Teach us UK Q&A



The Roamler team tried answering your questions. And it proved to be difficult...

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Who is this "famous" person?

A: Carl Pilkington from Idiot Abroad

This is a famous sporting venue in the UK. What is its name, what sport is predominantly played here and how many people does it hold?

A: Telcome Dome, football and 35.000?

This is the second largest lake in the Lake District. What is its name?

A: Big Lake (sorry, we don’t know)

Who invented afternoon tea?

A: The British?

Who is this and what is so significant about her?A: Looking a bit like Emma Watson, but she isn’t in this picture, is she?

Who is this person?!

A: The mayor of London, Boris…. ??

This is The Angel of The North. It is in Gateshead ... Which road can it be seen from:A1, A2 or A3.

A: A2

One of the most famous monarchs in British history is King Henry the eighth, do you know how many wives he is famous for having (all on separate occasions)?

A: 5 wives?

What was the original name of the Manchester United Football Club and what was the colour of their kit?

A: MFC or Mancunian, blue?

What is the name of the tower in the photo?

A: Big Ben

Who is this man?

A: Is a standup comedian? Michael something..

Which city skyline is this?

A: Leeds?

What are these guys called?

A: Party people

What is the name of this statue and inwhich part of England is it?

A: We were told it is the Angel of the North and situated in… Scotland?

Who owns a dog like this?

A: The Queen!

In which famous roman city are these famous Baths? And how was it heated?

A: In Bath, heated by the source itself?

What's this?

A: Custard pie?

Who is this English person?

A: Looks like a football coach

Who is this man?

A: No idea, sorry!

What is the name of this famous landmark?

A: the Big Ben and House of Parliaments

Which university in England is the only university with their own railway station?

A: Oxford?

What food item commonly consumed for breakfast is shown in the picture?

A: Croissant?

A typical English post box, what do the letters on the front stand for?

A: Elizabeth Rules?

What sort of water makes the best tea, and why? Hint - the answer us NOT boiled water.

A: Heated water from a private well?

How is a typical cup of tea made in the UK?

A: Black tea, milk and lemon.

Which artist created this?

A: Banksy

Which part of England would this book belong in?A: Wales?

The Union Jack is made up of which other countries' flags?

A: the flag of Scotland, Wales, England and Nothern Ireland

Which of these is not a slang name given to a policeman in Britain?1) bacon2) old bill3) kipper4) Bobby

A: We would go for4, Bobby

What is this quintessentially English alcoholic beverage?

A: euh… strawberry ice tea?

What were the names of the mascots for the London Olympics?

A: Good one! Don’t know.

What is the name of this famous bridge in the north east of England called that is getting struck by lightening ?

A: Sorry, only know the Tower Bridge.

In which area (on the show, not where its set) is this very famous street, on the British Soap Coronation Street?

A: Simpleville? Sorry, don’t know

Name this famous UK landmark

A: Big Ben and House of Parliaments

Who is this?

A: Simon Cowell

Is wine produced in the UK?

A: Yes

Who is the manin this photo and what does he do?

A: Simon Cowel and he is the judge and producer of X-factor and brought us the Spice Girls and One Direction? Right?

Who are these?

A: Spitfires?

This is a chicken that we have with a traditional English Sunday roast, what else do English have in a Sunday roast but chicken?

A: (mashed) potatoesand vegetables?

Why is Big Ben named so?

A: Because it is big.

What is this?

A: Bakewell pudding, as it says in the picture?

Who is this man?What is he famous for?

A: Don’t know

What type of British entertainment is the photo a typical example of?

A: Absurdist play

This is Boris Johnson. What job does he do?

A: He is the mayor of London. Good to know his last name is Johnson.

Who is this well know person or what is their role in the UK?

A: James Cameron, he is prime minister of the UK

Who's this and what sport does he play ?

A: we don’t know but does he play basketball??

This is obviously QE2. But what does "QE2" stand for? Careful, aswhatever answer, it's going to be wrong unless VERY specific!

A: Guess: Queen Elizabeth boat number two?

Who is this?

A: Henry the 4th?

How many MPs are there in the House of Commons?

A: 300 members?

Who is this and what did she do?

A: Margret Thatcher, the IronLady. The first female Prime Minister of the UK.

Who is this man? What is his job?

A: Boris Johnson, mayor of London.

This is a top place to visit in the UK. Where is this?

A: Stonehenge

Which famous English football player is this?

A: David Beckham

Who is this?

A: An Olympic runner, but we don’t know the name.

Who is this famous, British television host?

A: Jonathan Ross

What does this yellow box mean?

A: Don’t stop?

Who is this woman?

A: Does she host a cooking program?

Who is this important person?

A: Boris Johnson, mayor of London.

"You're acting like a real baked bean!" What did I just call you in cockney rhyming slang?

A: Stupid

Despite this industrial past, what other fact makes Sheffield unique amongst all of the UK's major cities?

A: It doesn’t have a river.

Do the UK have landscapes like this if so where is it located?

A: Yes andis it a big city likeManchester?
