Talk for Creatives 2011



Talk for creatives March 2011

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“The Internet is a miracle. You push a button and you publish to the world.”

Tim Sparke@sparkey

I work with people to help them navigate the digital marketing landscape.Education plays a critical role in helping facilitate change.There are 2 main audiencesInternal & external.

“Tools don't get socially interesting until they get technologically boring. It isn't when the shiny new tools show up that they are used to start permeating society, it's when everyone is able to take them for granted...”

Clay Shirky

“the most profound technologies are those that disappear…they weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it”.

Mark Weiser



videos on YouTube

Lady Gaga

members Facebook

hours of video to YouTube

25,000,000,000 sent in 2010

36,000,000,000 on Facebook

2,000,000,000 watched every day

7,900,000 followers on Twitter

600,000,000 of

35 uploaded every minute

How many texts does the average teen send every month?


We are living through the disorientation that comes from

including 2 billion new participants in a media landscape

previously operated by a small group of professionals.

The next great jump in communications won’t come from just TV. It’ll be a mix of online, mobile, TV, real...

who knows?


If you work in advertising, you have

to get digital

- this is more true everyday

This could be the most exciting time to be a creative and to be in this industry.

Let’s seize it.

“The Internet is a miracle. You push a button and you publish to the world.”

(geography is no longer the boss)

If you have an idea. Make it.

Leroy  S(ck,  pretending  to  be  BP's  global  press  office,  mocked  their  handling  of  the  New  

Orleans  oil  spill

•  Raised  $10,000  for  a  non-­‐profit  conserva(on  group,  Gulf  of  Restora(on  

Network•  Started  May  19  within  1  month  has  

165k+  followers  and  countless  mainstream  coverage

'I started @BPGlobalPR, because the oil spill had been going on for almost a month and all BP had to offer were bullshit PR statements. No solutions, no urgency, no sincerity, no nothing. '

‘Treat communication seriously. Treat engagement seriously.

Treat your consumer seriously.’

Ruby Psuedo

If you have an idea. Make it.

Helping people look for and see colour

To create something lasting....more than digital noise

It’s not about social media.

It’s about social ideas and unsocial


Nike didn’t just say that football connected people and brought the world together, they actually did something to make it do so.

Connecting the real and the virtual

in 3 months

visitors countries

av. time on site press coverage/reach

paid media budget increase in trenchcoat sales

333,000191 5.5 mins £6.8m £085%

People would ignore the instructions to aim the Tweenbot in the “right” direction, if it meant sending the robot into a perilous situation. One man turned the robot back in the direction from which it had just come, saying out loud to the Tweenbot, "You can’t go that way, it’s toward the road.”

1.  It’s easier to accomplish big things if we break them into lots of little parts.2.  Psychic rewards are a great motivator.3.  Make it easy and learn to trust the community.4.  Don’t be afraid to ask.5.  Remember that joy and passion are contagious.

On motivation, community & social media

Rushkoff’s 10 (well 4) commandments for the digital age

1.  Time: don't be always on.  We have lost the benefit of thinking that comes from the original nature of the web.

2.  Distance: don't do from "afar" (email, texting, 2nd life) what can be done in person or close up.

7. Contact:  contact, not content, is king.  We are humans.

10.  Program or be programmed: When it comes to devices and apps, stop thinking "what can they do for us," and start thinking "what can we make it do."  We don't even teach kids in school programming languages anymore.  We teach them Microsoft office. 

In an industrial economy we focus on physical things. In an information economy relationships are built on knowledge & services. Positive interactions with brands allow people to make up their mind based on experiences, not messages.


targetmedia plan


communityexperiencesinviteconversation plancollaborate

500,000,000  (FB)86,000  (YT)10,000,000,000  (Tweets)5,000,000,000  

So, that’s about it..Our industry is moving to a new age.

It requires new thinking and processes.

Most importantly, digital is no longer someone else’s job.

It’s yours.

We all need to work smarter.

strategysuit pr/smedia media analyticsgeek




It’s not about technologyIt’s about what we’re doing with it

Play like a child. Pull stuff apart. Break things.Be curious. Be interested.

500,000,000  (FB)86,000  (YT)10,000,000,000  (Tweets)5,000,000,000  

I’m excited.

You should be.

500,000,000  (FB)86,000  (YT)10,000,000,000  (Tweets)5,000,000,000  

Make a Kickstarter project

Download the Nike Training Club Use Twitter



‘Oh My God What Happened...’

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to....

Charles Darwin

“ . ”

Location. Social. Data.

‘What used to take up a building now fits in my pocket, and what now fits in my pocket will fit inside a blood cell in 25 years’

Ray Kurzweil

“Like  air  &  drinking  water,  being  

digital  will  be  no(ced  by  its  absence,  not  it’s  presence”  

                                                                           Nicholas  Negroponte,  1998

Sometimes it’s little things

Brands I’m watching

THANKS @sparkey

Go make some great


"Optimism. If we took the loopiest, most moonbeam-addled

Californian utopian internet bullshit, and held it up against the most cynical, realpolitik-inflected

scepticism, the Californian bullshit would still be a better predictor of the future. Which is to say that,

if in 1994 you'd wanted to understand what our lives would be like right now, you'd still be better

off reading a single copy of Wired magazine published in that year than all of the sceptical

literature published ever since."