Talent WINS! Hiring as a Competitive Advantage ™ __________________



Talent WINS! Hiring as a Competitive Advantage ™ __________________. Is your company ready for the employee turnover issues when: 1. the economy really starts to heats up 2. large numbers of Baby Boomers actually start retiring - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Talent WINS!

Hiring as a

Competitive Advantage™


Is your company ready for the employee turnover issues when:

1. the economy really starts to heats up

2. large numbers of Baby Boomers actually start


3. the war for talent begins

Presented by:John Bishop


Employees Will Turnover Every 4.1 years - US Bureau of Labor Statistics


Middle Managers

Entry Level

How do you gain a

Competitive Advantage?

Current employees New employees

Talent WINS!

How Can You Gain an Advantage When:

Turnover - average for all employees - 4.1 years

- average for 22 – 34 year olds - 2.3 years

– US Bureau of Labor Statistics

7 out of 10 employees are not engaged in their job – Gallup poll

70% of all resumes contain fictitious information

– SHRM study – HR’s professional association

Our Changing World Fact:

Today’s golf vs. soccer golf - young people are playing golf – on regular golf courses -

with a soccer ball. Why? Less time and money. They look at everything differently.

3 Top Reasons for Turnover

The employee's immediate boss

Fellow employees not carrying their weight

Validate me as person or lose me as an employee

Talent WINS!

How do you gain a

Competitive Advantage

when your employee mix is

changing every 4.1 years?

Be Different & Be BetterDon’t start with the Job Description – they only give you the basic info about

duties, education, experience, etc. Before the process begins, the hiring manager should provide written, strategic information about their current team’s talent gaps, biggest challenges in the open position, future needs, expectation goals for the new person, etc. The Job Outlook™ form should be signed and added to the Job Description. (see the next two slides)

Hire Like a Head Coach™ - The athletes on a college sports team change every four years, yet the good Head Coaches consistently have a winning team. Talent WINS! Employees today are saying Validate me as a person or lose me as an employee.

Access – Don’t Guess – Skills tests or personality tests alone are not enough. Do pre-hire assessments (cognitive, behavioral, and interests) for job fit and team fit. A small investment on the front end will save you time and money dealing with the wrong person in the job. Remember on average they will stay only 4.1 years. How do you help the new employee succeed – quickly?

Rate Your Current Hiring Process – this hyperlink will take you to a form to measure the strengths and weaknesses of your existing hiring method

Job Description are Soooo Yesterday

Yes, we still need them, but often they are 2 - 4 years old

and only provide basic information:





Working conditions General qualifications – (i.e. sales rep in St Louis vs. NYC...

same job description but different market, challenges, etc.)


• Strategic information

• Managerial ownership

• Accountability

• Paper trail

Job Outlook™ Form

Strategic Review Before

Hiring Process Begins:

• Hiring Goal statement

• Current team review

• Self Review – not shown

• Open position review – not shown

• Signed by hiring manager

Use this info in the interview and hiring decision process

Outperform Your CompetitionHow can we help you?

CompetitiveHiring.com forms – (hint: if you are still starting the hiring process with a

job description you are already behind in today’s rapidly changing environment – the Job

Outlook, Interview Evaluation, and Hiring Decision forms are strategic, customizable and

signed by the interviewer(s) and the Hiring Manager

Pre-hire assessments – problem solving, behavioral traits, interview questions, motivational interests, skills tests, sales aptitude, customer service, etc.

Post hire assessments - team building, conflict resolution, succession planning, leadership development, on-boarding and more

Workshop - Hire Like a Head Coach™ training

Workshop - Guarding the Front Door™ training

Management development assessments

Sales development assessments

Talent WINS!

How do you gain a Competitive Advantage

when your employee base is changing every 4.1 years?

__________We can help.

John BishopCompetitiveHiring.comwww.CompetitiveHiring.comjbishop@CompetitiveHiring.com