t o Holidays Homework (2017-18) Class-IVmapsashokvihar.net/doc/4444444.pdfActivity-2 (Community...


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  • School is out as summer gets in

    t o

    Holidays Homework (2017-18)


    This year’s homework is designed in a way that will keep you on the pedestal of various challenges. So are you ready

    to hop on?

    Well, the task this year has been bifurcated as follows.

    LEVEL A (compulsory for all students) LEVEL B (OPTIONAL-do to get extra 5 marks)

    Development of skill : physical and intellectual Subject based worksheets, games and quiz

    1. Skill certification 1. Subject wise topics

    2.Community Service 2. HOTS (high order thinking skill)

    3.Subject based task 3. Research based

    Instructions for the Holiday Home work:- Note: -Holidays Homework carries extra marks in assessment. Hence, submission of work post vacation is compulsory for all

    students. 1. Bring holiday homework in a beautifully decorated folder, separately marking each subject.

    2. Parents are requested to only guide their children while doing the assignment.

    3. Originality of the work will be appreciated.

    4. The Holiday work must be done in a very neat and presentable manner. Questions must be done in the given sequence.

    5. The child will be assessed for the Handwriting, presentation, neatness, completion of all the given questions, indexing of the


    6. Subject teachers have further imparted specific Instructions for their subjects. Before attempting the question, you must

    read them thoroughly.

    NOTE FOR THE PARENTS: Dear Parents, Homework encompasses a whole variety of activities which pupils are asked to do

    outside lessons, either on their own or with their parents. The school believes that homework makes the greatest contribution to

    learning as it gives us the opportunity to pursue all those activities that we enjoy but never found enough time to indulge in. So,

    encourage your children to take up a hobby, a sport or learn an instrument in this vacation.


    As the holidays have begun,

    it’s time for us to have some fun,

    We will make new friends and play a lot of games,

    Spend time with them and know their names,

    We will sleep on time and rise with the bright sun,

    As the holidays have begun, it’s time for us to have fun

    Dear children, It is holiday time once again! Summer vacations are a fun time to be spent with family and

    friends. So go ahead and enjoy with your parents, grandparents and friends. Also remember to read

    books, work on your handwriting and practice Mathematics daily. We have put together some interesting

    work for you to do during the vacations. Kindly keep in mind the following points while doing your holiday


    Read all the instructions carefully.

    Be creative, innovative and imaginative.

    Do all the work in A4 sheets and click date wise photographs.

    Staple them separately subject wise and write your name on the first page of each subject.

    Arrange them in a self designed folder.

    Level A

    Activity -1 (Skill based)

    Cooking is a perfect occasion for you to show your creativity, so be ready to experiment with food.

    But to avoid fire accidents in your kitchen, go for some no-flame recipes. Follow the links:




    Task-1 Select one recipe and make the same in your kitchen. Present it to your parents and friends. Now make your own

    video, try to be professional and mail it to your class teacher.

    Task-2 Teacher will select best 3 recipes and then rest class will bring the material required for these recipes on a

    particular day. They all will follow the videos of their friends and cook the same in the class. This way you can have a

    "Master chef Class Party".

    Task-3 Invent a new summer drink that can be made at home during summer vacation. Write the recipe of this cooler/

    mock tail/ homemade summer drink. The recipe should include ingredients and method to prepare the same. Also paste

    pictures or illustrate. Write five to six bullet points on the 'Goodness of Water' and emphasize on tips to survive summer

    season. Paste appropriate pictures suggesting 'Cool Summer Tips'.


  • Activity-2 (Community services)

    Learning by doing:- Bird feeding is most helpful at times of when birds need the most energy, such as during temperature extremes, migration and in summer when natural seed sources are depleted Many birds will feed at more than one level, but some species have preferences, check for the same-

    Ground level: mourning doves, sparrows, towhees, and juncos.

    Table level: cardinals, finches, and jays.

    Hanging feeders: titmice, goldfinches, and chickadees.

    Tree trunks: woodpeckers, nuthatches, and wrens. When searching for that perfect feeder keep the following tips in mind.

    Plastic, steel, or glass feeders are easier to clean than are feeders with porous surfaces, such as wood or clay.

    Small feeders empty quickly, leaving less time for seeds to get wet or spoiled.

    Choose feeders with no sharp edges or points; the design should allow birds to perch away from the food to keep it from becoming soiled.

    Set up more than one feeder and allow ample space between them to avoid crowding.

    Choose a feeder with drainage holes, and add a plastic dome to keep seed dry. Help Links:- http://craftingagreenworld.com/2015/03/20/best-homemade-bird-feeders/ http://www.rspb.org.uk/kids-and-schools/kids-and-families/kids-activities/activities/birdfeeder.aspx

    Date wise Click pictures and make a collage.


    PART 1 Students will become familiar with:

    a) Articles b) Verb forms c) Reading comprehension

    They will do this with the help of various activities. PART 2 Students will be shown various videos to make them understand the concept of articles and irregular verbs. They will also be shown tutorial video to improve their reading skills.

    a) Students will be shown this tutorial video on articles http://www.learnex.in/articles-a-an-the/ As a teacher I have observed that students make certain mistakes in articles such as: An useful An European An university A boy was going downstairs. A boy is my brother. They will see the video to make them understand the proper usage of articles. After watching the video they will attempt the worksheet given below.


  • b) Students will be shown this tutorial video on irregular verbs

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyuBK7Ykep0 Many students are writing the irregular verbs such as Catch – catched teach – teached They are also confused when they are asked to write the irregular verb of ‘be’. Thus, the above link will help them to learn irregular verbs. They can also learn the same from the table given below.

  • After this, they will attempt the worksheet given below:

  • c) Students will be shown a tutorial video on “Tips and tricks to answer reading comprehension “ to improve their reading comprehension. The link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMIQv7yPlkI&t=355s Sometimes they don’t understand the passage and ends up in writing the wrong answers. Thus, they are advised to do few passages n their holidays.


  • PART 3

    Various worksheet are given to develop the students’ability to a) Make inferences and predictions based on information in the text b) Use articles and verb forms appropriately. c) To enable the learners critically analyze a piece of literature.

    d) Use the information for producing answers.

    e) To enable the learners to use it in sentences appropriately.

    f) Understand its application.

    g) Give examples of each.

  • LEVEL B ( English )

    Q.1) Picture composition.

    Write a paragraph based on the picture given below with the help of irregular verbs given in the box. Do this activity on

    a A-4 size sheet.

    laughed enjoyed played jumped clapped performed rolled thrilled overjoyed cheered

    Q.2) See the story and answer the questions given below. The link is

    The Greatest Treasure: Learn English (US) with subtitles - Story for Children "BookBox.com"

    Q.1) What did Peter find? Q.2) ‘ You are strong and courageous ‘. Who said to whom? Q.3) Why was Peter afraid? Q.4) Whom did Peter meet near the mountain? Q.5) Which animal has excellent vision? Q.6) ………………..slipped on the mountain. Q.7) ………………..was the third animal Peter asked to join him to find the treasure to keep him…….when it is cold. Q.8) Who was called the Ship of the Desert? Q.9) They were crossing the desert on………….’s back? Q.10) Who helped them to cross the ocean? Q.11) Whom they met on the other side of the ocean? Q.12) They passed the…………, climbed the…………., dared the…………., braved the………….and crossed the………….. Q.13) What was the greatest treasure they have found?


    प्रश्न -1 दिए गए ल िंकों को खो कर सभी कविताओं को ध्यान स ेसवुनए | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhFdvG2KMDs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGQCE3Jdsok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCWGsgz3Tn0

    1.कविताओं को ध्यान स ेसनुने के बाि नीचे व खी कविता का िाचन सरु, य और ता में करत ेहुए उसकी एक ऑवियो या

    िीवियो ररकोर्ििंग तयैार कीविए | उसे अपनी पने ड्राइि में ेकर आइए और कक्षा के समक्ष प्रस्ततु कीविए |

  • ध्यान स ेसनु ो मरेी बातें ,कानों को ो खो

    उ टा पलु्टा थ ेिो भाई , खूब बिाते ढम – ढम ढो |

    करत ेथ ेिोनों मनमानी , एक दिन उन िोनों न ेठानी

    क्यों न आसमान स ेतारे तोड़ ाएँ हम ोग |

    उ टा िौड़ कर ाया सीढ़ी , पलु्टा ाया रस्सी

    बाधँी रस्सी उस िीिार स ेिो िीिार थी कच्ची |

    सीढ़ी और रस्सी को बाधँ पलु्टा न ेकिम बढ़ाया

    खिु को उसन ेआसमान नहीं , िमीन पर पाया |

    2.नीचे दिए ल िंक को खो कर पह ेआप दिया की िानकारी प्राप्त कर ीविए | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX1Q2xio7x0

    3.ऊपर िी गई कविता को पढ़कर, उसमें आए दिया शब्िों को दिए गए स्थान पर व वखए|

    नोट – छात्रों में ऊपर िी गई गवतविवध के माध्यम स ेिाचन कौश , पठन कौश , खेन कौश और लचिंतन कौश का विकास होगा |

    2. अवधकतर िखेा गया है दक छात्र कुछ नीचे दिए शब्िों का प्रयोग करत ेसमय गवल्तया ँकरत ेहैं | विनका अभ्यास करना

    अवत आिश्यक है |

    िसैे – की , दक में , मैं हैं , है क्योंदक

    क.प्रश्न -“पारस पत्थर” उपन्यास पृष्ठ 1 से 40 तक पदढ़ए और इन पषृ्ठों से की , दक , में , मैं हैं , है ,

    क्योंदक िा े िाक्य ढ़ूँढ़कर व वखए और इन शब्िों को रिंगीन पेंवस स ेरेखाककिं त कीविए |

    ख. रवि अपना िन्म दिन कैसे मनाना चाहता था और रवि की िगह यदि आप होते तो क्या करत े?

    ग. रवि के िािा िी न ेउसे िन्म दिन पर क्या उपहार दिया ?

    3.वचत्र िर्णन-

    प्रश्न- वचत्र को ध्यान पिूणक िेवखए और बताइए दक यह कहाँ का िशृ्य है और अपनी कल्पनाशवि के आधार पर िोनों के बीच हो रही

    िाताण ाप को व वखए |

    वार्ाालाप - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    दिया शब्ि 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


  • 1. सिंज्ञा और सिणनाम शब्िों की िानकारी प्राप्त करने के व ए दिए गए ल िंकों को ध्यान से िेवखए | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUrNBaQIoYQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgtNODl4PMk

    िाताण ाप में आए सिंज्ञा और सिणनाम शब्ि छािंटकर एक ताव का बनाइए-

    सिंज्ञा सिणनाम 1 2 3

    4 5

    प्रश्न – 4 (िैकवल्पक )गगू पर दिए ल िंक के आधार पर कहानी सचण करें और दिए लबिंिओुं पर कायण कररए|


    उद्देश्य – स्ितिंत्र एििं सिृनात्मक अवभव्यवि , शब्िकोश में िवृि . ेखन अवभव्यवि का विकास

    कहानी का नाम -----------------------

    समस्या का मखु्य कारर् –

    मध्य –

    अिंत –

    वशक्षा –


    Watch the video given in the link below and solve the following puzzles: Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr8nBXDq34k


    कहानी की समस्या --------------------------------

    कहानी का आरिंभ --------------------

    िगह का नाम




  • 2)

  • 3) Watch the video based on rounding numbers and solve the puzzle given below:-



  • Concept of Tables

    4) Revise the mathematical tables from 2 to 20. Using the concept of Tables and Four basic operations, attempt the following

    questions by following the instructions given. You can use the link below to revise the tables:-



  • 5)

  • 6) Watch the given video based on equivalent fractions and attempt the question given below:




    IPL SEASON 10’ is being played in the country these days. Refer to the link https://sports.ndtv.com/indian-premier-league-

    2017/grounds to find out the names of 5 cricket stadiums in India at which IPL matches are played.

    Find out their seating capacity and answer the following questions:-

    Which of these stadiums can seat the most number of people?

    Which of them can seat the least number of people?

    What is the difference between their seating capacities?

    Which stadium had the most visitors?

    Which stadium had the least visitors?

    Altogether taken, how many people came to watch this year’s IPL matches at these stadiums?

    Find out the difference between the seating capacity and the number of actual visitors for any one match for all the stadiums.

    Represent the seating capacity of these stadiums on bar graph.










































    EVS Activity -3 (Subject based)

    Topic: To enhance the vocabulary related to parts of a flower and its functions, learn spellings by word search, to draw diagram and label it.

    1) Time for some Music......... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql6OL7_qFgU Learn the song, then draw and write the functions of different parts of a plant on a A-4 size sheet. Let's Attempt quiz https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=parts--plant-science-quiz

    Give reasons:- a) Seeds kept in an air-tight container do not sprout. b) Straw and stem are similar. c) Seeds kept in the refrigerator do not sprout. d) Farmers leave space while sowing seeds. e) Petals are so colorful.

  • Q1.) PARTS OF A FLOWER: Watch the following video and learn the words related to flowers given in the box.


    Now solve the questions related to the part of the flowers:

    Game time- Become the

    Solve the given online mystery to uncover the parts of a plant

    https://extension.illinois.edu/gpe/case4/c4m2.html (Take the print out of your result)

    Diagram Expert: Draw, Label and colour all the parts of a flower


  • Word Search






    6 5 7 8

    9 10 QUESTIONS ACROSS 2. When pollen from one flower is taken to

    another flower, this is called _________.

    4. Many pollinators visit flowers to drink

    their sweet _________.

    7. Pollination makes healthy ________ for

    new plants to grow.

    8. An animal that carries pollen from one flower

    to another is known as a ____________. 9. The female parts of a flower have _______ cells or baby seeds inside of them.

    10. One way the flower attracts a

    pollinator is with its colorful _________.

    DOWN 1. ________ are a way plants make new plants.

    2. The male parts of a flower make __________ grains.

    3. Pollination and vegetable _________

    help pollinators find food in the city.

    5. What kind of pollinator does a yucca have?

    6. Pollinators lose their ________ when

    people build cities.

  • Level B (HOT's)

    Topic- Adaptations in Animals

    Watch the video:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB8nLZmxN_M

    Think and create an imaginary and amazing animal like 'Polarphant' (polar bear and elephant) or an 'Elebear' (elephant and bear) which have been transported to the opposite environments and adapted appropriately. Now think and write the special features of that specific animal that would help it to adopt a habitat like desert,

    forest, Amazon, mountainous, subterranean, ocean etc. You will present the same in the form of a puppet or a

    drawing or in your own creative manner to the class.


    Q1. Let’s learn about flow chart .

    It is a diagram of which help us to understand the process of an event or act or activity. we use symbols to

    make flow chart.

    let’s find out more on on “ https://youtu.be/iFr7zy4HTZc “

    let’s take a very simple example of flowchart of “ how I come to school”

    now it’s time to apply your learning.

    Make a flow chart of How Email travel on internet. let’s first watch a video to learn about it. Refer this

    URL for reference https://youtu.be/xIuBmOufbls

    Now make a Flow chart of the journey of a Mail on Net .

    Q2. On June 5 we observe “World Environment Day” . Refer to a youtube channel TED - Ed ( URL

    https://youtu.be/ztWHqUFJRTs ).

    Now prepare a Document in MS word and type various new and innovative methods to keep the

    environment clean( do not copy paste from NET ).

    Features of MS word you must use


  • 1. write heading with bold and underline feature. 2. change the background of the document. 3. Use bullets or list to write your points. 4. make header as “ World Environment Day”. 5. make footer as “date - 5th June ” 6. insert pictures related to world environment day . 7. Add a graph to represent increase in population over last 5yr in India. ( search this information on


    Mail this document to me on my email ID (rakhigibrani@gmail.com)


    Collect some information about ‘Madhubani Art style ‘and write 10-15 lines on it on one A-4 size sheet

    *Make one MADHUBANI PAINTING in your own drawing file using colourful sketch pens.

    Link-Google search –Madhubani Painting.

    *Make some paper Jewellery with quilling paper art and wrap them in a transparent sheet neatly.


    Sing with your children at home. Singing creates a sense of togetherness. Singing is a comfort to children. It has the power to help your child go

    to sleep, and calm a child who is frightened, angry or frustrated. Singing banishes grumpiness, obstinacy and boredom! When you sing with a

    child it makes whatever you're doing fun. LEARN AND ENJOY FOLLOWING SONGS

    1. PRAYER –(Har Desh me tu..) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSQZCnjYovo Assessment will be done in the class


    Child has learned the tunes of

    the songs with correct lyrics Child has learned the tunes of the

    songs with some correct lyrics Child has learned the tunes of the

    songs but lyrics are not clear Child has neither learned the

    tunes nor the lyrics correctly LET’S BE FIT

    When a child become physically more active, they not only lose weight, but their thinking and Problem-solving skills also show signs of improvement.

    PATRIOTIC DANCE COMPETITION (Prepare a dance on any one patriotic song of your choice and present it on the date given bellow)

    Selection of the best dancer will be done after the auditions Dates of audition and final performance on the stage is given below-


    FINAL COMPETITION - 29 JULY (Only selected students of each section will participate in the competition)

    Judgement will be done on basis of costume (05), rhythm (05) and presentation (10)

