Task Analysis · Task Analysis Vocabulary Resources/Activities Assessments 1.02 Infer word meanings...


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©Duplin County Schools Grade 4 ELA TIA June 2008 1

Task Analysis

Subject_____4th Grade Language Arts__________

Goal 1: The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Resources Assessments 1.01 Use word identification strategies appropriately and automatically when encountering words (graphophonic, syntactic, semantic).

The learner will use word identification strategies: looking up the word, rereading, skipping the word, looking for chunks, looking for parts of the word you know, substituting the word. Strategies include: -use reference materials -rereading texts -review of phonetic rules.

Chunking Decode Syllables Digraphs

Diphthongs Context clues

Basal text Trade books

Novels Dictionary Thesaurus

Encyclopedia Spelling book

Writing prompts Writing paper

Workbook Highlighters

Internet AR

Star Study Island Power Points

Journals Notebooks/binders

(this list is inclusive for all


Possible Essential Questions: Explain strategies you use when encountering unknown words.

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Task Analysis Vocabulary Resources/Activities Assessments

1.02 Infer word meanings from taught roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode words in text to assist comprehension.

The learner will:

Identify and define common prefixes and suffixes.

Identify and define common root words.

Use context clues to decode words in text.

Root word Prefix Suffix

Predict Context clues

The students will “collect” related words that have the same root but different prefixes and suffixes and record words on a class chart. Engage students in a discussion of what each word means and how they differ in meaning.

Teach the meanings of selected prefixes and suffixes.

Possible Essential Questions:

Use prefixes and suffixes to understand the meaning of an unknown word. Use root words to identify the meaning of an unknown word.

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Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

1.03 Identify key words and discover their meanings and relationships through a variety of strategies.

The learner will identify and define key words by looking for:

Quotation marks

Bold face type

Context clues






Context clue Text structure Text features

Bold Italics

Headings Subheadings

Captions Character Process

Procedure Plot

Setting Graphics Graphic


Possible Essential Questions:

Identify the key words in context. Use context clues to define unknown words.

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OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 1.04 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:

Wide reading

Word study

Knowledge of homophones, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

Knowledge of multiple meanings of words.

Writing process elements

Writing as a tool for learning


Book clubs


Examining the

author’s craft.

The learner will increase reading and writing vocabulary through:

Reading a wide variety of text from different genres and topics.

Use word study, including spelling rules and patterns, to explore new words.

Demonstrate knowledge of homophones, synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.

Demonstrate knowledge of multiple meanings of words.

Examining the author’s craft.

Participation in seminars, book clubs, and discussions.

Using writing as a tool for learning.

Implementing writing process elements.

Coherence Fluency

Homophone Synonym Antonym

Topic Genre

Syllabication Multiple

meanings Writing process Author’s craft

Possible Essential Questions: Read various texts to increase vocabulary.

Use synonyms, homophones, and antonyms to increase vocabulary.

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Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

1.05 Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to identify and comprehend unknown words.

The learner will:

Compare and contrast various reference materials.

Justify when to use various reference materials.

Use text structures of various reference materials to efficiently confirm decoding, verify spelling, and extend meanings of words.

Use context clues to select appropriate dictionary definitions.

Dictionary Glossary

Thesaurus Reference

Encyclopedia Guide words

Syllable Alphabetical

order Compare Contrast Decoding

Context clues

Possible Essential Questions:

Explain the purpose of and how to use reference materials. Identify the parts of reference materials (i.e.: guide words, pronunciation key, syllable breaks, parts of speech, and word definitions).

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OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

1.06 Read independently daily from self-selected materials (consistent with student’s independent reading level) to:

Increase fluency

Build background knowledge

Expand vocabulary

The learner will:

Read a variety of text on his/her independent reading level orally with accuracy and expression at an appropriate rate.

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the text and other content areas and/or text-to-self.

Analogy Compare Contrast


Possible Essential Questions: Identify appropriate reading text to build reading fluency. Use daily reading to build background knowledge.

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Goal 2: The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.


Task Analysis Vocabulary Activity/Resources

2.01 Use metacognitive strategies to comprehend text and to clarify meaning of vocabulary (e.g., reread the text, consult other sources, ask for help, paraphrase, question).

The learner will: Use conscious awareness and control of his/her own thinking process before, during, and after reading to:

Access prior knowledge

Identify the narrative elements

Determine the purpose for reading

Visualize the author’s message – make a movie in his/her head depicting the author’s words. Why did the author do what he/she did?

Clarify vocabulary:

Identify unknown words

Use context clues to construct the meaning of unknown words

Verify meanings by checking the dictionary, thesaurus, glossary, or other resources

Comprehend Clarify

Context clues Paraphrase

Text features Plot

Setting Characters

Inform Entertain Persuade Evaluate Instruct

Express one’s self


Use sticky notes to mark parts of the text that were confusing or triggered questions; mark difficult vocabulary.

Use reading response journals to explain the thinking used to choose useful monitoring strategies (skim, scam, summarize, paraphrase,)

Possible Essential Questions: Use prior knowledge to construct background knowledge about the topic.

Determine text organization. Establish a purpose for reading. Determine how much of the text should be read to achieve the purpose for reading.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Activities/Resources 2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening,

The learner will: Make predictions before, during, and after reading.

Formulate questions before, during, and after reading:

Predictions Relevant

information Generalize Compare

Make Predictions: Before reading:

Read the title of the selection

Ask, “What do

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and viewing by:

Setting a purpose using prior knowledge and text information.

Making predictions

Formulating questions

Locating relevant information

Making connections with previous experiences, information, and ideas.

Locate relevant information:

Seek additional information from other sources (interest, encyclopedia, magazines, newspapers, etc.)

How does the information further explain what the primary text stated?

What new facts or details are provided from the additional sources

Make connections with previous experiences, information, and ideas by asking:

Has anything like this happened to me?

How does this story/book remind me of other stories/books?

Did I like this book? Why or why not?

What else did I learn about ______ as I was reading this book?

Contrast Formulate Evidence Purpose

you think the selection will be about?”

Generalize what might happen using one’s background knowledge

During reading:

Select a portion of the text to read

Choose a stopping point

Think about the selection up to that point.

What do you think will happen next?

After reading:

Justify your prediction with evidence from the story.

Compare and contrast your predictions to what actually happened.

Formulate questions: Before reading:

Why am I reading this?

What will I be

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doing with this information?

What do I think I will learn?

What are some interests and questions I may have about this topic?

During reading:

Do I have a clear picture in my head?

Does my reading make sense?

What can I do to increase my understanding of the text?

Am I interested in finding out more about this topic?

After reading:

Have I learned what I wanted to learn?

Should I go back and reread portions of the selection for better understanding?

What else do I still need to know

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about this topic?

Possible Essential Questions

List the strategies you used to read the text. Explain how to set a purpose for reading the text. Demonstrate how to predict what the text will be about. Determine if this story or text reminds me of another story, text, or experience. Explain how the author organized the text. List other sources I could use to find additional information.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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2.03 Read a variety of texts, including:

Fiction(legends, novels, folklore, science fiction)

Nonfiction (autobiographies, informational books, diaries, journals).

Poetry (concrete, haiku).

Drama (skits, plays).

The learner will:

Distinguish the narrative elements of fiction and non-fiction.

Select different texts at school during independent reading blocks of time and during teacher-directed reading blocks.

Select different texts at home for pleasure, selecting texts based on personal interest and /or reading level

Explore various genres and understand their unique attributes

Fiction Nonfiction

Folklore Legend

Biography Autobiography

Concrete Non-concrete

Genre Novel Poetry Journal Drama

Skit Play

Haiku Fable

Imagery Personification


Possible Essential Questions:

List the characteristics of various genres. List strategies to use when reading a variety of texts that help to understand what is being read.

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OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by referencing the text to determine the:



Main idea and supporting details

Author’s choice of words


Author’s use of figurative language.

Name and distinguish the elements of fiction such as the title, setting, characters, plot (problem/conflict), events, and solution

Recognize the theme as the main point of the story or the most important idea the author wants to get across

Go back through the text and specifically identity the main idea and the details that support it

Discover and discuss examples of figurative language (personification, flashback, metaphors, idioms, etc.) used by the author to describe and convey emotions

Name and distinguish the elements of non-fiction which is intended to provide factual information thought text and visual images and the information is verifiable from other sources: integrity, accuracy and authenticity, and style and language

Identify figurative language used

Plot Theme

Main idea Supporting

details Mood

Bridge map Problem Conflict Solution

Personification Flashback

Metaphors Idioms Similes

Integrity Accuracy

Authenticity Style

Author’s purpose

Possible Essential Questions:

List the strategies used to determine the: plot, theme, main idea and supporting details, author’s choice of words, mood, and author’s purpose

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Task Analysis

Vocabulary Materials/Resources

2.05 Make inferences, draw conclusions, make generalizations, and support by referencing the text.

Examine the author’s words and/or the character’s thoughts

Apply prior knowledge and experiences to generate possible outcomes based on the facts, events, or characters’ actions found in the text

Predict a conclusion or generalization after facts or events presented in the text

Discuss and evaluate the conclusion based on the evidence provided in the text

Inference Generalization

Conclusion Cause/effect

Outcome Prediction

Graphic organizer Support

Use appropriate graphic organizers to make inferences, draw conclusions, and make generalizations.

Possible Essential Questions:

Identify clues in the text that help draw conclusions and make generalizations. Determine if conclusions change as different genres are read. Explain how to use the text to make inferences, draw conclusions, and make generalizations.


Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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2.06 Summarize major points from fiction and nonfiction text(s) to clarify and retain information and ideas.

Outline the key details

Identify who (characters), what (actions or events), when (time), where (place), how (procedure or process) and why (reason) in an appropriate text to determine key words

Examine text features (bold print, italics, underlined words, subheadings, etc.) to identify key words in appropriate text

Record key words and phrases

Group the key points to formulate a summary

Use appropriate graphic organizers whenever possible

Summarize Summary

Clarify Procedure

Process Bold

Italics Underlined

Subheadings Headings

Key words Text structure

Possible Essential Questions:

Explain how to decide the most important ideas to include in a summary. Explain how to summarize information in a text. Explain how to breakdown the larger ideas in a selection. Use graphic organizers to help summarize major points from the text.


Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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2.07 Determine usefulness of information and ideas consistent with purpose.

Evaluate the helpfulness of the information and ideas consistent with the author’s purpose, personal experiences, text types, and pictures

Usefulness Author’s purpose

Text types

Possible Essential Questions: Determine the purpose of reading a text.

Explain how to set a clear purpose for reading. Determine the usefulness of information and if the ideas are consistent with the author’s Purpose in the text.


Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

2.08 Verify the meaning or accuracy of the author’s statements by referencing the text or other resources.

Use other reliable resources to check the accuracy of the author’s statements (encyclopedia, newspapers, nonfiction texts, professional journals on-line, etc.)

Resources Accuracy

Encyclopedia Newspapers Nonfiction


Possible Essential Questions:

Explain how to prove that the author’s information in the text is correct.

Explain how to locate additional resources to verify information found in the text.

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Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

2.09 Listen actively by:

Asking questions

Paraphrasing what was said

Interpreting speaker’s verbal/nonverbal messages

Interpreting speaker’s purposes and/or intent.

The learner will use various listening skills:

Maintain eye contact with speaker

Make connections and respond

Pose probing and/or clarifying questions about ideas presented

Interpret and paraphrase speaker’s verbal and nonverbal messages

Paraphrase Interpret

Nonverbal Clarify

Possible Essential Questions: Explain how to use questions and paraphrasing to understand what the speaker said.

List the skills I use to show that I understand the speaker’s verbal and non-verbal cues.

Goal 3: The learner will make connections with text through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by:

Analyzing the impact of author’s word choice and context.

Examining the reasons for characters’ actions.

Considering a situation or problem from different characters’ points of view.

Analyzing differences among genres.

Making inferences and drawing conclusions about characters, events, and themes.

The learner will identify genres as different kinds of literary texts




Drama make text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections create responses to reading using writing, drama, art, music, or dance to respond to reading use appropriate graphic organizers whenever possible Respond to text orally and in written from analyze/discuss the impact of the author’s word choice and context in text examine/discuss reasons for characters’ actions and behaviors in text identify, examine and discuss characters’ motives in text consider and discuss situations from different points of view make inferences and draw conclusions about characters, events, and themes in text

Fiction Folktales

Fables Myths

Legends Epic

Fantasy Science fiction

Realism Realistic fiction

Historical fiction Nonfictions

Informational Biography

Authentic biography Fictionalized biography

Autobiography Memoir Poetry

Imagery Emotion Rhythm Cadence Rhyme

Figurative language Sound patterns

Drama Empathy Analyze Identify

Point of view Inference

Conclusion Theme Motive

Possible Essential Questions:

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Explain how to respond to the text. Determine what information can be used to examine characters’ actions.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

3.02 Analyze characters, events, and plots within and between selections and cite supporting evidence.

Identify characters, events, and plots

Evaluate characters’ actions and relationships

Determine the cause and effect of events in relationship to the characters’ actions

Compare and contrast characters, events, and plots within a selection or between two or more selections citing evidence from text

Justify analysis by referencing the text

Recognize common themes between two passages

Cause/effect Compare Contrast Theme

Plot Evidence

Possible Essential Questions: Explain how to find information in the text to help me understand characters and events. Demonstrate how to recognize common themes between various literary genres.

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3.03 Consider the ways language and visuals bring characters to life, enhance plot development, and produce a response.

Identify unique words, sounds, language

Analyze the way the language and/or pictures make the characters realistic

Examine the way the language and/or pictures develop the plot

Evaluate how the unique language and visuals of a particular selection generates a reaction from the reader

Identify, examine, evaluate, and discuss how figurative language is used

Plot development Identify Evaluate

Figurative language

Possible Essential Questions: How do I use the text to find out how the author used language and pictures to bring the characters to life, develop the plot, and create a response from the reader?

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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3.04 Make informal judgements about television and film/video productions.

Identify the purpose of specific television productions (commercials, sitcoms, dramas, cartoons,etc.)

Identify the purpose of specific radio productions (radio talk shows, commercials, news show, etc.)

Identify the purpose of video/film productions (documentaries, dramas, comedies, etc.)

Identify the purpose of specific electronic media (websites, electronic journals, presentational software, etc.)

Distinguish between fact and opinion, reality and fantasy

Formulate an opinion based on particular information

Media Productions

Sitcom Drama

Radio talk show Documentaries Presentational

software Fact

Opinion Reality Fantasy

Possible Essential Questions: List the strategies to use when making decisions about television and film/video productions. Distinguish between fact and opinion and reality and fantasy.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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3.05 Analyze and integrate information from one or more sources to expand understanding of text including graphs, charts, and/or maps.

Interpret information from text, graphs, charts and maps provided by one or more sources

Combine the information obtained from all sources to increase understanding of text

Integrate Interpret Graphics

Possible Essential Questions: List strategies to use when integrating information from one or more sources to help understand


OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

3.06 Conduct research for assigned projects or self-selected projects (with assistance) from a variety of sources through the use of technological and informal tools (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifcats, people, libraries, databases, computer networks).

Choose an appropriate topic to research within specific guidelines (with assistance)

Self-select an appropriate topic to research

Derive information from encyclopedias, search engines, interviews, surveys, etc. (with assistance)

Organize and sequence the information obtained from sources (with assistance)

Construct a written document (with assistance)

Artifacts Database

Search engines Sequence Organize Surveys

Possible Essential Questions: Use a variety of sources to do research for projects.

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Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

4.01 Read aloud grade-appropriate text with fluency, comprehension, and expression demonstrating an awareness of volume and pace.

Listen to text being read aloud noting the feeling, volume control, and pace

Demonstrate reading aloud using volume control

Read aloud a text using feeling and oral presentation skills (volume, pace, audience and purpose)

Comprehension Expression

Volume Pace

Fluency Audience

Possible Essential Questions: Demonstrate fluent reading.

Show expression when reading aloud.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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4.02 Use oral and written language to:

Present information and ideas in a clear, concise manner.



Solve problems

Make decisions

Present information in a clear & concise manner in oral presentations

Present information in a clear and concise manner in writing

Listen attentively and respond appropriately to questions and comments made about a topic

Ask meaningful questions to gain information about a topic, idea, or person

Discuss how to solve problems orally

Discuss how to solve problems in written format

Concise Interview

Possible Essential Questions: Present information so that it is clear to the listener.

Determine what information is important to share in a discussion. Solve problems orally and in written form. Make decisions orally and in written form.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

4.03 Make oral and written presentations using visual aids with an awareness of purpose and audience.

Identify various visual aids (graphs, charts, models, posters, displays, photographs, illustrations, etc.)

Explain the purpose of various visual aids

Determine when to use the various visual aids

Make oral and written presentations using visuals as a guide to stay focused on the topic and presenting in a style appropriate for the audience

Visual aids Purpose


Possible Essential Questions: Use visual aids enhance a presentation.

How can I use speaking and visual aids to share my ideas?

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OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

4.04 Share self-selected texts from a variety of genres (e.g., poetry, letters, narratives, essays, presentations).

Share self-selected text in a variety of ways:

Oral presentations

Book reports




Genre Narrative

Essay Diorama

Possible Essential Questions: Demonstrate different ways to can share writing.

Select an appropriate text to share.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 4.06 Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and maintains focus on the topic with specific, relevant, supporting details by using preliminary plans.

Compose a draft written in the appropriate organizational pattern by utilizing information from the graphic organizer

Focus Specific

Relevant Draft

Paragraph Details

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Possible Essential Questions: Identify graphic organizers to use to organize ideas before writing. Demonstrate using a graphic organizer or preliminary plans to write a draft.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

4.07 Compose fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using self-selected and assigned topics and forms (e.g., personal and imaginative narratives, research reports, diaries, journals, logs, rules, instructions).

Identify the various organizational patterns or formats from fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama

Choose the appropriate format for the topic

Produce written products in a variety of genres

Fiction Nonfiction

Poetry Drama Genre


Possible Essential Questions: Establish a purpose for writing.

Decide which format should be used to write a specific piece. Demonstrate writing in different types of genres.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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4.08 Focus revision on a specific element such as:

Word choice

Sequence of events and ideas

Transitional words

Setence patterns

Distinguish between effective and ineffective words

Utilize a thesaurus to find antonyms and synonyms for words

Substitute and ineffective word for a more effective word or phrase

Identify transitional words

Know the basic components of a sentence (subject, predicate, prepositional phrases, etc.)

Re-read text proofreading for clarity

Rearrange text to increase clarity and maximize effectiveness

Determine effective word choice to maintain clarity and enhance impact

Determine when text is written in an unclear or unsystematic order

Use varying sentence patterns throughout the writing piece

Sequence Transition Effective

Ineffective Thesaurus Synonym Antonym Subject

Predicate Prepositional Declarative Exclamatory Imperative Question

Punctuation Proofread

Clarity Revise/revision

Sentence pattern

Possible Essential Questions: Demonstrate how to choose effective words.

Write/revise to make my writing more descriptive. Write/revise my writing for sequence and organization of ideas. Use transitional words to move the reader through my story.

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OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

4.09 Produce work that follows the conventions of particula genres (e.g., personal and imaginative narrative, research reports, learning logs, letters of request, letters of complaint).

Identify the conventions that are used in various genres(business letter, feature story, research reports, personal and imaginary narratives, and letters)

Determine a purpose for writing and choose a genre

Apply conventions from various writings to new writings

Narrative Complaint

Conventions Edit

Possible Essential Questions: Demonstrate using correct conventions for particular genres.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 4.10 Use technology as a tool to gather, organize, and present informaiton.

Explain how technology (the Internet) is used to gather and organize information

Use key words to gather information on-line

Know various software programs to use to organize and present information

Utilize spelling and grammar check to edit writing pieces

Learn commands and /or steps to copy and paste sentences, delete, underline, bold, italic, and center text

Edit Organize


Possible Essential Questions: Use technology to help write my paper by determining which computer programs should be used.

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Goal 5: The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.

OBECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

5.01 Use correct capitalization (e.g., names of languages, nationalities, musical compositions) and punctuation (e.g., commas in a series, commas in direct address, commas and quotation marks in dialogue, apostrphes in possessives).

Correct capitalization:

Beginning of a sentence

Pronoun /I/

Proper nouns (places, names, holidays, special events, titles of books, songs and movies, initials in names, days of week, months, 1

st word of greeting and 1


word in closing of a letter, 1st

word in a question)

Correct punctuation:

Identify punctuation

Identify the sentence ending punctuations ( ? question mark, ! exclamation point, . period)

Use periods correctly (statements and commands, after an initial in a name)

Use question marks correctly (interrogative sentences-questions)

Use exclamation points correctly (exclamatory sentence)

Use apostrophes correctly (contractions and possessives of nouns)

Use commas correctly (after yes, no and well at the beginning of sentence, to set off name of person spoken to, separate words in a series, separate city from state, separate day and year, after greeting of friendly letter and after closing of friendly or business letter, before word /and/, /but/ or in a compound sentence).

Use quotation marks correctly (before and after a quotation, titles of songs,

Capitalization Pronoun

Proper noun Punctuation

Comma Quotation marks

Dialogue Apostrophe Possessive

Exclamation mark Interrogative Exclamatory


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stories, poems, and articles)

Use underlining correctly (titles of newspapers, magazines, books, plays, and movies)

Use colon correctly (after greeting in a business letter)

Possible Essential Questions: Demonstrate proper punctuation and capitalization in writing.

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 5.02 Dem onstrate understanding in speaking and writing by appropriate usage of:


Subject/verb agreement

Verb tense consistency

Subject consistency


Define pronouns

Identify, write, and speak using correct pronouns

Use singular/plural pronouns correctly

Use subject/object pronouns correctly

Use possessive pronouns correctly

Identify pronouns in basic and complex sentences and passages

Subject/verb agreement:

Identify verbs and nouns

Identify the subjects of a sentence

Pronoun Subject Object

Possessive Consistency Agreement


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Identify verb in the sentence and the subject with which it correlates

Determine if the subject and verb agree in number

Verb tense consistency:

Identify verb or verb phrase alone and in paragraphs

Determine if the verb tense is consistent between two phrases, multiple phrases, and throughout entire pieces

Use correct verb tenses: past, present, future throughout the writing

Subject consistency:

Identify nouns

Identify the noun that is the subject of the sentence or paragraphs

Determine if the subject is consistent between two sentences

Determine if the subject is consistent throughout the paragraph

Evaluate the subject consistency throughout a written piece

Possible Essential Questions: Demonstrate appropriate use of grammar.

-prounouns -subject/verb agreement -subject consistency -Verb tenses

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OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 5.03 Elaborate information and ideas in writing and speaking by using:

Simple and compound sentences

Regular and irregular verbs



Coordinating conjunctions

Simple and compound sentences:

Compare sentences and fragments

Compose complete sentences

Define and list conjunctions

Identify a compound sentence

Create a compound sentence using a proper conjunction

Use a combination of simple and compound sentences in writing

Regular and irregular verbs:

Define, identify, and use verbs and irregular verbs

Use verb tenses correctly: past, present, future

Use vivid verbs that clearly show action


Define and list adverbs

Identify adverbs in basic sentences

Write using a variety of adverbs that compare, tell when, where and how

Write sentences and passages using correct adverbs


Simple Compound Fragment

Conjunction Compose Irregular Adverb

Preposition Edit

Coordinating conjunction

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Preview a list of prepositions

Define a preposition and prepositional phrase

Identify prepositions and prepositional phrases in simple and complex sentences

Coordinating conjunctions:

Define, identify, and use conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions

Possible Essential Questions: How can I use: simple and compound sentences, regular and irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions to make my writing and speaking clearer and more interesting?

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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5.04 Compose multiple paragraphs with;

Topic sentences

Specific and relevant details

Logical progression and movement of ideas



Concluding statement related to the topic.

Develop two or more paragraphs (5-8 sentences) including:

Identify topic of paragraph

Compose sentences with specific and related details

Arrange sentences in a systematic and logical order

Apply transitional words and phrases to connect ideas and sentences

Include a concluding sentence that pulls the writing together

Specific Relevant Logical

Coherence Elaboration Conclusion Transition

Topic Paragraph Sequence

Possible Essential Questions: How do I compose multiple paragraphs that have topic sentences, specific, relevant details, logical sequencing, coherence, elaboration, an effective concluding statement? How do I use transitional words to help connect my ideas and sentences?

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

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5.05 a visual (orthagraphy) and meaning-based strategies as primary sources for correct spelling.

Use visual and meaning based strategies for correct spelling: word walls, dictionary, phonetic strategies, and chunking

Word wall Dictionary Chunking

Sounding out

Possible Essential Questions: What strategies do I use to spell words correctly?

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 5.06 Proofread an d correct misspellings indepently with reference to resources (e.g.dictionaries, Thesauri, glossaries, computer spell-check, and other classroom sources).

Reread writing checking for spelling accuracy using:

Word wall

Dictionary, thesauri

Peer editor

Rules for writers

Word wall Dictionary Thesaurus Proofread


Possible Essential Questions: How do I use reference aids to help me edit my work?

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources

©Duplin County Schools Grade 4 ELA TIA June 2008 35

5.07 Use established criteria ro edit for language conventions and format

Check written products for:

Subject/verb agreement




Correct usage of transitional words and phrases

Sentence variety and structure according to text type

Subject/verb agreement

Edit Conventions

Format Transition Structure

Transitional words

Possible Essential Questions: How do I edit my writing?

Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 5.08 Demon strate evidence of language cohesion by;

Logical sequence of fiction and nonfiction retells

Time order sequence of events

Sustaining conversations on a topic.

Model sequencing through think-aloud

Identify sequence words including time/order words

List events in the order in which they occur

Determine that all sentences relate and stay focused on the topic

Retell a fiction story using written language

Retell a nonfiction piece using written language

Sequence Fiction


Possible Essential Questions: How does the sequencing of events help make a story easier to follow?

©Duplin County Schools Grade 4 ELA TIA June 2008 36

OBJECTIVE/TIME Task Analysis Vocabulary Materials/Resources 5.09 Create readable documents through legible handwriting (cursive) and/or word processing

Create readable documents through legible cursive handwriting and word processing by means of:

Check for correct formation, spacing, punctuation, capitalization

Apply spell check options to word document

Use indents to distinguish paragraphs

Publish Author’s chair

Legible Indent

Possible Essential Questions: What skills and strategies do I use to publish easily read written products?
