TBE LAT-gT NEWS. I MAGNETIC TELBOjBVajHiFoinTAii'A Isoia 8re«a, No.653 Broidwiy. Tm. 0-8*1...


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13110111100 Notiueajh-aVel liAarOalBfl


Jb.kikttra... -., MlWwrbavtn, baen .cpotnled AgcM by .'

, J.we ry ,.tab,.ahmc. ta ia .OHniry,

,. , k.on bandx..*,it.e, kataavw -

.. M v . J lawi ,y iV la* aa .1 -. r **». * " \*'.__!__iaMtoVTk* Mbtvifbat My,, , been ln ,ap..rw..rykMMM

. ,,_¦_.:» a* lepreari.led ln *»*ry r**p*ct-^Vrmar.B4.-U.P.iie..lUf.titn.om'». .'.. c U tt, r» Bia- aai Pin.. 03 ..*« aaaa]

..Baawaj BBd R;..|a...tri.a, *4*

iraSX Moaalr a d La.a Eu Rlnf* aad Pina,

...' Oari.et k.-.. F.ar Klnfi and PinA. flla

_, i..-« A Ear Rlnr arid Pin*. fll

i, « .. -IprbeflS.1 BfA »>'. 41 aae +4

- -.aia.ad and Ckaaed I Ut Haud Bi.rr.eta. fll eaeh;

p-lBtBandH-aoeletl fllearb; bMMmAMB4

.- B-^-V.a 0' carl .... |.-l e .>.'i aaaa Brarateta 01 e. * «

(I.-ya »i-.dia*id8 ac* I-.'t' t-a 4 .. *¦. ¦' -f *>

..ii.el, aadCara '. ,0*. Al a aai; -ir.-al

MW N**Wce. Caral, Oaroel Ir.. fllaark nefla) wlee fl4rs|ldr»n-.Coaal tr. .¦**.Childr*n-.Cr.fBt NcH-kl*.ea .'-".r. ,,'iearh. uan* |' . I j"UmI aletaiae I ha.ue aud P i". flt eaeb oau*l prlee flt,(Maatlaaaen-i Ve»l I beie*. 01 ea. h aai (I ,.rW ?»¦LeokaU -.r l>a«..*.r*otjp*aoi H.n ? (.*. ti; na._l pric* 06.ii-M'^j. 'a He_ Ring* a»e.b nmal r-lr* BAr|-7J....,.r_i_. _i. ,,-i.lnr. -

I.B-AI.. I ar Uluff* 42 .prV.'I.adl*. Far-Rluxa 41 i P»l- "' ¦' r'c-c *4.I.tdlea M'**-^Bu;uj4 M'tai.ato 11 a *ct; uat.al priee fll rt

0*nl>n.eo'e 81»av» Button., la't-ci U lo 01 eaV* ; .a al r» -

01 30 to atiraotl. riie-i'a Sluda, 13 errt. to *>1 a «et. iiaual artee fll t *fUai J-t HratwIrtB. eie* k;Ihlidran'a Fing-rRl.g.. MaaBAatafll MBal MBal rrice 01

Boarf Plna, SOvei.u to fll 3n*arh. fll al p Bi;*t Plua. 01 wi ..I a' p'lce 03..1*4 Eat Hi..*,.. 4 . p*l' u.ijrttalr* 4

. r.H>ibpi<'BflJP*Arl: K.-ya. H

.e, Cbal".-Pti A, t r«*ee. BteelBM CU»pe A A' by e .11 oi tapir*. ioa.1 part* of tb* I .led Va

Ooatlaaae*'* Bcarf PI l 0i>>earh. BMflt 9 81, aa f*taaVw- alI .dlew' raai ...i ^xAlao. (.. II', . l.-.'hpi. afljBjBarl K.l*. B. t

Horklea, Cbal-. Pu a. I loaae. aterifl*-' Cia»p* 4 1il««4).*e*' by i. »il ..rrap:c**i«*uip*rt.of tb* 1 ;ted Nalee

. auadaftae ef. . »t...

Ua-.tiOBC. Atiai. Ag*i 1 f »r tl.e Vati«factiirer».«!io.**..eaadratall. N... 4.5 bmadwey onedoor b*iowl aaal attert.

CbRAIlAi INAH.IKATI'.N i»F SrBIMS FASMIOBB..Mav* Paai.BBa. wUl prrwut .-, MosnaY, Marrh *. a brtl-llaut .ii.piay of Patt«a.i* of all th- UteAt Pabib Facbaobi forl.ad-w Bat Cblldrau. DrrM. at Na. 471 B'«d*lJ, hi- .»'Canal rt N*. 134 rUncLont B orooilin No. JO. ll.oadwayAlbai.y, Mb. l.frZH Cht-.tuut .1. Ih.Udelpbia. andI at ... tie

Braneh*. l<**led io ibe pruinpal eitleii of ihe l n.ted fllB*** a ,d

CaBadaa AUo. w.U b* leadr ith of Marcb. Hpring Numbrr ofMb. DaBOBBav* Uiabibbh Mibbob, o» »».¦'»'»» «_'Ui.uug i.eaily 100 EngTBYingi ef Bonn.U. (.loak., h.e4tea.

Cklldr*n-a O.rn.enta. et.-.-a aplendid nutnber-ouly 3 caiila,flei.t po*t padd. « cenla Yearly, 13 rei.ti._Where ii Brown s u>* French ItEM viUANT

and L' ir.-R Roi.aNo. 13 Broad it, oppoelt* tbe Bntided W arabouie

TRVflB-R for the radical CflOfl ,of Kupture, EBo*Uc Biocklnga, 8bould*r Brarea Abdomlual supportera, Ac Thenalrano Elretrlr, R< |c. erator t* warranted to rur* tipermatrrrh*B iBpotaflCY, 8*mln- i.r.,..* 4c. Call upon or eddreiiDta Ou.ybr t Tii'.ksib, 4 Anc <t.. under Baiuum'. Mu*euin.^PlNEAPPLE DRESSES ("HEt Ktl) WaSH-SII.K..

Piueapp'.e Dreaae* Plald Waah Silk. kc. kc. Ladiei who dr.lrclha haadAort.ert and tbe mo*t uaeful dir.ie* a.a luf-.-imed UiatvVy oan procnra tba abore artlcle at _¦¦ .

FoinTAii'A Isoia 8re«a, No. 653 Broidwiy.Tm. 0-8*1 PosiIllE ( IRE FOR ASTHMA OR

Banai BiTia-SurTerera with tbeat- terrible dUencl ibr-M not

dalay th* trta1 of Hollowat'a Matchixia Pili a ar d Oimtbb^t.Tlier are guarantcad to glre lu a lew daya a perfect aud pernienaai rreedom of brealblng. ____.

iNVETCRATE CORN OP LONO BTAROOWCared bj BanTB'a Ma..»bt(C 8aly«. A. D. How, Harlem. N.t. F*r aale by tbe proprirtor. No M2 Canal rt.; VVeUJ k Co.,8an>*a, W beeler k Hart, and everywbare._^_WlllU.EK A WlI.M.N(«§ SiWINO-MACHISF.8

Al redi.eed prtcaa. witb (ilaar Clolb Preaaer, ImproTed Loop-4'hark. new .tyle Hemmer, Birdcr. Corder Ac. 505 Broadway.

Batciiulor'8 Hair Dye..Ki'liable, Ilarmleaa,and tartantaueooa; BUck or Brown. Farlory. No. 81 Barclay rt.

a.idandaipUtdat BaTcaaroKA WIg Pact«>ry1>io. 1* Boi«l at

OlFPdBJD'B HOMEOPATHIC 8PECIFIC REMEOIESare naed with greal Au.rea.. Th. liit eoriprUea Renedieafortearlyillthe UUthat fleah la b«lr to. Pri-e 24.ei.ta p. r Box.

Paiuir Lbb, Proprlator. No. 5fl Broadway.KixiiiF IN8T.4NTANEOL8. . To Tbe aufferera

trotn OaraaB Rbenmatiim 8ore ThroaL. Toothache. Mt-Baaa*f tbe JolntA.aiidCo..tr.ctlonof th* Muac^i, by on* .»*_"tloaofDr. Tobiaa'i Vbsbtiam Li.vibbst. Palu caunot »al*t.' bare tbU LiaiMBXT U mrt. I'riceti and 30 canta. Sold byall Dpgjilrta. Depot No 56C-ourtlar.dt-rt.

^rR~R0BlN80N'H INDEXICALSoar »o» tiib TarfB.

A aerf*ct Dentriric*. lt eBeclu.Uy rld. the moulh ofthe tart*

whkhreuderatbebreBtb ao unpure *nd dUagreeable-lt g.reAtooe a-iAtrana^totbagun... and aolear. pearly wnileneailo

the terth preventtng their pTemature decay.rjoldby Hbaabba?. k Co.. Broadwiy. and otherir_

Ctb-aPP-O Hands. Facb, Lips, Ac.Cbbtaib Craa aao Pkbtbstivb,

Hbi.kban A Cii'a CaaeHoa Ick, with OLYCXBimt,Ir tiaad aa dlrected. will keep tke *k!i. mD in tbe coldeAt we*lb*r.

. OoMt eent*. Bant ky mail tor M *enu.Uieaa ,.i k Co Cbemiati and DrtiggUfa,I No*. MI, MR »11 ai:^ 756 Broadway.

HtKKk'N TbicoPHERoi's ia the b at and cbeapeit.¦tb I. fo: A»rea__|. Beauttfruig, Cleawing. Ctrrllng. Praeer»ln|,aaa Reatoriug the Ha!r. L.dii a. try it 8obl by_D.-cggirtl._IowoTClocrs, Regilators, and Office

Citx «»-tu* moet Aocnratetirnekeepe.-i ia tbe world.SraaBt ACo., N ,. ^Bre»*_;*y._

Groyeb A H.kek'sCaiBRRATBP NOI.BIBH 8aWI>o Marni-.A.

040 e ad upward. No. «BJ Bmadway, N \

VNEDNEhDAY. FEBRUARY 2u, 1861..-." ¦¦ Jt»..-_:



Thc Constitution as itisBOTTOKN rillt THB BAI.

/ . ¦.'! tujer d atk Ufore I iritt cur.$e?,t <n a.lpi*e myfrit'iit to comait to any fltMaMMflJ or tMaMMflMMttl\ch lookt like buying tke pnnlegt of takinp po$ta-$Mt>f rAt Oovernment to bBbbVoMkavea Coiutitn-tut'ini rigkt; becaute, wkatecer I BMfi. thiuk of them H ' of tke rariout propo$ition$ Ufcprc C'onrrcii, 7tlonld i*tftwd any concestutn in the facc of wxaa. a$

l*\i dettruction of the (fovemment itirtf, and a eontcnt

on "U kandt tkat mr *y»t. m «*W/ bc brougnt doun to a

Irrtl viti the txitting ditor^anizei lUlU of ojairt.»Mezico. But Boa ikxnn t't/f hereajttr U, at U t* W<cy»n the ktrmdt of tkepeople; and J titcy aBairo to call aCQ*rention to nrnvecany friamnctt ror/ipltuh..lo£ or

to g'ivt ajfrc guaravtie* for ./ perMaaienee bf \

rttfmtt, it U i ot BttW !o tfpote. [Abbabam LibcAlb.

fi'fdrnraltonjint, aditttiment aflertcerj.[8AL.M0S f. CUkKT..

t o*r tt to Wff'fft I otre it to trvth, lovf it to thc tub-itrt, tottate that no eartkly poieer could induce me to

rote for a tpccijU intasure for the introductum <fASVtitx-r* «rAfF« tf had not Ufore txitttd, tith'r »outh or

norti #/ that BBM. Commg a* I do from a BaaM

8tate.t'n mp tolemn, dclibtrate, and veU-mai tk4, tttminttiitn} thal uo povtr.no iarth 'j pc* .r.iJojll

corrif* \ me to rote for the potitive introductwn offilavery eilker toutk or north «/ that .'.rur. Str, trhileyou reproackj andiuttiy, too, our Britinh a,xtttor*fortke mt'vdvciwh of tUt inrtitvtioy ypon thc eoniirMio) A:\friea, Itm.foronr, Mn>eiU>n?tkat tkepofe.-U'yof tikt prttent inkalUantt vj Culijornia ai.d, A'tc-Mfs oj tf>edi reproack v* for doing jmt vhat ve r»

jiroach Gnat Butainfor doinw to ut. Jj thc c.

uflkotc Tcrritonet ciuou to tttulLtk Ufavery, I anfrr adtnttting them «tfk gwcA provitior-n in their Con-* 'Uutiott; but tkeu, il vill be tkeir otca work, nnd notourt, «nd tkeir poittrity rei<7 have to nproach them,rtaaf aaf tt$,forforming Conttiluliont alluwing tU MBe/ftViOB of Hlatery to uitl ainong thtm.


TG COBkllMtfOttDCNTB,ry.ooilce aanbotakaaof AoooyuioliiCcmtquilralior. IVl.t'-

*rr*f i»lal*>ulcd fu/|BA.|lioo muat, bc a-lheollc-todby ti.i,Aaaaa aad a4dre««£f (h* *rlUr*-n*4 oecoca-ily ftr i Alica-lioa,k'.l***goAr*ciy fo. hiaaoodCiltb.

AU l_ia»iB tetton fot tbU otfitv aav.-.d be addreiiod to " TjcTa/KtVa." Naw-York*.

WagaaaoA undyrtaAt lo retum ta^to'.if Coit.a 11.atlonj." iiiE1_'j.ji.j-.

Advertajoti_-tafor Tax WttaiT Tribvue tor thlt«»wa»b f,my. irO hauded io lo-oay.

BKTT__i:-._lr.T TO DATK.A t AUD.

BflftafThflfl- BBBBBl BflflB Ihe City for thi laflt-bf, i! :i. BBflM in tl.a t a'Jey of tbe Mi-iiavil'l'i... d th* .Bfltanient aud tan.ioil ittandi.g tba taeente'ec

g R Baaaflafl haa our Btat.. bal h-ie ..otb.-antoia v i,l, :. mrt tt) tba i.l feeili g wbi.b teaiut to bite been

erigeiic'ereil |.y thlt e. ni'it, nor to tlie li'.eral diftutlon of atier

, and a-fl'ia ta wtd-k Baa dtm fl-*¦ v ritt.,1. Iaa |aaa ona harataa frtw_talaltar)w_fl

mi bard that tn. " BBB-ta* " BBBBBtUihul.dtoTHf Tmmir witb rega.'J to Me-en. Wbbii andBaa_aaa-BBdWaBt_BB*l t" Br/tMBBBal BBBBaBawwajB-BBfl. inlu.tut in Bfl BtflBBBBB..% . BJ.Bbla af tha .tftaMIbMatbjBBBal bati-g been »i itlen. dlcttf'-d ttupired r.r iug-

g-jtedby ine. N.y ruor* anatinga. Iba fiu-t may aeen., did

not .tirt M the tupport tt my di-tlngulthiil fel!owr-itl.*6tabov* i.anied Ir. riaa my nanie thould bep.e-ei t< d for tba BoBBle.

My fl piettirv va, tliat. in tflfll MflflbflBBBJ BBfJ vouidberaflfltB W ik.ly t r.ppuie tbta to lenm.d tl.e aflort* of Biy

a wat in'iowlaeat gry BlIBB.aJaba I karatdtl tt. . Mfaaeai wtib ayadklffllaaa Ba-artafl BOyln tbe rij'l of j.i ivale judgment and tba fraadora of opit-ion and

fl ir I to a< n inttloai tnd tlectloit. io far from

regardl... trai. nfiM lu t.'ie premi.e. «i'b B BWBBBj ¦ BBBBBJII a* it arauif to me . x -w dlugl.t ntiura! a"dB_Bl-BaadaraaBaadaafaal wb I afl BakBaBwi*

tl.it i. |a8« .!..,. theie Republltn. ma.ubiri of tba l.afitlitnre-, d'.oihn tllctatorli- infl M -re bbW-Bj pravalen

_. IBaaj fliflBgia-B fllB r*ih Bfltar,aaaartaBB btWwbiBba.!- of a BBJ.By tftbtll number. i

toloaial . oaaoa aa iaa _*ra-*,ba-*whaaievat be n.ight. lt bad been imirt y pror tiu.ed tbat aai.a..., lawaa-B-tadlflliaBafl a r *.*« la MflMBBt m- \o,

.- r tbera wat anotber I <Ild BB bBBB it. I

k-..» b.t f.w othrr. ai fav.irabla to c.e ai-J tboae only b«-

aillyt.'.Jme »o. H"d I t».W*ttt tb»tbl. doen anti Waadcandidate- «ere ta ba flaaaBfltad to tho

,. .,)!...tdWta m1 .in rei.lt i...l,t. I.houldM v. -. a4_-,| myfrl.-...i tu BBfl ill BfBBl flBBB

whate-T.'t ;l.a..tn i might ba, my nonilnation. onder lueh atn.

BMM WalBlalalj Impo-IHI*. But. ^in'e It l.belle atltbtt tha

BBBBflaaf maron'rii.uted t" tb" BflB-BBB ratnlt l.i.ally at-

t.i.ied I an. -lad th-l I dld not J-pail fiom iba tc.tid generai.- ,i,.;.di,_ B_.yofl.ee bat b»- rol !. cu po flVred m-

-« i ile that wiil dcibtlen pret iude ihe r.eeainty cf m> Je

tliniag at a.1A fi» wordi a. M the pob¦'. perioual to myiali :bat bave

.a I duili.g il t- reraut diicut«; .

1. It bub.-niaid tbil I wa* willing. ten or twelie yean ege

BaflB-MfaaaaeMdMeftt**w* Bata wlfl ra-.

¦ada. IbaHaasBBBB waa B.aalaaBwai BaIngtTNew Mixlcothii tiJe tftbe Ri litanda at an lutagTilportioi, of berteirllory. aud tba Darnoeratla party »ai io eom-

pllcatad witb ber claliu by itt cbamplouaMpof tl.e tbei raei

wtr on Mexuo *. rigM*ti.i and n*ea»*ary. U at eve-i Fre-

Soil l>*rno< iati would do notbii adverae to It, Ididevi- 'e

diip-it tlon M aave tbat reglon from ertaln divotion to Slaveryt.y riiklug oi at*n.lrg to llik. iomethlng witb regard to oth.-r

tarritory l_ do mcb pa. il. I do not BBBBBB a re-ivt' af tbt! \vgone mttttr, thongh my BflBabflB lt cb-tr tbtt I wai en.inantlyrigbt witb regard to lt. But evea if I were wrong io evlnring t

wlllingneii to Uka t rlik in eue qutrtar in order to av.dd a aal,

botBtJ ol BB ln anotber, that proTei BeBhhfl lo ibe ireient BBT

pote. Wru> h_i not b*M WflBBfl ln tha ««riy itagai of a dubluuii .'. otlly lawiuft, toi-reptt*rn.i thit ba would reject aft*r

fl -ae bB bean tried acd B verdict iu l.ii fa\ cr racvrded2. 1 tee tbat my nih: to ill aud vote at a deleaate from Oregon

ln tbeChi'-agoCjuvaiitl-i li t.'.jeetad to. Ii it not rama-kaulatbat no tnch objection wai made in tba Convention itt-.f 1 I

bld thero tha proceedlngi t f the Oreg ,u Convention w herebyOabflBBI to Cbictgo weie appoioted, aath with expran pewat oftub-It .rlcn; I bad tbe credentlalt of tbe delegite ul.o ap

tnel.ltiiibititiitewitli hli certlbctte af mbititutton 1 h»d !...

letter (wltUotben) idvitln; ma that Oragot. t-eBBBB !*r?a!yictlledfroni Mittouri) preferred Edwatd Batei for Preiidaut-lnihort, 1 wt* fully prepar-d to ihow that my rigbt wai a* iuco.-teitai.la aud my eoait* ai juttlfiib'* ittbal of iry'n*niber ..u

«b*t-oor: wby wat not objecllon made than ai.d thne' Howromet il that wbile tbe memberi of tbat CouvMitinn and the

Rep-blir-AT.t of Oregon nevtr iitt-red a rnurt_"_r, o .Wrfden aeam

to anderttaud whatwei due to the Convention a.J t Otegou io

BBBflhBBBBBtBBB tbey' Tha appciataieut wm in no ru_i er

.ought. dtilied nor «xp*et.'d by BH; the deleeal' for BMBal

.cted had fu.ly lr.taudad .nd txpet ted to l .. pBBHfl ***¦bo.en; wb- it tb're in tbli mtlter ta BBB- "Var 1 Thara Mfl

bogni de!eg»tet ln that Chica^i OaBaaflBRB kflt they did nojhall from Oregon but from Tex., _ud tbey toted to . aaa BOov. 8*w.rd.

3 1*. lt illeged that 1 wantad a IWM8f.fl*N .indldate for

Praildeut in I8611. B bat I wauted aai that .tndidale wb-,

being ludexibly oppoted to Blavary Exteuilon, could poll tbe

largeR vote, aed wboae noiiiln.lon w o-.ild luoat *feetu*liy repeltba ralomny Ikat tbe RapubUeao tt a aaaBaafll party I atillbelitve tb-t Mr. B.lei wm thit n_n-tbal b. would biveaocured thouteudi of votaa which ware aetmlly eait agaiml ut,

tnd th.t flta-Bflafl eauld b.v. madt no Iiaadway Bgaimt a Pr**l

dent wbolut*_lwajir_tiJedb*_-W tba .!*%. Un*. md lt very

wldely -*t**med_uJcoufidadln-ltbeB,ntbaiwaM it ln the

North. I -ought that iii_e by wbom tha Repobiiaan prlnclpleco-ld Bio*t luitly -nd with lent i-oi.vulikn ba ettibliibed,tbere ire tome wbo taeru to regard tb* ptiudpla |B_f aa a meau*

of advaucing the (ortunei of their man. BTbjB aamred tbat Mr(Llnoolu wat m avallable a* I knew bim t. ba wartby, I weu

beartily for him.4. Botce bright geniut bat made . reTtlet'.on ot my _ll*g*d

agcocy in toClevlom down tli* B*publln*n plttfunu tt ChJe_go. I

oert-lnly did labor kng aud earuettly in the Platfona Cou.Bibleeto divett tbal Platform of ail needl**i!y o8*naiv* *r InltatLngfeature*.iorh a* that coBearning tb* "|w_nr-il,a of barbiri.u,,'tud the r»q_irameut that Cougrett ibail poilii v<!y problMt Blavery .

In e.ry Territory wh*lber tl.ero o* or be uot a ponlbillty of it.

golug thitbar. 8o tbat the vilal Rapublbi_u prlnripla ba letabied.I iuBgbt to make that PUtfonn eflar.ilve to a. V» aud ar .apUblato aa niany at poiil.le. Ai flu.lly r*poit*d and ajopt. J. lt gaaBu.euded .nd comn-andi Ita.If to my t-orcugk _i:d b'.irty *p

provtl, w* wnt throt'th tbe eanv_*i upon it trl-iuph&ntry I ba-lieve we have only to be faitbiul to it aud il " ¦ ;arry u» tafe'.ythrongb Afr. Ltocoln'i Adulciitralion.

Bjflv-York, heb. 20, IM. B_a__. t'Jta»i.ai

Oen. Wool, who haa been aeriouAly ill at Waah-ington of pneuinonia, is now hflBBBR


Miaaouri baa gone for tbe _fl|flfl by Bfl BBBf'

wbeluiing vote, f_abB_Bf flf-Bfl tbat flf Th_ta_Band TfaVfll*af. Tbere will not MiBfl-MRRiatfl in the CoBTCflflflfl.

-.-ag> ,-

ITiit-l the Fo'trth oi March put* Lmi .'n pi.A*_i-mfiii of th.: White HoflBB, Mr. L-flBflb will Bf*

ctipy at WnAhinKfT'ii hal dwelling 011 FraDklinSu,uare, rccently tbe re*id.nco of the rSouth Caro-lica Coiuuiia-ioiH-ra.


The Of-fliflfl prrvails at Washingtiiu that if tbeBorder .^tatea 94/cede they will forui a BflfBBfltflConfederacy, aad not unite with the CottonStatca. Tbe inevitable working of thfl jiriucipleof _taffM_flfl will Hooner or bter diBintegrate even

the Cotton Statca. There are ayt-iptoina alreadyin Soath Carolina of aaother ceutrifugal iuo>c-

nitut ou her part.Tho ^b'nate of the United States haa adopb'i

the amendment to the TarifT bill to _uBflfrj|Mth.- i-.-ue of Treaaury BflflBB, i» aun_B of $50,redcewablo withiit two yeare. The lim\t of $50ia too high. Tho convenience of the BflBflflwould hfl greatly pronioted by the iaaue B. .f'^O,or flflflfl of B1U notea, which would b^tuxreotin oli parta of the country.

In the ComproiiiiHO Conreution yeaterday, Cotu-nioib.re .Stockton very fo.lishly told the riouthernmemberi iu aubstance that if they reaiAted theGovernment of tbe L'nited Statew they would findho8ta of Northern ftbettorfl. Thia trearonablededaration wat properly robuked hy Mr. Noyeaof tbiiA State. Mr. Fran<.«Grnng'er iliHtinKuisLcdbia political r8/.ac:ty by the remarkable aarertienthMU thfl Btatfl of New-York could Yoto to-dayit Brfflll give a niajority of iuO.fXKJ again.t the i

Iieptiblicana'-» ,,..

There ia a eertain deceucy which oii",ht to benbaened iti cohtroverBy. Thia ii the dictate notonly of IflBoflflf aud relf-reapec-t, but of orditjaryprudiiice. iitit io the acritnouiotia wart'aic otbflCBOIlBltt-N whir'u Tht AUiany EffBaBf JournulCffTM 1 againat The Tkihinf, itnmeilia-eiy aft4-rtbe ii"iCittatiou of Mr. Lincoln, and wlich it hftaaiin-e kept up from time to tiuio ali ettch coiiaid-eratiopa are traiupbd on. Thua tbat pnp-r¦|n_b-4 Mr. Cref'leVjb.'.Buae of worda alb|{rd tabavo been BBM BJ li-irT tt pnvitoT'onTcr.BtioK,and becauv ff an alleged private letter of hia«r',-n in I-.> If theao thmga wi-re aa TAeJournul repreaeuta them, they coidd aot becotuoti.o Mubji'ct of publie ooinnifnt without a groiabotrayal of ooufiderifO. diaorediUihlo alike to tho

repft-BC and tho corTrrnetitiitor. If TA' Jmtrtmtbiiika it gaina anythiug by atioh a courae bt il

|.iT.'i-.ere. We c<-rtainly -hall not imitate ib ai-

MBaJfl htwover great tho tomptntioo.

Tni; !i'<ipiii!> of iriB. ____INBJ_UV.'I he progre-a of the Pre-ident elect townnl the

Mtifflal rapital haa broti-ht him to thia city,Bhflffl he now reats for ¦ day beforo continuinghia bjfllBfjr. The reception jostt-rday WBfl one

of which any man might Bfll bv araal. Bflabowy B-B|b| of troope, no a .ciet'ea decked w tb

the ifgattB of their order, no tbeatricitl tBfflB-BCtitationn or allegorical |Bfff8 Ifl Iflflj BBflflj "l

thfl ordii:nry BflflB to drnw Bfll the crowil were

u*cd, BBBB were needed. (^lii-Hr. nobe.ly, butwith an carne.'t fBTBOBfl and with lwd__Bgbi-nitA, thfl peoplo BBBflflBBBB- for tbo atafljb pur-

pjfloo flf BBfiag tbi'lr met'd ff hfflflf to thoiii biinij'ioii, Di-fi'iuler, Bfll Friend.Tbe IfflBBB in the city and Bfl BBB way hitln-r

nre iccoiilid nt IflMjtt Lfl BBBBB flBflflflflfl of this

fey'l bBJflf, Thfl city, fimply decorated wiih the

f_o| which the People will BTBf BffcflU and re-

Mir, wore it-i BBBBl brilliant nppearance. Thn

hflflflfla, tbe str-xt". the hflJCflBBB, and ail BflbHcBBBjfBBBjflflaBfl-BJ crowded with tbe tflfljr B|fllflfl*both 'revB; old age, vigorom m.tiihoi.d, tbelovelin. 88 of woinaii, and the beatity of childhood.ail were repreaentod, and irpreaented bfflfflflflflcold ai-ertatotA, bnt by eiitliiiaia.tic MBMPI iu a

lecflc which called forth the warmeat aympnthi'*of ail. An tlie PicAident paa". il alflflf, bowing in

iflflffflflfl to the shotits ai.l wa.iog huuds, beatood a» a noble type of the trui'-lnait'd, b-ai-

b'8", liee Aiuerican Man, and the *eene waa one

j ff tb- itioat bcantiful and impreairre e-.cr occur-

it'g BflBffll "*.

The arranKCinentd of th" day were BRBBe with

Jflllfifl eare, and'were ¦fllBBfl-flflflly carti.-.lout. witb Ihfl mo8t BflflB] reault. No accidentmari.il thl o.nuioi), aiid wben tbe ajneflBkflhad pasted to ita dentiuation, tbe imuienae throiu:BflflflfflXCl aa tiuietly a* it bad gathered. Mr.Lii'coln Iflfll BflflM ri'.|tiiri'd l-pOflfl, refrc.heilhimaeli witb food, and tbeii gaw I Iflflflftiflg tflhia fcllow citi-cnu. Without IBtLiettflB flfffllff,th.y hflflflflfll to give bbBB ihe grceting of Mflafl-Jajflfl, and then left bim at peace.A«ide from thfl ipecial object of ftfltflt-fly'fl

o\;.tioii, it BflflflflflB.flBfll BflflflBflB. It thnvirdhow ttrong and undnimt-d ia tbe fcling flf r«--

j/ard BBB BBBBfflfl BflflflflBfll n-r thfl UflflflJ flf whitththe atarB aiid BB-fflfl are tbe cinl'lein. TbatFlag, M trampled upon Bfll torn by tra.tora, iiatill B_bB-BBB| iu the .reat heart flf tbe Bflflflflki- b__ borno aloft by fltrong hand». Fb-tingfrom imr -bipping, waving o\er our pfllUflbuilding* and the dwellinga of men. decnratrrigthe atrcetB with ita inapiriting bla/on, tt ¦fTff

leaped more boldly to the breexe, n.-ter BffBfllflimore liojH'l'llv to tbe ]..itriot.«iu ond lotalty flfBflflB BBB love the Kighf.

TRK HtlMltl FOR KI.BEM.IOr..Thfflfl wbo lonk witb favor on the Cotton Re-

bellion, and inaitt tbat the Government ahwildvirtuall. aiKfuinb to it, sre invitcd to BBBflBBBftbcw facta:

I. Tbero ia nit to-day a law bBBBBBJ .Slaveryou th'- at.tute-book of tbe Fiiioii which Blflfl not

den anded by the Jjlave Powr and voted for bya uiBJority of i'.a adberenta. The Miwaouri Com-protniao of lr-.u waa carried by lb<- BBBBl ofnearly every Member of Congrewa fr..nt ritaveBtflBt-i eked out by aa eighlh of the Mtea fromthf Fr.-e ?;tatea. The Fugitnv _B-fBJhftB 1790wak jiiet what the alaveholdiiig interfft *aw titat that tiui.« Ifl make it. In 1860, that intereatib-ii .u iled a ii.0:-e atringetit act, aud carried it.Tho Ni'bra'ka act of l-.'l reieived moat of tbeT.-ta-a ol tbo Sluve Statt-f. witb tboae t.f the Pro-BfllflBB Mombera from Free Matci. Wfl hflffltalk'd alwit pa-siug _BB- to i.t'ri.t -layery, bntm-v.-r paa-ed any; BB tbot Ihfl '. .v.' flf t'ue I'tiiledStab", a* they Klfind to-day, are juat what tb-BtarahoUi ig UtteiBfl ban bbbbbb Ib BMhfl thflflb

II. N«.r dooa any one bop*- or expevttoehaagethem Mflflflflfllr/, provided tbe BflBfl .Statea aee

nt to hflB_riB hhflflBBfllffB. Wfl BBBBl that t'uere willb« fa anti-Kepublican majorit) iu tho uextUflfl .-, a " re baa aflflBBBflJ been in tbe Hiinate,ainl wi.l bfl InreaftiT if tho Fiuon i* B-feWfld lfl!¦!..'.(!. ihe RflfflMflBBB bave BBBBB Bfll h:-J

power tfl BflBI an a.-t flfG-BB~BB, aud ;iro n.-t

likely to pAt* one unli'd* tlimu-h thfl M't-i-«r_efl flfhl.i | S'aten. It i« morally certaia th.it. if Se-

n b« rfpudiabd, tbt- B_-tfl _B_flBI caa prt-t.-iit any IflfljiflhBBBI adviree to tboir aii_*f.*e4 ln-tcrea'H, nt l^a-t for >otne yi-ars te come.

III. Um 1-dcral JflflMNMff II al«o Iflfll in Bfflflflffflt of BtflVB-fy. The BflflB flfl Berii i ia al-

tnoat-Ltircly Pro-.'.I-very, and wt.uld ne\itab!yBBflBBlB a.i tbroiigh-ut Mr. L_Bff_Bfl t.ttu. Stcea-Bflfl, aloul! it aucoeed ln fircing tht- rioutherti.Judt'B to re«igr, may gi.e ia a prcjAiuderauroflfl that BBJBB-I -therwiae, we mufl defer t»

rS!ateli"MinK j iriiprudenco for a-i iudefioibperii d. Ail ti.e real or iiuagiuary danger 'toBaBFety from tlus quarter ia therclore the p-..-Jurt of lebeilion.IV. The Kepublicana ha-.o elieted a PreiiUetit

and a Vice-Proaident, who will bo conatrained lflexecut- auch lawa aa Cougrett haa enactcd er

may BOBflt, a« conit/ued and Iffflfld ly tbe af.re-aaid B BBTflflM Coazt. So ¦¦_! bb hflfflj brbj,and that ia ali; for whatever we may g;aiu hf.yond thflfe poinlB, Wfl "hall be iudebted '.o t«.cii-BB,

V. rptotbia UflbB, flfl party, Lavir^ carritd |(ieneral Klection, BflBI f>er riMjuired to .urreiidtrtheir priuciplea aa a condition preccdent to theirtakiug and wielding the power thua confided tothem by the People. To charg« a party withmakiiii' profeniona only to ride tli.reon mtopow«r, with a ruadiiicM tfl abandon or ignoreBflBfl tbereafter, hai hitherto been JeeiLed the

gra\e»t iiupeacbment of i-n iuttgrity and Loneaty;nevrr till now wa* BBCB a coune c< _u_ic_d.d ;,a

patriotiim.VI. Tho*»! who nrgr; ua to abandon our princi-

iilel in order to aecure the Federal otlcea allegothat BPfl may thcrcby wii lack the IfflfljflflMjBtatfi; but -HF,> jay ju;i tht aafMr// ../ thif.Not a -taflfl State whicfi haa gono tLrougb tl.e

p.rf'H-naiiee of aecediug haa __bBbb. at IfBBp baektf bb would acquieace in the 1-xtoniion «f SlAve-ry; "ii tho contrary, Jeft. DavIj'* and A. H.

Uflphflflfl4! recent __B_B__-BBJ cxprculy tcout the

auggeatiou. They trcat tbo Cottou Hehellion aa

a lcgal aud tinal pr4af4edure--oue lfl be ou no ae-

couut rectnted. " Keeonatruction" is baaiabedBBBB tbeir voclbuUry; they Luve gone out of theUflkn to Btay, »nd will in no caso be temptcdtfl n-Nini. Wfl may chooie between bbbb| and

wnr; but we can do Bothiag that will fflconeilethem to the Union. We hare a right to premmothat they mein what they tay.

VII. Whita we cannot coai them back, Bfl

al_8_, byvcuteriiig oo the patb of CVBpr'rmiae

and OflOeeiobiB) cbarly adm!t ti.oif right fo no-

vtodv. aBlfi to ru.iko conoeat'ons. now i* to flflB*feBd that bwBBJ have been ri^ht and wo wrorgIbiMtMJkflflt. In flthflF worda, if we undertako tobflf them back. iv.< admit Bflt only their gooeralrifcht to teefltB, but the validity of the reatons

which havo imp.-licd them to bbOBBBMmFriond* flf th" UaBo! ro.Vcl' b*ware'

THK TAIIIfF BII.I..Peafl Thi f ptf ..

TaJOfle TBt IBB COFl. )..If we OMMntMal thet.uirt Bieandt, ent. ..jr-ed M jei'erday. f.»trr C.-.tS B4* pcuml iat.. be jdilnd on tc., iii.d ba7i a ifnt p. | tid BBBMBrat.bi m-v !«il *fp*o*iav4Nl| bbbb bv* y aaag Baa, an.le\cr\ BBM I¦ m'a fainiiy, in IM.IB. It wonld leem tliatwi in. tl.n |;, pi.:.,i, ui party ir« ready to '..ru th* couu-

:.)¦ BfMaB oewa f...- na bb* ti Bb " bc*jm,m the uhlteln rr. in'rtc . ai.d thr wiilte un..'.. oiufo.t BM Ib.fjl uhollylo.t «igbt. I. " taiaaaaaa.Ja eeaaBat*" orer. nnd akaat, tbat" ..-ro." howcier, r.nuot be eanied on vrliwithonl money.tbe lii.t r.nla ai aud beute wbite :. m.bo deaceo, wl.ite iian

BB a' pay tbe bj. r.

/.'. BMri -..The TTMMMPF i4 empty, the BflvO-inie miaeraldy inadequate, tho Puhlic Credit *o

wrecktd Ihat I ni'.dcrtito loan MM bfl* pnrtiallylaken even at tbfl oOfltaOMM intcre«t flf twclveper eent., while lar;;e biiuim are now rnnning atten to tivelvo pi-r rent.; and Bm Pflble (.'redit rs

are egfaBaaBf, eevercly for want of 'their honcstiflflfl, A BOM AdminMration is about to bo in-IBBBjIflltA wilh a BflB-MaabB n Ix'llion impondiriir,iB. war threatened, nnd tbe Governaient tittetlyaVtBtfltfl flf rcoiircea. I'ndor circumahinciM nof

nearly eo urttent, Hr.NRV CLAV, B Hil-'i, pro-poged and DPfflal the imptiaitioii flf dutie" on Tbflund (.'otiVo fur blgbet ihnti tho*" proposed in tbebill now before ConRreia. Revenue muat bo had,nnd bV ni xl.-Mte dut'.-s on Tflfl and CflaBfl pr...Mflfli hy Mr. BaMMMM will )ield it large BMB.

No bMMJBo flf Piotection ia inwdvcd; it i« »im-

|>!i a malt.'i "I prmidirg tbe (loverriueiit wilh

iaMA7MM>aMBB*t BMOJB, <,r M9aaJ it tlrift tlin.ligbliar.krupte) ta ruin. Wmm patriot can beaitate '

We irnplore the frienda B. twfl 1'iiion to act

prouiptly and tboroughly. Wb)' abjfla] pottcrii.gi.v. r a paltn BOflBJ or tiv.i BBM Of tbflM No

Taritl bill can pcouUy bc fornied tbat Oa. Bflt Bfl

:arp< d at from Bjaflgj 9MB. lt wil] alwn;« bfl'¦ Stiike Bafljaat'" " Stril..- lotver '" Tflfl cannotraiai reveiit.o aTHBOat troadini; on tome pn»'t

.(,rn._|,erlifijia tho-e of many. A tvrrible wrougti.l mi«chief haa h'-en done in the BflaOBl in

NBMbMBMJ the llotiie l.ill in ntich R mantier aa torctain tlinf lwtB*Mfll of ll flflPftfl contrivancea,tbe thrcc fflara' WaffaaOOBBBj ajat-m. ITfl app. llfo all who kn.'W lu.w WBrebmim-a are bired, andIbfl BflflBON lf Bja-flaMMAMMJ BBMMMBBa, tfl BUntainour nveritu nt, that no fltbflf part of the mtclii-nery flf F.-iItiiI rah in our City it to tliorotigblycorrupt aud BMaaTflBBBJ a< thi*. Yet, ^f it uin*tbfl r.laiticl, we li.hluit; let UK have reieiiue BBOMkflflf. With tbtfl Tea and CBthfl clau-.^, BOflflOcan |Kiraibly contctid that thia TaritT will u«tBBIfflflM tho rev.nii'', which all kflflMj to be

BfljeflflflbtJ, We kee why tkttt w|... want theOMMTflflBeal rol.h'd, piuiljzcd, dcitroyed, abouldtflMMM tbe ).., ...c.'ol tl.e pf'tiding TarirT l>ili; but

nby thoae v h" ineaii to -tand by S'.d rtanAflff,.i BB i. ... t. int ah.nild tr> to def.-it tbe b.lland phinge Ihe ual.-.n itill deeper into iinpeteMr*-ai.d baokruptcy, v»c rnuuot c«.i ipreL.nd.MR. mi i. ia tYD THK MIPIII1K

(OIRT,Mr. I'.'lk liiinali/'d th<- MMfl flf hi* Pnwid"ii-

tial career hy tbe iiioat diaarne.'1'iil diploiualiououiii.atioi "i bl term.8 noraination which tliet<ui r>eBipUi.*iit adviaen of iiii bbmOBMM were

BflaMa tMMMfb to a. r*,,f HM,| a. i,1(),,rw,.. Mr.Huch..nan li.»4 att.-uipted u iik> Bohicveinent in a

intich tnore iu.poitai.t department of the QatflTaViiiei.t but i« hardly deatmrd, we opine, to a likeaucce... 'Ibe iiualitie* which have recotiiiuei.dedMr. BaMkMBM hiuheat pla.-^ in the favor ot

the aclua! laAflflfltllfl tt th- I -nt d SBaBBj are

r.-arc''; l.kdy m laOBJO t" ban the corjial ad-rlratrn atd » j>p..rt fll tho*.- liepublicau ataie*.

Baaaj MBfl Bf-flfll t BBW, BaMBB-J Bfl baO CoUlltiy.d-peiid. lu fllBTMM BM Mr. tBRBaMOBa AttflFBOy.l.encral uad SMPetflPf flf fll flMJfl t-fl Cflfl-Blt>BrIb ndiri-ig BflflOBo and |flfliflfriiOI r-lnecureof t aeat i>0 tbe Suprcuio In-iich. W.-r,-

the v.itii." "I " Markhall BBMmI iu

the BBBBJfl 'I Mr. Ulack with t!.cleaming 4 a Sr...ry. BMBBBB-aMM niight atill lre

pard'ncd for rct;ardiiig w.lh no riixbt IkMlifMflBMthe iii.lf. oroui haatc of tie diiii.; A.lii..nistruti...-ito dii|o*e of oo>' of tbe iiioit reaponiible pott*whieh aa AmeriMn Lovernmeiit ran I*.' calletl

upon to lill, and to deprire Mr. Liucoln of thecred.t wL'h I iadiciou* BMMIMflMflt flf IhB na-

fire i' .^ht r.'^.ect upon the opeuin ; of bi* ofli"ialti-rLii. ll tb-- iiit're»t»oI puhlic BmBm Mb] ofthenatii ia! flflOa i.iime were at stake, the BBM woildbe \,.ry OMBOBBi M (Bl 'I'-iay j! 9 few- MflBfl-in tbi M-bc...ii of a biOh judicial feflfltbMM-7ile.tticd to l.ohl bia offi.-c, when appoiutcd, BM

life, and BM-JBf «.ue flf a dmrt alrcady i uui.r-

aaaj bjmI OflaflMOBi cau alf.'Ct iio <e-lj('ral iutt-'rei-t

BjB%tOa7aaaJl &r >I the aaMNjlflflj witb wbich tlieaatue flf Mr. BBnB bta bten pr.'necd upon theSenat'- reflVcto, tatWflaVfflg r&ther tho dev.-tion ofthe rfrijtVpf |fl hia p.-raonal lenant than anylaat dtint; i«^l or entbuilai-m for t-fl <?<H>d of tbeM.%lc aud thia. thc Babflfl particulaily, that iuall th^ flilMflfill rni j,e ©f hi* tuoit unhappy ae-

lectioilg f»r ofll <., Mr. Bfli hauan bai ucyit Litupo'i l BUkile nouiiuaUu umre i-uiuienlly uulit Ble m.'ide Iian thia.The 98M8 flf a JbBb.01 flf tbe 8uprca:e Court

flf thc> 1'nited HtutcH deinand* of it* iiieuinbeTitan eitraordinary Hijieriority tu the iwlty «iuaii-t;cB wbich coniinonly rccommerid a pulilioal par-tigtn Bfl preferment to tbe flbjajfj af Li* party.A .luatiee ol the .Supreiue Coart abould be, as

nearly aa may be, an incarnatiou of the Ajh)b-tolic idttl, "l'lrbt puro, thou patitnt, then"petceable." lt will be bia diity to diaeourageall MaTtrfBOBi tfl thwart all iiiteiuperaiice iu b-g-ialati4>ii, t» bMMMMJ all manncr flf atrile. Abo.eall, in the actual prereut aml tbfl near-iiniicudingfutur.- of our eot-Btty, il it of the firat impor-tance that ufl man nliouM be called b) thia loftypoati.m who dott 09* carry with him to it* du-tiet tlie moat dcLcato aud vigoroui iutellcct,(J:e n..)-t caliu and di^uifi'Ml charactcr. Now,the MaVtBo hi-t-ry of Mr. H!.ick-4 puhlic li.e iaino-t flBMflMaJ of BtMtWa B|MO hit proixwcdappointiii'-nt, and in-.it f.-licitondly deecriben bycoDtrust, ull that u Jmift ihotild bc.

S'linuioticd t» tho flBMfl flf .Vlt.miey-Oeneral, it-teli imp!>iiik,' for lil OM di-chargo poMtivelybaaliliil |flfljUBfli tt baIbbi bmM tbo Bw iJleBf flfB great OoTeruiiieut i* calletl upon lena to flriflCBUtea for bi* clieut tba.i t» establUh tho ri«htin all catea, Mr. Black bt gan hia career by de-

liberately rever.-inir. the BfltBfl flf bia predecCBB.ir,Mr. Ciuhiug, iu tbo [flflM of the cbtircli-proiHTtyclaimt in Ciililoruis, aud lubjecting tho aimplcRiiintn (.'ttholic jiopulationi of that Htatu U» a

gruvo expome, to tbo utuioit ciacerbn'tion offeolirig aijl a loog exolmioa from their tUted

worship, ij order, eo ^>r -8 _.¦* appe-FJ 0,« lu0

rccord, to gratify -.-1* t.vf> W tbrvo PomocraticPp-'i-rvIaniaoB who hBfponfjf tbbavo«,pqiiatbd"upon California chu-chyard* in flW* hot purauitof gaii. He waa finally forced to Collow in thflfootatep*. af Mr. C'i>bin{j, bnt only aft^r doing a*

iii'ieh iniachi.f aa ratflly fa!!* to tho lot iflf anti-eciti.e officer to inflict upon hi* fellow-cWzena.Mr. P.la.-I.'-t Dfllt CffllpiBBfBI BaaflfJrBBfe hfl.

fore the public BBB made :n conr.ection with t.W¦ofakMfl BflflflBTfri ff Mr. Bflflfl_flfl to bfly Mr.PffBfy and hlj nownpauer. It ia uot easy totu BJ, a Story, or even a tffltflflfl, eugaged iu thep-BBllflf, ta.k of ¦eaatiat-Bg a bargain for theaoiil Bfld brain of a piibli'v writer; ar,d Ihe rude¦BBfl nf trtith haa i._-.»ntcd a word for uae on

HUcb feCBliofll, which, v. liilo it accurately de-fiu* Ihfl naturo flf Mr. Black'a performanoe, isan litt'e suitable to tLe uearer of tue Bfflflflfl ol jJflfltiflfl a» to the cba-te Diana herself. Nor jought we hfllfl to Btflrlflfll the terrible lightjo.it ti.rown, by the Iflfliflflfl flf tbe California jCin-i.it JB-flBB, in thfl fainn.i.t Cflflfl ff the New-Almadon mines, upon Mr. lilack'. own conneo-tion with that IflBJBflfB, A- Attorticy-Gencral ofthe United Statod, Mr. Black, it now appeara,haa wontruiij or mal cioii-Iy devoted himhclf andemploy.d ail t'.io moral lal Jiplomatic power ofthe (iovernmeiit for jears to drprive certainprivate peraoaa of their jflflt r _bta in a zreatinining projierty, aud to blaeken their characterain the chargea flf forj-erv and fraud now BflflflflflJibrown baek upon tbe Oovcriitm nt itaelf byita BBfl Oircuit Judge*. Tbe di taila of theAttonkfly-OflflBtfjl- pmfediafi in thia aa-fwaflltBfl incredible, were they not act fortb io docu-miiif.4 atteatcd by himaeU, with au auducity or

j an iflflBBBaBflflB to abame atmoBt hflfffll paiallel.To Aiibmit tho uame flf an oflReer whoae minii-

terial rcrord bears etich BlflBaB upou ita face toIflB Ajueiicaii Bflflfltfl Br oiiiiraiation aa a meni-

ber of our bigheet Jflllflifll tribunal, ia aim-ly a

lliubt ol Lnaolence ao extraordinarj as to partakeof _ome of the mot-t -Bf_if_d-B| tru U of thehflBfiaflBBB.

¦ ¦

___Ufl_l_BaB HKWAKIt.Corr'ip-utJienreqf IhfJbfl.tttf C.BBBIf-*

ITiaaiBBfiB. Feb. lb, l_6r.lt it very evident thnt Mr. Lincoln a declarationB ff

poll y in bt* raceut tpeecba. ir. not lo bi. <-, tniJerad ai lha niare

rigraitioi.i of . deni_gojne. iml only Intended to rJeaie theil«p ,1 i.-in ,-rowdi wbi. b ha tddra... d. On the 'ontrary, It iltaflaaa. 'btt ba k.pt I'let.t BBtfl i.a b-idpartii.'y made up bitti.ii i :,, ra;ert tbe pi-ilir p. U.-y ,>f Mr. 8ewxr I, Mr. Can.eron,Mr. K> llogg, and Mr. Wt-eJ, ai.d al ['. '.I.a no tompTomite tndaaaataa peBty.

liir liriar portioo ol tha i!e| iblt i i in ( jcrrait _ra andoubt-e.lij- wBh '.belr cbief on tbli . BflB i J tli.iefure tliey follow. dnp Li- de< 'Jiri'l-ni with . caiieni agr.-euieit to psu the Rl-glttuaPa a uill, aud tba Volnutaar bill, and ,.tlai b.aai irai of roar.ii H it K ii a,idei.t thit a portion oftbe paity-ind a very

| a -lal iuJ .o,-erni:ig p-irtioii-i!l noA be coc. iad into lhatii.r_t.jia. Th.t th* pirty it -Ii.'idy diniJad, md next week wa

thtU lea evideucai of lt.W tafl Mr. S. w,rd gaadt bl. Iffl 1i M ipeecb and propoai.

t.ou. be did .o NkfaI lb M Lincoln C-inciJcdwitb I im.Haridai Jlr. Mu :otn wrote !o hirii »rJ -¦:: piln-eBtedandap.

pr.-.cd Ibe tpee il Ajaln, af-^r M.. S«iv".J had made H. .p. a h fi - ;.'1 ri-¦...'. ti-d aithtbakno

Il « potaeiatd Bf Mi vievrt bv M I': tl ;!;« o*er of th* Sta'oi'rpartiuant wat maJa fl Mr Sawi'd and acoapted. NoenaBW 4 ht. more i.'-rite.l ibaTaflM »i i.u. of Mr. Bewtrd'tti iai..!> were i' Mr I Ua .'i I .Jlauapoli* *;«*cb. They diicredit-d lt at tiril. and leleiraplieJ au l'i., hyaito lu geiiutneceit.Now It itatiJrnt |ka '.lu oin bit *b_ii!.--ad Mr. Btwird iu<lkli paaBa pol -y. and lt li | erf. otly ¦. rtafai t_ii Mi. _*wirj will

'.*. lt .'.ry tf-BBU 'iiiti. Bfl U "ii Both birepltdge.l tbaoaaltai before tha comii-y t^ a ttittincl onrt. ofpolicy ln rafaren.-a to 'b» , li*- -B_ foi .cuiproiaite,. _l tli* otbai _gatr.it it

il i. only lelt f.r Mr Sea trd new i defa..; ihe Llucolu Forcaibill wben it t'ooi.-i to tbe 8...it*. aa ta I u )'<*( uow d*f«ited a

..biwf amlaaaaaflBlBarBBB of tb-. _tatf biu.

.Tho above letter is miit.ik.ii if n-t williullvftil-e in ita wioit flflBflBBBl stalemcut* of allegedfr.ct*, aa Bfll aa ___fd-fTflfla ;.. tba 4*>nnr and

of it" apBCubtiona. There bm i.ever becuthe leaAt diicuiB*.'. or laflflBB-fll on the part flfAbr-ibaiu Uflfflflk ~-flfl brat foruially aotifiedflf bia nnmiriation Bfl Preaidt rt, Bfl sr.id that Bfluiatud time to cotinider well tho Platform...lupt'id r»> Ihfl Chieiigo Cn'ivcntion before reply-in_. Bfl flt- flflflflfl-fl '.U aiid f.oii.d it '.n f'i'.l ac-

c.rdr.ar'e' with hii flflfltfitBBBBfl flf rigbt and flf trneptiic). From that hour to the preAt-at, thereIm- lietui no cvu.i_li.irut, uo wavering, no ahadowflf tnniing, un hi* J.art. H« is for the Uuion,the Conttitution, and tbo enforceBMrnt of theI.awa, aml Bt the Cbicago Platform ba a flflfl*.-..ii tin ed aynopaia of tliat poutj which tho wel-Blfl flf tbe People and the prineiplei flf our Oov-. riiu.eitt deuiand. Bfl one wbo honeatiy B<>ughtto kuow hia aentinn'iita haa ev.r been in doobtwith regard to them.

Be'< ra tb* Ciib-tgo torvantion Thb N. Y Tatar-a carcdgaba.tbe lUpubli-au p.rt}-lt il.dout w_al . R.pahU..iiialo -cinlo»ttd foi Pretblr :t U wao'-d to la.- ire ou

. *b_|a ..-.'it aayaaarbtae. [BairaBTlBaaaTo btirrow the iaagnage of Ila Albuny Erin-

tn;' .hmrnnl, tbe above paragraph, "ifl aimply.' aud boldly ulne." flur lole object waa to ae-

cure tho triuuiph of RepublicaJi BB-BBBjBBBj tliatU to aay, ol tho I.'cpublicuu party by nominatinga caudidate wIioao antccedent8 were aot iuch aa

to n-pel coiiAcr\ative atippott. -iuch a caudidatewaa. iioiniiisted at Chicflgo, to tbe great diigriitBf lli Ddruxt Trthunr, but he w»s clected not-withatauding. Now tho tiueatiou \a whether thetr.iiuiph of Republican principlca thua i^btainetj,thall be prcberved or ttrown away. For our

part, holding theie principlca to be lacred, we

Bfflflflflfl to a.and by them to the laat. Otherab'.tt.' rto pfflflflflflf to he Rcpublicana, hare abao-d'.ind them for the Crlttendcu Compropiiie, whilentl.er*. lcia preci»e La their propo-itioui, tell ui

that .Slarery eitenii&n haa efltlfll to be a prac-tica), vital tfh. BaflflJ. lud tbat the Itepullicaup'atl'onn mutt be aupprctaud ia order to bbvo

the Fnion. We dare tay tt_.t loth of tlcaeclaiiea of atateamcu, will, ali.. r a proper exkibi-tion of coyneas, eu_oy the ittpport of 'i'Ac DttroitTribune.

.Noi-ili t'nrttlinu |,i'gl»lniMi'e,BAUttafl, N. 0., Ttiead-y, Iflb t'.', l**'-

Thfl Bflflflfl haa conc.irre.i Ln the atuendinenta to theMilitury l.ill, and the bill wa* ngvoaed.

Ti.o ud Milorem tuaation bill io now mider A_flflflBfBm Ihfl Houte. It m'-eta wiUi atrcnuoua oppaaitiou.

1,..- S< DBtfl ui i-ngaged on the Itevcuue bill.B.iaini'Aa BflOftflflB a tlowly Um;nd tiuflBJlbii B.

Tbe canvii_¦ fof ibe Couv n'.iou ilirougbo.-.t tho S.atei- ^.-ttinjrniumatod.Both Hou.ca iuo _bV-_B| B*B lb''7 **»»'">".¦

Mi-Houil Klcctlon.Br. L" a, Taiaaay, Pab w, i--i.

hrbBBBfJ baa goue overivbcbuin^ly for H.e Fuiott.

flaflfl will Bfll bfl probably Bfl BBfNBBlBB mtha

tonveution. Tbo avenigo mujority for the Uaiou

Uck.it in tbia 'oiuity, is ¦ littbfV W**

AlBBt-BBtB BgtectlflfibiTM ii-vii U, BflflB-J. Bab H. H-l.

\t tho clection to-by B brge BBBflBB Bl v "t< d were

tmt BBBtaB b-iMing B C"t.vc..ii"ii. l>.a .itu-.^a

Ir-geUuiua Ibg, iboHta.anud8lrin4ve.ovei-tbcLi.art-llo.trx. tho eiitl.uaiaBm of Ibe crowd waa uuboundy,,aadohflfliaa-* BBBl w_8 BflBflf from moreveic*8than evcr grcctc 1 il iu WaBBBaJtflfl County befojA'^

paitioa aro uow -ta-iug tl.e »ir*\t» wiCH fjidoa.BJB


I MAGNETIC TELBOjBVajHiWa.shinoton, Tueaday, Feb. IU, f-)6l,

MR. I.INCOLN a CAHIXKT.A lORRKfTION.I know cothing, and bave aaid nothiog, of

any action flf the radical wing or iny otber winfflf the RepuWicaa party to concentrato thiiieHortd on Mr. Cha*e fgw a seat in tbe Cabioetyof which I am accuted, inadtvrUntly, hy BB).grapb to The Triri ne. If any thiag makoaMr. Chase one af Mr. Liticoin's coa»t.trytioBaiadvisera, it will he a political roeettity, whicbBSBmB fll bbbBJ diatitiguigbod gentlemen can dk-re^ard, and nothing elae.

TBB INV1T.I HATION IIALL.There ia oppoiition to the proponed luaugura-

tion Ball on tbe ground of its niipropricty undi'rtbe prcHC.Tt vtatc of pu'.lic aflairs. « j. s. v.

W\iiiiN<;roN, Tueaday, Feb. l'.», 1861.THE I'ltrSIDENr ELECT.

Both Boarda of the Cou mon Council have ap-poiuted Counc'ttc'u, who, in coujuaction witbtbfl Mayor, will reocive the Presidetit eloct obbi* arrirnl here, according to the uniforto cua*tom. .Some of tbe politicul cluba are .-ndcavor-ing to ttJMPMdMI thia ofTL'ial reception by :nter-posing arranfeementt of their own, which oiightto he diteounteiianced. Mr. Lineoln eome* tothe Capital a* President of tbo uation, and notaf a party.

JLTIEnsON tUvafl*! 981 E« 11.Tbe Bordcr Statea are by no meane tatiaSdd

with the prograuirne of military deapotiam fore-al.udi.wtd by Jcffer.iou Davia, und renderodneceatary by bia cotidition, to overawe tbe popu-lar rericntment after tho prcacnt paroijaur Latpawd. lf a compromiae cannot bo obtuittodfrom Congrea*, and they »ecede, it will be to aetup a Governmei.t for themsthea. Virgluia,INorlh C'arolina, and Ten11rj3.ee will uot hitca oa

to the Cottou Confederacy.THE INDIAS AI'PHOPRIATIONS,

Tbo Iadum Appropriation bill canie back fromthe Seuate l.-aded down with J'^OuO.OOO for theC'hoctaw claim which reqnirea an inveatigatioai.The Orcgon wor debt nnd othcr cxtraa amouatto au aggregate of $8,000,000 outaide of tberegnlar iMtimatcn, wbicb cannot be bon,- in thoBfflflflflt bOBb-BMj of the Treaaury. TLe claun-aiitri geneially atfflflOM a wiUingnes* to take bondaor BOBfl in paytnent, and doubtler-t could affordB lih'-ral flMMMBB,


Thc Do Groot job wm auiesLed to-d»y withoutan attempt at detense.

MR. LINCOIN'.S KE-HDERCE.Mt. Waabbtirnc flf IL'iiioi* aad b. coUeagaoi,

fo wi.oin Mr. Lincoln referred the arrangeinentefor hi* temporary resideuw, selccted tbe homeM Franklin Square reccLtly occuplfd by theBfltttb Caroliua CommiB«io.Tcra. It i* in a

rutired part flf the city. and retuoved from tbaBBfl-fl of hot.:-la and the promiacuoua crowd.

THE MllsOlill El.tTTIoS.

Privato diapateue* from St, Louia gire thomoet cneouragiivg accomita of tbe reault cf the>election iu Miisouxi for thc L'nion. The mem-

here flf Coogre*-* were half Bcc??*ioniAta, andeven the C'ommiaaioDere to thc Cotupromiae Coa-MflRMO demanded guaranteea for remaining loyal.The j>».(>ph.: havo overtlaughtd both.

ARKAN8A8.The election takca placo in Arkaunas to-tnor-

row, and Me Hindman expreme*; the belief thatHoceaiion will be defeated, thoitgh hc tympt-ikixYM witb tbat moveuieat.A reuctioi. bflal beguu in earuegt, aud ouly

ueedi encotirugeuient to amiihilate the traitora.NEW MFXICO.

Wh.le Cotigretn ia propoeing legialation con*fftTBiPl X'-w-Mexico, etepa have been taken t6elect d( legatei to a Convention to be held iuMay, f.-r tbe jmrpote of organiring a State Gov-eroincnt aud applying for admiation into theLuion.

MR. (.1 THRIE AND THE NEXr IRESIDENCY.Mr. Outhrie* frienda regard hia movemeute

aud p.iicy iu tho 'Pcace" Convcutiou at Ludi#catitig a purpoae to bc u candidatc for the Prea-idou.'y in 1884. ('ouiidvrable diaappointmeut baab.«eu expresaed at the bmited ahility thun far ex-

bihited. conaidericg the rt-putatioii bo previoualyenjoyed. IIi* propoaitiou is had.'y worded andcoutrived, aud though it waa referred to a 8pe*cial C'omii.iltee, contiating of uimself, Meurt.Kiinru, Johnton, and Ewing, to bo correcteArvith rcfereuce to ita legal defecta, he aeaumc^the wbole reapontibility of reviaioc, aud returnatlit iu b worte plight than before.

A NATIONAL CONVENTIo*.Thc Republk-ana in both brancl .* of Congreta.

are prepared to vote unanimotialy for the C'on-veution of all the Statea to couaider the piivaeaVdifferencea, ucording to the rectimuicndation oftho Legislature of Ketitucky. The Border 8tateoought to be able to atand ou a propotition of one-uf theLr o*wn number.


The TaritT bill to-day went throiigh aU thanitagea in CN^nvmittee of tho Whole, and by agtee-uient on botli aidet, the voto will bo takeu to

morTow. ITie Trflamry-notfl '':atrt» war reducedt,to deuominationa of $W, in«t.-ad of B2(), at*

urged by Mr. Situiuoni'. He will maks an eflort*to reintrtate that feature. TbflTfl arecne hundred lamondnicuta, many of which MOB) made at tbt*/

aaggetilon fll the Ho-ne Comny.ttoa. Moat oH

them wl_ he concurred iu wben rhe hill it re-'tunied" (v the Senate, aud k% r B di-^rcemttjUon rarioul ituportant poip'ti, it will go to A ooa/fereucc, and he iuially t/iapcd there.


After Friday uext 'the Pre»ident will bavt- the

diacrction to kill an'/ bill by Ibe pockct reto, at

the Un du)« alhWj bim by the CoQiUtutioo for

cousidcration will/tihen expire.THB, VOI.I NTEER BH.L.

Anotb.T gua, af excitement owept over theHouee to-day. Mr. Stautou prea*od hia bill au-

thorixing the T Teaident to call out volunteers, tothe great disy^leasuro of the Southeru Democrata.Mr. Bocock waa very bitter in bia coninieiiU on.

it. Mr. Jluidman profcta«d to be perfectly witl-

ing U> ce/j the bill patt, but did not illuttrato hia

¦ibbbbABb by hii nct or vot«. An etTort to.

BmB 7dm bill failed by a larkje majority, tad 4.ia to bo dt'biitcd to-morrow.


The Souate amcuduieuta to the Nart* kill were

*aJl actod on to-day, excopt the teven oew aloopt-of-war. On that, Mr. Garuett ha^ Ihe flooiA R

ia tt. bc called up at I p. m. to-morrMv, aud

dehated till 4B. It will be iBtHUB} ta by a

Utrgtv majortty.THE COMPBoVrSER>.

The Compromiw Coa\«ti«8 %4%l *<w" *..
