Tambussi 2011 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society


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Palaeoenvironmental and faunal inferences based onthe avian fossil record of Patagonia and Pampa: whatworks and what does not


CONICET, División Palaeontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 LaPlata, Argentina

Received 28 February 2011; accepted for publication 28 February 2011bij_1658 458..474

Analysing the effect of climatic/environmental changes on bird communities during the South American Cenozoicis quite complicated. Taking into consideration the extremely complex evolution of such environmental conditionsand the incomplete and episodic fossil bird record in this part of the continent, any generalization should beconsidered with caution. However, some aspects may be noted: (1) certain typically South American bird groupsevolved in total isolation, i.e. terrestrial or poorly flying birds, incapable of crossing important water barriers(Rheiformes, Tinamiformes, Phorusrhacidae, Brontornithidae, Anhimidae); (2) other good flyers did not cross untilimmediately before the definitive connection between both Americas (Teratornithidae, Passeriformes Suboscines);(3) most of the families established important intercontinental relationships (Anhingidae, Pelecanidae, Ciconiidae,Anatidae, Presbyornithidae, Rallidae, Falconidae and Accipitridae); (4) several taxa that are presently importantmembers of the rich South American bird fauna are unknown for certain geological time periods (Throchilidae); and(5) there is a high prevalence of carnivorous birds over all other trophic habits, regardless of the association or ageanalysed. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Aves – biogeography – Cenozoic – faunal associations – palaeoenvironments.

Analizar el efecto que los cambios climáticos y ambientales tuvieron en las comunidades de aves durante elCenozoico sudamericano es complicado y cualquier generalización debe tomarse con cautela. Sin embargo puedenseñalarse algunos aspectos: (1) algunos grupos de aves típicamente sudamericanas evolucionaron en totalaislamiento (Rheiformes, Tinamiformes, Phorusrhacidae, Brontornithidae, Anhimidae); (2) otros grupos buenosvoladores no cruzaron a América del Norte hasta establecido el puente Panameño entre las dos Américas(Teratornithidae, Passeriformes Suboscines); (3) la mayoría de las familias establecieron importantes relacionesintercontinentales (Anhingidae, Pelecanidae, Ciconiidae, Anatidae, Presbyornithidae, Rallidae, Falconidae, Accipi-tridae); (4) importantes miembros de la avifauna sudamericana actual son desconocidos en el registro fósil(Throchilidae); (5) hay una prevalencia de aves carnívoras en todas las asociaciones cualquiera fuere su antigüedad.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Aves – biogeografía – Cenozoico – Asociaciones faunísticas – palaeoambientes.


The country remains the same: terribly uninteresting. Thegreat similarity in productions is a very striking feature in allPatagonia. The level plains of arid shingle support the same

stunted and dwarf plants; in the valleys the same thorn-bearing bushes grow. Everywhere we see the same birds andinsects []. The curse of sterility is on the land.

Charles Darwin’s Diary of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle,April 22nd, 1834

Patagonia is currently an arid (yearly precipitationsunder 300 mm), cold (mean annual temperature,*E-mail: tambussi.claudia@conicet.gov.ar

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474. With 5 figures

© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474458

12 °C) and windy territory with low-growing, steppe-adapted shrub vegetation. Only towards the west, inthe vicinity of the Andean mountain range, do pre-cipitations become more abundant and allow thedevelopment of forests with dense undergrowth(Barreda & Palazzesi, 2007) and more abundant andvaried vegetation. According to phytogeographicaland ecological criteria, Argentina can be divided into18 eco-regions, seven of which are represented inPatagonia and in the marine coastal sectors andneighbouring islands (Fig. 1). Each of these eco-regions is also characterized by the presence ofcertain bird species, both residents and visitors.Taken as a whole, Patagonia currently hosts about 40nonpasseriform and 14 passeriform bird families(Narovsky & Babarskas, 2000) with heterogeneousconcentration in each eco-region, with the prevalenceof marine birds near the Atlantic Ocean coast, lowbird diversity on the steppe and highest diversity inthe mountain forests.

Modern-day Patagonia has been moulded by atransformation process resulting from the interactionof global tectonics, with palaeogeographical andpalaeoclimatic changes. Two events are key and maybe considered as iconic for this transformation: first,the opening of the Drake Passage at some pointduring the Eocene–Oligocene transition (c. 28 Ma ago;Madden et al., 2010) isolated Antarctica from Patago-nia, bringing about a trend towards cooler conditions(Reguero & Marenssi, 2010), and, second, the rise ofthe Andes mountain range during the Miocene, whichblocked the passage of the humid East winds, induceda process of desertification. The trend towards globalcooling, which was already evident after the Mid-Eocene Climate Optimum, became more markedtowards the Miocene, although with some inter-spersed warmer periods, such as the event known asthe Middle Miocene Climate Optimum (Zachos et al.,2001; Madden et al., 2010, and references citedtherein). According to Pascual & Odreman Rivas(1971), two areas can be recognized in Patagonia: tothe north, the San Jorge Gulf Basin extends betweenthe Somun Curá massif and the Deseado massif(Fig. 1B), and the Austral Basin to the south of theDeseado massif (Tonni & Carlini, 2008). This schemeprovides a useful basis for the arrangement of thebird records discussed here.

Although the San Jorge Gulf Basin is dominatedby Palaeogene sediments (Palaeocene–Oligocene,approximately between 65 and 23 Ma, which com-prises the first part of the Cenozoic era, according toGradstein, Ogg & Smith, 2004), the Austral Basincomprises mostly sediments from the initial part ofthe Neogene (Tonni & Carlini, 2008). The wonderfulexposures of the Santa Cruz Formation (late earlyMiocene) have undoubtedly provided the best repre-

sentatives of the earliest Neogene. These exposuresare emblematic as they have been known since thelate 19th century thanks to the work of the brothersCarlos and Florentino Ameghino, the former recog-nized by his essential field work and the latter by hisvast written production (Ameghino, 1891, 1895, 1906,1908).

Accordingly, the oldest Neornithes (or modern)birds from Patagonia (and the whole of Argentina)come from the San Jorge Gulf Basin (Chubut andSanta Cruz Provinces), corresponding fundamentallyto the Riochican (middle to late Palaeocene), Casa-mayoran (late Eocene) and Deseadan (late Oligocene)periods (Fig. 1A), whereas the Neogene records origi-nate from the Santacrucian (late early Miocene) of theAustral Basin, up to the most modern Huayquerian(late Miocene), located on the northern San JorgeGulf Basin, in Chubut Province (Dozo et al., 2010), aswell as north of Patagonia, in La Pampa Province(Montalvo et al., 2008; M. N. Cenizo, C. P. Tambussi &C. Montalvo, unpubl. data). The vertebrate fossilrecord in Patagonia is very scarce from the end of theMiocene to the present. Information for this periodthus needs to be complemented with extra-Patagonian (Pampasian) records to better understandthe macro-events in the Patagonian region (Tonni &Carlini, 2008).

At least two marine transgressions affected theentire South American continent along different cor-ridors during the Miocene. The first transgressiontook place between 15 and 13 Ma and was dominatedby eustatic and tectonic factors. The second transgres-sion took place between 10 and 5 Ma and resultedmainly from tectonic events (Hernandez et al., 2005).Thus, the continental sediments of the Palaeogeneand Neogene are interdigitated with highly fossilifer-ous sediments of marine origin containing both ver-tebrates and invertebrates. Among birds, penguinsare the most frequent (Acosta Hospitaleche et al.,2007, 2008). Marine sediments are represented in theSan Julián, Monte León and Gaiman Formations(late Eocene to early Miocene) and the more modernPuerto Madryn Formation (middle to late Miocene)outcropping in the Valdés Peninsula (Dozo et al.,2010). The greatest of the Miocene transgressions isknown as the Paranaensean; it began in the latestOligocene and ended during the early middle Miocene(15–13 Ma). The final phases of this transgressionare coincident with the Neogene Climatic Optimum.The Paranaensean covered much of the Chaco-Paranaensean lowlands and eastern Patagonia,affecting the current territories of Argentina,Uruguay, parts of Brazil and Paraguay, southernBolivia, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.

Although the fossil record of birds in the Cenozoic isincomplete, scarce and consisting mostly of isolated


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

bones (very exceptionally complete skeletons havebeen exhumed; Tambussi & Noriega, 1996; AcostaHospitaleche et al., 2007), it is sufficient to suggestthat many of the orders of living birds were presentaround 33 Ma (Oligocene) and that nearly all families

with extant species were already represented at about20 Ma (Miocene). The bird fossil record in Patagoniaprovides the basis for support of this scenario of firstappearances of the major groups of Neornithes birds(the clade that includes all modern birds), the analy-

Figure 1. A, Palaeocene to Recent time scale following Gradstein et al. (2004) including time scale for Cenozoicmammalian faunas of South America (SALMA). B, Map of Patagonia showing the present-day major ecosystems (1, HighAndes; 2, Araucanian Forest; 3, Steppe; 4, Shrub) and four important fossil localities used in the text (SAN, Santa CruzFormation at Santa Cruz Province; PEN, Puerto Madryn Formation at Penínusula Valdés; CA, Cerro Azul Formation atLa Pampa Province; CHA, Chapadmalal at Buenos Aires Province). C–E, Vegetation-type physiognomies under increas-ingly drier and/or more markedly seasonal climates (modified from Barreda & Palazzesi, 2007): C, late Oligocene–earlyMiocene; D, middle late Miocene; E, late Miocene.


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

sis of which is the focus of this work. Many of therecords, especially those from the Palaeogene,however, correspond to collections made during thelate 19th and early 20th centuries, and they lackreliable provenance information. Inferences madefrom these materials thus have a restricted value.

In spite of their small sample sizes and incompletepreservation, fossil birds may be a source of valuablepalaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental informa-tion, especially when they form assemblages and areanalysed in a general context. The focus of this studyis to interpret the palaeoenvironmental, palaeoeco-logical and faunal conditions of the Cenozoic usingthe four best bird assemblages recovered fromNeogene sediments of Patagonia and Pampa.


Very little is known about the Palaeogene birds ofPatagonia: in all cases they are poorly represented.With isolated fossil material, their phylogenetic affini-ties are uncertain or their relationships are in need ofexhaustive revision (Tambussi & Noriega, 1996; Mayr,2009). Indeed, for the Palaeocene, the only knownrecords are feather imprints collected from fluviallevels of the Salamanca Formation (the Danian–Selandian boundary, c. 61 Ma, early Palaeocene;Degrange et al., 2006). This is the oldest evidence ofNeornithes birds for Patagonia and also for all of SouthAmerica. However, an isolated phalanx from the foot ofa member of Rheiformes, the taxon that includes theliving rheas or South American ostrich-like birds(Tambussi, 1995), was collected in the Río Chico For-mation (middle Palaeocene). Both records come fromthe San Jorge Gulf Basin (see Appendix).

From the same area, but exhumed from Eocenesediments, a few birds from the Casamayor Forma-tion and probably middle Eocene (Casamayoran) inage have been described (Tonni, 1980; Tambussi &Noriega, 1996; Mayr, 2009; see also Agnolin, 2004,2006a, b, 2007a, b) as well as some from theSarmiento Formation (late Eocene, Mustersan; Tam-bussi & Acosta Hospitaleche, 2005).

The Eocene of Patagonia holds the first record of thePresbyornithidae, a very particular family of aquaticor semi-aquatic Anseriformes birds with a duck-likehead and a body reminiscent of that of flamingos(Tambussi & Noriega, 1999). The affinity of these birdswith the Anseriformes has been recognized since the1970s (Olson & Feduccia, 1980), and currently they areconsidered as a sister group of the Anatidae (swansand ducks) (Ericson, 1997; Livezey, 1997).

Penguins constitute a second group with first Pat-agonian records during the Eocene (see Appendix). Atthat time, their species’ diversity was much higher

than at present (for a synthesis of the fossil record ofpenguins in Patagonia, see Acosta Hospitaleche &Tambussi, 2008).

The record of Phorusrhacidae also begins during theEocene. In particular, Psilopterines from the lateEocene (Mustersan) were reported by Tambussi &Acosta Hospitaleche (2005). The Phorusrhacidae arean extinct group of predatory terrestrial birds(Andrews, 1899; Sinclair & Farr, 1932; Tonni, 1980;Tambussi & Noriega, 1996; Alvarenga & Höfling, 2003;Bertelli, Chiappe & Tambussi, 2007; Degrange et al.,2010). Traditional studies of phorusrhacids classifythem into five subgroups; in order of increasing sizeand body mass, these are the psilopterines, mesembri-ornithines, patagornithines, phorusrhacines and bron-tornithines. This subject is described in detail below inthe section on birds found in the Patagonian Miocene.

According to Agnolin (2006b), the diurnal birds ofprey (Accipitridae, buzzards and hawks) also havetheir first records in the Patagonian Eocene. (SeeAppendix for other Eocene records.)

The Oligocene bird record is fragmentary and littleprogress has been made since Ameghino’s originalassignations. As far as I know, there have been nonew records of this age. Agnolin (2004) attempted areview, but the existing record is highly fragmentaryand of dubious affinities (see Appendix for a synthe-sis). Only the appearance of new and more completerecords would allow appropriate reconstruction of thecontinental scenarios of the Oligocene in Patagonia.

Psilopterus affinis (Ameghino), a species that seemsto be the smallest among phorusrhacid species, issafely recorded in the late Oligocene of the San JorgeGulf Basin. The first records of the middle-sized pho-rusrhacids, Patagornithinae (Andrewsornis abbottiPatterson) and the giant Brontornithinae (Physornisfortis Ameghino) also occur in the Oligocene.

With regard to the marine sediments from the SanJulián area, in Santa Cruz Province (late Eocene–early Oligocene), the remains of two mid- to large-sized penguins have been exhumed: Paraptenodytesrobustus (Ameghino) and Arthrodytes andrewsi(Ameghino) (Acosta Hospitaleche & Tambussi, 2008)(see Appendix).


It is not possible to refer to the Patagonian or SouthAmerican Neogene without mentioning the birds fromthe late early Miocene of the Santa Cruz Formation(Santacrucian). Known since the times of Ameghino,the Santa Cruz Formation occurs in southern Patago-nia and is the most widespread and most richlyfossiliferous of all Patagonian nonmarine Tertiary


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

formations of southern Argentina (Tauber, 1994,1997a, b; Tejedor et al., 2006; Vizcaíno et al., 2006, andreferences cited therein). This formation outcroppingat the Atlantic Ocean coast represents the continentalfacies after the regression of the Patagonian Sea (Tonni& Carlini, 2008). The richest fossil localities lie alongthe Atlantic Ocean coast of southern Patagonia fromMonte León to Río Gallegos and along the valleys of theChico, Coyle, Chalía, Santa Cruz and Gallegos streams(Fig. 2A). Its lower levels are dated as 19.33 and20.18 Ma, whereas the upper levels are in the 16.18–20.61 Ma range (Tejedor et al., 2006). Tauber (1997b)

recognized two biozones within the Santa Cruz For-mation, stratigraphically represented by the lowerEstancia La Costa Member and the upper Estancia LaAngelina Member (see also Croft, 2001).

By the late Oligocene–early Miocene, forest ele-ments are gradually replaced by other shrubby andherbaceous forms (Fig. 1B–D), signalling the begin-ning of the expansion of xerophytic environmentsdetermined by a cooling and drying trend manifestedin areas to the east of the Andes (Barreda & Palazz-esi, 2007), and Patagonia begins to acquire its modernappearance. Some evidence supports the existence of

Figure 2. Location maps of the fossil localities used in the text. A, Late early Miocene localities of Santa Cruz Formationat Santa Cruz Province. B, Late Pliocene Chapadmalal locality at Buenos Aires Province. C, Late Miocene localities ofPuerto Madryn Formation at Peninsula Valdés, Chubut Province. D, Late Miocene localities of Cerro Azul Formation ofLa Pampa Province.


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

both open and closed environments (see Vizcaínoet al., 2010, and references cited therein). Birds alsoreflect this process.

The Aves remains of the Santa Cruz Formation arespectacular because of their diversity and morphologi-cal disparity (Tonni, 1980; Olson, 1985; Tambussi &Noriega, 1996; Alvarenga & Höfling, 2003; Agnolin,2004, 2006a, b, 2007a, b, 2009; Noriega, Vizcaíno &Bargo, 2009; Cenizo & Agnolin, 2010). These materi-als were beautifully illustrated and reasonably well

described in the Reports of the Princeton UniversityExpeditions to Patagonia (Sinclair & Farr, 1932).However, most specimens are fragmentary. Somehave recently been reanalysed (Alvarenga & Höfling,2003; Agnolin, 2004, 2006a, b, 2007b, 2009), but athorough review is still pending (Noriega et al., 2009).The Appendix summarizes all known records to date,which, although from different localities within theSanta Cruz Formation, are considered jointly in thepresent paper (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Top: climatic scenario during the late early Miocene (Santacrucian stage) of Patagonia. Birds and somelandmark mammals are included. Bottom: explanation of the figure: 1, Tinamidae; 2, Cariama santacrucensis;3, Psilopterus lemoinei; 4, Anhingidae indet.; 5, Psilopterus bachmanni; 6, Phorusrhacos longissimus; 7, Thegornis debilis;8, Protibis cnemialis; 9, Eutelornis patagonicus; 10, Kelenken guillermoi; 11, Astrapotherium magnum (Astrapotheriidae);12, Arctodictis muñizi (Borhyaenidae); 13, Brontornis burmeisteri; 14, Badiostes patagonicus; 15, Cracidae indet.;16, Opistodactylus patagonicus; 17, Thegornis musculosus; 18, Steiromys sp. (Erethizontidae); 19, Patagornis marshi;20, Soriacebus sp. (Atelidae); 21, Ankonetta larriestrai. Drawings by Marcos Cenizo.


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

Rheiformes are herbivorous/omnivorous groundbirds, inhabitants of open grasslands. They are mag-nificent runners and their long necks and excellentvision provide them with an effective monitoringsystem. Opisthodactylus patagonicus Ameghino, theonly Santacrucian record for this family, does notdiffer greatly from that of the living Rheidae(Tambussi, 1995).

Records of Santacrucian tinamous (Tinamidae)from the fossil localities of Monte Observación, MonteLeón and Cañadón de las Vacas have been reported(Chiappe, 1991; Bertelli & Chiappe, 2002). At present,the tinamous are a Neotropical group of palaeog-naths. They are basically ground birds and poor fliers.

Modern Neotropical faunas are highly diverse inanseriforms, particularly anatids, but fossil ducks arepoorly known in Patagonia and South America. Theirfossil record is characterized by isolated and poorlyinformative specimens, with most species knownfrom their original diagnosis. The list of Patagoniananseriforms includes Eoneornis australis Ameghino(Anhimidae sensu Cenizo & Agnolin, 2010), Eutelornispatagonicus Ameghino (a basal anseriform) andAnkoneta larriestrai Cenizo & Agnolin, a mid-sizedanatid considered to have superficial similarities withthe whistling ducks (i.e. Dendrocygna) (see Appendix).

The idea originally suggested by Moreno & Mer-cerat (1891) and recently revived by Agnolin (2007b),that Brontornis burmeisteri is a basal anseriform, isquite reasonable. Brontornis was traditionally placedwithin phorusrhacids, as a representative of the‘graviportal’ habit in the family. Systematic issuesaside, Brontornis was undoubtedly the giant beast ofthe Patagonian Miocene, reaching a standing heightof over 2 m and 380 kg (body mass estimation accord-ing to Jones, 2010). Alvarenga & Höfling (2003)hypothesized that brontornithines may have beenscavengers/kleptoparasites, but Agnolin (2007b) con-sidered them to be herbivorous. Further studies areneeded, especially focused on the mandible, to cor-roborate any of these hypotheses.

During the late early Miocene, phorusrhacids expe-rienced the greatest diversification ever recorded (atleast four species) and were common inhabitants ofcoastal localities. They include Phorusrhacos longis-simus Ameghino, Patagornis marshi Moreno & Mer-cerat, Psilopterus bachmanni (Moreno & Mercerat)and Psilopterus lemoinei (Moreno & Mercerat). Theseriema-like Cariama santacrucensis Noriega, Viz-caíno & Bargo was also present. Cariama is the oldestSouth American genus with living representatives.

Phorusrhacids show considerable variation in bodysize, including the small psilopterines, three or fourtimes larger than the living seriemas of 1.5 kg (bodymass from Dunning, 2008), and the giant Phorusrha-cos longissimus at approximately 160 kg (body mass

estimation according to Jones, 2010). All phorusrha-cids, whose larger forms are popularly known as ‘terrorbirds’, are characterized by a very large and com-pressed skull, raptor-like beak and elongate leg bones.The wings seem to be greatly reduced in all species,ranging from marked reductions in the largest formsthat would not have allowed them to fly, to moremoderate reduction in which flight might have beenpossible (e.g. Psilopterinae; Tonni & Tambussi, 1988;Tambussi & Acosta Hospitaleche, 2005; for an alterna-tive view, see Alvarenga & Höfling, 2003). With orwithout flight capability, all phorusrhacids were largeterrestrial, swift cursorial birds, and it is generallyassumed that they were among the top predators of thePatagonian Cenozoic scenarios. A carnivorous lifestylewas recently tested from a biomechanical point of view(Degrange et al., 2010) using the skull of the medium-sized Patagornithinae Andalgalornis steulleti Kra-glievich from the Pliocene of northwestern Argentina.Because terror birds have no close analogues amongmodern-day birds, this study was essential to under-stand the biology of this extinguished group. In a broadsense, we may assume that the skulls of other largephorusrhacids, characterized by high and compressedbeaks, would respond similarly to that of Andalgalor-nis (body mass, 40 kg). Phorusrhacids chased andkilled their prey using their huge beaks as a hatchet(Degrange et al., 2010). They probably could haveswallowed small prey whole or, at least in some cases,dismembered large prey with the help of their strongneck muscles and the claw on digit II of the foot. Formost of the existence of phorusrhacids, South Americawas isolated (like a large island?) and inhabited by apeculiar fauna: the nonavian predators were repre-sented by marsupials and reptiles, whereas herbivores(as in the rest of the world) were placental mammals.The marsupials tended to be heavily limbed forms (e.g.borhyaenids) and the predaceous reptiles were terres-trial crocodiles: both probably inhabited forests,whereas the large phorusrhacids tended to prefer moreopen plains. However, there is no contrary evidence tosupport that the smaller psilopterines foraged in thewoods. The Americas were connected at about 3 Ma,the Panamanian bridge was completed, and thisresulted in the interchange of faunas to and fromSouth America. The phorusrhacids are one example ofsouth to north movement. An array of modern placen-tals, such as modern carnivores, arrived to the south.It is not easy to understand whether the phorusrhacidswere the losers in the direct competition with thesecarnivores and/or whether their diversity was alreadyin decline because their disappearance had alreadybegun. The truth is that the last record of phorusrha-cids in South America dates from the early Pleistocene(Tambussi, Ubilla & Perea, 1999; see also Alvarenga,Jones & Rinderknecht, 2010, and later in this article).


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

The latest South American species recorded inUruguay was among the largest phorusrhacids ever,suggesting that it coexisted with the large carnivorousimmigrants from North America with which it couldhave competed.

Other carnivorous birds from the Santa Cruz For-mation include Accipitridae (eagles, hawks) and Fal-conidae (caracaras, falcons). Both families have asharply hooked beak, strong legs, feet with raptorialclaws and diurnal habits. Again, Ameghino describedthree species: Badiostes patagonicus Ameghino,Thegornis debilis Ameghino and T. musculosusAmeghino. Apparently, they all have falconid affini-ties; furthermore, new findings would have estab-lished that Thegornis is neither a Falconinae nor aPolyborinae, but has similarities with the living forestfalcons and laughing falcon (Noriega et al., 2008).

Darters (Pelecaniformes Anhingidae) are flying,foot-propelled diving and fish-eating waterbirds. Theyare mostly tropical and common in freshwater envi-ronments, but also occur in marshes and marinecoasts. There are four living species, all placed in thegenus Anhinga. Their fossil record is rather abundant(Noriega, 1992, 1995; Alvarenga & Guilherme, 2003;Areta, Noriega & Agnolin, 2007; Cenizo & Agnolin,2010) and began during the early Miocene. Fossilanhingids in South America include species similarto those living today, as well as some very largeforms with a marked tendency to becoming flightless.The Santacrucian anhingids include MacranhingaNoriega, recovered far from the ocean coast in SantaCruz Province, and Liptornis hesternus Ameghino,which may also be a darter (Cenizo & Agnolin, 2010).

Another species recorded at the Santa Cruz For-mation is Protibis cnemialis Ameghino, a speciesbelonging to the Threskiornithidae (Brodkorb, 1963;Pelecaniformes sensu Hackett et al., 2008). Livingmembers of the family are large terrestrial birds thatprey on invertebrates and small vertebrates; theyoccur near slow-flowing freshwater or brackish waterareas.

Finally, Anisolornis excavatus Ameghino(?Cracidae), another species recognized by Ameghinofrom the Santa Cruz Formation, is of uncertain affini-ties (see Brodkorb, 1964, Cracraft, 1973 and Olson,1985 for different proposals).

This overview of the Santacrucian avifauna allowssome inferences. Various lines of evidence suggest thepresence of open vegetation and dry conditions for theSantacrucian environments, although others are con-tradictory. At present, seriemas occupy semi-open anddry landscapes, but Cariama cristata, at least, doesnot appear to be a climatic indicator (Tambussi et al.,2005). There is a clear predominance of ground andpedestrian birds in the records known so far for thisage: rheids, giant anseriforms or large phorusrhacids.

These forms can only be associated with open habi-tats. This does not exactly agree with the presence ofcebine monkeys (Tejedor et al., 2006) or anhingids(Cenizo & Agnolin, 2010). If anything, these latterrecords suggest that the area was more humid andless open, perhaps agreeing with Croft (2001).Diurnal raptors and psilopterines are compatible withthe presence of environments with alternating grass-lands and woodlands, as suggested from the floras(Barreda & Palazzesi, 2007). Considering onlythe unquestionable records, medium- to large-sizedcarnivorous species markedly predominate withinthe Santacrucian avifauna: phorusrhacids, diurnalraptors, ibises and anhingids (Fig. 3).



The Cerro Azul Formation of La Pampa Province(central Argentina) has yielded numerous and variedbird remains recovered from the Salinas Grandes deHidalgo classical area, and several new localities thatcorrespond to the most complete South American avianassociation of Huayquerian Age (late Miocene)(Fig. 2D) (M. N. Cenizo, C. P. Tambussi & C. Montalvo,unpubl. data). The Formation seems to have beendeposited under a semi-arid, probably warm and sea-sonal climate (Montalvo et al., 2008, and referencescited therein). This avian assemblage includes ninetaxa representing at least six families, two of which donot have living representatives (Fig. 4): teratorns, atleast two genera of tinamids with modern representa-tives (Eudromia and Nothura), phorushacids, the fal-conid Milvago and an undetermined PasseriformesTyraniidae (M. N. Cenizo, C. P. Tambussi & C. Mon-talvo, unpubl. data). Other than passerines, all fami-lies had been recorded in previous times.

Undoubtedly, the most impressive is Argentavismagnificens Campbell & Tonni (Teratornithidae), theworld’s largest flying bird of all times (80 kg; wing-span, 6.5–7.0 m). Teratorns are well known for com-plete late Pleistocene skeletons preserved in theRancho La Brea tar pits (California) and were relatedto storks (Ciconiidae) or New World vultures (Vultu-ridae). Their wing bones are pneumatic, elongatedand robust. The ulna exhibits large and widely spacednodes for the attachment of the feathers and, alto-gether, the wing bones resemble those of large soaringbirds. Argentavis probably used a thermal soaringmode over the open Pampas, a nonflapping style offlight energetically inexpensive (Chatterjee, Templin& Campbell, 2007). Nowadays, it is thought to havebeen a diurnal predator (see also Palmqvist & Viz-caíno, 2003) dependent on thermals for flying.


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

Within Psilopterinae, Procariama simplex Roveretohas been recorded from the Cerro Azul Formation.This extinct monotypic genus was flightless, ofmedium to large size with a body mass of approxi-mately 10 kg (Alvarenga & Höfling, 2003). It wasoriginally described from the Miocene–Pliocene ofnorthwestern Argentina (Huayquerian, CatamarcaProvince), representing the phorusrhacid with thewidest geographical range.

Remains attributable to Passeriformes Tyrannidaeare also present in the Cerro Azul Formation.

As pointed out in the Introduction, the climatedeteriorated markedly at the end of the Miocene innorthern Patagonia and open grassland areas, devel-oped during dry periods, characterized the environ-ment. Such environmental changes allowed theexpansion of some faunal elements from northernlocalities to the southwest. This is the case for theCerro Azul avian remains. These few but interestingremains are representatives of a typically Pampeanbird fauna at the end of the late Miocene in central-south Argentina.

Figure 4. Top: climatic scenario during the late Miocene (Huayquerian stage) of La Pampa Province according to theCerro Azul Formation record. Birds, some landmark mammals and reptiles are included. Bottom: explanation of thefigure: 1, Cyonasua sp. (Procyonidae); 2, Viperidae; 3, Cricetidae; 4, Nothura sp.; 5, Procariama simplex; 6, Macrauche-niidae; 7, Tyrannidae; 8, Pterocnemia sp.; 9, Thylacosmilidae; 10, Tetrastylus sp. (Dinomyidae); 11, Glyptodontidae; 12,Milvago sp.; 13, Argentavis magnificens; 14, Proeuphractus sp. (Dasypodidae); 15, Phorusrhacidae indet.; 16, Pseudoty-potherium subinsigne (Mesotheriidae); 17, Eudromia sp. Drawings by Marcos Cenizo.


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

Another bird assemblage of Huayquerian age comesfrom the uppermost part of the late Miocene PuertoMadryn Formation at Península Valdés. Thesemarine deposits crop out along the southwesterncoast of the peninsula, near Punta Delgada (Fig. 2C).The climate during the accumulation of the lateMiocene deposits in this region is inferred to havebeen warmer and seasonally drier than that of today.From terrestrial palynomorphic evidence, the Penín-sula Valdés Basin was characterized by the presenceof low xerophytic open forests and several shrubs. Inaddition, the record of sedges and bur-reed wouldindicate permanently saturated soils with freshwaterenvironments with algae and aquatic ferns (Dozoet al., 2010). Eagles (Accipitridae), whistling ducks(Dendrocygninae) and phorusrhacid Psilopterinae arerecorded there. Birds are only a part of the exhumedvertebrate fauna that includes fishes (Loricariidaeand Percomorpha) and abundant and variedmammals (Xenarthra, Rodentia and Litopterna)(Dozo et al., 2010). Vertebrates come from two closesites of similar age and sedimentology: La Pastosaand Rincón Chico. In addition, a large species ofmarabou stork (Leptotilus patagonicus Noriega &Cladera) was recovered at the locality of PuntaBuenos Aires (Noriega & Cladera, 2008). They repre-sent the first assemblage of late Miocene continentalvertebrates recorded in southern Río Negro Province.

Within birds, the most exquisite fossil remains is afragment of the cranial roof for a large-sized adulteagle (Picasso, Tambussi & Dozo, 2009). Whistlingducks (Dendrocygninae) were also present. Somematerials show considerable similarities with theliving Dendrocygna (Dozo et al., 2010). Dendrocygni-nae include herbivorous aquatic birds inhabitinglentic environments with dense surface vegetation.Within this continental assemblage, Psilopterinae arealso included. As mentioned, psilopterinae are thesmallest and most gracile phorusrhacids; some mayeven have retained their flying capability. Unlike theCerro Azul Formation and other older sites, no largeground birds, such as rheids or Phorusrhacinae, haveyet been registered in the Puerto Madryn Formation.The only carnivorous elements of these environmentswere psilopterinae and eagles. Dendrocygninaerecords are consistent with the presence of freshwaterenvironments. Large birds, such as Psilopterinae orAccipitridae, are in agreement with the occurrence ofopen forest and shrubs.


The main Pliocene localities are situated on theAtlantic coast of Buenos Aires Province (Fig. 2B).The most recent sampling expeditions have not suc-ceeded in collecting new data. Much of the following

discussion is based on information provided by the1950s collections that had no rigorous provenanceinformation. Chapadmalalan (late Pliocene, c. 4.0–3.0 Ma) was chosen to contrast with the previousscenarios in northern Patagonia. The Chapadmala-lan age follows the Montehermosan and precedesthe Uquian age. Records of this age belong to thefamilies Rheidae, Tinamidae, Phorusrhacidae (Psi-lopterinae and Mesembriornithinae), Cathartidae,Charadriidae, Scolopacidae and Furnariidae (Fig. 5,see Appendix).

Remains of the steppe tinamous Nothura andEudromia are frequent. Nothura parvula Tambussi isthe most common tinamous from the Chapadmalalan(Tambussi & Noriega, 1996). Another taxon recordedthere is Darwin’s Nothura (Nothura darwini), anextant species that currently inhabits arid steppes.Eudromia elegans inhabits Andean steppes andmountainsides from Patagonia to Buenos Aires Prov-ince and from central to northwestern Argentina.Echarri, Tambussi & Acosta Hospitaleche (2008)made a detailed bioclimatic analysis of the distri-bution of the elegant crested tinamou E. elegans,allowing a refinement of palaeoenvironmentalreconstructions. Low precipitation areas (mean of311.45 mm) were identified as suitable for Eudromiaelegans. Hinasuri nehuensis Tambussi, 1995 is thesturdiest Rheidae ever recorded.

Two species of Phorusrhacidae have been described:Mesembriornis australis (Moreno & Mercerat) and M.rapax (Patterson & Kraglievich). These large groundbirds, plus Hinasuri nehuensis, provide evidence ofopen environments.

Currently, condors (Vulturidae) do not live in thePampas region, but their fossil record is abundant(Tonni & Noriega, 1998; Tambussi & Noriega, 1999),although there is no fossil record in Patagonia. Thisfact is used by several authors to support the NorthAmerican origin of condors with a posterior shift toSouth America once the Panamanian bridge was estab-lished. It is well known that condors are soaringscavengers with high orographic affinity. For theMontehermosan/Chapadmalalan stages, arid or semi-arid conditions compatible with grasslands and forestpatches have been inferred. Such conditions favour thepresence of updrafts, such as those used by condors forsoaring. Chapadmalalan condors were varied andexhibited different sizes. Their diversity appears to beconcomitant with the decrease in phorusrhacids.

The waterbirds Charadriiformes Calidris andCharadrius indicate the presence of freshwater envi-ronments. Finally, the passerines are represented bythe ovenbirds (Furnariidae). They are small- tomedium-sized insectivores; most are forest birds, butsome occur in more open habitats, such as savannah orgrassland.


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

The Chapadmalalan bird association (Fig. 5) sharesthe predominance of carnivores/scavengers with asso-ciations of the early Miocene. However, there are noPatagonian fossil condors and the phorusrhacids aresmaller in the Chapadmalalan deposits.


Although it is generally recognized that the Neorni-thes diversified explosively within 10 Ma followingthe Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary, and that the

modern bird community began to be formed duringthe Oligocene–Miocene transition, South Americanbird fossil records are too fragmentary to allow thereconstruction of such a scenario.

The Cenozoic avian fossil record from Patagonia isstill sparse – both geographically and temporally –and taxonomically poor, relative to the diverse con-temporary avian fauna of South America. Palaeogenefossils do not provide a firm foundation to begin thereconstruction of the evolutionary and biogeographi-cal history of the taxa of higher levels. It is not within

Figure 5. Top: climatic scenario during the late Pliocene (Chapadmalalan stage) of Buenos Aires Province. Birds andsome landmark mammals are included. Bottom: explanation of the figure: 1, Actenomys priscus (Ctenomyidae); 2,Thylophorops chapalmalensis (Didelphidae); 3, Tinamidae; 4, Calidris sp.; 5, Charadrius sp.; 6, Scelidodon sp. (Mylodon-tidae); 7, Vulturidae indet.; 8, Phorusrhacidae indet.; 9, Chapadmalania altaefrontis (Procyonidae); 10, Mesembriornisrapax; 11, Thylacosmilus atrox; 12, Ringueletia simpsoni (Dasypodidae); 13, Furnaridae indet. Drawings by MarcosCenizo.


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

the scope of the present contribution to cover in detailthe biogeographical patterns of the major lineages ofNeornithes. I direct the reader to Cracraft (2001) andMayr (2009) and the various references reviewed bythem.

Although our knowledge on Patagonian (and SouthAmerican) Neogene birds is characterized by manyuncertainties, some biogeographical inferences arepossible. Rheas belong to a family deeply rooted inSouth America. The fossil record for this familybegins during the Palaeocene and is restricted toSouth America (Tambussi, 1995). There is evidencethat Darwin’s rhea, Pterocnemia pennata, a typicallyPatagonian arid–semi-arid element that nowadaysinhabits areas with annual precipitations up to300 mm (Tambussi & Acosta Hospitaleche, 2002),extended its distribution to the pampas during thePleistocene (northeast of its current distribution) inaccordance with environmental changes. Similarly,there is evidence indicating that a second extantspecies, the Greater Rhea, extended further southduring the late Pleistocene, and this was facilitatedby the more humid conditions prevailing at that time(Tambussi & Tonni, 1985).

The South American screamers (Anhimidae) consti-tute a basal lineage of Anseriformes with deep rootsin South America. Their fossil record may go back intothe late Oligocene–early Miocene of Brazil and, if theassignation of Loxornis clivus to the Anhimidae iscorrect, they would have a record in the late Oli-gocene of Patagonia.

Gruiformes exhibit a clear Gondwanan distribu-tion, but they also have a wide Laurasian Palaeogenerecord and the relationships of these taxa with thoseof South America are unclear. Presently, Gruiformesare not considered as a natural group (Mayr &Clarke, 2003; Hackett et al., 2008).

Phorusrhacids (Cariamiformes) had their early andnear complete history in South America. A member ofthis group, Titanis, participates in the second episodeof the exchange between the Americas that took placeat about 5.0–4.7 Ma (see Woodburne, 2010, and ref-erences cited therein). The latest records in SouthAmerica are Pliocene–early Pleistocene in age (Tam-bussi et al., 1999). Recently, Alvarenga et al. (2010)described a distal portion of a tarsometatarsus fromthe late Pleistocene of Uruguay that they assigned toa Phorusrhacidae. At least judging from the publishedfigure, however, the material is very poor, and addi-tional skeletal elements are needed to confirmidentification.

Falconidae, which today have a worldwide distri-bution, seem to have a South American origin.Falcons occur in the late early Miocene Santacrucianlocalities, but the record is extremely poor when com-pared with its high modern diversity.

Teratornithidae have a South American origin anddid not reach North America until the late Neogene(Campbell & Tonni, 1981). They have a Palaeogenerecord from Brazil and, after that, during the lateMiocene. As phorusrhacids, they move in the Ameri-cas in a south–north direction.

Two additional derived taxa, Psittaciformes andPasseriformes, deserve consideration. Psittaciformes(parrots, cockatoos, macaws) represent a very particu-lar group of living birds with a probably Australasianorigin (Wright et al., 2008), with a long evolutionaryhistory predating their current panaustral distribu-tion. Approximately 43% of Psittaciformes livingspecies (148 species within the tribe Arini) are in theNeotropics. In Argentina, they are recognized fromthe late Pliocene and all records are limited to thePampean Region. All but one (Nandayus vorohuensisTonni & Noriega) are species of the genus CyanoliseusBonaparte. The burrowing parrot, Cyanoliseus pat-agonus, belongs to the most derived clade of parrots.Tambussi, Acosta Hospitaleche & Horlent (2007)characterize the modern area of distribution assubhumid–dry to semiarid, with rainfall up to600 mm and, exceptionally, 800 mm, and tempera-tures not below 8–9 °C. Taking into account thecurrent conditions of the Pampean Region, the Cyano-liseus record suggests more arid conditions that atpresent during the late Pleistocene–Holocene at thesoutheastern portion of the Pampean Region.

The passerine radiation represents one of the great-est avian success stories of all time. They are strongfliers of small size with exceptionally high metabolicrates. About 58% (5700 species) of the living birds(close to 9700 species) are passerines and theybecame highly diverse in the Neogene. However, thefossil record of Passeriformes in Argentina isextremely poor. The oldest record corresponds to anundetermined Passeriformes (probably belonging toTyranni) for the early–middle Miocene (Noriega &Chiappe, 1993) of Pinturas. Fossil Tyranni began tobe abundant in Argentina starting in the Pliocene(Tonni & Noriega, 2001). Four species, Ciclodesmajor, Pseudoseisuropsis nehuen, Junco robustus andan indeterminate species of Sicalis, are known fromthe middle Pleistocene of the Pampean Region. Pos-sibly, the very scarce record of passerines is the resultof the sampling mode and does not reflect realabsence.

The focus in the present article was on fourNeogene associations of birds: one from the late earlyMiocene, two from the late Miocene and one from thelate Pliocene. This choice is not random. First, thePalaeogene record of birds is virtually absent andcontroversial. Second, the Miocene is a landmarkperiod of transformation in the Patagonian – andSouth American – physiognomy. This transformation


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

was the result of several processes: the decrease inmarine temperatures, the decrease in humid condi-tions and the increase in xeric conditions, resulting inthe expansion of the steppe across extra-Andean Pa-tagonia and the confinement of the forest to thewestern areas. The avian fossil record partiallyreflects these processes but, in several cases, is notespecially informative.

However, birds can usefully complement environ-mental information when they are members of arepresentative vertebrate assemblage. It is necessaryto incorporate a reflection over the context in whichwe use the term ‘association’ here. Most of theNeogene material recognized for Patagonia and thePampas belongs to old collections. The provenance ofsome of these materials can be doubtful. However,specimens – and taxa – are considered to belong tothe same association when they come from the samesedimentary formation, although not necessarily fromthe same locality (but nearby; e.g. Santacrucianbirds). It is very difficult to extrapolate the environ-mental requirements of the extinguished taxa fromthe living fauna (that is, actualism). Although sub-stantial advances have recently been made in therecognition of which environmental variables bestexplain the distribution of some species (tinamids,psittaciforms, cariamids, some anseriforms), substan-tial information is still absent. Environmental recon-struction from fossil remains will be reliable whenthose remains correspond to extant species. Majoruncertainties arise when the species are not thesame.

Eduardo Tonni and Kenneth Campbell, in the1980s, stated that the South American Cenozoic birdfauna was dominated by carnivorous birds, with thegiant Phorusrhacidae and Teratornithidae being themost noticeable. We can now add the Falconidae,Accipitridae and Vulturidae (the latter only in thePampean Region). Other nocturnal raptors (i.e.Strigiformes, owls) have not been recorded during theSouth American Palaeogene or early Neogene, butthey are very abundant from the Palaeogene of theNorthern Hemisphere. They argued that this domi-nance was correlated with a low diversity of largemammals (placental) carnivores. It is very interestingto note that carnivore vertebrate communities in Pat-agonia were represented predominantly by terrestrialbirds and crocodiles (Sebecidae), whereas, in othercontinents, this role was occupied by the placentalcarnivores. The high prevalence of carnivorous birdsover all other trophic habits continues today, althoughrepresented by different taxa (Tambussi, Noriega &Tonni, 1993).

After the connection between both Americas, therewas intrusion of potential competitors and invasivespecies that undoubtedly had an impact on the origi-

nal habitats and biotic structures. Certain groups ofbirds persisted in their original distribution area,whereas others succumbed or changed their distribu-tions. Rheids that are strictly terrestrial did notextend their distribution to North America, eventhough the land connection existed; nor did the Tina-mids, although they are capable of flight. The Tera-tornithidae, which would have been excellent flyersand for which a sea barrier would not have beenan impediment, have no records in North Americauntil the Pliocene. Other senior groups, such asAnhingidae, Pelecanidae, Ciconiidae, Anatidae,Anhimidae, Presbyornithidae, Rallidae, Falconidaeand Accipitridae, established important interconti-nental relationships. Other taxa that are now impor-tant members of the rich South American avian fauna(e.g. hummingbirds) are unknown in certain periodsof geological time. Lineages that were strictly terres-trial, flightless and with giant species persisted for along time in South America (phorusrhacids, the giantBrontornis and rheids). Only the latter survive amongthe Neogene mammalian predators to date.

Nowadays, the Patagonian avifauna includesapproximately 156 terrestrial, 52 aquatic and 11oceanic breeding species. Bearing in mind the wideextension of Patagonia, exceeding one million squarekilometres, it is clear that the Patagonian avifauna ispresently impoverished.


Thanks are due to F. Degrange and M. Cenizo forinspiring discussions on Cenozoic South Americanbirds over the past few years. Thanks are also due tomy colleagues C. Mosto and M. Picasso, as well as mystudents, whose frequent questions demanded con-stant updating. C. Morgan and C. Mosto improvedsubstantially the English text. F. Degrange assistedwith Figure 2. This contribution is based on a presen-tation at the Symposium on ‘Palaeogeography andPalaeoclimatology of Patagonia: Effects on Biodiver-sity’, held at the La Plata Museum in Argentina inMay 2009 and organized by Jorge Rabassa, EduardoTonni, Alfredo Carlini and Daniel Ruzzante. I furtherthank the editors of this special issue for inviting myparticipation. This study was supported by FONCYT32617 and 0365 grants.


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Fossil birds from selected Patagonian and Pampean localities (see text for current status). Ac, Accipitriformes;An, Anseriformes; Ca, Cariamiformes; Ch, Charadriiformes; Fa, Falconiformes; Pe, Pelecaniformes; Rh,Rheiformes; Sp, Sphenisciformes; Ti, Tinamiformes.

Taxon Stratigraphy and age

Aves Neornithes Salamanca Formation, early PalaeoceneRh Rheiformes Río Chico Formation, mid-PalaeoceneAn Presbyornis pervetus Casamayor Formation, mid-EoceneAn Telmabates antiqus Casamayor Formation, mid-EoceneAn Presbyornithidae Vaca Mahuida Formation, early EoceneAc Accipitridae indet. Chubut province, lower–mid-EoceneCa Psilopterinae indet. Sarmiento Formation, late EoceneSp Arthrodytes andrewsi San Julián Formation, late Eocene–early OligoceneSp Paraptenodytes robustus San Julián Formation, late Eocene–early OligoceneSp Argyrodytes microtarsus San Julián Formation, late Eocene–early OligoceneCa Physornis fortis Deseado Formation, late OligoceneCa Andrewsornis abbotti Deseado Formation, late Oligocene


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474

APPENDIX Continued

Taxon Stratigraphy and age

Ca Psilopterus affinis Sarmiento Formation, late Oligocene? Pseudolarus guaraniticus Deseado Formation, late OligoceneCa Ciconiopsis antarctica Deseado Formation, late OligoceneAn Loxornis clivus Deseado Formation, late Oligocene? Cruschedula revola Deseado Formation, late Oligocene? Climacarthus incompletus Deseado Formation, late Oligocene? Aminornis excavatus Deseado Formation, late OligoceneAn Teleornis impressus Deseado Formation, late Oligocene? Riacama caliginea Deseado Formation, late OligoceneSp Eretiscus tonni Gaiman Formation, early MioceneSp Palaeospheniscus bergi Gaiman Formation, early MioceneSp Palaeospheniscus patagonicus Gaiman Formation, early MioceneSp Palaeospheniscus biloculata Gaiman Formation, early MioceneSp Paraptenodytes antarctica Monte León Formation, early Miocene; Puerto Madryn

Formation, early late MioceneSp Madrynornis mirandus Puerto Madryn Formation, early late Miocene

Rh Opisthodactylus patagonicus Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneTi Tinamidae Santa Cruz Formation, late early Miocene? Anisolornis excavatus Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneAn Eoneornis australis Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneAn Eutelornis patagonicus Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneAn Ankoneta larriestrai Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneAn Brontornis burmeisteri Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneCa Phorusrhacos longissimus Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneCa Patagornis marshi Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneCa Psilopterus lemoinei Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneCa Psilopterus bachmanni Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneCa Cariama santacrucensis Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneFa Badiostes patagonicus Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneFa Thegornis debilis Santa Cruz Formation, late early MioceneFa T. musculosus Santa Cruz Formation, late early MiocenePe Macranhinga Santa Cruz Formation, late early MiocenePe Liptornis hesternus Santa Cruz Formation, late early MiocenePe Protibis cnemialis Santa Cruz Formation, late early Miocene

Rh Pterocnemia Cerro Azul Formation, late MioceneTi Nothura Cerro Azul Formation, late MioceneTi Eudromia sp Cerro Azul Formation, late MioceneCa Procariama simplex Cerro Azul Formation, late MioceneCi Argentavis magnificens Cerro Azul Formation, late MioceneFa Milvago Cerro Azul Formation, late MiocenePa Tyraniidae Cerro Azul Formation, late Miocene

Ci Leptoptilus patagonicus Puerto Madryn Formation, early late MioceneAc Accipitridae indet. Puerto Madryn Formation, early late MioceneCa Psilopterinae indet. Puerto Madryn Formation, early late MioceneAn Dendrocygninae Puerto Madryn Formation, early late Miocene

Rh Hinasuri nehuensis Chapadmalal Formation, late PlioceneRh Rheidae indet. Chapadmalal Formation, late PlioceneTi Nothura parvula Chapadmalal Formation, late PlioceneTi Eudromia Chapadmalal Formation, late PlioceneCa Mesembriornis australis Chapadmalal Formation, late PlioceneCa M. rapax Chapadmalal Formation, late PlioceneCh Calidris Chapadmalal Formation, late PlioceneCh Charadrius Chapadmalal Formation, late Pliocene


© 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 458–474
