Table of Contents -...


Citation preview

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The Zen Ten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Clear the Clogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Non-Negotiables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Self-Care: Excerpt from Conscious Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Listables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Taking Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

What’s Your Vision? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

One-Page Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Conclusion: One for the Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

© 2017 Mary Shores

Connect with me on social!

Table of Contents

First off, let me tell you that you are a superhero for picking up this workbook and starting on a new journey! Right now, you are probably at a crossroads between wanting to do something and actually doing it. This workbook can be your bridge to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Ignite Your Dreams will help you gain clarity, so you can start from where you are now and plan your future – for today, for this week, and for the entire year. Wherever you’re headed, I honestly believe you are wonderful and courageous!

This workbook is packed with seven full-length exercises, a printable extra action plan (so you can write as many as you want and believe me you’re going to want to write 100), and a surprise bonus after the second day. There is no right or wrong way to use this workbook. You can use it for personal things like relationships, improving your health, and traveling the world or you can use it for your business/career goals. I’ve personally used every exercise in this workbook for everything from hiring new employees to getting a book contract. It truly is an all-purpose tool!

Each exercise is split up into two parts. There is an introduction to the exercise along with an example and the exercise itself, and there is a reflections page with questions to help you dig a little deeper. Reflecting is a key to moving forward and focusing on what you’ve just learned about yourself will help you set goals and take action.

In addition to this workbook, you also received immediate access to Fearless Ambition. Fearless Ambition is a weekly newsletter and exclusive Facebook group. The newsletter assists in your continued growth with invaluable tips, advice from experts, a ton of motivation, and affirmations. The exclusive Facebook group is full of like-minded people to help hold you accountable, keep you motivated, and offer ideas and suggestions to keep you propelled forward.

So if you haven’t already, go ahead and join the group and introduce yourself. If you’re not sure what to say, share one goal for this year and why now is the time to finally achieve it. As you complete the workbook share a little bit about each exercise, post questions, and interact with your fearless tribe! The most important thing is to make connections.

“I really love leaving positive feedback for others. It really fills my bucket!” – Janet, Fearless Ambition Member

This is going to be a great ride and your new tribe can definitely help along the way!

I wish you the best on your new journey!

Love, Mary

Before you get started...


The Zen Ten Intuitive insight into your inner inventory starts by way of the list. Introducing the Zen Ten! This is an interactive meditation beginning with getting down on paper 10 things you would like to see happen in your life. Years ago—after my divorce but before I rebounded—I made a list of my biggest desires in life, things that if they happened, would change my life forever. In essence, my Zen Ten is a bucket list, milestones that would create meaningful fulfillment in my life.

For you, this could be anything from running a 5K to starting a business online or simply finding more time for yourself. Throughout this workbook, you’ll be writing down ideas, which will prime the muscles in your brain. I invite you to write out a list of 10 goals, make some of them short term and some long term. If you need help because you don’t feel like you have all ten then ask yourself… What are my goals in the following areas: Financial, career, social, spirituality, health, family, relationships and personal growth? I suggest thinking about something that might even be impossible to do but if it were to happen, it would literally change everything. For me that was getting published by Hay House! Have the courage to get out of your comfort zone!

Once you’ve started the exercise on the next page, there are a couple of things I want you to start keeping an eye out for. They are synchronicities and magic.

What is synchronicity? A synchronicity is running into that unexpected person you haven’t seen in years (that you were just thinking about). It’s listening to that subtle internal voice that tells you to turn left, to call your friend, or to stop for groceries on the way home. And it’s that force that arranges those choices to surprise you with a new piece of information, a new feeling, or more inspiration for whatever it is you need to do next.

What is magic? Magic is when the obstacles seem to melt away. It’s when things start happening for you with ease. Magic is when your relationships, circumstances, and struggles start to transform; problems uncharacteristically resolve; and your life becomes easier and effortless. Magic is when everything just seems to fall into place.

“Inner wisdom is your instincts driven

by your goals.”- Mary Shores


The Zen Ten

“The greatest manifestations

happen outside of your comfort zone.”- Mary Shores

Write out a list of 10 short term and long term goals.


Which one of these goals will make the biggest impact in your life?

Explain why you haven’t already met this goal.

Describe at least 3 ways your life will change once this goal is met.

Why do you want to accomplish this goal and why it is important?

It’s time to review! Don’t forget to post in the Facebook group. Let your tribe know how it turned out.

The Zen Tenreflection


Clear the Clogs Let me show you how one simple system can change your life forever! One of my greatest discoveries was my personal understanding of the term “free will” and how it works. Basically free will means that we are constantly creating our own reality with every decision we make every day. It’s the moment-to-moment choices that are the hidden architects of our world. Armed with this simple but life changing knowledge, wouldn’t it be easier to steer your life in the direction you want instead of constant chaos?

Once you really understand inside, outside, backwards, and forwards that you are one choice away from a completely different life, you need to know how to direct your choices to connect you with your dreams and desires. I have an entire chapter dedicated to this concept in Conscious Communications called “to cleanse or to clog, that is the question.” Everything in life from what we eat to what we say and do will either cleanse or clog us.

If I eat an apple will it cleanse or clog me? *Cleanse* Listening to a friend complain for an hour about the same things she has always complained about, will it cleanse me or clog me? *Clog* If I go back for a 3rd cup of coffee, will

it cleanse or…(maybe we shouldn’t go there.) You get the idea! Inevitably, there are things in our lives that are clogs and disconnect us from our future goals. By eliminating 8 out of 10 clogs, we can drastically increase our well-being.

What is still hanging around in your life that you no longer want clogging your world? What habits and behaviors are disconnecting you from living your dreams? Maybe it’s that daily habit of eating a snickers bar for your afternoon pick-me up, maybe it’s procrastinating about having a tough conversation with your boss or letting go of someone in your life who contributes to your stress. Whatever it is write down as many clogs as you can think of in each area of your life: Financial, Career, Social, Spirituality, Health, Family, Relationships and Personal Growth.

“Every choice you make will either connect or

disconnect you from the future of your dreams.”

- Mary Shores


financial career

social spirituality

health family

relationships personal growth

“It’s the moment to moment choices that

build our lives.”- Mary Shores

Clear the ClogsWrite down as many clogs as you can think of in each area of your life

and mark the ones you will commit to eliminating.


Why have you been hesitant to let go of these clogs?

How do these clogs disconnect you from your dreams and desires?

What are some clogs that you can replace with cleanses?

Clear the Clogs

It’s time to review! Don’t forget to post in the Facebook group. Let your tribe know how it turned out.



Non-Negotiables Whenever you experience daily stressors like work deadlines or arguments over homework, your hypothalamus (a tiny region in the base of your brain) rings an alarm. That alarm sends the memo to your adrenals to release a surge of hormones, adrenaline and cortisol being the usual leaders of the pack, to help you manage the alarm. Over time stress can reach toxic levels and cause increased irritability and chronic health problems impairing our emotional well-being. The yin to the above yang is how important it is to get rid of the overabundance of stress.

For all of us, but especially women, self-care plays an enormous role in whether or not we have enough juice to address life’s many tasks. Women especially can get into a pattern of not prioritizing their needs, taking time for themselves. Make yourself a priority! Taking care of yourself will actually make you a happier, more productive and more confident version of you. When you’re busy, it’s easy to forget (or put off) taking care of yourself.

Balance is of utmost importance. If you’re not taking proper care of yourself, how can you care for others? Life is this simple. It isn’t about being selfish. These are the necessary things that you can indulge in without guilt. These are gifts we are committed to giving ourselves like a bubble bath, reading a book, or going to yoga.

“Practicing the art of self-care will improve

your creativity.”- Mary Shores



“Taking care of everyone else before our own

needs, wants, and desires is a surefire clog.”- Mary Shores

Write each of your non-negotiables on a swirl. Once you’ve picked a couple, make a commitment to yourself to do at least one per week.


What overall effect is your current level of stress having on your health and happiness?

How would it benefit the most important people in your life if you were to commit to a self-care practice?

It’s called non-negotiable for a reason. Describe how your stress levels would decrease if you really commit-ted.


It’s time to review! Don’t forget to post in the Facebook group. Let your tribe know how it turned out.



a word about self-care...

Here is a list of 10 ways to support your nervous system, and they all do essentially the same thing. Each will reduce your stress, provide an overall increase in happiness, and help with issues in the tissues, targeting the neurons and chemicals in your brain and getting them to work for you. You’re going to pick three: one that you will commit to doing every day, one that you will commit to doing once a week, and one that you will commit to doing once a month.

Some of them may resonate with you more than others—many of us wince at the idea of meditation, while others can’t wait to get to the gym. So as you go through the list, choose carefully, and use the following criteria:

• Does this feel like self-care? Is this something you’ll look forward to, something that will feel like a gift you give yourself?

• Is this something you can realistically stick with?• Can you commit to doing this once a day, once a week, once a month?

1. Yoga. Many people underestimate the power of yoga, and how a little goes a very long way. If you invest even 15 to 20 minutes a day, you will receive a huge return on your investment. Yoga strengthens your immune system and it lowers your heart rate and blood pressure. It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the powerhouse of relaxation. Restorative yoga practices like yin yoga or yoga nidra directly stimulate the vagus nerve, regulating your heart rate, bringing your body peace.

2. Meditation. Meditation is the secret fountain of youth. It causes natural increases of DHEA, GABA, endorphins, serotonin, melatonin, HGH (human growth hormone), and it lowers cortisol. And again, a little goes a long way. For the longest time, I believed I couldn’t meditate—my mind was always too busy, I couldn’t keep still, I felt like it wasn’t doing anything or I wasn’t doing it “right”—until I tried it for just five minutes a day. Anybody can sit still and breathe for five minutes, and I found that even that short practice made me calmer, less reactionary, and more at peace.

3. Epsom-salts and mineral-oil bath. Now, this is definitely self-care, but it does so much more than provide you with a quiet moment alone. Epsom salts contains sulfates, which trigger a process called reverse osmosis that pulls salt, toxins, and heavy metals out of your body. Epsom salts is also absorbed by your skin, replenishing your magnesium. Magnesium is incredible—it increases your serotonin levels and the ATP (energy) production of your cells, and it lessens the effects of adrenaline lingering in your body.

4. Social-media fast. Social media has been found to sometimes create a sense of loneliness instead of the connection we seek. When all the connection we’re receiving is reading about what other people are doing while we’re sitting alone on our computer, then that clearly isn’t real connection. So what do we do? All it takes is making a commitment to yourself not to log on. There’s no need to uninstall the app from your phone—just don’t look at it. Stay off of social media from 5 P.M. on, every day, or take 24 hours off once a week, or a week off once a month—and see how much better you feel.

5. Healing bodywork. I’m talking about massage, acupuncture, Reiki, reflexology—whatever feels good. And again this is about so much more than just a little self-love (though that is by no means a small thing). Traumatic events get stored up in your body—they can be big traumas, but they can also just be a fight you had with your sister that you can’t seem to let go of. The reason you can’t let go of it is that your body is holding on to it. Bodywork gets into the meridians, the nadis, the channels of energy in your body that can be blocked by these traumatic events, and clears them out so that they flow freely.

I hope you enjoy this excerpt from my brand new book, Conscious Communications.


6. Breathing. Of course you breathe all day every day, but there are ways to breathe that do more than just provide you with the bare minimum of oxygen that you need. Think about it: increased oxygen equals increased energy. Spend just five minutes a day doing some breathing exercises that will slow your heart rate and lift your mood by raising your endorphin levels and lowering your stress hormones. Use your diaphragm to expand your belly, filling it as much as you can. Hold it for a count of five and release for a second count of five through your mouth. Practicing this kind of belly breathing for as little as five minutes a day oxygenates the cells of your body and your nervous system and increases your connection to Spirit—your prana.

7. Exercise. Take everything else in this list and put their effects on steroids, and you’ve got what exercise can do for you. Remember those stress chemicals we talked about earlier in this chapter? If you don’t release them, they stay stuck in your body. Yes, exercise is absolutely important for maintaining bodily health, we all know that, but your brain needs it too. And it’s so doable—there are several apps available that provide quick seven-minute workouts.

8. Laughter. The saying laughter is the best medicine is no joke—the act of laughing releases aggressive, negative energy trapped in the body, freeing up those feel-good chemicals like serotonin, as well as endogenous opioids that reduce pain in the body. Of course, there are times when we just don’t feel like laughing. So help yourself out—go see a funny movie (it’s impossible not to laugh at Melissa McCarthy), attend a stand-up comedy show, or even just sit and pretend to laugh for a few minutes—it really works! As laughter therapist Debra Joy Hart says, “If you are laughing, you are breathing. And that is a very good thing!”

9. Heart hugs. This is more than just a hug, and if you’re a reluctant hugger like me, where I have to force myself to give a little two-second pat, it can be hard to do, but it’s so powerful. Seek out a friend, someone you’re comfortable with, and hug each other so that your hearts are aligned. Stay in this embrace for three whole breaths (it’ll feel less awkward the more you do it). Like most true hugs, this will create a sense of connection and promote a sense of well-being. But it’s also been proven to decrease anxiety, lower blood pressure, and stimulate oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine.

10. Eight hours of sleep a night. Okay, we all want this one. The benefits of getting enough sleep are well-known. We get the why. It’s the how that escapes us. Well the good news is that everything else on this list will help you sleep better. Exercise, meditation, yoga—they’ve all been proven to improve your sleep. And cutting out social media in the evenings will get you away from that bright screen. There are other ways you can help yourself get the rest you need: take some melatonin, some valerian root, some L-tryptophan; I’m not suggesting taking Ambien or Halcion—L-tryptophan is the same stuff that’s in a big turkey dinner. It’s just enough to help your body get used to the idea of getting some good, restful sleep.

By sticking with doing one of these practices every day, one every week and one every month, you will find that the results are exponential, forming a positive snowball effect of well-being.

Conscious Communications is your complete guide to bringing your desires into reality through tested exercises and relatable stories. Awaken the power of words to finally

live the life you’ve only dreamed about.AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

AUGUST 22, 2017


Listables Your mind is a constant stream of information flowing in from your senses, mental lists, and brain babble, a running commentary on all you experience. You carry this around with you all the time, which takes up a lot of space and energy in your mind!

Clutter in your mind has a ripple effect, causing clutter throughout your life. Which can cause copious amounts of unnecessary stress, keeping you up at night and making you feel overwhelmed in your work and life. Feeling overwhelmed actually leads to less productivity because when you hit a critical mass of too much to do you are headed for a systems crash. That moment where you feel stuck and do nothing.

Your mind is precious real-estate. Your very own fertile ground to plant the seeds of positivity and action. Research has revealed that creating a list like the one you are about to do actually increases the happy hormones and decreases the stressful ones. Once you have this completed, you will find that you have more time and space to focus on your dreams!

A List - Write on the A lines all of your worries and concerns that you can’t do anything about. This means that you have zero control in the situation.

B List – Write on the B lines all of your worries and concerns that you can do something about right now like scheduling an appointment, cleaning the closets, or finishing a project. These are the things on your mental to-do list. I know it sounds crazy but it actually takes energy to remember all of these things.

C List – Write on the C lines all of your needs, hopes, and desires which have yet to be fulfilled. These are the big ones, tell me some of your life’s biggest desires!


“Clear the clutter in your mind and create

new infinite possibilities.”- Mary Shores



ListablesA List – Find a picture you like from a magazine, cut it out and cover the complete A list! Go on, I mean it! There’s nothing to be done about these things. You’ve probably been thinking about most of them for way too long. Now is your time to let them all go! Feel that relief, that freedom! Take a deep breath in, slowly let it out and let them go. Remember, they are taking up valuable real estate in your mind. Might as well cover them up with something you do like to think about!

B List – Make a checklist of things you can do to eliminate this list right away. Take some action every day to check them off the list as soon as possible! This is the easy stuff! Make that doctor’s appointment or clean out the garage! Finish the work project that’s just been hanging around your mind forever. Just think about how unburdened you’ll feel after taking care of these things! This is great self-care and they are easy wins!

C List – Hello, C List! Now, this is the fun part! Now that you’ve created the space to focus on your hopes and dreams, brainstorm ways to take one step, no matter how large or small, each day, towards them. It doesn’t matter how wacky the idea sounds. Just write it down in the box. If you want to travel the world, start writing down your list of destinations. Take a class, research online, read a book, talk to an expert! Anything that will get you just a little bit closer to the goal. Take action every day and you’ll be there in no time.


What will you spend your time doing once you have your B list under control?

Is there something on the B list that you feel challenged by? If so why?

What are the consequences of not completing the items on your B list?


It’s time to review! Don’t forget to post in the Facebook group. Let your tribe know how it turned out.



TAKING ACTION It’s time to start taking action! Action seems like the logical next step to achieving any goal, but what I have found is a lot of people confuse what action really is. If I spend an hour researching and taking notes for a blog post, isn’t that taking action? Or does action come into play when I sit down and actually start writing the blog? It might be easier to define these as two separate types of action, being busy and direct action. You are busy when you are researching and noting, or planning, and then there is the direct action of writing. The difference is, direct action is something that will produce a result. Could I have begun the direct action of writing without the planning? Yes, but will I obtain the desired result without first researching the topic? Probably not.

The stagnation that I see is when people get stuck in being busy and never move through to the direct action that will bring a desired result. In order for you to achieve the goal you have in mind, you must not linger in busyness. As common as this is, it can be difficult to recognize the difference.

You can find yourself stuck, spinning your wheels, creating all kinds of motion, activity and energy, without producing what you want. You might be wondering how this could happen when you have a clearly defined goal. The answer is simply that you’re stuck behind the barrier of your beliefs. This is a chronic problem for some people, but the great news is, the antidote is very simple. I call the solution “bulldozing.”

When you bulldoze, or power through, you can and will avoid the obstacle of your barrier. Reading 10 books about meditation will not produce the same result as actually spending 10 minutes meditating. Limit your time for research and then apply the information in direct action. Or better yet, take the direct action, meditate for 10 minutes, then spend time researching or learning more about meditation. Maybe you are thinking, “What’s the point of taking action until I know what the correct action is?” If you take an action and the outcome isn’t what you wanted, you have actually learned, by experience, one way that doesn’t work. Adjust your plan and begin again.

The best example of this I can think of is the Wright brothers. It’s less commonly known the number of corporations that were, at the time, trying to invent the airplane. The Wright brothers accomplished this achievement first because the corporations were busy planning and trying to prevent problems before they happened, the Wright brothers had built a plane and were actively testing! When a test would fail, they would make adjustments and test again and again, until the result was the outcome they desired: a flying airplane!

“The greatest manifestations

happen outside of your comfort zone.”- Mary Shores


If we were to line up all of the wildly successful people to determine the qualities they have in common that enabled them to become what they are, I can say with full confidence, the number one quality is they get results. They take direct action. For someone who has yet to accomplish their goals, isn’t the most logical example to follow one that has already been successful? Let me be clear, I’m not suggesting you follow the exact path they took. That is less likely to be the correct path for you. I am saying, however, to adopt the traits of successful people and you too will be successful.

What should you do? Take direct action! How?

• Be in the present moment. – There is more opportunity for you to achieve results because you will feel less emotional resistance. If you are thinking of how you need to generate 100 new clients, for example, the weight and pressure involved can feel insurmountable. However, if you change your perspective to the present moment, you realize you only need to email or contact 3 people right now, which is something completely doable. Check it off the list!

• Be accountable to yourself. – When you are accountable to yourself first, and set your own standards and principles, you build consistency that you cannot find when relying on someone else. No one else is as invested in your dream as you are!

• Get support if you need it. – With the above being said, you cannot do everything on your own and attain the same level of successful results. Could you spend 30 hours learning how to build a website and another 30 building it to create something workable? Of course. Could you also hire someone with the experience and knowledge to build you a higher quality website in 10 hours? Of course. Which is better? You decide!

There are infinite ways to get to where you want to be. If something isn’t working for you, remember, you have barely scratched the surface of what is out there for you. Do not be afraid to fall down, get back up and leave an experience behind. Take at least one thing from every single experience. I will share one last bit with you, one of my all-time favorite quotes comes from the movie A Bronx Tale, “The saddest thing in the world is wasted talent, and the choices you make will shape your life forever.”

“Put your dreams in charge, not your fears. It takes courage to do anything worth doing.”

- Mary Shores


What is your vision? Hopefully by now you have gained enough clarity about what you want your vision to be and you are ready to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone. In 2005 I discovered a technique that fundamentally changed my life: Always know your outcome or thinking in the end result. I created the One-Page Action Plan worksheet to allow me to reverse engineer my plans starting with the outcome

One of my secrets to success came from writing one-page action plans rather than big long business plans (that no one reads anyway.) I didn’t understand the impact this would have at the time, but after one year of applying this practice I had increased my revenue by 33%! What we now know is that when you set a goal or know your outcome, your brain opens up a filing cabinet of all the information it has ever taken in since you were born and starts to figure out how to make your outcome a reality! In addition to this, it will work in overdrive pointing out anything it sees around you that will support your outcome. This exercise might make your brain sweat a little bit and the results will be completely worth it.

Write out your most important goal on the lines below. Focus only on one specific outcome at a time. If you are having trouble thinking of something, try using one of the things on your C List or the Zen Ten.

Example: Open a flower shop.

In the 6 boxes below, write out specific things that would need to be true in order for you to have your outcome. If you need help, think of who, what, when, where and how.

Examples: Rent a shop in a great location. Get a business license. Purchase inventory from a flower wholesaler.

Pro-Tip: What resources will you need? What kind of people will need to be involved?

What things do you need to learn?


One-Page Action PlanDetail how to do each of the 6 specific things from the list above in two or three sentences.

Example: Research shops for rent/sale in high traffic areas. Look for a place with a great store front and room in the back for working on flower arrangements. Find out what licenses will be needed to run a business. Apply for any licenses or certifications that will help legitimize the business. Research wholesale prices for flowers. Find a retailer with good pricing and quick and reliable delivery to my area.

At the end of the exercise, you should have a workable plan of how to bring your vision to life. If you need more detail, consider breaking out each of your steps in the boxes into a new worksheet, with each step as the new vision. I’ve included an extra blank worksheet after this exercise’s reflection for you to use.

“It takes more energy to start a project than it takes to keep it going.”

- Mary Shores


On a scale of 1-10 how important is this goal in your life?

What are at least 3 ways your life will change once this goal is reached?

How will achieving this goal affect the most important people in your life?

How will it feel when you are halfway to reaching your outcome?

It’s time to review! Don’t forget to post in the Facebook group. Let your tribe know how it turned out.

reflectionOne-Page Action Plan


One-Page Action Plan


Alright, Superhero, there it is! You have done it! You have a tight plan in place, ready to go, and lighting the way for your journey. You are setting yourself up for an extraordinary ride and great empowerment in your life. Keep it going with daily insight into your inner inventory. With Zen Ten practice, let your creative juices flow. Lean on Listables to clean your mind of the daily grind and for a nutritious brain snack! Tune into you by staying away from clogs and sticking to your non-negotiables. Then, plant those seeds in the fertile ground of your mind, growing them by always taking one step forward toward your goals. Just a step. Because each time you brainstorm, you tune-in to your inner voice and for every action you take towards your dreams and desires, you grow, opening up thousands of new possibilities!

What’s next? How can you take what you’ve learned to the next level?

Step 1: Keep interacting and posting in the Facebook group. This is how you stay accountable and keep yourself surrounded by like-minded people. The importance of having a tribe can’t be stressed enough.

Step 2: Email us!When you get stuck, have questions, or need inspiration, The Shores Team is here to help!

Step 3: Keep reading Fearless Ambition.My team and I only create and share blogs, advice, guests, and inspiration that we’ve thoroughly tested and believe in completely. I truly believe that my newsletter can help you set goals, take action, and maintain momentum. As a tribe member you’ll continue to receive exercises and get early access to everything I create in the future.

Step 4: Repeat One-Page Action Plan whenever you don’t know what to do next.This exercise is designed to create a simple action plan for any result you want.

I cannot wait to see your transformation and I’m honored to be a part of your continued journey. Keep dreaming and keep doing!

Thank you for being a part of my tribe!

Love, Mary

One for the road...



Take some time to write down your big wins and realizations since you started Ignite Your Dreams.

What stood out to you the most?

What is the area you are most excited about?

What were some of your “a-ha!” moments?

What are you most grateful for?

Who else do you know that could benefit by joining Fearless Ambition?

Set your intention for what you will do over the next month to continue your journey.

It’s time to review! Let your tribe know how turned out. Don’t forget to post in the Facebook group.


Mary Shores is a national motivational speaker, Hay House author, and founder of a multi-million-dollar business. Peek behind the scenes of the Mary Movement, get empowered, and learn how to tap into your potential with Mary Shores!

Words have the power to transform lives. Conscious Communications is your complete

guide to bringing your desires into reality through tested exercises and relatable stories.

Awaken the power of words to finally live the life you’ve only dreamed about.AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

AUGUST 22, 2017

A Weekly Newsletter that Contains:• Weekly Affirmations• Proven tips for creating a life in alignment with your dreams• Advice and stories from experts in their fields• Mary’s Motivation: Mary’s inspiration that will inspire you too• Exclusive behind-the-scenes content from The Shores Team And much, much more!
