Tampa Glazier Clinic Notes 2012


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Tampa Glazier Clinic Notes 2012

Steve Campbell- Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

“Offensive Line Drills”

-work on footwork, hand placement, recognition, etc. in the offseason

-does most of his pass pro work in the offseason (run first spread offense)


-wave drill- good posture, knees inside ankles, back arched, all cleats in the ground, keep butt down, side to side, kick slide, power slide, duck walk

-kick slide- hands up and busy, kick slide, eyes in gap, keep shoulders square, no false step, make sure knee is always inside the ankle of the kick foot

-post and pound- have body weight opposite my kick or pound step, keep knee inside ankle

-6 point- explode into bag from 6 point stance, hat and hands should hit together, get total extension, explode up and through. “Hit through, not to”. Likes to hit bodies better than the sled because the hands have to stay tighter

-fit drill- butt down, back flat, duck walk him off the LOS, turn it into a run when his weight goes back. The wider base I have, the more control I have, the narrower the base, the more power I have

-drive block (inside zone covered block)- snatch hands back, punch, drive, finish, hit with hat and hands, slight drop step on first step

-settle flipper (inside zone covered backside blocker)- step to the man, settle step, flipper and lift, fight pressure with pressure

-combos- covered backside- settle flipper with eyes on LB; uncovered w/ frontside gap-drive block hat to inside number; stay on double team until LB comes to you or you take the DL to the LB

-reach block (outside zone)- stretch step and get to his armpit, rip and knock it back if neighbor inside is uncovered; if you are uncovered, pull and overtake; if neighbor inside is covered, get 2 hands on and drive him wide by yourself

-pull and overtake (outside zone)- get to the armpit, pull and get out there, flat down the line, if the DL widens beyond me, turn up for LB

-*they try to run outside zone to an A-gap and 5 side of the defense

-outside zone combos- reach, rip, escape; pull and overtake; covered guy, DO NOT go around, knock him back

-scoops- pull get some depth and get around, put them on the ground (cut them); drill involves coach standing in the A-gap and players much get around him

-pass pro- mirror drill- get chest, shoulders and head out when you punch

-punch drill- hands need to stay tight and quick

Brian Jones- University of Missouri

“Mizzou Run Game”

QB Power/ TB Sweep-

-frontside- double to the backside LB, backside guard pulls for frontside LB, backside tackle has pull-check

-run from different formations to put stress on the defense

Power/ Sweep pass-

-full gap reach protection (sprint out protection)

Mark Loudermilk- Valdosta High

“Offensive Line Fundamentals”

Run Game Fundamentals

-should have an O-line drill chart

-scoop drill is done versus a heavy ball

-should have 2 steps by the end of the board (4 ft)

-should have eyes and hands on contact

-outside zone- “stay on track, don’t go back”

-outside zone landmark is outside armpit

-backside hand needs to punch and grab so the defender cannot come underneath the block on outside zone

-inside zone landmark is outside number

Pass Pro Fundamentals

-set starts form the ground up

-elbows on knees, put hand on thigh and push straight up

-can make a punch belt out of a weight belt and rubber bands

-bag weave is a great footwork drill (kick slide across, post step back, power slide across, post step back, repeat

-push/pull drill- keep head up; use a dowel rod or curl bar

-if you can’t handle the bull rush with the post slide, then hop-hop-cut

Valdosta Strength and Conditioning

-Key to success- consistent and relentless program

-only time the kids aren’t lifting is on holidays from school (except summer)

-warm-up: Monday and Thursday-Ladder/ Dynamics

Tuesday and Thursday- Hurdles/ Dynamic

-Weight program

Week 1- 3 x 5, 5, 5 or more = 65%, 75%, 85%

Week 2- 3 x 3, 3, 3 or more = 75%, 85%, 90%

Week 3- 5-3-1 or more = 75%, 85%, 95%

Week 4- 3 x 5, 5, 5 or more

Week 5- 3 x 3, 3, 3 or more

Week 6- 5-3-1 or more

Week 7- Max out

-did have them do sets of 10 on core lifts and sets of 5 on Olympic lifts coming off of the holiday break

-maxed them out coming back from Christmas break to get more of a true max

-shoulder combo- high pulls x 6

Hang snatch x 6

Split jerk x 6

Bent over rows x 6

-shrug combo- above head push x 8

I don’t knows x 8

Squeezed shoulders high pulls x 8

-triceps combo- triceps extensions x 10

Tricep press x 10

Diamond pushups x 10

-one day a week dedicated to core work

-on hurdle warmup days- 7 hurdles on lowest setting- forward, sideways, over/ under, bear crawls under, jump over 2 feet, straight leg (footfire), knee drive

-one arm power cleans??

Frank Verducci- University of Florida

Offensive Line Fundamentals

Run blocking-

-3 aspects to develop in offensive linemen: power, technique, and will/ attitude

-work from the feet up

-4 H’s of delivering a blow: hat, hands, hips, heels

-we want to suffocate the block- take the air out of the block

-angle on a LB drill for zone plays- mirror the LB down the line- finish with head across

-double team block- same foot, same shoulder; keep the common foot up; inside guy on the double team is the eyes of the double team

-keep thumbs up when you strike

-knee has to stay inside the ankle on inside zone

-work on the center snapping with his off hand

Pass Blocking-

-from the feet up

-weight on the post foot, back foot is light

-tackle want the outside foot down the middle of the defender

-knee has to be inside the ankle (outside leg)

-test hip flexibility by having knee drop and keep foot on the ground

-toe stays as perpendicular to the LOS as possible

-be very specific about where the eyes are looking

-Guard- post foot inside defenders inside foot, outside foot is inside his outside foot

-tilt body opposite foot movement

-Center- stay between your man and the QB (play basketball)

-emphasize physicality constantly

-don’t put your hands on the man unless you have violent intentions

-teach hips sink on punch

-if pads come at me low- power move; if they come at me high- game

-when defender is close enough to shake his forearm, PUNCH

-hands need to be up in an attack position

-Tackle- stop (wide, speed rusher) with one hand and get hands off, then reset the hand and use inside hand to collapse (and control) the hip

-if we have more blockers than rushers, someone better be on the ground getting the crap beat out of them (clean the pocket)

Pat Fox- Milford HS, MI

Program Development and Components of Building a Championship Program

-Head Coach is the ONLY one who speaks for the football program

-HC takes all responsibility for all playing time decisions

-“Work to Win”


-find the right job

-does the job fit you

-will you get the needed support to win

-has the employer demonstrated loyalty in the past

-“Do I want the job too much?”- DON’T, big mistake

-“soft” is the worst thing a kid can be called- make them believe that

-45 Day Transition Plan


-Identify strengths and weaknesses

-Key areas of study- academics, athletes, staff, heart beat of the program, financial resources

-Introduce the new Program-

-players’ meeting

-advertise- recruit your halls

-use merchant’s marquees

-personally invite kids that aren’t playing

-conduct parent meeting

-one voice for the program

-Installing the Base Components of the Program

-strength and conditioning

-skill development program

-big man agilities

-Build Your Future Today-

-recruit your hallways

-recruit the best athlete in the district

-talk to youth league and middle school coaches

- build a positive relationship with MS and youth league coaches

-build your staff as soon as possible

-Professional Development

-Philosophy of program


-calender (at least 8 months in advance)

-offensive system

-defensive system

-how are we going to teach the schemes we are going to employ?

-attitudes are addressed in the winter NOT the fall

Richard Vester- Madison County HS (FL)

Making Special Teams Special

-starts with the head coach making it important

-have to have practice time

-we use the best players at the time

-need attitude and enthusiasm from the entire staff

-assistants need to be coaching as hard during special teams as they would during their position time

-during camp and bye weeks we have a “Special Teams Only” practice (about 1.5 hours)

-In-season schedule- Monday- Kick-off and Punt

- Tuesday- Kick-off Return and Punt Return; PAT/ Block at end of practice

- Wednesday- Punt or Kick-off

- Thursday- game situational practice

-focus on techniques using drills

-create depth

-competition breeds success


-players of the week

-weekly interview on the news

-stats- in the lockerroom, send to newspaper, etc..

-Hudl/ playlist-

-all ST clips with notes emailed to the team

-all positive ST plays are on the highlight film

-Grades and Comments

-posted in the lockerroom

-includes times and distances

-Make it FUN!!

-name the teams



-let them wear their pride

-Big play awards

-full unit- Pay Day/ 100 Grand for scoring or setting up a score

-individual- player of the week, new heavyweight belt for the biggest hit

-prove that special teams are special – talk about games that were won or lost on special teams (examples every weekend)

-continue improving every week

-visit and talk to other special teams coaches
