Target audience


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Target Audience

Identification of my target


• My music magazine is aimed at both males and female who enjoy the genre of music dance and clubbing. It is mostly aged 16-27, it is mainly students and young adults who enjoy having a good time who like to party. People are likely to purchase this magazine are people who enjoy reading about the new singles that are getting released by DJ’s

The male in this picture looks about 26, he looks like he would enjoy my magazine, because the connections of the rave paint on his face could mean he is in a festival and the ideology of face paint is that it used at clubs therefore he could be at a dance and clubbing genre of music festival. Also that it could mean that he is in my genre of music. Also the headband he has made looks like he just made it out of some cloth the connects that he could be drunk and that he having a good time. Also he have his top of so he could be in a hot environment therefore he could be at the festival tomorrow land in Belgium

This female looks around the age of 22, she looks like she will fit my genre of music because she had headphones and the connections of the headphones could mean she is into dj’ingand likes to make her own music like this. Also the way is posed on the picture makes her look like

The male in this picture looks about 24, the man looks like he is dj’ng at a place therefore my magazine could make want to buy it because he is making the kind of music that my magazine will be talking about. Also he is wearing his headphones on one ear this could connect that he is dj’ing to set a of people now or even making his own music now. Also he has a smile on his face which could have the connections that he has happp with what he is doing and that he is enjoying it.

The female in this picture looks around the age of 19. she looks like she is in a clubbing in environment judging by the disco ball in the back ground, because the disco ball has the connections of a club and dancing genre of music. Also the clothes she is wearing looks like she will be going clubbing. Therefore I believe that this female would buy my magazine and is the right target audience because she looks like she enjoys going clubbing and could listen to this genre of music

This man is 28 years old, he looks like my target audience because he is doing some dj’ing in this picture which would mean that he would enjoy my magazine because it would fit into the genre of music it is about. Also he has got headphones on and glasses which means that he dressed for the type of music because he is dressed like a famous DJ would be. Therefore I think he would fit my target audience very well.

The female in this picture looks about 23, she is holding a disco ball which could connect that she is it to dance and clubbing music. Also the disco ball has the ideology of being in a club and surrounds that kind of music. Also she has headphones on which could mean that she is into dj’ingand likes listening to my magazines genre of music. Therefore I believe that this female is the right target audience and would enjoy my magazine.