Target Audience of Indie Rock music magazines




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Task 8- Target Audience

Stereotypical Audience of Indie Rock Music

The stereo typical audience profile

Who mainly listens to that music – the genre is stereotyped to be associated amongst males mainly.

Gender -male

Age - 16-24

Social class – working/middle class, in education

Ethnicity – white

Interests – Music, Instruments, Tumblr, Photography, iphones, instragam, piercings, tattoos, clothing, shopping, dressing up, bands, gigs/concerts (local bands etc in small clubs) festivals, smoking, reading, cats, twitter.

Dress sense – suits, shorts, jeans, acid wash, baggy shirts to put over t-shirt, jackets, denim shirts and jackets, brown jackets, jumpers, band t-shirts of indie rock bands or older bands, jewellery, studded stuff, scarf, pretty little shirts for girls with printed stuff on, old vintage clothing, glasses, hippy sunglasses, backpack, dyed hair (natural look though or dip dye) necklaces for girls, natural look, curly hair.

Why they listen to indie rock– they like to go to festivals, they like to do photography like a vintage professional look on bands, they like to listen to them because they tend to be more guitar based and they like that.

How often – they listen to the music very frequently, as it can be away to relax them.

What they would like in magazines – they would the magazines to contain current artist such as arctic monkeys etc. they would probably buy magazines like Q or NME magazine.

My Target Audience


Name: Steph

Age: 16

Ethnicity: White

Current work status?: Student

current hometown: Brighouse

What magazines you buy/read?: NME, Kerrang!

How do you download your music or do you listen to it in any other ways, if so what? Tubidy

Feelings on magazines?: I like reading magazines a lot, I find them something to look forward to when I do have money to buy them

What bands/artist/genres do you listen to? I like indie rock and indie music, I like a lot of other music but indie is one of my favorites, I like listening to arctic monkeys, the kooks, the vaccines etc.

What on the front cover attracts you to wanting to look at the magazine? The image and colours

What would you like to have in the magazine yourself personally? Free things and more exclusive interviews.

How much would you pay for a magazine? About £3-£4 for a good quality magazine.


Name? Katrina

Age? 18

Ethnicity? White British

Current hometown? Birmingham UK

What magazines do you buy/read? I hardly buy magazines but I sometimes buy NME or Q magazine.

How do you download your music or do you listen to it in any other ways, if so what? I buy CDs or I buy them off Itunes

Feelings on magazines? I like them if my favourite bands/artists are featured

Favourite Band/artist/genre? Mainly pop and indie rock

Interests? I like to draw, read and go to concerts

Favourite part of the magazine? Interviews

If you don’t buy a magazine, why? Prefer to read them online

What on the front cover on a magazine attracts you into looking at it? The main picture and headlines

How much who you be willing to pay for a magazine? Depends what’s in it, I’d probably buy it if it's got my favourite artist on it so like 4.99

Why do you like indie rock? Because it's really good to listen to and there’s songs that fit every mood


Name Holly

Age 18

Current hometown? Birmingham UK

Current work status? Employed

Ethnicity White British

Do you buy magazines? No

Where do you download your music from? Torrents (bad I know) Itunes, youtube, spotify.

Feelings on magazines? I sometimes really dislike how they keep mentioning the same bands over and over again, feels too mainstream

Favourite genre/artist/bands? Metal, alternative, indie, etc.

Interests? Festivals, going out, music

Favourite part of the magazine? Reviews and music interviews

What puts you off buying magazines? I can get the same information online for free

What attracts you into buying a magazine? Free stuff and a good cover

How much would you be willing to spend on it? Not sure, about 2-5 pound depending on if its monthly or weekly

Why do you like indie rock? Its catchy, you an sing along without it being cheesy.


Name Daisy

Age? 15

Current hometown: Coventry, United Kingdom

Ethnicity: White British

What magazines do you read or buy? vogue and kerrang

How do you download music if you do or do you listen to music in other ways if so what? online

feelings on music magazines: they're good but can get proper boring

What music and bands/artist:genre you into? frank ocean sam brookes joy division rap,indie,acoustic

What are you interests: sleeping, friends, concerts

Favourite part of a magazine- probably the posters!

What on the front cover on a magazine attracts you into looking at it? Good images

12. For the front cover what kind of sell lines do you think would attract you to reading anything with big font

13. What price do you wish to spend on a magazine if you do or don't buy one? £10 or under

14. Why do you like indie rock? peaceful and cute really


Name: Tom

Age: 16

Current hometown: Birmingham UK

Current Work Status: Student and part time job

Ethnicity: White British

What magazines you buy or read? NME and Q and Kerrang

Favorite bands/genre/artists: I like alternative, rock, screamo, indie, indie rock, I like a mixture, I like bands like the kooks, the vaccines, paramore, the beatles etc.

Feelings on Magazines: I like them, I think they are great to get good exclusive interviews, information, gossip, tour/festival dates but sometimes it can get the same old, like when I look at the magazine I feel sometimes it goes on about the same thing, I know sometimes for example it will be a build up for the realise of a new CD from a band but they can go too much over the top especially if you don’t like the band but you still buy the magazine.

Interest: I like to play bass guitar with a few friends in a band we are setting up, I like to write music, listen to music, draw sometimes, go out with my friends and my girlfriend, walk my dog a lot of the time

Favourite part of the magazine: Interviews and photos

If you don’t buy a magazine why? Sometimes I have no money because its expensive or they don’t have bands I like in there

What on the front cover attracts you? The image or the colours or fonts used

How much would you be willing to spend on a magazine? Under 5 pound

Why do you like indie rock music? I like it because its not fake, its not so edited that when you see them live there is a dramatic difference like some genres of music do, they use proper instruments, they have guitar solos, great beat and tune, good lyrics that aren’t cheesy and have some meaning unlike some genre again.


Name: Luke

Age: 15

Ethnicity: White British

Current hometown: London UK

Current work status: Education, school, Student

Magazines you buy: none

Favourite bands/genre/artists: Ed sheeran, Paramore, Kings of Leon, Lana Del Ray, The black keys, The Making, more.

Feelings on magazines: I loved buying them now I don’t have the money to keep buying them when I want to buy other things but occasionally I will flick through or buy one, I like the images used I feel like I can get a lot from magazines and interviews are exclusive to the magazine

Interest: Going out with friends, learning guitar and drums, playing xbox

Favorite part of a magazine: Tour dates

If you don’t buy magazines why? They are too expensive

Why do you like indie rock music? Its relaxing and a good genre to listen to.


Name: Ella

Age: 14

Ethnicity: British

Current Hometown: Birmingham UK

Current work status: Student

Do you buy or read a magazine? I subscribe to Kerrang but I need to stop cos I don't like it anymore

How do you download your music? iTunes or YouTube converter

How do you feel about magazines: I don't like how they suck up to certain bands and dislike others that aren't the exact genre that they like

What band/genre/artist do you like: I like everything - pink floyd, adtr, boards of Canada, loads more genres

Interests: Make films and blog

Favourite part of magazine: Posters or band reviews

What attracts you to a magazine: Good bands on the front

What would you want/wouldn’t want personally in a magazine: No Black Veil Brides

How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine? £2/3

Why do you like indie music? Cos interesting music and takes on things


For this task I was able to see what my target audience really wanted from a magazine and their music opinions. I wanted to be able to see what they thought of indie rock/indie music, what they thought about music magazines and what kind of magazines they were interested in so I could look and kind of make my magazine like theirs in the same kind of style and house style and ethos, this would mean basing it on NME and Q magazine.
