Table of Contents - The Life Weaver · 2017-03-28 · and Traditional Palmistry I see three main...


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Table of Contents

Introduction 3 - 4

My Journey Begins 4 - 5

Pondering Purpose 6 - 10

What Gets In The Way of Discovering Your Purpose 11

Differences Between Hand Analysis and Palmistry 12 - 13

Key Benefits of Hand Analysis 14

Life Purpose Guidelines 14 - 15

The Goldilocks Principle 16

Soul Psychology or What’s in a Fingerprint 17

Life Schools 17 - 18

Life Purpose 19

Life Lesson 20

Life Purpose and Lesson Interact 21 - 22

What’s In The Rest Of The Hand 23

Lines In The Hand 24

Other Markers In The Hand 24

Explanation of the Heart Line 26 - 27

Helpful Tips 28

Air Heart Line 29 - 31

Earth Heart Line 32 - 34

Fire Heart Line 35 - 37

Water Heart Line 38 - 40

Simian Line 41 - 43

Meet Susan 44

References 45



My name is Susan Hakiman and I am a Hand Analyst. Using the information in thefingerprints and hands I support clients to:


●● how their Soul Psychology expresses itself● their Soul Psychology through their unique personality and cir-


Hand Analysis is powerful and insightful because it explains two psychological systemsreflected in your hands. First, your written in the energy patterns at thetips of your fingers and second, your reflected in the shape, lines,mounds and fingers of the hands.


In I’ll give a brief explanation of Hand Analysis and highlight

three important ways it differs from traditional palmistry. I will also introduce the three

parts of Soul Psychology. As a bonus, I included a section with detailed information about

the Heart Line one of the three major lines in the hands. Heart Lines tell the story of your

emotional life; reveal your natural emotional expression and what you need in relationships.


I’m often asked "You do what! How did you get into this, What made you learn to read


My childhood home was dysfunctional and I struggled in my teens and early twenties. But

by my thirties, I was stable. I was married to a wonderful man, the mother of two beautiful

children and belonged to a loving spiritual community. Then in my mid-forties I experienced

a terrible betrayal that mimicked childhood traumas and spiraled into a deep depression,

my dark night of the soul. I felt hurt and confused; I withdrew from family and friends. I

wondered what I did wrong; I tried so hard to do everything right? I needed

to understand why painful patterns of abandonment and betrayal kept repeating them-



At the time I didn’t realize it, but I also needed a deeper more authentic connection to

God, myself and a sense of purpose. I needed to know I was and I was created.

I interested in cute sound bites or Hallmark platitudes either!

Through a series of interesting synchronicities, I discovered . It was

fascinating! I learned that our brain and hands communicate more than any other parts

of our body and that the shape, fingers and lines reflect our personality. But, the most

intriguing aspect of Hand Analysis was the claim we have a separate Soul Psychology,

our Purpose coded in the fingerprints! I had to investigate and try the system out for


The insights I gained from my hands were pivotal in working through my depression.

Today, I have a deeper understanding about who Creator intended me to be, my gifts,

strengths, and vulnerabilities. I am convinced my ‘dark night of the soul’ was an invitation

from Spirit inviting me transform distortions I developed about who I was. Somehow, in

trying to do everything right, I lost touch with my soul.

What I learned from my hands was so accurate, and the insights spot on, I wanted to

support others on their journey of self-discovery! I received my certification in 2012 from

the International Institute of Hand Analysis.


Do human beings have a purpose? It’s a big question, it’s an important question. One that

philosophy, religion, entire civilizations have wrestled with for thousands of years.

It is my belief, and I am in excellent company, that human beings need purpose and

meaning as much as we need air, water, food, or shelter. Our sense of purpose or lack of

a purpose influences every part of our lives, from our connection to our Creator, how we

define ourselves, our world view, our relationships, how we entertain ourselves, our hobbies

and our choice of career.

Yet, Life Purpose is also difficult to define, perhaps because it is both profound and

mundane; collective yet specific; personal yet impersonal.

In the following paragraphs, and with humility, I offer some personal insights about Life

Purpose  I hope these insights serve as a catalyst; that you take time to ponder what Life

Purpose means to you!

True loss is for him whose days have been spent in utter

ignorance of his self ...Baha'u'llah 2


Purposefulness is being aware that you are here for a

reason. You value yourself by discovering the part you are

meant to play. 3

At its core, Discovering and Cultivating your Life Purpose is a lifelong, spiritual journey

that is rich, multi-faceted and evolving. Purpose is more than what we do; it requires

that we ponder who we are, why we exist and how we treat ourselves and each other.

Cultivating our Life Purpose requires that we investigate reality, be willing to put aside

preconceived ideas and detach both from what we attracted to or don’t like lest these

feelings bar us from the truth. We must face our prejudices and be willing to ask

difficult questions; questions that don’t have pat easy answers.

Our Life Purpose is also comprised of many interrelated layers and aspects such as:

● Cultivating a relationship with our Creator

●Defining what it means to be a human being

●Developing our attributes and gifts

● Sharing our attributes and gifts in the wider world

How one cultivates a relationship with Creator or defines what being human means

is a deeply personal journey, addressed in a Hand Analysis Session. I work with

people many religious and spiritual traditions and with those who consider themselves

agnostics or atheists.


However, you may find it enlightening to take some time and ponder  the following


●Do I believe in a Creator? Why or why not?

●Do I believe I have a soul? Why or why not?

●Do I believe I have a Purpose? Why or why not?

●Why was I born in this particular time in history? By accident or design?

●Do I believe humans are an accident or a divine creation?

Your answers to these questions may trigger other questions for example if I am an

accident does it matter how I live, why should I be kind or compassionate? Why have

humans yearned for connection to something greater since the dawn of time?

If you belong to a particular religion or spiritual tradition there are a  different set of

questions, for example how do I take mankind’s communal purpose, for example knowing

and loving our creator, or serving others, and distill that calling through my unique purpose,

personality and circumstances?


Life Purpose and Hand Analysis

The great news is that fingerprints and hands do reveal essential information about

your potentials how you might use your gifts out in the world and naturally, this is

addressed in a Hand Analysis Session!

Jungian psychologist, James Hillman, introduced an intriguing idea in his book

he named the Acorn Theory. 5 Hillman

believes that every single person is born with a Defining Image, an innate uniqueness

- which asks to be expressed in the life we are given. He emphasized that this inborn

image was not an unavoidable fate, but serves as a spark of consciousness.

I visualize our Defining Image as Divine Light

refracted through the prism of our souls.

Though every prism refracts all the colors, no

two prisms do so in the same proportion.

Different prisms will refract more or less of the

red, blue, yellow, or violet spectrum of light.

Each one of us, through the prism of our souls

manifests Divine qualities in our own special



Richard Unger, founder of the International Institute of Hand Analysis, also teaches we are

born with a Defining Image, and that Defining Image, encoded in the fingerprints, he

named our Soul Psychology. He describes Soul Psychology as:.

Other Thoughts About Life Purpose…

●What makes life meaningful and brings joy, is the experiencing process itself, not aparticular outcome, form or goal.

● You will face challenges. One popular myth is that if you know your purpose neverhave a bad day or experience pain.

● Living on Purpose is not a linear neat process. Sometimes you may feel as if you aretaking one step forward and two steps back.

● Since Living on Purpose is a spiritual practice you never arrive, there is always more…

..more than a set of values or accomplishing personal goals. It is not

about having a perfect life, nor is it about matching your gifts and

talents to the marketplace, it is bigger than that. Your Life Purpose is

your reason for being. It requires developing a state of consciousness

that naturally and regularly unfolds into your right life. Discovering and

cultivating your Life Purpose is the most important thing you can do.. 6


What Can Get in the Way of

Discovering Your Life Purpose?

Many things, however these are the most common reasons I’ve heard from my clients:

●Not sure I have one

●Don’t know where to find it

● I’m not worthy

● The question is too big and overwhelms me

● Afraid of the answer

● It may require sacrifice of the ego

● Afraid of the changes I may need to make

● I don’t want to deal with my shadow aspects

● of self, family, friends or the wider culture that is so invasive to ourpsyches, hearts, and minds


Differences Between Hand Analysis

and Traditional Palmistry

I see three main differences between traditional palmistry and Hand Analysis as taught

by the International Institute of Hand Analysis:

1. Hand Analysts do not predict the future. Your hands do reveal:

●How long you will live.

● If or how many times you may marry.

● If you will become rich or famous.

●What will happen  in _________situation?

● If he/she loves you.

● If you are cursed, hexed or haunted.

However, your hands do reveal patterns of behavior, conscious and unconscious. Past

behavior predictive of future behavior, which is why banks do a credit check before

you take out a loan. Since you have free will, you can change patterns that no longer

serve you.


2. Hand Analysts decode your Soul Psychology from the fingerprints. Your fingerprints are

energy patterns that formed on your fingertips They reflect the

archetypal patterns you were born with that continually interact with each other and with

your personality.

3. Richard Unger and other Master Hand Analysts apply the scientific method to Hand

Reading. They read thousands of hands to confirm or discard the meanings of lines and

other markers. Note - Markers are understood in relationship to other markers in

the hands, plus to the Soul Psychology in the fingerprints.


● Provides an Objective Statement of Your Life Purpose

● Self Knowledge

●Manifest What Serves Your Soul

●Understand Your Limitations in a New Light

●Uncover Hidden Gifts and Potentials

● Cultivate Compassion for Yourself and Others

●Discern What Makes You Thrive and Where You Are Vulnerable

Experience Required! – What makes life meaningful and brings joy, is the

, not a particular outcome, form or goal. You’re on earth to grow in consciousness

and to discover and embody your unique Purpose. But, experience is required.  The more

consciously you live the more you can inhabit your Life Purpose and the more your true

self can emerge.  Also, and this is – the amazing

and not so amazing ones.


The Paradox Principle! – The physical world we live in is full of paradoxes. As a human

being you are both physical and spiritual, the Universe is both driven and random, and

you have a destiny and free will.  As confusing as it is, these paradoxes offer a true

version of reality. Another paradox is that your

I promise the Universe will send

challenges your way to help you develop the skills necessary to step into your Life Purpose.

The Validity of the Personality! – Your sets the agenda but your

is the vehicle for fulfilling that agenda.  To flourish and grow, you need to inhabit your Life

Purpose AND be true to your personality.  For example, if you have the Life Purpose of

The Tycoon and you are an introvert with airy/watery hands, it will look different from an

extrovert with fiery/earthy hands.  Your Soul Agenda and Personality are equally important.

It is a mistake to emphasize one over the other!


The Goldilocks Principle

Learning What’s Too Much or

Too Little Leads to Just Right!

Remember the story of Goldilocks? She becomes lost in the woods and comes to the

house of the three bears. First she tries the porridge. One bowl is too hot, the other is

too cold, and the third is just right. Then she moves on to the chairs. One chair is too

hard, one is too soft, and the third one is just right and on to the beds. Goldilocks is the

perfect example of how we learn the skills of our School, Purpose, Lesson. Unger

explains:… Look at her experimental method: she tries something out. It is too this or

that. She tries again, this time going to the opposite extreme. Again she goes too far.

But she perseveres and finds that which is just right… The trick is to learn from your

experience… 7


Hand Analysis waspioneered by Richard Ungerin the 1970’s after readingthousands of hands.

Hand Analysis combines theancient art of palmistry withthe modern science offingerprint analysis, it is anInnovative, thorouglyresearched, non-predictiveway of translating what yourhands say about you. Whatmakes Hand Analysis soinsightful is that it decodestwo psychological systems inthe hands, the SoulPsychology from thefingerprints and thePersonality Psychology fromthe shape, fingers, mounds,and lines of the hand. Key tocreating a meaningful life isto understand how totranslate your SoulPsychology through yourpersonality.

There are Three aspects of the Soul Psychology

● Life School

● Life Purpose

● Life Lesson

The Life School is the overall theme of our life; it is the

framework where you Purpose and Lesson play out. Hand

Analysts decode your Life School from how many of which

type of fingerprints you have. There are Four main

fingerprint types. They are:


● Loop

● Tented Arch

● Arch

Unger describes Life Schools as: :…




School of Service

Four or more whorls - Explore the meaning & develop the

skills required for true, selfless Service vs. burdensome

obligation or selfishness,

School of Love

Eight or more loops - Explore the meaning & develop the

skills required for authentic relationships vs. alienation,

disconnection or co-dependency

School of Wisdom

Two or more Tented Arches - Explore the meaning of

Wisdom & develop the skills required to move from

thoughtful evaluation to committed action vs.

procrastination, or over/under thinking.

School of Peace

Two or more Arches - Explore the meaning of being fully

present & develop the skills to lead a balanced secure life,

regardless of circumstances vs. constant crisis, panic or


Your Life Purpose is you at

your best, your highest

potential expressing itself

naturally and obviously in

everything you do… Life

Purpose is not about improv-

ing your circumstances or

even improving yourself,

although those often occur

on the road to Life Purpose.

It is not about understanding

your strengths and weak-

nesses though honest self-

appraisal is necessary to bring

Life Purpose forward. No, Life

Purpose is about finding

meaning in this all too mortal

existence. 10

Hand Analysts decode your Life Purpose from the highest

ranking fingerprint. We rank fingerprints from the most

to the least complex. Some souls have only one finger

with the highest ranking print and some have several.

There are fourteen Life Purposes and they can combine

to form archetypal combinations.

Your Life Purpose explains what you need to thrive. Are

you the Master of Creativity? You thrive by delving into

your creativity and splashing it the canvas of your choice.

Are you a Master of Power? You are the visionary and

thrive as you learn how to ethically use power to inspire

others with your vision. Are you the Master of

Responsibility? You thrive by exploring the attribute of

responsibility and infusing material means with spiritual

meaning. Are you the Master of Communications? You

thrive by learning the skills of authentic communication,

developing a message then sharing your message with a

large audience.



Velit orci, Aliquam pulvinar congue pede. Fuscecondimentum turpis vel dolor. Ut Nulla vestibulumeleifend

I’m often asked if our Life

Lesson ever disappears. I

understand the question; I

don’t want to deal with the

challenges of my Life Lesson

either. Unfortunately, the

answer is no. It is like a

computer game. At the

beginning you lose, but as you

gain skills you win. In time you

become so proficient you

graduate to the next level

where it is more difficult and

then you have to learn the

skills necessary to master the

new level. It may help to

visualize how the Life School,

Purpose and Lesson, relate to

each other.

Hand Analysts decode your Life Lesson from the

lowest ranking or least complex fingerprint. Again,

some souls have only one finger with the lowest

ranked fingerprint and some have several. There

are fourteen different Life Lessons. Just as with the

Life Purpose, your Lesson can form archetypal


Your Lesson is that painful pattern you thought

you’d be over by now; it is where you are most

vulnerable or what you are ashamed of. It is what

you don’t want to deal with. Your Lesson is your

blind spot; your deepest fear or as described in the

Star Wars Trilogy, your dark side. But, when con-

sciously worked with, your Life Lesson becomes

your biggest ally. In fact, to make progress with

your Life Purpose you must dance with your Life





To create a meaningful life, you also need to translate the Soul Psychology through your

Personality Psychology reflected in the rest the hand. Unlike the Soul Psychology, the

markings on the hands can - and do - change over time. Living on Purpose requires

that you understand, harmonize and cultivate all parts of you.

Every hand is unique. Take a minute to look at the hands of your family and friends,

notice that some palms have a few lines and some have many. Now, observe the

different shapes of the hands, some are square, or rectangular, round or thin. Look at

the fingers, are they long or short, straight or crooked. All these markers say something

about the personality.

Shape - The foundation of the personality

Thumbs - Willpower, determination

Fingers - Outward manifestation of personality


Did you know that your

brain and hands commu-

nicate more than any

other parts of the body?

Above is a model of a

human in proportion to

the communication

between their brain and

parts of the body.

Key to creating a mean-

ingful life is to understand

how to translate your Soul

Psychology though your


Lines reveal conscious and unconscious motivations and

patterns of the personality. There are three Major Lines in

the hand. Most, but not all hands have these lines. They


Life Line - Reveals information about your physicalconstitution and family issues.

Head Line – Reveals how you process information.

Heart Line – Reveals you emotional system and what youneed in relationships.

There are various other lines in the hands. These are some

of the most common, remember, not everyone will have


Fate Line – How you accomplish your goals.

Apollo Line – How creative you are.

Mercury Line – How connected are you to your inner voice.

Gift Markers – There are eighteen potential Gift Markers

Challenge Markers – Various markers that reveal specificchallenges.


The Heart Line is one of three major lines in the hands and holds a wealth of

information about you.


Your heart line begins under the pinky finger and travels horizontally across the hand.

Heart Lines can be long or short, curvy or straight. Some people have many x’s, bubbles

or other markings on the Heart Line and some hardly have any. On rare occasions your

Heart Line and Head Line merge to create what is called a Simian Line. There are four

main Heart Line styles:

● Air Heart Line

● Earth Heart Line

● Fire Heart Line

●Water Heart Line


It is important to remember that there are no “better” or “worse” Heart Line styles. Like

everything else in your hands every Heart Line has its gifts and its challenges. I’d like to

share a few tips to make this information more useful to you.

Your Heart Line may not look exactly like the pictures. For example you couldhave a short Heart Line like the Hero/Heroine/Earth, but curvier. What thatmeans is that you would tend to show your emotions more than if the linewere straight.

Each of your hands may have different Heart Line styles! It means you tend tocommunicate one way in intimate situations (the line on your left hand) andone way when you are out in the world (your right hand).

Other markers in your hands can either emphasize or soften some aspectsof your Heart Line style.

Often we not are true to our Heart Line Style because we judge it as “lessthan”. A good rule of thumb is honor your style and incorporate about 8%of its opposite.

Have fun!


Needs: Meaning

Likes: Long talks/communication

Dislikes: Fights, injustice, disagreements

Gift: Romance, long talks

Relationship Style: Thinks about feelings rather than feeling them

Opposite: Fire Heart Line

A long straight line that ends under

the index finger.


Air Heart Line Qualities

• Mental

• Good listener

• Thoughtful

• Rational

• Analytic

• Highly developed brainstorming capability

• Objective

• Air is fair

• Seeks to understand

• Highly verbal

• Loves to debate (as long as it is not emotional)

• Witty

Air Heart Line Challenges

• Aloof

• Prone to emotional armoring

• Ivory town (retreat from reality or action)

• Sarcastic

• Critical

• Fault finding and judgmental

• Resentful

• Naïve



1. Do you find it challenging to find the right way to express difficultemotional feelings?

2. What do you stand to gain by expressing what you feel in the moment?

3. What’s the most romantic date you’ve ever created?

4. When is it appropriate to let others take care of me?

5. When do you obsess and mentally relive past emotional upsets? This isa flag indicating that you emotions have not been resolved.

6. When do you tend to be naïve?

7. When do you neglect your needs to avoid dealing with uncomfortableemotions?

8. How do you stand up for your sense of justice?


Needs: Personal Freedom

Likes: Control

Dislikes: Clinginess

Gift: Loyalty

Relationship Style: Emotionally Independent

Opposite: Water Heart Line

A short, straight line that ends somewhere under the middle

finger. Sometimes it’s curvier which means displaying emotions

may be easier. However, the heart line will not reach up between

the middle and index fingers.


Earth Heart Line Qualities

• Quality of connections vs. quantity of connection

• Solid

• Reliable

• Heroic

• “My word is my oath”

• Black/White thinking

• Practical

• Usually loves nature

• Love family/tradition

• Inner strength

• Likes routine

Earth Heart Line Challenges

• Flexibility

• Openness

• Vulnerability

• Change

• Strong silent type

• Carry the world on your shoulders

• Doesn’t let you know when over burdened

• Possible volcanic eruptions from stuffed feelings

• Unappreciated hero syndrome

• Feeling emotions is tough, especially when in conflict

• Difficult to talk about feelings while having the feeling



1. Who in your life needs to hear more about how you feel about them?

2. Will you make a commitment to share your feeling with them? If so when?

3. What is your favorite way to show your love and that you care?

4. What do you wish your partner would give you more of?

5. If you don’t have a partner, what qualities do you seek in your ideal partner?

6. When do you engage in black/white thinking? Does it serve you?

7. When would it serve to be more flexible?

8. When would it serve to be more vulnerable?


A curvy line that reaches up and ends

between the middle and index fingers.

Needs: Passion

Likes: Excitement

Dislikes: Boredom

Gift: Vivacious

Relationship Style: Let Me Tell You What I Want

Opposite: Air Heart Line


Fire Heart Line Qualities

• Intense

• Active

• Creative

• Individualistic

• Charismatic

• Enthusiastic

• Center of Attention

• Independent

• Passionate

Fire Heart Line Challenges

• Focus issues – five things at once

• Completion issues

• Over Display

• Structure, duty, responsibility, organization

• Consideration of other peoples wants and needs

• Objectivity

• Not think about potential consequences

• Stir the pot to create drama and attention

• Manipulative if not expressing desires openly



1. Are you honoring your passion and “me first” tendencies while stillconsidering your impact on others?

2. Do you hide from your passion or over display it?

3. How can you show up as your truly passionate self?

4. Do you have fears of being too self centered? If so about what?

5. Are you committed to meeting your needs?

6. Are you hiding out as a nurturer?

7. When do you have “too many irons in the fire”?

8. When does structure help you meet your needs?


Needs: Connection

Likes: Sharing

Dislikes: Disconnect

Gift: Sensitivity, Empathy

Relationship Style: Nurturing

Opposite: Earth Heart Line

A curvy line that touches or almost touches the index



Water Heart Line Qualities

• Empathetic

• Good listener

• Relationships first

• Emotional “yin”

• Giving, altruistic

• Sensitive to environment

• Impressionable (takes the shape of its container)

• Adaptable (positive/negative possibilities)

• Intuitive

• Idealistic

• Resilient

Water Heart Line Challenges

• Boundaries

• Over-sensitivity

• Impracticality

• Instability’/wishy-washy

• The martyr

• Seeks the container – then wants out

• Needs of others balanced with needs of self

• Giving as a way to avoid vulnerability and keep control



1. Do you take time out for yourself?

2. How is your boundary setting ability? With yourself? With others?

3. What do I want and desire?

4. When is it appropriate to let others take care of me?

5. How can I maintain my emotional independence and still be in connection?

6. When do I give as a way to be in control?

7. How do I feel when my partner, family or close friends need more emotionalindependence?

8. When do I become “the martyr”?


Simian Line

If you have a Simian Line on one or both of your hands this is a special Heart

Line/Head Line combination that is considered a “Gift Marking”.

A Simian Line forms when your Heart and Head line combine. This marking

appears in approx. 2% of the population.

Heart and Head Line Combine to make one line

instead of two.


Simian Line Qualities and Challenges

Your Gift is intense focus; you have the capacity to focus with intensity and passion,especially about someone or something important to you. Many with this line are alsoextremely creative. Often others around you do not understand your missionary zeal.Often you are so focused and enthusiastic you may find it hard to stop doing what youlove doing.

If you have a Simian Line you probably find it difficult to distinguish between what youare feeling and what you are thinking. When your feelings and thoughts are not inharmony it can lead to a breakdown in communications, other people may not be ableto understand you and you may have challenges communicating exactly what you mean.

You can either act like someone with a Air Head line and can seem very logical and distant(even if you are feeling something very intently) or come across as overly intense andemotional like someone with the Fire Heart Line.

It is very important that you take the time to discern the difference between what youfeel, and then feel it, and what you think. By doing this it will become easier tocommunicate with those around you



1. Do people sometimes accuse you of being “too harsh” in your communication style?

2. Do people sometimes accuse of being “too intense” in your communication style?

3. Do you feel others often don’t understand you?

4. Can you get lost in periods of research and work?

5. When you feel misunderstood, do you take steps to clear up the misunderstanding?

6. How would you describe your emotional style?

7. Do you fluctuate between thinking too much and feeling too much?

8. Do you take time away to untangle how you are feeling and what you are thinking?


I am passionate about living my Life Purpose and supporting you to step into yours!

I studied Hand Analysis with Master Hand Analysts Ronelle Coburn and Janet

Savage and was Certified with The International Institute of Hand Analysis in 2012.

I use Hand Analysis and other modalities to support clients to discover and

understand the archetypal energies coded in the fingerprints and then translate

those energies through their unique personality. This is key to connecting to your

soulful essence and creating a life filled with joy.

To learn more about Hand Analysis or to schedule your Hand Analysis Session visit

Susan’s website and fill out the contact form or e-mail me



1. Popov, Linda Kavelin, (Fountain Hills, Arizona & Chicago, Illinois,

Virtues Communications, Inc., 1996) Virtue of Wonder

2. Baha’u’llah. Wilmette, IL: Baha’i Publishing Trust, 1988

3. Popov, Linda Kavelin, Virtues Cards

4. Baha’u’llah. . Wilmette IL: Baha'i Publishing Trust


5. Hillman, James. (New York: Random

House Publishing Group, 1996) Kindle edition location 226.

6. Unger, Richard, Fingerprints, Introduction to Soul Psychology and Fingerprints

7. Unger, Richard, Berkeley, CA: Crossing Press, 2007) p.13

8. Coburn, Ronelle, (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications,

2008) p.17.

9. Unger, Richard, Berkeley, CA: Crossing Press, 2007) p.24

10. Unger, Richard, 2008 L , pg. 19