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Ha vanaJo urna l.Th* Waterloo Observer ia now printed

h f tesctricity.

The C ath arin e Valley Weir. Tlu C w tn l Kew York Confereaee. WATKINS. iie k'

e a b o i - t s

O P E N5 ;1


A counterfeit $2 silver certlfionte, eerie*

e l 1186* it afloat, It baa generally *poor


The Catharine Valley Pair held last week

Was oneof the beat the society haa had in

sometime. Tho weather was aa good aa

could-,be asked for, and the attendance

large. The fla t day looked as though theywould have a rainy time of it, but it clear­-

ed off and the last .two days were very

flue; The exhibits were not quite so largeaa usual, but what there was seemed to be

of the choicest.. Owing to the poor season

for fruit, that departmentwas rather light.

WilliamMessig had the largest and finest

display ofvegetables ever exhibited. The

display of fancy work waa large and very

nicely arranged.' Weed Bros. &Co., had

a large stock of clothing, gent’s furnishing,

goods, boots and shoes, &c, L. Locks &

Bros, also had a good display of clothing.

J. T. McKeg, our hardware merchant had

a fine display of parlor stovea and ranges,

gome very fine stock Was exhibited; we

think that they were sd.me of the beat we

have seen at a country fair inaTong time.

L. H.jBower our enterprisiog toWnsman had

a number of hia celebrated road carta on

exhibition. They arethe best in the market.

The hprse trot was one of the attractions

kfflich was very Interesting as well as the

moat exciting. Other sports , of all kinds

were numerous. Of cpursp, the wheel pf

fortune and other games of chance were

too numerous to mention, aud some of the

boys got roped io,. aa usual.,


In .Watkina, Schuyler County, N. >'•»

on Wednesday, Ootciber 9th,1889, we took

pur abate in the annual CohferendSoftbe

MetbOdlat church, foe the forty-first time.

During that longperiod wefiare answered

to our name at roll call th ity nine times ,

A generation haa passed and another haa

arisen in these year a. Just forty yearn ago

we passed through the Catharine valley in

a stage, in all litnen of the clerical genU ;

some onthe seat w ith the driver and two

or three on; a low Seat just behind the

driver’s aeat^the wwt were piled ip, literal

ly ih a jam inside the stage, The Elmira

and Canandaigua R , It. was then being

constructed, and tbe Asiatic cholera jjn a

mild form was among tbe workmen, and

‘passed we could see them in their

little hum, on their pallets of straw in a

as we


convalescent state. But of all that genera-

tion how few areleft. Gone 1 gone! and

the moss covered marble in all parts of

our dear East Genesee is now tbe onlyrecord left ofthem. Born—died—aged—.

Sucfi is human life—we are here for a

briefAtay only, evdn tire three score years

and. ten seem tou s as a visit to our friends.

If we mistake not, not oneof our com­-

peers, do not qae, is now left In thq effec­-

tive work but ourself. The fun-loving C.

L. Bowo, was stationed in Havana, aud

we had our appointment on the Orange

circuit, Monterey the center, Our chargeextended to tbe hills that lie on the border

ofthe Mud Creek Valley, now Savona, to

the hills that overlook Catharine Valleyeast and west, and from Townsend down

the Post Creek Valley to hear Corning,

taking on its bdedm the .Catlin and Dix

hills, Hornby and.a small portion of BigFlats. ^

The ‘qmatanSummer’! n^w begins;And veils with mist the distant hills.

White Autumn turns and sweetly »uiii«s,Kre tells tne frost that chilis and tins.


Tbo frosts have opened the chestnut

burr and the b<>8 bring in .,n;te a quantityof tire fruit.

-F OIt T O& -

FAbuckwheat floor haa made it* appear

*noe. N o t the manipulator of the pan

cake griddlekieketh like a mule.

Capt. Hewlett has purchased the Wat­-

kins postofflce building; but the .Deiui)-

cratie P. M. is in possession still.


J-Mlchener bas been called to Phila­-

delphia by the sudden illness of his wife,

snd we fear that, wq shall, during the

short balance of the present Gleo season

see his geniai face no more. He leaves an

excellent reputation behind him.


We judge by the ;a'uu>u it .if ^ame our

hunters bi mg in that the t-| i.irt-U are very

scarce, iu this section.

SATURDAY, O O tOBMl i9 „ltfi9 .

G ttdwrertb* * & •« »* > > •«*

Mores Humphrey Ia running hi* cider

mill on the bill aide night and day to keep

bp with bit orders, fie haa oneof the

beat equipped mill* in this county.


Pickerel tiabiugat the take has been very

good and many of the tluuy inbe bave

been caught tiy Alpmers.

Dur eick li«t is n >1 as Urg-as it nrgbt

he, but is somewhat at-ri nii.

Mr. and Mrs. Aretus Wastibiirn bave

just return ■I fio n a to-ar week's viailm

Etna. t>

T R A D E'The jeevre arefafflng thick and ttW,

woodcock o*ft nowFreddie andUs

wji-b &q lmmeuse aew block o i


CLOTHI NG,It b o l d that sugar wilt 8090 take a

tumble In price. '

Joseph B. Fitapatrick, of thla Tillage,

baa been appointed by Jndge Taylor of

Elmira, aa administrator of hia brother's

estate, John L. Fitzpatrick, deceased.

Card* 8m outahuOuncihg the marr iageof Mr. Louia’M. Lattinand Misa May Dun­-

ham, of this village, to take place next

Wednesday evening, at 6 o’clock,.p. m.

The name of the Democratic candidate

for Member of Assembly from the county

of gchuyler, at the time of this writing,doth not fully appear.

fb e reoaipU for the Yate* Oounty Fair

*8,029,86.Mrs. S. N. Andrews visit.-d Uere while

her husbaud Was unending conference in

Watkins. Alpine was Rev. Mr. Andrews'

first charge. lie expects lo return lo

Pultuey ville, Wayne county, where he has

been two years.

And Gent’s Furnishing Goods.

are bttff npwhdajiatbeir grain td market .

At the annual meeting of the Watkins

Union school district, last week, llenry

Shulman, Geo.D. Norman and Emmett Ii.

Rnssell, were chosen members of the Board

of Education.

L a r g e s t L i n e o f F i n e

Ove r c o at s !Mr. Bubjfeht of'^Gornlng

tract for buildingthe ne

Penn Yam '

of'^Gornlng haa the con­-

per# house inBev. J . P. -Howard, the new pastor

elect of the Presby terian church telegraphsthat be will be here and oocupy the pulpitof that,Chnfch next SuQday moming and

evening,-. ;/ .

Quite a number from this place allcuded

tbe Pair al tlavuua last week. They re­-

port a cold time for Pairs. We hope tbe

C. V. A. bouety will proli. by ibis year's

experience and take advantage of S.-ptemher weather.

Beiva Lockwood' »tojecturelnVquo’

yan October $Oth j subject ‘‘Marriage

notjt failure."

F.. Davis, Jr .,& Co., have leased their

malt works in this village, on good terms

to New York parties, who will henceforth

operate them, Mr. Gillett, one of tbe old

firm,, remaining in connection with the

new management, under a salary, and Mr

Davis retiring for a much needed exemp

tion from his long continued cares and


tb at TiAS ever Been ai-en In H avana

sell mein tor m e


N ex t 10 D a y s a t R e d uee d

P r i ces .

_______andJocHeaa tbe reformed drunkard,

pngiliat of fiocbeater, is lecturing on torn -

pafinee throughthe country.

er County was well represented

at the. great frieoniat obnclave o f the gif

Knights, at Washington, D. O., by J . fi.

Dttkp;' D, B. White, and H-V; H**eo.f

Watkina. __

Tbe questiou is, who w... be llie first lo

unite m lUc h ily boud ‘d malruniny i

Three, al least, are Ihe marriage

reported lo "nug for in Ih.-n.-ir f.r.uro.

Oue may be a iParr rmgi.bui we, keeping

our earB opeu, expect t-i bear it We

hope tbe other will be a gnnd (Mali j.

Football is all the rage, and may be

witnessed any day between me burs of 6

a. in. and 6 p. tu.


u t-

i .s

Von will Had we deal fair and save

you money.

.Itli-a.-goods a n a ll N SW , bo u gtjt to r cask,

1 a na win bp st»id af nrb es ne v e r before be ard of

- ixj tb l a t c u a i y furc iieibeap nesa.0 . ' ‘ MissNoah Chas* of Watkina, and

Jorephlhe Darrow, of fiaTana, wete re-

cantly married.—Dundee Observer.

Mrs. Abijab Newman, the mother of

Wm. NewmaD, of this village, died on

Saturday of last weelt, October 12th, at

her residence iu the town of Reading, aged88 years. .

The M. E. church society of Watkins,

have been presented by Mr. Wm. New

man, E sq , with a fiae bell costiag some

$500, which before being placed in tbe

church belfry, rang out joyous poals over

the marriage pf bis second daughter, on

Monday, October 7th, and was tolled for

the death of his mother oo Saturday, the



L. LOCKS&BRO.Beseey’aIn the country!

Laundry—-W. L. Hopkins, agent -Collars

and cuffs 2 eta. eacb, shirts IQ ctSi—Goods

Sent next Tuesday, and every alternate

Tuesday thereafter; •.

H avana.Sept. i?,

Onr agricultural exchangesaeem to hare

a great deal ao tty about the potato rot.

Never mind there will be potatoea enough

forna all.

Improveinents at Hayana,








I t might he well for,Watkina’ citizens

to realize the fact that Havana is tyaking

up. and' that operations are nnderway in'

that place, which give pfospect of 'reviv­-

ing its business, interests, until their o id-

time prestige is even outstripped.The Boardof Trade is an assured fact.

A planing tnjll issoon to be established byH. Y. Weed. A brick block is to be built

by Dr. gmelzer .and Chester Giles,. The

Phoenix Mills, of which Meeks Bros, ate

proprietors have been put in the higheststate of efficiency. The Whitney wheel­-

barrow and grain cradle manufactory will

soonbe in. full blast;': There' ate,prospeqlsthat the buildiog of steam. canal boats will

commence as soon as the basin at the head

ofthe lake level is. finished. A movement

is Underway throughout'theBaptists socie­-

ties of the land to raise an endowment of

$59,000 for Cook Academy.. We hopeour sister village may realize all her expec­-tationsof prosperity, and at the same time

urge Watkins’ citizens to take such action

as w ill foster all enterprises upbuilding the

interestsof-the place.—Watkins Express.

. Improvement of any kind that tend to

make this village a better business center,

may well bo commended by tbe Express,and our neighbors fttr Watkins, Wo aro

hardly separated and whateyer'of .a sub­-

stantial character that may be accomplish­-ed herd, will-tu many ways prove to be

advantageo us there. This js one-ot the

reasons* the Jo urn al has always so vigor

ously advocated the-making of the very

best, kind of a road between the two vil­-

lages; About everybody, hero wants to go

to Watkins many times every week. Our

people go there for more articles for use

each week tban the Express thinks. Sup

pose we try to do a little better—then

w b at!-



Mr. Geo, W. Apgar of Ithaca, (Deputy

Internal, Revenue Collector) was in town

laat week looking after the interests of-that

Department. ■' '■/;' {*

; The W. 0. T. T. will meet Ju their

room over M. store, OP Mon­-

day, October 21st, nt I o’clock p. m. All

-women who. ate. interested in temperanee'work are cordially invited to he present.

Do not forget the parly at K.n ill’s Hall,

Saturday evening.

m ill ; ' i •• i hi

T R A D ^


Of the membership-but few remain,

gone with tho pastors to meet thp issues of

life hereafter. We seem to ourself like

pne just released from a long confinement

and as wp look w e see the seats are filled

by strangers, . . .

Oqr Conference session starts off with

much of its old vigor, but we observe one

distinct change, tb e Agents are more nu­-

merous, more able and their efforts to

awaken interest are more general. The

slavery question then led, as the one chief

thought and our discussions would awaken

keener feelings; -V?

Mr. Herb Carpenter was nibpir-icd to

attend court at Watkins, lam week, hu

did not rt*sp ind ; the di-p-i-.v sheriff came

after bun. Judge Keeler fined bim five

and the costs making il fifteen,!dol 'a r s ,

do llars .

1 ' al ^'nt‘ I^ri‘8S •>»<«is, in Une

t1an<^ Medium Qualities; Silks. \ civets,

^etc . St Kspr-i-iallv I.nvc Prices -flinqp

givnls just marked down,

The Joirnirin haa to again remindits

local correspondents, if it makes use of

their contributions, that they should be in

band not later than Tuesday; '

Bev. O. f i , Denney will deliver a free

lecture in the church at Cayuta next Tues­-

day evening Oct. 22,“ Vdbat'Next” should

the friends of the flome do to rid the coun­-

try of the saloons ? Thg Odessa Glee Club

Everybody wel­-

come. Ladies especially invited. ;

furnish the music,

Now-he“r “J:'““

The receipts of the Yates County Fair,

at Penn Yan, were $3,029 86. It pays to

secure the oratorical presence of a (amms

man like-Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, and the

managers of Schuyler Couuty Fairs sh m'd

note the fact and profit by it.

Gloves aud Mittens.

whoJPhilo. Grant, of 'May ville, N. Y,

ia 10 2 years old, a veteran of the warW**

1812, has applied fora pension. Now-he“

probably thinks. he can enjoy it.

Mrs. Pbetie Swartout died at lier daugh­-ter’s, Mrs. Joseph Tompkins, in Weston,

October (i, aged 97 years and 9 m mths.

The remains were buried in McDowell's

burying ground,near Way in, m Saturday.

Also lias j i i 't n-ccived a new line

I of Men s (iluves and Mitteus, which

|he offers at lower [irn-es than ever be-

I fore.Mr. John P. Dorthy, a former fichuyler

county boy, is now a rising young lawyerof Bochester. He began the study of the

law through a clerkship in the gchuyler

County Surrogate’s bMce; Sevcrgl bright

young men of our acquaintance have had

the flue training that the position of a sur-

ogate’a clerk gives, and this county has

turned out anunusually strong contingent

of t hemr— — — L—'.

Last Saturday ihe Academy base bail

nine went to Starkey to p tty the-Starkey

nine. The score at the finish stood ten to

twenty-one, in favor of the Academy.

The M. E. Conference of Central New

York wbich has been in annual session in

Watkins during the past Week, cl ised on

the 15th. It has beenlargely attended,nearly

300 preachers and delegates being present,

who were proyided with temporary homes

all; through the. village. The M. E Church

has been, densely packed at all the public

services, and on Sunday, the Presbyterianchurch was thrown open in the abseace of

the pastor, Bev. Mr. Douglas9, and crowd­-

ed also, to hear a sermon from a gifted

Methodist divine^ Bishop Fitzgerald of

Milwaukee, presided, and tbe conference

has been a great success, leaving the M.


Church of Watkins practically out of


• Splendid line of LIDJEV MEN’S


sistino of Natural Wool, Scarlet

I Wool and White Morino.*


Huldab Smith’s remains m-re hurried in

Tyrone cemetery nn Sunday last.

Mr. g. 8. Decker ia. adding much to the

appearance ofbis beahtiful grounds about

bis home on College Avenue, by the fe*

moval of the fence and Other improve­-

ment*. '.

-Bishop FitzgCrald is a now msn among"

us, one of the late elected Bishops who

camq direct from, the pastorate. He is an

older man than w e supposed, full of quick

apprehension, and quietly puts the ques­-tions. He seems.to have adopted a system

that shows a plan-itr the routine method,

Weshould judge fromthe pile of money

before our financial agent that the preach­-

ers are generally.paid their salaries. We

learn several dcalhs’bave occurred among

pastprs;, and also wives of pastors. One,

who is a strangqr among u9,from England,but received on probation last year, was

reported ill with consumption and desti­-

tute, A colletftfon w*8 taken at onceand

sent to hhp. It is too early to judge how!

the slate will stand, bni sotne things seem

plain, a few will, be. mWed.snd somey/illretire. Dr, Carr of Havana, we learned

-aa we wero .about : to leave, the conference

loom, was contemplating a professional

careen on a large saiaty-in Ohio. He is

an abio«. man and perhaps clinical service

-Will suit his patients better than clerical.

Watkins,N y., o ct nth* 1868, N.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank C-n-k went to Corn­-

ing on Friday tu visit their son, Mr. Dill

Cook, over Sunday.A missionary meeting was held at Mrs.

J. W. Ar nold’s op Friday afternoon last.

|Boots and Shoes,



j Stock o f BOOTS and SHOES for Fall

I and Winter Trade now complete.

• Shoe Blacking and Dressings.Also on sale Acme 1Slacking and

Shoe Dressings.

Mr. Catn Arnold and family were the

guests of Mr. and Mrs K.-cnitb, n ear1

Rock Stream on Sunday last.

Mrs. Warren is a guest of Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Arnold, while her husband, the

Rev. Mr. Warren attfnds the conference

at Watkins.

- Bev, Dr. Oarr preached hia farewell

aermon at tlw Methodist Oburch last Sun­-

day evening. He was greeted by a largeaudience. Hia next stoppingplace will be

at Columbus, Ohio.

Alden Edgar, proprietor of the

Cedar Vineyard,” at Burdett, h u opened

an extensive fruit-packing and shipping

depot in Watkins, at the large store re­-

cently vacated by fi« Y. Twiaa, a ' few

doors north of the -EaU Bfook House. He

has started in well, and makes' a fine dis­-

play of the choicest fruits raised in the

Those m/UO have good fruits tocotinty.Sell should call, at Edgar’s new and at--

tractive place ofbuSiueas. *





On the first page may be found a newly-

corrected time table of the Northern Cen­-

tral Bail way, which is bfintereettohmby:

T hla m o a t admirably managed railway ;ia

Mr. A. IJ Conklin had tin-rhi nney re

paired on his house last week

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murray were tlie

gnests of Orn Potter, In r brother, near

Mooterey, on Sunday last.


_______always prompt to notify llspatrons through

tbe newspapers alohglta line of changes in

its paaaenger train service.

(Successor to A. o. WUlttemore.v

—There are 203 on the pay roll at the

Soldiers' Home in Bath.Mr. and Mra. Alva Wixon from near

Ovid Center are visiting relatives here,

Mr. Jay Hallock of Tyrone, and Miss

Cora Vanhew were married on Wednesdayof last week by Rev Oeo. E. Hutchings

at the home of the bride’s parents. -


Lyman fiodgman, Qf Painted Pbat, a

former student of Cook Agademy met

With a serious accidept lest.Thursday even

ing. fie got on a freight train atAddispnto go home, and in getting off at' Painted

Post he stepped on a grade stake and his

left foot-was thrown back uoder the wheels

and crushed so badly as to require ampu­-

tation. i t was amputated juat above the

ankle. Mr. fiodgman has -the sympathyof a large number of friends jn this vil-

lage who sincerely hope a speedy recov­-


—Mrs. John Bates, of Sodus Pomt, has

a book of twelve sermons preached in

^London, Eng., by Robert South, D. D ,225 years ago. The book was printed in

England in 1715.

—It is reported'thkt the parents of Mr.

William Aderschlag, of Scranton, wbo was

killled in the Tioga Junction railroad dis­-

aster, have begun a suit agaiust the Com-

pany for $10,000 damages.

G r a i n,

C l over an d T i mo th y

S e e d .Every one who attended tha C. T. TT, OlBNTltAX, NtfW YO*K COWj^JiBKNCE.

Pair were loud jn their praises Of the mu­-

sic rendered by Harding’s Cprlet Baud of

‘ this village. We opine there is no Better

-band in any plaoe tho size of fiavaha In

this Or any other Btate, Canada not ex-




i ,,

I <Anthracite, 4 un:

CUAL«- Ulaekmmth s,

mboi-land fbr


Appblntn,enU M*EU« at


“Tfie following are the appoiritulenfa tor

the Ithaca district


Whiie Mr. Emmett Baker was going to

mill recently with a horse and wagon the

harness broke and let the wagon against

the horse which ran away. Mr. B. left

tbe wagon suddenly but no damage was


Pine, Hemlock,

,ath. Shingles.

r .r M B E R <Maple,LU M BER *( I.:

Pieslding Elder, hi. P; Blakcslce.

Burdett and Reynoltlsvillo, F. JL Wind

nagle; Catharine and Odessa, J, A. Hyde-;

Cayutaviile, to be supplied, J. fi . Boss ;-Enfield

-and -Kennedy^ Comers, sUpplted-

by G. N. Smith; Erin and Breesport, O.N.

H inm an; EreOville and Pernville, C. A.

Wilson; Groton, C. M. E d d y ; Havana,G. 8. Trarisue; HofSeheads and Sullivan.

F. D.; Hodgson ; Ithaca—first cburcb,Geo.W . Chandler; State Street church, E. M.

Mills;-Jacksonville,fi T» Giles; Lodi,U.S.

Hall}, Lpgau, lo be supplied: LijdlovyilleandLansiagvale, F

. Levitt; McLean and

Groton City to be supplied; Mecklenburg,!.C.B. Moyer; MillportahdPipe Valley, J. R.

DreHe; Newfieldahd Trumbull’s Corners,M.. S* Rees; Norfhflector, E. Ei Morris;North Lansing and East Genoa, M. J,Ow en; Ovid, Wm,.Jones; Sheldrake, to

be supplied; ~To~wnseticlville and Steam

burg, John L. Kin g ; Trumansburg, John

JBk Rhodes ; Van Ettenville and Hedd’mg,H


K ing; Varna and Etna, J. C. Pendle­-

ton; Watkins, Geo. *.FOsbinder; West

Dry den and Asbury, Geo. Britten.




Anthracite for butter makers

By bbl. for stock. A gri­-cultural for Land.

A great deal of trouble and temperwill

be saved person* who use-aalt ahakera-on

tWr tables, ifthey willput about one partin bulk of corn starch powder.to nine of

Salt. I t prevents dampness and cloggingif salt and does not hurt rif fcya eeasotter,

A. Bed Letter Day In Watkins.

Samuel Dickey, Chairman of the Na­-

tional Prohibition Conmrittee,wUl speak in

th e Opera House, Watkins, Saturday even­-

ing, -October 26th. Mr. Dickey has a N a­-

tional reputation as a speaker and will un­-

doubtedly draw a crowd. People wishing

to heat Jiim.should be on hand early td

securea seat.

7 —Thomas Elljott, of Ithaca, aged 65

years, who Was afflicted with a cancer of

tbe face, committed suicide Thurs­-

day last, by taking some strychnine

sprinkled on-a-piece of cake. He died

three hours later in greatagony.

—John Sherwood, aged 73 years and

Mrs. Mary Stewartaged 71 years, of Can-

isteO, N. Y.,were united in tfie holy bonds

of matrimony Wednesday, October, 3J,

Justice P . O, Stephens, over 70 years of

age performed the ceremony.

—The 03,wego Times says that offers

have be«n received in that city from the

west to furnish good marketable potatoes, li; iidelivered in Oswego, for 40 cents a bushel.

There la no reason to fear a scarcity of

potatoes, therefore, and those who hold

their, crop fbr a big price are liable to getleft.


A pleasant reception Waa held fof Rev.

-D^, Carr and familyonTuesday evening of

.this week at the Sanitarium, by fiarditig’s

Cornet Band and a host of friends.

An hour Or more was Spent in Social en-

joyment with plenty of fine music; Dr,

Carr has made many sincere friends, both

in and ont of the church, during bis short

stay with, hs, who sincerely regret his‘de­-

parture, and wish him abundant success in

bbr new fiold of labor. He leaves here

this morning (Thursday) for his new home

in Oolumbus, Ohio.

A fine line i -f low ware. Hir b a r d LIMEBYTHE BUSHEL,Tha shops of the Cooley Manufactiiriug

Company at Bath, N. Y., wete burned

sarlyon Tuesday morning of last weCk.

The ioaa. is $18,000, insurance $9,‘000.

TkS B ath wagon shop was damaged to the

extent .of $4,000; partially ft>sured.

A Large Lineof Trunks, Satchels, Bed

and Horse Blankita, at Very Low Price,,at Weed Bros. A C>.



PL A STER S ' HAULBring on your frames, another large in

voice of mnnMings just received, at Hib

bard’s.E. Weller was in New York la9t week,

buying stock for his fall And winter trade.

His goods are arriving this week. Nicei

-line OfDress Goods; Trimmings, Hosiery,

Gloves, Plushes, Cloaks.qnd Jackets. Nice

line of K id Gloves, Underwear, Blankets,

Comfortables, and lots pf other goods that

I have not room to mention. The best

way is to call and see them.

Pr att’s Food for Poultry and Stork.

F l o u r,

F e e d,

M e a l,

B ra n,

Middlin g s , C orn , O a ts ,

all kinds of Chicken Feed, &c., &c.

I have tin-finest line of Flours in

Schuyler Cotinty. Yours

G. L . S._D. are invited to-meet October

Slat, 1889, with Mrs. J . W. Ellis, on

Owego airCet. The lessons are from the

Hiatary ofRome, Political Economy, and

H owto Jndge a Picture, are aa indicated

In Chautauquan, fbr first two weeks in Oc­

( Another car load of bedroom suits justreceived, and pnres that defy competition,at Hibbard’s.

Car p el ri ;cker8 lbal are bein g umiersoM

^at Hibbard's.

Now that Watkins is virtually cut off

from the trade of Hector by a dangerous,make-shitt bridge, in position in Havana’s”

so-called interest, the following-from the

Joobxai, is not in tbe best of taste ; , “If

the highway on ths Cast Side of (he Marsh,

along the Bock Cabin, was kept in better

^epairlhairitis, it. would eticoarage more

Of: the trade of Hector to come to this

”—Watkins Express,

tober. Mrs. Clawson, Mira. Lewis and

Mrs. Ellis, interrogators. Please answer

to roil cell in—English I

Now is the time to bave watches and

clocks puts in order for the short days—Hopkins, the Jeweler, does his own work

and gives entire satisfaction. Prices

reasonable. 56tt


respectfully.D. C.BLAlH.fer'abnat,

The New York Star siapders-Gen. Mb-

gee ofWatkins, by asserting that he voted

for Belt*Lockwood m 1884,'forPresident,

because, although a Democrat, he did not

like Grover Cleveland. •Hiqtownsmen un­-

derstand that he contemplated voting for

Blaine, or not at nil, until the Burchard

^‘Bump-BomaDism-and-Bebeliioti-. came;

out, which so enraged him that he voted

.foi Cleveland; with a will, as did many

others Under a similar indignant impulse.The General Is now a ‘H ill man to the

hilt—hilt'and all.” The General would

have, made a Blaine Democrat to have

been proud of, but as be Wap not, and

likely neyer will be in the“ true political,

fold,” he shows his excellent Democratic

sense by being a Hill min, which stands

for something. . .


Is nowprepared Fall trad>

—Mr. J. T. Hallenbeekof Mecklenburg,was In town Monday. ;


—Speak et-FromontCole and wife were

present at the C. V. tf. Fair. '

—Mrs. Hayden R visiting hef daughterat Parma, N. Y.__" •

—The Dunkirk Barrel Factory is en­-

gagedin turning out a lot of the largest

casks there are any where in this neighbor­-hood, They are to hold 75 barrels each,

and, are for Mr, Rjckman, the Brocton

grape grower and wine producer. He will

useTHein uThbld ' wine. H o' figS^ ordered

ten of them.—


Highway Commissioners must be careful

not to leave hOrSe-frightening machines

akmg tbe highway. The general term of

court has ju st affirmedajudgment Of $2,

ved throuith ahor»e-l

When you want a nice Suit, Overcoat or

Pants, Call on W. J. Weed, at Weed

Bros. & Co. He will give you Fils. Wei

ding Suits a specially.PossiMv-aome-one might-dealte

beooming frightened at a road scraper left

near the roedway after the wOrk had

been completed.—

the other way. For instance, to Burdett

or the other villages on the east side of the

lake. The road for tome distance is ex-

icrabie. It would be a good investment

for-either village, Wgtkins or Havana, Or

for tbe authorities of Dix or Montour to

repair it for the Sake of the credit theywould., get thereby out in the country*

Bnt w e will not urge out village or towp

to do it so long as the hill road leading to

Odasaa, takes the premium on that at

Rock Cabin.


Moon an, of Elmira; are visiting a t the resi­-

denceof Contractor John Fitzpatrick. ‘

EvfeTrjrhMyWho visits the Fair is-cnrtll

ally invited to visit the store of Uopkms,the Jeweler, where 1 9 displayed tbe finest

stork of watchi«, clocks, jewelry and

silverwafe.lo lie found in Schiiyler countyHe also bas a large a«-,ortment of optica!goods, and though he does not claim to

restore sight to the blind, he can fit a

person with a pair -f glasses, that will be

of as much benefit as It. is possible for

glasses to be. N i charge frir tpsting the

eyes,and glasses sold at the lowest possiblerates. X 66tf

The Dnlon and Advertiser of Rochester,

in ita iaaue of Tueeday, speaks ot the pub­-

lic w%h a t Brockport, as follows;“The

improvemerit of the canal bridge over the

■Mire Minnie Crandall of Williams­-

port, Pa is .visiting her relatives, in this

village. MJre pratjdaU is Xq artist OfSotne

note and while here Will continue her

work under the Instruction of' Capt. Hope

at Watkins. ■-~r-

w .'


—An Ithaca dispatch *to the Rochester

Democrat and Chronical says : Two duck

hunters, George aud Richard Hankins,

brothers, were dangerously injured Mon­-

day morning on Cayuga Ipke. They were

attempting to capture a tame decoy wbtcb

had escaped . A hunter onthe shore fired

twice at the bird, both shots taking effect

ontbe men, each being struck in a dozen

places and each losing an eye. The roan

who shot thetn claims ho did not see them.

The accident happened at daybreak.

Erie Canal on M8in street in Brockport,has been let to Havana contractors, and

that firm is no# preparing patterns, and

work wffi «Nfca»ence at once. The im­

Mf, Frank M«(31ure.of this village,

left on Monday of this week for SyracuseWhere he takes &responsible position in a

large dry goods Jiouse, Mr; McCJnre Is a.

young man of pleasing address, and gOPdi-hashabits, and his many friends here wish

bim the best of success.

provement, When completed, will he a

great Msviot In expense to the vilisge of

Ihockport, and greatly facilitate tritrel

4p>m the MUgn” ^

The smart ttlipwa who can beat the akin

fakir at hB-own game were at the Fair

anfi purchased a quantity of experiencefor

cash. I t ia stated that one runner of the

shell game took in $45 in ten minutes.

That is all right. For twenty years this

game has been played on suckers at every

fait in the Country, and-newspapers have

given warning against the sharpers time

and sgWu, yet there-are ignoramuses, who


.f i rf fuels, Who W rfmore then the ttkire who’ run the game^

Whoannually, oometo town and proclaim

their idlooyby betting on agam e in Which

there Is dbsolntely no cfaanoe for there to

Win. Nswtpapen have laid ao mwh

about these skin gams* that it sewnaal­-

most an insult to tha mtelligenoe of tbs

readetB to say anything more; hut the an­-

nual crop of smart fools turns np end

points t te uiual moral—Dundee Jttoont,

gome of the inM htMt young nren ef

Havana are whtatitag m tte tuna efm -

eral dollars, aw taiae n p«or “ttrre«r*dl

Burdett, who *u* W «u tire ahe«

B t tfterwK d* triad t t h e te the

.dMNCrLi'-WeWapapera 'because

The International Golden Cycle Class

gOPdi-has the hearty endorsement-df-ttre-praoti-cal insurance men of the sge, and alio the

insurance journals, as the fMlowing quota­-tions proven . '

SuttMohx, Md., Jan. 7, 1888—This

Order is unquestionably the bret In exist­-

ence.—[Baltimore Insurance Journal.

Chicago, DI., Jan. 15. 1888.—An ei-

perieuoo ofa number of years In the in­-

surance business has shown tte nothingequal to the International; martteulariy the

Golden Oyle Class,—[C. A. Bruner, Seoy.P. M. L . S. S.

-gfihreifff^Golden CyOB Class of tbeTmternatlonaiof

Baltimore. You can draw $700 every seven

years while you live. Absolutely sure and

jtfeL E Alw ay s 'ttk«'tb«L |» tt

You draw $1.00 per day for lost time

caused-6y sickness or acotdent iu the

Golden Cycle Class ofthe Interoatiooal of

Baltimore, Remember this eompeay waa

the first oneto put up tlieir. Urererendi for

the protection o f their jo liqy httder* un­-

der tire new law. _C«as. Rtnrecx,Gen. Agt., Odsere.

People desiring first class Dentistry will

do well to call upon H.G. Pope, M. D.,Den­-

tist, at Watkins, who is prepared at all

times to do first class work, using the best

material In the. market. The best local

anesthetics known, and--nitrous-oxide.gas

always on hand for the painless extraction

Ofti-etb. All work wananted asrepresented,and at bottom prices.

Donn stry , In Ranges I have the Norman, as represented1tn the: above cut. The


In Parlor Stoves, I have the celebrated

T h e October meeting of the Schuyler

Ooittty Farmers’ Club will beheld at the

H i Brook Boom, in Watkina, on Batur-

day,the 96th in st at 1 o’lock, p. a . The

question for discussion will be,“ What

Mooded aim,or what combinations of Mood

MS most desirable In a stock sheep to

eeomw ittiihe^ttdqgw es^

Alt aheq> b t e e d e r r k W ^ ^ ^ W ^n

^ h

ally invited to attend and give the club

tha benefit of tbeir experience.

-D eath of Sfr<.'M(clisblFarley.TeRt lmonU ls of the Golden Cyolo,


STERLING&GARLANDMrs. Michael Farley, formerly of Ha­-

vana, but wlto lias resided in this city for

the pret thirteen years died this mOrning.atViSS o’clock ot heart diSeasa at-her home

On Railroad avenue, Mrs, Farley was

seveuty yeaw of age^and was .bom in the

ieohrity p f '•■-gfihreifff^

tbe the mother of right chllclren, six of

whom survtvre her, Philip* of Corning,

Frank and Apdfj^bf Rochester, Jatucs of

Ojeau, Baruoy of Elmira and Mary, tbe

only daughter living, also ofElmira. • The

two Who have pawed away sway are;

Freer and Catharine, both of Elmir*. Mrs.

Vhrley bad been sick since the 7th day of

#aly, —Etm im Gazette, Oct. 16th.

Bal t imobk, Md., Feb, 2, 1888.—I con­-

sider the International the best order in

existence, and would recommend every

Insurable man and woman to take a Golden

Cycle Policy, as I think it the best form a

indemnity out.^

Ba x t oiobk, Md., June 7,1888^—I have

carefully eXattlned the plana of the Inter­-

national and .consider thetn tho best that I

haveever seen.*

These stoves have Keen ordered direct fromthe manufacturers, and I can give my customers-

some bargains ;tfoverbefore offered In sohuyler

county.before. My Store ts crowded fuller than ever

A iia o h L o ok i n g . Vace;

Wo like to sec. Yet Erysipelas disfig­-ures the features and the disease i9 as dan-

’a FirflJ”7® d oftecalled ‘ ‘‘S^A ufhnny s t e/'.Mffid n

ends in sudden death. 8. B. Carpenter,Grendvilie, N. Y., had it in both legs, and

was cured by Dr. David Kennedy’s Favor­-

ite Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y. This

medicine excels ail others for tbo blood.57w4






whichi am selling atthe lowest possibio pricesfor atrletly flrst closs gooda. 1 have* completelineof

The October term of CourityOourt, Judge

Kerfier pn eig h« wee of abort dura­-

tion. In the civil earn of Wickham v«.

Pratt, the complaint wee dismissed with

coats. L. fl. Storrle of Tyrone w u tried

m i convicted of eeihag liquor with­-

out a license. He w u fitted $100, which

he paid, end James B aM ef Mcertetey

plead guilty to eeUlng Uquor wtthont a

ltomee, and wee fined $100, whieh wee

paid. Bmmett HeWwte f Bmmm, pteeded

gaOtyed aetthsg liqnor



K AMANMBY, Pres. M. R. T. A . .

The Interostionsl sumds a peer to the

bttt and most successful of *1 orders.

J. IB. SCHWATKA, 8eo.A.P. I. ,


Tin ttoflng and plumbing tt specialty, Galland examine gooes and got pnceB.

} The Knglneer

Of the Wakeflold, Mass;, Rattan Works,

O; N, Young, says: In all esses ofbilious-

ness.accompanied with those terrible slok

headkehee, I have foundno other m edicine

that seems to take bold and do* the goodthat your Sulphur Bitters doe*. It ia the

beat family medicinemade* 58w2

Dubuque Is., I have examined the

International and unheritatlngly prbnouncethem first class In every tespect,"

V K A G E N T S W A N TE D . A c tiv e y o h nir.

, . *ivn.JMUeft,tcacherahnu imaisterj tarn ,ma!.o moucy rapMjynclilngourercatwoi-Jc

u i n i /n e ftp t h e w


S i Mark’s Church. The Right Bev, F .

D. HtMtiMtoa, Bishop of Central New

YrefeM i w,

^formed will visit th s par-

Mk *$;IW t'W re, MHiport on the aftM-

i a i M fc ft * a . ,



The finest o*m of cfioloe dgare we have

s**u,'u oa eriilbUiou in tte ttont window

f t tint i m p j inp of (M e. J , Steck-

t t d l« A

H.G. DVKQAW, flee, W. I. A.A** .book,laicii.

- AIHHVVothlnt h k w ltev frwaiiaaeav o lu m e . Over Sflircleaant.ciiiBamnore Md. The Intetnatlontt tm-

donbtmtiy Mandaat tte heed of the Bene­-

ficial Ann* Oitien of tha H M d and

fan iN k'tta ttore tMMtttttiw

There Will be * D*»oe at ElliottVHalf,

JJgfare, Baturday tvretia» O et> 19th. Ice

t$M ttn dotterrefrerinre^1rltitt rervrek


m b fi* >*

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