Taylor o


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The Rainbow of the NileBy: Taylor Orchard

Once upon a time in a small community in Egypt, there were three best friends named Seth, Osiris, and Isis. One day, the

villagers were all called together to have a meeting to discuss what to do with the flooding problems.

The whole town came together and were requested to have at least one idea as to how the flooding problems are going to be solved. They all met at

the local work station. Everyone stopped working when the Leader came into sight.




“We have asked you all to gather to discuss our flooding problems! We are hoping you all have thought of at least some

logical ideas to solve this problem.” the leader announced which lowered the communities chatter.


Lately, the town has had too much water and not enough places to put it. Without a place to put the water, Egypt had

an enormous amount of flooding.

“What could hold all the extra water in all of Egypt?” Isis had wondered after being stumped on what her response would be

to present to the leader and the rest of the town.             

The three of them had decided to get together before the meeting of the town to get some ideas to present to the leader and after hours of thinking, the ideas started to make sense.

“What if we built a well to hold the water?” Osiris had suggested but clearly it did not make sense.

“No that wouldn’t hold enough water” Seth pointed out but paused shortly after to be sure that was the right answer.


Just a few minutes later, the idea came! A river built by the three of them!

“I got it!” Seth exclaimed, “A river built by the three of us!”“It could be dedicated to us. Great idea, Seth!” his friends


All of them agreed that it just might work so when it came time for them to present their idea, there was no way the

leader could decline it.

“The three of us have come up with an irresistible idea!” Isis began. “We have decided that the three of us will build a

river. Of course only by your permission Madame.” The leader looked pleased!


“What would this river be used for? Give me all the details so I can evaluate the full process.” The leader seemed very pleased with the three of them and wanted to know more and more.

This idea might just work!

A river built by us!!


“We would build it as soon as possible and the three of us would build it on our own to prevent any inconvenient.” Isis

continued! “And it would be used for the water storage and also for some transportation as well. For trading and just traveling.” Osiris


That was all that it took to convince the Leader. Soon there would be a river at that very location.

“You can start tomorrow and I want it done in 10 days”.The three best friends had a good night’s rest and got up at

1am to get a good part of the river laid out. On the first day, the three friends split their jobs into three.

Osiris: South side laid out until half waySeth: East and West side just width

Isis: North side until she meets up with Osiris.           

When Isis got to the North where the river was going to end, she had a pleasant surprise.


Right in front of her, there was a large arch that was made up of many colors. It was a rainbow!

“Wow! I wonder where the rainbow leads to.” Isis said to herself.


Isis decided that she would take a quick break and follow the rainbow. “It will only take a few minutes” she thought.

A couple hours later, she finally reached the end of the rainbow! “Wow! What could that be?” Lying in front of her, there was a large pot which as she got closer, held a pot of


Isis was in shock! She had no words to the extreme delight she was experiencing. She was speechless.

“Um……I can’t believe my eyes!” She said still baffled. She began to walk back with the pot of gold and went back to work for another half an hour since she had spent about 2

hours finding the gold. When she got back to her friends they were in shock of the gold as well.


Minutes went by and no words were said.

“I found it at the end of where the river will end! It was at the very end of the rainbow.” Isis explained feeling bad that she

wasted hours of their work time. “This is amazing! We could hire employees to do the building

for us now!” Seth exclaimed.“We could hire people to do the jobs in the middle and we

could go to the other end tomorrow to find more gold!” Osiris said excitedly.


The next day the three of them went to the Leader and called for a community meeting! They asked for help and they still could not see any reason for refusal when this was going to

benefit all of the community.

“We have started the river in which we will call it the ‘Gift of the Nile’ and have discovered…” before Seth could finish his

statement, Isis interrupted.“We have discovered that we will need help to build the

middle! We will work on the ends so it is done in the correct way” Isis explained to save the secret of the gold find.


Without a second thought, the whole community including the leader had offered to help. The next day they got off to a good

start. The whole community got to work as the three best friends searched for more treasure.

“What if the Leader follows us? She’d be mad!” Osiris worried“It’ll be fine Osiris!” Seth reassured him.

Isis was silent and Seth and Osiris looked at her hoping she would have an idea.

“Let’s just wait until after the volunteers leave and then we’ll get it” Isis finally said which without a word said by the other 2, it was what they were going to do.

After a long day of work, the Leader did come and was very excited!

“We’re half way done our part! We will be done the river by tomorrow thanks to all the communities help” the Leader

announced with a microphone so all of the community could hear.

A cheer came across the community!

The rest of the community left shortly after and the three friends went to find more treasure.

After hours of walking, they found it.

“Is that what I think it is Seth….” “It couldn’t be Isis…”

“No way guys…” “It’s…MORE GOLD!!!” They exclaimed together.

The three of them were in luck! They had a pot of diamonds and then one of gold. They decided to keep the gold in the river and figured

they would just come early and take it away!The next day the three of them got up bright and early to get to the river before everyone else. It worked! There was nobody in sight!



The three friends walked from one end of the river to the other searching for the pot of gold and the other pot of silver but it was

nowhere to be found.

“Where could it be? Now what will we do?” Seth said sadly. Without the gold and diamonds, they could not afford the


The three of them hid their secret and began to work.


By the end of the day, the river was done and all that had to be done was make the water flow through the river!



“This is great you three! We are going to dedicate the river to!”

The next day, the three met at a local diner where they had left their wagon over night to also get fixed and had a long

discussion.“What are the citizens going to say when they find out that there

is no money to pay for the supplies? Osiris worried.

After they ate they decided that they should start searching again and hope the thief had returned the treasure even though they all knew it wouldn’t be. As walked toward the wagon they

noticed something in the back that seemed like a pot!

It was the pot of gold and silver! Without a second thought, the friends jumped for joy!

“It’s back!!!! Who cares who took it, it’s back now!!!” The friends ran home and got ready for the event the Leader had set up

titled, “Grand Opening of the Gift of the Nile”.           

They hid the pots and prepared for their grand appearance at the celebration.

Grand Opening of the “Gift of the Nile

Starting 7-8 on September 25 th

As they walked through the main doors the audience cheered! “Bravo my friends!” the Leader said who was dressed in a

beautiful evening gown and escorted by her husband! She began her speech of the night as Isis, Seth, and Osiris was getting seated.


The event would have speeches and toasts followed by the filling of the Nile River

“I would like to thank the community for all the help on building the river so efficiently and of course to whom we dedicate the river to, Isis,

Seth, and Osiris!” the crowd applauded. “Now we shall all head out to the river as we fill it with our lovely Egyptian water!”


Here was the ultimate test. Will the river hold all the water?

As we turned the water tank on, the citizens grew silent! The water filled up the river and was a perfect fit! And the rainbow was still there at the time. Nothing could of went better and Isis, Seth, and Osiris saved all of Egypt!

Well, they saved a small community but made Egypt a landmark that would give Egypt popularity in the future!

As all fairytales end...And they lived happily ever after!

The End!
