T TTTTT Levels & Beyond · 6 The Apprenticeship route • An Apprenticeship is a genuine job...


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T TTTTT Levels & Beyond & BEYOND


1. The post-16 options available to your pupils including the impact of the post-16 curriculum reform consultation

2. The main features of T Levels

3. The potential benefits of T Levels for your pupils

4. The main features of the Transition Year

5. Concerns and issues and how to get further answers

6. How 16-19 will be funded




The technical route (T Levels)• One T Level programme equivalent to 3 A Levels and includes a substantial industry placement• Higher volume and standard of content than many current vocational qualifications• Progress into employment, or on to further technical study or higher apprenticeships• T Levels will attract UCAS points, so some T Level students may choose progress to university• Typical minimum entry criteria likely to be 4+ GCSEs at grades 9-4, usually including at least one

of GCSE maths and English. However, entry criteria are for individual providers to set.• 2 year programme with a variety of assessment methods.

The academic route (A Levels/IB)• Traditionally 3/4 A Levels with progression mainly to university• Typical minimum entry criteria likely to be 5+ GCSEs at grades 9-4, usually including both GCSE

maths and English• 2 year programme with assessment by linear end of unit exams (some subjects will include


Education & Training Foundation



The Apprenticeship route• An Apprenticeship is a genuine job and under all circumstances an apprentice will be employed

from day one • Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study. An apprentice will work alongside

experienced staff to gain job-specific skills, earn a wage and get holiday pay, and be given time for study related to their role for the equivalent of one day a week

• Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16. New Apprenticeships are completed through successfully undertaking an end-point assessment.

The vocational or mixed route• One or more vocational or applied qualifications, equivalent to up to 3 A Levels, often combined

with one or more A Levels• Progress usually to university, but also to further technical study or higher

apprenticeships/employment• Typical minimum entry criteria are 4+ GCSEs at grades 9-4, usually including at least one of GCSE

maths and English.• Typically a 2-year programme (occasionally 3), assessed by a combination of coursework and


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A LevelsSubject-based

qualifications delivered over 2 years by school sixth-forms, sixth-form

colleges and FE colleges

T LevelsClassroom-based

programmes delivered over 2 years by an FE

provider (80% in provider and

20% on-the-job)

ApprenticeshipsWork-based training for a minimum of 12

months (80% on-the-job and

20% classroom learning)

Education & Training Foundation 7

Intended to be the main education and training options available post-16

“Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below:

Updated in Oct 2019 T Level Action Plan

• First-stage consultation confirmed gov intent to withdraw funding approval from older, pre-existing qualifications where newer versions have been redeveloped to meet the performance tables criteria. The full list of 163 pre-existing qualifications from which funding approval is being withdrawn from August 2020 was published in July 2019

• Moratorium on new qualifications being approved to receive public funding starting September 2020, so if AOs want to submit aqualification for approval it must be published in Ofqual’s Register of Regulated Qualifications on or before 31 August 2020.

• Second-stage consultation, due to be published in spring 2020, will build on the responses to the first and outline detailed proposals for change. These will include proposed changes to the criteria that qualifications must meet to receive funding and supporting regulatory changes.


Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below:

Updated in Feb 2020

• On 13 February, the Department for Education announced the start of the process to decide which qualifications with low and no publicly funded enrolments should have approval for funding removed from August 2021.

• The qualifications in scope are those for post 16 students only and at level 3 and below in England. They must have had fewer than 100 enrolments in all of the last three years, or no enrolments in all of the last three years.

• The initial list of low and no enrolment qualifications in scope identifies 5,323 qualifications (2,658 low and 2,665 no).

• Remember - The review ………….to ensure that every single qualification approved for public funding is necessary and has a distinct purpose, is high quality and supports progression to positive outcomes, as part of a simplified landscape.


In May we announced some changes that will ensure placements are high quality, meaningful, deliverable across different industries and accessible for all students:

• Allowing students generally to work with up to 2 employers• Using on-site facilities for SEND students for part of the placement, and for all of the placement for those in Young Offenders Institutes.

• Allowing a small proportion of occupationally relevant work tasters to count towards placement

• Allowing part time work to count as long as it is occupationally relevant and at the right level

• Placements recorded in hours rather than days - to reflect different working practices

• Some route-specific models to reflect different industries such as allowing placements at route level for digital.

Employer support package:• Training, guidance and intensive support for employers • Piloting a £7m employer support fund in AY 19/20• Exploring local innovation to tackle location and access barriers


Rollout of T Levels from 2020 onwards - ABsAgriculture,

Environmental and Animal Care

Business and Administrative

Catering and Hospitality

Construction Creative and Design


Animal Care and Management

Agriculture, Land Management

and Production

Human Resources

Management and Administration


Onsite Construction


Building Services Engineering (C&G)

Design, Surveying and Planning (P)

Media, Broadcast and Production

Craft and Design

Cultural Heritage and Visitor Attractions

T Levels for 2020 deliveryT Levels for 2021 deliveryT Levels for delivery in 2022T Levels for delivery in 2023

Education and Childcare

Engineering and Manufacturing

Hair and Beauty Health and Science

Legal, Finance and Accounting

Digital Support Services (N)

Digital Business Services

(N)Digital Production,

Design and Development (P)

Education (N)

Maintenance, Installation and Repair

Manufacturing Processing and


Design and Development Hair, Beauty and Aesthetics

Science (N)

Healthcare Science (N)

Health (N) Accountancy



AOs: P= Pearson; N =NCFE; C&G = City and Guilds


The programme lengthMore demanding than the present 540-600 hours study programme. T Level study programmes will vary in size, depending on the specific technical area, from 600 to 900 hours per year.

The industry placementMinimum of 315 hours. Offering a workplace experience where students will be expected to make a meaningful contribution to the employer’s workplace or organisation.

The level of demand on studentsHigher than many current vocational qualifications. The minimum expected level of competence to pass the technical qualification will be judged by employers as being sufficient to enter skilled employment.

The exit requirementsTo be awarded the full T Level certificate, students need a pass in the core content, the occupational specialist content, the industry placement and level 2 English and maths (functional skills or GCSE).

Education & Training Foundation



This is new provision

T Levels are novel and unfamiliar

They are large,

composite programme


T LEVELS: PROGRESSION OPTIONSSkilled Employment • T Level content designed by employers to facilitate direct progression into skilled employment

• Core content provides underpinning knowledge and breadth of skills to support adaptability

• Occupational Specialisms develop technical competence • Industry Placement provides direct experience with employers, builds attitudes and behaviours and takes technical competence further

Higher Education• T Levels are expected to provide a route to Higher Education (HE) in related technical areas at levels 4-6

• HE providers set their own admissions criteria. We are talking to universities and HE providers now about the HE courses a T Level student would be suited to

• The UCAS tariff for T Levels has been confirmed. This will support progression into HE and help HE providers align T Levels with other qualifications in their admissions


Apprenticeships• Many T Level students will be able to move on from their course to a relevant apprenticeship at level 4 or higher

• In some cases a young person might want the opportunity to work in a different or more specialist area, which might mean taking an apprenticeship at level 3 or below. This would take into account the prior learning gained through completion of a T Level (while still needing to meet the minimum 12 month duration)

• A T Level student would be able to move on to an apprenticeship at the same or lower level than a qualification they already hold, if the apprenticeship allows the individual to acquire substantive new skills and the content of the training is materially different from any prior qualification or a previous apprenticeship


In May 2019 changes were announced to ensure that placements are high quality, meaningful, deliverable across different industries and accessible for all students:

• Allowing students generally to work with up to 2 employers• Using on-site facilities for SEND students for part of the placement, and for all of the placement for those in Young Offenders Institutes.

• Allowing a small proportion of occupationally relevant work tasters to count towards placement

• Allowing part time work to count as long as it is occupationally relevant and at the right level

• Placements recorded in hours rather than days - to reflect different working practices

• Some route-specific models to reflect different industries such as allowing placements at route level for digital.

Employer support package:• Training, guidance and intensive support for employers • Piloting a £7m employer support fund in AY 19/20• Exploring local innovation to tackle location and access barriers


• Gain extra resources for day-to-day projects• Develop a cost-effective recruitment pipeline of talent for entry-

level jobs • Attract motivated young people to your business and bring in

imaginative and new ideas • Build the capacity of your business and develop the skills you

need• Give your staff the opportunity to upskill

in coaching and mentoring• Build a more diverse and creative workforce • Provide a positive experience for a local young person• Example industry placement


• Students who complete their T Level will receive an overall grade of pass, merit, distinction or distinction*. They will get a nationally recognised certificate which will show:

an overall grade for the T Level, shown as pass, merit, distinction or distinction*

a separate grade for the core component, using A* to E a separate grade for each occupational specialism, shown as pass, merit or distinction

It will also include confirmation that the student has: met the minimum requirements for maths and English qualifications completed the industry placement met any additional mandatory requirements

• A student’s overall T Level grade will be worked out from the grades they achieved on the core component and the occupational specialism(s)

• Students who do not pass all elements of their T Level will get a T Level statement of achievement

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UCAS TariffHow T-Level grades compare to A-levels

UCAS tariff points T Level overall grade A level

168 Distinction* A*A*A*

144 Distinction AAA

120 Merit BBB

96 Pass (C or above on core component)


72 Pass (D or E on core component) DDD


Diverse range of learnersContent coverage and entry requirements vary depending on T Level. Technical ability and aptitude are likely to figure prominently on some T Levels.

T Levels should be accessible to all, including SEND learners - changes to exit requirements, and reasonable adjustments by AOs. Special arrangements for industry placements where necessary.

More applied learning and practical tasksThe employer-set project, part of the core, will test independent ability to use, integrate, apply and transfer relevant techniques, methods, tools and equipment.

Variety of assessment methods Classroom-based, practical skills, project-based, portfolio and unit exams.

T Level Transition ProgrammeFor students not yet ready to start a T Level at age 16 but who could realistically develop the skills, knowledge and behavioursnecessary to complete a T Level by 19.

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Occupational specialist skillsAdvanced applied knowledge, practical and technical skills and expertise, drawing upon core knowledge and understanding.

Transferable knowledge and skillsResearch, planning, strategy, innovation, decision-making, problem-solving, evaluation, evidence, review, refinement and presentation.

English, mathematics and digital To enable learners to plan, produce and deliver high-quality projects, tasks and outcomes.

Variety of assessment methods Ability to cope with the different forms of assessment (classroom-based, practical skills, project-based, portfolio and unit exams).

Education & Training Foundation



• Where are the nearest local providers? (and can I find opportunities to visit T Level providers to find out about what their T Levels look and feel like as they plan, prepare and deliver their programmes?)

• Who are the local contacts who could come in to my school to give further advice on T Levels and the application process?

• When are the relevant Open Events for local T Level providers?

• Has my school incorporated T Level information in its post-16 guidance literature, options events and school website?

• How can we embed this material into our wider Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance offer to equip young people to make their own informed decisions?

Education & Training Foundation



• Who are the first T Level providers? 2020-2021 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/providers-selected-to-deliver-t-levels/providers-selected-to-deliver-t-levels-from-the-2020-to-2021-academic-year

• Who are the second tranche of T Level providers? 2021-2022 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/providers-selected-to-deliver-t-levels/further-providers-selected-to-deliver-t-levels-from-the-2021-to-2022-academic-year

• Who are the first Transition Programme providers? 2020-2021? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/providers-selected-to-deliver-t-levels/providers-selected-to-deliver-the-transition-programme-from-the-2020-to-2021-academic-year

• Where can I find the different occupational maps? https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/about/occupational-maps/

• How can I further my understanding through more professional development (online modules)? https://www.foundationonline.org.uk/course_files/t-levels/TLUnderstanding/module/page?id=46&page_id=118

• Where can I find information on the webinar and workshops for feeder schools? https://booking.etfoundation.co.uk/course/details/556/T-Level-Professional-Development-Offer-TLPD-Strand-2-Understanding-T-Levels-for-feeder-schools?sh=279167&ci_id=2599

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Launched in October - targeting young people, parents, teachers and employers

The aim is to establish the status of T Levels, raise awareness of the key benefits, stimulate demand and inspire our audiences to find out more

New website – www.tlevels.gov.uk – where you can find out more and search for a local provider plus new T Level film on YouTube

National coverage but will be targeted in our 2020 provider areas. Activity will include video on demand TV advertising, out of home posters, social media activity etc.

We are working to help promote T Levels within schools and providing training for careers advisers and careers leaders

We are working with the National Apprenticeship Service to promote employer engagement - and using Employer Ambassadors to promote the benefits of T Levels/placements

Series of industry placement case study films on the DfE YouTube channel


Transition Programme


T Level transition programme T Level Transition Programme is a type of 16-19 study programme (not a qualification in its own right), tailored to prepare students for T Levels. The guiding framework for post-16 providers includes• key components that are nationally set• flexibility for providers to package their transition programme

at a local level to meet the needs of their students. • First wave of providers

• Mainly colleges – a few schools


•To assess each students’ capability and pastoral support needs in order to tailor their Transition Programme to address their needs and help students choose their T Level route

A diagnostic period

• For students who do not hold at least a GCSE grade 4 in English and/or maths and are required to continue studying as per the condition of funding.

English and mathematics

• To develop the skills, behaviours, attitude and confidence that will be needed for students to complete the T Level Industry Placement.

Work experience and work-related learning

• Introductory skills and concepts to prepare students for the T level they wish to progress to

Introductory technical skills

• Relevant and meaningful support to address barriers to education, support emotional and/or mental health difficulties, and support the development of study skills, and reflective and resilience skills.

Pastoral support and personal development


Transition Programme - Guiding Framework -Core content


•First providers still pressing ahead enthusiastically for implementing the first three T Levels from September 2020

•Awareness raising campaign needs more publicity amongst young people and their parents/carers

•Providers remain confident that they will meet their recruitment targets and are positive about the Transition Programme in preparing young people who are not yet ready to progress onto T Levels. However, concerns still remain around access to T Levels related to the size of the qualification

•Late availability of the full specifications in March 2020 and the tight timescale for fully developing the qualifications is still a cause for concern

•Providers reported enthusiasm from employers regarding the industry placement but felt that more flexibility is still required to engage different types of employers e.g. via project-based and work-related learning led by employers

•Providers felt they had the staff required for delivery from September 2020 but remained concerned about staff recruitment and retention in the longer-term, particularly in construction, digital and engineering where higher salaries can be commanded in industry

•Uncertainties remain regarding progression from T Levels onto university and Level 4 apprenticeships

•Providers reiterated concerns around social mobility should other Level 3 qualifications like BTEC Nationals be discontinued in favour of T Levels. They reported that not every Level 3 student will be capable of undertaking T Levels or be interested in taking them



How will this be financed?The Spending Round announced an additional £400 million for 16-19 education in financial year 2020-21, compared with 2019-20. Key elements:

• Base rate increase.• High value and high cost programmes.• English and maths support for those on level 3 courses.• Roll out of T Levels.


Spending Round 2019The Spending Round announced an additional £400 million for 16-19 education in financial year 2020-21, compared with 2019-20. Key elements:

• Base rate increase.• High value and high cost programmes.• English and maths support for those on level 3 courses.• Roll out of T Levels.


Revised 16 to 19 funding formula for 2020/21



FundingArea Cost Allowance

Student Numbers

Funding rate per student

(dependent on band)

Retention Factor× × × ×Large

Programme Uplift

Formula Protection Funding

=Level 3

programme maths and

English payment

Sub Total Formula Funding

Total Formula Funding =

T Level Industry

Placement Funding

Advanced Maths


Sub Total Formula Funding

Condition of


High value

courses premium

• T Levels have larger bands covering the extra hours these programmes will include, but the same principles apply as funding for study programmes.

• The T Level Industry Placement Funding applies to T Levels only. The Condition of Funding will not apply to T Levels students as English and maths are exit requirements for T Levels so the requirement is not needed.

• The Capacity and Delivery Fund (CDF) which helps institutions develop industry placements to prepare for T Levels is not included in the above formula as it is based on a separate funding mechanism.

(Amended) (New)

(New) (New)



FundingArea Cost Allowance

Student Numbers

Retention Factor

Large Programme


Total Formula Funding

Condition of



Base rate increaseIn 2020/21 the base rate of funding for a full time (band 5) 16 or 17 year old will rise by 4.7% from £4,000 to £4,188.Part-time bands (smaller) and T Level bands (larger) will all rise by 4.7%.Other formula factors which multiply the base rate (such as area cost uplift) will continue to do so.


High value courses premiumNew for 2020/21.Additional funding to encourage and support delivery of level 3 courses in subject areas that both lead to higher wage returns and support the Industrial Strategy.Students need to be enrolled on a qualifying level 3 study programme:

• a study programme consisting of at least 2 of the selected A levels; or • a study programme with a core aim of a qualifying level 3 qualification in the

selected Sector Subject Areas (SSAs) with recommended Guided Learning Hours of 360 or more; or

• a T Level in one of the selected SSAs.The premium will be paid at a rate of £400 per student per year.The 2020/21 allocations reflect programmes students were studying in 2018/19, and subject to Spending Review the future years’ allocations will also work on a two year lag in this way.Costs around £55m for the financial year 2020-21 (more for the academic year 2020/21).


High value courses premiumQualifying A Levels Qualifying Sector Subject AreasBiology SSA 4.1- EngineeringChemistry SSA 4.2 - Manufacturing technologies

Computer science SSA 4.3 - Transport operations and maintenance

Design and technology SSA 5.2 - Building and constructionElectronics SSA 6.1 - ICT for practitionersFurther mathematicsMathematicsPhysicsStatistics


Increase in Programme Cost WeightingsFor academic year 2020 to 2021, we will increase PCW factors for 6 subject areas.

We have based the PCW factor increases for these 6 subject areas on evidence and feedback from providers which suggests they are insufficiently weighted at present.

In general academic programmes do not receive a PCW but the new low (1.1) PCW factor will apply to a study programme consisting of 2 or more Science A levels, as well as to any study programme with a vocational core aim in Science.

This will cost around £65m for the 2020-21 financial year (more for the whole academic year).

The government is now reviewing PCWs to examine the rates across all subject areas. This will to determine the PCW factors for 2021 to 2022 academic year onwards.

We plan to sample data on costs in different courses and gather views to inform this exercise.


Previous PC




Science 1.0 1.1

Engineering 1.3 1.4

Manufacturing Technologies

1.3 1.4

Transportation Operations and Maintenance

1.2 1.3

Building and Construction

1.2 1.3

Hospitality and Catering

1.2 1.3


Level 3 programme maths and English payment

• Additional maths and English funding is provided to support the delivery of maths and English to those students on substantial level 3 study programmes.

• Eligibility: students aged 16 to 18 on Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funded study programmes

• of at least 2 A levels or another level 3 qualification of at least 360 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) or a T Level programme

• who have not yet attained a grade 9 to 4 GCSE or equivalent in maths and/or English will attract:

• a single £750 payment per subject if they are studying a 2 year programme; or• a single £375 payment per subject if they are studying a 1 year programme

• Funding will first be paid through mainstream 16 to 19 allocations for 2020 to 2021 academic year.

• These allocations will be based on Census data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year.

New allocation method for discretionary 16-19 Bursary FundThe 16-19 Bursary Fund aims to ensure all young people can take part in education and training whatever their financial circumstances.

The discretionary element is used by schools, colleges and other providers to help young people who could not otherwise afford the cost of taking part in education e.g. travel, equipment, books, trips. £127 million was allocated this year, 2019/20, to institutions.

The current method for allocating this is out-of-date: based on 2009-10 data on those claiming the previous Education Maintenance Allowance.

Following consultation the ESFA are introducing a new method from 2020/21 (phased in over 4 years to allow institutions to adjust) using up-to-date information on need and costs. The overall amount of funding available has not changed. Allocations include:

• It will still be up to each institution to decide how best to use the funding to help students, within the scheme rules.

Support for Financial Disadvantage due to

deprivation(top 27% most deprived)

50% of the available funding

Support for students’ costs

(top 60% most deprived)

50% of the available fundingof which

45% for travel costs5% for industry placement costs


Future spending?• 5-16 schools budget announced for 3 years in Summer 2019.• 16-19 funding settled only for one year, 2020-21• A spending review required this year to set budgets for 2021-22.• This may well cover three years: 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24, but the scope and

the timetable for the review have not yet been announced.

• 16-19 revenue increases likely to continue to be hypothecated and increasingly based on “return on earnings”

• Don’t know much about capital but FE Capital prominent in manifesto

• For more information see:• https://www.gov.uk/guidance/16-to-19-funding-how-it-works• https://www.gov.uk/guidance/16-to-19-funding-information-for-2020-to-2021


National cohort change –

implications for you?








2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

16 to 18 yrs cohort by regionLondon

North East

