Take Practice Test: On a separate sheet of paper write down numbers 1-34. 1. 2. 3. through 34....


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Take Practice Test: On a separate sheet of paper write down numbers 1-34.

1. 2. 3. through 34. Indicate which ones you got correct with + or - . Use the grade breakdown to check your score.

A 32-34 96-102 B 29-31 87-93 C 24-28 72-84 D 20-23 60-69F 0-19 0-57

Grade # Correct Points Earned

This is the Benchmark Grade Breakdown

Standard 9D&9EElectrochemical

Impulse & Neurons

1. (9d) Identify the cell below

A.Cell Body B. Axon

C. Dendrite D. Neuron

2. (9d) What is the function of the cerebrum?A. controls conscious and voluntary

activities of the body.

B. controls heart rate.

C. controls blood pressure.

D. controls breathing.

Controls thought and conscious movements

Controls muscle coordination and homeostasis.

Medulla OblongataControls involuntary body movements like heart beat, breathing, digestion etc.


Receives messages from sense organs and causes appropriate response.

HypothalamusControls and analyzes hunger,thirst, fatigue, anger & body temperature.

3. (9d)What is the function of the central nervous system?A. To relay messages

B. To process information

C. To analyze information

D. all of the above

4. (9e) Neurons are categorized by theA.direction in which they carry

impulse.B. amount of metabolic activity

takes place.C. number of impulses or dendrites

that branch out.

5. (9d) What is the function of the neurotransmitters?

A. to transmit nerve impulses through the dendrites.

B. to stimulate the production of epinephrine.

C. to transmit nerve impulses across synapses.

D. none of the above

6. (9e) Sensory receptors that are sensitive to chemicals are found in theA. Skin,body core & hypothalamus.B. Skin, skeletal muscles & earsC. Eyes.D. Nose and taste buds.

7. (9e) In the reflex arc or action illustrated in the diagram below. What does X represent?A. Sensory Neuron

B. Motor Neuron

C. Interneuron

D.Parasympathetic Nervous System


8. 9d Which of the following best describes the direction and sequence of movement of a traveling nerve impulse?

A. axon,cell body,dendrites,synapse

B. dendrites,cell body,axon,synapse

C. dendrites,axon,cell body,synapse

D. Cell body,dendrites,synapse,axon

9. (9e) “C” represents which type of nerve?

C. Interneuron D.All of the above

A. Sensory Neuron B. Motor Neuron



Standard 9B & 9CEndocrine Feedback


10. 9B Which system coordinates the body’s response to changes in its internal and external environment?A. Endocrine System

B. Nervous System

C. Lymphatic System

D. Both A & B

11. (9c) Which gland fails to produce enough of its hormone in the disease diabetes mellitus?A. adrenal

B. hypothalamus

C. pancreas

D. parathyroid

12. 9C Feedback inhibition means that an increase in a substances will A. Stop production of another


B. Increase the production of another substances

C. Increase production of that substance

D. Decrease production of that substance

13. 9C Which process enables the body to maintain a stable body temp? A. The parasympathetic nervous


B. The sumpathetic nervous system

C. Feedback inhibition

D. Action potential

14. 9B The ability to move your right hand is controlled by the A. Left hemisphere of the cerebrum

B. Right hemisphere of the cerebrum

C. Both the left and right hemisphere of the cerebrum

D. Neither hemisphere of the cerebrum

15.9C Which system in a human is responsible for producing hormones from glands, to regulate metabolism, growth, and sexual development?

A. Circulatory

B. Digestive

C. Endocrine

D. Respiratory

Standard 9A Nutrients &

Waste Removal

16. (9a) The ( ) is not necessary for removing urea from the body.• Circulatory system• liver• heart• kidney

17. (9a) Which of the following is the correct order of nutrient (food) flow from the mouth to the cells?

A.Mouth, esophagus, small intestine, stomach, cells & bloodstream.

B.Mouth, trachea, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine & colon.

C.Mouth, stomach, large intestine, bloodstream & cells.

D.Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, bloodstream & cells.

18. (9a) Carbon dioxide is Not removed from the the body through which of the following?

Nose & Mouth



The Order of Air Flow in Lungs


• Circulatory system• Lungs• Excretory System• kidney

Standard 10A & 10D

Viruses & Bacteria 1st Line of Defense

19. (10a) ____ is an enzyme found on the skin, in the saliva and in tears that kills bacteria by breaking down their cell wall.A.Antigens




20. (10a) Which of the following is not a way that the skin acts as a nonspecific defense against disease?

A.Production of sweat

B.Forms an outer layer

C.Production of antibodies

D.Production of lysozymes

21. (10a) The body’s first line of defense against disease is ____?A.Killer T CellsB.AntibodiesC.The skinD.InterferonE.Roving macrophages

22. (10d) Unlike lytic viruses, lysogenic viruses do NOTA.Injected their genetic material

into the host cell.

B.Enter the lytic cycle.

C.Lyse the host cell right away.

D.Infect host cells.

23. (10d) Antibiotics are used to treat infectious diseases caused byA.fungiB.virusesC.bacteriaD.Bacteria & viruses

24. (10d) Interferon is a natural chemical used primarily to fight ___ infections.A.fungalB.viralC.bacterialD.Bacterial & viral



TailTail Fibers

25. (10d) The cell structure below is aA.Plant CellB.VirusC.Animal CellD.BacteriophageE.Bacterial Cell

Standard 10B & 10C

The Lines of Defense Against Viruses & Bacteria

26. (10c) A vaccine contains _____A.AntibodiesB.Dying or weak virusesC.antibioticsD.Fully potent fungus tissue

27. (10b) Which of the following is the function of antibodies in the immune response?A.Antibodies produce


B.Antibodies attach to antigens and attract phagocytes which engulf & destroy the antigen.

C.Antibodies produce interferon.

28. (10c) An infectious disease is one caused byA.HeredityB.Materials in the



29. (10c) A person who has received a vaccine against polioA.Is able to produce antibodies

against polio.B.Has polio antibodies in the blood.C.Has antipolio killer T cells in

blood.D.Is more susceptible to the polio

virus than someone who has not had the vaccine.

Standard 10E & 10F

HIV & The Immune Response

30. (10f) Cells that are directly responsible for the production of antibodies are

A.Red Blood Cells




31. (10e) HIV weakens the immune system by killingA.Antibodies

B.B Cells

C.Helper T Cells

D.Killer T Cells

Humoral ImmunityStep 6:


Helper T cell assists the activated B cell to develop into an antibody-producing plasma cell.Copy

32. (10e) HIV spreads through the body byA. Replicating inside the cells of the

immune system.

B.Preventing the body from producing antibodies against HIV.

C.Causing the body to have asthma attacks.

D.Strengthening the immune system.

33. (10e) Zidovudine (AZT) is a drug that stops an enzyme that HIV needs to multiply. What effect would you expect AZT to have on the number of T cells in an HIV-infected person’s blood and immune system?A.AZT should increase T cells.

B.AZT should decrease T cells.

C.AZT has no effect on T cells because it decreases plasma cells.

34. (10e) White blood cells that bind to infected cells and secrete chemicals that disrupt the cell membranes of these cells are termedA. Helper T-cells

B. Killer T-cells

C. Macrophages

D. plasma Cells
