Tales From an Urban Adventurer 2 - The Lightning Strike



A person asks God for a sign. The outcome.

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  • Tales from an Urban Adventurer 2 The Lightning Strike Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju Compcros Comparative Cognitive Processes and Systems Exploring Every Corner of the Cosmos in Search of Knowledge I made a friend who tells wonderful stories of her life. I have decided, with her permission, to tell them to the world, writing in the first person. "Do you believe in God?'" he asked. "I don't". He was my boss at a publishing company in Cambridge, England, one of the two directors, very nice people, making sure I had regular breaks at work and treating me to lunch. "Why not ask God to show you a sign?" I responded. "Okay. I'm off for a week. I'll try it then", he concluded. On his return from his week off, he approached my desk, looking very angry. "I don't know what powers you are controlling, but I don't like it", he began. "On the balcony of the house I was at on my week off, I looked up to the sky and asked for a sign", he continued. "A lightning bolt speared out of the sky, striking and totally destroying my 25,000 Rolex watch and did nothing else. There is something weird about you that does not belong here", he concluded. After that he began to treat me badly, leading to my leaving the company. Also posted on Facebook Cognitive Diary blog
