Tad[vd /Advertisement No.- PAI01082o/DC/R&A-Il, fir/Date: 17/06/2020 i¥TE¥:rian ... ·...


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"r=utTf±qaTag¥=H=+;:::#D:au::L##:#aadn.dj|:#alii=:#!Tad[vd /Advertisement No.- PAI01082o/DC/R&A-Il, fir/Date: 17/06/2020


Applications are invited from the eligible candidates having requisite qualification for engagement Of Project Assistants (purelycontractual and temporary position under different projects) . Interview for the same positions will be conducted very soon (tentatively inthe month of July, 2020) at Digwadih Campus, Of CSIR-Central Institute Of Mining and Fuel Research.Other details are available on thewebsite of the Institute www.clmfr.nlc.In. Dotall§ are given below :

1. q a;T anq / Name of Position: vr`qieia-I-UFIzliF RT-I / Project Ass[stant Lever-I

ti=: a iniINumb®r of positlon : o3. grrstlpond : 2ooooJ-giv th 5" rtyir`qitiffi rfu / QflitF]/Project No.Title: SSP-7816 :: C02 capture via Nitrovial Plantir`q`Mdi tiil3IT / QnitH/Project No.Tltlo: GAP-7036 :: BIo-procosslng of coal lndustrlal offluont and coal fines rocovory uslng aquatlc

plants and phototrophs

qti a rfuNo.ofPost 3rfat ?t8TfaiFJ al7"/ Essential Qualification qftin rfu / proi.ect No.

03 Diploma in Civil/Chemical/Computerl or Three years Bechlors Degree or SSP-7816, GAP-7036B.Sc(H) in Microbiology/Biotechnology/Agriculture/Botany

ELHin#T¥REE*ffiT#£STti:tiwH#*F=HT=:*EHEThinE¥[a¥¥fflchtinchcheT5`JffiaFTgeda5TTa5ffa7env5=|Tdrl/Merefu]fllmentofEssentialqualificatiousandexperiencedoesnotentitleacandidatetobe called for interview. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short- listing the candidates. The candidate should tlierefore,mention in the application au the qualiflcatious and experiences in tlie relevant area over and above the Inininuln prescribed qualification supported withdocuments.



q>unofa€farwha;5q{epprgiv.fa".qftTinirmtFm-1q_.5"Tfife:ed5aeTanrafan5q3Tha"irfu5T=Tfain ut fin qTqT"/ Appllcant mu" mentlon the__Adv€rtl!€ment No. Sublcct an.d I.¢ve] on the ecaled .ppLlcatlon, otherwhe omee would not be HAble toconsider their applications I

5) erTaap FT tin H eTha anrAppHcation should reach to this address : qq"Fa5 eTfen ,givGn€em-ana]T¢¢FT eT55un tiRE,q{qT ds, q]qTa, orra[a5 - 826015/Administrative Officer, CSIR{entral Institute Or Mining And Fuel Research, Barwa Road, Dhanbad|harkhand-826015


a fan aft rm a tit]aET 3Till :iiiefltlPl ,ena]TEq5R a fan en FT 3Trf± fad ch tiFT a alFTwww.clmfrmic.in H FT@3u anvAny Notification addendum/corrigendum date of Interview will bo available only on th. lnstitutots wobslto:±wvy.cimfr.ni_Q_._i_a_.

(q) Opal q@ qoft qngt5T{ a7 fat qF mTUT -tla qnga 5=|T eTfhi a eiFTan "api5T¥ a rfu 5T fin 5ng7TTi ; candidatemust produce Original Certificates for verification before appearing in the Interview otherwise he/she wi]] be dcharred from appearing in Interview;

• 3T.rd a 3TrgAge of Candidate : mnasTI a faitr (As on the date of Interview) ch qRin H5TZTa7 z5T -I a; fat 3Tfitffl 50 ai

(maximum 50 years for Project Assistant LeveLl),`i:\tfiwldl HETZ15 erLII aJ fat 3Tffli5FT 35 ai (maximum 35 years for ProjectAsslstant),3T5qfaa ]rfa73giv 5arfurQTTife giv a farfu vi 3]a tlifafaiF H7RT * 3± al 3iTg * fa{I.ilqul` gE a al (Age relaxationwill be given to Statutory Groups, as per applicable rule) I

3Tfatffi¥3T5mastFTaT¥Fgqt¥FT¥¥:in5tan±#q±FTi::¥::::=::::I:=::2:::#±fa-in=L¥±Tg#hfro±"=rm=o=T:¥T#ERE#j¥+==fasT=€±#fin::::::a:::=;:::=:+::::=::=r##fro#bg+€FT¥¥;¥¥*':Fqff'ff#al±3E##='chqugivFT#¥.Fqfat:i3T¥=:Lrfu"fflqrfuffl3TIrgr€iEng=qTq edl /Candidate should read the advertisement properly and fill up Online application in which Applicant should mentionAdvertisement no. and date, Name of Candidate, Father's name, Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Percentage, Year of passing,Category, Address, Mobile Number, Email address, Experience, if any, in their application Form and print out of the same applicationwhich along with all the required certificate mark sheets etc should reach this office by O8th July 2020 thrqugh post only Candidrtes

the conversion formula of CGPA/DGPA in percentageare also requestea to carry tne conversion iurmuid ui i,urfl;I+urn lil pc;I.ciiiu8c.

3ndriaTap aqT ffu ri aTa 5ThrfuriETJtFTflgiv / List of Enclosure of photocopies to be attached with the Application :

I)affaREq;T3iiF-q.F3ft{5antr"qil/Markssheetandpassingcertificateof Matriculation/loth,asaproofofDateofBirth2)qffi-qratF/+2i;T3faT-qT3ir/qTSatTHTUT"/Markssheetand/orPassingcertificateoflntemediate/+23}EEffffa3rfu.3jFqT3flTmm-qT/MarkssheetandpassingcertificateofB.scorDipioma(Level.I)?tefro3iqTqTaqHIUTqT/Markssheets&certificateM.ScorB.Ere.Tech(forLevel-11)5)3]=:=rgapqtlaJfaran7[/ftfca?teTfhaa.3]ga]tTqqluTqT/OtherEducational&ExperienceCertificate, as

applicable and specified for other higher post.

:,on¥ie:m#a|=ce¥,¥a#benREfaRE==T##:ifrc-e#f,(C#F°hsc:S#d:te*,,Recentorva,id8)]m=PIT;qm*3T8an,3]7T{Ews*3jrfu3TTaFTed*,alaT7iaHT5qH8]FT3Tfenqmfafa3IapaarmuT-qTUpdate EWS Certificate issued by Competent Authority.

€ 3Taanff q5Tfa d fan aft qimT a an faima rfu * 3]t]eq a RE *t selectedCandidate(s) will be engaged for the period of one year initially or upto completion of project period, whichever is earlier. SelectedCandidate invariably refer to the Advertisement Number during any correspondence with Office.

ziFTqtgivT*qRq7awlaPrq€rfuFTEqqlandr]FTapT{TqRtT{#FTqRtrfurfeTFTqTaan3Tap]Trfe"armaTi=;I;]T{T fffi 3maTFT fan a]t]T tr awl/After joining of selected candidate(s), accommodation facility will be made available in the

premises of CSIR-CIMFR or at the Project site otherwise House Rent Allowance will be payable as decided by concerned committee.


=¥It#itFT±fa#FT=€'FTFmTL#:alEFTfas3"RI@RI=:¥=:*T3qfin#aFELfafin;¥3ffifo a* a gng]1Ei;T{ tr Q" aqT th an W ut a,/A Panel of waitlisted Candidate will be made for any otherruning/ongoing/proposed Project of CSIR{IMFR. Casual Leave of one day will be granted to Project Assistant for each month. NoTransport Allowance is Admissible to the Candidate. Hindi Language can be opted as a Medium of Communication during Interview.Medical Facility at the Dispensary of Institute will be made available to the selected working candidate only. New Registration facilityon website www.Dmeac.om . Candidate must report at the mentioned place of interview upto 11.30 am. Duration of Interview,depends upon the number of candidates on that particular date.

qfa,copy :1. tier *an tFT q¥/All Notict3 Boards of lnstitute2.qgrqE::I;]Tdiapfa,aalqitr,rfe"a;F7rfeTraTan©qT8TTRafirria5y

Head IT Center of both the Campuses for uploading on website of the Institute. _REiv#AV=ouesR
