply certain strategies to achieve the

learning goals.

After all experiences she shared, Bu Is eventually said that “In every event there must

be some lesson we can learn, right Mbak?” (Int4_S9). She learned that as a teacher she must



understand what is demanded by the curriculum and has to see if the materials have been

suitable or not. She eventually learned “that the textbook should not be worshiped”

(Int4_S11). Each textbook, according to Bu Is, has its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore,

using a textbook for her means being critical and sensitive; critical in observing the textbook

materials and sensitive to the situation including time availability and students‘ competence.

The critical and sensitive attitudes make the basis for making the decisions during the using

of the textbook; including which materials should be elaborated, reduced or even replaced.

2. Bu Lydia’s Lived Experience Description

In this part, the researcher presents the description of Bu Lydia‘s‘ lived experience in

using 2013 Curriculum textbook. It covers the description of Bu Lydia‘s milieu, feelings,

beliefs, actions, and epiphany.

a. The milieu

Since the first year of the implementation of 2013 Curriculum, that was in the school

year of 2013/2014, the local government of Kabupaten Pemalang has obliged all schools in

Pemalang to implement 2013 Curriculum. Therefore, although SMP PIUS Pemalang was not

the designated school to implement the new curriculum, it partially implemented 2013

curriculum only for Grade 7. In the following school year, 2013 Curriculum was also

implemented to grade 8 and 9. Yet, it was only for one semester. The changing of the

Minister of Education has brought a policy that 2013 Curriculum was not mandatory to all

schools and therefore the schools are allowed to choose whether to use KTSP or 2013

Curriculum, except for some designated schools which were obliged to implement the 2013


This policy has turned SMP PIUS to use KTSP again in the second semester of Grade

7, 8 and 9 in the school year of 2014/ 2015. However, the local government of Kabupaten



Pemalang obliged all schools in Pemalang to re- implement 2013 Curriculum for grade7, 8,

and 9 in the following school year. Therefore now SMP PIUS has to implement the 2013

Curriculum again. During this ever changing circumstances, curriculum wise, Bu Lydia has

taught both Grade 8 and Grade 9 partially one semester in 2013 Curriculum and one semester

in KTSP in the school year of 2014/2015. Then, the 2013 Curriculum has been re-

implemented for all grades since the first semester of 2015/2016 school year.

The obligation to implement 2013 Curriculum while there was actually a room for

implementing KTSP has caused some inconvenience. It also has given her quite a challenge

as the executor of the implementation of the curriculum in the classroom. The lack of

information about the 2013 Curriculum and the absence of textbooks for students made Bu

Lydia feel unprepared to re-implement the 2013 Curriculum in the classroom. Besides, the

textbook was not available until several months after the launching of the curriculum while

the source of 2013 Curriculum materials on the internet was far from her expectation and

even the materials of the 2013 Curriculum training she had attended were not adequate

enough to help her understand the 2013 Curriculum. Thus, provision of the textbook even

became quite a challenge both for the teacher and the students.

SMP PIUS itself is located in town, nearby some public junior highs schools

especially the SMPs designated for 2013 Curriculum implementation. SMP PIUS is the only

Catholic private school attended by students from SD PIUS who got extra English class at

Grade 6 and students from other SD's who didn't necessarily get English class at elementary


b. Feeling

The local government policy that obliged all schools in Pemalang to implement 2013

Curriculum has left burden for Bu Lydia. Even though Bu Lydia and the school felt

unprepared to implement the 2013 Curriculum, the local government policy did not give room



for the school nor for Bu Lydia herself but to try to understand and implement the 2013

Curriculum. However, she still feels lucky for the school is located in town and therefore has

better facilities, including internet access, compared to schools in rural and remote areas in

Kabupaten Pemalang. As she explained,

Yes.. it‟s implemented to all schools. The point is ready or not, all

schools must implement it. We‟re luckier though, compared to

other schools in Ulujami or Watukumpul.. you know, Uuugh.. I

can‟t imagine how hard it would be (Int1_L20).

Ulujami and Watukumpul are the two outermost sub districts (kecamatan) in Pemalang

located far away from the central administration of Kabupaten Pemalang. Some remote areas

in Ulujami and Watukumpul do not have internet access. Meanwhile, trainings or seminars

about the 2013 Curriculum usually are conducted at schools located near the city center.

The unavailability of textbooks is another challenge following the local government

policy. When SMP PIUS was obliged to implement the 2013 Curriculum in the first place,

there were not textbooks available at all. Even when Bu Lydia tried to look for the syllabus

from the internet, she could not find it. Every time she typed the keyword ―Kurtilas‖, what

came out was the syllabus for the KTSP (Int1_L12). The absence of English textbooks

published by Ministry of Education and Culture, particularly those for grade 9 students, since

the beginning of the 2013 curriculum implementation has given burden—if not annoyance—

not only to the teacher but also to her students. As Bu Lydia said ―…it‟s so annoying...why is

this implemented, obliged but the textbooks aren‟t available” (Int4_L18). She further said,

… You know, for grade 9, there were no books at all in the first

months. And the problem about textbook, the availability of

textbooks [sigh]… When there was a meeting with other schools I

found out that all private schools did not get textbooks. Only for

public schools. I don‟t know is it something about “jatah” or

what. It‟s all because the government of Pemalang forced us to

implement it.. I‟m so annoyed… poor students… (Int1_L32 and




However, when the availability of the textbook was still unclear, Bu Lydia got some

help from her colleagues. She said, ―Luckily MGMP provided the e-book version‖

(Int4_L18). She still felt grateful for when the textbook was not available yet she could get

the e-book version from MGMP, a group of teachers teaching the same subject. However, the

e-book version could only be used to teach in class, and students still did not own the

textbooks. She still felt sorry that they did not have the textbook to learn at home.

During the interview Bu Lydia were here and there expressing discontent towards the

2013 Curriculum and its implementation including the textbook in use. She did mention

about the lack of readiness for implementing the 2013 Curriculum. The minimum

information about the curriculum, the unavailability of either printed or online materials and

the evaluation procedure are among the factors causing sense of burden and dissatisfaction to

Bu Lydia.

… the thing that made it inconvenient was this…unreadiness. You

know, we‟d been told to use Kurtilas while the textbooks were not

available. Then when we downloaded the syllabus, we typed

Kurtilas but what appeared was KTSP, so we were totally blind at

that time. Then when we attended the seminars it was not…not

too much (explained)… so at the beginning what was confusing

was “What is this Kurtilas really?” Right? Also with those many

kinds of assessments…so many… (Int1_L12)

When Bu Lydia finally got the e-book version of the textbook for grade 9, she did not

feel confident that she would be able to deliver all materials in the textbook within less than a

year time. Bu Lydia remembered the day when she finally got the e-book version. She looked

at the first chapters, and did not found any problems with that. Then she continued to look at

the next chapters. She was surprised with the complexity of the materials. Bu Lydia then

shared her worries with her colleague at work. She said, ―… Within only seven months the

kids have to master this… this… this. There is even the passive voice, can you imagine that,

Pak?‖ (Int3_L15). Her colleague tried to calm her down agreed to help Bu Lydia by giving

additional materials for grade 7 so that the materials on tenses would not accumulate in grade



9. She also mentioned that the distribution of the textbook content from grade 7 to grade 9

was not really appropriate namely the textbook for grade 7 was too novice whereas the

content of the textbook for grade 9 was too advanced (Int1_L23). Bu Lydia believed that

some materials were actually suitable for SMA but they were there in the textbook. With such

complexity, she didn‘t feel confident that she would be able to complete all chapters of the

textbook within the designated time, namely less than a year, since the 9 graders also needed

to prepare themselves for the UN.

Sense of pessimism also evaporated when Bu Lydia was talking about the condition

of her students that would not enable her implement all learning approaches completely. The

English ability of her students was very limited. One day when Bu Lydia was teaching in

class, she asked her students—in English—to open a certain page; yet, her students did not

understand and asked in Bahasa Indonesia, ―Miss, what does it mean?‖ (Int1_L33). Being

aware of limited vocabulary her students had, Bu Lydia was not sure if she could really teach

the way it was expected by the 2013 Curriculum nor to cover all materials as planned. When

Bu Lydia was teaching about label text in which the students were required to be able to

analyze, students with limited vocabulary found it difficult to tell the ingredients, functions

and other details written in the label (Int1_L14). In short, the complexity of the textbook

materials did not go together with the subordinate ability of the average students at SMP


It was indicated from the interview that Bu Lydia actually preferred to use KTSP

instead of 2013 Curriculum for the reason that she felt the 2013 Curriculum was a bit

confusing and actually not properly prepared to be implemented at the moment. She

expressed her happiness when SMP PIUS turned back using the KTSP before it was later on

obliged by local government of Kabupaten Pemalang to implement the 2013 Curriculum

again, “...Back then when we used to go back to KTSP for a semester, we were so happy. Yet,



our happiness didn't stay long when later there was an instruction that we had to use

Kurtilas.” (Int1_L21).

c. Belief

The participant's set of beliefs regarding the English language, language learning and

learners are summarized in the following paragraphs.

Regarding her belief about language learners, Bu Lydia believed that every class was

unique and had its own characteristics. With parallel classes of Grade 9 that Bu Lydia taught,

one class consisted of students coming from SD PIUS who already got English class at

Grade 6 while another class consisted of students coming from other SD's who never had an

English class before. Therefore the learning process in the classroom would take students'

rhythm and competence into considerations. She took an example when she was teaching

about must/mustn‟t. When she taught class 9A, most students could comprehend and answer

teachers‘ questions well; while when she taught the same material to class 9B, there were

only a few students could comprehend the lesson well. Therefore she decided to give

extended explanation on the lesson to 9B students (Int3_L19). It would go slowly but sure

while keeping in mind the number of materials to cover and the available time to complete


In addition, Bu Lydia believed that her students still had problems with English and

therefore they also had problems and were not confident in speaking in English. She

remembered that once one of her students literally translated ‗see you‟ as ‗lihat kamu‟; while

the phrase was actually a chunk used to say ‗goodbye‟ (Int3_L22). Almost in every meeting

there was a question in Bahasa Indonesia saying „kalau salah nggak papa ya?‟ from students

when they were asked to answer or to speak in English (Int2_L14). In one of the lesson

meetings, some students did not know the meaning of her instruction saying ―Okay, students.

Now please open…‟. Then, she tried to use gesture to give the meaning of the instruction and



eventually give direct translation when necessary (Int1_L33). Within such situation Bu

Lydia believed that teaching English (L2) by involving the mother tongue, Indonesian (L1),

was quite helpful for her students to understand the materials because the students'

competence was not making teacher's using L2 fully in the classroom possible. Analysing

and drawing conclusions, therefore, were still difficult things to do for the students.

Sometimes, it‟s like… maybe it‟s for a good cause, but sometimes

for the students who really lack… well, they have problems

speaking up… so those details really make them confused. It‟s

like… they got a headache talking about grammar, let alone for

the SMP students, right. For them, speaking in English gives them

headache, even being unafraid to speak is very difficult for them,

let alone analyzing like that. They‟ll get trouble for sure…


Regarding her belief about language learning, Bu Lydia believed that grammar was

somehow the core of English language learning and therefore needed to be emphasized. She

remembered the time when she was a college student. She said that she was lack of grammar

knowledge and therefore did not know anything about grammar when she was at college. It

was because she did not get sufficient grammar knowledge when she was in high schools

(Int1_L25). There were also alumni of SMP PIUS who gave her feedback and even requested

that grammar should be given to their juniors because based on their experience grammar

mastery was important in their further study (Int2_L29). Those experiences gave enough

reason for Bu Lydia to equip her students with sufficient grammar knowledge. She further

said, ‗...when the students don't know the tenses yet, then suddenly they are given a dialog...

well, how could they produce a sentence if they didn't know (the tenses)? (Int1_L24)”.

Further Bu Lydia explained that many of her colleague didn't emphasize on grammar

and instead focus on the text development. She said, ―But if you only focused on developing

texts, then how would you... er... say I'm old fashioned... Anyway, however the way I see it,

grammar is indeed important (Int1_L25).” Besides strengthening her students' basic grammar

competence, Bu Lydia had been encouraging the students to be unafraid to speak without



worrying of making mistakes. Here the teacher should function as a facilitator and motivator

for her students.

Bu Lydia believed that language learning should include four skills acquisition

namely speaking, reading, writing and listening. One day when she was teaching procedure,

Bu Lydia looked for listening materials that she downloaded from the internet because she

could not find such materials in the textbook. Bu Lydia also looked for songs which she used

as interesting listening materials in the classroom (Int1_L48). Therefore she expected that the

textbook should have been equipped with listening materials. According to Bu Lydia,

listening was very important because the students needed to be familiarized to listening to the

'original' English spoken by native speakers instead of listening to their teacher's English,

therefore she intentionally picked up listening materials of native speakers (Int1_L47-L48).

Bu Lydia also searched for reading materials from the internet. The reading materials were

then presented in PowerPoint format (Int1_L55). All of the materials that Bu Lydia searched

on her own were to patch up the materials she could not find in the textbook, or to

compensate the materials in the textbook which were not suitable with what she needed.

Bu Lydia believed that the example of native English speaker was very important for

the students. However, students also needed to know other variants of English spoken by

non-native speakers. When she taught procedure, for example, she presented listening

materials of Asian English speakers such as Indian, Chinese and Japanese. Students liked the

sounds of Asian people from different countries speaking English. They liked the ‗funny‘

accents that sounded differently from the native English they know. Bu Lydia thought that

having listening examples of non-native English speakers, apart from games, was effective to

make students get interested and motivated to learn English (Int1_L48-50). However, the use

of native English names in listening materials was also more attractive to students instead of

using local names. There was a funny story when the students read an English name Claire,



they tried to find the meaning in their dictionary. They did not even know that Claire was a

person‘s name. Therefore, Bu Lydia preferred to use ‗western‘ names so that the students

would know that Clark or Jane was a person‘s name. Those native English names also made a

good teaching material and practice for the students, for instance on spelling (Int2_L8-9).

Bu Lydia learned that a good text should not contain only one single tense, yet it

should also consider and include students' levels (Grade 7, 8, 9, etc.). Once she taught using a

material in the form of dialog. There were several tenses in that dialogue. Students were

assigned to mention the tenses used in the dialog and the functions. She found out that for

students such dialog were easy to understand, yet too complicated to analyze. They would

even be confused when they were assigned to produce similar dialog (Int2_L15 and Int3_L3).

She also learned that some materials in the 2013 Curriculum English textbook for Grade 9

were too complicated for 9th

graders and more appropriate to be given at SMA level (senior

high school) such as future progressive tense and passive voice. SMP PIUS students even still

found it difficult to understand future tense, let alone future progressive.

Bu Lydia also believed that with so many chapters in the textbook to cover in very

limited time, it was impossible to complete those chapters without some strategies which

required a good collaboration between the teacher and the students.

d. Action

In order to complete the chapters of the textbook as required by the 2013 Curriculum,

as well as to implement the 2013 Curriculum despite the limitations she had regarding the

materials and the students, Bu Lydia had taken some maneuvres on her own based on what

she believed would help her students best.

The unavailability of the printed edition of the Grade 9 English textbook in the first

months of the 2013 Curriculum implementation had given the first challenge to Bu Lydia in

implementing the curriculum. She said, “...actually we got it late. Even during the first



months there had been no books for Grade 9 (Int1_L32).” Bu Lydia insisted that her students

had to have textbooks to learn both at school and at home. Then, she tried to find a way to get

the textbook for her students.

Bu Lydia‘s concern for her students had motivated her find a way to get the textbook

so that all grade 9 students own the English textbook published by Ministry of Education and

Culture. She believed by making her students own the textbook, they could learn English

better for they not only learn it at school but also at home. She said, ―Why I asked them to

have it photocopied? It‟s because we have limited time to cover a lot of materials. We cannot

reach the target to cover all if they only borrow the book and return it after class. They must

have it so that they also can learn at home (Int1_L32).‖ She then borrowed and had the

English textbooks photocopied from an ex-colleague once working in SMP Pius and now

becomes a teacher in a public school. She also asked her students to have it photocopied. Yet,

it was not easy thing to do either since the photocopying was also considered too costly for

some of the students. Therefore, not every student in one classroom could afford to have the

copy of the textbooks at once. So far, the 2013 Curriculum textbook from the Ministry of

Education and Culture was the only textbook being used as teaching material in the


Regarding the textbook first of all Bu Lydia put a lot of effort to provide the materials

for her students since the standard textbook supplied by the ministry had not been available

yet, even for the online e-book version. Although the school was located in town, internet

access was not completely good. Even if the internet was accessible, it was considered costly

by most of the students. Therefore, downloading the free e-book for students or asking them

to make use of the free e-book was a hard thing to do.

Here the internet is still difficult, downloading is difficult… For

some of them internet is useful but costly. Right? Because here

per hour (is quite costly)… For wealthy students it‟s not a big

deal though. (Int1_L54 & Int2_L16)



According to Bu Lydia counting on the LCD projector in the classroom only was not

effective for her students since she wanted her students to also study and practice at home

with the textbook. She then had the textbook she borrowed from her colleague teacher at a

public school photocopied and offered them to her students if any of them wanted to have

one. First only some students could afford the photocopied textbook so some students had to

share one book in the classroom, but later on almost all the students in her class finally could

have the textbook. However, finding that the materials in the textbook were not always

adequate to meet Bu Lydia's needs, she sometimes used PowerPoint presentations and tried to

find additional materials on the internet, such as printable materials, learning videos and


We also give them materials in PowerPoint, then perhaps printed

out materials from the internet, then videos… nowadays there are

a lot of learning videos, right? (Int1_L37)

In order to complete all chapters in the textbook and to save time, Bu Lydia required

each student to have an English-Indonesian dictionary so that the students could find out

difficult words in the text and then consulted to their dictionary to check the meaning at

home, then later discuss it in the classroom. Bu Lydia also by provided a dictionary in the

classroom. Dictionary, either provided by the teacher or owned by the students, had proven to

make the learning process more effective.

Bu Lydia did not always use English in the classroom. According to her, using

English all the time in the classroom was not effective since most of her students still had

very limited vocabulary and low basic competence, therefore she still helped her students by

translating difficult words or sentences. Only during the quizzes she kept using English with

no translating.

Fully in English isn‟t doable. Mixed, sometimes I mostly speak

English, slowly of course. It‟s difficult to speak fully in English.

Difficult….difficult…. even when I speak slowly…. Although I‟ve



already spoken slowly, they still say, “What are you talking

about, Miss?” (Int1_L33-34)

In teaching Bu Lydia does not always follow each activity consecutively like

suggested by the textbook. What she did was grasp the essential material in the textbook to

find out what learning objective that had to be achieved in that chapter and try to complete as

many materials as possible. She had to design by herself the suitable activities to deliver the

materials so that her students could understand easily (Int3-L11 and L27). She also tried to

find additional materials from the internet, especially grammar exercises and quizzes to help

students understand the grammatical concepts that became the lesson focus in the textbook.

Bu Lydia also decided to search for videos and images, either in form of printed flashcard or

PowerPoint, which she could use as attractive teaching media. In this case Bu Lydia tried to

adapt the textbook according to the need and ability of her students.

e. Epiphany

When asked about what she could be proud of after using the 2013 Curriculum

English textbook for Grade 9, she paused and seemed to reflect on what she had done.

“What is it? [paused for a moment]… I‟m confused… actually

I‟m an inferior kind of person [laugh] Mm… well, at least most of

the students are no longer afraid. They‟re getting more active.

That‟s all… I don‟t know what else [laugh]”. (Int4_L13)

She paused for a moment and looked vacant. Then she laughed, as if she just realized

something. She said that she realized that she had been trying to be thoughtful about her

students since she was aware of her students' limitations regarding basic competence and

facilities compared to their peers in big cities. Such a condition had forced her to always be

creative and work harder to find a way to answer all challenges that she was facing. As she

said, ―The provided learning materials have made me find the right ways to deliver them to

students so that they really can understand what they learn (Int4_L16).“



She also added other thing which became her concern as a teacher. She acknowledged

that for most people being a teacher is an easy job to do. For them, doing a job as a teacher

simply meant knowing the teaching materials, memorizing them and delivering them to

students. Yet, all the challenges and experiences that she had experienced in teaching has

opened her eyes to see the meaning of being a teacher. She eventually said, ―In fact, being a

teacher is not as simple as that. A teacher really needs to learn. Because we‟re facing

students, not machines. One student may be treated differently from the others to make them

understand the materials” (Int4_L14). For Bu Lydia, a teacher had to always learn. The

changing curriculum would mean the changing textbook to use, it was related to both the

changing materials and ways to deliver them to students.. As she said, ”… Changing

curriculum means we learn again, never ending learning. That‟s what teacher is all about. So

it‟s not just about how to deliver knowledge but learn to comprehend the textbook which

means willing to understand the curriculum, and learn to understand the students. It‟s really

an important learning process… It‟s always a learning process, particularly for me”

(Int4_L14). She eventually acknowledged that teaching with the new textbook, which meant

also applying the new curriculum, with whatever challenges had to deal with, meant the never

ending learning process for a teacher.


The interpretation of the teachers‘ lived experience in using the 2013 Curriculum

textbook is presented in this section. It is presented in two types of themes, namely the pre-

figured themes and the emerging themes. The pre-figured themes are predicted and drawn

from the reviewed theories. There are three pre-figured themes, namely open-mindedness,

teachers‘ beliefs, and flexibility. The emerging themes are those occurred when gathering the

texts, yet cannot be predicted in advance. There are six emerging themes, namely autonomy,

hope, integrity, being realistic, optimism and gratefulness.



1. Pre-figured Themes

a. Open-mindedness

A textbook is the derivation of the syllabus, while the syllabus itself is based on the

parameters defined by the curriculum. The changing curriculum will impact on the changing

textbook, so does the 2013 Curriculum as the successor of the KTSP curriculum. What

happened with the 2013 Curriculum and its corresponding textbook has also impacted on the

teachers. They have to be able to grasp what the curriculum demands and whether the

textbook has already manifested the curriculum. Based on their understanding of the

curriculum and the textbook, the teachers then are able to identify what measures they have to

take in order to implement the curriculum. The changing curriculum and its corresponding

textbook will reinforce teachers with new ideas when they are open to new changes

embedded in the curriculum.

Teachers‘ open-mindedness refers to teachers‘ willingness to consider different ideas

or opinions. As experienced teachers, both Bu Is and Bu Lydia have experienced more than

one curriculum to implement. They can compare one curriculum to another. Even though

they might prefer to implement a certain curriculum, the education system in Indonesia that

often change curriculums makes them open themselves to accept the new curriculum

implementation and every aspect embedded to it. Every curriculum implemented always

orients to a better education. With willingness to accept and consider different ideas

embedded in the curriculum, both Bu Lydia and Bu Is are able to implement the curriculum

as expected with their uttermost effort. They make use of their potentials to make the ready to

use textbook to reinforce the goals of their teaching which orients to stimulating students‘

oral and written discourse. Open-mindedness escorted them to be better teachers.

It was with such willingness to consider ideas of 2013 Curriculum embedded to its

textbook that Bu Is could realize the potentials of the new curriculum-based textbook to



support a better education. She learned that the concept of student centeredness in 2013

curriculum could develop the students to be more creative if implemented optimally. Bu Is

then considered the textbook in use which was developed based on 2013 Curriculum as

having the potential to assist students to be creative if it was supported with appropriate

strategies. Therefore, in using the textbook to teach Bu Is also utilized media as one of the

strategies to trigger students‘ imagination and asked her students to explore the topic through

internet browsing. Bu Is attempted to achieve what the curriculum expected, namely enabling

students to produce oral and written discourse. She kept the passing standard (SKL) as her

main reference while keeping the textbook as the basic materials which are still open to

interpretation and modification. Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia also understood that the new

curriculum had changed the role of the teachers from being information center to being

facilitator of a student-centered classroom. Therefore in teaching with the ready to use

textbook, they tried to play part as facilitators and modify some practices in the textbook so

that students can get more rooms to actively get involved in discussions, brainstorming, role

plays and games.

Bu Lydia, on the other hand, in the beginning had a little information about the 2013

Curriculum while her school had to implement the curriculum because of the local

government policy. With as little knowledge as she had about the 2013 Curriculum—plus the

absence of the official printed textbook, she put an effort to learn what the 2013 Curriculum

was really about and tried to implement it in her classroom. She was eventually willing to

consider the concepts of 2013 Curriculum embedded to the textbook to implement. She

grasped that the idea of the 2013 Curriculum was the student-centeredness and the teacher‘s

role as facilitator. Therefore, she tried to drive her teaching with the textbook in use to

making her students more active—at least dare to speak, despite the fact that most of her

students did not have enough competences to implement the 2013 Curriculum textbook as is.



By keeping her pace in accordance to her students‘ competence, she tried to maintain the

spirit to make her students more active in class and unafraid to speak.

b. Teachers‟ Beliefs

Teachers‘ beliefs refer to teachers‘ feeling or acceptance of something as true, good or

valuable. Teachers‘ beliefs often influence teachers‘ decision and prejudice in using and

perceiving the textbook in use. They help teachers make decisions about what is to focus on

and what is not and about what to add and what to change. The beliefs may relate to beliefs

about English, about language, about language learning and learners, and about teaching. The

teacher might not realize that she/ he has those beliefs. These beliefs are eventually unveiled

when a teacher reacts to a certain opinion or a particular situation, including when she or he

has to teach with the textbook.

Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia also hold their own beliefs which affected their decision in

using the textbook and in their classroom practices. Their beliefs are in the categories of

beliefs about English, beliefs about language, beliefs about learning and learners, and beliefs

about teaching. Beliefs about English refer to people‘s view of English; for instance seeing

English as the language of English-speaking world (Richards and Lockhart, 2005: 32-39).

Beliefs about language relates to teachers‘ view of what being proficient in a language

means; beliefs about learning and learners refers to teachers‘ view of how people learn and

the roles that enable them to learn; beliefs about teaching refers to how teachers perceive

their role (Graves, 2000: 27-31)

Bu Is emphasized the importance of providing exposures of native English for her

students. She felt that her English was not the best example for her students as it sounded

Wonosari-English. Therefore, she provided native English-based listening materials and did

not only count on the provided textbook as the source of English exposures to her students.

She then used Winner, a native-based textbook, as the supplementary textbook. Bu Is



expected to get the best examples of English, in forms of dictions, expressions, dialects or

pronunciation from the supplementary textbook. Although it is not the main focus in the

classroom practice, pronunciation also took some portion in students learning activities. Bu Is

lived her belief about the significance of native English speakers samples in teaching and that

English is seen as the language of the native-speaking world.

On the other hand, Bu Lydia perceived that native English speakers were important

exposure source for students to know; yet not the only sample sources for her students. It

manifested in the English listening material with Asian speakers which she provided as the

supplementary samples. When giving listening materials, she did not only count on the

materials in the provided textbook. To give more exposures of English to her students, she

provided supplementary listening materials which were not only native English-based. Some

of them were English spoken by Chinese people and Indian people. Being so, she introduced

various Englishes to students. Therefore, students would learn that various Englishes were

real and that it was also important for them to know about various Englishes.

Regarding the beliefs about language, similar beliefs occurred in both teachers‘ lived

experience in using the textbook. Bu Is and Bu Lydia perceived that grammar was important

aspect to learn, particularly for students of grade 9 preparing for their national exam. Bu

Lydia‘s belief about the importance of emphasizing grammar in teaching and learning was

influenced by her experience as a learner and by the experience of her students who have

already been in higher education. As for Bu Is, her long teaching experience has shaped her

belief of the importance of grammar in language learning. Therefore, grammar practices in

the provided textbook were not enough for both Bu Is and Bu Lydia. Being so, they chose to

compose and compile their own grammatical practices as part of the supplementary materials

to support the provided textbook.



Regarding the beliefs about learning and learners, both teachers also believed that

students were unique, worked at their own pace and style. Both teachers‘ awareness about

their learners‘ ability and limits have made them adjust their teaching practices. For instance,

Bu Lydia had to slow down her teaching pace due to her students‘ ability in grasping her

explanation in English. Both teachers also made use of Bahasa Indonesia when teaching, to

mix with the target language in order to help students understand the concepts to learn. They

also made sure that the chosen activities could hold students‘ differences. It could be seen in

various task types assigned or expected to assign by teachers. By doing such strategies,

students could grasp the targeted learning materials well.

Both teachers also learned that the 2013 Curriculum could make students really active

as long as the teachers understood what to do. With the class activities they applied, teachers

tried to give plenty of room to their students to explore their potentials, such as giving some

projects to be done in groups or individually, assigning students to get materials from

internet, and providing learning media which can stimulate their students‘ imagination,

critical thinking and creativity. Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia attempted to play their role as


c. Flexibility

Teachers‘ flexibility refers to their capability to change, to try or to do different

things. The fact that ‗no textbook was written for your actual group of students…‖ (Graves,

2000: 176) has challenged the textbook users, particularly the teachers to be flexible with the

textbook in use; that is to make certain changes so that the textbook could be better suited for

a purpose. The willingness to change or to try different thing with a purpose to make the

textbook in use functions better refers to textbook adaptation. Textbook adaptation is so much

influenced by the teachers‘ beliefs and understandings about language and how people learn

it; students‘ abilities and needs; and the givens of teachers‘ context. Teachers‘ own



experience in learning language when they once became learners can also influence teachers‘


Textbook adaptation was manifested in Bu Is and Bu Lydia‘s teaching practice when

using the textbook. Both teachers accepted the fact that because of the time factor and the

textbook content, they had to determine which parts of the textbook to add, to delete or to

summarize. The fact that they taught grade 9 students also motivated them to modify some

tasks by changing grammatical exercises in textbook to the ones they prepared on their own.

Both teachers also shared understanding that the provided 2013 Curriculum English textbook

for grade 9 was not compatible with the materials tested in the national examination (UN).

Therefore, the adaptation they made to the textbook was also to anticipate the national


Even though they still referred to the syllabus and the passing standard when teaching,

there were times when they felt the need to modify content to suit the target learners. For

instance, Bu Lydia provided additional listening examples downloaded from the internet

when talking about ‗procedure‘ presenting non-native speakers such as Indian or Chinese to

give her students a taste of other Asian Englishes that she thought could attract students‘

interest as well as native speakers with English native names that could also be used to

practice spelling; while Bu Is altered the content of Chapter 8, which was talking about

present perfect tense, with her own materials using pictures of forest and natural features—

which she thought could stimulate students‘ imagination—then discussed the grammar in use

instead of using conversation text provided in the textbook that only gave examples of

grammar in use but lacking detailed information.

Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia gave extra class tasks in order to compensate the limited

class hours which they both thought not enough to finish the whole textbook in time. Bu Is,

for example, gave assignment to students to collect particular information about certain topics



such as students were ought to collect examples of short functional texts in groups then later

the results were compiled in a class anthology. Bu Lydia, on the other hand, asked her

students to check up the vocabulary of the texts in the textbook with their dictionary at home

prior the class meeting so that they could discuss the materials in the classroom a bit faster.

By doing such adaptations, both Bu Is and Bu Lydia could eventually cover the target

materials to teach and helped their students grasp the target materials to learn.

2. Emerging Themes

Similar themes coincidently emerged in Bu Is and Bu Lydia‘s lived experience in

using the 2013 Curriculum textbook. The emerging themes are elaborated as follow:

a. Autonomy

Autonomy refers to being independent or acting separately from others. However,

being autonomous does not mean that one can do whatever she or he wishes. In Bu Is and Bu

Lydia‘s lived experience the actions were taken within certain framework such as curriculum

guidelines and aiming at achieving the learning target as mandated in the textbook.

At times, the situation in the classroom does not always comply with what the

textbook has guided. It is the situation when the standard procedures do not seem to work or

when the teaching steps suggested by the syllabus cannot be implemented for some context –

specific reasons such as students‘ cultural background or limited access to some learning

facilities. In such situation teachers are challenged to explore and experiment with their own

methods, alter the orders of teaching or even prepare their own teaching materials in order for

the class to work. Such courage to experiment and to explore requires a great sense of

autonomy which makes the emerging theme for both Bu Is and Bu Lydia.

Bu Is, for example, intentionally altered some exercises in the textbook with her own

pick from other sources. She also decided to utilize a native-based English textbook to



accompany the textbook provided by the government. Bu Lydia, on the other hand, took her

own measures to adjust her teaching pace with her students competence while sometimes

giving some additional materials from other sources or exercises from the UN materials.

Such autonomous actions that the two teachers committed were not meant to be

ignorance of the textbook; on the contrary they took those actions in order to make sure that

the mission of the textbook—therefore the mission of the curriculum—could be successfully


b. Hope

Hope comes as the next emerging theme. It refers to the expectation of something to

happen. As imperfection is the nature of newly developed—and keep developing—

curriculum, so is the nature of the textbook being used. Teachers examine their beliefs, adapt

and evaluate the textbook, modify the materials or even improvise during their teaching using

the textbook, and therefore, they are developing their own expectation towards the textbook

in order to work better. Expectation of each teacher will of course be different from each

other depending on their understanding about the textbook, their beliefs about language

learning and EFL learners, their textbook adaptation, and their sense of autonomy in taking

necessary actions when they feel needed to.

Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia perceived that a good textbook should support the four skills

proportionally. Yet, they learned that the government published textbook lacked listening

materials—if not purposefully ignored. For both teachers, listening materials were significant

to stimulate students‘ speaking competence. They were hoping for listening materials in form

of audio/CD—which was now absent—to be attached to the textbook published by the

Ministry of Education and Culture. In addition, considering reading texts were inseparable

part of the national exam, both teachers also hoped for reading materials which were

adequate for the students to anticipate the national exam.



Bu Is also hoped that the materials would be neutral, especially for the book

illustrations because the textbook was to be used by all groups of society. Meanwhile, Bu

Lydia was hoping that the government could ensure that everything needed in the

implementation of the curriculum have been provided prior the implementation of the

curriculum nationwide; for example the provision and distribution of the textbook

c. Integrity

The next emerging theme is integrity. Integrity refers to the state or quality of being

complete or whole. Amid the given context around the 2013 Curriculum and its

implementation teachers were challenged to put all of their effort to implement the

curriculum and finish the textbook accordingly. Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia had shown their

integrity as professional teachers who kept their responsibility for their students. They both

had put all their effort to achieve the goal no matter what happened along the way.

In Bu Is‘ case, to somehow finish the textbook within assigned time while anticipating

the national exam she had put a lot of effort to develop her own materials, utilizing a side

textbook, and optimizing the use of teaching media in order to stimulate her students passion

for exploration and discovery. Extra class activities that she conducted such as an English

club to provide opportunity for her students to practice and have fun English learning was

also worth appreciating.

While in n Bu Lydia‘s case, the obligation to implement the 2013 Curriculum from

the local government, the unavailability of textbook, the low competence of the students, and

the limited access to learning facilities and infrastructure—in short, unreadiness to implement

the curriculum—had force her to pull all her effort to finally be able to finish the textbook.

Her effort to make her students have the textbook was worth noted. She also worked hard to

collect additional materials from the internet—considering the poor and costly internet



connection in Pemalang—as well as tried hard to motivate her students to be more active and

unafraid to speak in English.

d. Being Realistic

Being realistic emerged as the next theme. It refers to the quality to understand what

is real and possible in a particular situation and to be able to handle certain problems in a

practical way. Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia understand that there are some aspects that hinder the

teachers from implementing the 2013 Curriculum textbook totally as ordered. They are

related to the content of the textbook which focused on sample application of grammar but

lacked detailed information, the disparity between the textbook content and the national exam

materials, and the realistic condition of the students.

Realizing the inadequacy of the textbook to develop students four skills had motivated

Bu Is to use what she thought a better textbook—namely Longman‘s Winner—as a side

textbook. She also develop her own grammar module and teaching media as well as altering

the textbook exercises with her own in order to prepare her students anticipating the national

exam. Keeping the passing standard (SKL) as her guideline, she felt free to take any

measures necessary according to what she thought important for her students.

Bu Lydia, on the other hand, realized the limitations in many aspects that she and her

students were facing. The low level of competence of her students and limited access to

learning facilities made her adapt to the learners‘ pace in learning. She did not force her

students to use English language all the time, yet tried to persuade them according to their

competence. Bu Lydia herself used both target language and Indonesian in the real teaching

practice to make sure that her students comprehend the materials being taught. Considering

the economic condition of her students, she did not try to propose a side textbook. Instead,

she compiled the needed additional materials on her own from many sources.



e. Optimism

Optimism refers to a feeling or belief that good things can happen. Optimism was

apparent in Bu Is‘ lived experience in using the textbook. Bu Is taught at the school which

was designated to implement the 2013 Curriculum since the curriculum started to be

implemented. The access to information about the 2013 Curriculum was easy. With all of

that, Bu Is was optimistic that she could implement the 2013 Curriculum in her actual

teaching practice. Bu Is did not find it difficult to teach the materials in the textbook because

firstly it all depended on how the teacher delivered the materials, and secondly she took the

textbook as the basic therefore it was still open for modification and elaboration.

Her long time teaching experience had also built her self-confidence so that she could

adapt to the new curriculum and its accompanying textbook quite easily. Such long

experience had also developed Bu Is recognition of typical national exam materials.

Therefore, with such professional maturity as an English teacher there was no reason for her

to be pessimistic at all.

f. Gratefulness

Gratefulness refers to appreciation or gratitude of something. Sense of gratefulness

emerged in Bu Lydia‘s lived experience. The hard time that Bu Lydia had undergone made

her realized that being a teacher was not easy. The changing curriculum had made her keep

learning either about the new curriculum, the textbook, the teaching materials or even the

students. She also learned that every class was unique with different level of students‘

competences and therefore required different approach. Even each student was unique that he

or she might need her personal attention.

She felt grateful that because of lacking information about the 2013 Curriculum in the

beginning and all the limitations she and the students had had made her a better teacher

professionally, and a better learner as a person.






The single question attempted to be answered in this research is ―What is teachers‘

lived experience in using the 2013 Curriculum-based textbook entitled Think Globally Act

Locally?‖ To answer the question I described and interpreted the narrative data gathered from

several in-depth interviews. Classroom observation notes and documents related to the 2013

Curriculum were crosschecked to validate the data.

Teachers‘ lived experience in using the 2013 Curriculum textbook was defined by

three pre-figured themes, namely (1) open-mindedness, (2) teachers‘ beliefs, and (3)

flexibility; and six emerging themes, namely (1) autonomy, (2) hope, (3) integrity, (4) being

realistic, (5) optimism and (6) gratefulness.

Regarding the open-mindedness, both participants eventually understood that the

education system in Indonesia, that often changes curriculums, has made them open

themselves to accept the new curriculum implementation and every aspect embedded to it.

With willingness to accept and consider different ideas embedded in the curriculum, both Bu

Lydia and Bu Is are able to implement the curriculum when teaching with the provided

textbook as expected with their uttermost effort. Open-mindedness escorted them to be better

teachers. Bu Is attempted to develop students creativity through utilizing teaching media and

keeping the textbook as the basic materials which are still open to interpretation and

modification; while Bu Lydia, through her uttermost effort to understand and implement the

2013 Curriculum, eventually grasps the idea of student-centeredness and teachers‘ role as

facilitator and motivator to make her students more active in class and unafraid to speak

while keeping her pace in accordance to her students‘ competence.



Regarding the teachers‘ beliefs, both Bu Is and Bu Lydia agreed that native English is

important although they have different approaches. With such belief, the materials in the

provided textbook were not enough for Bu Is and Bu Lydia in providing the intended

exposures for their students. Both teachers tried to compile materials that provide more

exposures to English to support the ready to use materials in the provided textbook.

Bu Is used native English based textbook, Winner, as the supplementary textbook to

use reflected her belief about English. As English is seen as the language of the native-

speaking world, it is therefore important to get exposure of the native English. She expected

to get the best examples of English, in forms of dictions, expressions, dialects or

pronunciation from the textbook. Bu Is lived her belief about the significance of native

English speakers samples in teaching. Although it is not the main focus in the classroom

practice, pronunciation also took some portion in students learning activities.

Bu Lydia had different approach in providing exposures of English to her students.

She perceived that native English speakers are important exposure source for students to

know; yet not the only sample sources for her students. It manifested in the English listening

material with Asian speakers which she provided as the supplementary samples. Exposures of

English for Bu Lydia came from various sources. They were not only native English-based

sources but also other Englishes-based sources. Being so, she introduced various Englishes to


Bu Is and Bu Lydia perceived that grammar was important aspect to learn,

particularly for students of grade 9 preparing for their national exam. Both teachers also

believed that students were unique, worked at their own pace and style. Both teachers‘

awareness about their learners‘ ability and limits have made them adjust their teaching

practices. For instance, both teachers also made use of Bahasa Indonesia when teaching, to

mix with the target language in order to help students understand the concepts to learn. They



also made sure that the chosen activities could hold students‘ differences. It could be seen in

various task types assigned or expected to assign by teachers.

Both teachers learned that the 2013 Curriculum could make students really active as

long as the teachers understood what to do. With the class activities they applied, teachers

tried to give plenty of room to their students to explore their potentials, such as giving some

projects to be done in groups or individually, assigning students to get materials from

internet, and providing learning media which can stimulate their students‘ imagination,

critical thinking and creativity. Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia attempted to play their role as


Regarding the flexibility, it was manifested in both participants‘ teaching practice

when using the textbook considering the time limitation and the textbook content. Both

teachers understood that the 2013 Curriculum English textbook for grade 9 was not

compatible with the UN materials; therefore they both took their own measures to adapt,

modify, and if necessary alter the content or the exercises in the textbook. Both teachers also

gave extra class assignments to compensate the limited class hours that they thought not

enough to finish the whole textbook in time. Bu Is, for example, asked her students to explore

certain topic by searching the internet, while Bu Lydia asked her students to do dictionary

check at home for the vocabulary in the textbook.

Autonomy is a theme emerging in the text which was manifested in the courage of

both participants to experiment and to explore with their own methods in response to the non-

supportive given context or situation. Such autonomy emerged when they decided to adapt

the textbook on their own. Yet, their actions were still within the curriculum framework such

as guidelines to achieve the intended learning targets.

The next emerging theme is hope which was manifested in both teachers‘

expectations regarding the textbook and the curriculum. Since both teachers believed that a



good textbook should support the development of students‘ four skills, they both were hoping

for more complete listening and reading materials. Bu Is also hoped that the textbook should

be neutral in term of the content, particularly the illustrations, since the book is used for all

groups of society nationwide. Bu Lydia expected that the government ensure everything

should be provided and prepared carefully prior to launching a new curriculum; for example

the provision and distribution of the textbook.

Integrity comes as the next emerging theme. Both Bu Is and Bu Lydia had shown

their integrity as professional teachers who kept their responsibility for their students. They

both, in their own ways, had put all their effort to achieve their goal no matter what happened

along the way.

The next theme is being realistic. The inadequacy of the textbook, the time limitation,

and students‘ competences had forced both participants to be realistic in executing the

textbook. Bu Is used other side textbook and other supplementary materials, while Bu Lydia

only used the government textbook and supplementary materials. Both teachers adapted the

textbook and did not force their students to use English all the time.

Optimism, as the next emerging theme, occurred clearly in the experience lived by Bu

Is. Apart from the fact that her school was one of designated schools to implement the 2013

Curriculum and good access to information and learning facilities, her long experience as a

senior English teacher, her recognition of national exam materials and adequate knowledge

about the curriculum have built Bu Is confidence in implementing the textbook.

The next theme emerging in the text is gratefulness which manifested in Bu Lydia‘s

inner self. She felt grateful when realizing that she had learned and transformed so much into

a better teacher professionally and a better learner as a person all because of the challenges

she had faced since her school had been forced by local government to implement the 2013

Curriculum regardless the unpreparedness of either the infrastructure or the human resources.




Upon the completion of this study, the researcher assumes that this study can give

benefits to various parties. The implications of this study might go either to the participant

teachers, to the researcher and other fellow teachers, or to the field of English education


For the participant teachers this study shall help both participant teachers eventually

re-actualize themselves, especially in term of being more reflective and evaluative in using a

textbook and in practicing teaching. They, therefore, shall be more aware to articulate their

voices, be more autonomous, confident and competent in their profession.

For the researcher and other readers or fellow teachers, the unveiling of participants‘

meaningful experiences which are reported in this study shall build emphatic understanding

on what it was like to be in participant teachers‘ situation. The discussion on the textbook in

use which occurred during the text-making process shall help other teachers and the

researcher to be more aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook so that

eventually they will be more competent in overcoming the weaknesses of the textbook or in

dealing with the problems occurring when using the textbook.

For the field of English education, this study shall provide scientific benefits. Since

the teachers‘ lived experience is personal, it is not possible to be generalized and apply for

everybody. The unique or personal meaningful experience of the participant teachers in using

the 2013 Curriculum English textbook for grade 9 entitled ―Think Globally Act Locally‖

shall enrich the existing theories about English education in general, and particularly about

English curriculum including the textbook in use.

This study shall also contribute to the body of knowledge in term of providing other

researchers with comparative study cases of the related topic. Therefore, the topic being



investigated in this study is still open for further research with different options of approaches

and cases.


For the teachers who use the provided textbook for teaching, it is important to

consider a textbook adaptation when using a textbook so that it can function better and fit the

school conditions and nature. It is also suggested that they keep updating and broadening

their skills and knowledge professionally. Therefore, they can take any measures necessary in

implementing the curriculum and executing the textbook in the classroom.

For fellow researchers to advance the state of the art in educational research and to

contribute to the body of knowledge relating to English curriculum and textbook, further

studies can be considered to be conducted as the follow up of this research. Teachers‘

judgement on textbook in use has been a part to consider in understanding teachers‘ lived

experience in using the 2013 Curriculum textbook for grade 9 students. Therefore, a further

research on teachers‘ evaluation of the 2013 Curriculum based – grade 9 textbook is

warranted. A quantitative research by making use of questionnaire can be a potential way to

conduct such research. Another possible research to conduct is the one focusing on the

meaning of assessment in 2013 Curriculum to teachers. A phenomenological research is

potentially done for this research as both participants agreed that assessment was time

consuming and not practical to do.

In addition, teachers‘ shared stories about their lived experience in using the 2013

Curriculum-based textbook entitled Think Globally Act Locally denoted a suggestion for the

policy makers. For the policy makers it is suggested that there should be mature preparations

prior to launching a new curriculum to public. Infrastructures and human resources involved

in the implementation of the curriculum, such as provision of the textbook and readiness of



the teachers should be provided and prepared carefully to make sure that the new curriculum

can be implemented smoothly.




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Appendix 1. Core Competence and Basic Competence in Curriculum 2013 for Grade 9

Appendix 2. Changes in Bahasa Indonesia and English Subjects

Appendix 3. Content of English Curriculum 2013 for Grade 9

Appendix 4. Observation and Field Notes: Bu Is

Appendix 5. Observation and Field Note: Bu Lydia

Appendix 6. Interview Transcripts: Bu Is

Appendix 7. Interview Transcripts: Bu Lydia

Appendix 8. Textbook Excerpts: Think Globally Act Locally



Appendix 1. Core Competence and Basic Competence in Curriculum 2013 for Grade 9


1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

3.1 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial dari ungkapan harapan atau doa dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.2 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial dari ungkapan persetujuan, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.3 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang keharusan dan himbauan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.4 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang maksud dan tujuan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.5 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyuruh dan melarang melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan



konteks penggunaannya.

3.6 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial dari teks label obat/makanan/ minuman, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.7 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial teks prosedur dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang resep dan manual, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.8 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.9 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau tanpa penyebutan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.10 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan hubungan sebab akibat dan hubungan kebalikan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.11 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif berbentuk cerita rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.12 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.13 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial teks factual report dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang



teks ilmiah faktual tentang orang, binatang, benda, gejala dan peristiwa alam dan sosial, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks pembelajaran di pelajaran lain di Kelas IX.

3.14 Menyebutkan struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, dan fungsi sosial dari teks iklan produk dan jasa, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3.15 Memahami fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dalam lagu.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

4.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederhana untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ungkapan harapan atau doa dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.2 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederhana untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ungkapan persetujuan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang keharusan dan himbauan melakukan suatu tindakan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.4 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang maksud dan tujuan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.5 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang suruhan dan larangan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.6 Menangkap makna label



obat/makanan/minuman, sangat pendek dan sederhana.

4.7 Menangkap makna teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk resep dan manual, pendek dan sederhana.

4.8 Menyusun teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, berbentuk resep dan manual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.9 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.10 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau tanpa penyebutan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.11 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang hubungan sebab dan akibat, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.12 Menangkap makna teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk cerita rakyat, pendek dan sederhana.

4.13 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.14 Menangkap makna dalam teks ilmiah faktual (report) lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait dengan mata pelajaran



lain di Kelas IX.

4.15 Menyusun teks ilmiah faktual (factual report), lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, benda, gejala dan peristiwa alam dan sosial, terkait dengan mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.16 Menangkap makna dalam teks iklan produk dan jasa, sangat pendek dan sederhana.

4.17 Menangkap makna lagu.



Appendix 2. Changes in Bahasa Indonesia and English Subjects

The changes in Bahasa Indonesia and English Subjects (PLPG, 2014: 19)



Appendix 3. Content of English Curriculum 2013 for Grade 9

Values 1. Gratitude

2. Enthusiasm

3. Honesty

4. Discipline

5. Responsibility

6. Care

7. Politeness

8. Confidence

9. Cooperation

10. Peace

Language Functions 1. Expressing hope and its responses

2. Congratulating someone and its responses

3. Expressing Agreement and its responses

4. Expressing obligation to do something, expressing

one is not obliged to do something, and enquiring

whether one is obliged to do something

5. Expressing intention and enquiring about intention

6. Commanding and prohibiting

7. Asking about and explaining how to make or to do


8. Stating and asking about ongoing, past and future


9. Stating and asking about past activities, events and

phenomena without mentioning the specific time of

their occurrence

10. Stating and asking about causal and inverse


11. Stating and asking about activities/ event/

phenomena without mentioning the agent

Text type 1. Procedure ( oral and written recipe and manual)

2. Narrative text ( oral and written folklore)

3. Short and simple factual reports

Short functional texts 1. Medicine/ food/ beverage labels

2. Product and service advertisements

3. Songs

(Priyana, 2014: 11)



Appendix 4. Observation and Field Notes: Bu Is

School : SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

Teacher : Bu Is

Class : Grade IX-G

Date and date : October, 30, 2015

Time : 10.10 – 11.20

Topic/ Title : We Have been to an Orphanage. We Went There Last Sunday; Chapter 8;

the first meeting

Book : Think Globally Act Locally

The class was conducted in the school‘s language laboratory. There was a curriculum

assessor who was also observing the class. All thirty nine students had the textbook with

them. Almost all students also brought dictionaries to classroom. Students were actively

answered teacher‘s questions and most of them spoke English well. Some other students

tended to be quiet learners. The teacher mostly used English in class. Yet, as also said by bu

Is in the interview, she sometimes had to speak in Bahasa Indonesia when students asked or

when she noticed that some students did not get what she had said.

Bu Is started the class by greeting students and reviewing the previous lesson. The pictures

and materials in the slide for reviewing the lesson and introducing the targeted material were

not taken from the textbook but prepared by Bu Is. Then she verbally asked students with

questions of simple past form and present perfect form. When she noticed that not all students

could answer her questions, she presented the written questions from LCD. The questions

were not taken from the textbook but composed by bu Is. Some of students‘ answers were

then written by Bu Is on the whiteboard. Students were then assigned to practice asking the

same questions to their peers. All students were enthusiastically did it.

Bu Is then presented a picture of a green forest and a picture of a damaged forest in her slide.

The pictures were not taken from the textbook. Bu Is browsed the pictures on her own. She

elicited any opinions from students about the pictures. Then she said that students would

listen to a song related to the pictures. Yet prior to that, bu Lydia asked students to open their

textbook on page 147 and asked several students to read the dialog. Bu Is presented the

dialog taken from the e-book in her slide, while several students took turn to come in front of

the class to voluntarily read the dialog. The bold words in the dialog became Bu Is‘ focus to

help students recognize the pattern and function of present perfect tense.

She then played a video clip of Michael Jackson‘s song, entitled Earth Song. The song and

the video clip was not part of the textbook; yet it was chosen based on the learning objective

of the chapter. Almost all students knew the song and cheerfully sang along while it was

being played. Bu Is presented the forest pictures again. She then assigned students to work in

groups to make sentences based on the pictures. Dictionaries could be used by students to

consult difficult words they were going to use in making sentences. Students then wrote

down the sentences they had composed on whiteboard. The teacher checked the sentences

together with students. Students‘ works were then compiled.

Before closing the class, bu Is asked students about what they had learnt that day. She also

gave homework to students. The homework was taken from page 140 of the textbook; that

was about the previous chapter.



Appendix 5. Observation and Field Note: Bu Lydia

School : SMP Pius Pemalang

Teacher : Bu Lydia

Class : Grade IX-A

Date and date : November, 26, 2015

Time : 08.30 – 09.50

Topic/ Title : We Have been to an Orphanage. We Went There Last Sunday; Chapter 8;

the second meeting

Book : Think Globally Act Locally

The teaching learning process was conducted in classroom. The class was also being

observed by a curriculum assessor that day. There were 22 students in the classroom. Not all

students had the textbook or dictionary with them. Some students said that they left the

textbook at home; several others said that they had not had the book copied yet. Therefore,

students had to share the textbook with their peers. Most students were attentive and

enthusiastic in doing the learning process. Yet, most of them often used Bahasa Indonesia

when they communicate with friends and even with the teacher. There was one student spoke

English much better than her peers. As bu Lydia once said in the interview, regarding

students‘ ability it was hard for her to use English all the time. Then she used both English

and Bahasa Indonesia in class whenever she felt she had to use it.

It was not the first meeting of the chapter. Therefore, that day bu Lydia was no longer

focusing on introducing the grammatical points. She focused on giving plenty of grammatical

practices related to the grammatical target of that chapter. She also said in the interview about

the importance of grammar in language learning. Therefore there were huge amount of

grammatical exercises given to students that day. She made use of LCD to present the

grammatical exercises. All written exercises were compiled and constructed by bu Lydia by

making use of various sources, other than the textbook but based on the syllabus.

Bu Lydia started the class by greeting the students and giving a quiz. Grammatical exercises

in forms of changing underlined word into simple past tense form or present perfect form,

correcting sentences, and jumbled words were presented from LCD. Students raised their

hands to answer the questions.

Following the quiz, bu Lydia gave other grammatical exercises for students to do. She

presented the exercise from LCD and students had to write the questions and the answers on

their book. After classically checking students‘ answers, bu Lydia assigned students to

compose a short paragraph in which they were supposed to include simple past tense and

present perfect sentences. There was neither example or scaffolding for students to do the

assignment. The teacher walked around to check students‘ work.

Prior to closing the class, bu Lydia led the students to reflect on what they had learnt that day;

including asked them about when or why using present perfect tense and simple present

tense. Then, Bu Lydia played a video; it was a short cartoon film about simple present tense

and present perfect tense to summarize the lesson. The video was downloaded by bu Lydia

from a website.



Appendix 6. Interview Transcripts: Bu Is

Interview day 1

The school‘s lounge

October 5, 2015

10.00 – 10.35

It was the second time I met Bu Is. Our first meeting was a week ago when the school‘s

public relation officer introduced me to her.

She merrily greeted me and asked me to have a seat. She said that that day was a very busy

day for she was one of the committee in charge of preparing the school‘s ‗open house‗ which

would soon be conducted. Knowing that she was so busy, I decided to have a short initial

interview for that day.

Our interview was in the school‘s lounge. When it was not the school‘s break time, the

lounge could be a nice place for the interview. The lounge was on the first floor, near the

teachers‘ room. There were some comfortable sofas and armchairs where the school‘s guest

could sit.

R1 Good morning Bu Is

S1 Good morning Mbak Hening

R2 I am truly sorry to interrupt your day with this interview. Everyone

looks very busy today…

S2 Oh iya mbak [tertawa kecil]… kami sedang menyiapkan open house,

sebentar lagi. Saya juga panitia, ini tadi barusan juga ada tamu.

Kemungkinan nanti juga masih ada tamu-tamu lain lagi

R3 Wah, kalau begitu hari ini saya usahakan interviewnya tidak lama ya

bu. Bisa kita teruskan minggu depan

S3 Nggak papa, mbak… secukupnya.

R4 Baiklah, bu Is.. langsung saya mulai saja ya bu. Pertanyaan awal,

seperti biasa tentang data personal. Sudah berapa lama bu Is

mengajar di sini?

S4 Saya tahun kemarin mendapatkan penghargaan… ciee… 15 tahun

mengajar di sini.



R5 Waah.. selamat, bu. Sudah lama juga ya bu di sini. Sebelum di PL

apa ibu mengajar di sekolah lain?

S5 Sebelum di PL saya 3 tahun di Tarakanita, lalu 2 tahun di BCA. Tapi

BCA sebelum menikah. Setelah menikah punya baby, punya baby

ibu rumah tangga. Terus ketika sudah agak berani saya tinggal, sudah

ada pembantu, dah mulai saya melamar di Tarakanita. Tarakanita itu

3 tahun. Tarakanita itu kan nggak sejelas sini, Mbak. Jadi kalau di

sana itu honorer itu ada sampai 7 tahun 8 tahun. Kalau PL kan

nggak. Kalau memang mau diangkat, tahun kedua itu sudah ada

tanda-tanda, tapi kalau nggak ya langsung beritahu gitu lho.. cut gitu




R6 Hmm… jadi tidak perlu menunggu terlalu lama dalam ketidakpastian

ya bu



S6 He'em... La ndilalah setelah Tarakanita itu 3 tahun nggak ada tanda-tanda, terus saya mencoba memasukkan lamaran di PL, ndilalah guru

PL sini, cowok, mas-mas ndak kerasan, dia pengin cari tantangan

wong anak muda, pengin tantangan dan mungkin ya gaji yang lebih

tinggi... ndilalah.. saya keluar dari sana, masuk di sini. Karena kalau

PL misalnya diterima yang Solo ya saya ndak suka, jadi saya pada

saat wawancara ya saya bilang andaikan ada yang di Jogja.

R7 Oh.. jadi waktu melamar mengajar di PL tidak langsung ditujukan ke

PL Jogja gitu ya Bu, ya?

S7 O ndak... PL kan kita yayasan, Mbak. Jadi tergantung yayasan butuh

formasi di mana. Kalau dibutuhkan di Kalimantan yaaa… [tertawa]

R8 Em.. berarti secara keseluruhan sudah sekitar18 tahun mengajar ya


S8 Mengajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya... 19 ini ya, karena 15 itu yang

kemarin. Dari awal saya ngajar kelas 7 dan 9.




R9 Selama pemakaian kurikulum 2013 di sekolah ini, ibu sudah

mengajar kelas berapa saja?

S9 Kurikulum 2013... kalau kemarin tambahan kelas 7, kan ini sudah

tahun ke-3, Mbak. Ini tahun ke-3 Kurikulum 2013. Tahun pertama

dulu 7 dan 9, jadi 7 beberapa 9 beberapa. Kemarin juga begitu. Baru

tahun ini saya yang 9 saja.



R10 Jadi tahun ajaran ini ibu khusus mengajar kelas 9?

S10 Iya. Kebetulan saya diberi tugas kelas 9. Jadi tidak ndhobel gitu lo

mbak. Kan kemarin itu 7 dan 8, 8 dan 9, 7 dan 9, sekarang ndak. Satu

guru satu jenjang... yang ini juga, saya juga.

R11 Karena Ibu fokusnya di kelas 9 apakah tujuan utama kegiatan di

kelas untuk mempersiapkan UN saja?

S11 Nggak… nggak… yang lain juga diperhatikan. Ya.. harapan kami

empat skills itu tidak njomplang gitu lho. Jangan hanya bagus di

reading, memang sih nanti reading utama, sampai SMA-Perguruan

Tinggi, e.. kamu akan membaca referensi dalam bentuk itu, tapi tidak

semata-mata itu. Janganlah ditinggalkan speaking, listening dan

sebagainya. Tetep dikaitkan dengan UN.


R12 Ada berapa kelas untuk kelas 9, bu Is?

S12 Tujuh, A sampai G

R13 Tujuh kelas paralel kelas 9 guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris hanya

bu Is?

S13 Yak…betul

R14 Buku apa yang dipakai bu Is untuk mengajar?

S14 Buku dari dinas.

R15 Kelas 9.. berarti yang judulnya ‗Think Globally Act Locally‘?

S15 Betul, mbak.

R16 Sudah dalam bentuk buku atau soft copy ya bu?

S16 Buku ada, tapi soft kami juga punya. Kalau anak-anak bukunya



dipinjemi dari Sekolah. Tapi kalau soft... ada yang mau seneng

membaca sendiri di rumah dalam bentuk soft juga saya silakan


R17 Untuk buku itu anak-anak bisa membawa pulang bukunya?

S17 Dibawa pulang. Pinjaman dari perpus, kok. Nah, selesai tahun ajaran


R18 Mmm… Bisa ibu ceritakan sedikit tentang buku dari dinas ini?

S18 Mmm…panjenengan sudah punya bukunya? Atau panjenengan juga

perlu nge-save atau nanti aja?

R19 Kalau yang dalam bentuk buku belum. Tapi saya sudah punya versi

soft copynya, bu.

S19 O ya sudah.

Nah, kalau panjenengan mriksani di sana itu juga nanti kalau kelas 9

kan kita juga kaitkan di ujian nasional pasti ya? Kalau di situ contoh-

contohnya itu sebagian besar hanya percakapan ya, mbak. Sementara

kalau kita lihat konkret di dalam ujian tidak mungkin hanya seperti

itu [unhappy voice and she showed uneasy facial expression).

Grammar tetap kita juga harus tambahkan, teks-teks seperti narasi,

deskripsi, recount, dsb. yang standar itu... Jadi ini kurikulum 2006

kalau dibilang irisan ya ndak, tapi dilepaskan juga ndak bisa. Jadi

kemarin pada MGMP memang kita sepakati, e.... short functional

text-nya apa, kan sebagian besar sudah kita pelajari di 7-8 to Mbak,

nah setelah dikumpulkan lalu tambahannya adalah.... karena kalau

panjenengan pirsani di sana ada 1, 1 dan 2, di sana ada contoh

percakapan [interupsi] … sebentar nggih....





R20 [Bu Is menghentikan penjelasannya dan pergi mengambil laptop di

ruangannya. Beliau kembali lagi, lalu membuka file softcopy buku

Bahasa Inggris kelas 9, „Think Globally Act Locally‟]

S20 Seperti di bab I ini, mbak... intinya yang dibicarakan utamanya hanya

ucapan selamat. [Bu Is menunjukkan isi bab 1 dalam versi softcopy

buku „Think Globally Act Locally‟ ].

Kelas 9. Ucapan selamat, begitu terus. Lha nanti bagaimana kalau

dituangkan di dalam UN, kalau kita melihat flashback ke belakang

soal-soal UN kan ya ini lalu kita mengaitkan sendiri. Kalau ini kan

kaitannya dengan greeting card, kayak gitu. Kita mengaitkan sendiri.

Lalu juga di dalamnya nanti kita ada beberapa, seperti penggunaan

question tag dalam ungkapan itu. Kalimat pasif dalam kartu itu.



R21 Jadi, mengingat kepentingan kelas 9 dalam persiapan UN seperti

yang ibu sampaikan tadi, apa buku ini sudah cukup untuk ibu sebagai

satu satunya bahan ajar?

S21 Nggak cukup. Nggak cukup. Kalau makai buku itu thok kok saya

kira ndak mungkin ya. Karena kalau..... panjenengan sudah mriksani

kan tadi contohnya di bab 1? Nah, itu kan berarti ndak mungkin toh

dengan tampilan yang hanya sakkelumit kok anak bisa ngerti oh itu

pasif toh, oh itu aktif. Jadi kita juga.... kebetulan saya membuat





rangkuman grammar, jadi untuk mendukung yang ada di sini. Gitu.

R22 Jadi, dalam mengajar kelas 9 ini selain memakai buku dari dinas, ibu

juga membuat rangkuman materi?

S22 Rangkuman grammar. Untuk mendukung, biar anak lebih paham.

Lha ini [menunjuk file „Think Globall Act Locally‘] juga listeningnya

gimana? Listeningnya kan berarti harus dari gurunya toh sebagai

model? Ini belum ada CDnya. Atau saya yang ndak punya ya? Tapi

biasanyanya perpus itu kalau mendapat sesuatu dari pemerintah….



R23 Biasanya kalau sebuah buku teks itu sudah satu set lengkap dengan

CD audionya ya bu?

S23 Ho‘oh… mestinya gitu ya… Tapi kali ini saya baru… ini [menunjuk

file softcopy „Think Globally Act Locall] saya juga ndak dapat dari

perpus. Cari sendiri.


R24 Kalau materi listening dari buku ini menurut ibu belum memadai,

apakah rangkuman materi yang ibu buat sendiri tadi juga mencakup

materi listening?

S24 Nggak..nggak… Ada buku, saya mbak. Action

R25 Maksud ibu, ada buku lain lagi yang dipakai?

S25 Iya…iya … Untuk menunjang empat skills supaya kita ndak cuma

gek ming reading thok ya... itu saya kopikan anak-anak— [suara

berbisik] maaf ya ini sebetulnya nggak boleh—punya Longman.

Saya pakai Winner. Jadi nanti kan di situ kan bersambungan ya. Dari

speaking, diawali dari listening, kemudian speaking, kemudian

reading baru writing... jadi teruus begitu. Mungkin e.. yang

dibicarakan seperti yang pertama itu hanya there is/there are,

kemudian penggunaan how many/how much. Tapi mereka kan

mendengarkan langsung ininya... contoh percakapan dari native-

nya.... gitu. Perlu sekali menurut saya. Kemudian mereka mencoba

mempraktekkan. Jadi keempat skill itu berkesinambungan. Mungkin

yang dua seperti listening dan speaking belum ditestkan ya untuk

SMP. Kan hanya untuk harian dan untuk sampai praktek nanti, untuk

ujian praktek. Gitu.





R26 Ujian praktek yang diadakan sekolah?

S26 Iya. Kalau praktek reading ada, speaking, listening, dan.... kalau

writing of course.

R27 Kalau materi listening masih harus didukung atau ditambahkan dari

‗Winner‘, bagaimana dengan materi lainnya?

S27 Sangat belum. Kalau kita melihat soal di ujian nasional reading-

readingnya mengerikan, mbak. Apalagi yang report itu kita harus

cari-cari di internet. Contoh-contoh report. Dan saya caranya apa...

dengan memaksimalkan anak-anak. Jadi anak-anak itu saya bagi.

SKL-nya kan kurang-lebih nggak berbeda toh Bahasa Inggris itu dari

tahun ke tahun. Maka SKL-nya seperti ini, supaya anak-anak itu

memang masing-masing juga takminta mencari, tetapi yang

dikumpulkan itu saya undi, ini dapat recount text, ini dapat notice, ini

dapat apa apa apa, sehingga lengkaplah SKL itu terbagi dalam satu

kelas. Kemudian nanti dikumpulkan, sesama notice, sesama recount,

sesama narrative. Jadi mereka semakin kaya, gitu. Nggak cuma yang

saya berikan, tapi mereka memang cari sendiri. Karena kalau

mencari sendiri harapan saya, kan di sana juga mereka mencari...






e...sebelum contoh notice kan ada penjelasan apa itu notice. Jadi selain saya menyampaikan mereka juga takminta mencari juga.

R28 Hmm … jadi anak-anak juga dilibatkan dalam mencari kumpulan

teks ya bu? Dan selama ini cara tersebut berhasil?

S28 Iya.. mereka melakukan dengan baik kok. Belief

R29 Dalam mengajar, mana yang paling sering dipakai bu Is: buku teks

dari dinas, rangkuman materi grammar buatan ibu, atau ‗Winner‘?

S29 Ya… piye ya mbak. [terdiam sebentar] Kalau buku teks ini kan

contoh-contoh sifatnya kan contoh-contoh ya... contoh-contoh…

banyak di contoh-contoh … seperti itu. Ya ini [menunjuk softcopy,

terdiam sebentar] untuk tambahan aja. Tambahan aja.




R30 Buku teksnya yang menjadi buku tambahan dan materi dari ibu lebih

sering dipakai?

S30 Buku teksnya… ho‘oh… iya. Iya perlu tambahan materi. Melengkapi

lah. Karena...materi... kenapa kok perlu ditambah, kan kita juga

melihat yang di situ. Di situ disinggung ini tapi ndak ada

penjelasannya. Gimana anak tiba-tiba tahu itu.


R31 Meskipun buku teks dari dinas yang berbasis kurtilas ini tidak selalu

dipakai di kelas, apakah ibu selalu menerapkan ‗scientific approach‘

dalam mengajar?

S31 Saya rasanya sih iya..iya.. [tertawa]

R32 Apakah pendekatan ‗scientific‘ ini juga bisa selalu diterapkan saat

ibu mengajar menggunakan buku teks dari dinas?

S32 Bisa.. Bisa.. Kan tergantung bagaimana kita menyampaikannya ya.

Bisa. Ya anak-anak memang harus dipandu memang. Kalau untuk

menyimpulkan … jadi dari ada contoh-contoh percakapan itu mereka

untuk menyimpulkan, bertanya, intinya untuk berbicara mereka kan

harus di… apa ya... Mereka kalau untuk writing pinter sekali, tetapi

kan untuk berkata-kata kan mereka masih agak takut dan sebagainya.

Jadi harus terus dipacu. Dari kata itu sebetulnya kita belajar apa.

Tapi jalan sih anak-anak.



R33 Baiklah Bu Is. Saya kira untuk hari ini cukup dulu, bu. Minggu

depan saya datang lagi untuk ngobrol seperti ini lagi.

S33 Oke. Jam seginian aja boleh mbak.

R34 Baik, bu Is. Terimakasih sekali atas waktunya, bu.Saya permisi


S34 Sama-sama. Nggih.. sami-sami… mangga…



Interview day 2

The school‘s Lounge

October 19, 2015

10.00 – 10.45

This was the second time I had an interview with bu Is. The second interview was actually

scheduled last week, yet it had to be postponed since Bu Is had a meeting to prepare the

school‘s ―open house‖.

Arriving at the school, I looked for bu Is in teachers room. Yet she was not there. Some

teachers in the room told me that bu Is was probably teaching. So I went to the front officer‘s

desk to get information about bu Is‘ teaching schedule for that day. The front officer told me

that bu Is was not teaching at that moment, yet she was having a meeting with a guest in the

school principle‘s room. I was asked to wait for her in the lounge.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, I saw bu Is hurriedly walking toward the lounge. She

smiled, greeted me, and was sorry for making me waiting.

R1 Oh, selamat pagi bu Is

S1 Halo mbak… wah, maaf ya menunggu. Tadi itu ada tamu, calon

donatur untuk acara open house kita.

R2 Tidak apa-apa bu Is. Wah, sepertinya acara open house nanti bakalan

seru ya Bu Is. Persiapannya nampaknya matang sekali.

S2 Yah, semoga nanti lancar. Ini masih sibuk sana sini. Gimana.. jadi

apa yang akan kita obrolin hari ini?

R3 Amin, semoga lancar bu. Hari ini saya masih akan bertanya tentang

pengalaman ibu mengajar dan terutama tentang penggunaan buku

ajarnya itu. Kalau boleh tahu, di sekolah ini ada program ekstra yang

berkaitan dengan bahasa Inggris nggak ya bu?

S3 Di sekolah ini ya... Em.. Sebelum ini ada English Club... saya

mendampingi anak-anak English Club, tetapi tahun ini English Club

digabung dengan ekstra English wajib, yaaa untuk... katanya sih..

untuk efisiensi. Itu satu kali seminggu, 1.5 jam.. kalau ekstra itu

semuanya 1.5 jam



R4 Program itu hanya untuk anak kelas 9 atau.... semua boleh ikut?

S4 O semua... semua boleh ikut. Bahkan banyak yang 1-2, karena kalau

kelas 9 itu mbak, di sini mbak, dari Senin sampai Rabu itu sudah

pulangnya sudah sore... tambahan wajib juga. Tapi ada juga satu dua

yang aktif karena betul-betul seneng...

R5 Lalu English Club ini kegiatannya apa saja bu?

S5 Em... persiapan untuk konsumsi lomba sih mbak. Ya.. konsumsi

lomba. Karena kalau untuk yang lain-lain kan sudah masuk di

pelajaran harian. Jadi kita mempersiapkan bagaimana kita bercerita,

jadi kita melihat animo di sekitar SMP kita itu biasanya diundang

apa toh? Untuk berpidato, untuk bercerita, untuk spelling bee. Yang

seperti itu. Walaupun kenyataanya kadang-kadang untuk lomba



tidak ngambil dari yang tidak ikut English Club. Tapi... pokoknya

mereka berani bicara dululah. Kadang-kadang saya juga membuat

event. Kadang-kadang event-nya ini farewell party. Di farewell party

mereka saya bagi jadi em... pengisi acara. Pengisi acara kan otomatis

mereka kan ada yang bercerita, ada yang berpidato, ada yang jadi

MC. Lalu mereka berpikir jadi MC yang baik itu bagaimana. Apa-

apa poin apa yang harus dibikin. Begitu. Jadi mereka tu enjoy sekali.

Dan game tentunya... dengan game dan lain-lain.

R6 Berapa guru yang membina English Club ini bu?

S6 Satu [tertawa]

R7 Hanya Ibu saja?

S7 Iya… Kalau ada PPL lumayan, saya ditemani. [tertawa]

R8 Mmm… Darimana ibu mendapat ide kegiatan untuk English Club?

S8 Ya itu .. dari apa sih yang sering dilombakan… browsing juga initiative

R9 Bicara tentang browsing, apa Ibu juga sering browsing di internet

untuk mencari inspirasi mengajar?

S9 He'em... Kadang saya lakukan itu

R10 Em... ketika Ibu mendownload beberapa materi , biasanya materi

seperti apa yang didownload bu Is? [pause… bu Is terdiam

sejenak]... Misal materi yang berhubungan dengan grammar ataukah

materi yang berhubungan dengan games atau ide kegiatan lain untuk


S10 Iya, semuanya itu terkait ya. Ambil contoh ketika materinya itu

Present Perfect. Present Perfect, maka yang saya ambil itu

menunjukkan kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan pada waktu yang tidak

tertentu, maka saya ambil contoh misalnya gambar, ambillah gambar

hutan yang hijau, dan beberapa alam. Alam, ada hutan, ada binatang,

ada laut, ada apa... yang rusak. Ah, dari situ, gambar-gambar itu

nanti kan kaitannya dengan anak-anak mencermati, oh ya... have

been apa oleh seseorang, binatang yang mati have been bentuk III

oleh... begitu.. lalu juga, misalnya masih terkait materi yang sama

ya. Jadi buku, itu kan isinya percakapan toh, mbak, itu ya tentang itu

tentang grammar itu, tapi kan di sana tidak ada grammar kayak gitu




R11 Jadi, maaf kalau saya salah tangkap, jadi maksud ibu di buku teks ini

tidak ada informasi cukup, atau lengkap atau khusus mengenai


S11 Tidak ada informasi rinci oh rule-nya itu kayak gini kan nggak ada.

Jadi hanya langsung masuk ke contoh aplikasinya. Nah, kembali ke

contoh kegiatan present perfect tadi. Dari gambar kemudian bisa

masuk ke lagu, misalnya lagunya Michael Jackson, apa itu.. Of Life

ya.. itu kan kerusakan-kerusakan itu. Tapi juga kadang-kadang kita

sering tukar-menukar dengan teman-teman saat MGMP itu,






misalnya mereka punya powerpoint apa, jadi memperkaya dari

berbagai sumber.

R12 Nah untuk menambah sumber materi, selain buku-buku wajib yang

harus Ibu punya untuk mengajar, Bu Is juga membeli buku-buku

untuk tambahan yang bisa dipakai untuk tambahan ide dan materi

mengajar nggak to, Buk? Maksud saya buku yang bukan dibeli

sekolah, … jadi, buku yang milik pribadi.

S12 Milik pribadi, sebagian besar eh.. ini.. warisan zaman kuliah, seperti

Living English Structure, seperti itu, English Grammar dan

sebagainya itu, peninggalan itu [tertawa]. Sedangkan yang sifatnya

seperti teks-teks seperti itu ya download, mbak.



R13 Hmm… begitu… Mengingat pengalaman panjang mengajar di PL

saya rasa banyak kesempatan untuk ikut seminar atau workshop

tentang ‗English Language Teaching ya bu. Ibu sering ikut?

S13 Kalau masalah sering itu ya tergantung... kan karena ada tiga guru,

ketika ada undangan seperti itu prinsipnya gantian. Lalu kalaupun

kami itu... misalnya ya.. sudah saatnya saya mendapatkan giliran ya,

atau Pak Bondan atau Bu Anin, kok di sini ada event yang jauh lebih

penting tak mungkin kami keluar. Jangankan untuk yang jauh-jauh

seminar, MGMP saja, itu saja harus diberatkan kegiatan yang di

rumah, di sekolah maksud saya. Gitu.





R14 Bagaimana dengan tahun ini; ada workshop atau seminar yang

diikuti bu Is?

S14 Baru saja. Itu minggu lalu ... e.. memang tidak Bahasa Inggris,

bukan terkait langsung dengan Bahasa Inggris tapi assessor. Jadi


R15 Berapa lama itu Bu workshopnya?

S15 Kemarin itu dari Senin sampai Jumat mbak.

R16 Wah cukup lama ya bu, 5 hari. Ibu tadi menyinggung tentang

MGMP. Selain aktif dalam MGMP, apa ibu juga ikut .. apa ya..

misal komunitas untuk guru-guru bahasa Inggris? JETA, misalnya?



S16 [tertawa] JETA itu awalnya Mbak [suaranya bersemangat], itu tu

aku, Bu Endang, itu tidak begitu banyak, Wijokongko dan

sebagainya itu hanya berapa orang, hanya lima orang. Waktu itu,

saya kok tidak menjelek-jelekkan orang nggak, tapi puji Tuhan, pada

saat kami akan membentuk itu, itu kepala sekolah agak lemah. --Bu

Endang datang ke sini jemput, ketemu Pak Bismoko---, sing penting

ada tugas. Nggak semudah itu sebenarnya. Jadi awalnya

terbentuknya itu di antaranya saya..



R17 Oo.. wah ternyata ibu termasuk pelopor JETA ya. Hebat.

S17 Saya, Bu Endang, ya itu guru-guru senior. Terus saya mundur

teratur, ya karena berkali-kali saya ndak bisa ketika Bu Endang ya..

beberapa kan sebagian besar kan guru negeri tu Mbak, dengan



mudahnya mereka meninggalkan sekolah. Kalau saya selain kepala

sekolah juga kudune ya anak-anakku kalau saya tinggal-tinggal terus

begitu ya kasihan juga, walaupun ada tugas, tetap beda...

R18 Hmm… Anak-anak yang ‗ketunggon‘ dan yang ‗tidak ketunggon‘

gurunya tetap ada bedanya ya bu?

S18 Yak… betul… belief

R19 Ketika mengampu English Club, selain untuk persiapan lomba, yang

saya tangkap tadi ibu mencoba untuk membuat anak berani bicara

dulu. Lalu ketika mengajar di kelas bagaimana bu? Apa sama, yang

penting anak bisa berani berbicara?

S19 Iya. Awalnya berani dulu. Berani tidak hanya berbicara, tapi juga

berani menulis kalau dalam bentuk writing ya. Misalnya kita

descriptive text ya, sedang menyoroti descriptive text, ada contoh

dulu. Jadi beri contoh dulu o kayak gini toh, lalu bagiannya apa saja,

lalu mereka mencoba dengan deskripsinya mereka sendiri, apa yang

paling familiar kamu punyalah, sehingga jangan membayangkan

kalau kamu mendeskripsikan Ancol sementara kamu belum pernah

ke Ancol hanya lihat gambar kan beda. Tapi apa yang sederhana

saja, misalnya your pet, gitu kan mereka nggak akan muncul karena

apa, takut salah. Jadi takut salah entah berbicara, entah menulis,

kalau mendengarkan beda lagi ya tergantung bagaimana dia... begitu

jadi berani dulu.



R20 Hmm… lalu saat di kelas apa Ibu mewajibkan anak-anak untuk

selalu berbahasa Inggris?

S20 Saya mewajibkan sih tidak, tapi ya mm... menghimbau, walaupun

anak-anak ya takut-takut bahkan untuk hal yang sederhana "May I

borrow your pen" itupun ya... ya cuma takut salah anak-anak itu.

Terus kadang-kadang wegah mikir juga, anggap wae, ndadak mikir

may itu diikuti apa.. lha luwih gampang saut ngko langsung balik ya.

Tapi ya tetep saya himbau.



R21 [tertawa] hehe iya bu, itu seperti saya waktu SMP. E, saya sih

meyakini kalau anak sering mendengar classroom language seperti

itu lama-lama juga nggak kikuk untuk memakainya di kelas.

S21 Iya mbak. Betul.

R22 Lalu, seandainya saat harus memakai materi listening di kelas, ada

dua pilihan, listeningnya yang satu pengisi suaranya penutur native,

sementara yang lainnya orang Indonesia, mana yang Ibu pilih?

S22 Ya nativelah, Mbak. [tertawa] Belief

R23 Kenapa memilih yang native bu Is?

S23 Ya mereka kan harus mendengarkan dari mereka yang punya bahasa

aselinya ya. Walaupun mungkin pronunciationnya benar pasti kan

juga ada dialeknya atau apanya yang.. yang... ya.. basa jawane

medhok ya, Mbak. Beda ya. Dan dari Winner sebagai contoh ya,




Winner kan native jadi walaupun kalimat yang sederhana sampai

nanti tingkat yang sulit mendeskripsikan atau menarasikan cerita itu

kan mereka yang punya dan seumuran dia, tapi ya ndak semuanya

seumuran. Di dalam Winner itu kan ada tokohnya ini, tapi atau nanti

dia berinteraksi dengan siapa, ada orang tuanya juga, tapi semuanya

kan native. Jadi harus cari model yang..., jangan model yang dari

Jalan Wonosari seperti saya ini [tertawa]



R24 [tertawa] Kalau begitu, dalam mengajar Ibu selalu pakai Bahasa

Inggris atau...?

S24 Ketika saya sedang penanaman konsep, campur-campur, Mbak.

Kalau Bahasa Inggris semua ya kondisi anak berbeda-beda. Jadi

kalau selalu Bahasa Inggris dan akan terlihat toh dari wajah anak-

anak itu, iki dong apa nggak, bahkan ada yang nyeletuk, "Miss itu

ngomong apa-e?" Bisa jadi saya tidak jelas, bisa jadi dia memang

nggak dong. Jadi saya perjelas dengan Bahasa Indonesia.



R25 Lalu ketika Ibu mengajar di kelas dan ketika menggunakan Bahasa

Inggris saat mengajar, Bhs Inggris yang ‗mana‘ yang ingin

ditekankan untuk jadi model ke siswa? [sunyi, terdiam sejenak]…

Apakah bahasa Inggris yang mungkin dengan ‗warna‘ logat

Indonesia atau bahkan bahasa Inggris Wonosari seperti yang Ibu

bilang, atau American English atau British English?

S25 Ya kalau harapan sih ya kita mengikuti mereka (American atau

British English)ya, tapi kan juga yang bisa melihat kan orang lain,

tetep saja mereka akan melihat bahwa ini suaranya Native, bukan

suaranya mereka gitu. Ya kan?


R26 Jadi, apa ada juga sesi khusus untuk ‗pronunciation‘ untuk diajarkan

ke siswa sehingga siswa juga mengenal dan tahu pronunciation yang

benar ala native speaker itu bagaimana?

S26 Ada. Sesi khususnya adalah ketika saya memancing anak-anak untuk

merasa bahwa mereka tidak akan bisa belajar dengan mudah untuk

belajar bahasa asing ini tanpa kamus. Maka pastikan bahwa kamus

itu adalah teman setiamu, teman yang sangat membantu kamu, maka

kamus itu saya wajibkan. Nah, saya buatkan list kata-kata sulit itu

yang sebetulnya nggak sulit-sulit amat itu saya ambil dari bukunya

pemerintah. Buku kan gonta-ganti ya, Mbak. Tapi ini buku

pemerintah di kurikulum tertentu, intinya apa, saya tekankan di awal

bahwa ketika kalian menguasai ini bukan berarti kalau 'oh, saya

sudah siap ujian', nggak juga. 'Saya sudah survived', ndak. Ini hanya

basic saja, nah, kalau dibalik, kalau yang basic saja ndak dikuasai

bagaimana dengan yang lain. Nah itu yang mereka lakukan adalah,

saya list-nya dalam Bhs Inggris, mereka mencarinya dalam Bhs

Indonesia di kamus. Nah, ketika mencari di kamus, saya minta

mereka lihat ndak cuma arti tetapi cara pengucapannya. Nah, nanti





membahasnya itu satu persatu, jadi misalnya tentang traditional tools

ya, traditional... ya misalnya itu. Ya satu-satu, kata pertama dia

menyebutkan apa misalnya hoe, ya dia 'hoe' lalu 'cangkul'. Nah,

ketika salah, saya minta cek di kamus, saya tidak memperbaiki tapi

saya minta dia cek di kamus, "Oh, ini lain ternyata". Jadi ada

kalanya mereka ndak buka kamus kalau sudah tahu. Mereka hanya

buka kamus yang tidak tahu atau yang ragu-ragu. Nah, di situ saya

mengharapkan mereka itu tidak hanya tahu arti, kaya arti, tapi juga

tahu cara mengucapkannya.


R27 Baik… mengenai materi dari sumber lain yang pernah kita

bicarakan… Kalau saya tidak salah ingat waktu terakhir kita ketemu

Ibu bilang bahwa materi mengajar sebenarnya lebih banyak diambil

dari materi mengajar buatan Ibu sendiri, koleksi Bu Is sendiri dan

dari Winnernya Longman ya Bu ya. Em.. boleh tahu alasan Ibu

memakai Winner?

S27 Kalau Winner itu ada satu, pertama latihan-latihan di sana itu

variatif, dan satu terintegrasi dengan yang lain dan aku nggak usah

mikir o ini salah cetak; memang tidak ada salahnya sama sekali ya

buku itu, jadi itu... Ya sebagai pelengkap sih, bukan berarti buku

yang di sana itu (buku terbitan Kemendikbud) nggak bagus juga ya.

Melengkapi aja.




R28 Untuk buku Winner, mmm... selama ini Ibu lebih banyak mengambil

latihan-latihan soalnya saja atau teorinya juga, misalkan teori yang

berhubungan dengan pokok bahasan ini, present perfect, misalnya

S28 Kalau Winner itu jauh lebih ke ini Mbak, e.. percakapan ya. Jauh

lebih ke yang seperti itu. Jadi untuk grammarnya tidak seberat yang

di situ, tapi detil. Jadi misalnya bicara tentang ee... penggunaan how

much/how many... [interupsi; pembicaraan terpotong, rekan kerja

datang] … Sampai mana tadi mbak? Oh ya itu. Jadi di Winner itu



R29 Hmm… lalu mengenai buku ini, Think Globally Act Locally, buku

ini adalah buku teks yang disediakan oleh pemerintah. Seberapa

penting textbook.. eee.. buku teks untuk ibu?

S29 Ya textbook itu kan turunan dari silabus ya. Jadi bagaimanapun..

ketika kita sudah mendapatkan kisi-kisi Ujian Nasional, seperti ini..

ya.. kisi-kisi kan juga nanti gabungan dari textbook dari kelas 7-8-9.

Ya basic-nya itu, soal pengembangan itu kan tergantung bagaimana

ketika anak-anak terlihat sudah menguasai atau belum. Ya jadi harus

ada kaitannya antara silabus, textbook, dengan materi.. gitu.


R30 Dan emm... Ibu tidak terlalu terpancang pada textbook ketika

mengajar ya Bu?E… Maksud saya, nggak harus mengikuti setiap

kegiatan di buku itu.

S30 Bukan masalah tidak terpancang, Mbak. Tetapi ketika saya matur Action



seperti kemarin itu, membuat --- dan sekian bab dalam itu, kan

mungkin bab per bab per bab, ada kalanya itu dirangkum, dan tidak

semuanya harus dibahas. Saya minta mereka mempelajari di rumah,

latihan-latihannya dikerjakan, tapi tidak mungkin itu dibahas semua.

Seperti kemarin, kemarin kita kan klaster, Mbak. Klaster di sini itu...

klaster itu dari Kurikulum 13 ini itu kan ada, belum semua sekolah

Mbak, hanya ada sekitar lima seko.. lima ya, PL, Muhammadiyah 2,

SMP 5, SMP 1, SMP 8. Itu kan. Nah, dari SMP ini lalu nanti

mengimbas ke SMP-SMP lain yang belum, atau kemarin sudah

setengah tahun tapi mundur nggak jadi. Nah, di sini dua hari, Sabtu-

Minggu, pada saat presentasi RPP kami, ada Bapak dari Budya

Wacana itu yang nek secara teori RPP-nya bagus, jadi dia plek

nggon buku ikutin. Setiap kali ada ini dinilai, setiap kali ada,

misalnya ya dalam satu bab itu kan misalnya ini... apa ta jenenge,

misalnya ada ini Mbak, asking.... prohibition and apa begitu. Dan

semuanya diberi... ini prohibition ini mulai dari tadi pengenalan,

kemudian mengaplikasikan, kemudian penegasan, kemudian baru

ada karya... semuanya satu-satu dinilai. Ini waktunya is impossible.

Tapi itu kan dari segi RPP memang harus kayak gitu, sokur kalau

bisa terlaksana. Nah, itu artinya apa, buku memang harus. Itu harus

karena memang turunan dari silabus. Tapi ya tidak harus secara detil

semuanya itu... tapi juga harapannya jangan hanya itu saja.


R31 Hmm.. saya jadi ingin tahu lebih banyak lagi tentang cerita ibu

tentang buku teks ini. Sayang hari ini sepertinya waktunya tidak

cukup, karena saya juga harus segera mengajar. Jadi, saya lanjutkan

minggu depan, boleh bu?

S31 O ya silakan mbak…

R32 O ya, Bu... emm.. mungkin nggak ya Bu kalau saya mengobservasi

kelas ibu?Satuuu saja...

S32 [tertawa] Nggak usaaah! [tertawa]

R33 Boleh ya bu yaaa… Karena data interview itu kan subjektif, jadi

saya perlu merecord sesuai apa yang saya lihat juga. Biar klop dan

komplit gitu bu …. Kira-kira hari apa ya Buk ya? Saya akan cuma

diam aja di kelas kok, cuma mencatat saja, nggak akan bersuara …

S33 [tertawa; terdiam sebentar] Mbak, interview anak aja deh.

R33 Oh, boleh… Tapi kalau boleh saya mengutamakan observasi

kelasnya dulu

S33 [tertawa].. ya nanti ta kabari lagi lah ya.

R34 Baik bu Is…. Saya berharaaap sekali bisa observasi kelas bu Is.

Semoga saya dapat kabar baik besok ya bu [tertawa]

S34 [tertawa]… coba saya carikan kelas dulu ya

R35 Baik, bu Is. Terimakasih banyak. Saya pamit dulu



Interview day 3

Preparation Room

October 26, 2015

10.00 – 10.45

I did not need to wait for bu Is that day nor to look for her in teachers‘ room. She was

coincidentally going out of teachers‘ room and saw me entering the lounge. As usual, she

looked energetic and friendly.

Bu Is suggested to use preparation room for the interview as it is quieter than the lounge. This

is a quite spacey room with several tables on which exams‘ worksheets were prepared and

neatly put in baskets for each class. There was also a showcase with some trophies in it. Bu Is

took a chair for me and she dragged the other chair to put opposite mine. Then, we began to


R1 Selamat pagi bu Is. Wah ruangan ini nyaman dan tenang.

S1 Iya ya mbak? Ini namanya ruang persiapan. Tempat kami

menyiapkan soal-soal ujian. Lebih tenang di sini untuk kita


R2 Iya, bu Is terimakasih untuk tempatnya. E… Hari ini saya ingin

mendengar lagi cerita bu Is mengenai buku ini, maksud saya

yang ‘Think Globally, Act Locally‘.

S2 O iya mbak. Enaknya saya mulai dari mana ya?

R3 Emm…. Bagaimana kalau kita mulai dari apa yang pertama kali

tampak begitu kita lihat buku ini? Semacam kesan yang segera

muncul waktu lihat tampilannya, gitu buk

S3 E... kalau dari warna-warni iya menarik. Tapi pada saat

sosialisasi kurikulum pertama dulu, 2013 di Kaliurang, itu kan

kami didrop buku, kami sudah diminta untuk mencermati buku

itu. Itu ya memang tidak nyambung, Mbak. Jadi misalnya, apa

ya, e... penjahat lalu gambarnya bank. Kalau kita tidak

menjelaskan sesuatu, ming... apa ya.. inilah penjahat—itu

tentang job sih—pekerjaan. Lah, kan itu berarti bank kuwi

pusatnya kriminal. Padahal itu banknya itu bisa sebagai

sasarannya kriminal. Nah, seperti itu nggak cuma sedikit mbak.



Judgement on

textbook (grade 8)

R4 Mmm… gambar-gambar yang tidak nyambung semacam itu ada

di buku kelas 9?

S4 Eee… Kami... kami sudah mencoba memberi masukan sih.

Waktu itu baru pertama toh, baru buku kelas 7, lalu kelas 8 ada

juga, lha kelas 9 ini belum. Belum ada pencermatan seperti itu.

Jadi kami masing-masing diminta untuk menganalisa itu. Jadi,

bukan salah sih... tapi apa yang ada di otaknya penulis dengan

yang bisa diterjemahkan anak kan bisa berbeda gitu lho Mbak.

Contoh seperti itu tu ada beberapa, banyak.






R5 Masih tentang visual…bagaimana dengan porsi karakter laki-laki

dan perempuan di buku kelas 9?

S5 O… itu… belum sejauh itu mbak… belum sempat lihat sampai

sana mbak.

R6 Mm ya… baiklah, bu. Jadi secara umum buku kelas 9

tampilannya lebih baik daripada buku kelas 8?

S6 Lebih baik daripada kelas 7 dan mungkin juga kalau kelas 9 ya

levelnya beda ya. Kalau kelas 7 kan masih banyak vocab dasar

ya, jadi kayak pelajaran vocab-e, Mbak, yang kelas 7 itu. [nada

dan ekspresi kecewa]



R7 Jadi menurut bu Is yang kelas 7 itu materinya sepertinya terlalu

mudah untuk anak kelas 7?

S7 Ho‘oh... jadi kalaupun deskriptif ya mendeskripsinya itu tidak

ada... ya begitulah terlalu simpel.. malah agak mundur kalau saya

melihat. Lalu mulai kelas 8 ini mulai ada revisi lagi nampaknya,

kelas 9 sudah menjadi lebih baik. Tapi kami belum kalau

diundang Dinas untuk mencermati, memberi masukan itu belum.

Paling enggak saya yang belum, nggak tahu kalau temen-temen

yang lain.


R8 Mmm… kalau materi kelas 7 terlalu mudah untuk level mereka,

lalu tema-tema yang ada di buku ini, ini saya kembali ke buku

kelas 9, misalnya dalam ‗procedure‘ berbicara tentang ‗how to

cook rice‘, lalu tentang membaca label – obat misalnya, dan

topik bahasan yang lain itu apa sudah pas untuk anak kelas 9?

S8 Ya... menurut saya ya pas aja. Karena itu kan dari silabus dan

kalau silabus kan sudah ada pakarnya toh, Mbak, yang melihat

gradasinya dari 7-8-9. Kalau menurut saya kelas 9 ini sudah jauh

berbedalah dengan yang kelas 7. Bahkan yang kelas 8 pun sudah

menjadi lebih baik. Ya sejauh ini sih apa yang saya lihat sudah

sesuai juga sama KI KDnya juga. Tapi apa… saya tidak bisa

mengatakan pasti apakah dari suatu buku itu sesuai atau belum

kan musti mengalami satu per satu. Dan buku [ menunjuk buku

kelas 9] ini kan baru bagi saya mbak. Belum sampai segitunya.

Biasanya kami dalam MGMP seperti itu, jadi dibagi… nggak

satu orang gini . [tertawa]. Yang ini nanti bagianmu, cermati,

yang ini… lalu nanti dikompilasi.


R9 Ibu pernah mengatakan SKL Bahasa Inggris dari tahun ke tahun

kurang lebih sama. Ibu juga sudah pernah mengalami mengajar

dengan kurikulum 2006 dan sekarang 2013. Lebih enak yang

mana sih bu mengajarnya, kurikulum yang 2006 atau 2013?

S9 Kalau mengajarnya saya lebih senang yang ini sebetulnya. Feeling

R10 O ya?

S10 Nggak ada kaitannya dengan buku lho. Kenapa? Karena

misalnya kita sedang pada procedure, di sini kan ada sih sample-

nya procedure itu kayak gini, tapi anak itu kan diberi peluang

besar untuk mengeksplor... ya sebanyak mungkin contoh-contoh

procedure.. jadi lebih enak yang ini. Ya ini kan sebetulnya jika

maksimal nanti anak kan akan menjadi kreatif, sangat kreatif,




karena apa juga yang ditekankan kan student centered ya. Jadi bagaimana anak itu, tidak hanya kita guru, tidak hanya sekedar

mentransfer itu, tapi lebih menekankan pada just to stimulate,

memancing dia untuk... ya kalau penekanan pasti harus ada.

Penekanan iya, tapi itu kan harus menerapkan langkah-langkah

scientific itu tadi. Ya situasi seperti itu. Takambil contoh present

perfect di Bab 8. Tak beri gambar. Saya sudah pernah matur

mbaknya, gambar yang… [interupsi, ada tamu datang] . Maaf …


R11 Sampai di gambar hutan bab 8, bu

S11 O ya… Hutan... yang kayak gitu itu. Hanya gitu aja itu anak

seneng, ke mana-mana imajinasi mereka. Kalau kita berhasil

mengembangkan imajinasi dia, membuka kesempatan mereka

bahwa sumber belajar itu tidak hanya ini, bisa mereka dari

mengeksplor dari internet atau dari mana, dan seneng diberi

kesempatan itu. Jadi kemarin untuk langkah pertama itu, untuk

menguasai buku ini dengan waktu yang secepat-cepatnya karena

Januari sudah harus drill soal Mbak, itu saya bagi dulu. Saya

bagi, undian ya, o.. dalam satu kelas nanti ada yang sama kan,

minimal lima orang, sama-sama short functional text notice,

mereka cari notice sebanyak-banyaknya. Yang ditekankan adalah

apa arti notice... dan.... [interupsi; tamu lain datang] Maaf-maaf...



R12 Tidak apa-apa bu

S12 Kembali yang tadi itu, ketika di sini ada tema tentang apa

misalnya notice ataupun di belakang tentang narrative, supaya

bagi-bagi, ya dapat yang notice, dapat yang iklan, dapat

procedure, dapat itu, maka takbagi-bagi dulu tugasnya ke siswa,

siapa atau kelompok mana yang harus cari tentang ini itu. Jadi

awalnya ndak mencari semua dulu contoh sebanyak-banyaknya.

Supaya tidak asing dengan dongeng ini, tidak asing dengan

caution ini ... saya bagi-bagi dulu, lalu nanti soft filenya itu

dikumpulkan sehingga anak itu akan kaya mendapatkan...

walaupun saya tetap mengharapkan mereka juga nyari sendiri

juga. Begitu. Jadi begitulah ceritanya, saya senang dengan ini.



R13 Tadi ibu menyebutkan tentang beberapa langkah-langkah

‗scientific‘ yang diterapkan dalam mengajar. Apa ibu selalu

menerapkan step-step ‗scientific approach‘ secara runut setiap


S13 Emm... mencoba sih. Walaupun untuk step yang inquiring,

membuat anak untuk bertanya itu masih susah. Justru

kebalikannya, seperti anak-anak ini, malah mereka-mereka itu

yang bertanya. Jadi mereka kalau yang bisa itu memang di sini

uyek-uyekan, banyak sekali yang mau ditanyakan. Tapi yang

level di bawah, itu saking bingunge, nek bertanya takut salah,

nek bertanya takut dianggap bodoh, nek bertanya ndak tau apa

yang mau ditanyakan. Tapi itu kan harus dimunculkan, jadi

untuk hal itu saya masih belum bisa. Bahkan ketika saya diberi

tugas men-supervisi junior saya, ini mBak belum, tapi saya pun

yang sudah tua, tua itu tidak identik dengan keberhasilan, belum,




yang untuk membuat... [interupsi; tamu lain datang] Begitu, jadi saya juga berusaha menerapkan setiap step itu.

He‘eh… biarkan mereka itu bertanya. Dengan kasus seperti itu,

tampilan-tampilan seperti itu berarti kan mereka banyak

bertanya. ―Belum bisa, Mam, susah‘. Kalau yang lain-lain ya

sambil terus berjalan mbak. Mencoba.

R14 Step di scientific approach itu mungkin nggak Bu ada salah satu

yang dihilangkan, mm… dari collecting information langsung ke

associating misalnya?

S14 Ya susah, Mbak. Kalau dihilangkan, ya harapannya ya itu kan

sudah saling terkait ya. Supaya mencapai hasil yang maksimal

memang harus melalui itu. Tapi bukan berarti harus dalam satu

hari. Karena RPP itu kan nanti bisa satu hari tidak, apalagi kalau

sampai penilaian Mbak, tidak mungkin kalau hanya dalam satu

hari. Jadi tidak dihilangkan kalau menurut saya, tapi ditunda

untuk pertemuannya.



R15 Jadi dalam satu pertemuan misalnya sampai tahap collecting

information atau reflecting, dan tahap berikutnya untuk

pertemuan selanjutnya?

S15 Iya. Walaupun untuk kurikulum ini yang agak berat itu adalah

penilaian. Sehingga kadang-kadang, maaf jujur ya, kadang-

kadang lalu ini ada... rada ming asal-asalan. Contoh Mbak, sikap.

Ndak iya sikap akan dinilai setiap detil anaknya, sehingga… satu

per per satu… Sehingga kalua misalnya aspek yang dinilai apa,

e… pada saat kerja kelompok kerja sama itu kan ya dengan

sekilas memang bisa, kejujuran itu juga bisa, tapi ora kok njuk

detil satu satu, gila… mung nggo nilai thok kuwi mbak.

Feeling [about


R16 Padahal satu kelas ada berapa orang itu bu? 30 lebih?

S16 Minimal 35, minimal. Kelas 7 ada yang 44-45. Nah, tetapi

kemarin supervisor mengatakan bahwa ini juga dalam proses

sehingga akan dibuat sesederhana mungkin. Bukan berarti itu

nggak penting. Nilai itu juga penting, karena apa gunanya

menurut saya lho akademisnya bagus tapi yang seperti-seperti itu

nggak mendapat perhatian. Karakter itu ya penting dinilai, tapi..

aku yakin Mbak dengan jumlah jam…, apalagi tahun ini Inggris

kan nggak ditambah. Jadi kan menurut aturan itu kan kami hanya

4 jam. Tapi kita melanggar aturan dengan yang bukan UN,

materi UN, jamnya dikurangi tambahke gamblokke ke sini. Baru

tahun ini Mbak kami nggak. Jam lho mbak. Setengah mati.

Kalau lama 5 jam aja ya... paling nggak kami bisa bernafaslah, la

tapi kalau 4 jam?


R17 Kalau penilaian sikap, dalam tanda kutip, cukup menantang

dilakukan tiap pertemuan, lalu apa yang ibu lakukan untuk

mengatasi tantangan itu?

S17 Ya.. kalau saya diuntungkan mengajar kelas 9 sehingga saya

sudah mengenal mereka di kelas 7 dulu. Itu diuntungkan. Bagi

yang baru mengenal yo seperti tadi yang saya matur, kadang-

kadang ya sekilas, tidak mungkin sampai detil begitu. Ibarat

kalau untuk yang ini.. yang kognitif ya, kan jelas ulangan begini,

20 nomor, salah 5 kan bener 15, kalikan 5 itu jelas penilaiannya.



Rubriknya jelas. Untuk speaking masih memungkinkan kayak gitu. Tapi kalau untuk sikap mbak [wajah gemes]... jadi lalu ya

sudah minimal baik mbak. Memang Puji Tuhan, Mbak tidak ada

yang sampai...

R18 Sampai membuat onar?

S18 Kalau onar itu kalau di kelas 9 apalagi dengan guru UN nggak

lah… Karena kami itu sudah dipasang makhluk-makhluk yang

agak mengerikan. Jadi kalau di jam kami, kemungkinan onar itu

kecil sekali. Kalau kemungkinan tidak jujur masih ada yang

berani satu dua, segala cara, blank nggak ngerti apa-apa, seperti

itu. Tapi ya tetep terus diingatkan, Mbak. Nggak dia langsung

diberi nol gitu ya, tapi diingatkan.

R19 Ee... kembali mengenai langkah-langkah dalam‗scientific

approach‘ saya lihat di buku ini ada beberapa bagian yang step

scientific approach nya tidak lengkap atau hilang. Misalnya di

bab IV halaman untuk collecting information tidak ada, lalu bab

XII tahap Reflecting tidak ada. Apa yang sudah atau akan ibu


S19 Iya sih… Ya.. itu tadi seperti yang saya katakan tadi. Ini kan

basic-nya saja, andaikan ada yang belum ada ya berusaha

dilengkapi. Atau sebaliknya yang materinya agak mudah,

tinggal. Tinggal. Tidak semua,..ndak mungkin semua itu. Kan

kita dah ada SKL, ya fokusnya SKL. Bagaimanpun SKL masih

refleksi dari 2006, Mbak. Ujian Nasionalnya, itu kan yang

dikejar itu. Harian oke begitu, tapi tentu goal-nya yang bingung.



R20 E... ya. Ciri khas lain Kurikulum 13 itu sistem pembelajaran

dengan discovery learning, project based, dan problem based.

Sesuai pengalaman ibu, apakah materi di buku ini juga memberi

ruang untuk model pembelajaran seperti itu?

S20 Emmm... Saya kira dimungkinkan, karena di sini juga banyak

contoh-contoh percakapan-percakapan toh mbak. Nah, dari

percakapan itu kan kita lalu bisa mengambil sesuatu dari sana.

Saya pikir begitu [suara agak pelan; agak ragu]. Mmm..kalau

discovery learning.. menurut saya adalah ee… dibalik, bukan

kita menjelaskan sesuatu baru anak-anak ‗o… kaya ngene iki

toh‘, tapi nggak, dari ada banyak contoh ini entah tertulis entah

spoken, lalu ‗oh… ternyata aku itu belajar itu toh‘. Jadi mereka

menyimpulkan sendiri dari apa yang… Discovery learning bener

gitu kan ya? [saya tersenyum dan mengangguk]. Jadi ora mung

dicekoki wae. Jadi bisa lah… bisa…


R21 Hmm… Baik bu… sejauh ini dari cerita bu Is, ada beberap hal

yang mesti jadi perhatian, atau tepatnya diperbaiki, dari buku ini.

Misalnya, hal-hal yang terkait dengan materi reading, dengan

materi grammar, dan… mungkin ibu bisa menambahkan?

S21 Ee.. Yang basic menurut saya adalah ilustrasi. Karena kita itu...

Ya ini suara minoritas ya... [suara ragu-ragu dan setengah



[emergent theme]

R22 Tidak apa-apa bu. Suara minoritas justru penting untuk



disampaikan dan didengar.

S22 Karena jujur ya, kalau sudah, nuwun sewu, bukan kita rasis

nggak sih. Tapi kenapa kita harus, maaf, untuk yang perempuan

berkerudung dan sebagainya. Mbokya… [terdiam sebentar]

R23 Yang, dalam tanda petik, netral?

S23 He‘e, yang ―netral‖… Karena kalau saya bandingkan,

ketertarikan anak ketika melihat Winner kan gambar-gambarnya

sesuai dia. Misalnya dengan how much/how many, misalnya

yang how many itu kan yang countable noun itu mereka

mengambil temanya piknik. Piknik, mempersiapkan, nah jadi

mereka anak-anak yang bersiap-siap piknik. Nah lalu yang itu

ordinal/cardinal number itu, ada cewek cowok yang gabung antre

di rumah makan yang self-service itu lho Mbak, dengan tampilan

yang keren-keren, kayak gitu.


R24 Maaf, bisa bu Is ceritakan lebih jauh lagi tentang gambar-gambar

yang di Winner tadi?Apa ilustrasinya autentik? Maksud saya

semacam foto betulan, bukan kartun?

S24 Manusia betul ada, kalaupun tidak pun nggak apa-apa sih, tapi

tidak ada menjurus ke salah satu gitu lho. Tapi itu suara

minoritas mbak… nggak usah dibahaslah [tertawa; melambaikan

tangan tanda ‗jangan‘/ ‗tidak‘]

R25 Hehe… tidak apa-apa bu… suara minoritas ataupun mayoritas

semua layak didengar kan?

S25 Kalau dari segi berwarna kita sih nggak terlalu ini ya... karena

udah gede kelas 9 ya. Tetapi ya... yang seperti-seperti ini kan

netral toh, Mbak? [menunjuk beberapa ilustrasi karakter di buku

Think Globally Act Locally]. Tapi kalau sudah seperti ini ya

kadang-kadang kita itu gimana gitu lho... Benci sih enggak.

Belum sampai taraf benci, tapi sekali lagi ketertarikan dengan

buku lain, bahkan buku yang nggak ada gambarnya pun kalau

tidak mengarah begini kan enak mereka membacanya. Tapi ya

lama-lama, karena sudah dari kelas 7 ya mereka mendapat buku

seperti ini dan setipe, sudah gak papa.


R26 Hmm…apakah ketersediaan materi atau audio listening juga

mempengaruhi ketertarikan pada buku bu?

S26 Kalau audio kan saya… ya kalau ditambahkan lebih baik.

Karena buku-buku yang lain kan selalu ada audionya ya,

terutama buku-buku… tidak usah import lah, Gramedia itu buku-

buku dia kan sudah dilengkapi dengan itu.


R27 Emm..jadi, menurut Bu Is audio atau CD untuk listening

mestinya tersedia di buku ini ya bu? Baik…bagaimana dengan

susunan materinya dari yang mudah ke yang sulit; sudah nggak

masalah ya Bu?

S27 Masalah. Masalah. Ada yang... Ah tapi bagi saya nggak masalah

lah… pokoknya bagi kami guru kelas 9 itu yang dilihat goal-nya,

SKL-nya. Gitu. Dan waktu. Apapun...nggak jadi masalah.



R28 Jadi, apapun materinya yang penting fokusnya ke SKL?

S28 Hooh... iya.. karena misalnya report, report ada di mana, toh action



report juga diajarkan kelas 8. Kita mengulang. Kita nggak terlalu mempermasahkan tentang itu. Yang mudah apa yang sulit, ndak



R29 Seperti di buku ini ada dua topik dengan lagu. Apa…

[pertanyaan belum selesai diucapkan]

S29 Di situ khusus toh? Khusus tentang lagu? Kalau lagu misalnya

kita masuk ke... kalau lagu, toh kita lihat temanya kan, karena

nanti kita mencermati apa yang ada dalam lagu itu,

mengungkapkan apa, bahkan kadang-kadang bisa dianalisa juga

oh ternyata pakai tenses apa. Misalnya lagunya Michael Jackson,

kerusakan alam ya sudah masukkan ke itu. Lagu apa lagi

masukkan ke sana. Disesuaikan aja nggak usah khusus lagu


R30 Betul bu, di bab ini khusus memahami makna lagu.

S30 Waktunya mbak… Kelas 9 belum di.. Kalau kelas 9… Karena

kita masuk di kelas 9, narrative misalnya yang terakhir, ya.

Untuk mensupport dongeng, kaitannya kan banyak, ada

ungkapan kekaguman, kemudian jelas itu pake verb 2, verb 1-2-3

itu ya setengah mati dan... jadi ngulang, banyak yang ngulang

kelas 7-8. Entah lupa, entah dulu ya ndak paham.


R31 Kalau saya tidak salah, di buku ini tidak ada pernyataan atau

informasi yang eksplisit ini teks apa; teks descriptive, teks


S31 Ada yang iya sih Mbak, seperti kegiatan narrative itu kan ada

toh Mbak. Tapi dia, o… dia hanya mengatakan dongeng apa

Sang Kuriang apa apa kayak gitu, nah itu ya mengasosiasikan



R32 Jadi guru yang harus membantu menunjukkan jenis teksnya? belief

S32 Iya... he'em toh... Kalau dulu Bu Helena itu kan membuat juga..

itu enak sih bukunya Bu Helena. Itu juga sebetulnya perancang

kurikulum, mungkin yang menang tender orang lain aja. Sayang

sekali… sayang sekali…

R33 Jadi, yang saya tangkap dari obrolan kita, pada prinsipnya buku

teks ini bukan satu-satunya sumber ajar di kelas. Tapi buku teks ini sebenarnya tetap memudahkan Ibu untuk mengajar, walaupun

masih diperlukan materi tambahan lain sebagai pelengkap buku

ini. Begitu, bu?

S33 Lho iya, jelas Mbak. Karena bagaimanapun, entah seberapa

perfeknya, seberapa persen perfeknya, buku ini kan pasti melihat

silabus. Jadi kalau kita misalnya pakai buku-buku kuliah, zaman

kuliah, lha yang mana? Bukunya kan temanya segitu... nah..

Kalau ini kan... yang nyambung ajalah dengan silabus, dan saya

yakin mereka sudah mengaitkannya dengan silabus. Sangatlah...

sangat membantu.


R34 Tapi tidak berarti setiap pertemuan harus membawa buku ini ya


S34 Enggak… enggak… tetap harus ada pelengkap.

R35 Baik Bu. Saya hari ini dapat banyak cerita dari ibu. Semakin

lengkap cerita yang saya kumpulkan. Saya jadi semakin



penasaran merasakan asiknya ikut duduk di kelas bu Is [Bu Is tertawa,nampaknya memahami arah pembicaraan]. Jadi, kapan

ya bu saya boleh observasi kelas ibu?

S35 [tertawa] Minggu depan aja ya mbak. Sekalian aja pas ada asesor

datang masuk kelas juga. Nanti saya sms kepastian harinya dan


R36 Waaah… terima kasih sekali bu Is. Baiklah kalau begitu untuk

hari ini saya cukupkan dulu. Terimakasih banyak untuk

waktunya, bu.

S36 Iya mbak… silakan…

Interview day 4

January, 2016

The school‘s lounge

10.15 – 10.30

I finally managed to meet Bu Is. I planned to ask several more questions to confirm some

information gained in previous interviews.

R1 Good morning Bu Is….

S1 Good morning mbak… wah it‘s been ages ya

R2 Iya bu Is. Maaf baru sempat ke sini lagi

S2 It‘s okay mbak

R3 Jadi hari ini saya berencana untuk melanjutkan interview

seperti dulu. Sedikiit lagi. Lalu setelahnya saya akan

membacakan hasil rangkuman semua interview saya ke bu Is.

S3 Oke mbak.

R4 Sudah bulan januari, sudah ganti tahun dan UN makin dekat,

berarti materi dari buku sudah hampir selesai ya bu Is?

S4 Sedikiit lagi mbak selesai. Saya masih carikan beberapa materi

pengayaan, sebelum nanti lebih banyak ke latihan soal

persiapan UN.

R5 Wah, walaupun buku ini, seperti dulu ibu katakan, masih perlu tambahan sana sini, akhirnya berhasil juga terselesaikan ya bu.

S5 Ya gitu mbak. Seperti dulu saya bilang. Buat kami guru kelas 9,

apapun materinya, sini, dilakoni. Yang penting fokus ke SKL

dan persiapan UN. Masalah materi yang masih kurang, bisa lah

dicarikan tambahan dari sumber-sumber lain. Kan banyak itu

sumber-sumber lain.

R6 Jadi, apapun materinya fokusnya ke tujuan pembelajaran seperti

yang tercantum di silabus ya bu Is?

S6 Iya… apapun, goalnya yang dilihat. Sama yang penting juga tu

melihat waktu yang tersedia. Apalagi yang kurikulum sekarang

mbak.. duh waktunya itu lo.. jadi ya mesti pinter-pinter

me‘manage‘ materi, menyesuaikan dengan waktu yang ada.

Kan nggak sampai setahun itu untuk mengcover materi,

sebelum ke persiapan UN.

R7 Jadi, tidak harus semua aktivitas dalam buku harus



dilaksanakan ya bu

S7 Ya enggak mbak. Pilah pilih. Mana yang terlalu mudah

ditinggal, mana yang sulit dicarikan alternative. Mana yang

perlu ditambah ya dicarikan tambahannya; yang perlu dikurangi

ya ditinggal aja, gitu

R8 E…saat ini bu Is hampir menyelesaikan semua materi di buku.

Dan, seperti bu Is katakana tadi, sudah mengalami masa-masa

memilah milih mana materi di buku ini yang perlu diganti,

ditambah atau dibuang. Apa yang menurut bu Is penting untuk

perbaikan buku ini?

S8 Apa ya mbak? Banyak [tertawa]… kan memang nggak ada

buku yang sempurna ya. Bagaimanapun buku ini tetap jadi

tuntunan dan basic ngajar di kelas. Yang jelas materi listening,

beserta audionya kalua bisa ya ada. Kalaupun nggak ada, ya

cari alternatifnya sendiri. Mmm [pause, thinking]… kalua

ilustrasi yaaa, apapun harapannya ilustrasinya nggak

membingungkan, karena seperti saya pernah bilang apa yang

ada di otak penulis sebisa mungkin diterjemahkan sama dengan

apa yang kita lihat. Mm… tapi yang jelas sih penilaiannya..

duh, mestinya disederhanakan. Rubriknya dibuat tidak sedetil

itu. Penilaian satu satu tiap anak lo ini mbak. Dan lagi-lagi

masalah waktu itu lo

R9 Mengingat masa-masa mengajar dengan kurikulum 2013 dan

dengan memakai buku teks yang disediakan pemerintah ini, ada

nggak sih bu hikmah.. ee.. pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari

pemakaian buku kurtilas ini?

S9 Tiap kejadian itu mestinya ada hal yang bisa diambil ya mbak.

Kalau di buku kurtilas kan kita perlu tau yang dimau kurikulum

ini, yang dimau buku ini apa sih? Kita mesti tahu itu. Oh,

misalnya, mesti student-centered, gitu.. yo kita mesti bisa

menempatkan diri bukan jadi guru yang ngasih ilmu, dalam arti

nyekoki siswa dengan materi terus-terusan, tapi ya

membimbing mereka untuk bisa lebih aktif melakukan

pembelajarannya, untuk menemukan sendiri oh saya belajar ini.

Terus guru mesti lihat materi di sini sudah pas belum. Perlu

ditambahi apa.

R10 Jadi, nggak sekedar dapat buku dan menerima apa adanya ya bu

S10 Iya mbak… kan nggak ada ya buku yang sempurna banget.

Yang paling mendekati kebutuhan atau keinginan kita mungkin


R11 Bahkan aktivitas dari satu buku yang sama bisa berhasil untuk

kelas yang satu tapi belum tentu untuk kelas yang lain ya bu

S11 Iya mbak…. Jadi saya juga semakin yakin kalau buku itu tidak

untuk didewakan. Karena seperti tadi saya bilang, cari buku

yang sempurna banget ya sulit. Kelemahan pasti ada, kelebihan

juga ada. Pada akhirnya guru lah yang harus kritis dalam

menggunakan buku untuk ngajar. Harus tahu situasi lapangan

seperti apa, kemampuan siswa gimana, ketertarikan dan

kebutuhan siswa apa. Kesediaan waktu juga dipertimbangkan.

Nah semua itu jadi patokan untuk menentukan sikap apa dan



mana yang perlu ditambah, diganti atau dikurangi dari buku yang dipakai itu.

R12 Dari penjelasan bu is yang saya tangkap adalah itu jugalah yang

selama ini ibu lakukan

S12 [tertawa] ah iya ya mungkin begitu… setidaknya saya memang

merasa harus kritis dan peka dalam penggunaan buku teks.

Berpikir kritis itu perlu. Dan, mesti peka juga pada situasi dan

kondisi sekitar, misal peka pada kemampuan murid. Kalau

mereka nggak dong ya dicari cara untuk membuat mereka

tertarik dan paham.

R13 Kritis dan peka. Baik bu Is. Saya rasa cukup untuk

interviewnya. Untuk selanjutanya saya akan membacakan hasil

rangkuman semua interview saya dengan bu Is, termasuk yang


S13 Oke mbak. Saya hanya perlu mendengarkan saja kan?

R14 E nanti kalua ada yang saya bacakan kurang tepat atau perlu

ditambahi, bu is boleh berkomentar

S14 Oke mbak



Appendix 7. Interview Transcripts: Bu Lydia

Interview day1

The school principle‘s Lounge

November 10, 2015

12.26 – 13.05

After waiting for about 10 minutes in the lounge, I finally met bu Lydia. She just finished

teaching grade 9. She looked tired, but she welcomed me with her smile.

R1 Good Afternoon bu Lydia

L1 Good afternoon… so, apa yang bisa saya bantu hari ini?

R2 Beberapa hal tentang personal info bu Lydia, misal tentang tanggal

lahir, dulu sekolah di mana, dan lain-lain

L2 Oh oke… saya tulis saja ya

R3 Oh boleh, bu Lydia…. Ditulis di buku saya ini saja… Mmm…

Boleh saya panggil ‗mbak Lydia‘ saja?

L3 [tertawa] O iya iya boleh… boleh banget… [mulai menuliskan data

tentang informasi diri]

R4 [sementara bu Lydia menulis, peneliti menyiapkan alat perekam.

Kemudian membaca hasil tulisan bu Lydia] Jadi, mbak Lydia ngajar di

SMP Pius sudah 5 tahun ya? Sebelumnya pernah ngajar di tempat


teaching experience

L4 Sebelumnya itu ngajar bahasa Inggris di Santo Lukas, jadi pertama

kali itu di situ...

teaching experience

R5 SMA St. Lukas sini?

L5 Iya betul. Kalau sebelumnya sih di informal, jadi di kursus-kursus teaching experience

R6 Mbak Lydia sebelumnya mengajar di kursus-kursus bahasa Inggris

di Pemalang?

L6 Bukaan… Di Semarang. Pertama di Bandung pas kuliah, terus ke

Semarang, baru ke sini.

teaching experience

R7 Waktu di Santo Lukas ngajar kelas berapa, mbak?

L7 Itu karena kelasnya sedikit jadi kelas 10-11-12. Hanya setahun kok.

Karena kan saya honorer ya. Honorer, terus ada guru dari yayasan,

lalu saya ke sini. Ke Pius.

teaching experience

R8 Berarti mengajar Bhs Inggris kira-kira 6 tahun di sekolah formal,

dan di kursusan sudah dari kuliah. [bu Lydia mengangguk]

Kalau di SMP Pius ini sudah pernah ngajar kelas berapa saja mbak?

L8 Kalau itu dulu awalnya itu hanya kelas 7 dan kelas 8. Karena kelas

9-nya masih Pak Gito ya. Iya, beliau dikasih kelas 9. Lalu terus

semester selanjutnya baru... Karena habis saya masuk kemudian

Pak Gito pensiun, baru saya, waktu itu 7-8-9.

teaching experience

R9 Tiga kelas dipegang mbak Lydia sendiri?

L9 Heeh.. tiga-tiganya. Terus waktu itu kan masih 5 jam ya, terus

akhirnya merekrut guru lagi, yang Pak Eka ini. Kalau sekarang sih

jadi 4 jam. Saya ngajar kelas 8 dan 9 tok jadinya. Tapi kelas A dan


teaching experience

R10 Kalau jaman kita dulu, kelas A di PIUS didominasi anak yang



kemampuannya menengah ke atas, selain juga didominasi mereka

yg lulusan SD Pius juga. Apa itu berarti ngajar kelas A lebih enak,

dalam tanda kutip?

L10 Kalau misalkan lebih enaknya sih ya... apa... sebenernya setiap

kelas itu beda. Kan karakternya beda. Jadi tergantung. Memang ada

kelas yang di mana oh enak di sini enjoy, tapi memang ada kelas

memang butuh, bener-bener butuh kesabaran. Sama aja sih... Dan

lagi, iya sih memang sampai sekarang anak A tu pasti lulusan dari

SD Pius, tapi kemampuannya mix lah. Ada yang pinter banget, ada

yang kurang juga ada. Di B juga yaa hampir sama lah.

R11 Kalau mengajar dengan Kurtilas sudah berapa lama ya mbak?

L11 Baru kali ini kebetulan. Saya dulu waktu kelas 8 kan hanya kelas 7,

waktu saya ngajar kelas 8. Lalu pas ikut baru kelas 8, yang tahun

kemarin itu cuma satu semester lalu semester dua diganti Pak Anis

kan sempet pake KTSP lagi, jadi kelas yang 9 ini semester 1

Kurtilas, semester 2 KTSP, nah ini Kurtilas lagi. Jadi baru semester

yang lalu sama ini.

R12 Berarti pernah mengalami KTSP, pernah mengalami Kurtilas. E...

kalau dirasakan lebih nyaman mana, mengajar dengan Kurtilas

atau KTSP?

L12 Kalau lebih nyamannya sih... mungkin yang bikin ndak nyaman itu

dulu karena ini ya.. ketidaksiapan. Masa kan kita sudah disuruh

KTSP sementara buku nggak ada. Lalu kita juga download silabus,

kita ketiknya Kurtilas yang keluar KTSP, jadi itu kita bener-bener

buta kalau dulu. Terus mana kita juga seminar juga kan, ya nggak...

nggak terlalu diinilah... jadi itu awalnya yang bikin bingung itu apa

sih Kurtilas ini? Gitu kan.. Terus dengan banyaknya penilaian-

penilaian itu banyak sekali. Nah itu yang... Yang bikin pusing sih

penilaiannya. Kalau misalkan untuk prosesnya sebenernya e...

nggak berbeda jauh sih, karena KTSP pun juga sama ya. Jadi kita

membiasakan... memang idealnya kalau guru itu hanya

pendamping. Tapi tetep aja, kalau misalkan ini ya kita memberi

umpan sambil membimbing, gitu. Intinya sih. Mungkin awalnya itu

aja, kerepotan di penilaiannya. Sampai sekarang aja masih bingung.

Ini gimana?




role of teacher

R13 Apa karena detil penilaian banyak?

L13 Banyak sekali, karakter, belum lagi penilaian antar sesama teman

dan sebagainya itu... Kalau misalkan sejauh ini sih, kalau misalkan

karakter saya general, jadi misalkan ya... selama.. saya tekankan ke

anak-anak, selama pembelajaran pokoknya proses itu penilaian.

Dari cara kalian mungkin mendengarkan penjelasan jadi kalau

kalian aktif itu sudah masuk ke dalam proses penilaian. Gitu lho.

Termasuk aktivitas… Masih untung kelasnya nggak terlalu besar

R14 Kurtilas ini beda banget sama KTSP nggak to mbak?

L14 E... yang membedakan tuh ini kan terintegrasi dengan beberapa

mapel yang lainnya. Jadi misalkan kayak mungkin kayak Biologi

nanti terus ada hubungannya dengan Bhs Indonesia atau apa gitu.

Trus kalau misalnya Bhs Inggris mungkin dengan Biologi atau apa.

Jadi, yang bikin... ada sih satu ini... jadi label text.. itu kan. Label


2013 curriculum



text biasanya kita hanya cuma informasi aja, informasi tentang

benda di dalamnya. Informasi micin dan sebagainya. Di sini kita

menganalisa, misalkan apakah ada... e.. komposisinya seperti apa,

lalu apa namanya kadaluwarsanya seperti apa. Jadi tu kita

menganalisa, jadi kayak Biologi gitu lho. Nah, jadi itu. Kadang, ini

seperti... mungkin tujuannya baik, cuma terkadang untuk anak-anak

yang memang kurang, duh mereka itu repot sekali gitu kan

ngomong, misalkan e... dari bahan, misalkan bahannya e... pandan,

itu jenisnya daun, fungsinya sebagai apa, jadi menganalisa itu lho.

Bahannya pandan, lalu jenisnya daun lalu fungsinya sebagai apa,

pewangikah, pewarna, terus lalu misalkan mentega atau misalkan

gula, terus jenisnya apa, fungsinya sebagai apa, jadi itu yang detil-

detil itu yang bikin anak-anak itu suka bingung. Kayaknya kok

menyimpangkan, mereka ngomong grammar aja pusing ya, apalagi

untuk anak SMP kan. Untuk anak SMP itu pusing sekali mereka

ngomong, berani ngomong aja sulit. Apalagi sampai menganalisa

seperti itu. Paling pada kesulitan.

Belief: students


R15 Jadi semacam ekstra kerja untuk mereka ya mbak? Nyoba berani

bicara, mikir konten dan mikir bagaimana cara ngomongnya?

L15 Iya bener. Iya. Dobel kerja buat mereka.

R16 E... selama penerapan Kurtilas ini ada training atau pendampingan

di luar sekolah yang pernah Mbak Lidia ikuti?

L16 Ada sih, paling in/on. Jadi biasanya di sekolah induk, kayak

kemarin kita beberapa ada di SMP 7, jadi ada apa pas yang kita on-

nya, keluar kan. Lalu nanti pas yang in-nya kita disupervisi. Seperti

itu. Lalu diskusi.. selalu kayak seminar MGMP lalu seperti apa sih

Kurtilas-Kurtilas itu



R17 Kalau di dalam sekolah ini, internal, ada pertemuan khusus untuk

membahas penerapan Kurtilas ini apa nggak, Mbak Lidia?

L17 Paling di awal, kalau misalkan kayak rapat-rapat kerja gitu

mungkin ditekankan, itu terutama dalam penilaian. Apalagi kalau

mau rapot, nah itu kan pusing ya. Rapot itu, itu pasti ada, gimana

caranya, apa aja aspek apa aja. Walaupun ya tetep kami juga...

soalnya terkadang tu Permen-nya aja tu beda. Jadi trus

kebijakannya juga terkadang antara Permen yang satu dengan

Permen yang lain tu beda kita juga bingung. Makanya, terkadang

ya itu yang bingung ya udah dibahas bareng gimana cari jalan gitu

R18 Setahu saya tidak semua sekolah saat ini pakai Kurtilas

L18 Iya, betul

R19 Nah, berarti Pius ini….

L19 Sebenarnya... seharusnya seperti itu dan sebenarnya itu Pius tu itu

nggak termasuk, cuma nggak tahu kalau di Pemalang itu nah... jadi

demi sertifikasi, hanya demi sertifikasi jadi akhirnya pemerintah

daerahnya itu menekankan Kurtilas. Seeemua.


R20 Oh, semua sekolah di Pemalang diwajibkan pakai Kurtilas? Oleh

pemerintah daerah?

L20 He'eh semua sekolah. Jadi intinya ya makanya itu kita siap nggak

siap. Gitu. Kalau kita sih masih beruntung kita kan masih di kota,

cuma kebayang kalau yang di kayak Ulu.. apa namanya Ulujami



atau apa.. Watukumpul... itu kan kebayang. Uuhh...

R21 Saya baru tahu kalau di Pemalang semua sekolah tanpa kecuali oleh

pemerintah daerah diwajibkan Kurtilas.

L21 He‘eh. Dulu sempat KTSP satu semester, kita udah seneng. Sudah

senang, trus ternyata ada pas itu ada lagi pokoknya harus Kurtilas

R22 Mmm... ya.. Kalau seandainya tidak diwajibkan kira-kira SMP Pius

mau tetap pakai Kurtilas atau pakai KTSP, Mbak?

L22 Kalau misalkan saya sih, apa namanya, kalau misalkan caranya

mungkin Kurtilas mungkin bagus. Ya dia kan siswa lebih aktif dan

sebagainya, tapi kalau misalkan untuk materi mungkin KTSP.

Karena kalau Kurtilas ini, untuk Bhs Inggris sendiri ya, kelas 9 itu

14 bab dan itu termasuk e.. yang SMA, yang harusnya menurut

saya untuk SMA itu sudah diajarkan di SMP. Seperti kalimat pasif,

terus apa namanya future progressive, future continuous tense, itu.

Jadi itu. Karena mereka memahami perfect aja kan kadang

konsepnya agak... mereka memang ada yang paham dengan mudah

kan, past tense dengan past perfect eh present perfect itu kan, tapi

kan juga masih ada yang kesulitan. Apalagi membedakan future

tense dengan future progressive


Belief: suitable


R23 Agak anu ya... kontras dengan yang kelas 7 gitu ya mbak?

L23 Sangat... sangat... makanya itu kan... Sedangkan kelas 9 terlalu

advanced. Makanya itu mereka gini oh sama Miss Lidia sulit, sama

kelas eh sama Pak Eka paling cuma greeting ya... mereka cuma

greeting terus shopping list, paling cuman gitu-gitu kan. Setelah

masuk kelas 8 itu sudah masuk langsung masuk present tense, past

tense, dialognya juga sudah masuk ini... jadi itu memang...he'eh..

jauh sekali.



R24 Mbak Lydia pakai buku ini kan ya? [menunjukkan Think Globally

Act Locally. Bu Lydia mengangguk]. Nah sejauh yang saya lihat,

teks readingnya kurang dan banyak contoh-contoh dialog. Mohon

koreksi kalau saya salah

L24 E iya reading teks kurang... kalau dialog itu misalkan menyulitkan

tidaknya, iya. Memang anak tu terkadang disuruh untuk membuat

dialog saja terkadang sulit, ya kan. Cuma ya memang, apa

namanya, bagusnya gimana melatih mereka berani, kalau misalnya

saya, gak papa dicoba dulu, nanti coba, terkadang mereka sering ini

kalau mereka bikin dialog gitu kan, terus nanti gimana? Cuma

kesulitannya gini, kalau kelas 8 kan kita belum tenses ya, tahu-tahu

sudah dialog, padahal kalau misalkan gimana mereka akan

memproduksi suatu kalimat kalau mereka nggak tahu? Misalkan

'what do you like?' kenapa harus pakai 'do' itu kan mereka.. nah itu..

paling sulitnya memang di situ.



R25 Jadi e... menurut mbak Lydia sebaiknya anak-anak e... tahu grammarnya dulu baru masuk ke contoh dialog?

L25 E.. ya kalau misalkan saya pribadi sih grammar juga tetep penting.

Jadi kalau misalkan kayak e... sempet ada konteks seperti ini e...

'oh, sekarang tuh nggak usah nekanin grammar', yang KTSP juga

gitu, nggak usah nekanin ke grammar, intinya pokoknya ke teks.

Cuma masalahnya kalau misalkan hanya pengembangan teks lalu

Belief: grammar

in language




e... gimana kalau apa, mungkin saya kolot ya, jadi intinya ya udah

bagaimanapun juga grammar itu memang penting. Saya ngerti

mereka SMA kalau nggak ada... pengalaman pribadi ya, saya itu

kuliah nggak ngerti apa-apa lho. Jadi itu... jadi ya saya bekali itu.

Kalau misalkan KTSP kan dari awal descriptive text ya... oh ya

sebelum descriptive text ya saya masuk ke present tense... nanti

recount sama narrative nanti saya masuk ke past tense dulu baru ke

narrative. Itu misal di kelas 8

R26 Tadi, seperti kata Mbak Lidia, pengetahuan mengenai grammar

tetap harus diberikan... Emm... Diberikan secara eksplisit, emm..

apa namanya, sebelum mereka akhirnya membuat dialog mereka

sendiri mereka harus diberi panduan sampai akhirnya mereka

membuat dialog. Ada scaffolding di situ. Mengenai pendekatan

pembelajaran sendiri yang di Kurtilas ini disebut scientific

approach itu, apakah scientific approach itu juga cukup membantu

untuk jadi scaffolding buat siswa sampai akhirnya mereka bisa

memproduksi sesuatu?

L26 E... scientific approach ya... [pause…]

R27 Dalam scientific approach ada tahapan observing, kemudian

questioning. Kemudian ada associating dan sebagainya. sampai

tahapan communicating. Di kelas apa semua itu diterapkan?

L27 Kalau misalkan e.. saya selama ini kalau yang selama dialog ya itu

saya terapkan itu. Jadi apa kayak mereka repeating gitu kan, terus

apa minimal mereka tahu gimana.. itu kan ada ya, apa mengikuti

ucapan guru, terus setelah itu baru associating lalu terakhir yang

mereka baru mulai menghasilkan itu memang saya tetap mengikuti


Action: scientific

approach in


R28 Jadi sesuai dengan apa yang ada di buku teks

L28 Iya untuk yang dialog-dialog itu tadi ya... jadi, baru nanti kalau

misalkan memang perlu di-apa.. di-itu baru saya tambahkan.


R29 Buku teks ini satu-satunya yang dipakai mbak Lydia di kelas?

L29 E... kalau buku teks dari.... kalau e.. selama ini saya baru pakai itu.

Baru pakai itu. Memang saya sudah janji kalau misalkan memang

ada waktu nanti kita akan coba mix dengan yang KTSP, cuma

ternyata itupun apa namanya masih numpang yang ini, karena

emang kan babnya memang lumayan. Jadi untuk yang kelas 8

sendiri 12 chapter. Kelas 9, 14 chapter. Jadi ya.. itu. Saya juga

bilangnya yang penting saya bilang nggak papa kita pelan-pelan

yang penting kalian paham. Kalau misalkan nggak paham ya sudah,

saya terkadang juga anak gitu ya... memang ada yang memang bisa

paham ada yang ya entahlah seperti itu, memang sulit.


2013 curriculum


Patience [emerging]


R30 Anak-anak juga membawa pulang bukunya kan ya Mbak Lydia,


L30 Kalau di sini enggak, sayangnya. Kalau yang dipakai untuk kelas 9,

kelas 9 e... saya suruh mereka itu memfotokopi.



R31 Emm... padahal tebal sekali lho itu

L31 Makanya saya bilang. Saya bilang kalau misalkan kalian cuma di

kelas itu membahas tu nggak akan bisa, apalagi e... kembali ya... ke

vocabulary ya, kosakata, kadang mereka itu nggak ngerti artinya



kan, terus kadang memang saya selalu bawa kamus, lalu kalau

misalkan mencari di sekolah kan Ibu bawa, saya bilang, tentu

setelah kalian baca, kata yang nggak tahu silakan cari jadi nanti di

sekolah langsung praktek, pembahasan, untuk kelas 9 memang

seperti itu Mbak, karena banyak sekali. 14 bab itu lumayan.

Apalagi dengan active, progressive, dan future progressive, itu ya

lumayan sekali.

Action: to solve

vocab problems


R32 Kalau anak-anak tidak membawa pulang bukunya, berarti dari

sekolah ada buku sejumlah siswa jadi bisa dipakai di sekolah ?

L32 Kalau yang KTSP bukunya memang ada, cuma kalau yang ini kita

aja ndak... soalnya kita dapatnya terlambat sebenarnya. Itu kita

sampai yang untuk kelas 9 itu berapa bulan pertama sama sekali

ndak ada, jadi waktu itu saya dipinjami Pak Sapto. Pak Sapto dari

perpustakaannya. Terus saya minta, Pak, pinjem terus nanti kita

fotokopi, akhirnya saya fotokopi lalu saya tawarkan ke anak-anak

untuk fotokopi. Jadi minimal kenapa sih harus fotokopi, karena

memang ya itu, materi banyak, kalau cuman minjem buku di

sekolah, kembaliin, nggak akan bisa selesai. Apalagi waktunya

sangat terbatas. bagaimanapun juga anak harus punya buku itu yang

mereka bawa pulang untuk belajar di rumah.


Role of textboook

R33 Lalu kalau di kelas bagaimana, Mbak Lydia, ketika mengajar kan

mereka nggak punya bukunya

L33 Kalau yang kelas 9 sih mereka pas awalnya, pas awalnya memang

ada pakai LCD. Pakai LCD itu kan. Lha setelah itu baru.. itu nggak,

nggak lama kok, habis saya pinjem ke Pak Sapto lha terus baru

mereka ini, memang nyicil dulu nggak semua anak, jadi ya nggak

papa, berdua, bertiga yang penting ada buku itu dulu. Sampai

akhirnya ini hampir semua... Jadi ya yang sudah mereka fotokopi,

ya sudah itu jadi milik mereka sendiri. Kan sudah saya bilang,

silakan corat-coret, kata yang nggak tahu silakan kalian cari,

pelajarin, baca di rumah, kalau misalkan ini sudah sampai bab 1,

minimal kalian sudah siap bab 2. Gitu.


R33 Yang kelas 8 juga begitu?

L33 Kalau kelas 8 sih nggak. Bukunya ambil di sini lalu itu.. karena

jumlahnya kurang, Cuma dipakai di kelas. Nggak dibawa pulang.

Hanya 25 ya... 25 sampai 30 buku, sementara kita muridnya lebih

dari segitu kan. [pause] Awalnya malah satu semester lebih nggak

ada bukunya. [tertawa] [interupted, announcement on loudspeaker]

R33 Anak-anak sini bahasa Inggrisnya di kelas sudah bagus ya bu?

L33 [tersenyum] Di kelas saya ngajar Bhs Inggris full nggak bisa. Mix,

itupun terkadang saya seringnya sih Bhs Inggris, itupun pelan-

pelan, jadi...jadi kayak ngomong, ―Okay, students. Now, please

open...‖ gitu-gitu kan. Trus, tapi setelah itu nanti, trus langsung

nanti ada yang nyeletuk, ―Miss, itu artinya apa?‖ jadi terus saya ini,

apa open apa? Kalau nggak ya nanti kalau sulit langsung saya

terjemahkan. Tapi ya minimal mereka sudah terbiasa dengan kata-

kata yang... misalkan kayak mention mereka sudah tahu, explain,




R34 Bahkan untuk kelas 9 pun masih susah untuk full Bhs Inggris?



L34 Susah... untuk full Bhs Inggris... sulit... sulit... itupun, bahkan

lambatpun... walaupun sudah lambat gitu ya, mereka ya, apa..., ya

mereka tetep "Apa sih Buk, ngomong apa?" gitu. Hanya ada

beberapa anak yang memang paham, kadang saya suruh misalkan,

"Jessica, please explain to them what I say..." bantu-bantu mereka,

"Oh.. ini..ini...ini..." nah... Tapi memang saya biasakan kan suka

ada quizz, jadi quizz itu e... dari materi yang sudah diberikan, lalu

ada quizz, nah itu saya pakai full Bhs Inggris tanpa terjemahan.




R35 Quizznya di akhir pelajaran?

L35 Di awal.. biasanya 10 menit pertama. Misalkan menggunakan

present tense, misalkan apa sih descriptive text.. gitu... tapi mereka

baru, "Miss, kalau misalkan nggak bisa pakai Bhs Inggris,

njawabnya pakai Bhs Indonesia?"... Ya, nggak papa... Ya, seperti itu

sih [tertawa]. Mereka mengatakan Bhs Inggris itu susah, apalagi

dari kelas B. Ya itu, dari kelas B. Jadi mereka terkadang e...

jangankan, jangankan mereka membuat kalimat sendiri, Mbak,

terkadang mereka membaca aja bener-bener aseli seperti

tulisannya. Jadi misalkan kayak 'a-te'... masih seperti itu.


R36 Jadi Full sabar ya Mbak, ya..

L36 Banget… Bagi mereka itu Bhs Inggris itu sulit. Sesulit matematika.

Angellah pokoknya. Bhs Jawapun sama, jadi Bhs Inggris, Bhs




R37 Ehm, kembali ke masalah buku. Tadi dikatakan buku ini satu-

satunya buku yang dipakai. Lalu, apa sudah mencukupi?

L37 Ndak sih... paling kita kasih juga dalam bentuk power point. Power

point terus dari situ ya mungkin juga lewat materi dari internet di-

print mungkin, terus dalam bentuk video... kan sekarang kan

banyak tu Video pembelajaran.

Action: creative;

adapting textbook

R38 Wah sepertinya kegiatan kelasny asik ... Saya ingin lihat di

kelasnya nanti [tertawa]

L38 Wah.. malu ya saya... Kalau cuma teori gampang... tapi prakteknya


R39 Saya cuma pengin nonton di belakang kok... ini sebenarnya juga

sekalian saya mbuat jadwal observasi kelas mbak Lydia boleh ya…

Biar datanya komplit

L39 Haduuh... [tertawa].. iya lah boleh

R40 Wah, asik.. terimakasih. Harinya menyusul, nanti saya minta

jadwal kelas 9, boleh?

L41 Oke.. nanti saya sms jadwalnya. Untuk kelas 9 kan kalau di kami

ada pelajaran tambahan, dan ini sudah dimulai. Untuk persiapan

UN. Tapi di luar jam sekolah. Setelah jam terakhir sih, kalau jam

ke-nol kan karena kita, apa namanya, anaknya juga banyak yang

jauh-jauh. Kalau SMP kan... kalau SMA mungkin masih ini ya...

mereka bisa lah. Kalau SMP kan sulit, kendaraan juga semakin sulit

kalau sekarang. Jadi kasihan, makanya pulang sekolah... sampai

jam 3. Jadi itu setengah 2 hari Senin-Kamis

R42 Oh... jadi di kelas membahas soal-soal UN gitu?

L42 Membahas soal-soal. 4 mapel, dan nanti setelah ujian sekolah, full

4 mapel. Kalau misalkan... biasanya tuh April, cuma ini ada wacana



maju akhir Maret. Tapi entah, dan nanti UN-nya baru pertengahan April. Tapi masih belum ada kepastian. Cuma wacana aja.

Kemungkinan, biasanya kan Mei dan April.

R43 Mengenai materi tambahan tadi, e... Mbak Lydia cari sendiri materi

tambahannya atau sudah ada, apa ya,semacam bank materi di SMP

Pius, mungkin warisan dari pak Gito, yang bisa dipakai?

L43 Pertama, e..saya biasanya nyari sendiri bertahap dulu, cari yang

mudah dulu.. jadi mungkin dari yang ada itu dulu, nah gitu juga

dengan soal-soalnya, dari yang mudah terus nanti baru saya coba

carikan yang dari soal-soal dari luar. Kan biasanya kan bobotnya

beda antara... Mereka itu pernah saya suruh ngerjakan soal-soal

yang dari Magelang, itupun mereka kesulitan. Ya.. jadi itu...

bertahap. Dari yang ada dulu, latihan-latihan, nanti baru dari

sumber yang lain. Kadang juga saya, apalagi kan sekarang anak

sering ini ya, saya suruh browsing sendiri. Coba browsing, nanti

silakan kerjakan, kalau misalkan nggak bisa silakan tanya.


Belief about


R44 Jadi mereka juga diminta browsing soal-soal latihan Bhs Inggris?

L44 He'eh.. browsing sendiri.. jadi nggak melulu dapat ini dari sekolah.

Tapi nggak semuanya mampu browsing.. Hanya untuk yang ini...

makanya saya bilang kalau misalnya bisa ya kayak belajar

kelompok, saya tekankan seperti itu.

R45 Jadi, anak-anak juga ada tugas kelompok untuk dikerjakan di luar


L45 Biasanya. E.. kalau misalkan dialog itu pasti kelompok... Heeh...

(membuat dialog untuk) dipentaskan, drama.. seperti itu kan.

Drama.. terus terkadang juga mereka saya buat tetep misalkan

cerita Cinderella, versi mereka sendiri.

R46 Wah asik ya, anak-anak bisa mementaskan drama di kelas.

L46 E... memang ada beberapa kelompok yang bisa, tapi ada juga yang

yah ala kadarnya. Ya, tapi minimal di situ saya bilang ini, asal

kalian berusaha, itu memang sudah ada, dan ada juga kelompok

yang memang nggak mau pentas seperti itu ada. Kelompok yang

nggak mau maju sama sekali. Itu kendalanya sih.

R47 Kalau listening sering diberikan di kelas nggak mbak?

L47 E... jadi ada ya.. seharusnya di buku (materi listening) ada.

Seharusnya sih gitu. Karena kan empat skill itu kan memang harus

ada. Empat skill. Apalagi nanti kalau di SMA kan mereka kan juga

wajib listening. Jadi minimal listening sederhana yang

membiasakan... listening sederhana aja. Minimal kan terbiasa,

karena omongan kita dengan omongan native kan sudah beda.

Minimal kalau bisa dengan native speaker... Di buku ini nggak ada

bagian khusus listening. CD nya juga nggak

Belief: the balance

of language skills

R48 Jadi selama ini materi tambahan yang dicari juga termasuk materi


L48 Kalau saya (materi listening) paling... yang pertama, paling lagu.

Lalu ya... listening misalkan dialog gitu.. apa saya download sendiri

dari internet. Biasa saya memang sengaja mencari yang native

speaker. Malah terkadang kalau yang procedure kemarin ya

memang saya pilih yang procedure text itu memang bukan native,

malah terkadang orang India, itu dia ngomong. Jadi memang


Involving world




terkadang seperti itu. Jadi intinya ya itu biar mereka terbiasa dengan itu. Ya memang awalnya, nggak mudheng, nggak

mudheng... ya udah diulangi lagi. Terus yang orang-orang... yang

masakan China ya orang Chinese yang omong dengan Bhs

Inggris... ya paling seperti itu... Bhs Inggris Chinese. Ya kalau

misalkan Chinese lumayan ya, kalau India itu yang kelihatan sekali.

R49 Wah ini menarik. Mengapa mbak Lydia memilih penutur China

atau India juga?

L49 Itu hanya selingan. Karena kalau misalkan untuk yang apa

namanya, kayak narrative story memang saya cari yang native.

Cuma kalau itu procedure kan, procedure text yang makanan khas

India memang saya sengaja cari itu kan. Ya mereka tahu contohnya

misalkan kayak martabak, cuma martabak telur, oh ini martabak

telur ala India... dan ini.. o ya ini orang India. Cuma hanya selingan

aja kok. Cuma di procedure aja. Lalu yang, apa, yang Jepang, sushi.

Ya itunya orang Jepang. Jadi Bahasa Inggrisnya ala Asia... seperti


Involving world


R50 Kalau menurut pengamatan Mbak Lydia anak-anak lebih tertarik

mendengarkan yang native speaker atau yang e... other speakers.

L50 E... Mereka... yang saya lihat sih... kalau mereka lebih tertarik...

dalam arti gini, mereka sih, logatnya lucu, gitu. Dan itu minimal

mereka yang poinnya tadi itu mereka mau berusaha mendengarkan.

Karena lucu mau berusaha mendengarkan lebih gitu. Seperti itu.

Iya.. apa... "kok cepet sekali", gitu..cepet sekali...Ya makanya

dicoba, dicoba sebisa kalian. Nah.. saya bilang gitu kan. Lalu ya

buat mereka ya lumayan, intinya bikin mereka tertarik dulu dengan

itu. Kalau misalkan masalah mereka produce-nya oke nanti sambil

jalan aja.

Belief: fun learning

R51 Saya kira itu menarik sekali, Mbak. Ya.. dan sebenarnya itu sangat

bermanfaat buat siswa, mereka nggak cuma disuguhi bahasaInggris

dari native speaker, tapi mereka tahu bahwa di luar sana ada Bhs

Inggris dan aksen macam-macam. And they should know that, ada

banyak world Englishes dan sebenarnya itu mereka butuhkan dan

mereka perlu tahu. So, you did a very good job, then.

L51 Thank you.. [tersenyum] Niatnya Cuma untuk selingan sih… tapi

ternyata malah bagus ya buat pengetahuan tambahan ke siswa. Tapi

ya cuma ini paling hanya satu dua kali pas untuk yang procedure.

Kalau yang lain belum.

Aware: Proud,


R52 Ya mbak Lydia…itu bagus buat mereka. Jadi di benak mereka

nggak cuma tertanam Bhs Inggris itu cuma British English,

American English, no... there are a lot of Englishes outside. Yang

mbak Lydia lakukan itu keren.

L52 Thank you .. [tertawa]

R53 Kalau boleh tahu, Mbak Lydia suka beli buku-buku Bhs Inggris

yang kira-kira bermanfaat untuk mengajar nggak?

L53 Kalau misalkan dulu.. dulu sih suka ya. Kalau misalkan sekarang

agak sulit ya di sini mencarinya. Nggak ada toko buku yang

lengkap di sini. E... kalau misalkan bisa beli buku sih yang

berhubungan dengan kayak pengajaran, gitu sih. Lebih seringnya

sih game, permainan. Biar ada ide ngajar asik, siswa jadi lebih

Belief: fun learning



menikmati kelasnya.

R54 O.. games... kalau browsing, activities atau games di kelas gitu

pernah nggak Mbak? Di internet kan banyak sekali itu. Kalau mau

nanti saya catatkan linknya

L54 He'eh sih.. tapi misalkan ini, saya browsing jarang sekali.. emang

sekali dua kali itu.. tapi lebih cenderung kalau saya browsing itu

mencari ke materi ajar. Karena kalau di sini ya internet memang

susah, downloadnya memang susah, jadi saya fokuskan ke itu dulu.

Jadi banyakin di materi aja, lalu nanti terus baru.. tapi misalkan

untuk game saya baca sendiri...


R55 Mbak Lidia mencari materi reading juga nggak di internet?

L55 Selama ini iya. Selama ini iya. Lalu ditampilkan he'eh.. itu

ditampilkan di powerpoint. Cuma memang ada beberapa yang saya

concern lebih yang ke listeningnya, kalau untuk kayak teksnya itu

narrative. Lebih.. jadi.. ada jadi memang ada reading, kadang sama


R56 Jadi setiap ngajar selalu ada porsi listening, speaking, reading,

writing, gitu Mbak Lydia?

L56 E... nggak bisa selalu seperti itu sih. Nggak bisa.. jadi, e...

terkadang memang tergantung topiknya juga. Kayak kelas 9 aja,

kelas 9 aja itu saya listening itu saya beri listening yang ini awal ya,

pas narrative, dengarkan cerita, terus putarkan lagu kan, ngisi

listening lagu, compare hasil listening dia menggunakan present

tense dan past tense, itu baru itu. Jadi nggak di setiap bab sih.

Memang ada bab yang memang cocok dan bisa untuk listening,

nanti saya cobakan listening.



R57 Nah, mengenai pengucapan tadi. Apa berarti ada sesi khusus untuk

mengajari pronunciation untuk siswa?

L57 Kalau sesi khususnya sih nggak ada, paling cuma kalau misalkan

ada itu.. lalu nanti diperbaiki. Kalau secara pronounce sih mereka

penekanannya juga nggak..nggak.. menekankan ke situ ya. Wong..

mereka juga... mengajarkan mereka omong aja gimana mau

ngomong, atau belajar pakai tenses itu juga sudah setengah mati.


R58 Jadi fokusnya lebih ke mereka berani ngomong dulu ya mbak?

L58 Ya udah pokoknya mereka berani.. masalah grammar itu nanti.

Nanti biasanya saya perbaiki.. nanti itu...gak papa, yang penting

kalian ngomong. Makanya mereka, "Kalau salah nggak papa?"

Silakan, salah nggak papa. Soalnya mereka terkadang masih takut.

Takut salah itu. Makanya saya bahkan lebih menekankan,

pokoknya coba, jawab, coba... nggak usah pikirkan benar atau

salah. Saya tekankan, kalau misalnya temennya tahu jawaban

temennya salah, nggak usah diejek. Kadang, "Alah paling yang

tahu jawabannya cuma Miss, kan, mereka nggak tahu."

"Iya..iya...iya...!" Ya. Terkadang gitu..



R59 Oke, Mbak Lydia, berhubung sudah jam segini saya kira cukup

sekian [cut]



Interview day 2

The school Principle‘s Lounge

November 11, 2015

12.24 – 13.00

The venue for the interview was still in the school principle‘s lounge. So far it was the best

place for us to talk without much noise or interruptions. We were so lucky to be permitted to

use this room freely as the school principle was out of town for few days.

That afternoon bu Lydia had finished teaching her last class. She looked more relaxed than

she did in previous interview. She even initiated to greet me cheerfully before I did it to her.

R1 Halo mbak Lydia. Hari ini kita mulai lagi ngobrolnya ya. E… Mbak

Lydia kemarin bilang biasanya mencari materi tambahan, baik untuk

kelas 2 maupun kelas 3. Seandainya tanpa materi tambahan, dengan

hanya materi dari buku ini saja, memangnya kenapa mbak?

L1 Kalau misalkan... e..saya sih belum bisa mengira-ira pasti apa materi di

buku ini bakal cukup untuk satu tahun atau kurang, …karena baru

semester ini ya dipakai ya... Baru masuk ini baru bab yang ke-5. Tapi memang untuk yang bab 1 sampai 4 itu saya mengikuti ini, paling

cuma...Misal ni di kelas 8 ini kan ada yang 'can' ada yang 'will I...' itu

sekarang saya tambah itu adalah auxiliary, gitu-gitu.. Ada lagi untuk

chapter 5 ini baru mulai masuk present tense, kan, itu saya tambahkan

saja present tense, lalu how much/how many, itu berarti kan saya

tambahkan juga quantifier gitu ya. Kayaknya yang chapter 5 itu sebulan

itu kayaknya nggak akan selesai.


R2 Banyak juga ya poinnya yang harus dicermati dan yang ditambahi.

L2 Tapi memang di KTSP juga seperti itu kan. Bab 1 simple present, tidak

semua masuk, malah comparison di sana malah ada, comparison,


R3 Bu Lydia masih cari materi tambahan sendiri, apa berarti materi di buku

ini kurang?

L3 E… gimana ya… Tapi mungkin kalau apa ya udahlah pakai ini, ya

mungkin ok gitu. Cuma saya kan niatnya banyak anak-anak sini yang

keluar sekolahnya SMA-nya itu, itupun kadang mereka keteteran,

soalnya kalau, saya bilang kalau misalnya di Pemalang okelah,

misalkan di SMA 1, SMA 1, 2, mereka bisalah, tapi kalau yang di luar

itu mereka concern banget ke grammar, kalau di sini cuma hanya fokus

ke pemahaman teksnya. Di Pemalang itu masih dalam konteksnya itu.

Jadi mungkin grammar dinomorsekiankan, yang penting pemahaman

teks, mencari main idea, gimana-gimana itu...



R4 Selama memakai buku ini...e.. satu semester ini, kesan umum apa sih

yang tertangkap Mbak Lidia tentang buku teks ini?

L4 Ya, membingungkan... [tertawa] Saya sih melihat dari sudut pandang,

apa namanya, siswa ya. Kalau misalkan saya sebagai siswa sendiri,

wong saya aja gurunya gimana caranya men-deliver ke anak ini. Gitu.

Bagaimanapun juga misalkan di awal mungkin kayak dialog gitu ya,

terkadang mereka juga kesulitannya ya itu, bagaimana caranya mereka

membuat kalimat dengan benar. Kita kan nggak mungkin, terus, hanya

ngajarin, "Do you understand?" kalau misalkan... pokoke intinya kalau

memang untuk meminta answering 'Do you understand?' udah gitu,




tanpa harus kenapa kok seperti itu. Gitu kan... soalnya kan ada anak

juga yang kritis terkadang. Gitu.. ya itu.. membingungkan sekali. Untuk

anak juga.

R5 Jadi Emm.. apa itu berarti siswa nggak mungkin dilepas dengan belajar

sendiri dengan pakai buku ini?

L5 Nggak bisa. Sulit. Ndak bisa. [geleng-geleng kepala].. di sini kan

banyak yang langsung ke aplikasi, misal ke contoh percakapan. Bagian

khusus yang fokusnys ke poin grammarnya yg nggak ada [membuka-

buka buku teks]




R6 [membuka-buka buku teks] I see…

L6 Tapi untuk yang ini akhirnya ya udah saya coba, saya juga masih belum

concerned ke itunya, jadi yang penting mereka... bagaimana cara

mereka untuk tahu membuat dialog yang simpel aja, menggunakan itu.

Gitu aja.. nanti kalau misalkan ada yang salah baru diperbaiki. Terus

nanti gitu.. baru sekalian ada waktu dijelaskan, kalau nggak pun

biasanya itu.. nanti.


R7 [membuka buka buku teks] Hmm… buku ini cukup banyak gambar dan

warna warni ya

L7 Gambar-gambar di buku teks menarik sih…berwarna dan banyak. Tapi

Kalau misalkan untuk anak-anak sih kalau saya lihat mereka, gambar

nggak begitu anu.., malah mereka perhatiannya malah ke ini... malah ke

tulisannya. Jadi.. mungkin memang bagus..., apa namanya, tujuannya

memang untuk oh ya biar itu menarik ya... biar itu menarik. Jadi

memang anak-anak itu concern-nya ke situ, cuma memang hanya

membantu kalau misalkan ada beberapa tokoh yang sama ya, misalkan

Ani, Ani, Ani... nah ada satu dialog itu tanpa ada dia Ani tapi mereka

tahu ia itu Ani, paling hanya itu... jadi... Oh ya si ini yang bergambar itu

namanya Ani, yang bergambar ini namanya Siti. Jadi mungkin

membantu mereka mengenal. Itu.


R8 Bicara mengenai nama-nama yang ada di buku ini, nama-nama tokoh

buku kan dengan nama Indonesia seperti yang mbak Lydia sebut tadi.

Nah… [interrupted]

L8 Nama tokoh bukunya Indonesia sekali. E… Kalau... kalau saya ya,

kalau menurut saya, misalkan menurut saya sih biasanya nama itu...

biasanya memang nama (native) itu malah yang menarik perhatian



R9 Jadi...

L9 Terkadang kalau saya memang saya campur, memang nama Indonesia,

gitu kan... tapi terkadang juga mereka perlu pakai nama barat soalnya

pernah saya ada cerita lucu waktu itu Claire—cla-i-re itu kan—itu

ternyata mereka Claire itu mencari di kamus, mereka tuh nggak tahu

kalau Claire itu nama orang. Jadi mungkin apa, makanya kadang saya

itu menggunakan lebih sering juga pakai ke nama barat. Jadi mereka

tahu kalau misalkan Clark, kadang Clark itu mereka nggak tahu, Jane..

itu juga gitu... Mungkin kalau misalkan kayak Jason atau apa, oke...

yang mereka tahu penyanyi gitu kan. Justin itu mereka tahu, itu jadi

terkadang saya selipin. Bahkan terkadang saya selipin pakai nama

Jepang.... karena saya memang seneng hal-hal tentang Jepang...






R10 Oh, I see ... [tertawa] mbak Lydia suka yang berbau Jepang ya... Kalau

kosakaat yang ada di buku ini, [interrupted]

L10 E... untuk sebagian besar ya, saya menggeneralisasikan (kosakatanya)

itu sulit. Paling hanya beberapa anak yang bisa menangkap dengan

mudah. Jadi terkadang mereka saya bilang.. kalau misalkan nggak tahu

silakan cari dulu, nanti intinya, kuncinya kalau kalian mencari dicoba

diingat-ingat, tapi ternyata anak memang seperti itu, sudah mencari

nanti terus nggak lewat lima menit pasti lupa lagi, mbukak lagi. Jadi

mereka terkadang sering sering cari cari cari gitu.



R11 Maksud mbak Lydia, anak-anak membuka kamus? Jadi mereka

membawa kamus sendiri-sendiri, atau disediakan sekolah?

L11 Iya, masing-masing diharapkan bawa. Kalau misalkan nggak ya mereka

sekedar tanya, hanya mengandalkan ini... Sulit memang. Kosakata itu

kesulitan yang pertama bagi mereka.


R12 Seperti kata mbak Lydia, di setiap chapternya banyak sekali contoh-

contoh dialog. Kalau ada CD atau audionya mungkin kita bisa putar

saja. Nah, kalau yang di buku ini bagaimana ya mbak?

L12 Itu kalau misalkan pertama ini, apa, saya suruh mereka buka dulu, lalu

kira-kira... e.. pertama gambar dulu kan, karena dalam bentuk gambar,

oke menurut kalian itu gambarnya tentang apa, kalau mereka mengerti,

kalau misalkan enggak, nanti juga apa namanya, coba di-ini.. pertama

e... dibaca. Dibaca, apa namanya, ada yang sulit nggak katanya, ini

masih saya bimbing terus selalu setelah itu kalian paham apa nggak,

kalau misalkan ada punya gambaran dari sini, lalu ada satu dua yang

menjawab atau tiga dalam satu kelas yang nggak bisa, setelah itu baru

terus langsung ke per ini, per dialog. Pertama lihat yang pertama, repeat

after me first, ulangi dulu, lalu sampaikan, coba... Habis baru dibimbing

kan.. oh ya pertama itu.. pertama kalau sudah... lalu kedua, ketiga,

keempat sampai ke yang ke situ. Soalnya kalau nggak kayak gitu, kalau

anak dilepas suruh itu terus menyimpulkan sendiri itu terkadang...

Susah sekali.


R13 I see… .

L13 Nah, itulah.. E...itu kalau untuk anak kelas 8 memang itu. Tapi kalau

misalkan kita...gimana ya… sulit sih memang... kalau ini, kecuali kalau

memang sudah expert ya.. Kelasnya sudah expert nah itu baru...


R14 Jadi, siswa tetap dibimbing guru untuk menemukan poin kebahasaan

apa yang bisa dipelajari atau jadi fokus dalam contoh dialognya ya


L14 Nyenggol sedikit ke discovery learning, tapi kalau secara total mungkin

enggak ya. Soalnya masih ada tetap ada pembimbingan guru ya. Tapi

minimal di sini mereka mencoba dulu, menebak dulu. Jadi guru yang

aktif bertanya biar mereka terus lalu berpendapat. Biasanya mereka

selalu, "Salah nggak papa ya?" Itu selalu ada, dalam setiap... itu selalu ada anak-anak.. "Kalau salah nggak apa-apa?". "Lho, kalian kalau salah

dimarahin, nggak?" "Nggaaaak..." Terus saya, "Bener atau salah, kalau

jawab itu dapat poin." Jadi mereka terus mau, dipancing-pancing jadi

mereka baru mau bicara. Gitu, jadi banyak pertanyaan.


R15 Contoh dialog di kelas 9 panjang panjang ya mbak ya

L15 E.. kalau itu... iya… memang yang kelas 9 .. mereka kadang saya lepas action



juga sih. Jadi mereka menganalisis kebetulan kan waktu kelas 8 KTSP

mereka sudah ada basic tensesnya ya. Jadi itu mereview, jadi

menganalisa. Jadi ini kan ada juga bab yang dalam satu dialog itu

beberapa tenses, ya, ada past tense - past continuous dicampur, lalu ada

present tense -past tense - past continuous,... jadi sambil mereka itu

mereview itu apa e... tenses apa.. tense apa yang digunakan, kenapa kok

menggunakan itu.. jadi mereka bisa... oh ya karena ini, karena saat dia

bilang ini dia sedang ini...kalau kelas 9 lumayan sih ini... masih bisa

menganalisa. Walaupun nanti, pada saat prakteknya membuat kalimat

kembali mereka sulit.

R16 Kembali ke masalah kepemilikan buku. Kemarin mbak Lydia cerita

kalau buku belum ada, dan anak-anak fotokopi. Apa mereka juga

disarankan untuk pakai e-book yang tersedia di web?

L16 Bagi mereka tu masih ada beberapa yang internet berguna tapi mahal.

Gitu kan.. Karena di sini perjamnya ya... masih beberapa.. Kalau

memang anak yang mampu dan punya ini sih nggak masalah. Makanya

tuh sekarang saya biasanya kalau ada materi tambahan saya buat dalam

bentuk file. Kadang memang seperti itu, terkadang kalau nggak itu

kadang mereka harus iuran gitu. Seperti itu keadaannya.



R17 Hmm… internet mahal. Padahal ini sudah di lokasi kota ya, Ini masih di

Pemalang ya... Belum yang di pucuk-pucuk gunung di Pemalang ini...

L17 Nah, itu dia. Bisa dibayangkan kan gimana yang di sekolah yang di

pelosok Pemalang

R18 Saya malah jadi ingin lihat ke sekolah-sekolah yang di pelosok itu e

mbak.. [tertawa]

L18 Pengin ke sana ya? [tertawa] Ya mungkin kalau Pemalang, apalagi di

Pius kan, kadang... ya mereka yang ke sini kan mereka yang NEMnya

memang sedikit. Jadi memang backgroundnya itu yang pinter ya pinteer

sekali, tapi yang nggak bisa ya nggak bisa sekali. Itu kendala setiap



R19 Mmm… kalau boleh saya sedikit merangkum cerita mbak Lydia,

hampir semua aktivitas di buku ini dilaksanakan di kelas. Materi

tambahan, termasuk tambahan latihan soal, dicari sendiri oleh mbak

Lydia untuk diberikan di kelas. Benar begitu mbak?

L19 Kalau untuk yang dialog... untuk yang dialog sih e... saya sih mengikuti

ini. Gitu.. jadi diusahakan mengikuti ini... sampai ininya… E, materi

latihan saya cari karena di sini masih kurang ya. Ya... pertama. Pertama,

mungkin karena mereka butuh buku dan memang harus mereka pakai.

Tapi masih perlu tambahan lain


R20 setiap bab e... saya lihat selalu ada objektif dari pembelajaran ini,

tujuan dari pembelajaran ini...e... untuk belajar apa. gitu. Apakah ini

secara eksplisit diberitahukan ke siswa atau tidak, Mbak?

L20 Mm... paling saya apa e... biasanya kalau ini e.. mereka menyimpulkan

di bagian belakang. Saya kan kaya..apa namanya, kayak ini ya.. kayak

yang pertama, terus kalian sudah habis mempelajari ini, nah dari sini

sebenarnya apa sih tujuan pembelajaran ini... biasanya saya seperti itu.

Nggak di depan, kita mempelajari ini tujuannya ini, tapi o.. ini

tujuannya ini... gimana caranya kalau e... kita itu meminta orang

memperhatikan kita, gitu-gitu... jadi di akhir pembelajaran nanti baru




mereka menyimpulkan. Biasanya sih seperti itu.

R21 Jadi semacam rangkuman atas apa yang sudah dipelajari gitu ya mbak?

L21 Tapi memang ada yang bilang sebaiknya diberikan di awal, tapi... apa

namanya... ya itu, biasanya saya balik. Kalau misalnya paling o.. paling

saya bilang e... nanti kita akan.. e.. hari ini kita akan belajar ada dua

aktivitas, yang pertama ini dan ini, lalu selama aktivitas ini nanti yang

dinilai tetep ingat karakter di depan.. cuma itu. Kadang kalau untuk

ininya sih nggak ada.

R22 Sepertinya mbak Lydia termasuk guru yang selalu penuh persiapan

sebelum ngajar ya mbak ya

L22 [tertawa] E... paling ya saya lihat, apa namanya, dipersiapkan... kalau

misalnya nggak dipersiapkan nggak mungkin ya.. ya kita tetap.. O ya..

kemarin itu saya itu sampai ini, materinya... berarti besok saya itu

masuk kira-kira itu mau diapain anak saya. Itu.. minimal ada seperti itu.

Tapi untuk yang persiapan yang lebih mendetail harus gini gini gini sih

enggak... Jadi minimal ada gambaran aja, habis ini kegiatannya mau

seperti ini, lalu anak saya mau saya suruh apa.


R23 Kalau pas persiapan ngajar gitu, biasanya melihat silabusnya juga

nggak to mbak? Yaa siapa tau terus bisa mencocokkan silabus denga n

isi buku yang dipakai

L23 E... Oke.. e... misalkan e.., kalau saya... saya sih tipe.. sekarang kalau

misalkan apa ya namanya... sesuai atau nggaknya, jadi minimal kalau

saya melihatnya untuk yang bab ini minimal mereka harus menguasai

ini... yaa.. itu. Jadi, saya sih melihatnya hanya itu. Minimal menguasai

ini, lalu apa lihat dari bukunya, membantu mereka dalam itu enggak,

kalau misalnya iya diikutin, kalau misalkan memang butuh tambahan ya

saya tambahkan, atau kalau misalkan memang, apa namanya, butuh

memang anak itu butuh bimbingan nanti akan saya... gitu... Jadi,

minimal... kayak misalkan present tense, kita pasti tujuannya minimal

mereka bisa tahu kapan menggunakan present tense, lalu digunakannya

pas kapan, ya sudah.. itu.. itu.. itu memang tujuan utamanya. Itu. Jadi

kalau misalkan suruh ideal sesuai dengan itu mungkin saya belum bisa

seideal itu, sampai mereka bisa tahu tensesnya ini ini ini.. nggak sampai

segitu sih...


R24 Jadi yang penting learning objective yang tercantum di tiap bab tercapai

ya mbak?

L24 Plek.. soalnya saya sendiri juga jujur, bingung. Bingung, kalau misalnya

baca itu ya, baca KI-KD itu memang bingung...kadang masih itu. Apa

lagi penilaian juga saya masih belum ada itu...gambaran.. mudeng

sekali juga nggak... jadi kita juga sama-sama masih meraba-raba. Detil

penilaian itu buanyak. Bahkan ada tuntutan kalau misalkan bisa tuh

setiap KI/KD itu ulangan. Wah, itu waktunya akan... saya masih nggak

mudeng itu seperti itu..



R25 Wah, pekerjaan guru banyak ya..

L25 Terus kasihan juga anak-anak ..

R26 Oh iya, bahasa Inggris berapa jam seminggu mbak?

L26 Empat jam pelajaran, dua kali pertemuan. Tiap jam pelajarn 40 menit.

R27 Dalam tiap pertemuan yang 80 menit itu apa memungkinkan sampai

pada tahapan akhir scientific approach yang disebut communicating itu?



L27 Mungkin pemakaian istilah.. apa.. nah itu dia... itu juga sempet.. saya

pikir memang saya dari awal nggak..nggak..apa.. hanya nggak ikut

seminar, hanya ikut yang in-out itu saja. Ya memang istilahnya memang

seperti itu. Jadi misalkan dalam.. yang pertama associating itu seperti

itu, communicating itu seperti itu.. di situ, jadi ya mereka

menyimpulkan. Mungkin di sini kalau e.. saya sih bagian

communicating mungkin harus guru bertanya, lha nanti siswa

menyimpulkan. Mungkin seperti itu. Jadi mereka nggak betul-betul

menulis, jadi secara lisan. Jadi kadang-kadang satu anak berbeda

dengan anak yang lainnya, nanti dari pendapat anak-anak-anak seperti

ini, nanti o ya itu baru nanti mereka baru memproduksi... Tapi e…

nggak terlalu memikirkan tahapan-tahapan itu sih [tertawa]


R28 Contoh-contoh dialog sebanyak ini sudah cukup belum to mbak?

L28 E... kalau saya yang lihat ini sih.. apa namanya.. cukup ya.. bagi saya

cukup. Di situ, tapi memang ada beberapa yang memang... seperti

kayak ini... ini, yang kelas 8 sih ini, "Can I/Will I..." tapi mungkin ada,

itu kan ada yang invitation itu biasanya saya tambahkan dengan modal

auxiliary, misalkan auxiliary, nanti biasanya baru saya tambahkan,

sempilin, misalkan tanya, kalau pakai, kalau 'Could I..' itu gimana,

paling hanya seperti itu, gambaran-gambaran aja, menurut saya sih

cukup. Paling hanya di ini, di bagian present tense. Yang present tense

ini.. 'Many students some do extra-curricular', 'They do..' dan lain

sebagainya, dsb., ini... cukup mewakili sih.. karena itu concern-nya ke

daily activity. Ya.. untuk yang daily activity, sementara di situ juga ada

e... ada saya tambahkan lagi tentang... misalkan tentang the fact, itu

paling juga saya tambahkan..

R29 Wah mungkin tidak semua guru yang..e.. sekreatif Mbak Lydia untuk

menambahkan materi baru untuk pengayaan mereka. Mengapa Mbak

Lydia kepikiran untuk menambahkan materi pengayaan bagi mereka?

L29 E... kenapa ya... karena untuk ada beberapa anak saya pikir mereka

butuh itu . Jadi kalau misalkan Eee... kita memang nggak apa..nggak,

nggak kayak e.. ada anak yang mungkin mudeng aja nggak, gitu. Cuma

saya sih mikirnya ada anak tertentu yang butuh, bahkan e.. dari ada

kakak kelas mereka yang sudah lulus, kalau misalkan bisa mereka

malah request, "Miss, ditambahkan ini biar mereka.." jadi saya concern-

nya ke anak-anak yang o ya mereka butuh ini. Gitu. Dan.. dan memang,

memang itu berhubungan terkadang saya tambahkan kalau saya inget..

[tertawa] kalau nggak ya enggak....[tertawa].. Terkadang ada kelas yang

nggak, sudah pusing duluan... pusing, lupa, oh ya sudahlah... seringnya

sih seperti itu [tertawa] Mengerjakan tugas saja susah.


R30 Baiklah mbak, untuk hari ini sepertinya cukup. Rabu saya jadiobservasi

kelas ya mbak. Lalu Jumat aja saya meneruskan interview lagi, enaknya

jam berapa ya Mbak?

L30 Oke. Hari Jumat kebetulan saya kosong, jam kosong, baru beberapa

minggu ini dapat Jumat kosong. Jumat pagi, silakan, kalau jam segini

panas. [tertawa] Kalau jam 8 gitu? Antara jam 8 atau 8.30, bisa? [cut]



Interview day 3

The school principle‘s Lounge

November 27, 2015

08.53 – 09.30

A few days prior to the interview, I had observed one of 9 grade classes in which she was

teaching. So the today‘s interview was aimed also to clarify several things that I had


The interview was started in the morning since bu Lydia did not have classes that day. It was

a fresh sunny morning when I arrived at the school. Bu Lydia had been waiting in teachers‘

room. She greeted me cheerfully when she saw me, and as the other interview days, we went

to the principle‘s lounge for our interview.

R1 Kemarin di kelas, video yang diputar mbak Lydia itu menarik lo…

video kartun yang menjelaskan tentang penggunaan simple past

tense dan present perfect. Anak-anak kelihatan sekali menikmati

belajar dengan nonton videonya

L1 Wah iya ya?.. makasih… Ya gitu, anak-anak memang sukanya

sesuatu yang membuat kita harus ekstra cari-cari apa ya yang

menarik buat mereka. Video, games, lagu.. ya yang gitu… Jadi

lebih membantu mereka nangkep pelajarannya.

Belief: the

power of

teaching media

R2 Harus kreatif menciptakan fun learning berarti ya mbak ya

L2 Iya… begitu… mesti cari-cari tambahan Action:



R3 Jadi apa berarti…, maaf saya tanya ini beberapa kali sepertinya,

jadi mengandalkan materi buku ini saja nggak cukup ya? Apa

berarti masih banyak revisinya?

L3 Yang e... direvisi... mungkin untuk dari dialognya, conversation-

nya mungkin masih bisa... apa namanya... untuk yang kelas..

soalnya kelas 8 itu lumayan... yang kelas 9 itu lo. Yang kelas 9 itu

sangat complicated. Karena bener-bener rumitlah [grinning]. Jadi

ada.. nanti mungkin bisa diini ya.. ceklah. Beberapa tenses itu

dalam satu dialog. Jadi anak-anak itu terkadang.. oh ya kalau

misalnya anak-anak sendiri membaca memahami tahu, tapi kalau

misalkan mereka begitu memproduce itu mereka bingung.


things to revise



R4 Jadi apakah seharusnya contoh dialognya itu pendek-pendek saja?

L4 Ya.. bisa gitu.. Mungkin teks panjang dengan tenses kompleks

tujuannya bagus ya. Karena memang teks yang baik kita dalam

membuat suatu teks suatu dialog kan memang nggak, nggak, nggak

harus pake satu tenses gitu. Itupun tujuannya bagus di situ, cuma

ya... apa namanya... ya.. jangan terlalu luas juga. Jadi terkadang

dalam satu conversation itu ada 3 atau 4 tenses itu untuk anak-anak

SMP... mungkin untuk SMA oke, ya.. untuk SMA mungkin mereka

bisa, tapi untuk SMP apalagi kelas 9 kan sebenernya itu hanya

mereview sama menambahkan dari sini kita dibingungkan dengan

ini buku ini itu selesai apa nggak. Gitu. Sementara kita ngejar

materi UN dsb untuk mereview-nya itu sangat terbatas waktunya.

Jadi dengan waktu mungkin kalau satu semester full.. oke.. tapi ini

Belief:the use

of various







kita nggak satu semester full, belum lagi mempersiapkan untuk

ujian nasional itu sangat sulit. Untuk bagi saya pribadi ya.. sulit

sekali. Terlalu kompleks.



R5 Kemarin di kelas mbak Lydia juga memberi tambahan aktivitas

yang saya tidak temukan di buku

L5 Kalau untuk kegiatan kelas dan latihan... iya, perlu saya

tambahkan. Sebenarnya terkadang misalkan untuk anak-anak bisa

gimana mereka bisa lebih ini. Jadi di sini kan...apa namanya...

aktivitasnya kebanyakan berdialog dengan teman sebangkunya. Itu

kan.. Sementara kalau terkadang mungkin penambahannya tidak

hanya dengan teman sebangkunya, tidak hanya dengan teman... apa

namanya.. dengan teman sekelasnya, mungkin bisa juga dengan

yang lainnya. Atau minimal dengan, bagaimana mereka dengan

orang tua, jadi memang terkadang mengamati nggak hanya temen

sekelasnya. Gitu. Di sini kan concern-nya ke sebangku....

sebangku, sebangku, sebangku. Mungkin bisa lebih divariatifkan.

Karena anak memang lebih suka beraktivitas ya. Gitu.




R6 I see. Mengenai materi listeningnya, kan nggak ada tu Mbak materi


L6 Iya, sama sekali belum ada... Itu, kalau misalkan...sangat perlu.

Penting sekali. Listening SMP wajib diperkenalkan, dan perlu

dibiasakan. Karena memang kembali untuk listening kalau dari

guru aja mungkin mereka bisa dengan mudah menangkap. Walapun

hanya ala kadarnya. tapi kalau untuk yang dari native itu lebih

sulit. Jadi... saya karena... melihatnya apa ya sekarang... Bhs

Inggris jamnya berkurang, materinya untuk kelas 7 memang lebih

turun tapi kelas 8 juga sama, kelas 9-nya sangat kompleks. Arahnya

ke situ terkadang, jadi aneh aja gitu... kok seperti ini. Kelas 9-nya


Belief: the

importance of




R7 I see... are you saying that listening material should have been

provided in this book?

L7 Kalau bisa he-eh.. disertai CDnya gitu.. Lalu memang reading kan

itu penting juga ya, karena lebih bisa untuk apa.. dalam kalimat

yang lebih kompleks kan bisa... Memahami suatu cerita itu kan

juga nggak mudah... untuk anak-anak. Jadi perlu ada khusus materi

reading yang nggak kompleks lah. Untuk contoh. Mereka

membuat... membuat karangan saja masih sulit soalnya.


what to add

Belief: students


R8 Ini saya sekedar cerita dari guru Pangudi Luhur Jogja, karena

kekurangan teks reading di buku kelas 9, yang dia lakukan adalah

meminta siswa secara... e..sebagai tugas kelompok. Setiap

kelompok itu diberi tugas untuk mencari jenis teks tertentu, tiap

kelompok beda-beda. Kebetulan di Jogja akses internet sangat

mudah, jadi itu sangat mudah dilaksanakan. Jadi tiap kelompok

disuruh browsing di internet cari contoh teks recount misalnya,

kelompok ini cari teks descriptive, yang sana narrative, jadi

kemudian dikumpulkan, dikopi... fotokopi, kemudian dibagikan

ulang ke tiap siswa, jadi tiap siswa punya contoh teks lengkap

semua jenis teks itu. Karena semua itu katanya pasti nanti akan

keluar di UN, jenis-jenis teks itu. Saya nggak tahu apakah itu

mungkin dilakukan di SMP Pius mengingat kendala akses internet



yang tidak semua anak bisa mengakses itu.

L8 Itu juga iya. Semacam itu itu juga dilakukan di sini...apa.. ada...apa

namanya... mungkin dalam bentuk mungkin dalam kelompok. Itu

kan dalam grup ya... dalam grup. Jadi misalkan kayak e... teks

procedure aja, procedure kan.. kebanyakan mereka hanya untuk

procedure itu kan resep ya. Padahal procedure kan nggak hanya

resep. Bagaimana cara mengaktifkan HP itu juga termasuk

procedure. Ya, jadi terkadang yang kelompok ini silakan... apa..

mencari yang ini, nanti kelompok ini (mencari) ini.. presentasi..

idealnya presentasi lalu nanti mereka bisa mempelajari. Itu.. Cuma

memang terkadang kembali dalam pelaksanaannya dalam mereka

mempresentasikannya itu... Tapi pernah sih saya cobakan seperti

itu. Jadi.. yang paling enak.. "Oh paling enak itu narrative..."

kadang suka ada yang itu ya, paling enak itu narrative... banyak...

Ya.. sama-sama semuanya. Tahun kemarin itu..

Action: project,


R9 Mereka berani presentasi di depan kelas?

L9 Mereka hanya... baru sekali kemarin. Dan.. sulit sih. Jadi... apa

namanya... untuk mereka.. memang menghafalkan untuk Bhs

Inggris memang sulit ya. Di kelas 8 itu mereka masih kaget, jadi di

SD mereka mungkin belum terbiasa, kelas 7 juga mungkin belum,

waktu kelas 8 itu sama… takut iya… takut.. lalu, terus apa

namanya.. nggak hafal.. kendalanya memang itu. Kendho sekali.

Dari saya.. tapi nanti.. saya bilang tetep ada praktek satu-persatu

dan itu akan lebih bagus sekali.

R10 Saya dengar dari pak Eka, di sini ada English Club. Nah, kalau

anak-anak English Club sendiri, terlihat bedanya nggak Mbak di

kelas, dengan anak lain yang tidak ikut English Club?

L10 Kalau misalkan bedanya sih hanya mereka lebih berani, jadi

mereka lebih berani dalam... apa namanya... untuk aktif, mereka

sering aktif ya... lebih berani dalam menjawab, lebih berani dalam

diskusi. [noise speaker, tanda pergantian pelajaran, beberapa kata

tidak jelas terdengar] [cut]

Benefits of

English Club

R11 Kembali ke masalh materi buku. Mestinya kan di silabus sudah ada

keterangan bab ini untuk berapa pertemuan gitu. Nah tapi seperti

mbak Lydia bilang kemampuan anak kelas A dan B pun beda. Ada

target pribadi nggak sih mbak semester satu harus selesai berapa


L11 Nanti saya cek lagi, belum ini sih... pokoknya saya sih untuk yang

kelas 9 nggak ini ya.. pokoknya semester 1 berapa yang penting

saya malah targetnya awalnya karena belum tahu, kan selama

KTSP kan saya satu semester buku, nanti semester 2 baru fokus ke

ujian nasional, fokus ke ini... latihan ujian praktek. Nah, ini juga

sama, jadi saya fokusin ke ini, tapi kayaknya nggak nyandhak.

Makanya saya juga nggak terlalu ini ke silabus semester berapa,

semester 1 sampai bab berapa... Yang penting sebanyak-banyaknya

mencapai sebanyak mungkin chapter... He'eh...itu.


R12 Jadi semester 2 memang nanti lebih banyak ke persiapan UNya


L12 Iya. Paling kita semester 2cuma hanya punya waktu 3 bulan sampai

Maret kan, sampai Maret... itupun sudah terpotong dengan ujian



sekolah, sudah... Semester dua itu mulai Januari. Januari, Februari,

Maret itu hanya untuk persiapan UN. sama April awal juga...

R13 Jadi tidak bisa menyentuh buku lagi ya Mbak selama persiapan

khusus UN itu?

L13 Sepertinya sih kalau misalkan saya lihat ini. Sebenarnya nanti

chapter 10 itu nanti ada review past tense, narrative... di situ...

Anak-anak sini itu aja yang kelas 9B aja belum jauh kok. Kelas 9B

baru masuk... baru masuk, mau masuk Chapter 6. Lama sekali


R14 Iya. E.. seandainya tidak sempat menyentuh sisa bab ini, semester

2, apa rencana Mbak Lydia?

L14 E... Saya sih belum tahu kalau misalnya mungkin [tidak jelas],

cuma ada rencana kalau misalkan nanti memang sudah... sudah

betul memang mendekati bulan-bulan Februari itu, pokoknya saya

target akhir Februari target terakhir itu, dan kalau misalnya toh

sampai akhir Februari itu tidak akan mencapai, ya itu paling kalau

misalkan ada poin yang memang penting itu nanti akan saya

berikan, tapi kalau misalkan enggak nanti mulai bulan Maret saya

betul-betul fokus ke ini... Satu bulan itu juga kayaknya kan

mungkin kurang ya. Soalnya kalau kita idealis bener-bener anak-

anak buku ini itu nanti mereka malah ini... lagipula juga anak-anak

juga kan kalau memang dipaksakan memahami ini juga kan akan

sangat sulit untuk semuanya ya. Satu dua oke, tapi untuk semuanya

sampai paham itu kayaknya sulit sekali. Itu... tapi target... target

Februari, setelah itu ya sudah, berarti langsung fokus ke ujian





Belief ;


R15 Eh..hm... E.. saya mau mengajak mbak Lydia mengingat masa-

masa awal buku ini ada di hadapan mbak Lydia. Waktu pertama

melihat buku ini dan selama memakai buku ini apa yang terlintas di

pikiran Mbak Lydia ?

L15 Apa ya? [pause] [tertawa]… Kesan pertama saya sih.. apa namanya... wow, mungkin

apa kalau misalkan mungkin dari bab pertama ini ya, oke ya, cuma

pas saya lihatnya pas belakangnya kok wah, terus apa..ke

belakang..ke belakang... ke belakang itu kok kompleks sekali. Ini

wah... susah sekali, saya sampai bilang ke Pak Eka... "Pak, ini

gimana, Pak? Dengan waktu yang hanya terbatas efektif 7 bulan

anak-anak harus menguasai ini..ini..ini...ini..." saya sampai bilang

begitu dengan Pak Eka... Terus makanya Pak Eka, "Ya udah,

Miss...ini nanti yang kelas 7 saya coba saya selipin tenses nanti biar

anak nggak terlalu berat di kelas 8 dan kelas 9." Saya sampai

bilang, masa sampai kalimat pasif sampai itu tuh ada.






R16 Jadi dari ―wow‘ ke‖wah‖ ya mbak

L16 [tertawa] Saya lihat ada perfect, regular perfect, terus ada, yang

past perfect sempet ada... pasif juga...



R17 Hmm... jadi, apa materi itu berat buat siswa sama gurunya?

L17 Sangat. [tertawa] Feeling; belief

R18 E... yang saya lihat di sini di contoh dialog atau percakapan ada

poin-poin yang dicetak tebal. Itu kalau nggak salah itu jadi

semacam grammatical points yang harus diajarkan . Benar begitu



Mbak?Mohon koreksi kalau saya salah.

L18 Iya. Benar

R19 Nah, bagaimana mbak Lydia biasanya menyampaikan poin-poin

grammatical itu ke siswa?

L19 Kalau misalkan saya sih yang kemarin itu kembali, jadi mereka

saya suruh coba memahami bacaannya, seperti ini ya... kayak

must/mustn't.. he'eh.. itu terus e... memahami.. di situ kan ada

contoh percakapannya, lalu dipahami terus mereka saya suruh

menebak. Jadi kuis, saya selalu pakai kuis, jadi silakan kalian...

menurut kalian "must/mustn't" itu dalam kalimat ini fungsinya

seperti apa. Tapi... apa namanya, siapa yang coba menjawab saling

ini gitu... itu nanti kurang sedikit.. eh.. untuk kelas A ada yang...

ada banyak yang bisa menyimpulkannya, untuk kelas B sih satu

dua yang bisa menyimpulkan. Paling hanya itu, nanti kalau

misalkan yang... kayak "in order to" itu kalau nggak salah kan ada

ya... in order to itu ada anak kelas B yang ternyata nggak bisa, nah

pada saat mereka nggak bisa itu baru...




R20 Baru Mbak Lydia menjelaskan...?

L20 Iya.. seperti itu.

R21 Jadi, apa di dalam kelas mbak Lydia sebagai guru banyak

memberikan dalam tanda kutip arahan atau penjelasan buat siswa

tentang hal-hal yang jadi fokus pelajaran?

L21 Iya.. Eee.. karena mestinya gitu, student centered. Mungkin

melihat kondisinya ya... Kalau misalkan, kalau kita, kalau misalkan

di Pius sendiri sih, kalau student centered tuh susah. Tetep apa,

tetep ada bimbingan guru. Jadi memang dipancing untuk mereka,

apa namanya, menganalisa... mereka untuk ini dulu... tapi tetep ada

pancingan-pancingan guru yang akhirnya bisa membantu mereka

ke situ. Itupun terkadang apa..e... ada yang sama sekali mereka

nggak tahu.. dan oke kalau misalkan mereka sudah stuck nggak

tahu, kan intinya yang penting mereka sudah mulai mau mencoba,

terus nanti baru guru oh ya itu seperti ini... Gitu.


feeling; belief





R22 Di buku ini sudah tercantum bagian kegiatan mana yang

diperuntukkan untuk tahapan scientific approach yang mana. Nah,

itu biasanya diperhatikan nggak to mbak saat pengajaran di kelas?

L22 Eeee.. itu dibilang bermanfaat enggaknya sih ini kembali ke... kan

karakternya kan beda ya. Yang hanya.. yang tahu bagaimana

penerapan ke lapangan itu kembali guru. Jadi mungkin secara

idealnya mungkin seperti ini. Dan ini mungkin bisa diterapkan

hanya kalau di kota besar, berarti memang sekolah yang memang

mereka dari TK sudah terbiasa dengan Bhs Inggris, gitu kan, SD

juga sudah fluent sekali, nanti baru SMP mereka sudah bisa seperti

ini. Tapi untuk yang di tempat-tempat yang seperti... yang kita ini aja, jangankan SD, SMP aja mereka untuk menerjemahkan yang

sederhana aja... 'see you' itu ada anak yang menerjemahkan 'lihat

kamu'... nah..


R23 Literally..?.

L23 Nah.. untuk yang seperti itu.. itu kayaknya ini terlalu sulit untuk...

ya mungkin ya kembali ke conditional ininya. Conditional sekali.




Tergantung kelasnya, kondisinya. Itu. Jadi memang nggak bisa plek

100% seperti ini. Kalau kita memaksakan juga ya kembali,

anaknya yang kasihan. Mereka nanti malah kepontang-panting kan

sama sekali nggak bisa menangkap apa-apa. Tujuan pembelajaran

kita malah nggak tercapai.

Caring; aware

of students‟


R24 Hmm… bicara mengenai tujuan pembelajaran, tujuan

pembelajaran Bhs Inggris menurut Mbak Lidia secara umum itu


L24 E... kalau untuk yang di sini ya, saya untuk di Pemalang itu, target

saya tuh satu dulu sih, jadi e.. memberanikan mereka.. Itu. Jadi

intinya mereka tuh berani berbicara. Karena kendalanya selama ini

anak-anak takut... itu... Kebanyakan anak takut. Jadi.. mungkin

dibandingkan dengan yang e... di kota-kota besar mungkin beda ya.

Di sini itu mereka untuk ngomong pakai Bhs Inggris itu sulit.

Bahkan terkadang e... saya kan menerapkan pokoknya misalkan

mau izin dari kelas selama pelajaran Bhs Inggris itu menggunakan

Bhs Inggris, gitu. Malah mereka sampai akhirnya ingin ke

belakang aja ah mending nggak usahlah. Itu. Awalnya tu gitu,

mending nggak usahlah, gitu. Mending mereka ngempet gitu kan.

Ya itu, jadi minimal mereka berani berbahasa, terus e... tanpa

mungkin urutannya.. oke nanti kita perbaiki nanti. Berani dulu itu

aja. Berani dan memahami ya itu aja sih.

Concern/ focus

of learning


R25 Oke.. kembali ke buku ini. Kalau dilihat judul-judulnya di tiap bab,

menurut saya sih cukup menarik. Kalau melihat judul, agak bisa

menerka isi bab itu nanti tentang apa. Iya nggak sih mbak?

L25 Kalau pengalaman malah, siswa malah intinya apa ya... Mereka

malah kurang perhatian ke judulnya. Jadi gitu. Misalnya kalau

misalkan kayak congratulations ada yang memang jelas ini ya...

terus "let's start our wall magazine" mereka kurang begitu.. apa..

"itu apa sih.. apa sih" . Malah kurang memperhatikan malah untuk

judulnya... siswanya itu. Ada beberapa yang iya, menggambarkan

jelas isinya tentang apa. Ada beberapa yang mungkin... kayak

misalkan "Let's start our wall magazine" ini apa ya? Ada beberapa

yang iya tapi ada juga beberapa yang 'ini apa ya?' Itu. Seperti ini

kan.. "Everybody is always in the middle of something"..

R26 Kita nggak bisa menerka poin apa yang harus diajarkan.?

L26 Iya.. kalu misalnya baca ininya... judulnya. Jadi tetep harus

membaca content-content-nya.. isinya tuh apa.

R26 E... kalau boleh tahu kapan terakhir kali Mbak Lidia membaca

rumusan KD yang disediakan di silabus?

L26 Kapan terakhir kali... e... waktu ini... waktu MGMP... Nggak tiap

mau ngajar lihat KD nya. Bahkan kita..apa.. e.. kalau saya pribadi

sih, jujur ya, e... KD itu... e... kita hanya oh ya.. paling awal oh ya

garis besarnya ini. Tapi kalau misalkan untuk disuruh mempelajari

atau apa itu aduh...[tertawa]



R27 Jadi langsung lihat materi di buku?

L27 Iya.. kita dah nggak fokus ke sini gitu kan.. He'eh, ke situ, materi

apa yang ada di buku, terus ya itu dia... gimana caranya

menyampaikan anak-anak, gimana caranya anak-anak itu mudeng




apa nggak ya... Gitu. Intinya itu sih.

R28 O ya, kemarin Pak Eka bilang materi tambahan selain buku teks

itu ada materi tambahan dari MGMP. Kalau Mbak Lidia memakai

materi dari MGMP juga nggak Mbak?

L28 Itu.. nah itu masalahnya. Yang aneh tuh di situ. E.. untuk yang

kelas 7(materi latihan soal MGMP) ada, tapi malah yang kelas 9

itu sampai... kan.. e... saya targetnya itu untuk UN ya, yang kelas 9

itu sampai sekarang malah belum ada. Makanya kita bingung itu

nanti UN-nya itu seperti apa... kan kalau yang sebelum-sebelumnya

kan itu kita sudah tahu ya. Cuma ini kan banyak dialognya ya..terus

nanti bentuknya itu seperti apa, kita sama sekali belum ada

gambaran. Dialog nanti keluar atau nggak, lalu seperti apa ininya...

seperti itu. Ada kisi-kisi cuma... sama seperti tahun kemarin..


R29 Jadi sementara ini yang Mbak Lidia siapkan untuk persiapkan UN

masih mengacu ke kisi-kisi yang ada?

L29 Masih mengacu ke situ. Masih sama seperti tahun kemarin. Sama

invitation, announcement... terus apa narrative-descriptive, terus

gambaran umum seperti itu. Makanya apakah soalnya sama tipenya

atau berbeda..


R30 Kira-kira kisi-kisi yang tersedia itu banyak nyenggol ke materi di

buku ini nggak Mbak?

L30 E... kalau yang saya lihat sih untuk beberapa bab pertama nggak.

Paling mungkin menyenggol mulai yang bab 10 itu kan sudah

masuk ke... namanya.. ada narrative ada past tense di situ ya.. terus

itu ada label, label aja paling kalau misalkan... biasa ditanyakan

cuma e.. purpose-nya tujuannya, sementara nggak sampai yang

menganalisa bahannya apa, untuk apa, fungsinya apa... itu.

Harusnya kan dianalisa kan. Tapi ada juga yang... mungkin hanya

beberapa sih.. yang betul-betul akan digunakan untuk ujian

nasional, kalau yang sesuai dengan yang sebelumnya.


R31 Sampai sejauh ini Mbak Lidia mengkaver chapter berapa Mbak, 6?

Eh.. 8?

L31 Kalau untuk yang kelas A baru mau masuk ke chapter 7. Yang kelas

B baru masuk ke chapter 6.

R32 Oh ya... yang kelas B agak tertinggal ya?

L32 Banget.. makanya... tertinggal.. Saya... kalau misalkan target A dan

B sama sih nggak. Soalnya kembali lagi itu.. yang kelas.. kelas B

itu paling hanya 1-2 anak. Kalau misalkan yang lainnya itu

jangankan kelas B, kelas A pun sama sih sebenernya. Ada yang

sebenernya sama-sama mereka itu bener-bener jadi kayak..ya...

nggak mudeng ya nggak mudeng. Memang ada yang seperti itu.

Jadi ya.. nah itu dia. Karena kita memang bingungnya di situ.

Cuma kembali e.. apa kita meninggalkan yang slow learner lalu

mengutamakan yang ini gitu. Kalau yang tahun kemarin itu

lumayan,.. jadi ada pemisahan. Jadi e... dikelompokkan antara...

memang yang pinter sekali di kelas A, lalu yang lemah di kelas B,

lalu yang bermasalah di kelas C. Jadi kita bener-bener fokus yang

kelas C itu penanganannya khusus. Tapi karena ini cuma dua kelas,

tadinya mau kita pisah cuma akhirnya kok kalau dipisah nanti





berpengaruh ke dampak psikologis mereka... merasa apa...

akhirnya ya udah tetep disamakan. Ya itu jadi untuk gurunya juga

jadi agak sulit juga sih. Jadi memang ada yang pinter di kelas B,

yang pinter di kelas A juga ada, yang kurang di kelas A dan B juga


R33 Jumlah kelas A berapa Mbak Lidia?

L33 Kelas A sih 22. B 19

R34 Apa sampai sekarang kelas A itu didominasi lulusan SD Pius?

L34 E... iya, selama ini seperti itu. He'eh... makanya dari beberapa

tahun yang lalu sih... dari 2 tahun jalan yang lalu itu dipisah-

dipisah jadi kelas 9-nya dipisah jadi 3 kelas. Itu kan sempat ada

pro-kontra. Tapi ya oke akhirnya kita jelaskan, mereka terima. Nah

baru tahun ini kembali lagi tetep nggak ada pemisahan.

R35 Mengenai kosakata lagi, Mbak. Kosakata dari chapter 1 sampai

chapter 7 yang sudah ter-cover itu selama mengajar bab 1-7

seberapa sering anak-anak membuka kamus atau bertanya vocab.

Sering sekali atau....

L35 Sering sekali. Memang kosakatanya masih sulit untuk anak-anak

SMP Pius.


R36 Rata-rata satu bab terselesaikan dalam berapa meeting ya mbak?

L36 Nggak bisa diratakan sih. Misalkan untuk chapter 1 ini kan

memang pengulangan ya. Ini congratulating... gitu-gitu kan... itu

apa namanya pengulangan dari yang kelas 8, itu cepet. Lumayan

cepet. Tapi ada beberapa chapter yang mungkin mereka cukup

lama. Apalagi di sini... ini yang chapter... yang paling lama itu yang

chapter 6.


R37 Dalam pengajaran satu chapter itu apakah selalu ada materi

untuk...e.. atau aktivitas speaking untuk mereka?

L37 E... kalau saya, saya usahakan. Jadi itu... targetnya memang, apa

namanya, apalagi kelas 9 kan… banyak... cuma memang saya agak

bingung untuk yang ini... kalau yang untuk yang KTSP kan

memang sudah jelas. Hanya mereview nanti mereka udah sampai...

udah banyak konsultasi, banyak pengetahuan, misalkan e... ikut

ini[rekaman tidak jelas], mereka ini.. bahkan sampai debating juga

itu sempet gitu. Tapi kalau misalkan ini kemarin baru drama, drama

yang pake conversation mereka sendiri itu sama yang ini yang

[rekaman tidak jelas], itu.


R38 Kemudian kalau aktivitas writingnya, apakah sudah ada cukup di

tiap bab?

L38 Kalau untuk yang writing sih selama ini saya buat... jadi anak-anak

itu seperti menulis, apa namanya, setiap minggu mereka

menuliskan satu. Jadi ada writing workbook. Jadi itu. Jadi selain

memang latihan dari kita lalu mereka.. apa... saya bilang bebas

tentang... apa namanya... hal kesukaan, tentang hoby, tentang

apa...tentang apa...


R39 Setiap minggu?

L39 Satu minggu satu. Saya bilang, itu nggak akan ditagih setiap

pertemuannya cuma mereka wajib mengumpulkan setiap akhir




R40 Hmm... menarik. Jadi mereka punya satu buku khusus hasil karya

menulis mereka. Dinilai nggak, Bu?

L40 Iya, dinilai. Sebagai tambahan. Mungkin mau dilihat satu, salah


R41 Boleh sepertinya bagus... asyik kalau bisa ikut lihat

Interview day 4

March 29, 2016

School‘s ―pendopo‖

08.46 – 09.15

After waiting for several months, at last I managed to meet Bu Lydia again to have this

interview. It was conducted by the end of the second semester, so I hoped to get sort of a

closing story to complete the previous gathered stories.

Bu Lydia, as usual, greeted me cheerfully. She said that the principle‘s lounge was locked

and the key was hold by a colleague who was not around. So we decided to talk in the

school‘s ―pendopo‖. It was noisy because it was located by the basketball yard where several

students were playing basketball. Yet, we thought it was the best place for us to talk. After

all, having an outdoor interview, with my worries of having recording with low quality, was

better than having indoor interviews in the same room.

R1 Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya kita ketemu lagi nih mbak

L1 [laugh] iya…akhirnya .. ini semester ini sudah mau selesai

R2 Oh sebentar lagi UN juga ya mbak?

L2 Iya. Sebentaaar lagi.

R3 Wah, UN sudah sangat dekat berarti semua materi sudah hampir

selesai diajarkan ya? Atau malah sudah selesai semua?

L3 Sedikiit lagi. Misalkan yang kemarin itu sih yang kelas 9 nya itu

saya usaha khusus. Ekstra betul. Yang kelas 9 saya usahakan

semua anak-anak bisa dan sudah fotokopi bukunya, jadi silakan

belajar di rumah di sekolah tinggal untuk pembahasan. Jadi paling

nggak di rumah tu mereka ini lo.. baca.. oh iya ini lo… cari kata-

kata sulit (ditanyakan)… Soalnya kalau misalkan di sekolah untuk

memahami bacaan tu membuang waktu. Trus di sekolah tinggal

pembahasan aja atau saya kasih materi tambahan. Itu pun apa itu

pun ini saya targetnya bulan ini …Maret ini. Selesai nggak selesai

harus saya ini ... Tinggal dua bab terakhir sih.. terakhir hanya lagu

terus yang bab 13 itu hanya announcement dan sebagainya. Yang

dua bab yang agak susah yang pasif itu udah selesai. Jadi saya

sekarang yakin sih semua bab akan tercapai. Semoga gitu…





decision maker


R4 Akhirnya, sebentar lagi selesai juga satu tahun pemakaian buku ini

ya mbak. Eh, malah seperti kata mbak Lydia dulu, karena ada UN

dan persiapannya, jadi pakai buku ini nggak sampai setahun ding


L4 Iya, nggak sampai setahun ini

R5 Wah, mengingat cerita mbak Lydia tentang masa-masa awal pakai

buku ini, dan perjuangan yang mesti dilakukan, sepertinya pakai

buku ini jadi seru, semacam ada kesan tersendiri gitu buat



pemakainya. Iya nggak sih mbak?

L5 Apa yaa… kalau utk terkesannya sih… terkesan dalam hal apanya

ya? Mm.. terkesannya itu bukan dalam hal yang ‗wow hebat‘, tapi

terkesannya tu yang ‗loh kok gini ya‘.. terkesan yang seperti itu.

[tertawa] Jadi buku ini mengesankan karena mengejutkan

[tertawa].. Mengejutkan dalam tanda kutip. Loh kok seperti



R6 Hmm gitu ya? Apa ini karena materinya kompleks, seperti mbak

Lydia pernah cerita,, jadi kesan yang muncul adalah ―wow‖ dan

―wah‖ itu ya mbak?

L6 Iya… untuk kelas 9 ya… jadi nggak seimbang. Untuk kelas 8, eh

sorry, yang kelas 7 kan hanya sebatas greeting gitu gitu.. lalu yang

kelas 8 juga itu hanya ada tiga tenses yang diajarkan. Present

tense, present continuous dan past tense trus saya selipkan past

continuous. Lalu yang kelas 9 nya dengan waktu yang hanya

beberapa bulan tu, nggak sampai satu tahun, sudah ada future

continuous, sudah ada perfect dan sebagainya itu untuk kelas 9 nya

itu sangat…kayanya untuk satu buku itu nggak akan mungkin bisa





R7 Setiap kaejadian kan pasti ada hal positifnya, ya setidaknya begitu

yang saya dengar [tertawa]… nah, kalau dari pengalaman pakai

buku ini apa mbak hal yang positif yang bisa diambil?

L7 Eee..mungkin banyak ya [tertawa]. Apa ya? Kalau misalnya

diambil dampak positifnya ini untuk setiap kurikulum tu pasti ya..

pasti ada hal positifnyalah… jadi [silence]…kita tu selalu bisa

belajar hal yang baru, seperti itu .. jadi seperti masalah untuk

penilaian dan sebagainya tu ya kita mencoba ini sih.. kalau yang

ini juga di sini siswa kan dituntut untuk aktif, yang dulu juga sih…

tapi untuk yang ini siswa dituntut aktif dan jadi o iya memang

guru itu harus bisa memancing gitu, nah itu sih. Dan itu nggak

gampang.. anak aja ngomong dalam Bahasa Indonesia aja sulit

apalagi ngomong dalam Bahasa inggris… mungkin tertantangnya

kea rah situ sih. Jadi tantangan yang ada dan hal baru yang dibawa

setiap kurikulum itu mbuat saya jadi harus terus belajar sih.


good sides of

the obstacles

R8 Hmm..membuat siswa berani bicara jadi tantangan besar. Dan

ternyata selama ini menurut mbak Lydia apakah mbak Lydia

berhasil memancing mereka untuk aktif?

L8 Kalau berhasilnya sih dibilang berhasilnya juga ya nggak tau juga

ya.. Cuma untuk beberapa anak yaaa.. ya cukup.. ya cukup. Tapi

memang ada juga beberapa anak yang nggak mau ini… Ya sama

sih, nggak bisa..nggak bisa berhasil ke semua. Cuma mereka sudah

mulai belajar, intinya apa sih? Usaha dulu gitu lo. Masalah bener

atau salahnya tu saya selalu tekankan itu urusan nanti. Yang

penting kamu mulai belajar aktif, belajar untuk berani




students‟ limit;

R9 Menurut Mbak Lydia tadi buku ini memberi kesan tersendiri, tapi

dalam hal yang mengejutkan dalam tanda kutip tadi, dan buku teks

ini sebenarnya membawa banyak tantangan buat bu eh mbak

Lydia. Dengan tantangan-tantangan yang ada, ada rasa pesimis

juga nggak sih mbak?



L9 Saaaangat [tersenyum]… apalagi yang kelas 9. Sangat.. sempat nggak yakin, bisa nggak ya nyelesaiin ini, materi-materi ini. Bisa

nggak ya ngajarkan materi begini ke anak-anak biar mereka

paham. Apalagi dengan materi ini ya.. kalau dulu yang KTSP tu

sampaiterakhir sudah diajarkan perfect.. jadi bener2 runtut dari

awal tu sudah masuk present tense, dari semester satu.. la ini

sementara lima bab pertama tu conversation, conversation dan

conversation. Baru bab selanjutnya baru masuk ke yang present

tense. Nah seperti itu, nah kelas 9 nya harus menguasai semuanya

itu itu yang.. padahal tahun depan tu kelas 9 saya ini tu lebih

rendah daripada yang sekarang. Makanya saya mikir duh tahun

depan tu .. saya bilang Pak Eka ‗ pak Eka tahun depan tu trus piye

pak?‘.. haduh pak bisa nggak ya anak2nya? Saya yang stress ini

[tertawa] … kata pak Eka, ‗ rasah stress Miss.. tetep wae..‘.. Itu,

saya mbayangin tahun depan tu bisa nggak ya? Semacam itulah.


R10 Tapi menjelang UN ini ternyata mbak Lydia tinggal sedikit lagi

bisa menyelesaikan materi ini, dan saya kira berhasil membuat

semua materi tersampaikan dengan baik, membuat siswa paham..

Apa mbak Lydia masih merasakan kepesimisan tadi?


Eeee… kalau misalkan mau jujur, ada sedikit misal mungkin

sedikit rasa seneng gitu pada saat mereka berhasil.. tapi terus

selanjutnya saya juga lebih concern untuk anu.. anak2 tertentu ..

ini gimana ya? Soalnya kesannya tu kayak gimana ya, pokok e

kalian ini terus coba pahami, aktiflah, Cuma yang nggak bisa tetep

nggak bisa… Jadi lebih mikir, nggak semua satu kelas tu bisa

mudeng. Dan itu tu.. bukan.. saya masih merasa tu saya di situ

masih belum berhasil. Ketok e kalau satu kelas itu memang

paham, nah ituu… Susah bangeeet [tertawa]



R11 Tapi saya lihat dengan memakai buku ini,karena banyaknya

tantangan dalam mengajarkan, mbak Lydia jadi terpacu untuk

lebih kritis, memikirkan bagaimana caranya menyampaikan ini ke

anak biar paham. dan saya kira lebih kreatif juga karena selalu

mencari cara bagaimana membuat ini tersampaikan dengan baik

dan menarik. Mbak Lydia merasa seperti itu kah?

L11 [tersenyum] Iya.. mungkin gitu ya. Karena memudahkan yang

sulit tu duh… orang yang pasif aja saya tu juga agak ketinggalan

harus dipelajari di kelas… padahal ni, seperti dulu saya bilang,

harusnya materi SMA. Soalnya pasif voice kan berarti semua jenis

harus menguasai kan.. ya itu.. nah itu sih masalahnya paling



R12 Wah, itu boleh lo mbak membanggakan diri atas pencapaian yang

berhasil dibuat, apa yang bisa mbak Lydia banggakan dalam

memakai buku ini?

L12 Apa iya ya? [tertawa].. wah saya ini minderan, jadi nggak tahu apa

ya yang bisa dibanggakan?

R13 Iya, cobalah mbak

L13 Apa ya? [terdiam sebentar].. malah bingung.. soalnya saya tipe

yang minder [tertawa].. mm ya paling itu sih, minimal sebagian

besar anak sudah mulai nggak takut lagi. Mereka mulai aktif.

Cuma itu aja.. selain itu saya nggak tahu [tertawa]




R14 Semester dua ini sudah hampir selesai; dan hampir setahun



memakai buku ini. Ada kesan tersendiri nggak sih mbak?

L14 Kalau itu mungkin lebih ke ini sih..saya jadi belajar yang namanya

kalau misalkan orang kan taunya ah jadi guru itu gampang, tinggal

hapalan. Asal tau materinya, tinggal ngajar, udah selesai. Padahal

pada kenyataannya juga nggak sesimpel itu, guru tu bener2 harus

belajar. Karena yang kita tangani tu bukan mesin. Itu murid.

Bahkan kadang satu anak penanganannya berbeda. Apalagi

kurikulum ganti2. Apa yang ada di buku juga berarti ganti, materi

ganti, penyampaiannya juga bisa ganti kan. Ganti kurikulum ya

berarti belajar lagi.. teruuus belajar. Ya itulah guru, jadi bukan

hanya bagaimana kita mendeliver ilmu, tapi bagaimana biar

mereka tu nggak hanya sekedar bisa.. tapi apa ya biar ilmu yang

kita berikan tu bisa terus mereka ingat dan itu bisa berguna bagi

mereka. Belajar memahami mereka… soalnya ada anak2 yang..

apalagi Bahasa inggris ya termasuk mapel yang ditakutin. Beda

sama Bahasa Indonesia dan kesenian… jadi kadang anak2 tu

―aaaa…[nada kecewa]‖.. ―nggak suka ah Bahasa inggris‘, bahkan

gurunya pun kadang jadi dibenci. Nah itu tu tantangan, gimana

caranya biar anak itu nggak takut lagi gitu.. nggak harus(anak)

menyenangi (Bahasa Inggris) sih, tapi minimal membuat anak

nggak takut, anak bisa menerima pelajaran itu hal yang bener2

proses pembelajaran yang penting.. apalagi kan jaman selalu

berubah, cepat sekali. Ini juga penilaian harus serba ada

aplikasinya, itu gimana caranya bisa.. sekarang nilai untuk kurtilas

kan aplikasi semua, apalagi untk yang guru wali kelas tu,.. sudah

tu.. Jadi ya itu, selalu proses pembelajarn, buat saya terutama.



knowing one


R15 Pada pemakaian kurikulum sebelumnya, apakah mbak Lydia juga

berpikir hal yang sama seperti diutarakan tadi?

L15 Eeee dari awal memang iya.. ee bagaimana caranya mencari

materi yang mereka senengin gitu.. misalkan untuk hanya sekedar

lagu aja, gimana sih caranya biar lagu itu mereka suka gitu.. dan

tapi sekarang di pemakaian buku ini lebih lagi sih usahanya.. dan

ternyata wah ganti kurikulum aja sudah wah sudah merubah

segalanya gitu…




R16 Apa mbak Lydia merasa selama pemakaian kurtilas ini jadi lebih


L16 Kreatif yang dipaksakan, tepatnya [tertawa]… iya… enggak

terpaksa sih, saya sih menikmati.. materinya yang ada membuat

saya harus mencari cara yang tepat menyampaikan ke anak2 di sini

biar mereka paham. Cuma yang bikin saya terpaksa sih

penilaiannya [tertawa]…ini apaan sih nggak penting amat. Itu sih

yang paling saya benci tu penilaiannya. Kalau materinya masih

bisa di itulah.. itu tergantung ke kitanya ya… mau kita saklek atau

menambahkan sesuatu tu nggak terlalu ini… tapi yang penilaian tu

ah enggaklah


R17 Apa kabar anak2 kelas 9 menjelang akhir semester ini mbak?

Kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya sudah ada perkembangan?

L17 Kalau masalah kemampuan sih dari awal saya selalu percaya sih

kalau mereka tu bisa, Cuma memang, dan tu saya selalu tekankan

kalian tu sebenarnya bisa. Cuma yang say ini tu gimana caranya

Belief about




ini..anak jaman sekarang apa yak arena terlalu dimanjakan atau gimana. Malah tiap ulangan mereka selalu tanya, remidinya kapan,

Karen dengan remidi tu merek bisa dapat nilai KKM, minimal 75.

Mungkin dengan cara seperti itu, jadi mereka juga ya sekolah ya

seenaknya dan sebagainya.. nha itu yang sampai sekarang saya

belum bisa tu memotivasi mereka .. untuk mereka tum au terus

bicara. Mereka tu mau.. memang kalau pas ada saya mau… Cuma,

yang mereka mau berusahanya itu yang sampai sekarang tu belum.

Diapakke ya anak2ku.. dipiyekke yo.. nggak tau lah… dari cara

halus pun… mereka selalu ada pikiran ‗ora bise ye ora bise..‘ nah

itu, itu yang sampai sekarang saya nggak bisa.

R18 Saya ingat ketika mbak Lydia cerita tentang ketika pertama kali

kurtilas diterapkan di sekolah ini buku teks tidak tersedia dan

harus pinjam dari sekolah pak Santo, eks guru PIUS. Apa sih yang

membuat mbak Lydia ,dalam tanda kutip, niat mencari buku

sendiri, kok nggak nunggu sampai buku datang saja?

L18 Jelas iya..jelas mesti niat itu [tertawa].. kalaupun kita nggak gitu

saya mikirnya kalau anak2 UTS UAS,belajar materinya dari

mana? jadi gimana caranya tetep dilakukan…lagipula waktu itu

kalau mau download juga kita cari2 nggak ada, nggak nemu…

kesel juga sih.. ini kok kenapa ini diterapkan, dipaksakan tapi kok

nggak ada bukunya. Bahkan sampai sekarang pun ada yang buku

maple IPA tunggak ada. Tapi untungnya di MGMP tu

menyediakan e-book.. Cuma ya itu kendalanya bagaimanapun juga

anak harus punya buku itu yang mereka bawa pulang… kalau

pinjam di sini lalu diambil lagi setelah pelajaran, jadi mereka tu

jadi nggak bisa belajar di rumah.. duh.. Kalau yang kurikulum lalu

kan ada ya bukunya mereka bawa pulang selama setahun baru

kembali setelah kenaikan kelas.. kalau sekarang… jadi merek itu

hanya di sekolah saja memegang buku itu.






R19 Ini untuk konfirmasi lagi, mbak. Kalau ada yang salah, mohon

dikoreksi. Smp pius menerapkan kurtilas bukan sebagai sekolah

sasaran, bukan juga sebagai sekolah imbas, jadi sekolah yang mau

nggak mau memakai kurtilas karena pemerintah daerahnya

mewajibkan semua sekolah memakai kurtilas. Benar begitu,


L19 He em.. iya benar… dan masalah buku ini, kesediaan buku ini.

Dan ternyata waktu kumpul2 sekolah dulu itu ternyata semua

sekolah swasta nggak dapat bukunya.. kalau yang negri dapat..

nggak tau itu, apa masalh jatah atau apa.. pemerintah pemalang aja

sih yang memaksakan.. sebel… kasihan anak-anak.



R20 Ini pertanyaan terakhir. Saya kira, ini nampaknya juga pertanyaan

yang saya ulang lagi, biar mantap [tertawa]

L20 Oke [tertawa]… pertanyaan apa itu?

R21 Kalau diberi kesempatan membanggakan diri, lagi, masih terkait

dengan pemakaian buku ini, apa yang akan mbak Lydia katakan?

L21 Wah apa ya? [tertawa…pause] ].. eee saya kira .. saya jadi lebih

memikirkan … beda lo kemampuan anak di kota besar dengan di

sini. Kalau di kota besar saya yakin, mancing sedikit saja mereka

sudah casciscus banyak.. kalau di sini duuuh.. bahkan mereka yang



di kota besar kadang bisa jauh dari yang kita ekspektasikan. La kalau di sini mereka yang sederhana saja nggak bisa.. nah itu

memang bener2 jadi ekstra mikir gimana caranya gimana caranya

gitu.. Memang guru dituntut kreatif,… di sini kerasa sekali kerja

kerasnya, piye carane… piyecarane itu tadi.


R22 Sip… Oke, sepertinya sudah cukup interviewnya. Jadi ini

interview penutupnya, dan besok pagi saya kembali lagi untuk

membacakan apa yaaa… semacam rangkuman hasil obrolan kita,

dari yang duluuu itu sampai yang hari ini.

L22 Oke, mbak Hening…. Besok pagi jamnya seperti hari ini kan?

R23 Siap. Boleh…jadi besok saya bacakan rangkuman obrolan kita,

lalu kalau ada yang salah atau kurang mbak Lydia bisa mengoreksi

atau menambahi.

L23 Oke…saya juga sudah banyak yang lupa [tertawa]

R24 Iya ya mbak ya [tertawa]. Sudah lamaaa banget kok ya obrolan

kita itu. Baiklah, mbak Lydia. Saya pamit dulu. Terimakasih untuk

hari ini



Appendix 8. Textbook Excerpts: Think Globally Act Locally

1. Cover Page

2. Table of Content

3. Chapter VIII



Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally v

Kata Pengantar ...............................................................................................................iii

Daftar Isi ...............................................................................................................................v

Chapter I. Congratulations! ................................................................................... 1

Chapter II. Let’s start our wall magazine! .........................................................17

Chapter III. What should I do that for? ..............................................................35

Chapter IV. Be healthy, be happy. ...................................................................... 59

Chapter V. This is how you do it. ........................................................................79

Chapter VI. Everybody is always in the middle of something. .............. 107

Chapter VII. What will be will be. ....................................................................... 137

Chapter VIII. We have been to an orphan home.

We went there last Sunday. ....................................................... 145

Chapter IX. You get what you earn! ................................................................ 167

Chapter X. Sangkuriang ..................................................................................... 189

Chapter XI. They are made in Indonesia. ...................................................... 203

Chapter XII. What is it? .......................................................................................... 225

Chapter XIII. Come and visit us! .......................................................................... 251

Chapter XIV. You can always come back home. ............................................ 263

References .................................................................................................................... 271



In this chapter I will learn to communicate past happening

which is related to the present moment, in order

- to share the information with others

- to report the past happening to others

- to give an explanation

CHAPTERWe have been to an

orphan home. We went

there last Sunday.



146 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

You will listen to Udin, Dayu, Lina, Beni, Edo,

and Siti talking about their visit to an orphan

home or ‘orphanage’ to celebrate Dayu’s

birthday and an idea to have another visit

during the Creativity Week next month.

Listen to what they say carefully.

I will dictate the conversation to you, turn

by turn.

Repeat after me, then hand-write the

conversation on a piece of paper. Make sure

you know the meaning of every word and

spell it correctly. Use the punctuation marks

correctly, too.

Underline the actions the people have done

(sudah) or have not done (belum).

While you are writing each sentence, say ‘it’

loudly, correctly and clearly.

Observing & Questioning


Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 147

Below are a conversation about an

exemplary orphan, Riri. Some past actions

or happenings are stated in relation to

situations at the present moment.

Play the roles of the speakers. Say the

speakers’ sentences loudly, correctly and

clearly. First, repeat after me.

Siti: “I think Riri is the most interesting orphan I have ever known. She

is not the oldest of all the children there, but she is very mature.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to talk to her personally. Can

you tell me how she has come to the orphan home?”

Dayu: “Well, I don’t know much about her either, because I have met

her only three times. What I know is that she was an only child.

Her father died when she was a baby, and her mother eight years

ago. She’s been an orphan for eight years, but she’s lived in the

orphanage for only six years now.”

Udin: “Why doesn’t she live with her grandparents?

Dayu: “They both have passed away. Her grandfather died even before

she was born, and her grandmother died six years ago.”

Beni: “Does she not have any uncles or aunts to take care of her?”

Dayu: “She has an uncle, her mother’s brother. Two months after her

grandmother’s death he sent Riri to the orphanage.”

Lina: “Why doesn’t she live with him instead?”

Observing & Questioning


148 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Dayu: “No, his house is very small. He’s a scavenger, and he has !ve

children. He has put Riri there so that she can get better care and

she can also go to a good school.”

Siti: “Does he often visit her?”

Dayu: “Yes, her uncle and his family have visited her a lot of times. They

routinely visit her once a month.”

Udin: “It must be sad to be an orphan and live in an orphan home.”

Dayu: “Riri is sad to be an orphan, but she’s not a gloomy kid, you know.

As you see, she is a cheerful and friendly girl. She has even shown

her great care for other needy children like her.”

Siti: “What do you mean?”

Dayu: “Early last year, the orphanage started a charity group. It consists

of all the orphans there who already sit in senior and junior

high schools. She has participated very actively in the group’s

activities. They have made handicrafts and sold them. They have

used the pro!t to help street children and poor families. The

program has run for almost two years now.”

Beni: “Wow! That’s amazing. I’ve never thought of that before. I

thought that the kids in orphan homes were sad kids who needed

our help. But they help other people instead.”

Edo: “What have they done for street children?”

Dayu: “They have done one thing for street children and one thing for

poor families. To celebrate the 15th birthday of the orphanage,

they gave thirty street children twenty thousand rupiahs

each. Early this month they went to some poor families in the

neighbourhood and gave each family a gift containing sugar,

cooking oil, and rice.”

Observing & Questioning


Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 149

Work in your group. The incomplete paragraph below

is about Riri. Fill in the blank spaces with suitable

information according to the speakers’ statements in

the conversation above.

Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Make sure

you know the meaning of every word and spell it

correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too.

While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly,

and correctly.

Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to


The !rst two sentences have been done for you. First,

copy the examples.

For eight years, Riri has been an orphan. She has lived in the orphanage for six

years. She _________________________ there because she has no relative

to take care of her. Her grandparents _________________________. Her only

relative is an uncle from her mother’s side. He is a scavenger, and his house is

very small. He has �ve children. He _________________________ because

he wants her to get better care and to go to a good school. We know that

her uncle and his family love her because _________________________.

Riri is very caring. She is an active member of the charity group of the

orphanage founded early last year. She _________________________

in the group’s activities. She and the other members of the group

_________________________ and _________________________. The

charity group _________________________ for street children. On the

orphanage’s 15th birthday, they gave each child twenty thousand rupiahs.

They also _________________________. Early this month they gave each

family a gift containing sugar, cooking oil, and rice.

Observing & Questioning


150 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

The table below shows you that every verb has four

di!erent forms, and to state an action that you ‘have

done’ (sudah) or you ‘have not done’ (belum), you use

the form of the verb in the last column.

Put all the main verbs you have learned in this

chapter, from the "rst text to the last one, into the

table, in all the four forms.

Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Make sure

you know the meaning of every word and spell it

correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too.

While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly,

and correctly.

Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to


Some examples have been done for you. First, copy

the examples.

No. to– Present Past After HAVE

1 to visit visit visited [have] visited

2 to be is/am/are was/were [have] been

3 to meet meet had [have] met

4 to have have had [have] had





Observing & Questioning


Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 151

Below are a number of question-and-

answer interactions related to the

conversation above.

Play the roles of the speakers. Say the

speakers’ sentences loudly, correctly and

clearly. First, repeat after me.

Conversation 1:

Siti: “How many times have you visited the orphan home?”

Dayu: “Five times. I went there three times last year, in January, August,

and October. This year I have been there twice. I went there in

January and last week.”

Conversation 2:

Lina: “You have come to the orphan home !ve times. What have you

done there?”

Dayu: “I have just followed my parents. They are regular donors to the

orphan home. They have donated a lot of money, things, and gifts

to the orphanage. Last year they donated a white-board and 5

English-Indonesian dictionaries.”

Conversation 3:

Dayu: “Riri, how long have you lived here in this orphan home?”

Riri: “For about six years. I came here in 2008.”

Observing & Questioning


152 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Conversation 4:

Udin: “Have you talked to every child in the orphan home?”

Dayu: “No. I have talked only to some of them. I have talked to Riri three

times, but not personally.”

Conversation 5:

Beni: “Why haven’t you talked to Riri personally?”

Dayu: “I haven’t had a chance. And, lately, she has been very busy.”

Conversation 6:

Edo: “Why haven’t most of us seen an orphanage?”

Dayu: “Because we have never had a program to do in an orphanage.”

Conversation 7:

Dayu: “What has your sister done in an orphan home?”

Lina: “She has taught the young children to read and write.”

Conversation 8:

Dayu’s mother: “Have your friends planned to go to an orphanage?”

Dayu: “Not really. But we have talked about it.”

Observing & Questioning


Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 153

Work in your group. The question-and-answer

interactions between Dayu and Riri below are

incomplete. Fill in the blank spaces with suitable

questions or answers.

Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Make sure

you know the meaning of every word and spell it

correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too.

While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly,

and correctly.

Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to


The !rst two interactions have been done for you.

First, copy the examples.

Conversation 1:

Dayu: “Riri, ____________________________________________?”

Riri: “For eight years now. My father died when I was a baby, and my

mother died eight years ago.”

Conversation 1:

Dayu: “How long have you been an orphan?”

Riri: “For eight years now. My father died when I was a baby, and my

mother died eight years ago.”

Conversation 2:

Dayu: “Why don’t you live with your grandparents?”

Riri: “________________________________. My grandfather died even

before I was born, and my grandmother died six years ago.”

Collecting Information


154 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Conversation 2:

Dayu: “Why don’t you live with your grandparents?”

Riri: “Because they have passed away. My grandfather died even before I

was born, and my grandmother died six years ago.”

Conversation 3:

Dayu: “________________________________________________?”

Riri: “For about six years. I came here in 2008.”

Conversation 4:

Dayu: “How have you come to this orphanage?”

Riri: “_________________________________________________.”

Conversation 5:

Dayu: “________________________________________________?”

Riri: “Never. He has !ve children and his house is very small.”

Conversation 6:

Dayu: “Have your uncle and his family visited you this year?”

Riri: “____________________________________. They visit me

routinely once a month.”

Conversation 7:

Dayu “________________________________________________?”

Collecting Information


Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 155

Riri: “Yes, I have joined it since it was founded early last year.”

Conversation 8:

Dayu: “What have you done to get the money for the needy?”

Riri: “_________________________________________________.”

Conversation 9:

Dayu: “________________________________________________?”

Riri: “We have given them money. Last year we gave thirty street

children twenty thousand rupiahs each.”

Conversation 10:

Dayu: “What have you done for some poor families in the


Riri: “_________________________________________________.”

Collecting Information


156 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

I will lead you to re!ect on what

you are learning now. Complete

the statements in the box.

Now I know that the verb for an action that we have

done or we have not done consists of two words,

HAVE (in the right form for the subject) and the

main verb in the last column.

For example ... (get some statements from the texts

you have learned).

In questions, the word order is reversed. For

example, ... (get some questions from the texts you

have learned).



Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 157

Statements from the !rst


Moment related to the


1. Dayu, I really enjoyed our visit to

the orphan home last week.Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

2. It was really a good idea to

celebrate your birthday there.Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

3.It was really fun. Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

4. We all had a good time with the

orphans there.Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

5. They were very happy too. Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

6. I have visited the orphanage !ve

times so far.Up to now

7. No wonder you and the kids

seemed to know each other very


Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

Work in your group. Below are 19 sentences about

past actions or happenings in the !rst conversation.

Pay close attention to the statement of time related

to each action or happening in the last column,

either one point of time in the past (for example, last

week in Dayu’s birthday) or up to now (the time of


Hand-write your work on a piece of paper to copy

the table. Make sure you know the meaning of every

word and spell it correctly. Use the punctuation

marks correctly, too.

While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly,

and correctly.

Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to




158 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

8. Although I have been there !ve

times,Up to now

9. I haven’t met each one of them

quite closely.Up to now

10. I have met Riri three times, Up to now

11. but I haven’t had a chance to talk

to her personally.Up to now

12. She has been very busy lately. Up to now

13. I have never been to an

orphanage even once.Up to now

14. I couldn’t come to your birthday, Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

15. so I missed the chance to go to

other orphan home.Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

16. Our class has never had a

program for children in an orphan


Up to now

17. My sister has just been to an

orphanage, too.Up to now

18. Last week her class went to the

orphan home on Jalan Patimura

to bring them some new books

for the library.

Last week

19. My sister has come there twice to

teach the young children to read

and write.

Up to now



Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 159

Work in your group. Below are 20 sentences

about past actions or happenings in the students’

conversation about Riri. In the last column, write

down either one point of time in the past or ‘up to now’.

Hand-write your work on a piece of paper to copy

the table. Make sure you know the meaning of every

word and spell it correctly. Use the punctuation marks

correctly, too.

While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly,

and correctly.

Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to


The !rst two items have been done for you. First, copy

the examples.

Statements from the !rst

conversationMoment related to the action

1. I think Riri is the most interesting

orphan I have ever known. Up to now

2. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a

chance to talk to her personally. Last week (in Dayu’s birthday)

3. Can you tell me how she has

come to the orphan home?

4. Well, I don’t know much about her

either, because I have met

her only three times.

5. What I know is that she was an

only child.

6. Her father died when she was a

baby, and her mother eight years


7. She’s been an orphan for eight




160 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

8. but she’s lived in the

orphanage for only six years


9. They both have passed away.

10. Her grandfather died even

before she was born,

11. and her grandmother died six

years ago.

12. Two months after her

grandmother’s death he sent

Riri to the orphanage.

13. He has put Riri there so that

she can get better care and she

can also go to a good school.

14. her uncle and his family have

visited her a lot of times.

15. She has even shown her great

care for other needy children

like her.

16. Early last year, the orphanage

started a charity group.

17. She has participated very

actively in the group’s


18. They have made handicrafts

and sold them.

19. They have used the pro!t to

help street children and poor


20.The program has run for

almost two years now.



Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 161

All the verbs between brackets in the sentences below

refer to actions or happenings in the past, related

either to the time when they happened or the present

moment. Put the verbs in the correct forms according

to the contexts.

Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Make sure

you know the meaning of every word and spell it

correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too.

While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly,

and correctly.

Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to


The !rst conversation has been done for you. First,

copy the example.

Conversation 1:

Siti: Hi Lina. I heard that you (visit) Cinta Kasih orphan home yesterday?

Lina: Yes, I did. Finally. I’m very happy now that I (meet) them. They are

happy kids. I want to know them better. I think I can learn a lot

from them.

Siti: Good on you. Let’s visit them again soon.

Conversation 1:

Siti: Hi Lina. I heard that you visited Cinta Kasih orphan home yesterday?

Lina: Yes, I did. Finally. I’m very happy now that I have met them. They are

happy kids. I want to know them better. I think I can learn a lot from


Siti: Good on you. Let’s visit them again soon.



162 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Conversation 2:

Udin: Beni, let’s take our friends at the orphan home to Ujung Genteng

this holiday.

Beni: That sounds a good idea. I (never, be) there before. Have you?

Udin: Yes, I have. I (go) there last year, but I would love to go again with

you guys. The beach there is so beautiful and quiet. I’m sure you’ll

love it.

Conversation 3:

Edo: Dayu, (you, contact) Riri? Yesterday you (promise) to call her to tell

her where she could buy material for handicrafts.

Dayu: No, I haven’t. I completely (forget). Thanks for reminding me about

that, Edo. I’ll call her right away.

Edo: That’s better. So that you will not forget again.

Conversation 4:

Lina: Nani told me that she didn’t have any relatives at all. I feel sorry for


Dayu: It’s true. She doesn’t have any relatives, but her father has one

close friend, uncle Malik. He and his family often visits Nani. This

year they (visit) Nani 5 times.

Lina: Good to hear that. I (think) she was completely alone.

Conversation 5:

Edo: I didn’t know that kids at orphanage are cheerful and friendly kids.

It turns out that they are happy and smart.



Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 163

Beni: Not only that. They (help) other kids, too. I think we should do

something like that, too. So far we (be) busy thinking only about


Edo: Yes, you’re right. Let’s think about something that we can do to

help the orphans and other needy children.

Conversation 6:

Udin: Siti, let’s visit our friends at the orphanage again. Before we left,

I (tell) them I would visit them again soon. I want to keep my


Siti: Let’s go this weekend. I (never, hear) from them since Dayu’s

birthday last month. I’m sure Dayu, Lina, Beni, and Edo would like

to go with us.

Udin: I think so. Let’s !nd them and ask them to go with us.



164 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Work in your group.

a. Discuss (1) what you have done or (2) what you

have not done in the three situations below.

b. State explicitly at least three actions that you

do/do not do, or you did/did not do, including

the time when you do/did them.

The situations:

1. Now I can speak English or I can speak English a

little, or I cannot speak English

2. I am prepared or I am not prepared for my !nal


3. I know a lot or I know very little or I do not

know about my neighbours.

4. I am useful or I am not useful for other people.

Hand-write your sentences on a piece of paper. Make

sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it

correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too.

While you are writing, say your sentences loudly,

clearly, and correctly.

Use a dictionary. If you have any problem, come to


One example is given to you. First, copy the example.

Then, put your work on the wall so that the others

in your class can see your sentences. Discuss your

sentences with them.



Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 165

1. Now I can speak English or I can speak English a little, or I cannot speak


This is what you may write:

Now I can speak English a little because I have tried to use English with my

teacher and friends.

1) I greet my teacher and friends in English.

2) Everyday I try my best to use English with my English teacher.

3) All the way to school this morning, I tried to talk to Budi in English.

4) Just now I asked my teacher the English word for ‘melamun’. It is


5) I answered all my teacher’s questions in English today.



166 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

My Journal

I have just learnt to




The activities I like most were




The activities I found most di!cult were




What I need to do better is/are




In your journal, write your

re"ection about your learning

this chapter.


