t t e S S f e x g f s s S s s a · O o«l.v Office H ours: 9-12; 3-4; 7_D PHONE Ml. Two PurrowB at...


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Vol. 6. No. 40. Wellesley, Thursday, July 20th, 1900. J. W. GREEN, Prop

[ M o n e y | \ O r d e r s "\ Money Order* and Drnfta J

i**ued for any am ount a t j lowest ra tes, payable a t par j a t any Bank tn Canada o r j

! U nited S tates. ,I This Is the safest and {) cheapest mothod of forward- i. ing money through the | I m ails. J

W , will r J « * T dep© U* i I from t l up *»d MloW y°u 4| thereon impounded every six ( , months. Absolute security to ae- j l positor*. j

Authorised Capital *1,000.000.00 <Paid tip Capital IRiweirr Fund 3tKl.000.00 .

[ Total Aaaeta orar 6,650,000.00 THE 1

WESTERN BANKo r c a k a o ji

WIUKIET MANCHV . 1. l o t , - -

W 1- G LUSTER. M. D., C. H-.

Farm for Sale.2oo ‘SZSZX'.tfs in, Asssrsifipissf :i\£25 “82rS3U'a4.i S 5 ^ .‘lK‘t~rSiesc* In U. a kitxb.n i**W, a w»d hewe n z s x Ths k-itch.n ba i b°*h

^S skr-isH S ^S i^S i.Wlfl,a iri.T.T rallies weUat the b#r» p«ow is barret* tn »t mlr.nr*. with U>« wtnrfram A *ooJ appls nr chard it * acre* and ntaaaa war*, peach, i and all kind* of *»*Jl frail bH ldeall is on. of ti»« moit daairabU «&oU A man Ban flad to live, Hobo»l, nhsifebia. hlaekaaitthshoc* and rest g©r* »»t«la a mil. onetthrr .id.. KtAtlcm within *> r«U. •» good « shirring Point s . there «£»&»:

MS c b ^ r * . ta. Oltr be. * °!*>,•* n. ThU plfec* 1. 10 mil., from th. cltf «* Brantford. It i. certainly a ba»c»InT the man who own. is ha*i Jnat tost btawif* and 4 ^ ire to »*tl it. II baa a lane through the centre and aU fences ia Urn T b e ia D d I .M b d f.lM B a . U *•*corns and «•* II as rou cab m* tbs «ops.

For |fu rth e r particular* oon ee ruing the above farm apply to


B rantford, Ont

o m a **

H. HILTS«***Deiitist

W e lle s le yU m c x :—Opposite th e F u rn itu re

C l o c k s

£ . P CLEMENT, K, C.B arrister. Boliottor, N o tary Public,

Conveyancer, Etc.o a * " v ^ SglgrSSr;™"u l m

Mono Vo Loan on nurture of »**» *•***«

There Is noth ing th a t fnratsbee your Table or M antel better than a nice CLOCK of Marble, Marbelelxod Wood, G ilt o r S ilver. You proba­bly did n o t th in k of (’LOCKS for that W edding Proaent you w ant InJune, You will find our Btoek of Booh CLOCKS very a rtistic and not expensive. Call and examine them

J. W elch & SonD irect Im porter*.

^ S T R A T F O R D

Optician. Eyes Tested Free.

DR. W. J- SCHMIDT,d e n t i s t .

Office up-stairs, opposite the poet office, King stree t, Berlin, Ont.

Scellen k W tlr< ^ ~J A Arnllra. B. A. L. L B.J J- J* A.

W.T. WALLACE, M. &.M. B, C- b. Ban.

r tK iA U ir : as**, • * * . , M 1 * m* O o«l.vOf f ic e H ours : 9- 1 2 ; 3- 4 ;


Two PurrowB at Once.You h a re to plow In a hurry

these: days.The way to do i t is to get

your plow from

J Qmmonb& £)oering

IMPLEMENT AGENT(O p p o site Q ueens H o te l)

WELLESLEYWe keep BUGGIES,Etc., and <

th in g the farm er needs.

X 2 )z A 1 b'onWEIXBBLBV.

H K ieutzw ieserPBOPR1XTOB,

Every M oder^Aooommodtttion Choicest Liquors

Rest Stabling.ferftd ftjmoaUi K&ek Kj*. for sale. » . W


TftA.DC MART* D tw asi

CopvriCmts Ac.

Scientific American.S35SS3wopmemt

NMftLE?i W C S b s s . Hew tori.falaal-an. n. C.

Home, by Mr. Joe. K. Seagram, M. P. The ticket* will be draw n for Sept. 12th, at S t. Agatha.

Miss Freda Heimrich, who has been the gneet of Mrs. I . P . Diet- rich has returned to her home in Detroit Mich.

Airs. Chas. W agner haa rotnrnod to her home in Buffalo, after spend­ing some tim e a t the home of Mr Peter A. W agner.

Mrs. and Miss Brlgg from Brant­ford spent a few days visiting Mr. Yic. B. Bchmidt.

Mr. and Mrs I . Bonninger, and Mins Benninger of Formosa, spent Monday with Mr. I . P. D ietrich.

Rev. I. Perins, vice president of Bt, M ary’s College, 6 t. Marys, Kentucky, was the guest of Rev H. Aeyutans over Sunday.

Bister M. Tillman, of Rochester, N. Y,, sister of Air. Nic. B. Bchmidt


j f l u Qarron, Of Peshnrtnn, Is visiting W ends in town this week.

Ml=5 Hf.mMton, o f Atwood, was visiting her brother,M r.R B. Ham­ilton, here, th is w eek.

One day la** wBBk whn° work' ing the bay fork. M r. William Ken nedy bad the mlsfovinTu' to get h is ftrm badly cu t and bruised. He

unloading hay a t the time and tho whiffietree broke, fanning the accident. I t will be some time be fo rt the Injured arm is fully re ­covered.

The editor of the Leaf passed through here hwt BnUirduy even ing on hi* way to Arthur.

R«v. B. M, Roadhousi-.of Elmira, will preach in the Liu wood Motho- d lstch u rch next Sabbath morning • t 11 O’ciook.

M r. | “ «• „ nd M„ . Qoo. Buclihelt, « T lS .la ,d - n c U ™ bieter TiLl-c r j 'e . t e f * b l 'r* P”1 th0 *“ L id cniared toe Kotre Demo Con- to ! , week end « « k od to . in t .n e t 23 yuere ego, end he# no t boon U being repldly poibed. When „„rB, (llce

Mia* Agues Kaiser la spending a fow days in Berlin.


completed ihia will bo one finest houses la tow n.

The construction train of the new Guelph-Goderuh railway is ex­pected to reach Llnwnod this week.The road bed is now finished to Mill bank and it Is probable th a t a regular tram Bfcrvice across the northern p ert of Weltwtey town­ship will be edablisbvd in uboutjto re , week* T V . »«»>< Unwuod | e ebort tone,

Leal Bonder e,i.nitig’B rein end* Vr- Beip. Bt. Age the, apeut wind storm dreocbwl the hay that! M t> -eek a t M r. 1. Laokuer’s .

still in thelhld*i and knocked (*jiia A Bhwlley, of Berlin, spont

Miss Nolila Conrad, of Waterloo, is the guest of Mrs. W eiderham ­mer.

Miss Lilly Btauffor, of Ham ilton,“ u “ M a “ “““ lb . tbe gnw t of M i« FlornneeT V i. wetob Unwood ‘

p m u p s D i m a .

Mis* Lizzie Bchmidt, and Miss Mary Forler, spent Sunday a t the homo of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Forler, near Berlets Corner.

Mr. David Brandt, of Hanover, form erly of this vicinity, Is renew­ing old acquaintances a t preaent.

M rs, Carolina Bootbinger, of Bridgeport, was visiting her m any friends here last week.

Mrs. Russel Zoman, of Waterloo, is spending a few weeks w ith her mother, Mth, W icderhold.

Mrs. John Eidt, is a t present In Berlin nursing her Blok daughter, Mrs Goo. G erth

Miss Vera Moran, of Berlin, spent Sunday tho guest of Mr. and Airs. Eidt.

Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Dooring, of M ilverton spent Sunday a t the the home of Mrs. Daniel 8eylcr, s r .

Messrs. John Kaufman, Goo. Kubo, Albert Hamm el and Oscar Ottm ann, ware the gueete nf Mr. Herman W agner on Bnuday lo s t.

Mr. and Airs. Andrew Bammol, of Bridgeport, visited a t the boms of Mrs. Abel Docring over Sunday.

Dr. Sand was in the neighbor­hood last week renewing old ac­quaintances. The doctor looks hale and hearty .

Mr. Herman Enlenstein, who has spent the Last throe weeks w ith friends in this vicinity has returned1 to his homo in Acton again.

M r,, Hoary W agner, has traded off his spun of pottle* to Mr. J . K. Boethinger, of Bridgeport, for a handsome driver.

down the riper wheat somewhatTho harvester*, who a r t a t work th is week, ro jp t t th at tho grain is

mikivr. u. harder to handle

Bandev under the parental roof. |

H » T . Bcisbi Co. »reDowolwr-


Mist MaoCnllnm has returned Rev. Mr. Edgur has boon station. | r0in a two week's v isit to Toronto

od h u rt for two years, as pastor of tho P re sb y te r ia n church . Ho will

ing out a big lot of summ er goods a t enormously reduced price*. Spe­cial snap* in every departm ent.


Mrs. Lonis Ball, of Vernon, B. O. Is visiting Mr. and M rs. M. 8. Ball.

Miss A n to n ia J a a ts , of Detroit is v is itin g relative* in town.

Mr. Geo. F. Bpita, w kept busy sending ticket* to different porta Of Canada, for the Raco Horto, which was donated to th e O rphan’s


of the Preston and Berlin Electric Railway.

Timetable Ho. 8, effective Oot, H b Leave Berlin for P reston, B**>

peler and G a l t :—A. M —6.00. 05. 10.05, 11.05.P. M.—12.05, 1.06, 2.05, 3.05, 4.05,

5.05, 6.05, 7.06, 6.C&. 9.05. 10.05,11.05, (Preston only).

E x tra express car- will leave Berlin for C. P. R. station , G alt, ca rry ­ing passengers and baggage, a t 8.40 a m imd and 6 n in.

Leave Preston Junction for Bor- Un, Eespeler and G alt:—

A. M.—(9.30, Hespeler only), (03.0 G alt only), 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.3511.35.

P . M.—12,85, 1 35, 2.35, 3.35, 4.:, 7.85, 8.35, 9.35, 10,85.

E xtra express oars will leave Proa.ton Springs u t 9.08 a m, and 6.35 p m for C. P. R. *tatlcn G alt.

Leave G alt for Berlin, Preston and lie s p e le r:—\ M —7 00. 8 00, 9 OK. 10 OK, ti tin. p M.— i.UO, O.UO, 4.U0,

5.06, 6,05, 7.05, 8.05, 9.05, 10,05, (11.05, P reston only )

E xtm express ca r will leave C. P . R sta tion going north on arrival of the 10.35 a m au d 7.14 p m tra ins

Leave Ho*peler for Preston, Galt and B orlin :—A. M.—6.35, 8.10’ 9.10, 10.10, 11.35. P . M —12.14. 1.15. 2.16, 8.IB, 4.16,

5.16, 9.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15. (10.50, Preston only).

U r. and M rs. M. L Bechtel, of Elmira, spen t baturday a t Air. Mc- QoUum'e.

Quite a few from here were at W allenstein. to see tho last girder put into place.

A num ber from here attended the funeral of Mr. Neips, of Lin- wood, on Tuesday last.

O ar people are quite interoetod In the talk of "building the trolley lino ••north” from Waterloo.

BY-LAW NO. 578.

To Itttrw ft » 4 ie itt lM e the K a ifiia t » t Large of Anim als on tbe Public H ighw ays, Streett and Commons of the Township

of W e llo U y , ih d for other Purposes.

« rn v R ic* ft i t ha* been deemed expedient and necessary to pass

^ s S S S e F'-r '^ .r s r i .^ ' .W K -'- jK S L S S .:5 S S S S ^ i ^ | f e ® « «3 t t e S S f e x g f s s S s s aMA CA f P'ouUri. f I’STSyS. «

shall bo R '^ o c t t o th eporsons, »nu u w u « , ^ . * « '♦ > . . . a fo llow s viJK F or ft n o rse ,fees, charges and penalties fo rth or pigi the sum

buco w ith By-Law 363. . „ Vx> imposed withcml4. That the above mentioned - ^ o o n f o n u l t y with Sec-, impounding any *ncb anim al or animals, m coniorm j

“"rar&fviSlr toifato «««• “a como,oro" tam6,’Uto- ,j ^ o — ui * » « • To,rMinpof"Wellesley thi* fourth day of Juiu-, 1906.

A. B. ROBERTSON, Reeve.p . F . SCHUMMER, Clerk.

M r. L. J . Nlebel, of Galt, was In town cm Monday.

Mr. and Mrs, H. U. Huyok. of Mudoc. are visiting s i the home of Mr. 8 . T. Holley,

Hr. and Mrs. H. Cole, of Doon, are visiting a t tho borne of M r. J . P. Ernst.

Mi AS LIU Millar, la spending th e holiday* a t Lake Horen.

M r. L. T. Peqaegnat left on an extended business trip to the East­ern p art of Ontario.

Air. Vat. Rata, M. P ., of Park- bill, and Air. John R ats, of Btepben paid a short v isit to their father Mr. Jacob Bats.

Alias Flossie HlU, of Rochester N. Y. is visiting Mr*. Loot* Koeh­ler.

Mr. John Mayer ho* bought the M arket LL>te!, Waterloo, and will taku pushosaion in the near fu ture .


Zion Presbyterian oongregatlon m et a t the chnrch last Wednesday evening in u farewell meeting w ith their janitor, who haa resigned and iB moving away, Tbe following address vrua read by Mrs. Clark, while Mr. Clark presented tho bog­gy and Mrs. Kelly the puree:Tv K*v and Mr*. McKinnon,

Hear Friend*,—Wc, tho cangrwuioa of Zion Church, Third Line, watluloy to«r»- ilitp, meet this averting u, exjuren our ap- |.r<vintion of your vtlusble services u our [iMtor. Sinew you bare coin* amongst us iK’rrecI haruiOQy has prevailed and oiir u - locutions baro been of the meet friendly nature As a naster you have been oarrv. t«L and faiibful in endettvarieg to proclaim the truth of God’s > urclt und wa trust your a-.irk taay still continue to prosper ia thefuture as i t bos done l» tho past. W e there­fore ask you to accept this buggy- as a slight token of our esteem and friendship,hoping you “>*$■ b o g <njt>y its com forts.

Ana to Mr* McKinnon, as wife of out ~ tec mod pastor, vrs fcul lum * , «r. tft debted to you tor kindness *nd hospitality both In 3'our own home and elsewhere, w* ask you to accept this purse os an emblem of our friendship, no t for tho value but for the sp irit in which U is given. O ur un it­ed prayers aro th a t Providence may spare you both w ith us for many years, and may God's richest blessings be yours. Signed on bohalf of the congregation.

Rev. Mr. McKinnon made a feel­ing reply, a fte r which s>npper wo* served and farewells said.

’ublic Notice. ! EARLY SUMMER SAllW ellesley M aple Le^f.lMUCO ftfcHY THURSDAY Hitajrofcn of rd a * > fn n j^ A ^ jir ^ i n ^ i v a put on wilo

Thursday, Friday and lallrdp '6fr*iMs week.~ 4f- ttf

While in New York, our foreign buyer made a large purchase of the itost Atnvri ;.n putteras ip J ^ k t - a o d dark rmmlina.,^ Ai . l ima of , riling iln*e grindsnrrrTinrnrhatit! so~wo tanfiOT qhdt* prices, h u t woswr.rc y *.i thi.t exceptional bargains aw ait yon. ^ ^ Tif ^ , V/Tin- Big Kale of the wa-on U now on. Yon m ay have teen looking

nr i t. Do nut fa)! to take udyi>nt)jfiiUttJl«; WuPXrfilftRSff .Joy ing Nff«>n!rt! nt iK U 'sa le . Below uie given only * few o f the

Vv Z * * - ' "

Provincial-ADVEHTTs INU KATE*’

a tr <)r THE.rnoy.^cj-

■PB F. bCuc.vur.R. t

■ *1 Star, l**-

thR^»OSt*« of ■ —; —i„un ftutn lh« vaU "' r“r ,' JL oftfmJuly. 1IM! «ni P*r»bt* Jl

t.OoJ on tb*i i»t July, )** - ..,*». wm *W U^Jmis. -UA- ixm» n u riw l forJMr trul, 1>Wtb*If KtTlIio ttfm —

r. Tuttiwio. uiM* »***.

*livtti»L-mc !!■»

<rf tto«. Will I - of lb*•M* «U««i u. f ib* w r/ifa* K>*7&'‘ «■

Iwitrlmr thoMCri* r*l" ; | •• ^. Tbo ii<nt price <1 urine tb« montb ut Job.

4J.bJPQJUJSA?ii» OftiCWa^^TOCICte >TF.plr.vPT:R t h K i r r ito n rrt fn> T k*•1411) ACT AltF. niKKTROUt.M.UONTARIO JHKA’II>CI*Ji ri4A‘*S CilA i;«K> stop jL-'tTY a .v p JMTO^moXp.vyjiATso.

hlU 'b i<m ol *nu>ar,(. Up l» »t! ■ -'*1 ill b* rat)Bir.-1 to oenrl irflifinl ilio|iii wirli *h« b#*)iiv. jtton. Jrt» uioMiut* f e-FI ■•* p»y- pi. m f«.r .ul vni/’.i ji iiutf l.e nu t,. ia in- ntBhnri.w I* f -r . irt. ,w» *♦ (flloWKin, ID

K.¥syjW *«r!i'.j«:sv;, a :;».NovrmVc nail JO L‘*r c< ut l»t JVe»mb»!r.rrN.ira. <.r (utK.liC wt kb larW •Ut*. (be loiirr.t on I'll tit. *Btr>ripiIiism M s r or* l«* Junniuf t*s’ ,

la lb* u v « » «1 i»i*l -tiUcxi1 Jur Iw iit pul*! 1- 1-r >< »'.«lut*|!l f/illilj* to' UlltSI' pnt- ment of enl-eeusmt jiwialmenru, Oa: Uudim»y Mil.I I.Il l *i, >- li»* iiK iirTo 1 mill l* r>W rft.| to u.<- purpba*oe la Itrt)ilit». ,

Funti of i'•lira bytBsU.ln.cnt> Vvmr tA|«iiM>l<mH|vplicitllAi to lln Ir ru u ll iiysilx.rt'U w

Tin* loan is rkiMii spot tin,crcilit of the Oori»..li-tM**l !:nu«rB*.k*i.pii of Outerio.tuii is cbftMr* iMo ihi ri up (

All cheqties sHatii 11* tns Io p«P«Yiii to yli,

oomiliutoiiis Mini i*mM b l.i f D) } * iH ; illIiuq.Is Ue*ir«*L

A+J.I!A?«»raV. )<IW u,. ,J,lTr. jKurw.

Tree«u rr 1 ’riMtrtm. nu Pn rifem*t, t Rrtfr lux*. T-.ri.iiN., illh Tun«, new,

Nw iel^W H iilW Ik ilT iJ I udvertiioaic. witboat *i,tbt../it) fr.ta the Bi>ikrrii,*ut * i» ’ not im [.Cl I for il. ^ „

*4.r,rl I t f l u U *» for i*»»J Lemii .Vc.-t>«(intatar*J Aunjisrel

JUi* Itir JUHIBMrl|otiiM W 1> ' k&bifctjneiit [iiwrtibA.

®tfb4;ripifun ll.fN) a yc Ta nee. O ther wi’Sfb,<ri.-S.

fit DKFt uaPT,

EOITOIUAL ,N OTEiS. YHB FASIflON AND PATTiPTi UdAGA^IM ^^Cit YOUNO FCLK5sW h at’ wUl ynn tak e for your

stock? *•* 'iJ ‘ 1 •

Th« Wolioaler township “ Gnw By-Law,*' palrtiftbed m thiA iwtw,iellv its own stnry. Th^'ra. arc luiioy arguioeiitn for and again&t allow ing Hto stock t© run ut Ur/tt. OU.tbe public highwiijH, and when tijp enforoemeut of ttiis new law begins to pinch, all those argn- weuU» will bs fully uir«d b y th a in - te re sad peopls.

“ * ............. ... ssfAg m i t i w «This Sale is nothin full swing, be

among the first tO!secti#fe;bhi^a.inB.

Th> Berlin. Daily Telegraph is hacking aw ay fo ra ; C ;P . R. lino t> Welle*luy lonrrail ip neighhorh/v-l An -article in tlint Joarnul eu rly th b woek. Icdicetus thirt ' Wcllrtflev sonLh w to be frightened in to pay­ing a fit HI boons later tin. I f this Motion cam be at (impeded into the outturn th a t the rc*d t* 'tob«Tun ’•north.' and bo xulwi^thiB vUlagr then it can bo hold up fet: anv old torn of woooy and so make u Bor- liu Mnurt th a t amejb lig h te r . Ol late thia section is turning townrtb- a railway cunceolton with ‘Hwdoh. a ooncuinmutiaa wrbiob would just now be m uch juurr popular id « | bonot-byrlvr vein Ou? peo|ilo atv; ’ willing to pay woll- lor ndo^aab railw ay facthtie? b u t they are noi; likely to 'bo easily, bluffed.

aa i nndin ia*'M ■ :•'• Brttntrofd, Oalfc RTil 'S ttn tfn rd

aro^g tVp;:fiqnlB. |f«». Wgffc*6 ooancil meeting rows. ay nwi i i

'w5tTej in no u a ly xouciptSi is doing ovortlme, this aununey in wb^r5i6o-'-'rkfid- j m h ^WnficH;

b^ chargeil rw ilhI


Paper'.Paltena .xclcsivt. stjTuh. pm ;tlwti Btrd Biudert ia pr *

If you cannot get Ji Mr.s Tcsi.rrr from 'yoar lxxdcsejler n-r.ie for fcusp, Copy or kerid ywiir'ffttbscnption to

-* -1 ’ VJ .! IX) u

TOILETTES FASHICK CO.172 fffll Alir.,m m St. jHr \rX

Lot For SaleIn W ellesley .

A part -dr *tho tnatli bfilfrif l i t }f0 . j„

biim-p, runnw r kiteben ai l aoudrhidrani i» gr«vl b n r r r .W e l l w ntohd * ' L

Fur ;<irucirW,, iq .p lr« ,r-il* ’prfn* Pr near the Utphaa*’ U..m.',to th-J n-printor lV IlJiWiri-’sAiftit;

:■f’rTrS] * r ' - ¥irlle*Uyipo,

NORMAN RYAN M a n a g e r

[W e do w hat w e say_______________ 1 ■ •-••••vaiino f

•a'* ‘>di aliaoijqt

W ellesley Mach:and Cider Mill•/;] ai *bitm iiiw

inlA ilA.

Having ptm bawl the a b . jv ^ lw s a . fita rr ly condneK^ by^tr p t-J »hn 3. Zi-hr I beg.-tosiioaiMre tha'llthtfaki.ip t»dpec'for |msineas 6i m ail, _ c j D^es all Kind.4 of P rin ting frfim n Lady VCeOJingTCand to anW fn

Kheet ) ***

Letter beads N ote heads stj&t* ments, Envelopes, Cards,!-IStMli and bills,1 Etc. promptly ly done. ‘: ";

E n g in es a n d T hresh ing M achinery' ' - - - r- •■ ' • *-• ''• fUpMredaid put rn rr>M»<-..ndiii^toreft i-H

v g umming1, p H t g t se ttin g and straigliteiC u ltiv a to r tee th , plow p o ir ts binder an

....... - W e r g ir th s and knives, shears H.1axes, etc., sharpened

an d repaired.

Subscribers to the Lli‘b6lieh.f w e behind in their subscription w ill

the money: The year IN ADVANCE.P ro prie to r.

fciM'«‘inUrjtttirci ol ih jsori^k^l ffco.r

Otherwise $1.25fcchn ou the petrifies .by i i party of Gn\nd Trunk Pari^c>^a^vryorB can not ikil to arouse much interest eRMmg H^ortHinod, nhd 'by a curl on oofncidLfteC built inciiUints fipd a place in lljo W n e uumbipr, M r. W . a , WfaiW), K . C. give# hi a riow fif th s rhangos made in ^ f i Qubbefc f is h and game peases; the patu yea* in Ontario Pieberiee is from- mcrisod and rev iew ed; u auoc«,-uful


PRODUCTSm anufactured bjr.-fns

done so under th e STANDARD

" A 4fmV>K t7'>v3iTinpKl 't.injtt a inti'• irtro« |fl J-7«»4kiriooftobunt in the Cobalt-district is

i 4 i ; and the arrangem ent for the first shfnmcr CaOjp of the Alpine When in ]

Green’s Photograph have your Photo tal thing up-to-date.

Club of CaJfHiia. *w* described b» 4i-* <«n. The boating de­partment. tinder tbu able (tupor- o b ta in e d ,’a n d th e unbounded

custom erB be aestired.Wasdn havae qaanMty of theehcon band, and wo would advise our custonu.

hoy require eru the aai>ply is ekhsn^ie^ ^ 1

p rifM “na FEEIjr>;'

Which y ou m ay see fit to e n tru s t to o u r ckn

.yUsiuaoi M r* E - £*• M arch, taa ge iperf etrong interest, quid ttusTfi ,ap-5^ai^ afuD y, U W uated and v»ll- writtan aooonn*. of the Canedian !n- Ttiatitl’ ^ Mahtjfeal-

» ftfiKD CORNund wcare whni

on Land-'at sxwalalL e t th e tpo iU izw o .- fo llow w lia tb ra n c h o f o u t d o o r liPe h e rim y, h eV tll f in d tfcliv tfde .ey en (thiJs »ugiii«-i\ h a sa^tteih ing of special interest forjbim. it' ■ -i '*-=jti.l bn.; imvji-

•> L i m i t e d .

WELLESLEY MILL TROUBLE.There hrm been considerable talk

lately over the roller mill troubles which culm inated lost Friday when i t became known th a t M r. A. R. McEachern, th e manager, would not re tu rn . A m eeting of the shareholders was a t onoecalled and Vice-President Ed. Ratz was in- structed to take charge and Mr, BcnIJy, of 'Waterloo, was employed to audit the Company'n affairs. He i» now engaged in th at work but tha roan It i* not yet known, and Mr. Me Each o re ’s friends hopefully Croat th a t nothing more than pos­sible Indiscretion a n be charged against him . Meantime the mill la running w* usual.

Mnsllna w orth -from 16c to 25c. tor I2>£c. a t J . Bpahr’s.

J o b | | J I IP r in tin g !^ 3

fftKIND® ------Sale Bills Concert Posters


To-days quotations- nnW hoat....................... .......O a ts ............ .....................Baxley ....................Peas ...............................C orn..................................Flour, c a s h ........... . . . .flou r, (per bowl)cash.Middlings, (per ton)__Bran, (per ton )..............Low Grade, (per ton).,..Butter, y i b ...........E gga.id tJ* .......................Lord, V l b . , . , ................Tallow, (rendered) p Jb, Dried apples ^ pound.,.


Cards, Circulars or any­thing in the line

of Printing.Great Bargains in Men’s Rain-Proof Coats.

We a re not advertising the ordinary cheap rainV LH*Ht UTltl l.hn v j 'p r n a m o jt tm .rl* .. .. . . 11. .


Two rin k s from Wellesley drove re S tra tfo rd on Tuesday las t and brought back those koalpH which were taken from this place to the Classic City h u t weak. Our boy* were royally entertained and report a m ost enjoyable time. The scores were ne follow s:

Stratford W ellesley,Cluu, Paokert W. Hogg W. Hepburn D. Dewar J . Orr Jos McDonaldD. D. Hay, ak 24 A.McDonald, bk IB J . Sanagan A. E .R einerP. J . Kelly Dr. GlaibtcrC.K Nasm ith H.Krontzwieflcr T. Trow, »k 9 E .K . Reiner, sk 29

A team of stay-at-homes consist­ing of Messrs. W alton, Robertson, tiaUmliirH and Green, threaten to Uke some of the ‘ch est” off E. 1C. Reiner s r is k on the lawn here this cvcuLng.

Muslins, Linens, and Fancy walat- inge, w orth 15c. for 10c, n t S pahr’n

Miss Hogg spent lost week in Crossbill.tho guest of Miss Glalster

Norm aG reen is sqiendinp;* couple Of weeks a t “ Inglewood,” Galt.

We a re sorry to learn th a t Mra. W alton is n o t improving In health.

Mrs. Lips and fam ily spent the beginning of the week in E lm irs,

Mrs. Traveler returned last week from a longthy visit to relatives in Galt.

Miss Emma Rapp, of Palmerston, is visiting Wellesley and Lisbon relatives this week.

Mr. David Young, of Bebringvllle, a former Wellesley boy, Is renew­in g acquaintances in town,

Mr. Michsel Maaer, of H am m ers ■hoe store visited friends in Elmiru th e boginning of the week,

Meeera MoTavish of Tavist-oak, and M urray of S tratford, woro visitors in out village lost W ednes­day evening.

MLhh Hazel K irk, who has been a guest a t the home of her cousin, J W . Green, for the past two weeks, returned to her homo in A rthur on S a turday ,

Miss Jean Dingwall, of Galt, ac­companied by her friend, AIisb Dora Usher visited relatives here this week.

The grain prospects hereabout* arc exceptionally good- Harvest ing is now on and farm ers are quite confident of big crops.

Rev. Mr. Hoffman, erf Berlin, and h is sou W alter were visiting a t the home of Mr. Jacob Truesch, father of Mrs, Hoffman.

Miss Cora Colo, who has been stenographer in the m ill here for the past six m onths, has left for her home in W est Lom e.

One or two of the Wellesley Roller Mill team s for sale. Apply to the m anager.

M r. E . H. Barry, artist, had a p icture contest a t the Royal hotel recently- The Winners were Miss

Centennial Celebration

Men’s Fancy Bummer Coats, grey silk stapes and blaok 44, prices range *2, *2.50, »3, 13,60 ’

s« ■>rW-,™!n17 & “ Cok “ larB® Btook of Fancy Y «t

Specie! Shirt sale on Saturday. Fancy Striped NegliireeShirta, regular prioo |1 , Saturday 6Bo. Soft front

t t Auditorium,



Many of the citizens of tills town will doubtless appreciate the oppor­tu n ity offered to participate in the celebration a t Listowolon Ju ly 3!et and August 1st to 3rd inclusive. A splendid programme of a itractions, nm n»mnon tH and sports h«m boon announced. Many high class bands wiH he there,notably tha 48th High* landers w ith pipers and drummer*, and the M tb Regiment Band of Ber­lin, besides m any o ther hands from various tow ns. Civic holidays will be announced In m any places to enable ultiauns of aurroundltig towns to v isit Listowek aod besides enjoying themselves renew old ac- quiuntshipe. Cheap rates a t single tare good to go on Ju ly 27th, re ­tu rn August 6 th .

Reduced Rules on nil Railroads. South aide King Street,

l o o ACRES.—'T ovoihlp of G lttaford , fU i r ^ O C knUo v u ! cl Mount Hojj«. Snvtm mile* f ro s t . ttn ilU n. Somiy loom. Two- « to r« r fcrlek Oaosr root n * .r !ygood fo n iM * . iw i.i k u u ; a l ia a n o lW r

■ i « n b a m .a lu a .h r ,«-p«n. iruol .I rf r t-h o iu a O rcbu rd In good b a i l u c o n d itio n ,a ll kind* o f f r a i l , Sm ««J mfj'I a ll o t t u r cooT«nicnc«i w lta ito b .IT m il, On* of V««t tu rn t* Iwo a U a a a d L i r iM k t * m c i» m . O w n lim a to

i n O A C R aS/-T ow n*litp of F*n<sf*. Tha X v K J .- lif if-m t JariP t r i.-BuTi- i ih the tow D ill ip A lm r*M n A Jfil lt -c l i« a Lllclc hoikM .ooil a . t r t s I h i Ii m * . dn irh cd v rry U * t, B ack U rn . (H od t» » t a r .g w i c is te rn pl«r-tjr of f»n it for ow n oa«. W ell fenced, | m lle i from C a ledon ia : (ohoul | m ile , P rice M.om-iJ ao down and talanoo * par cent. on u i f term*.1 O f t A C H Jtfl.-pn .rt o f Use Y o an * t r a c t t o o Hiwr r k u n : P o r t ; acre* r iv e r I U n tansy loons: too *«*•■ clnr l» a ,« «cr*e Mm- lwiir 1.4 r<* t r ic k h o m e **11 In fL ipU clu i ■h*p*; r a w e n lla r u n d» r *11. F in * 9**rp, tT * r r r r r i i i hU a ro u n d . f lic * o rc h a rd

Cash and one Price Cheap Cash Store

You H ave Confidence

Storeis not a had place to come for your clothing satisfaction.

You cannot keep value qnict.

Fortunate Is th e business man who has won the reputation for dependability, and for giv­ing the best and must satisfying bargains.

F ortunate is the p u b l i c th a t dealsI in such a store.

. E2K<b ip« . D rilled Wall w ith w ind

Z * A t a t : of w a te r . T rie#, t b , w - H , 0M dow n, » t f |p * r ft*nt.

For fa rth er particu lars con­cerning any of the abovo parcels apply to


B rantford, Ont

Come In and look through our spring and summer clothing.

The true w orth and real value in our offers are clearly and oon- vlncimgly portrayed In the gar­m ents them selves. Upon those m erits we rely.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.


Wellesley and N orth Easthopo, At Wellesley, Sept, 13th and 14th.

Canada National, a t Toronto, Aug.27th to Sept 10th.

W itmot, a t Now Ham burg, Sept. 19 and 20.

Tavistock, a t Tavistook, Sept. 17th and lBth.

M ornington, a t M ilverton on Sept.27th and 28th.

Ottawa a t Ottawa, Sept. 7 to 16th, Drum bo, a t Drnmbo, Sept 25th and

36 th.Woolwich, a t Elmira, Sopt26tb and


Merchant Tailor*LINWOOD

Has built his business np along this line, and it ’s s till growing.

This year his stock of Suiting*, is Him ply E legant. The prides are as low and the workm anship is m good us the beet.

One Solid W eekP . J . K E L L Y

STRATFORD’S Best Clothier and Furnisher.

Stratford and Perth County

General clearing sale of summer goods a t J . Spu.hr’h.

EARLY CLOSING.\V« the undersigned M erchants

and business m en of the Village of Welloftluy hereby promise and agree to close onr respectivu places of --------- * “ sharp,

Satnrdnr.A ugntit r * " ' ~Arrival of spec__ ____ ____Concerto afternoon and evening.

Sunday, '— ~S u n d a y .

4th—OpeningDay clal tra ins—Band

J-August 5th—Old Boys*

tilrt Tiny* preachers in eity puipita—Suctod baud oonuert

Monday, August Bth — Reception Day- Boshball games— P u n u le H —Performance a t the park—Firo- workH.

Tuesday, August 7 th.A thletic Day.W . l n , 1 - ^ J -------- --------■

business a t 7 o ’clock p. m ., t!— „ every evening, commencing May L.

Wcdnesduys, Saluudayaaud even­ings before Public Holidays ex­cepted.

Reiner Bros. & Co.,Wm. KoUerbom,John Spahr,C. Hammer,H. H1lta,C, D. Koehler,Chas. F Ottm ann,J J . <fc L, Fleischhauer,Ratz & Flclflchbauer,J . A. Drnar,G. Woiwade,Robt Knhe.


Thomas Organs, NORDHEIMER PIANOS, and

W ater and land sports—Trottingand Pacing Raoon—io.Mite Road

w o , a . u uNEW HOME

Sewing Machines,AH Gooda of the HIGHEST


BORN, The Toronto Weekly Glnlm and Canada Farmer and the Welleeley Maple Leaf from now until Jan . 1, 3908 for *2.15, A SNAP. Sub- 80 ribo NOW.

Thousand Islandfl. Thuy retu rn to Chicago to-day.

Sum m er Ureas Guo de w orth 8fie. for 60c. a t J . Spahr’s.

In Bamberg, on Ju ly 23rd, to Mr. and Mra. Gregory Doragh, a daughter. CLOTHIERDon't Miss all These!

Just W hat Every one Should Do.Mr. J. T . Barber of Irrinwill*.

On., always keeps a bottle of Uh&m berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Dia­rrhoea Remedy ot band reedy Tot Instant use. Attacks nf oolio, chol­e ra m erlins and diarrhoea crane on o naddcnly that there la no time to bunt a doctor or go to the store for medidoe. Mr. Barber says: “ I have tried Chamberlain's Colic,

SOME WARM WEATHER »JNAro iBest Granulated Sugar $4.40 per cwt.Fine green and roasted Bio Coffee, 8 lbs for $1.Fine Japan Tea, 25c. per lb.Valencia Raisins, 8c. par lb.Cleaned Currants, 8c. per lb.Canned Corn, 8c. per can.Canned Peas. 8c. per can.Canned Tomatoes, 10c. p*er can.Canned Salmon, 10c., 12 l-2c., and lBc. per can.Fancy Cakes, at 8c., 10c„ 12 l-2c. and 16c. per lb.

rockery. Toilet Glass and Dinner Ware at close market values, for yourselves.


Manufacturers of Ce­ment Brick __ The LARGEST and BEST

a s s o r t m e n tStationcy, School B ooks, P ic ta re C ards, E tc ,

and Tile.j hq 8 -inch di-1 Tile furnished from — . ....

Rtnntcr. \% Inch thick, tip to 4Mn. dlatn., 5 In . thick. Prices from 20c per foot op to 18.20.

Tho durability r.f oor brick and tile and the retixinablo prices, a n worth invettiKntiug.

C O N T R A C T O R S—70ft—


FLOORS, HILOR,....and ALL kinds of jHetfcant work.’

J . B . ^ n c n f Y & SO N S, Wellesley.


a t the LOWEST Prices

Insect PowderWellesley,

WiilYou Helplt? THE DRUG STORE.Wellesley.


AND A LARGE ASSO a l l k in dr of produceTHE HOSPITAL FOR

w w SICK CHILDREN Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines. Etc.Full Lines

The Victoria Cross* Fur Valor------------— In Ten Colon •

S T tb o w M d sick child™* 0 - * u » « •

_ j * lead lMlitaVom—iS b t . 1 bal ProrlndaL Th*

I tick ehUd trom may a pl*e* In OnUrio wbm

(May Issue)

U trwUd fra*.T b t UoaplUl had 1

h i t yaax in It* h*dl wideotelAlpntieaU, W7 of thaaa wore from m plaoas ouk- ■Vdo of Toronto,

t h .M iw u w f t pa* pftliw t for d»T.

and Motor Sports JI N O A N A.X>

Sent postpaid on receipt of 15 cents in stamps.

For New*--------------------- -4 Page*

THE picture shown is one dear to every man, woman, boy and girl, on account of its meaning—*• Tho Yio* toria C ro» ," given for conspicuous bravery. If only

the toil of South Africa could voice the deeds performed upon it, how many Victoria Crosses would hmre bee* found to hare been earned by Canada's font I I t ia hard ia the heat of action to notice every act of ralor, and th e re fo re only those which take place under the eye of superiors of sufficient rank can be noted. •„ The picture shows one of such deeds. Two troopers a n closely pressed by the enemy. The horse of one is h it Under the withering fire, the man whose moont b unharmed halts, and, risking everything, waits to get hb comrade safely mounted behind him and carry him back to the lines It is a desperate deed, and one often performed but seldom noticed. When, however, such an act ia seen, the --------J ---- x_ h.-Rrtt =hrr=a =r=rs [l

bsU kStruuL taro* J U f o j y e a r kind thoujkta Into th* Hospital I kind daods. - -

K T .^body-.dai- ^tar may ba t b i ln W laN ead to iBom»body‘. aMld.

Lai tb* mooay of Uw *tw Aha t u k . Th* Horpit*!

Frederic Percy Armstrong tolls of hi» successful emewnntor with a fighting salmon in Qncboo watora, Ashley D. Coagor describes In a ro aU sd o manner hlft thrilling night experience* whilo watching n deer liok. T P. Bresnan gives an aoconnt of a holiday a t that ideal fishing sronnd—Tetoagnmi. E . Connor portray* u typical angling mutch In Paris. MIbs A. R. McKee tells of two lady novioes fishing a whole ifternoon o p PlcelA ks, Ont. L. D. Robertson descants on his hunt ill by himself without guide or companion, In Quebec provlnoo, W. R, Gilbert writes enthusiastically of tho trno angler who doo« not fish for fish alone- Algosnnm Park as a fisherman’s paradise ia uereribed by word picture and illnstrations. E. C. Woolsey tells of a fishing trip to Chats Rapids on the Ottawa River, Canndian Fishing Terri tori on from ,'cean to ocean are Indicated. Rev. T>r. Murdoch relutre a guide's panth.

feretory . The formation of tho Alpine Club of Canada Is told, an*J tts

Thb picture is from the brush of Mr. W. B. WoCen, an art’s! lamed for hb war pictures, one whose work appears ia all the leading Illustrated periodicals of the Empire, It b * forceful subject from the hand of a strong man.

The Mall and Empirehas obtained the exclusive right for thb picture fo Canada. It b a perfect lea-color reproduction, and will be given FREH to reader* under the following conditional —

With The Weekly Mail and EmpireMrw n l iM Mbaotbcn may me« n *a« copy V f t i ArW «tmn an wdwtJfp.ONE TEAR'S aabacnpdee. f*T*W* m adnaoa. maiia* la a a | | **Ctuads. G » i Briuta or UaUc4 Scuta fo* 5V.CO.

9m m n ^ m U f ^ m aad tarAa* parUeaUta. w*tW la—<* CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. ,


Address—W. J. TAYLOR, Publisher,Box No . 975,

Woodstock, Ont.
