^t MmmmB - Prince William County,...


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M\^t MmmmB ESTABLISHED MAY, 1 8 9 5

28 liiDAY. ^OVEJ«|' •"•A.. 1917


Prince William Boys Enjoy^ Bi« Th&nkKgtviAK Diwiw at

Camp Le«. ,

•' Camp l^e, Peleriburjf, V«., Nov. ' 24.—If tilt people back m Prince Wil­

liam could »ee their boys here go through a day'n drill and other du-tieR, they would experience no little surprise. To the unitjated would seem quite prepared to «« » the Hun They are Koing thruagh the

iowB are availing tbemaelve* of the urfer.

Uea.tles and mumps have broken out in .sceral parts of Lht camp with Ihr result that a number of compa­nies are under cjmiranline.

We understand that one and one-quarter pounds of turkey are to be isisued eaih n^an here Thanksgiving Day and W(r preparationa are beins madi for a feast So each organlM-lioii. So those V ho cannot K«t off or are too far distant to reach home for the clay, will not miss their Tfaanka-g-ivin^ dinner. Further the food peo­ple of PeterBburg and Richinond «r*


Swcepetakefl—Any Brc«d. Best cockerel—Ist—$2 given by

Hon, C. C. Carlin—Orpha Kline, Man-2nd—$1.25—Benjamin Lewii,

^ e opening their he&rta aad bomes to os ji^r and we appreciate tht many kind-

neaees they < ^ w a s . 1 i , ir-iu iii,» oW T^uTilara' It *»»• '»•«» e t a t ^ Uiat a five-day j for the alliea.

close oraer drill like oW regula™,, ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ _ | ^ ^ ^^ Maiuusaa High School, ^ s

RetuTBs From War Zone eB.€<MiBty Exhibit Dmj Briaca MaU StMupcb-ChaMd by

Sabaariiic. Cnnris to

Prizes Arc Aivmrdcd.

ManaaMs; 3rd givtn by Dr. C. R. C. I Johawm—I? box cwadiy—EHubeth' ' CoTinjTton, Manassaa.

Beat y l l e t y l r t « . S 0 riven by Hon. C. C. Cartin—Harvey Yonn^.l l lanaaaas; 2nd-41.26—Frwl Stover,; Broad Son; trd—$1—KUsabetii COT-

Alfred Presoott, who was reaiuedf from the American Transport Finland, which was torpedoed October Zti by a German submarine, has returned safe- ^ ly to hia home at Hedlord, Mass., to j resume his studies at Tufts College after six months' service in the war tone^ drivinj; ah ammunition truck •

Mr. Prescott, a gradu- !


High School Work and Medical ^ laspcetioa DiacBMcd al


Cbtmfy ExSbtt Uay'brciagKl hon-dreds of visitors to V t n s s s s i Friday. I'he exhibits were opc« to the public datiag the afternoon at Banaett Budding and in the manoai training —<1—^irtrnm KidweH, Hoadl«r building on the tehool grounds, and! The following giria and boys ex

._ _ . . The following account of certain sec-Beet exhibiaoa • f ' P - l ^ - ^ - f ' - tions of the Teachers" Institute pro

neat DavU, Hoadley; 2 n d - $ L 2 5 - ^ ^ receiy«l too late for pubii Burnett Bosenbacger, Hanassas; Srd cation last week:

At a joint conference of the high i i.*vs J i-x-j a -^ !• « II •<i>*<^ teachers and members of the

during the morning hours time was hibitwl birds and attar sending in au ^^^^^y j„„jj,j ^ trustees presirt on divided between €he dosing seaaioB of I'epeata w U A « * • BOW due » e an- fjf,^.^y ^ j ^ qnestlao of the adoption the county taach«»' o<^«f«»ee aad,t i t i«» ta P M H V T CSab pina (If piaa ^ ^ anifann plan for the county

i ' ^ L ^ " *!''^""^;».. tv,.» J^Jti-rihe third of the men in camp (Sfcristmaa. resident of Manassas until a year a^o. health and ajarits, they go after the. ^ ^^__ ^^_ _ _ ^ „ „ . ^„^-n«T-4 - jjY. 1>re«ott trffe s thrilling » i ^ I bayonet exercises in a way thftt brings expresBiona uf sincere approbation fr«fn~tiM vetdiran French and Ekiglisb officers stationed here/tft teach the lat­est ideas and metkiods in trench war^ . . , _ - ^ xr .c J *i,_„ „~> «»«„;,.;«» •ni'h •Trill' luissioned ofnoers in wmpany K, fare; and they are acquinng anch stall ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ in their panic the majority of

the regalar meeUag of the iatmers' institute.

^%^^xnihit IS aaid %o be oae^of the

have not been reeeivad) aad promo-tion:

•d. H tmoat •ae«aaaf>t-4a- tha history nf-tht So tJjose, who onoB were gooff Tittle' boys as the time tat Santa]]K«tn^arfl Of tlie1»n>6d0illlf^&f t»i rival approached'are sigain .mindingtescaped witJiaBt injui7, and T6S ohij | county, interest htvlng been lE^roogh their P'^ and Q's. 1 his overcoat A great many of the 1 ly aroused by the dUi*«at efforts <rf

In a recent appoint&ent of n«i-com-} cresr bad bpm on the ill-fated An­tilles which was suidc the week before,

in throwing the hand grenade that if ever they get close enough to the hated Hun the sanitary department will enly be able to pick him up m pieces. While the men Isave become proficient in handling the rifle they base not as j e t had any target jrac-^ tice. ^ However, an extensive rifle nnge^^S^esnafbltt aortJl of can r adjoining the ApiMmattox river wfaoe the men wiH soon team to piek^a German off at a tiwosaad Tarda.

We have been jasoed a lot of the old Eraig liflea that ^waraia uae i n ^ e tlMuaiah-Aaarican war. Thejt a n

a goo£y nnmbw M the pesitiona. j tiiose on bo»rd were thrown out of Corporals C. B. Keyes, G. O. Lynch, N.' the life boats as^they were losvered. C. Pattie aad C. D. Rue were mad« Many of thie crew lost their reason sergeants aa^ Private E. A. Boade.^ when the torpedo Mt the vessel. Life who. has been transferred back from boats It ere lowered a sh4»t distance headquarters to .Company K, ^ and driippad, throwing the people into

'—'— On e beat 4eH-ea the mew V n »fKg1^fT.T., I .,.H V^U^ *h^ in the lyater.

diliatot efforti

•wde coiponiir

Medical Departmwt, 31»th lafsafary. I Tonng Preaeo«t said he narrowly «•-• -• I caped being drawn into ths pro eUer,

COUMCHi^tBSTOBieS Hf¥r > jwheace he Brotes*ly w o ^ bav^bMa TO FAVOR IN MANASSAS =«* *» ?«««• ^ ' J ^ ^ t ^ ' t l ? ' * * * ^ • _ • i <Hie of the patrol boata, helped to

Vaikmrs ib^-^Gtvm Fat HOMO-'«=»*'« '^*^^*/ ' °"! ' I^^Zf*! ! ;^ ' T T ' * ^ ! ^ - - _ .. ^ i acted jw i mNwregr fwr Aie of the whose leg was shattevad imti Dodcf New tMbOBer-

Adapted hy Town. very good rifles, though heavier than the Springfiekl, but tiwy wiH only be used for drill purposes. Then each oreaaisatiMi bas baen issued a n , ^ , ^ . ^ . ^ . b « of Enfield rifiea which rifl^ is beJ- A . another step m ti>e fight agamat m^^

nearly teg used by th» S h s b i l W 9 y and in part will be ptowd faiaheJ^^ad o* onr in«L This gna is qaite Ai^^ to tha apdacfield ttte in weigh(

CX ^ L.r whose q>eet«r Judeoaa

Town Csoncil has resoaded the eld

gnnn«r8 woose leg was when the b o ^ , i a - i i U d i bQ waa ered,-.feU. Thie gnaaar. wfail*

the watar with hia woaadad W< tamed in Ka Me b«M and drowsed

the county agenta, Gilbert, in charge of the home deai-ooatratioo work, and Mr. C. A.' Mant-gomery, farm demoaatration afcirt. C o n , pigs, poaltxx_and canned goods were exhibited. ' The Klh^e family won signal hours m the cAtn' kbow. The Uue ribbons in the farmers' cmtests were won by Mr, X A Jai captured the first awards la the bow' eon-dab. Tba jadcea.Sw* Mr. B. A. "iaiktsf, of IMai&ria, and H . B. Ho^gfcp^ atpia attoDMidrt. Biadcsbaxv.

Mfaa ABae Davis, of Hoadley, eap-fnred the~mdM es eCaaipHaH M the

Virgil CeTd»a, Ma^f c^viB^sea, tiisaae^a

schools doing such work, the high discussed. It was urged that not more than one, sc at most two, years of

-r: _ u._- — •••• -f -TPiiii_ •_ !_ bjgh seheel wark should be undertaken ^ v m ^ « J S n O T S S ™ - f ^ " " S ^ ^ c o ^ ^ . r h ^ l . : -bis that in " ^ S S 2 ? 5 ^ - S £ S:::jd«te-^teB*-*»<* work, the high toaMJMm 3 * 1 « ^ Otpte 1 ^ ^ ( ^ departmaat at leas* should be Bertnun Kidw^ Beajamm Lewis, forTfauSif awnths, aod that

^^^ ]t^^r . I ! !^% X i t^^^,<««ble' rUdit nett Boaenbercer. Camril Sanders, B4>- ^ ^ . ^ V j - u ' a work «a-b « t . ^ t h . Fred Stover. O a n a . . S « ^ i L S T s S v L ^ T t o T T y ^

SiiJS:?.W:rLf1r.tT.arGlrb. I V ^ ^ ^ ««». a«-a be coa.- W e x ^ T « . D ^ a o r t O « « ; ^ . ^ n K i * . of this pl«. would cna-

S*""***^^ ^ ~ ^ * ^ T ^ l>fe l»Pa- ^ ^ t«a.«erreJ witkout

^ ^ a - ^ ^ S ^ ^ : : ! — — a r t l , ^ , , . - ! . be.fit d ia*o itinned e n Fiftli page.)

vffi leiaive pvometMO ptna.

A c awards in aome «f tiw eontaet i ta be B«4e aeeofdiag to dab ngldlfc-•saa, will be •nHaliaf>il later.. M ^ ware awarded <» F rijsy aJsioBewa;

tile and receive fall credit ,for

rUX«IKiaX< S K K V I ^ - ^ ^ ^ Oie lose of time and coBaequeat.dis-A.T TRmrrr CHUIlCa eowagenimt to the p^fl «»«»*«

__ _ ' '~ froni the preatnt want of uniformity ihe alrl«| Jir;, A, A. nynaoii, ctfOeepfMiBi, aTcwiraes and tane standarde a Sm

" ^ ^Adi ^f^ P ^ jg BklUBOBi, t s eomcwMmt tha«-fie(iaent^ Brwwrta inl^BauaaB. the eoaai etioa of ^^Bai, kdch a«Aaal — — ^ eeone even wlien the oppectaaitj -pn-

aod'^<(Mb •

I v t e a d of actual beaihk

There were but three Amerieana ta eea- hog ordinance which has prevented the the same boat, the remainder beteg

i jgUmg of porkers within the corpo- Spaniards anA. Belgians, who were so I r tale limits of the town for many demeated far -the time-that-

new in its atead does, aitt^jg/iim <be g m ^ e made of ceaMmt cf ,4be aipie m its stead doea rr^Mtm tfie O M U U k a i t a g a ^ - « » % a ^ . -BmSm

_ ^ ^ . . . — - • • • * ^ ^ ^ • —

1* Bate WUte Can. by T. W. 1—^ver eap (offered


Mrs.TXngnsta A. Hynaom, of Oeeo- aeata itaeif.

^Bg^ai;aay^a>^be facet e< the nw« aa tta» 'jisi^.n.HJMIl'' • bf Jn niit fn p-mr^ inimieiT"TTT I r i " "

ay'to bilrtgeUwa -<aa>e witheat seriowa. their Jaab'hape of leeeae, was a ttir laat week aaakMhaUottaaate of tUir pair to UHT peape «t 'bibase and ui taking out insiaranee The gov-eramwit is offering life aad diaaUUty ^ * 1 **.-^ WM ti» c^mt

cL- old Bne inaaranee. Additional al-fcwaaees will be made to depeodents «qi)al t» a l l a t B i a ^ Made by the aal: dier himadf. And U a d e Sam wiU act as banker for thoae not making any ^ ^ iUotmeat , putting aside half their pay] j " " ^ to draw 4 p«: cent iateMat compoond-«d semi-annnally until the end of the

—So j^ainlyV the gAvarnmeafc is A«ng itH that H can far the Anna-ican

handirapr. ^ ''-f*^ i<ililiiift' 4gfat. _ The fanr p tendes a a tliere skaD A pidhaaur fteat ftfte-rtuu. tempo- j , ^ »

be a t least one-<#Brter of an acre of rarOy iadaaa, to ie dff hia dothing andj ».^rt»—J. I. Connaa. grmiBd to five hogs/<Sd that they jonqped into tl^e Mean. He * may not be kept w l ^ 200 fget of to « e t OH a life ntft and jumped frem any reatdabce axxf/c that uT Uaar ttaa iau> owner. It is aeoeasary, however, to he waa reacned by the t^aa» patrol d>taia a permit to.ke^ hoga oa aa^ boat whidi had picked up young

mian, died of paralysia ftandcy mom- llndL iideMrt Was shown in the diife fa^ in Bichmond at' the faoiy ef her-c mini. f>A it ^Wteeided that eveey iiasa^mm, Mrs. Jamea Bradl|||jr^:J|f#rWKin)d.be ihiide to-bring aboi4 waa abooi aixty«-nine years oM aaS a sadi a woifta^ty af pUa^ The pria-

| i i y i i i l <rf-*a>iassas far jMnt^iiiars. dp<Sa <<JtJie adbada doinr h i^ aefaael FuMBfal w i t i w warr-ci

far aa v^escnt taniWIiliii EytoirtiMT Ctardi by HM lae^^jBift^jrikaiilio the worli newfbehig done in.'

g..lfautat, 6^ & GkMfaisa, 9 . Thwatnt A. A. Hooff. latei BeBt wAa,

prwaaes, and the pcraut may be Preaeott and whidt "aft area hdpiag to withdrawn upon coaiplaiBit by* any ad- row. He raved for several hoara, hia

iJ«wo returnjaa iri>ao tte.yarty oaa

Waaiiel White Caem,'

l i r e f a ataa^aitl Ugh adwdi eaBHT

X. Bsedieal tavdette^ias^oala «i -and- ca T»i,-Ji»8»e. «•, tfce • iatB~«* I M '

ia tiie Ooaa aaals anwar the tiinlnn.


3—raiboa—Jl P. BaiaMrket

Qetea, TeBaw G H B .

/ Oebaoriit who had reeesved a laarded. m«a* of the ae^ajfirom ICae'Baa-

<rf the BUW Antl-Tii- v

sddier to protect his interests. One of the s^eadid thidga jrffefed

to the mea Iteze ia tbcr<arrisoa edieoL We were somewhat snrpriaed to find s o m e t h i ^ o v B T fi»e hundred -oat-«* the 3,000 men nTlSe.a iath vegiiueat, who couM not write. Maay of these men fine, iataUigpnt - fdleaar-^haw. _ ^ _

-ne»et had au 'i^pliuiluuitj to Ru h,]Ne»^uib«. M>ff.

1 3 M moBtUy meatiag of the eoonarsafie en laad again, was hdd at the Town HaU Monday M a ^ of the mea, nawiBiag to fry ^veaittg, M«ynr-W fi. Wayepg' pre- again to croa* the Atlantte, went sidiag and the foUolring eouncHmen back to France to weak. Ibr. Ptae-

J. Arrmg- coU, wcu^ lu Paii* and then-tof

aeheei aad^aeme have udt taheg-ad-vantage of the opportunity aad liave since keenly regretted their mirtake. These men have never feJt tiie handi-t » p - a * h e « » tM» army life. -They

Mrs. H n a o B flritloDK^ to Mr. Fiederidc W. Hyaaoa, l iaai e f bere«daais Aaaodatien, expldned tiMt aluiui aia rtned 8be ia awreived by the preeeada e< tfae-salee wooU go six children. Dr. ftank W. Hera- poitfi to b e ^ ia the general figiit ia

1 - 4 6 — i a e e f o f f e i e d by W. At lee 'bakw, of Oecoquan; C ^ t . J o i ^ l i M. the etMe a g a i t t t taberculoaia, aad Banae^ a a d - Coamaay ni i laddpbi i Horabakef, U. S. A., of F r e a t ^ K ^ - p a i i ^ to^^^ f ind now in the .1mi^ » p a . ^ ^ K . g«y«. . . i ' iWM.*iif«B» ^ j Mrar-James Bradiwd (farmeriy U f a tiM DMsioa ftqfieriatendent f<w begin-^ ^ • . . TT' . ^ r - . " " J p {Kate HenflbiSerTT j ^ BS^iaMid; niai^ the work «r me^ftal impe^tkn

. ^ y ^ * ' " '^•*->"***- . 1 | f ^ , | , T n d m d l K. aad B d d Hynaoa in the county achoela. l a e aptdce rf O n n t y pdaes aeeordiag to d a ^ ^^ y ^ Ashby Bogera (forma-iy the wo«l^ tiiat had been dona daring

i i i&i i^ i i i i have aat biiM ilrtmaiiiMM m „ gadie-HynaoaK aU dl OeeA4B«a. -sevnal ^ears p a ^ m *»UliHg publlr land, v ^ o e he remained mitil he had BtlaM la on ezhSnta oaly: [cMherxarviving relaiivea are her two waiiment in the eoairtr to a realiaa-

in attendance: Meaers. D! tooi^E. B. Oonner, T. F. Coleman, C. ___ , _, R. C. Johnsbn. C. E. Nash, A. Spaideiu s^cnred'^jpaasage oa a aiail and H. D. Wenrich. ' i bomid far Aiyr iea . The ^ ^ ^ ^ - The telary o i Mi . (Jeorge L Bosea-; were toH "aBdrtlSr before wai'hjwg

herger^japerintend&it of puMic at ia - p w t that a ^aabmarinf i a d chaaedT ties, was pUced at $1,000 p « year, them all the s*66dd nigiit, wiria«r ftar payable moatidr fiom the first day of them to ftop. I k e boat proceeded

— 1-hia' « M d . dioaglgr *

! • Bare 'WUle Cera. - j sisters, Mra. Adam Coode aad Mrs. tia^ of the imaMnse iftportaace of

her hretiier, Ib^ /ohn jL'f^iiHiX^Wf g a g wi f l e S M work w a r tam Kenaington, Md. . " pararOy overdiadawed by A c

^-Xliae, % f l Inlainy Kliae.

The eonaail voted witti .ali-

' m u a t g e t others i o Mate theirJettera home, to road for tliem the i«t*e« they reeeiye. tliey are not aUe to »«—<< the newapapers that now contain '

disqualifled to ed

and ot CTS with a timited adaeaUoa a number of former -toache^ m tao-regiment got together and are work­ing oat a school aad course of study for them. jGoarsea in three or foar grades are offered inchnSng reading, writing, artithmetic, lyeOing, gram mar, history, geography and hygiene. They meet in classes ef aWot thirty «ach on three nights a week for a

'the OMparaaity Christmas Tme. \ riwd safety a f t e r s Beperta were esade by tlie mayor, nine day*.

ehanmaa «f "timatBMtioaaaiittaa, ea- i .' _ «M^ntPnd>nt ef anbHe atfflfaaa awl the p f . ^ y | ? n R n n i l i l f T T N l T Y -

CHPBCHES TO AIDTUNP oa, yet ito impoetanee was net

Guards to hold laceHn s aad 4na 9X s^etn* P i i fg i f l f Arraascd


.WSmer Diae,: iiTaf Cara.

MccUoK WiB Be Hdi Mt ~

l . to saf^iwurd t ^ health of 9m «WU hf jtoMUag forward the new great eanviaica o f preventive medical wsrfc whiA waa of infinitely greater value


1W.L1 ; , th> tK«f. t<>e o U curative mefeods which abfiEi>rinm at Eaatera OoBec^ Saaday .oaly ee^ght to h ^ aflar the damage evea&c at 7JO o'deck ia . the hi«Cf«i^ > b e i ^ and faeqlty^-jAea an irre-ei^the weak ia the A n n ? a s d Navy paiaMe damage had teaa deoe.

T. M. C A. At Uw cuBeluawu (if the, diacusaioa.

Hm'-'tem beat -pi sangnaftd


coxdially Jaritad^ Tha attgrtrtwdea^J&JPonaid ! lanrtjiit was arranged fay thB-ftiqBe-that-wHh w*at waa already ia head, ' WBHaM Wmiaterial Aaaodattea « tat hhd wlOi publh. seu»aMHi> aa ma\ rannrat ef Bav. Westwood Hutihiaea,. aroused, it woald be a matter af

Twfaem Gevamer Stsazi Iwa pfiaed la sasan^SBad^^ baghi the work aad

. • J The MsneaaasMdB^hlehem heme l i m w iimrds Ueaim to MMtlkT^^onatrati^ efadia;iic^acing plana acrSTregalathiH. (

Urn II Ilall ISwmj SMorday. j im the firat ftaninawity Chiiilawi] net feaiw ia raaatd Ode dajigrj • 'tKeeverhddiQ.Prinee Wniiameoaa-'jndgedaafirtheca: . ^ . v ^

A meeting of the Home Gbard waa ty, and committees are boaBy eas-l i - . 0 t hi gold (effsMd igr Hoa. C dtarge of the campaign ia Piliwe WO- install a tramed nmye m the ooonty held Satoiday' eveeihw at th4 Town ployed with iii iiiniiaiiiiili TWe fcat' C ri f i i7 TiihMij Klma, Minaa^a^bhi AooBty. TWa ia ene o | a eeajaa sehssW, i t amdi aOml* watAi ander-HalL Capt. J. P. L^chman made an discussion of the plans took piaeo atl 1 | f f l l i l Hii ' " 4of aiaaHegi bang hdd fa the coonV take to raise duriag tiie year ^xnmtA addreas, o«tllnlngthedi«eu!lte8ia the i5« high school.bulhaBcM<m4iT«ft-f 1 mSTt'lKtmr irn%lir -Gito».*t*« ohjaet ofwWdi lata raise a faad the aiediamof itolaagae the reUtjve-way of effecting a legal orgaaiaatiaa emooo with the f oUewing lepceaenU-; vffle. at the utteeat tmie and atnieiated Mr.-tivea of the two d A e m attaadaMeei|-C. H. Wine first sergeant. UeaL G.; Miaa Lillian V. Gilbert, coonty hemej

period of one hoar aad fifteen mla-j Raymond Batdifre aiao spoke. ^ | dRBOiBtmtiett a^aot, ehaliaiaa; Miat^ utes. Thev on Friday night all meet The members decided to bold Tcca-j B. S. Hynaon, Mrs. G. irsjidwail S i t -tofrether for several interesting edn-1 lar mec^iaca at the Town HaD every' eSffe aad Mrs. T. P. CdMaaa, r ^ r a -cational talks or lectures. The work Saturday evenmg to discnm the ^aa-' seating tile Maaasma duh, aad Mrs. is given entirely • i thoot coet . to the i sibiltties of tlie organiutian aad to Goerge C. Boaad, Mrs. Marfc-Kowa -»r , .r,H th* army anthoritWs areldriU in preparetiea for servicer 1 aad JIlC. W a t e r L. r^i'T-^ fT„j thm ^rmy authorities b«<-

CStrixtaiaa Bes I I H

iT the work to the extent of prov, ..nj? e<iuipiBent and supplies Tr^ t b ^ -n

;;w>T Are deepty gratefid, ««-*» evi-• erpeetad-that the state ^ ^ n.-r y the eager way in which which aieets in January, wlB laeog

, •" oegiBTimg the work. It can aixe the situatien and dear tiw way'W. L. Sanders . . . -,..f, ^1,. thcTTi not osly ia mak-.fhr effective orgs iiitaihaL - along- t h e - i n c f a a m .

- . ,_ r„fj„ eflic7ent soirtiers and in lines propoeed by the Priaee.Wffliam pT.afc-.r.e :..e army hfe vastTy more, guards.

rr Is Urciii I'uL alro i t

PdUtry d a b Prtea C e f t ^ dmrehae. under the dfreetioa af Prof. ar^[ drill in preparetiaa for servicer j aad Mxt, W a t e r L. Saadara,

' Severahcampaaiea organised for tiie scutiag tlie Ballilil dnh. protecti<^a of otiiar coBHBuaitiea have; The pcecnaa, whale not daAaitdy' Beat |pdr Barred Boeka—Ist j r l a a . : j t n l b a g e t , of EagteCB C^Iege.

en it is' a privilege tar which met wfth A e same ^ f c a i ^ aad ft i s ' arrmwed, wHl be suassahat aa fei- $1—Wiffie Fairfax. Hoadley; iaA—\ Bvarybody is reqaeeted to briaff the ' t l i » Manny Yuaagr-Maaaaaasi »a.d Q j i i j

«f 12,000 to aid ia the work of the ly s a k B amoont tt tweaty doDara. He A m y T. M. C. — P i i a o e WQIiamli aaked the teachers to fnwi^w the

of the $S5,000^00 w b i ^ is to be asnttar which woohi be taten up at IhxuHglMiBt the ceaBtry. tibe aaxi aaaat t^ e< the laeHtato. At

with p iMiat omdlliuae in aMkt e< U M seMs scat were d ia f sa i i tiM Army aad Navy, wiD addreaa the of aaMxtcthateat^era.

jaadteaee. Speda! mnsie has been ar- i —• j raided by the choirs ef the Maneama L E T S HAVE A NBW FLAG



r. fm f ir better for the duties .-,ie rr-c- ney sro ^ack a''eT

" • ' I ' I !• »'


.-f r

t^ rv ,r. a certA.r, lour? liur-.n.? tr.e '»re*K and t*- write '.cMers for t^e mpr. vhoo: Tinti' they rasT be able to •^-rT.-e for themselves >Jambers of the Jel-

Kath l^eachman, yoangCT son of!—Mrs. G. T T.ynn in charge.

Stover, B n a d Best ptir WUte Ftysaooth B o d » —

2nd—$1 JO — Tneeday eveniag (Christsiae d a y ) — | Msnssass

1 'Qe Churches. i Tbanday eveniny

—Mrs. B. T. H Hod,re went to » « , ^ 5 ' ' ' ~ — ^ ^l dav to Kpend a few ' " " J^" »"'*- ^

hours with her nephew. Lyman Pat-\ Best pair White Wyaadottea—ll*— tareon. .^viatioe C e e ^ j (^i«ed-8tetae

The ted ^ f t l H i ^ ^ = d ^ m b e t h Cc hngton, Msne««ss_ ^ Arms, who wa* retariMag from a visit

th<- M.


< ountT Treaanrer •i-" -:id seen i,. .: r "...adephia :, -v •' -;;f: -.•.;- • r.*'-&T .^''"''."1 .

9 v f - r ; r , - ..,7,- •,* irn^l-^i

H » ••LAS iutc^mcij-.^ec 'r.'.

P h i l a d e l p h i a r l u n n p hi» :))

P . L e a r h m a n ,

^-ph.Tirt fe-i-er m

.-r • V.<^i'. to

Best pair R T R^»—lut—S2—Bea-iar.Bisst: 2nd—$1-50— New Year's 'f>?-—Patnotic program jamia I ew-i*. Mi

—Mrs. K. A. li-off m charee. Orpha Kline .V4an»R»as •i rth the n'-r-^raLion •-•' tff r.-rn-; "~qtaitr» ».—-«— Manft"-- - - • .r;ty it ? e'\~^ic'^'. t.-.j * '" ^ " tv» Re<t r-i r A - f' j"; rT\9—1st

T.r. •;(> «. -•s^.". "•-oa- .••'• f".- " ."•• f ^ lo p-r^r- >.; ;«» -c->= ••-•--.. Manassas. Are A.'.^-f .T, .-.-,as..r.< ;• ^ -JOC'-CSS ir;-' .-•'•.''t r^.r >i- •••- '/-tc«l "* randottes f-r a.: -j'-c T..".-- T-r rr •-, efM :*"• er ind ir-.ie- W.ie-at.iey I.ifhtner. Hay-«>v It. mark.2t.

to his brother. I Patterson. :r. c ing sch.-"".'. a' :; "-• Vr sot. ^•'^' ^ rr.T' '• •' • •*" " ' •' and " ;' - •er. ' ^n'.r.-.r.s ^'

s ., .-ie T,i.:- beer, sent u-> ;i. N y - i>rnd-.ng cflrders

'or France.

"The Town Hall n e ^ s a n Oer loyalty must not tv »> o.

"legs'alaoe, but cMr •pBtrT«:>i7 the cou-r -

y>an irive? The Jourr.x o d ^ aabscLipUuiL.'' KAii •(>« he purchased a? <>•»: raised. Each . . ifa-nir-..-*

acknowit'i^f.-! 7*-r-• * # <»e

^ut Col. WiKiam U y Publicly .r.-- -f the Arrr.v > T - »1™*^^- ''"'^'«- ^ ^

F'« •" i»r



' • ^ k e r t^nr

> I. TK-i.Tc-. . . .V : r

Hnaeb, 2.V.

R I . i o n r -

* ATICTTI . "feV":

W i n e , 2f<: A

Jotirtial ads. bring reaaita.




250,000 AAffiSKM J TROOPS BifllANffi

O t h « « ^Bl^thi

' A l M ^ Af S e h e d a f e .

Scer^aiT ^ War Baker haa at I f^ M i t h t t m ^ a aUtement an UM proc-rMa M n c mtde in sanding troapa t» Knrope. He Itda UiM the nomMr of

-troopa a«taally Uaaapaitad ovaraaaa was grantar tihan the ga w a m e n t had «Kpaet«d to have there at t U s tiate. In atber woHa, QaMnI Patafaingta agtitiBg force ia Mag tonnaaaad more

-npUiy than the Onita4 Stntaa gov-. ai iiiaent antidpatad.

The importaace ci Mr, Baker*! atatamwrf. which inddentaOy he re-fused to alabocate or explain farther, ia that tt definiteir ••<» **• r««t * whole flood of repoita concerning ahip-piag and «»*««p«H»'rini; ^^j^ni^itttii^ which created a widespread imprea-sioD that the govcnuuent'a plan to aatabl i^ a lepi'aeiiiKaHfy army Alt the handicaps which the British ^^tffofd at an eariy date had TiTta«lly|fir»t experiepced with Uie tanks wiUl fcrokaTi down. to a large extent be elUwInatfid in the|

. fw^gninit.^^ltskea: lAiierBgiii process. i s : ' ^ o w many troops have we now

"In Tnmee^"- Bat in maitary tAxder the mtxt impostant qaaatton aakad i s : " A n we .getting t r o e n tr-«a(t fdiw MCordiBig to •eh^dttter ^*--

Aa 4MB«et «f mmi!t-$t(vem mn htsr-iprSltaxy raaaote H ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 loUtHdOy \tlfat tiwre a n «( 256^000. AWatiean t tm^s

ia Earapa, l i i tb others e («-<taath a W a r ea iwrta or • a i t i a g to

At first tbh tanks w e n foond to be too itBwwfalrtiliadUweg^KtaflwWtng ap iatoaity mo^e^aeBta t » « dafegereuk 4agree and not 1nftan»aa<lj they w e n '

Ite-to ettriffrte ibair aata Ixam t a n k s or obatrwtioas naty haolad eat by ether mafWnaa

Hie qpieatioa of getting theae aien-s t e n over acreaa the aeaa loema np like a d i seoangiag p n U a i a bat it ia said ttat the War Depaitateat has

^S9^ ! • a peipatail •tr« =SF

American sddiara OinriBg froai tiM eampa h e n to the. adeetatt porta in

Thlalaada natigally to fl>e miBtary qneatiaa of whathdr this ao«^]ed '^faaaaK.^" «f Ameriran troopa ia re i ib iag% smoothly or I s befaig dogged hy the hnadrod and e fe diikdtti«i so fire-(|ucully c Tb« '• ^ i <j!•• • Jbf Kr. Baknr answen thia qneatioB and thargtore ia.

gr«at b i r r i « i to dirwetattarir on the tnwrheai theaa barrkra- htmg

^^xaaas High ej^loaira shdls have

way oi destrtgringr the bazbad ^*in <rfK tlM pTCaa.JjtBeles, and th« marinwa gnn fin. Tbe

tank* appear to pioTide another meaaa for maekone gmi l l n doea aotdiatarb

SUpa Siting m ache*wk. In napoaa* to inquiry ju to wh^har

laefc of atailaMe twnnaga %aa p n

plataed that fce ««dd aatwer heat by

T t e n waa, tlterefon, vo qoeatioh eithtf ti tM Buny te t ea f n ^ lOgt: at the praa^Bt asojaant. •

, Tlie War PepartMto^ wieAs-if nqt », toe* it woald have a eer

tain. is iaiable .J|E|nie« ^^^^^l^^lfS!'^ week iqr wimk, and niaSr^ha ^lafia to have the troop* wiady to eadiark ae-e o r d i n ^ . Sa &r. t l ^ plan far avafl-aUe teanage, «ad a^athJile traafa ^ ^ haa dovetailed iMrmoniaasIy.

— T h i f h e t t h a t a U e to fmharir .than aatieipated doabtleaa naiaas 4 « t the advaaee eal-

^ i B f t _ S t e B S i

raOeoItiea la g c W i « t h e ^ a h l ^ n a d y hav» not baaa aa great aa parted. Lftearfae eertate miBtary aappBaa wUA asight b a n "

~Kmi rapecta lac A» faadiaaai *i c. tcaiaiBg a l m i ban

U-BMis Q w a a f D d a w . • M r

affeAiag t n a p at t i n extth be tah|B to~ troopa.

'^Vt anbiar iae la BOW than a maaaee," AiSrtaat See-retary Booaentt M U , i a the attoatfan, fa tiw B | ^ of Tvpotta fraaa Viee

For maajr months tfM cnnstitnted a oMaaae aa aariaaa Ikat of&daU U Om Uaited

must not ht laker to mean that saie-l . • " ^re being less eawgeticjilly

E A S T E R N COLLECrE N O T E S f t t e chiss of '17, and Miss EHa Poleo. r -^ jpama*- - 'J*^—"-sXtaJ. Cooper, A <jat» o* Mi»»

V P. 1 e'rtirae m

T ^ . j i ' - , • - > - — . —

t h n w a about the troop ships. I The House of Bepreoentativee had' Lottie Cooper, a farmer Eastern sto- offer no ecrarsea in TaaiH B4«al «• BrtlUi an l m T f - % " ~ - ^ — * beuegcial «e«- | dent, aceampaniea Miiu Bu&h iOg, An- m-ily th«ii Uie uuly solution is to es-

Another welconje sign, indicatiw of l»i>*ii ifuu. » « ! « > aigbt. Spme^tn -vt etn^ vifuuir wa« M I M SU« Brown ot uWis i ia schoul of jxiucation al Blacks-t w a r progress came in the statement offrrat merrt were yrren and pariiameu- > -tw^ktee o f liK^, wiw U ixrianipai at buixax (iBfil sctiovU af aKricullure at

officers that the Untted States tary practice carried out with vigor} tJi? Greenwich srraded school. , William and U»ry or the Lniversity taiLka.1 a ^ ^^^y^.^^^ ^. •< ^ ^Ht'i''"" e^enrnt quite a a^nr- of Virginia, tb*"

iaat BritiA A i v e . short session Saturday aflemoun ! tween the claaaical and commercial "' A 4K>-ordinate plan u The YouDB Ladi^' Literary Society i cliiba. Excitement was inteoae wlien dent may spend the first year

had a Hvely debate on "Woman's iiaf

ia ty^Mmy'rtrut'^fffrm » * "^^ P'*" *^ **'° »PP™ved by tU asrricatture and yet ^ y f g a d a r a l Board. n£ Vomtiooal .^dt^ai-


Work l>as been quietly going on in this csaabT to complete the must iaodam of theae huge fghtiag-mon-stars, and to make them embody all the iraprovementa nchieh the Britiah and French have ftnmd a i n i i i s r y by practical experience.

Tests have already bepn mads to demonstrate the *iHriJtfy ef the American d e e i ^ .

The nombar of these war m a ^ n e s

nor can detaiia of conatroction be diaeuaaed. In a general way it ia aaid that a number o / American auto­mobile manufacturen ha«e ss<iirt»ifl tlM govcrameat in t h u work by tnm-iag aver titair plant^and arranging itflTthe mannfactiure of ctrtaS'parts . .

Meat Hsadinpa EttaUaatcd

trage," the decision going to tlie neg­ative.

The vesper aerviees continue to be one of the awet valuable instUutious of the coiicre. This quiet song scrv-toe w i ^ its special readings and vocai and iaatnuaental anmbars tt raHgiaws music is apea to all.

The college wcicomea <>eiy one who

time was called and the score was giating ofisciences mainly) at eitlier found to be a tie. Both clube decided institution; the next two must be to play three minutes longer, and tiio takoi at V. P. I- for the (fame nea t ta^ in vietary tot the eMi-mercials.

The Eastern "House of KepreaenU tivea" convenes next Firday nrith a numtter of .hitaresttng

technical work in agriculture; the fourth and final year may b4 at the WUIiam and Mary or the University of Vir-

night I pn ia in tlia atady «< adacatioDal meth-iMlla, oda.

educatioa. Seem-] tion and the Virginia State Board of Education, and now needs only to go before the Board of VTsItoni of the University of Virginia. Aa aoon aa formally adopte<l a director will be

ily two institutions appointed to put the plart in working^ o._- -?*>l i1ai i i ing ytaix. ' ""

e »vU-^'W At a

Medical Colle^'e of Virginia last w«aS7 it WU4 unaaimoLuly vottsd that womat should be admitted to that iasttto^ tion on the same footing

( C O Q - mef'Jag of the fatuity of the

which win lie aW^laUe c a m o t be dis-j would enjoy atiendiag.- It i s a short service from 6:46 to 7:16 and late ant ia plenty of time for churcii.

Hie anaoal Tbanlugiving banquet tendered by President and Mrs. Ko«p to the college took plaee Thursday at B:M ^. m.

Mr. Tomgston, the state student Y. M. C. A. secretary, addrvsaed the faculty and students of Eastcm Col­lege last Thursday evening, in the' iatarest of the ¥ . M. O. A., war fund.i

aoeh as "National Waman's Suffrage," «p far eonaideration. There will also be a number of bnmoreos talks.

The Latin-American Club will give its aftenuMo program on Sat­urday at 4 o'doek.


UMvcraity to Beaefil ¥y ISHflir ~ Hoffhcs Bffl.

fownd a way-hate a te daei^y w

^^^ - ^ r t L " « r n ^ r * ^ ^l*»* «''fl«W- >»««« * « ' " ^ ia?«|J»" gone to the at to crienknral and ^ I ^ S ^ B ^ ^ ^ L g J j ! ^ ^ ^ ' ^ B-lKaMT. J . Han i U i M , y . ^ | mechanical inattotiana. In Virgia i . . t icalar'nii^rtaaee ia ffitftiiey can «*• ' * * * T " * T ^ ^ T T * — — ^ " ^ — — ^ * — — * ^ * ^ — " ^ " ^ l«ti3nlyLC0Pit.nih_tfai taw Mtfayto

them, and tbey go thraagh harlMd w i n antoagtomeirta with B t t l e . ^ g -


state Rtechrfa^lte^ inrtB of Untiei Mm Ite-

tancd froiB Caaps.

l ^ o r t o tioin Cal^tnnia apd. othsr s b ^ ^ of Virginia men retfirned fram tlift trmfaiiiiy «»arap« t>ecaoae- of taber-. cnlosis a n ranatng^ ti>e VizgiaiB AatLr. Ttibereuloaiii Aawciatiba to re^ftgUa ita tfofto to ^owide Anda. far their msintananre ahd to inenaae tiie nom-

W s tate , beds l « r "Hie tahvca-S c v o ^ siddian .zet&x«ed to

rdar arith aoa-waa.

sumption, a b e a ^ aeveral trriantwrs have beaa retomad for thia eaoaa, ap-proximat^^ ana thoasaad' 9 a i njeeted by tlie eiamptiim baarda-aal a lnady drafted BMB a n befatg re-

ttMKmwpt, : _ T V n ia not a vaeaat bed for the

flig nsfcaf SQOpeoj^e. 'Tlialoeidi toria a n erewded. T%» State' j oat famia i ialiaii i i l i i t to aaenn ^ B a a a l beda thraoi^ flia

t k t fOtte mat kieai Thnagsh

Seaiaa fmsd-ariB ba-iraiaed ia the eoia»-Haa fnr/tha r a n af i the tonuuftocn baarua becaaae aa t^^

^eiSBKua ar the Ked €nm fhd; a larga pareaaitaga at the laHat

bnogfat to their aatiea a n by lubfi'i iihwii « iD orgaaiae far the aale s f

Bed-^Ooaa Seala, SO per eeat of the sale ia left to OM eooaty, if the pro­ceeds are suflteient to fniaiah e a n ^

Tvdre .eeaat iaa a z e ' l b a a i ^ iaed far the aale, Aogoeta, Bedtedi, Albsiaaria. Wiae, Pnga^ ABa^Hay»

w h o ^ fato of the war bemg aMe to cope arilh it.

Now,-with additaoBal dsatiujiai and other dBf t of tlM Britiah,_Fl«neh American aaviea co-op the sabaaarine aad arith the shaiC days and long ntfffato making U t i n t t.< in* s o r e and more difiealt, d o- p of frmkmgs have dwiaalad - 4 ^ tr><U indoohtKl effect* of the Oar-irucTW tr> keep this aas i

Incraascd scbttiHrine activity wovU »Iovr CT tr« -iivirt*tw>o ef »4^*.for '-fv rf»»or that uonruys wooid have tfi b» xncT*K*f^: onr of d«Bg«r wne» w-iifl -«"* aad other maani takm tr make the on cards , laH*T h«a4a , a t a i e - { tires «t ths Amencar. soiai^r* as safe. aiaaUL, a m sirrpcn. « « ! •

D a « « * e in snbmartw a c t i v i t y ha. « ^ " * - « » t W » . ' ^ the nffrt af pwmrttnur laaa elahorit* mit printmj ta «»• or two col

thaagh Uua. org. Sfttiafaetioa

prist-iag •rder haa baaa 1B«4 kf tW JaanaPg job departneat. S«c

to be made, <Mr work and ^et oor qvoUtioaa

- I ^ f c s s o r Charles G. Maphia, direct tor a x t h e aumme^ aciwoi and profes-

H«_ vividly p9rtni.y«d tb« vtfudhions . in 'a^^-jOtaeconda^ Jtdaeation, Univer-the war j^risoa camps, and net fo i |b .a i ty of Virginia, states that thar<i ia the great need of each one o< the every probabaliity that the Univernty stadento coatrfimtmg^ hia bit to the will receive the bencAt of the Smitlt-

Subscribe for ihe Journal, f l -d year in advance.

$3bfiO9fiO0 T. M. C. A war fnnd. On Friday evening Preaident and

M n . H. U. Roop entertafa>ed the mem-b e n of the facnlty at dinner. The ^able decorationa were of tiie nattowM eoton, aad after diaaer tlie eveaiag j^oi^riatioa to be iacnaaed each sne-was daroted to midair aad iae^MarjaaedUig year for a period ^f ten y e a n V n n t a . " | aad nntal the allotiMat to each ^a to - Daring ^ e - p e e t weak a number «l, is |10,000r

former atndsati haya baaa eiaitsan tt-

Hngfaes bill ai^ro^riating 1600,000 for vocational education in agr ienl ton at state instltntiona.

The bill inovides tSflOO for the atote of Virginia in 1917-18, the aanaal ap-


.^"tTlff iN so moderate a price as $35 wiH buy j ^ V a suit of Kirschbaum Evening Clothes.«..

with tfaifi 8C^ d e ^ Kister of its ail-wool"£abric.. 77 iB^ifie~easelifld^ shapeliness cf luxe I. . .with its Wealth cf fj3s custom tailoring..'., men naturally l0ok vpcri the we iring cf correct formal dress—not a a bardcicorne nece»ity^-but as an. admirable obnvention which it is a pleasure to obey. . . . .




' ^ '***' " iiv, i »n Journal tanassas rp»uiiH»n CTCBt ruvAJ AnmutooH sr

Tie laiasu )MnaI rikUbf C«., he. Elntered at the Pu«t Utfice Kt Mu>Ba»kS. Virgima, • • Second Class Mail Matter

(iown iBUMa vkwn titar foood tiM« t would lose money. Produetio* fell * at the tjme when it should h*»« been ' tB«t*unisr Now e«rt*fn >wttMi* • »

Sev.reUiry McAdoo'i imn^ncem«nt «"""='> ^''^'""^ '»*' »' »°y "*»"• ^*^ that w . * « not spending t i e coin of*""""""'^ ^ p.f»uU«l W i * « ^ the TMfaB vi th the c«r«le« abanaon j ^ incre"< ?"<=«>. t>"* "•


A griMt ttgh of relief jM«ti«Uy is­sued frora our 100,000,000 throats with


Friday, November SO, 1917.


whitk.' , jP^fl^ifttli at tb« ru L.

first were dazzled by the serie:i of O'l wUek made ii^ t ^ rtgfet httad CUIUHUW of our war estim&tea, and our r.lren.kl\ strained imagiilatioD* Buffered witr. the amazing set of tigures repreiMiit inj; the hich coat of Uviog in thr luoi-ily of the nation. And now, although we are accommodating oar faculties to the new problems of financial math­ematics, we are stirred with a (reat thankfulness that any • ! oar expcndi-tiir*-^ iiavc"faUen below the ni''r*m*m,

TjfySW' * ^ " mMimorr

^M hsflr im~ua^ in is«*r in titax-«MW, Iwt not th« «Mr-*MtQ(Ttetr-

t t t Ask yaw auchbor if yon Btajr Iteep

a bog and get jronr yeraut aftwiwwL

t t .t tlie e»»uiiUi— «t var .«Ui tlM T«»-

toB «1MM coKtafa 7B pat c a t ^ tlie


Having learned to think in iig figores, the vision of the future aeema to spread a never ending line of new necessities which auiHipIar the dollar marks faster t h ^ we eaa make th«m.

Part of UM Sastirtanr's itatewsnt. which WM bH«d W actual figtires, fol­io**:

"Vague and unfounded . appraben-•iona aeem to e:pst in the pobUc Kind as to the exteat of the ftnanrisl re­quirements at the United States dnr-inr the ctirraBt & n l year. It may ba helpful to the ewiaUy to iutuw that tiksas requicaaMata hav* baen graatly ^wcgarmtad ,and that in the judcmcot cftiw Secretary of tha Treasury HM** is BO reason whatcrar Jtm apprah«i' sii» on this score. TUa opinian is baaed npon the latest aa^mates «C oar ftnafirial neada. _

"The a p l S ^ a^aeaia^tba Saeowi liberty Lofm sbo<tiJfeiU^ tbajgwgto

eminent had kept hands off the situation there would now be suflkient cual to keep the people warm and prevent industry's wbsCU from stop­ping. The price BUght have been higher than in fonnar yaara, bat tha rise of price micht not have baan tita result ot conspiracy. Prkaa hava risen in many lines that are under strict govunmeotal regulation.

IVe food administration could well affard to overhaul some of i ta minor activitiss and curtail the ovwaaaloot-neas ' of petty rapraaentatirea. Tba

CkaiuaBT ia able to pot feataaB aiaa in^tba tUU for tha eeat vf a « iB |^ AjMcicaB soUta'.

t t t ^reyon ready to Icpd yoor a««pert

' » flar wnamittafa. .ia dhav|c^_o^tlia -Chriitnui liaa^, ' — -

t t t Qxmi Bcitaia baa baan spaading

. f7,0«iyMk » ^ m tUa «onalrr atoea tfat ilkdtad Stataa aateiad Oe var.

- : * • - • - •- ; . t- . . . t- . - . . . j i - . :^. . .^-_

handling of the nation's food aupi^y and the preventioa of shipmenta <rf food to the enemy has plished with skffi: There har very littla pnhiic inconvsoiaac*. Ia minor 'matters, howaver, paraoas speaking with the apparent antliority of the food administration hava e^tatad unnacesaafy attaationa ml acute-slmrtaga and idgb pricaa.

miE !I.Cf 9C :ca' 31


FIRST in Peace,

And First in the Hc irts GI hit Coun-tiyiiien



fully drtarminad and are-pre]


in fiompaitaon.. aotk^ Ifcft transfonnatiaa af tfaa United Stataa from a peaea to a war basis? Any American e«n find mapiratioa im eoa-~ templating the majestic spectacle «f his native country arming itsatf witb imsiatible was pons, with wfaieb to de­fend its liberty and Ufa. Aa tka traaa Uira ii^lKjtxmban~ and ~tha, oiaa leap from tha aartb ia[t«-roar&g fianaeaak Mi~ liBar~ wfaada % bcigadfi

aaotfoaa «< fauanrtoaT forti. and


ENGA9fcD IN SAME € A l « R The prescBce of Ameriean troopa in

Canadian eitiaa, wher* they *n par-tuapa&n^ nr thtf^fttrnt par»aas by|'

Put tt down in year xa^tbocHt, raalriy at^ewiaan win B

OD gapd



' ' ^ i ) ^ i t ,M.T..CRMrii

a Jaaaslum inatead <rf tradiiig

wUefa the Canadians are showing t b ^ entbauasm for tba Victvy loan, ia an avcftt of mere than ww-tina taaport-ane«. ' ft is a aign af tbr aeiglAorly feeting betwttau the American and

histariaa wiQ aat awirlaOk. tba« «.«aataiy tibara )aa

baae tara jiawaca eoatMHt

Far aMM paAoa

«bi$h di-

youMia eok>rs, the flaw* aad haparfaetiaaa of preparatioa are fwgattan and tb* glory af tbia nation is revaalad.

IQght and right are on the side tf tha Umoo. Its C^"C '<»^ *** ^""^ ^ joyaos becanae Itt eana w jaat. It


First in Strength^ Fkst to Supply Your Wants ana First for' -theliittt^tjof Ha,_. Patroiu

D yfim Umnrn-Vm

• Aeeoaat wHh m IB JfOW

Hie Nation^ Bank of Manassas

mma is A PROFESSION giBB-qf-tfae Na* W«fla.7Tt * » » « awocd bMH^ifrith rctribatiaa and kaaa wia^ntb . lliaaeahiwrdaf thWkMe will nOT«r enfoU ft oatB liberty ean gatbar hcv efaiUbran faer again'in peace arf'tiiBBiwai,



fortreasea mark tiia boqndary betweoi them, and no aoldian pat'wl iV—Ofr both - «Jdes of tfia Kite demoeraey nriea. npj nei^Kt aM»«t: »-iti>e j dwr.

to h ^ Uncle Aze y w wurk-

lag aa bard aa you arc physically aUc^ in yoor hoese or in tba buoneaa w(»i^ to fcecf a aolid comtry bdoad the b a y t i yraiiraT : "_-.

- — • * *

aiUanee for the dasliuitiaM «f aaftAC-:lw;0»d WcgM^

ti^ii *a ilae defclo^MBt of a daawciaty ia

OM New.—Kaoaas City T i n ^

Did yoa naU tba letter fraa Can^ Lae ia the laat isaaa of The JaonalT U B stiaigfat-faeward appeal * r the T. K. a A. srar And; anMteB by aM a< «iir ewB afldiers, is mora cempelbag tiMveBorxftrer dear ef

niauaaAiLvr ~ Have you maa b i t the dumb J proach of a Uttle flower, left leafless and U&laas bx the fizat wfater froat?

exh^latian, ^ lu tbe dii've MM tl»

mtjii^ji te BteMCdero laia. Mijwy*a wiij» jptjil^liwinw 11^ tnAuttry attaA Bi'e'y taak did

and thateault waa a gtaat

«f S milaa alo^jb frsat. Ewgtond'a fij^ttog men nei jhfled.^ reapg^Jp jijali^battte ery.

K is a ae^rce-et eaaiiftrfinw to re-' fleet aiat Oaae tasdcs.' whidi liayed such a large part in tha recent aDiel vietofyK. ana a» Amcciieaa

part m i | ^ *ave «eied-ita for winter cfaeer? ^ Sobbed of Jta warfii green Bfe. eadi ahriveled « t ^ is a ^peaking BHBU-mem to neglect, tbi tar^A w * i « wfaieb nature, aends a«t to the aua lost in the oMivioa ot^time, awdnpa bloa *m» Aided » « gafne \fSnm

o» Doctor, UDo* yotur d M mx^ l b » b — l o o l i

• ^ ^ • 1



W^ S^niTTai^iBiCflKrtl vV; ? i !i [•) C s:

^gm York dbMpevfb II wil pay jmi

Jt^tzJi proBn fe «oeitB, en

Gel K. B. Aftote. ef Irwabuig. Mi jimSgarfJ Heevat'* aqitbasaador in Virginia, baa f r i e a ^ :


did not taka part m the driae. i Imd a ha»d ifc A e aftdr aaj if lailillii i' to a part of tiw cradft.

Bat tiie aentiaaettt which s«a* tbe taidv aad the arfaatiyftu'wani to vie-tory ia tUs attack is uMiiapliilit I r the uiwHtattiai Jliat Tnijand mnnn-ti

I wmtaring pot, ar Uie " gheweri, •ra^tharad

te,ti|^4«ee" -w^tf-«-«i^'«Kt«l^^ -rtkb gaaz«B^

iaed *A peter Babbit te


cording to at aMeea AeM 4be ie<>b»«at iwairead

"Cettaateila can 7 better ia n b U t pie

rew."1y ^

t i^-i

and old. a»d teaaar eari fuimer state witfi t»e gave tfaem glVVallL

ia i t f •preaeb J|fc[^^ gpeala? Or a warning Miglit Have Baa?


fpf tta

tees tbe-ntehtifciaili «« The aaaae epiift

daar te t&S lfir-ital>«^«^ tbe for aQef

S f

Bra is tba viciaae art a<, C M «f the laMat iriBch

gg)r attatttioa l i the le-; that tbe Uaited

mvDMK 'KS 8TAB8 AMU ^gtffgtH It tk» ymt preperktjone -ei

Uaited Stataa are.jparreyeii iti~ and'with lefarence to the and to be attaiaad, ratbar thaa mimitely aad

to the laaaMr of pro-i aaiM te be peedigieaa

te tpiilL


aiaB to ^ Ua doty, wb Franae laeka

. * * * '

Stataa l ^ l ^ r *» •f^ST?' S ! ! ! ! j ! With «1 it. taalta of ineaperi«>c* fai depaaitta.banka.wtebtfce Secre tary^^^ A»a«iea ia An l Turn TtetoBT was qefckt» give p e b - ; * * ^ , 7 ^ i . ^ T ? l ^ ^ fc fciri. ^ a gevwaw-t ^ p a w » ^ eeoflesata <«* Mway^ de-}

ae>i la Adee^ and agaia faafead fee aMihv ••M> * •-'--')

t t t I The war has not dimmed Saperin-

taodaat McDanaM's aaarrhMgiit v i s i ^ , f the eourty achool systiBi- A visit ta the recent eenventiei^-*< teeAasa. which barely miaaed a « a U i a d i a i i record of 1 » per cant, weald have e o ^ ^vbm>d the w>aA skeptieal that the w -panntendcnt. tha boards of tnwtaw and the teafhwa thiswghnnt t h a n n m t7 sra bewiiag every Hrort towwd ^ i r ' — r of better citiiens. phyeicaQy,

IIU!!T. IndiMtrially. morslly and Some -«-i- !*»k» irood sal-

wUte otbars of ertiwme aaHIMj a w weB teMOKd execotam. Terhairel wacfc is mdl advanced; iadi^tiy ia «m^ fiiiailat itaaM edtb i a d S t y to tha BCMta «f tta gonrenuDeot; \ h e aa-

t iaa^ 9*«M I i i l i i ' ^ ""iii^ "» army aad M v y Ufa with quick adapt. ahtUty. Tat tba wwrfc of eraetiag

u i i fETbalaaee. bat fUR tST^tBl*. dom of Uteir «e«nt7y ia

b a b w d with tbia aBiea aie hHlafiM \titn:k will satire ooty to hetghten their Obstadea wiB iaapie* tbeat to aff orta. TIMT ^ « net flglrtiag

»^ a war lai< lor of the empire ft mm m

9 i

esmiUsa. fert

' cry to ttlR

spirTtaa.lv dier» rf 'cr\* wwr (!»• ,r» will t*1?» ti>f niac».« . S o ha-rt !en crn; it^e *«* Hp4«»ia .the

tae wMoie poptiiat.J'"'r: the eff'^n expcnviwl ^pbKh i» iMceasary •hip.

M tne

IF h>in.lef>e .i «:xi wi.. f* t*tte: for \r. tr>e tr;'!' :'-.L'

to (rood citjxen-

is I.L rfnii i a r t at tage is tafcMaf th bed ea*i«pa. The jii^eeitkm is to WiiM ap a war laaiiiif naachiae by

gaaisms iastaad «f cieettog tpeeiBC iiieihsiiiiiiiii

Or>* of ihe n-.a'..!*-* that crjas for admstment :? -c .-..r.iTol of fnei. TSe sw»aiimitut n-j«« tr» Tjnos •< cwol «»•( iaw. That one mistake ha* throws i ri»—t b ^ a y x-r- -^«i «--Aj«tioTi rvjt ''•f rear And eri-ugh to 4 r yei tr-rf-At 'Tu to .i»lr>cst* th* «r#«r.ma>i;n? ear.T-ind-jJtn rai!rti»rf transnorUitK-ir.. t.le S.*-» '> ••• n'^iprme protrrsm. ana tn* r.aiiy :-.f» ,irw?itoi«Ti r.r-rr:

" of the peop^r •Coat opera tun cluswi • before •7hiUlma»

daza—I aae Cya«Wp

aad ft^ B k . .Oos»—Yea;


III b t t e N H i k v af

is teal « •


• T '

! = #

course. I and cartp

3C aoc aai:


»'ir-rv» r-.-. ;-V- I I IBM IIJT --TH« MAyAgS/IMOWINAL- FRIDAY, NOVfflOm St, 1917

- " i T r - r -

BRIEF LOCAL NEWS -The AuvUoa iiri4y« Qub w*a •&-

- W i l b u r Patton, of Caineiville, and tftw l i" ^ ftr^— -riacipal of A B O U T P E O P L E W E K N O W Noah A Haltemian, of N'okeiviUc,! Manassas Hi^h School; Miss Lulu D were sent to Camp Lee Tuesday by' Metz, head of tjie domestic science de-

t * r t . i a * d T u e * d » y e y e m a « b y M t . * D d ' * ' '"^^ ^"^ for Prince Wiiiiam) prtrnentT Mr. K . W . Sandmi. ugri- « « WilMette W y ^ w ^pendinr the Mrs. O D Water*. ^ ^ (county. Young Patton will be atcred-^ (Cultural dire..-tor, and Mr. D. J. .\rring:-1 holidays with fnenda m Washington.

—Raymond CarrolH the iafant aon tor cotmty, Mont^av,'MMI yoting Uai^tclKtoi boarj. art utieinjinx' the state

Mr.. 0 ^ r » . Jaekaon » k ^ ^ '"^ ' • ' iMgjIk Li J l " "' ' N p ^ P ^"'-"•• - ^L.^JT J ^ ' ^ j i .u^.n.. , . , . - ^ iW=W|»:<*

improving. pn ia . .

Hiss Pauline Cirter Thaxuijstpvui^; at bet

Is 8p«mitng' e near Min-

CM rnp j —^he Pnrice William hoys a. ^ Lee have received comfort U K S Mr, and Mrs. M. M. Washjnjfton, of

- O n * of the Prince Will«B. poul-' —Rev. Harwood P. Myera, pastor I'"'•o'JKh the Manassu CUpter of ihe' ''^'^"«"^''' " » « Manaasa. vuitom 'American Red Cross, The last ;wo 1 J'^*'"'**''-

'^ Miss I>olores Manassas and th'( remainder of l.'it; bags were shipped to Sergtsant Kred-erick H. Cole for distribution. About se\enty bags were contributed by the. Rev. CKO W . Crabuee, of CatJett, letdiea of the community, Mrs. J

try.fiiib'bojn hma aold a BairMl Rock | of tite Methodist Church at Onancock,, co^Mr^, a t r w raanthi an^niae day*' Aocunac county, has been aaaigned by conUngents were supplied as ihey • l d , f « r | 4 - I the conference to Camp Lee. Mr. " '^^ '^* ^

Myers probably will woric under the - M r . Kaymond J. Davis, who is em-1 ,^pi^ ^ the Y. M. 0 . A. Mr. Myers

ployed in the Manassas post office, is -„d his family after a visit to his pa-oenfined to his home on Grant avenue'

Taylor, of PhiUdel-pnia, lb the guest of her cousin, Miss Maode Hall.

this week with an injured foot rests, Mr. and Mrs. W, S . My«rs, of |i^..,..ff.._ iigve retuijjed to Onan-1 Lyon being^in charge of the work.

y —Manassas Chapter, United «»«^ ** prepare to move to P;etersbiirg. The giiia" sewing society of the Man-~—Ti iTaV,*^^ >> *U- /V.^/^,J^>., - J n L^' '^ ' niisae Industrial Seheel hae aaaiMned - T > a u g h t « , of t b . Conf«ier«:y. will be, _ M U S Ellen Katherine poy , daugh- r ; ; ; ; ; , ^ , ; ; ^ ^ ; ; ^ ^ ; j ; ; i „ ^ ^ , .

( — , ,-, y p. was a calier at the home of Mr. W. J

entertained at the home of Mrs. Al­bert S ^ d e n , on Battle street, Wed­nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

—The monthly meetihg of the offl-oen and teachers br the Presbyterian

Ashby last week.

- Miss Alice Metz, principal of Cst-harpin school is spending the holi-j days at her home here.

Chnreh, Alexandria, R « T . R . H . Bart-SsDda^ Schoel will be "held at' the '•**• brgther-fa»4aw of the bride, of-chnid> Wrtawday avwilim at 8:30' *c'«ttng; Miss Mane Stndds, of Alex-e'eloek, after the weekly pray«r ser-flee. 1

ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoy, and LJJQ„ Mr. William Ado l^us Langley, both of Alexandria, were married Wednes-, ^ - ^ ^ e evangelistic ^ m m i t t e e day evening in Trinity Methodist G ~ " Method«t church recenUy met « r ' ' * ' ' J « ^ ^ ^ ^J^._... . , * _ j _ . - „ _ n TT T.-_i with the pastor to consider the hold- **"• C. M. Horton, last week.


Qf Little Miss Ethel Breeden was the

—Mr. - C. A. Montgomery, eounty fMUi daiuumUaliwi t e n t , atleuded a mrOing of the iijuii<(f Hient* aleng the K. F. A P. imiboad, which was hcM at Frederieksborg dtvinar the

andriaj, was bridesmi^ ai)d Mr. Wil: liain Clyde Benoe, of Manassas, was

t ipsn —— ^ j

> (inlet wedding tnnV plafis Vo.

k a r y KKzabetk GiU, of Hay-market, and Mr. Eppa L. Butler, of M s n s i w , trere married here Wad-uMtt l tit 8 W . g . Q. Borr, pastor of C^aee- MetheJfai Epiaeopal <;iRB«h, r e d d i n g mnsie.

vember 15 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Flohr, in Vienna, when their piece, Miss Eva Ann Shriner be-ea»fe the bride of Mr. Landoa Robert Mia«- <a OaktoK. Mrs. E. W. Flofar bride, were matrwnjnd maid «t lieBor. Mr. E. W. F l e ^ , eooain of the bride, was beat man. ICsa Xaona Miller,

giwBi Frir lT n r - = A r wenty-one inches in

Iwyth and wri^hiaf el|tht «Bd a'tiali radiah 't

Bias a t the bona <rf. Mr. and Kif. pounds is o* exhibition in the windows Va^mmAV^OtatmA 6y the Epmartfa rf-ni JoomaL It i s <f the' Sakora-L M ^ of Graee M k l ^ e t ^ E p i a w y l j t a i variety, and is said to r«t»mji C h a d ^ SantL. Afee«t flflj nialhbwi ^nraet flavor In spite of i t s enoniadiis

"^ , I size. T U s giant pcodoct was gzofwn

Lydia Tomk Piettyttaa. ^ Mr. L. B. Strother' on his f a r «

maft ir tf T^ r F^r^ r P . . r t t v m ^ ? ^ ^'^^''^^ " * ^ ' f ^ *° • • . . . - •-^——-^^^tj^fa;, "Twirhi' M""**** W M a a d w hw Mr. W. 8.

Smith, of'CaBova.

P 0 d a y o f a t 9 « p t a q r -i « e ymn oUL

^ ^ « i « W » - — C l a z o K e W. W a g « » , who for

with the pastor to consider the hold­ing of special evangelistic services in Sergeant Rodden, of the camp at St. I the near fture. After thotoaghij fdis-JA^ph, near Del Ray, wax a meat cussing the matter it was Mani- g u „ j , y , t ^^e home of Mr. S. T. HaU. I moosly decided to hoM'soch a meet-{ [ iog- Taking f o r ' g w i t e d that the { Mr. and Mrs. J. ^L. Breeden and cKurehea «f Msnsusw and vicinity will follow their lunal eastnm of obsesving the Weric of Prayer early in Jannary-it was decided to follow with special services a t Grace. It '•ras left with the' pastor to secure some one to-as­sist in the preaching.

—Among the-'graduates of the sec­ond officers' training camp at Fort Myer were four jwnng men from

^ ^ " 5 ^ _ ^ ****"• '••*'''**^'tprince William County, who were com qiiissioned as follows as follows: Norman A. BnrMeyi flainesriUa, osptain, wgnnl corpa; Chaunrffy M-fare, and Francis A. Hutchison, Man assas, first Ueatenanta^ in&ntry, ami Boevdl E. Roond, secood lieutenant.

s o e o f LlenL-'«nd Mrs.. George C. Bonnd, has been asaigned to the regn-fer ariny—11th esvafary^ PnnI A. ShafVflfnrd, «rf ^twnington.

flSe y o m i g e r — M t : J. L. WIQiants, of Brentsvtlle, on ••ath-&«Ht^«*eniie,

mlnioned,first UeotemSt, iafaatr:^.

—A uaioii- ptayer service will b^

the past fiftoen*»<»>ths has' been con- ^^ .»* * • "^^f*^, ttnnA t<«prro#

-T*.«g«l*rm-«i«o#tl«.««ty »«*- with the Jdvartiaing ^'^^r^tZ^^J't^fJ^i/fH^ ch«A«r rf^ A « « w i i r ^ ^ W meat of fte Allen MotM- Co., Fortwia, 2^^«S^*««^ God fOr His Bleee-

will b. hdd MMtd.7 « ' « ^ « J=» ^ ^ ^ ^ Z ^ t S Z S , »^l"^ «» '^^t^"~^ vJ^^.

^ti:,:^!?** '»^^^,i^^£ ss'^tJis^ir- *^ rsj* -^ •"• -argedtebeFNMHt. . t , ^ Motor Tiitk-hd Wa«o«,G«.>1K.'^^- "Homa." H«v. AttonI JWIey,

AB)ertBtafa;«fB*tt«4feanee, Ohk>,_wlioK aalea aad iwtm- y!**Vl[ ^ ^"^^^^ C^n^; ._•- -"=a -. p^ |-<jhBrefa.- Hwr. H. g »BW>, aaamiTTrf

iaahoMt<a«kJh»ok«.&l. iariaiOhio. . "~ j?»ff ^l!^^°l!!LJ^**^' ^ * ^ J-<7lylfi fBmmnnis yftwgMt am rf.Pgia, Taetar af"TrWty Bpiacagri'

'iSk € . &. StiiwiMiw aad w-reeeak sHOtrClcHa^ .««if r. Artu i f UaM " - C * ' ' • ' • „ * . . . "' "' "•'"•' t Bate at the Msnawist H i ^ School, haa' Meaaifk, pastor of

- - 4 h « i b ^ / Gbavaa,i*ho h i s teM a a a U s t l A hi t t e Madieal CMpa, U n i t a d | & ^ militarv jnatrnetaar in the navr. has States Army, and is faj»«iiiing « t | ^^j^^^^^ B>«4y

and was pjptuineatly ideatOed witli „ ^ e«t hantmg near the banks of

has been teaching in «be ( X f t e i school *'**/^*** ' ^ * * ^

—Miss Both P. Snilth. d»li^>ter of aZ AA^Hr^JZllZ ^

Ray^faond S ig in #iduiMtid eos apisiMted -a of .the statfe to t

^ * ^ ^ j **»• raa wJ>«" t h ^ a«»^*» «a«wrfli«r ' I n j e c t s wrestfing in tite water. ^Mr.

for stfvetal years^ has naigiied' *»nt ~ ^ - .^- >t*S''f><»d RaticUffe attend- Merchant soon mcognized t ^ aqoatie pesitiea iind wlB i e a d i ' t i » ^gfaUi <d a a»eeting.in<|dtawsid We<fatesday*ania>ala aad after sMarmaaenvering grade * l BWBWt fleiHWl, M M m w * . , P* eoainutteos a p y i r t e d ia eaelt ei^f, the' two guuaAs upeued-fira:—Onr-of

^^ . - land cooo^rof (be slatfe to take «^ncge-tSe animals dropped into the water - • c a s r s . ^ / ; S . Hynson, U T. of, the local work o f the War Savings and tbe other escaped. With some

„ . . . _ f l i * * ^ < w % > M . J. st^o^sQdCarttAcatiMampaigBvHikiJt 4iffiealtir« the.l«nd«Fs d r M K ^ a r t a a > R B . a « i a d s r s a B d ^ J ^ O | 4 * e * - * r *,» teiaehe« on: I t a r i a y . The iWg « « % <»t(g l b e i « t * iriS h^agfat

-Mmmnj^tetMLirnvtumiU U Urtti laaeUuA was addwssdi b f CoL Thomas 'ft infe' Manawis i TAeri-^a tt^ledncMght and powarline to their M . McAdams, stats diwctor, and Ben-! v«W»d of its vidaable fur. ' ' n n i K eenaetfag^witfa the ta«»pf i laA.Bet tCi«Mler . of Washington, a mem-j „ • ^ ^. . , ^ „

• ^TT-J tZ/ iT i j v L 7 w > ^ J ^ ^ = ^ — — M I S S Catherine Poyen ^.ocng -Mis . E s k a Colpaaa Slid M s * ! ^ « ^ . ^ S g ^ * * 1 " » ^ ? « ' ^ - i d a o g h l ^ a f l f a . and ^ . Roberta >a T k s a a K « « » t h e bei^esses a C ^ ^ * ^ * * T i n i i i j i F i i i i O i m l icodBih, e r * » a f l a i a ^ iad Mr. Hob-

a jiarty givaa WedaeatUy eveniag ^ _ M r s . Faany ; Beckham Barbour,!«« P. aobaoa . of PnkaWirt, Ky.,


family Bp«tt the week-end with Mrs Braedsn's psreats, Mr and Mss f i-M. Hortoa.

Mr. John H. Nelson, of Washington, was. the week-end gaeet of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ABiert Speiden.

Miss Clara. Carter ' spent several days last Mreek With her cousin. Miss LiUa Ashby, while attending the teachers' mstitate.

of MISS' East Lyane "WiUiams, Btut la i i t l i , l f s I u>ui'mJ fi uui. tOoded visit to relatives aiid friends i a t k e V a S a y .

is that a man shall be judged by hl efficiency, by what be accomplishes, and nut by what he claimH ke cae do. Not always but usually his ability to

"liicoomplisii la jdJlKed by the care he uses in con­serving his income, his a^umulation. This bank

. c^iaDy wdcomea aecoonts of earnest men, men who realize they C M U aceoaqtUsh more if they OB|^ haiajptul, . .-

H K Peoples National Bank OF MANASSAS. VA.

OurSlogm; "It SXpleaaure toserveyou."


Miss Faooie WiQcoasb, of HopaweQ,' is the gOwt of her • i s ta i i , MmMaJKate and Hattie WiDeoxoa, a t tbeir betaa

spent.the week-end with his aen-ia-Iaar | tmd daagfatar, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. FWK, Of C n l p e ^ . -

Mr. u d Mrs. Ralph E. m U ; of Chattaiaooga, Tenn., aM gststn at^ibs-

- Miss >raoini Bashoeg, of Wood stodc^ is tiie guest ot her -aaek and i

I, '

iaKHe^ a f f c i a a t aad M i s . W r g W w n i l " ^ ^ ^ * ^ - ^ ; : ^ ^ ' ^ : - ^ ^ ^^ ' ^ ^ ^ * C n t H a s B g ^ - n f TtttsbBrgh, Pk.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hedrlck aad «hfl. Mertiiant, i s Battle^ sW est. ~

Mrs. Carbfai T h a n ^ s o n , of Wood-d o n t ^ . and Mra.'M. J; Bashoac, on bridgs, aocompanisd by hai- daagMer, Fairvww av«nae.\ Mias Maiy TiMMBfseo, aad Misa I^na ,

M ^ m . Baymond Floraace, ^ u d e i ' " ' * * ' " ^ *** Maaaasas'Tuesday. Hixaon, Edwia CoekrdI, Worth OteriBs Missea Mary and Kathertaa Larida and Misses Yfttm Aahlity and Psiaiiasjfaava r e t a a s d f ^ m a «sn d a j ^ stay Carter attended the oyster sni^sv a t Catlett foiday night.

Mrs. H. C Linn and h»c daot^iters, ruii..^ a, .^u « ^ ^^Yipiff^ Trtan, i f

were gnssts of l i n k Uan'a hioftai' in-law a s d nstSa, Ifr. mad Mn-ti. K. t e w i r

in Gnlfepsr, when they.-Mm—ths l^agBtrnfm. sad Mrs. W. T. Itoda-sor —Msssrs Irving and

of WsahiugtiBi, siul Piwiaa MaHaraf QnnftleQ. of. tiMir sat" ^

ThasdcagiviBS W. .H . W. M»-

, - _ i

Mrs. Wiiiiam H. Dinges, of Middle-town, is the guest of her son-in-law aad daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. L . BcaAong, a t thrir home in East street.

Mrs. S. T. Hall has rctomed from ! i _ t h n s waislcs' visit to her son aad

dren aad Mim Gectrvde teddath, e< CeTSay. warn waak-end goarts of M n . HaWdt^-paxaats , Ifr. aad Mrs. & T. E a S . '

Mr. « a d Mrs. E. L. Bobertson aad .thdr littla danghtar,' Shirley, of

Kaai, U * IFiaiting M n T Sobartseo's awthsr, Mrs. L. V: Sfafr-lay.

to VoBday, aXBr ^ e a d i B r ~ t w a

m Otaffssid f w w ^ wttb U a daa^rtw, MA. I f a m y Ki&tay. Mis .

sa rt

The Flower of FLOURS M Mr. « d ] 6 a . Tbomas.F.


—A Ghristauts ruggeathm: i H s / Jooiaal one y«ar for eae doOar, be-«e»e the price" goes ap . "flenas af

widow irf the iate Jaates Bsrboi^, <fied «<BK laarrted November 15 ia Grace Satarday at thebonie of | iar'aeiyHfla. | * j ' « « l " * Q i m A i t The Plains. The JotiTSLfiiSad^^atJlairfait. SBAmm* • » « * w a s ^ v e n in ms tr i i ge -hy Iter boried U^aday ia the Barfaoor l d | ia fUHtf. Bet- atteadaaia were W ris-the Fa ln iew eessttsry, a t Ca^eptr, ter, Mrs. MaUe Rabertasa, ef^Itaymar-wbcta fte had S|pcat aMSt «f her iifa. ^^ • a t r o a of boMr. a » l the follow^

rvived by three daagfatars b « hridssnaids. Miss OUve Rage, aad twiQ seas. Mrs. J i . t e - r r B S . > " f c . - ) A » s l a c h i a r i a . n a . : M a s Mary Rsb-

Mr WilKanr

VfriMLliva* aia, and a tcvthsr, Capt.


^—woousUKJi,^iKcasMiig ana sev* ataiaCbar tawas ware wi thoi i aleetoie

it Boariy twa days last

t ^ ^ » - y q g , , Mias Mary Aader-Eaaton, Pa.; M i ^ Harritf Lee

Try it—you wiD want more

Fleauns, Mrs. Edward Tamer aad Mias Cora Lee Cochraa. sister of the

-bwds ,aBaf ThsPlahis J i t t l e M^ses KHiahath ndaker and U: lay warn rAtben glzlB and UtOt « B S | Hwriet Garter was lawar girL ^ i

WaamUmr' Rtdf^j

Alezaadria, the Nstisaal JfaSaU ^Coal Mstchanta'

a t tfcs •m FhOsdelpUa last wask. ^ ^ " ^ l ^ n i ' J ^ ^ ^ u T L I Z : " * ^ " " ' * " ^ ^ ^ P«t ty .« f Lax

Coal a « f«« SB part, e* the Ua45«» 2 S l l * 2 ^ t J r ^ ! Z ^ l , ^ ^ <».<>. ,mA f^^-A. — ~ • ^ ^ tamasa, was waae cboppsag down trass w j _ « _ i n . - i , _ 3 t « ^ •ad C a n a d U P m j B m a t - [ . t e i a g t h e night 0 . the praperty of " ' ^ ^ " ^ ^

—Liaat. Percy S. Haydca, w^a" has Major C^ M. Bana i . t r a T d ^ f r r i g h t | ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ befn" ie"neaily~ IH ia tte ai iaf~liea- 1 *8—* of the S s a t h l i B a H w ^ , H t t y - ^ ^ — ^ - y pital at Fort Leaveawwth. Kaas., i s «ne of the trots fid tbajwroag way,' ^ | ^ said Ita .ha. JniUiwlug s h a l j . " ffla^*"**"* •!***•* *'«'••• Major ftwamf brother. Mr. MairiaO Haydoa, wha- «>*•""'««< tbatj i is waodlaad property ^ B A W H < I S s s n a a » M V X S K S has been a t his bedside, H g T v ^ n<- was beiay aystassaticaUy robbed r* " " ^ * " ^^^ " M ^ O. r . mttma »tives in ^the wast bafsae s s O n f a g . . ^ * * * . i iriaiiwshlyjKr t tcwaod, ai home. i he has aMaetiTas sa QHTIKSIL ^ ~


—Tht first real •''•'• Tnenday

Hn to f a s abase 8 e ir, idnigbt, tbe

• '" ^ i joat ' u i -"f- RHghUy

vttiM'. sad moat ef the • ft^*red.

'—rrad €•*«, of Mr. A Mr

« WeodM4|«i


.11 ;•

of the ilakes be- ** ***• *" M. Ca»e, «t Luray. -wssj -MIB. Sasah Keslsr Myers, neinety-

\^ bart>ed to*death early Sonday mom-^foor years otd, d M Monday at the w a s whits " * " " ^ NaksBvOa. He Isft U s j b o a e of her saa, Mr. Boyd C Myers, a i l balws ^ " * ' **. ^ f " ? . * j ! * " ^ tiaM.JWh tolia Wsshingttaw after a bnof ataeas.-

M - •-"' *•••* ft* Mr. Vmme^fo^tT, who* aba-was bam iB-^Mmsyivsina and had^ has dis- ^ ' • ' * * *** Greenwich faad, three spent -the greater part of her hfe' at

^mflsa fwaa Nokesrille- Yoong Cavc'WooAridga, Priaee WiOiarn c o w t y . ; t s i fraes L f a y - P i i i w i a l sui 1 Ishs wera held at Oeea-'' cahin near th* quaa.

rnpo in Washintrton Foster honas when'thf buildinp caa)rht Mrs, My»r» ;s «amT«v-: b\ :»o <«on* > ' p nf th« bride's firr. Hi? m-nps' •- was amu.sed and on* dsufrhtsr. Messrs Bov! •'

' • •• "• iLf\ Mr. ,1 vijt on<= r.. ,.<h , . 1* fta/nes irxi fc-KSununp

We have a nice stock <rf ^ te foHowkqr machinay that we are in a podtiofei to offer you^n^ good iMrice:

Com King Manure Spreaders, Hoosier G>n^>laiiters, Uoosier D r ^ a n d Lime Sowers, Webber Wagons,

Mogul and TiUp EnMnes-(i%riyi-'fr^^^' 4* ^' ^ ^ Plows, mtemational PiyoC~

- Wheel Cuhiyators. Deering Rakes, Mowers and^^^ndors

HAYDOCK BUGGIES ~ ^ Pnmrose and Sharpies Separators

!An4.,ann»har young ru'» R Pitkin and Mr. Clay were slaepinir in ••

ifK-. 1 ottr. ial,. •" J V" r '.. niP

:- rv«-.3t .. •'' ••^•r.^y.f^c:. Mrs. fletrhrr ; a> :r.:i .!- '•<•- -.-"i ' .;• . -<>r»» >e»r* at . W.f -i^iai; .1 :L'- ^^U. Hownrd P i>od!re. nesr -Slarasia*

r .V, Mr*


M a n i a s Feed, Supply and Implement Co. * Ei /ERYTHING FOR T H E F A R M -

T»y Wff«iav fnr hur^ai -: ' '<>tv-f-«}rtr I


Crovt , , . . 2.00 W. C. Utttem, judge and r e t

P- k> .LOO T R. GaHeher, clerk and TTT^. J. R. Gallaher, clerk and r. r..

T. F, Athey, win« 36.00 Cli«pt«r No. 6,74« Lev Colbert, same 19.40 "Beport of CondiUoa of t t e Pasptcs NaOijeifl JPr. Wnj. Pharmao . 4 y B » » ^ . M « | "* Vu ,u4a . at UM ClM^af i b u i a c u oa NaTitpahet j i t jg l?

Occoquan Ihat, K«ad Fuad. , » ^ j . RESOURCES. o. J ,, 1 -i. 1 J . .« ,» 1- • Louru and discounta -. . Stanaard Uil (>., oiii and ga». .» jW- lO^^ Qiteidrafta, uii»ecur<»d..

^WiH n imn, work on road (use ^ 5. U. S. bondi (other tban Liberty Bonds of li»17 2.00 • J. L. Da»»on> .j_ .^JWL • ^- ^- twit's deposited _Jo a«carc circulation

ia tikc S U U BUSINESS L0CAI5 3 ^ 3.60 •

day Momiac*

The reifular meeting of the county board of supervisors was beld at the courtiiouae Tuesday morning, the fol

0 . E. R. R.

$230,621.78 Fire C«nts a l i n e FiraJ TnseHIo»^~ Three tieirts SuUaequftt "~

Kibler, clerik . . . •. 2i»0 i Smith, clerk 2.00'

A. B. Rost, Judge and re t p. b. Haymarket . " . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00

W. L. Heuaer, Jodg* ZM lowiiitc members in attendance: J. L. j Thos. Meredith, same 2.00 j Dawson, Occoquan district, chairman; J- G. Wise, clerk . . .• 2.00 J T Syncox, Dumfries district; T. M.J G. G. Brady, same 2.00 Kuaucll, (j jiea district; McDuff Green, Town of Haym. r. r 1.60^ Brentsville district; O. C. I|atchia<m, Gainesville district, and 3. T. COIUIM-,

H L. Tabba was directed to buy lumiMr for floor «t bridge over Staf­ford run and have same pot in, re­porting cost to board for pajrment.

J- I<- DawsoB «HMHnted a commit­tee to advise the North American Fiber ProdueU Co., that the paint ordered by tite bo^rd is unsuitable 'r^ of no value, and to arrange far Ha re­turn. , - ——

Clerk instructed to draw warrant for fiafe m Special Road Fmul In fa-vor of B. C. Comwell to meet the last

Dawson, loan to nent Road Fond ICOjO*

Special Road FnmL^ T. R. Galieher, took and

spikes • 7.7* Marshall Slackwell, work on

bridge 8 J 0 M. J. Keyes, piece of steri • 1 ^ A. M. Allison, rq>airiag read

picks and drag 2.60

_, (par YiilMa' .^^^H

L. B. Pattie, juflge, Cttharplq ZjOO^Kr A. Taylor, repairing bridge P. S. Buckley, same .*. '.. 2.00| and lumber and hauling. 7:'. " 9.W O. H. Akers, same - . — T T T T . . 2.W. i f r f c Tubbs, repait'i and-worir—

payment on the Coles district traetorj -A.. S. Robertson, same order for warrant for $398.33 <m Special Road Fund, in favor of the National Bank of Manassas, for tiie last payment on the Dumfries district tractor, bought of the Comwell Sop-ply Compsny,— — - _ \ ^

Order for warrant in favor of JC. H . Ratcliffe -on accoTznt of D m n f r w dtl-tztet fnad for 4 S M t»^Me»t 'p^ w>lla for road improvemeat in town of Domfifu. (Met toe warrant in fa-•er of C M. Ratcliffe, payaaaatar, on. account of DuiudMas district road fim^ <Dr.t909 to meet pcymwita for main-tfurnncn wotkon road bet#^en Neah-•CO e r e ^ and Dumfries; amount to be refanded ma eertjficat^ en joint state and eeuu^y inalatwiaiHT fuad atg i»^


Viaeeat Kinehdoe appointed to vpen read fcaAtg^ttom tlie Tdegraph roa^ to Chmxj BiU CBtnbejr'ft.^^ieatioB), jAfaa O. C»we, •fcew*«<«'^ appefatad,

- tar ing advised -tiiaK he -was vaaUa to attend. t« the wta^

Order fov wanwtt in favor of T. S. KnDeB tpf ItftO, op; acewart of gpedal^ Jtoad Fund, to be depoaited ,jn:tiia

R. W. Crouchrderic 2J00 W. A. ^ w e i i , SUM . . . . . . . . . tJOO & T. Comwdl, judc* awi dd.

p. b., OCCOQUUI , . . . . . ' • . , .« . H. F. Slack, judge aiid.^, r. ^. L. T. Carter, judge . , . . . . ' . . . . E. S. Brockett, judge . . . . ; . . . E. Z. ^ i ^ r n , clerk •jkHten-" " ' ; tuns and B. W. Storice, I

Bank of Oceoqnan on aeomiat «< aqad

Onier Aw"

4 Dawaoa ea Oeeoqaaa distnet remd, fond for $150 to hr^ii^iod in psy-ncnt Off mainteaipee ^ janw^fnt raid i s ' "'" "^~



Centjr Kejrii I'gtMiaTt^ „

, /^«ille.jre«toct» Ifay jmd Qet. Wit .." '...". ^

sir. B. Kcxiin, same, ' Aden, May, « 1 7

« . « . tkMoiB, SBBM, HMeriidir May and Oct, 1917 . . . . . . . «.80

• ^ ^ — I f , i M . ^ — ^ , j - » '

t w y ja. ssevae^ JVBse Ham, Graemich, Nov..

'Virallacc Wood, ~ H ; T L Birf^7 —^^it^^pSB'booS~77^:—.•..., 4/>o

J, W. Effis, ekrt ! 2.0* » . B. Mayhngh, same 2.09 Cbaaawich Coon«a Ma. 32, p.


1917 2iX> 2^0»

- * ^

i B . Harpine, jJife, NokesviUe. A. '* . MdOitaeC uim» ... M. A. BoDina, sax)*; * ! ^ ***

turning poll bo(te . . . T . . . . . R. G. West, judge ...._ H. C Allen, judge W. H. SwaSkr W. B. KmVm, 3. L«. -Sraam, M. A. Baa.d«rk .

- M. a KaiHWi-riar^ " J. L. BnasH,


. J.JIL Keys, same K. M. CalvwX jndg*

Uu'uing poU R. H. Keys, J. O. Dnffey. M c ^ B « ^ M. C. Suthard, aama X. B. Forayth,-aM»_..iii£:-W. W. Fritter,* ft . - • • -Bea Lava, jadgo.



IM 2.46

Howard Haialip, clerk and let. p b . 4UX)

C. t:. Lynn, clei i | 2.00 SUnewall CeoBcil, r. r. 1.60 S. T. HaU, Manassss, jndgy and

ret. p. b 3.00 W. E. Tnuder, judge . . . _ . ^^ ZM, F. XL Sji^baugh, same 2.00 P. X. Lipscomb, eleik 2JOO R. M. Wate>s,.sa»e ^...- »M^

. on grades 4.31 G. A. Gossom, iiauling and

placing troasing leg . . . . ' . . . 3.13 H. L. Tubbs, sal. as supt. roads

to Jan. 1, 1918 40.00 W. R. Hookar, to be used oik

road freai Nokeaville and Greenwich (ozxier Nov. «C '17) 400J>0

C. S. Mullen, imp. Telegraph road r. . ;^^ ... z-nrT-; . ; - . ' . -

pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) Total U. S. bonds (other than Liberty Bands)

and certificates of iad^btadneas — ' ' 6. a Liberty Loan Bonds, unpledged, 3 H ptr ceat ;

and 4 per cent ' | 9. Stock of Federal Reaerve Bank (50 per cent oT "

subscription) . , 10. a Value of banking heoaf . . . . . -11. Fnmiture and fixtures _ ^

" 13. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank 16. Caah in vault and se t amooata due from —•<o««fl

banks IC Net amounts due from banks, bankers, anid trust

companies other than iaetnded ia I t«as IS. _ 14j and 16 ^ . . . . .77 lecEi oh other h k h ^ in tSe s « n e c ^ at town

as reporting bank (other than Item 17) Total of Items 14, 16, 16, 17, and 1 3 . . , 4046»j0ft

Redemption fund with U. S, Treasora^ and due from U. S. Treasdrer

v«^*watcli box at raiirc I bank; ^ reward. George

81,000.00 •"*• Bry-



E. E. Robinson, guard 2.00 3.. D. Wellmittou, Judge. Wril- — -


Daaafrice INst. Road f a a d .


W. -P.' Ilizidn, Judge and deL P . b . . .

O. Welb, clerit Jack Hereford, same ./' W. M. Wheeler, r. r. Hezeldair Re^, judge, Hdadley H. B. Bairfax, judge and del. --p.h.^.....r...^.....T^...

2.00 j pay-rolls : $ 2.00 G. M^Ratcliffe, loan and joint'

1' State and Maintananee rand SfOM 3.66^ ,SpedaI Baad Fwid. 2.00' Se«lad payment on Dumfries 2.00| ms tr i e t t rac^ i»»M 1.50 Gowifty Fund. 2.001 J. L. Dawson, atteadaaee and

•^miteage.. . . •» b f f 3.3. Coaaer, same . . - . . - . . G3t

McDuff Green, same 5 JO O. C. Hntchiaoa. J. IfeBitt 4.70

3.60' B. C. Comatdl, lasj;, p a y n ^ MI 2JOO 2J06 2.00

A. S. S. T. HaU, same R. B. GoeiKHn, same . . W. B. Kerlia. deL p. b.,





Tiietor. .$006je0



(Continued turn First page.^ Beat Buaiaeali Showin^lAiey B»ae-


3.00 SAO 2,60^ MO den—S^ort^kmne; 2Bd^''€la]ining Mbt 8.001 c3iin»—given bfy Fiuia Canninf Ma-2.00; dune 0»v—Roth Shaver,

7 - Best Frank Mclnteer, Oak a«d dd. . { Best Composition — $2.60—(Acy

Lb., .Qua^tico . . . , . . . . 3.60', Breeden, Mswsssas (given by Ben. C. •Hemdon, clerk , . . i~^— ^{Oft.C. QiriiTiy; gwd f r w Cinm, "

|L W. ComwaH, judge aad d^. , -p.-'bsf-TcdLcu ~i,7, R. ft. ftyne, judga

B[ j . L, -ggnia Ctouwril ailliB" W. S. Smith, clodc H. M. FMr,«leilt . . Mrs. Ashd'PoMy r.

2JfO M O M O


Bwc aaiuit~tm-JM,yiShanaimt _L,t Lm» «nd dlwiaMg ^-^Uine Davis, Hoadtey; ^ad^riae-az' . ham 100 Ho- 2 4iK cafta great ky yfttfmk Can Cou—Sva WHmtSk^ Haad^ iv.' —=-^ ^ —

Beat Bwahtfaa a>owing>-Tatt4>a(' 8.S0', atort Coarse Sge-SiBi^

T. LL SaOiaan. aane, Jadepea-dent HiO. May a ^ Oet^-• •;

Thoe. H. Lido, writ-t*x in ,B««rd of. SuptiUiiasaa^ys.^ 'NiAola . . . . ' . . . . . :

Geo. G. Tylei. elark, t^es^ of • local board' of review . . . . . JI;

Priqee William Pharmacy, sap-



-Ji^f-=^timB"^^Smi^immS. Urn: Coiapaaitiaa ^ « M » - A ^ M

Oavia, Hoadiey g i w by Hin CL a CarliB; 2Bd.jriiia Sae.

:*Vy NewBMa-'nnalcr Hardware Ceb faaataat/ yield


. ..^X^cy, B>ead«a 8^08 |>ouiai> matoes-7$2—given bs Mr. D. 3.

1.00 liageaa; 2nd gieatMit yield,' — tenth atie'-BuUi • OuMm—l,a88» S080 pounds of tomatoes—$1.

.Qfeei mUisstiuJr<*»«i««e»^-

urers oflke . . . Everett Waddey

System, cAc ^.. Geo. Q. Tyler, clerk, sum. Uad-

peatifc'e, 'eUt.


• wwiiecm-Dr. 3. C. Mereditli, ezammiag


Third greatest yield, ane-teath acre. ABne Davia,_lJO0 panada; 4A, b«M &Bith, 888 .^ooods; 6th, Pa^tfae Bra'srnar, 7S6 potmA; ilth, tfmtiitt Dnvall, 786 pounds; Tth,,Mshel gair-baiiki. ^ 0 ptwuda. ~ ^

Threuyh tha wtater ouy uitice will be at my residence nn Zebe-

12,600.00 ^^^ street, but if yuu wuiji tire 3,40o]oo insurance, either old line or niu-

I8.46i.t6 tu&l, drop me a card HIRI 1 will jg __g ja I caU on you. KarlJ. Auutin. Ii7

Interest aafsed hot aet erilodtad (approxiatate).


80,000 JM 12,000.00

23. Capiul stock paid is . . . ; - .>; . . .^ $ 24. "Sorplus fund .^ , 26. a tfndivided profits ." $ 7,0<U-74

ixss crarent fiptoses, intereet, aad taxes paid 1^16.11 644B.6S 26. Interest and discount cWlectwl but net earned (appreKiiiiata... 1,760.00 27. A m o u n t reaerved for t a x e s a c C T n e t f - • • - • • • • • •• .•• __§00'O0i 26. Circulating noiaroaiaGia^S~lTT77777777T771T77r777777rrrr. 80,000.00 '

Wanted—50,000 white oak Mi>.21 croaa-tiee.—See usjmd sret priceii.

g„^|M.LynchACo. 23-tf

I } For Sale—^My residence on 1J600.00 Grant Avenue, Manassas; very 1,76000 cheap. Address Mrs. F. S.

8847284.28 Bnuid, 1887 C»MonA^ Street. _ JKafJ^«i4»i D. C. 22-tf

31 Net amounts due to National banks _ _ Total of items 81and82 $

03. fadvridaat deponta wabimst to ehaek. 34. Certificates of d^Msit dae ia leaa than 80 day* ('

for money bMTOwed) 38. Cwtified checks . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . jgi^DttideDda unpaid . .

Total demand deposits (other tiiaa bank de- ^ poaiWr subject to Reaerva, Itama 83i 84, 85,

^^„^ % 1 7 i 3gi-8»^-iad,40.., • , . a iM,« l .« i ^ 44. Other B 5 e depoiuts . . :....'.,....]....WWW.: ; . 12e,4S2J»

— T t e m s , . i 4 ^ ^ . and 44. - . . . , . : . 7 . . . . . ,.:fttt/aZS»r 46. United States ^ ^

2,400.44 2,400.44 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

than 16,874.28

. . . : lOLSO

. . .*. AM

Fire Insuiuoce—If you are xfndd irf Miil3Uii Assessments, try our old line companies. If ou don't like the increasing old yoi

Bni e rates, try our Mutuall Take yoiir choice. We represent both Jaadji. J ^ l i s CoxpQmtion. 53

United States dsobaita (othw than poatal savings): fc OUiai Uuitad Stat a diwUa, toefaattg aufimST

For Sale—Dwelling house and gtofw room cgmb^aed, -with one acre of land at Bristow, Va.;

- tOBse in goodcendigen, 8 rt^ms. Neriy new 6-room houae with 2

«iV. & d i A a r a ^ 64. UahilMaa atker Oaa

C f. Ubar^ Lsaai

T o t a l s . . , . . . . . . .



beat flf lay kixwrl^t

Btat^ of Virgiaia, Cknoty of Priaea WiOiaai. as I, G. Bayawad Batel&re, CaaUer of the at

Bwaar that Ika above atatMaeat is true to the heBat —"~^ • • •' .;—:—

G. RAYMOND, BATtXIFFE, Xluddsr. SabaerOed aad^nrom id b i t e * ate tirfa 2Wi day of NoTMabar, 1917.

O. J. m t e v m , Kotary PiiUie. /Hr.f inialwina. wtyfaaiw Jaa. lOtft. IMP.

Collect—Atteat: , K. H. HTBBa, •.•..1- ''• . "'l^'.:y~: ' \

AMI tL»-OMJ%MF§Ff Direetora.

Bepart ef CsadiWea eC, the Natiesail^ai* tt 8<at» e<n^rfWlp.at tks daaa aC ~

Beaarve Diatskttiok 6. at:Ms<mis la tM

Oedaet d Malea aad biOa re«aeei»t«l (fAsr than kaak

acceptanrai aaldl (aaa Itsai 6Sa)

tm,»ao.w ~ :;v

SrV.-a boDdrivtker tima Liberty VbmatttTavn a tJ. 8. beada .defositad to s*iu ififlariiai (parr

vahie) 9. beads and

piadccd ta

'fTtt •-• tMi l IT. B. beads (other thaa L&arfy^~ ' ^ and eertificaiea -ec indebteoksas ——^——^

a lAsrty Loan Boods^jn^ote^ 8 ^ per««eBt aad 4 per eettt e Seearities other tinoTu. S. bonda l a s t kicfiittw aiedta}

10.a Value of banking 11. Fmiiture aad fixtoms It. Seal eatrte oamed other than 18. Lawfal

e Bialp (60 jpar eeat of iwlwrripWnn).

82,600 JX) e,98fi.00



16. GMfc ia vaalt aad aet amounts dna fveas natiowal- banks. 10. Net aasoMite doe'from

i s , K a B 4 a ;

J » . i » . 2 »

Tottf o< Kama 14. CbeAs OB baafca

baiA a a d e t h v XiiS^li^iilti^ • * * * * ' » *


Piano. for sale; good make; good «»ditionrMrs. J. F. Burks.

large halls, 2S large pitfch^, IT aeres good land, located yi mDe fnnn Manaasaa C. H. on Hahas-aaa and Bristow road. Well l i f ted wiQi electricity/- Both properties wfli be tiM. cheap and ati ea/sy terau. .150 acns cot-over timber land located about 2 mfier aootii of Breo trviUe, Va., oB^e ooon^ road tefding Droia BrotttariBe to Indqieadeipt HiB. fi. L. Horabaker, MMiMao*. ¥•»



wrfY — ^ ^ 9 ^ tkoe is BOW reatuxcid & the larviee of t j ^ gpvaauamt,^! wiE


wo^ Ai!andal« Boad.

Chtlich,'(HI MONDAY, DKQ,. l i t m ? ,

ibegimuBg at lOrSO o'eloek, a.'m.. rain or vhine, the fdlowia^i^-OMial isspeitsc^— —= " Ahoat sxty head of pive brecl and high «7^e Holatein ood

*l^oaw Xruemsey cowa and hetfers. One pore bred Guernsey buU

agog laantoe pui:e bred BftUt^ftrtWgr-

or practirally JSTiSMme- leows ^ S * ^ have bem^ tuher^ilin tested &om

4_,<a:a» time to titne, siid will h» agtln "*"""' tested bi^re Uie sate ia>—-*-

T c m i I • <»«• 111.1'i • n-«


_ ,1 Greatest net.profit from one-teftth body ot"n«&:Cave~«iMed nESTacre—Ist, Lwgr Breedea, I134JU; 2ad

3. }; Carter, board aad csara of _Eva KidweU, $00.16; Sid. Xtttk Coa-panpers ' . . . .> 104.22. aar, $63; 4th ABae Davia, $ 4 U 1 ; 6di,

Bailey Tyler, clerk, Hidcory ~ Annabell .IterOl, 9 8 ^ ; Oth, ^W... . 2Mr rai^akM^ t 3 U i ; - - 7 t h , - & »

a . ^ t . ^ u Tifctrirt Vmi P — * $30t2»; Stfc, PaaHae Brasner, »2SJ4.^„

~ . - 82. Jadtridaal it


T. BL Coolme, workT«nS«r;r.Tr»JO W. C. Hiller, sasM ^-' t .O

C«l<s District Be#d Faad. Frlffir tllfSt^ti. T^ 1" Toad.< 16.76

-'tfcreatest ky may


' •# .4%^

" ; ^27 Banrg*ah—tot. Aline Pavia. niJuii, jgf - -Lacy Breedeii. 01~r>i»i, fliw Himjip". W,

ij)0 4ti^IrsM8l6i^OO;6lk,Bva T. H. Bolmes. work on mads.. 84» » ^ J * ^ 1 _ * ^ Shaver," 86 Beaee Gele.-wark.4m raatfa.... 3.7« * « * Coaaer, 84; Mk, 4fah*l

OO Te«a Co., an . . . . . . . . . „ _ „ . -I«iO J>«l»r M3-4f^0t»^ Uf/i\ K. E.'ciazkai ofl SMd IwH. 2M' '**- ijoek, Work ea roads 2MI Artiha' Loek, S H ^

4 ^ 81%; 10th_ is$ri8S nawl, tUfc; . 2 2 . 0 0 ^^^- AmmbsQJfarriB, 79; iXk, Optf _ 4 ee Laadea, 7&4>4:;

08 roads tSJOO These flrts, having

28. Coital stock prud ia ZT> Treasurer ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-•. •

24. Suplos foad .' . . . ^.-. . .v.,; . , . . . . f; :.n 2K. a Uadivided prsAts •. -I

b Iiess emvent e«pttis«s, iatereat, aad taxea aaid ML Interest and diaeemt eeOeeCsd b«t aat mam»J.m§f

<A giwtl many <tf the cows are~ giviqg^ CMisidear fale miUc, and

are soon tebelrash). AB

.-V-. .H8M0T.48 This ia uue<if the best.h^tls sf-,daiQC «ll£tle in this aa^tioii.

•» *^?22-21 Sevwal work.hdc*^:— • • ' «£Koo Sifty eqolpwent

i'jsh'jii" MMjuad dairy wagons. 7488.64 ntMoM himt ^cmvt mgjtmm

'>•* ^^^^-amt -'stMtK^ etitter jmd ta^risr. 0*7 ^***

- 0 . 6 ^

"Flows' t*hfT farm impleTweBta.

Ehriving vehidea and trials af .differeiit kinds. and hikhtep. ~thie himftfwi Karrpla nf ttiara

and eand^ wiehea wiD he served. "

,TF.BtTS OF SAI.F. i3n all sues to any one person. Agjrre-

lees than 1^.00, (^sh. - ill he-required; opWi sales agime-

^ & ^ ox.- mnrfr. '^ \ r rt^t notfli Irith good r.dor-

T' rras of

ljg\ tL L. TuMiS. iimam. effaig ' W. W. Fritter, week aad i


1J0> Palmer Smith, jioha Davia. saase

liotchas. B. An«a, -

M. ML B M S B . saaM ^Jni GaiaaavUe Diat. B. W. Stoika. jadsa « ^ rot. IT- R- GaUdier, axle

p.b. ^-••i 1^ 3. B^Btask*, «)e<k A W«edyai4. cialk

rent . . , . . . - . . . ' • • Will Abel, clertt, JepUa . . . . . . 2.00 Jno. B.^

i ^ . p. b - -- 4.00 R. B. r*mey, Elias Miller, clerk '• 2J)0 Tom Umbert , B F Liming, elerk 2.00. Sam Thomas,

2.00 Qeo. Robinaoo, "W" B .^Sei. cierk Jk m CJ-OW, Toaa TBSt'.. r. K Metehaat, judge,

.'rH>.i -

V. J. K • ve». s^xae ~ '^ ":-.'. ! -. -^me and r. r "i\ , - ; :- k-.er. clerk

. . .» ; . A »t.i.-

V"-y A F.

1.S0. B . 3 . Stzot l l tc I 9 a B Tibfaa, saa

' tM A. J. Smith, JZ.lfO i. B. Sweeney. IJOn K. Brooks, same 2.00 sherf .2M-i.so

and » 0 0


above. 76. wiU be nextelaas of clsk


t)lL P. iTj^Dl^Y. E. R. MERRY, Auctioneer.

_ 5<Xre^ Jor £nther ai^erma-tiob yon can comlBunicate with my attorney, Mr. Ttois. R.

^Keith, Fairfax, Va.

Caady is Uw gift that ^evcr roes wrong, aad the gift that ahrajrS' dcBMuds anirKiatiea. We reai-t

t* advertise «and7

,V. G road . J

&.S0 8.00

"jLlMaB't ^ ^ hot aserely say that w« SSLLT

aadj . TKe quality of oar caadyj advertises lUelf; if you're geini!, to give (rood candies for gvtod rifin y<m most btrr theat here.' (>t»re your oroen* earfy for fresh ^ _ 7<Md8—ddfvered when jam. JKUi^^ -

.Aaair.s. ..^iijf.

V ri', ;i.->t;*i. -Trr.cr.'.. ;—« . ;>-r- Doleman. siTok on road'



vrtcr hss been ftUed hy the job dcfartsMat. isa

work and g«& oar qaatatioas aa cards, letter heads, state- _^ •ents, envelopes, sale bills, pro-gra""*—wttaktgn, *le . ' TTtgh ^ irradeprtntme in one or kV*.-> col­ors. Satist'af lion truarn.nleed

HAYM \RKF1 t' < '..KM.ACY <T M. i nt^-tnan. f-rrpnetor.

H*VBUU-1L£L ^ a • •^ t j .

SAYS THE PAmNT: 1 try to get the serrice- .; :>e

IthysiciaB in town. I taux^ ,JiiB-work mean.s li(tk> »,;r„>*,( ih**

aid of Uood dnir~ ' ^i<f 'bf fare in •*r-rr'--.z " 'mctris-

as T do in seip-i'.;nj A li'M'tnT ' ] Haiidi id i of oihcT people -fifru f'

the same >« :i Thc\ must-mean ttJffr <3ru£ f>i.•;-.•, !v<aas* ." a f«r-j t a M y do ^ave j^e 5ne | t of

nv.r' -nrr rfTtainh do c r v e the 3o<ior t h? best suport in th«-way ff <c\fnuftc pn^^rrpttMi <"mn7)ni]Tidm!r. Why don't y o * nr-n^ jnar prescriptions here?




LUTHERANr Bethel Luthetaa Church, EdKM- Z.


Dtpartmoit of Agricuitiire Far-

GOOO K^AirPLB HIM h*fa Uvinc

sida« of Broad Kun, not; distance frwn Ellis' Ford m


One* W* on opposite a ?reat

Choir pcaatiee "Wpiatt&y^SC^iSO

Holr CommuaioB •«!•¥{«< at 11 a. m.

to Wkmt Growtfs.

Prince WilUam county, were selling; piam ^ a Yankee picket, as was the costoin during the Kar, il beio^ une of

BAI^nSf 'BvP'tiK- CAWSf 90T* T i

8ua4ar—Saator Schoot, t .tf a. m^ momiag MrriM, II o^dbek; B. Y. P. U., «:4fi; •TwUac Mrviee at 7:M.

"Wmhtmiui P i y pul ing -at

•«T. BM^Mt Qrtaulasr'B ga^Havwi , flrrt S—4>y-; WOO4WB«, flzat aai.

Batchar Meiaorial, 11 a. m. aad T40 p. m.

Oal; Dala, tiiM Sowiajr 11 a. m. r OOrff Sdnilair 7:Sa r- ^>-

P«o« Corporatioh is

Gnuoi to mak* • liEOs IBUUC>. The soldiers leat organi- g in paying for the pies dr(q>ped a five

u, alMa Phil Trijle>t,i force tbo.SDV^mnMBt ragnlatiMis in ' oo« of the boys, pat his foot on it and i KHarJ t a jnazkatiac the couatry's ^ Jupt the money cencealed uiitil the i wlMat cr^L Thaac r^alat ioas are not. picket resumad his walk to and fro. geaaralljr tmdantoo^ and laany m - | t h « i Phil piekad op the tnonay and i

•nsooPAfcN r TAdtr KpSacq^ Caiareh, Maaaaaaa

% y. Bariai, rartor""—— -Soadar 8^0*1 «««(7 Smdajr at 9:46

Unrka Svndar laondng at 11

Tiia, Bar. J. f. Sarka, reetor. ' 9wvk^ flwiiaaj tirwamg Hi liSff,

PEESBTTBUAM Mawawa ^VtabgrtariaM Cbneh, Bar.

Walla »f J» -i» :

whaat at an^ Virciaia paint caaU ha detamwad br Ja*>rtin« tha iiai^it rate from that p^at to BaKfanera, plM 1 cant a hosh^

f l « intifi l 'rSlea on whaat frota many Virfini* pointa to Baliiiawii ara vary aaeiaaiira aad aiaea thMi high ratea vara aabtnctad from tba gavarahieBt jprica at Baltimore to da-tanaiae tha laeal-vahle *& wheat, thia dMaion wHh tiie co epeaation at tha-Bareaa of Markata at Waahfaigtaw

_^j^__i. lUEcaMled in haying^brGntsi^Qi^b-^^T^ ration eatiMiali Ifawport iltara aa a

f l i 1 T 11 Praachiin at JU "CiMKoh Md War." - Otfiatiaa BaAaaTor meatiac p. m. Sabjaei. ''Satf'CoiiiTCL'*

UflfaK maattec *t 7:M p. n Raatepi Crilega AurUtwriuat ia i«.t«—t rf ^le Y. M ^ A. Way gaiwl

at 7

m. at tba

7:8^ p. P r t t n k i

/—Ptayer aL - Swvaett 'Px^rar

at for

SehMl. Suadaj[ atSV-ia. IIttpfeatetad i^e 4 r ^ l a . by Bar. AltoiXalley. M^iWtr*Vnac Kaicl*«s.'*

CATHeUG r- AB SUnU' Catholfc CfaNndh.

ntCbar WSBaat Gi$, psMor. H «. at,

Jht^aiadhd mA t lli SWBtfi «t ^ : i » Ik M loUtMrad IqrliiiWtlii af4 IBa

quirte coase lato-thia ofltcc la regard to the price ei whaat at Virginia poiaU and the atathod of dttanaiaing this pvica.

The govuiunaot ilxad the price «« coaled

Nortfacra apring wheat aa fc baais. D ^ e r kiads af . wheat were fixed at ^higher or lower prteee according to their valne. "Hie price set at Balti­more and Philadelphia is 7 cents the hoabd more for ea«h grade than the same grade comwianda at Chicago. All Virgiaia wheat had ita piic« baaed oa Baltimore originally and the price of ywould be all rijrt>t with the Lord if

he got •nasalliing ireoa them any way he «a«M. <Pki! waa nine years old.) Hia mother, however, waa raleatless anijjmaJ* him take the money back to ito aamai, which ha did arlth a heaay heart. The kaaen was a aa-vere one, bat it taught him the dif­ference between "mine and thine," which, if he had been allowed to keep tba mtmaf, ha might never have faund •a t . If ha had not retumeil the money, be atight never have found aut.. J f faA bad poft returned thfc mantf, tha aeoct step would have been

BnlwUtton of t t e BaMmmw^/im, withi tw w^f. fw^wa-BSy-7«w msn ima »yyt»g

poet NeWs takaa a Wwar freight rate <r«n pointa pa tha C. A O. and ail riiip^hg pmnta to the south at the C A O. with one or two nnimpartant exceptiens. The eatabliahmaat nt Nawittft NawB aa d aabatatioa aiaaaa that (te piiua uf WIMII at all toealf^s. pointa oti tha C A O. aad aooth ahoal4 be inereaaad by An limmK^eatm ia the firaigfat rvta per boabi^

H W gtaater frntt af Vtoghna wheat

priced this graia iiuff he determined aa aaggeated aboita by dadoetiag the frait^ rate ptaa 1 jsaat a boahei frota tha lifiau Vhgiula'pefai U either

4t Baltimore, nsiqg ^ i M f e

the boya departed. He took it home, knowing how much it was needed there, and triumphantly gave it to his mother, teOmgJMr how he bad con-

it from the Yankee. To his xaathar. waa diatcaaiadL

i.««»j>»^ of pleased. She told h^a ha had taken what did not belong to him and directed him to carry it back to the owner. Phil argued the case with her, saying the Yankees had shot off his older brother's arm, had takoi off the horses, and all the com out of the corh faaoae, and that he thooghft it

to get the 'advantage of him, and by degraea be aiight-have reached a con-AtioB that be wxnild h»V€ shrunk from in the beginning. Phi] v a s a pretty goed land of a bafM fake the money to his aiather. - JQt ^glif^ desire wag to help her. Bb akw%ow she needed

cariy •iSimm Wtbose inyt had a little com meal, bat few had any-.thfaig elae to aMt...Xhe asather's sacri­fice Iras a g r e w «M,.bat it was worth all ^m jjirUliim 111! -money would have rriievad, f a r l ^ fsUowiag her example, a large famflr tit sons grew to man­hood- peaaeaaad* with the ^(Munches; integrij^ apd tqnightness of living. "The fagad'^thatTodcg the craill-e ruSes tha wodd," well or badly according

igM iau>irataRBa that itoa Timefc—^


W A S H I N G T O N . D- C.




BUY NOW—BECAUSE —At this season the output of Victrolag doe* not b e | ^ to «Hn>iy the damand. —I^gm is Tery likely to be a scardtj ti the pt^wdar wnn-bafg.pt Oul i tn»g time.

—^You aorely do not want to be disappc^itad, aa you may be if you wait until late]\ _

—And if you wait much longer our atock of Victrrtas at tk* Old Low Prices wiU be gone, and you will have to tmy New Vktroias at New Prices (See Notice fielew.)

—Our stocks of V^trolas from $15 ta | 100 are aufflontir larf« now4p^uPP& V^^' wants, 90 wa lusf foupo ' •


ILANN'8 SEALED BECORD «||]|V1CK .^S • Offeii foa cleaii» fnA, Wir^^baftmi VMtirdg. Tke,



Sardy Nethuff Godd to Afanr \

Rector &CQe

E,veorth in |^ C o i n ^ U p ! ~Coei of livlog; farta ti^leaiilBt« have Mbeaaced; it costs moch inpn to flducate

paer eh>idr«i than fonn«4y; wearing ' and every tWng yon boy is going

toU^ttiat fire mattraaoe

tf^Mjuinmi p rnpnrtinme •> FT PnHFei atlabte " • - - ^

Tell ii.s wh&t you would like to , _ , you a chance ia name you* own terra*—iaxieaam.

Don't DeJay-.-Bay Now and Enjoy Yo«r l^etrriB ~~UB Chi'laUaa '" —'



New Victralaa at Ifaw Prkaa


Tletrala !•<« ia ,.j.. TietTCia Tim ia >•>•» I^OtraU • & « % . . . . Vietrala IX-« ttr.'i...

X-a is . . . . . . X t a l i . . . : .

VirtMia Xir fei Mv . Xnimmm .

. . .« ttJM

.. .1 « J M


•. iiAyMjjapuET, VA.

Heerae funriahe«l' tor

dirfancA ^ Laidiv Veal wid PcHit:

advsaciag their f tpe in

^dvetlabte FMquiet SptaaT

.rtiMi' ipiw Wow, bafaM lilrnftea. iaaeliyoor prep«-ty. grt

tartoi^vaitwriavtneed it than toaaad tlaadMtkervait We wiU he fled to

Rkli*s N e w Style BO«|K 4t

ftluted « • Requcrt local' to^ "TTlMtfttw MTtral erf the mmlWs ahlch

«a Wwaeui -WJIU* » " " * » * * ' ' ~^ ^ } tfauimiBathig

cbOdraa. M j dtOdna. f ^ 41^ -Mltfc #arfeet satwiaetion.

t Sons 1SU C«. IM

l i t

JSTSMAft-AraooBt paid Bepaiia ">t ,.

I BllM!khMP^

j a i t a r e a i d e d W al>eiledAiy-lto^T^ •*• "•** «*»-'»i 4iaie hoaored dinnrr wbere va.D,^t^ l i f i v e i iuaka. TbeM a r r aaaiy' IWaoaaa. aarik, « ^

a»-ai-«e a. «L daily; I petata Saat.

. a«ly. 'Ma. H 9.47 a. m. dsilv except San- .

t o WasUngtaa. Parior'

Ma. IB—trSS p. m., D*wfl )e to Waahingtoe.

la made frora best ma^hals. iMked in an up-to-dete oven, haadM by neat. dean, c&re-ful worianen . ak for :t -accept r\t> ,-•''t'.r '^'- f. •' h a v e , r.,^^QUJC< LL'NCH COUNTER wrier- you can « t i « f y vour arr'o'ite. Full Uaft^f PO)>feeti«*n*TgF.

J.M BELL ~gg]Nfri«ne they iBTeetigatcdito

qaaJU> afMi senrlee •€ elore—were

ffaustai ¥1.

AaMKmt dae treasarer | aae iftoi ai y foad .

r i - 1 *<•<• 1.63 p rr.

to indebtedaes* f. .urii.gfi

J R COOKI. Clark of Board.

na«n».->r.f>or He z:-

day.; loca. ear.

R H DrSf'TTR, [•'rviskn Pasiwnper Ajf r.L.

Washu rtoa. D. C

y, lOcal to

3aa7 except Sun-hamgjnhurg. Parlor

inrm-t AdatitBstered '.ot i«s« Eitraetior n' Teeth.


M I. C. Bajidin?, Manaasas, Vs


\m^ Coats • THoiiBci

THE JoOTtiCAl, fifty-two timep for $1;00 iB-atbraoce.

Suits Petticoats Sldrts Dress Goc^

- _ Dresses Sboet -r 113 Waists, Hosiery

Your inspection invited


^.^,m^,±:;,: ,. _....:-_K3f^


Clean Teeth KiU.K KKi M



b M ANTlSEmC BBl^CIALLT SUITABLB «o DcmoT oaaiis oi


wv nsomLT msooK-CAtmr-

AX •


The wiSy"!o make {wo blades of grass grow where one does now: Buy the celebrated Mag­nesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime thai has been sold in Loudoiin and iairlax for the pa«t tweiit>-Ji\t ytajs, and out produced thcin ail, uui the reason for it it, bec-ause it e-ii-tains MMfDesiuiij ajld Oxide <.f Iran ift nt(ili |>roportion to Cal-ciam OiMUiia, and the Uniltd -States AjMlll dural Depart men i i° Year M H 1901, page 161. «t«te8 thi hltjely nee

Presa*iM»7 Iktf's 0«

Uoire^ty of Virgnia Btai *t SystMv af Pnbnc Schodl

DBPASTMSNT8 BBPSKUWI'V) CoBesv, Gradnti^ LsW, M««.

cine, KttliHiiii tug LOAN FUNDS AVAILABLB '

U> 6»abrriag ttateito. |19jOr cMvn *U «>«U to VtrghiHi Mbjiaml^ ia-*>» Ae^dgmk - D«pMtowiit<^ B n l flf' c^talogiHt


llniyierBity, Va.

ilectricalJeeik kgfim >M waitja dM «I7 •( dediical ciiii>t< mt»mh hat, iMsten, nttaMli|kmitiH*» iaie Ifltim fxivcs. ^ Ov nmf ml istalaiM cf fit






MULES FORSALE Ahntys^emlOOto^pO^^ of hpr8(« and muh t of all desenptibm for^ rale at mf BtiiWei in Tork, Pa. 14 33*_

JOE K m b i G


Scnatoc Bjrrd Ap^iBtcd Faderal

SffiTtor Harry Flood Byrd, who waa rccgnUy appointed federal-foel admin-iatrator for the atata of Vircinia. haa opened office at 002 Mutoal Building, Ric^unoad, Va. ID explanatioii of tbe method to be followed in the distriba-tioa of fuel in Virginia and the regu­lation of the prices, Mr. Bjrrd made tha following itatwnent; "All matten re­lating to the di«tribnti«n of inel in

or requests for, relief should be mad* JlgSesiara is a b s o - t o the Virginia Po«l Adminiatratar, ry to plailt growth Mutaal Building, RicfamoiMl,Va. Com-

;, Brifltow, Va-r or direct to aa iil4 same will have prompt at-tentioB.

Leesburg H i e Co., be. B. V. WHlTi ; . Manager

aXIQ nothing else will take it.sj municationa ahoald not be sent to .^ifitL Send orders to Cornwall Washington, aa they wtB be refemd mlt^f Co., Manassas, Va.; A. S, ^^<i^ to the Virginia headqoarte^rs. R a i f e a o n , Welhngtoii, Va.; iVLi As »ute fud adminiatcater it wai

be my duty to effect the moat equita­ble diatrjbauon of the coal available at the regulated pricca throoi^iaot the Stuitr '>f Virx'inia. To aid • « ip this work .ucut cummittees win be ap­pointed i;) every city and caaniy m th« iiMUf. Theae—comiBlttitSI will serve without compcBaation aad will r«purt to m« w e w y tha availaUa aiv-ply of <;oal ia tMir raapectiTa locali­ties n< thei^ imvediata raqoiremaata. U p ^ I f ^ p t •£ Ipis advice my otmoat ~ ' will thed b« exartad ao that

locally in Virginia will ba ngn-supplied ^itb its legitiiaata i«-

qotNiaantc of/fueL Tha leeal ooi»-nilttnw .wB^ inveatigate the pricea Ttargwl lj| 'reuBerg In eadi laaffliy and wiU''report to me the charges made fcr the different giaJaa <rf coal. I wtti then determiae the pcksa. In ae-eordanee with inatraeta<«a' §nm the

IJ.HOTTLE ; l l l l iASSAS.VA^

)>uuwasas.( tM. s.si wsMtal

federal fael adminiatrator, at w h k h / " ^ ^ la ao* eoodqeted. t^an la coal sboidl be aold hr eaA J6«ali^/f * • **•*• * " *" " " " " ' ^ " ^ * taldng into eeasideration tha freigii^ late and the coat af ikiU»«iy in His diffetiiat .aedieBa. Tka TCtail p c ^ of

as dengaated "^ aM can be ap-'tmim t» ite f»dml fba] adadaiatra-tiari at WM>i|iLt>a imt mtil ^ppeala

priead aa fixed wBl ^* -

To aaaist ^ae in detarpiining' 4 M yruper prupudiutt'eC pttnt Nlii^"V^I be fllewed letaikni an agant 4 M federal tradea caaamiaaiea w3I W a*' ajgaed to Virgiaia to make ao^'iay**-

, .psr l&Tiom MIS, <nM«maTitP OapoyCTjOjiJLM-i. 1' "



e . j . . a o o T H K , o . a . W 4 a F i r -wV —

' f »fDiuwa

Bi«e t« knpbaaiaa^ tha ilact that tha hoardiiv <'' coaJL.'ttxmBclKXit ^^ripnia will aot be ' ' will be made to fupply avaiy ity with ita

la ragart to the prebabilitjr of a


thabeaa cet

Poultry Foods To get Eggs donas <*• Wmter

»irt.rtti«, wJM-ii they agew«rthjM»rt> twieaaaiikudkaaEcKBi "" it la arnnr-T tikat th

. the proper food. I Onr HOLLTBIOOK LAYING - FOOD, a ^edaBy prq>ared food -^containiaratt-^h* .doMOta JB«ec»L. ! aary for Egg pradaetioB, will gire mAat satisuetoiT naotta. Thia is

j • iiiHtii reo^ -aaspawy- «a l^fod ready for the BMraing

_rOOn, which la a .gram ~ '«ootaiBlag a large assod dw^ed aad small gxaiaa, to be

: uaed aa aa exerdaa fa«4, aeaMared • ia the peas to msfca tjia an

rrJte wlMtrtfangtTiBTit — _ tuf [ f aaa Egg pvaAMlMa.

•Wrtta foupiiuti aad CA^AI^Og;-

Tr Wr WOOPjA SONa S3aa)3MSH,'Mmmmtk TK

" T D A W -rcoai^ mspftin • • • » •• an k




Having deternuaed to devote our vhok tiBK-t^-tite B«»l Sstatfe aad InsoEaBiBe baainess, we here-hy BoOdt m prupwrtjr for sale and reqMSt Oaae Jkavlsf prap-

-f? J. M K g t ^ A m

Mew Wall ?m Dor JMW stock Itaa riwea.WeadUUT«

^^iar tya«Vt i inr l i* t old price. CMBM bal ttbanaoia.


aif th*

AomNnrntATors Mcncs HsTing qoaliftad at

eatata ef tha lata B. A. . w« lauB—t that «B

aad aettia at oooa. All eradftOT* wB! ^air <

for payraeat H. A SHOKMAiCKR, BOSTON STLK'^F.

t2-Jt' Aimmiftrst^

Send for eatalegae and partie aiara. Metal Canwrs will iaat for rears—BO bnakag«. No wrappinyor fabelhnyeWMy

UrU P St. and 1214-18 G 8 t . WMHIMOTON. O. C. ~.

" • a y . Di ale aod 1 have war la the eacyelepedta at aeheaL We foa*4 that la the war betviuaa Oev maay aad rraaee la 18T0-n, OeraMay Iaat }a hiUodaad wwded itJMm mji-dUra whUe rMB«e loat abaat alx tlaaaa' aa ihaay, aad beaUaa that. •every -battle. We aat

He aald that the army waa highly tralaad aad

ably eoBunanded, while the rreach aeldiera were poorly trained: aad that their war departmeat waa boaay-ceaibed with jealooay aad petltlea: ttat the oOeera wereasl saehgood. aad timfa why Vrloca loat tha war and ao raaay mea. what da yoikthiak aboot It. nnda D e a r

'^eU.' aaid Dnde Daa. •Tri l asor Hocom la r i ^ t By ineadeikcy rraaee loat Uiat war, together with two of her beat prevlneea—Alaaee and liO^ ralaa- oat had to pay a bllUoa doi-laca ladeouity money, ftaace today learned her leaaaa by ttat sad eape-ft—cs..ao she pot la nnliu'aal nOhtary tralalag, aad aa a reaalt. her sildliri

j»am kaow how to light aad how to pi^taet themaalvea. They arc lealaf teas men la the war than the Genaana Fraaee alao pat pontics oat ot her war departmeat, ao that expert authority, taatead of boreaacratlc ^ttipldity, now dtrects the ataiy. ~ Tae reaalt la. f^nee baa cne of tto best and aoai eadept armlea every aaaemWed. aD? thia abowa what thor^o^ training and aood leaderafalp meaaa la warfaae.

JSt*i» aaved Vraaco ia thU cttsl^ as ibell as the Ubartleo of the workL"

body of 10,000 wdl tralaed aoldler* pK^erty handled coold defeat flv« ttiaea their aiaaber tft raw reenuta and do. it every tlSM with eooMtaratlvely aaukB loss tot^eanetvea Proper train-lag aloM wUI redacd tha deadi and eaaaalty rate aaa third ot what it oth-orwiae woald bo. and riabfhero io an unaiiawerable ai HMiasajt far uaWoraal military truinlng.. -

"f^^ P?v*rnaieat has BO Mofai itgirt force ta force her mea late

wttfaont properly traiaiag ^cm Cer i t Da do so ia ata^iy ^narder.- hcaea tha frantic tfart that ia now being

aoldtcra amn» tralalag bf-

rSoal jitwrtag« aaEmic.U>e «uBixns-wii?? tar» tlte aituatioa ia aa foQowa: ' Tha OcoloKieal Sarver reporta ^ a t tiio ^rodaetioniaf coal tins yaa^ dioald Iw 10 pH- cent greater than last. On ac-«oant of tba •haaiiiial ooaditMoa now •nristing tha than ainead tiw m ^ w r car not a diortBga of CMJ -wffl occur daring tha wintar montha da-

iQMnt: • ^~~~~~ First Whether the jpwdaeaia

every effort to hriag aboot tha: psodnethm.

SacoaJ, Wfaotiiar ovorp to tm^ daw» tha

alata the prodaCtioa >aad bring aa avaflaMa si^p^. ft is 'laqmauta aot ««|r to

Geoe Do Baker Undertaker

L s a A v a . s a t B V«

If yoti r«aily want the NEWS of the county The Joanutl ' H give it to yoa erery week for a year foe one doB«r. in advance.

Manassas Transfer Co. ATHi.y. fiMptwtor Furaitur sod uZ iunda

of Beicimndise or atbe. commoditMa promptly traasfarrad or daBrared.

w. s BaggajT*

i g > * » i M low •• (•odMrnM ted viAWMl w^^^ tfiy. mnkUccusuencAMsatsvi Sfwtr .

Q> Eat

My line embraces SUfiit _ j n d Fancy Groceriet _

wmre, Tin aad EaanMlwazie

omaMK comma


tot* thcjr are jsent to the front arcija wla thta war. it wlil taia frBad

" ~'aa#~iC"WtB 1BiHPttateed aay other arar t taf SMJ

. as fas tlw tataf. K Bsaat tt^ lot as Sght\e wla aad

riNE Blarhinea too the

at thm ctnam wQl vaiy:

of thatr this is dsBo, aat only wUI

as it abaaU, bat the thiekacaa

poaaifaie to adayt tha CMMity of the maehiaa t* do iffiTbdoaaaa ovaa if fairly ,^^-

Whils it ia Iha apaad. it ia iWt clean damming is

i B > ^ . - ^

There ts only eae aatiafaetory sola-tiea, and that ia to aadm it wraetieally bapaasiUa for the esaalor to nm hH aiarhins at aay bat use

Ey«ry FQEW D e Layal ia i ^ p i i l wMi a beO

th* "Warning dfaal* ttat rings whea the aeparator itaadlo is betar taraad toa slowly, prevanttag iaas of battsrfat' canaed by too daw Spsiaiiua aaii ia* soring tl>e ddivary at-a ctaaai of ai4* fona tbiclmess

« This nmpin dv^ea is

is fbaad only on

yoa hava sasr

Is^ea is patcotad by ths Sa I^val Coa^aay aad Do Lsaraf Machine It ta onfar eaa «f the away 'Wisats hi the NBW Pa LatvJ. If yoa are eo*.

the porchaso af a s^aratar, aaass hi aad lat as A s w •abiaa tha* hM iMta pood Cs


-Tbafs tbn stpfr," rsH ir"**n Oiathndag, Hade I>an said': " 0 «

gsai I ainwit h«a expended abont $300,-000,000 ^» pQt»Bp caatoameata and traiaiag ataticna ia otdtor to train the tnea' called br the aeleetlve draft Whea tiiese isea ar^ trained Hie train-lag atatioBa ihoald b« Isaaiediatcty' mied- wiA- J nnnger -iaaa, ai^ Ihaoa to (heir .atoetecntb year, to rocaiva alz< taeaOa ot Inteatfvw aiBtaiy train-tnf alaar tbr liaea af «be Chamherlala

this wiS" ba 4«

[4ewi^ryrSpof^DS taidtvldaaay. tt wU

do theai sMre good thaa IMV adxr two yeaci ef their whole Ott; tt WIS au*a

1 aaick ta act^ I t will aaalp

aCtiataMd -It-taH

r • « - •

Ifhen yott thtak ot ptircfaasing a waicb, a ri i^ JL anprf «r brooch pin» or other jp^eter, remember ''

mpply yonr wai » im

fiBagti Cbttct-


BKndft and BuOcBng Malwiri OF AU- KINDS. _^

e S T t l M A T E S F U R N I S H E D .

^ ^ N a . U l N . L a r * n * i . A I X X A N O A I A . VA.




ALEt^fUfimiA, vntGDOA.

ta aa is iaad tt war b a / e t r Brat la gooA. kat aafMT s l w s r a la better, l a StraMtk there aaf t ty Tee aavier saw s 3*4 ta rk« tal) aC a

If you value accuracy in the r'i'Trrr'execution of your Job ^york

^ you will not be disappointed " with The Journal's service

' *——r

fAsm -HaPA¥ri^OV«iiiH|B Wp>»«N

MTNNIEVILLE WOODBINE f art in progress at the WooJa«y chspet POOP SONGS POPUtAK

Tht box h J :lKl, wrucfi WIJS jf' ' n tfy tKe Civic T.ea^ue TaHt Saiurd«y eve-nihg At MinnleViHe School, w«* quit« a #M»mii» Ua« fli U>« •wrt -at tr^l ive

'rriuce WTlIuun's favont* fnut^- ' Mi;js EstclU Alax«nder spent Son-

day with her niece, M I M Elsie Wind-Bur. - - - , - •

Mr. W. H. Smith spent Toesday ID Mtinasia* on business

The many frianda of Mrs. SanAf-Pundleten, who has b««a ^ait* siek <ari -severai weeks, wiU be pleits«4 to kooV she has recovered

k r . and Mri. C. £ . jClarka-i&torwi to Washingt(Sn Thursday. ^

Messrs. Boger L»H»yno and Arthar

this week" "

A socm! waa held at Wav>ubme' T^' ' '' W'* Mig8lon«»y Society; u^^Tje^t N o M o r c ^ M y L a # , " «.hooi h o . a . - t m ' - ^ - n A v « » » » « . Xhe-^-«'- -'h NVeanu^^ «it«irux« at thej ^ ^ e l i ^ H - € e r « M e r f - t t e * . , ^ „ „ , . ^ . ^ ^ fiillii— home of Mrs. R. R Smith.

M ^ ^ ^ | > i « J U « . ^ ^ . o n L , , . 3 o „ ^ . - ; ; : 7 i , y p e r s o n ,n-t^iiiTora L*w«. i.'i„_ „ ,- „ . , „ ,„k^ ;. . , tereuted in the iood conservation .,

ucstiunal meetinics here last weok

IS= Died. f PUBLIC

HYERS. On Monday, November 26,[ ,. 1917, at the'¥iBW8lMW^F'1i^r^Cft,i


o J ^ „ en D -* » _iv » I Under and by virtue of a certain Bojd C. mpa^M K street noT^eaat,; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ riterotod on t b . tfitJMlpr SL'SAN FIESTER,^widow of the late pf January. 1917. and rgeorded in the George W. Myers, m the nlnetj-fifth clerk's omce o f r t i n c t William Coun­

ty in deedJ>ook aa, i>a«e» ^8-4-6. by

7**^ WWktoij. Thanka^ving Dialojrue—Nine Chil­

dren. A School Walogue—Eight Children. Recitation, A Storm—Pearl lUjiBaetl. A Song, The Ship That Never Re­

turns—Mr. Will Breeden. His New Brother—Annie Comwetl. Reading—L>tith«r Bell. .. Recitation, Barbara 'Fritcki*—Mae

Hill. ' ' -Be«ifMioA, Sowiat S M 4 — M a b e l


her home here, this week. S.

Netghber, of Washington, q^ent Fri­day aiid Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. ClaiiM.

Miss Clara Carter attended the coUBty t«aefa«rs' meeting at Manassaa laat Wedaesday, Thursday and Friday.

A nnmber of marines from Quan-tic« spent Saturday here. The nW' lines have made many friends here by their gentlenu^ily maimer and the doecs- of . many—hoinas—basa—been

Mies Pauline Garter, who is attend­ing school in Manassas, spMit the weric-«nd with b y paiwiita, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Carter.

Miss Ocie Greene, who has been witih ber nwther, Blrs. W. T. Greene for the piast week, re^Bmed hone Sun­day, accompanied by ber brother, Mr.' Noxsian (keene, and Nelson. Temple-man. ~

Measrs. W. A. Dane and D. C. Alex­ander were gii««t»«tth»b«Ma«^o£3fr. C. E. Clarke Sunday.

jJOsa pisie Windsor qpent Saturday with Miss lAcile d a r k s .

EMer A. J. GM^and, «< W«abi«||toiv will nil his regnliir anMntaUKt a l Greenwood Baptist Qmrch Sda^y , ti eleven o'deek.- —


Mra. Alrich and Miss Soe Alrieh have eloaed t b ^ hoaote Ii«re and-wiU spend the wioter ia Baltimore.

Miaa Aa^ &To«i» Sottar, of AlMBwkiB, was the gneat . i6f the Miases CSarksoiTfor ThanksgrviAg.'*'

Ifiss VTrginwt P^'^'ey left m . Wed­nesday for a m i t to fneiids in Fred­ericksburg and h ^ old home in Qriuige county.

Mf. aad M n . W. B. N- Bmuima, uf

Muaie—Miss Simpson and CUiford Lowe.

Recitation, The Duel--$tyrtle Cora-well.

Reading, Helen's Pig—Peari Rus­se l l

Song, 111 Take Thfatgs • • They Come —Mr. Will Breeden.

A DriU-T^ight Little Girls. Good Music with Drum—Nicltelas

Breeden. ~SMl{a^ioS=:BeK!e Wb«itwt;

Recifastion, A Widower — Dora Breeden.

Recitwtian and Hymn —3eb£cca lJU»n Act. Breeden. Mr. F. E

Mtisie—Miss Simpson and Clilford Lowe. (

Recitation.—Bertie Wheaton. Recitation—Ruth'Wheaton. Recitation—Minerva Wheaion. Dialogue—Carletm JHiU and Nor­

man ChappelL f . Singing by the Trf^etai^ Misses

Co» ,~Z(w5r i^ TJoiS BreedBL" B6<ilWiofa and tkwg, It's a

W a f ^ Education—Zera Breeden. -JaOnfl^


Mr. G. E. Sentter r8eei««||avery Jaat _Tn«adayr~~While

Insisting in the removal at express from one of the local trains, he fell and fractured a bone in his left shoul­der.* Dr. R. L. ScotC, mt Fredericks-bnrg> as callad andIt F*8 aecesaary to t i ^ Mr.' Soottei; to tiw Marfiia WaaUngtoii Hp^pital, at Trederieka-burg. He retained home «n Thursday

motfaoTi Mrs. S. L. DniaatBTr ^ iis wwk^ res . Carvel HaH asd Miaa Narala

WiUiaaasesi are at "SlSrley^ f&t a stay of t«(o weeks. '

Mrs. N. T. I^Vhow attendt« Oie Se^ Crow uiceUaB day.

Mrs^W: William Ganwtt mti Miaa foae Sfairr ley motored to Washiiigtoii on Stm-dfor laat, rptaming an. Monday after-noon. __ , . . . ."

r With M b a Mary 6 . Sot-t««.<*

-JfKtnr, ut, Quaaaep; s p e s t t ' t a f m r witii relatavea hera^

I S t s Soil^phroy, of. W A s M n ^ n , -^^M the guest of the Miasea A i c e on

Sonday. ~ ^ ^-- .

The teachers of GainkivUk jiMtriet will hold an institute « t t ^ H o a ^ school building on Saturday^ Dwito^ ber 8,1>eginning at 1:30 p. m.

Mra. 1^ A. Baahoy, mother of Mr. Wl G. B i i a l ^ . hite been ^pdte Si ti^ past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Edw»rd,Morgan, «fao ^^-^ifa i ive eondiicted the hoaxing house of : B<!t -ffie Waaiingtea' FerfiScer Company

fiM- th^ past fo«ir years, have given.np \ffiBillg frmrfg" and moved to Uie 'residence of Mr. John OlfeaL

MrSt W. L. Dodson has impn uni te ill the past few wedcs. ~ .

I'r Quitd wiB hold thieir Cluistiaaa a d * at the. t o w i i Hall on Wedttmhy aftanicfn. Use-fal- and pretty "a'rtiflea mrftahla for Christnaa gifts will be. « » aah at moderate prices. M.


Miss Lillian Wheater, ot Welding ton, visit«l at %»^Eome of Mr. snd Mn. L. B. faun IMI wtr—^

Miss Marjorie Brower, who is at-tiiTwtiM^ t'tta hlMitl ^ ^ h ^ ^ l aft LdRUBK ^m&r-^i^fti ^ m ^ v t ^ m spent part of last wetfc at the faon>e of bar p a m t C p ^ ^ Brower.


Dz. Minnie Smith, Ql..Wu]lUBCfeab. ^fnan Qasntka. D C , was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lyam recently.

The Catharpin boys who are in traiein^r at Camp Lee, Harry Poten, Noland Boawnout and N. Cvrrell Pat-t ie , tg^ fMsi 1|Bi aoeotBite well and 4aaii«'isML Mk-PaMir- im^ reeantly. bean made a sergeant in C^npany K.

The Sick. lyrttle Botl^ the younger daoghter

of Mr. and Mn. P. S._jtodcley^i^on the m V Hai., Virginia Patton, daugh-

and ia iviMving rapidly. . Mr. f, <!. - Crane^teft for Baato«v has luvVed~ts tMrpnJ MbTeT

Mass., on Toeadayr-te spend Thsidu-giving wit)) his mother snd^tms.^;.

Th» irj^tn^nt ««« ^< Mr. and Mra. J

the ftonnar Jbamo of Mrs. Hodgos Mn. G. Is. aoetler left huit Smday

to xpeaod * weak Srftb iMt parent! ift HamHTw. M>unty. bstfi JIWJTK to tho-se.. riooa injory of Mr. Semttw, ^ l e wa» •called Itome Jneedig evening.

Mr. Oscar Bnahay, o t JB^iaa_Had> -in^-tfae # M I , > - J ^ J ~ipTiB*iftn«-Md.,:apentHlie week-end, with Ida pa renta. f

Qnantiee «B_nighLJB8ineez.. Mr. Harry Maddox kaa.movod iua

faddly to Indian Head, ^ . i d M n he has a position witik the


Mt; a C. Diiia),'af Qoantioo, spent ths w e k i « n d beiii sHth.Ms l o t h e s , Mrs. Gharfca Baaai

Mr. R. W. Abel viaited bis Htha, Mr. R. a Aitdi, ^nSmf: K r : \ABd 4MtaaH ill.' • '—^—


Address on Agricultural Edues-tien Made by Govcracmiit


(H. W. Sanders, Secretary.)

The Northern Virginia Farmers' In­stitute held its regular monthly meet­ing Friday, November 28 In the ab­sence of President Hutchison, Mr. Round presided, calling the tneeting to order at II a. m. /Upon motion, the reading of the n>inutes of the previous meeting^ was dispensed with. Letters were'read from Congressman Carlin, ai idSenalor KarttEI'Tn wbich tbey ex­pressed their sympathy with the pro-posed.amendment to the Federal Farm

Heald, specialist in agri­cultural eduoMion, from the U. S. De>: partment of Agriculture, then gave an interestii^g and instructive address on "Some Pressing Problems and Oppor­tunities of Agricultural Communitiea.'' The following is a summary of liis speech:

There are a few people in this country who continue " ^ live thec iv i r

T^bey do war <liiys>-ize that the war is over, another* ona ha? •t>een fought, and w« are engaged at prAent in staH another one ,^The s y n e is true, in many instances, df'the. ideas p n m i l i n ^ with respect to agri-etiHute. Many of tiie problems and i^or tun iaes - r f -agx i cuUa ia l cotown-nitiesi«re completely overlooktd evea, in the present day.

"We' should t^ce an interest and active part in every moventent that stands for progress, even though w« n e living tmder somewhat i&settled coqditaOBs. The present plan of food administpition, for example, will ~ be continued after tiie war beiatwe it


meetinjcs and urL- pubiisiieiJ by request:

Turie Kenlocky llumr Tb« »uti ithiiKM Urigbt on my cuiut«xva-

likiii Hat, Tib ciulumn, no ony will gHiosay,

We ha\e cut out m~ilk and eliminated fat.

And Liur rjieals are only two a day. The yutyiK' folks dine on a conaerva-

tiou pie, •

Bereft of potatoes and meat, . And pur bread is made of the barle^

or the rye,

;s and uvterr WedttnEuyf

terrnent at year of her age.

raL services and

ber ii8. Kuiiera! leaves Union station 11 11. m. train inviittl.- Washington .Star.

P. and Irene Nimols, to secure the v ^ - •

Qe8tiit)«H7~B1 Tne paymeni SV»_.. default has been made, the «nd«f-

Ki-lativea and friends sigried, trustee therein named, havintr been requested 3o to do by .the holders uf sttid nutf.-,, ivill uffer fur sale at puljlii am.!.Juii to the higlieist bidder, on

Salurdav , L>etcml>er S, 1917,

- ^ i

And nobody uses any Wheat,

(Chorus) Wheat no more, my lady, O wlieat no

mor« this year. For w e l l sing one song for •Anr con­

servation plao Ti l l we make the German Hun dislip-




SATURDAY, DEC. 8, 1917, Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.

'at li.' u'c.:oi.K in., ii; front uf the court-; house, in the town uf ilanivsias, afore-. said ccunty. all those two certain tracts or parcels of land, lying and beiiiK situate near WeningT.on, in Man­assas District, aforesaid county and

T . ,11 .. 11 „» • . . n i „ ,. <-: J : state, and adjoining Blackwel! and I Will .sell a t publ ic a u c t i o n a t : „ t h ^ „ „„j bej^^ f, ^ of the late

m y p l i u * n e a r Br«Bt»Vlll«, o i l t h e i jftmes Blackwell estate, containing a l x i v e - n a m e d d a t e , t h e foUowin i j more or ies.i

' 22.^6 acres and 10.75 acres, the former being known as the home lot and the latter as the Wood lot, aad more particularly described by metes and bounds In the Geo. J. Allen plat and survey of record in said office in deed book 69, pages 62-S-4-5.


r- Trustee. •le-it ..

properly: Ovtrland Touring Car; Gaao-

line Eiigrine, muunted, A\^ h. p., 15-h. p. Steam Engine, both in good condition; lot of Shafting arfd Pulleys, Cut-off Saw Mill, MandreD for Cut>off Saw, lot of Carpenters' and Machinists' Tools; Mare, good and sound, will

._, „ _.-T — t I. ^ r - i t work anywhere, and any one can Ob, the TurTc must bow anff-tte handle her; 4 Shoats, Brood Sow, luiser^l have to bend,

Wherever our Sammies may go, A few nssre. d a y s aad.tiie.tronblft a l l


and many other articles too nu­merous to mention.

TERM»:—Sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a

And we^have a joUy time, dottt credit'(rf Bi^ months will be giv ya« know.

We pincft on grub and economy today. No matter w e l l stick to the Sight,

By aftd by peace -comfs and proaper-i1|r to stay, " .

Then my c(»iservation_j|dan good '' night.

'7 " ~ " (GHoriukT

at The Peoples National Banlc of Manatwiaw


"It is _ t i ^ dtity of all parenta to give their children the Jtdvantags of fTfrr BBlilhU ffgirfrhinity. - W a w a n t

^ j M l d j W . d j ^ leat^BWi* rt t ^ w j » w ^ be able, to IxRno hsre on Wednesday n f i ^ 1»- meet with i n c r e a s ^ MttpetiCon^&a

'delivwrth^ 4P>ods.' The girl shpnlf be able to maks the b w t possible Idad '^ot liome, aad nfhintain health,' wUle it .is eqaaQy essential that litt boy a h l e t a a y ^ B w . p a r t sypryssA saeth-

TuBo^j^ankee ^ DooAe.

Graadfatiier: ^ —. - '

They sasd I was too old for vnr , B a t osie thing I can heocl,—V——^^ .

I a i n ^ : # » o l d t o ' g o witSottt ' ybe wiwat oar syl^sW'gooiL.

CSMtUS. * , ' ' • • • - ' . -

Yanktee Doodle, keep it .op, YtaiUte Doodle Dandy, ~

Got oalithe 'sAsat, the nuwt, the.fMi, The iiigar inc^ tto eaady.

en, tlte purchaser executing in terest-b^aring, negotiable note.

When you renew your subscription to The Journal by mail, do not expect a receipt mailed in return, but watch for the address slip on the next copy of your Journal and see that the dol­lar has been properly credited. If the date has not been advanced the first Friday thereafter, do not be alarmed.

with ai^invved security, payable as when thei:e are few changes the mailing list is not cor|rected weekly. If the thir^^'week comes and there i» still no change i t is time to investi­gate— -

• • • • « • • • • • • • • • • 1^

Grandansi: *

I know I :am too joBag^ to go,

I High price paiil for scrap iron, bcmc , ragsrt ar-

bp, ndbber, loeral THitritfliii i s i i l ihsiii iiici liiirilT"

J[at yell fwi ostii>-uMia~BMisfc

ods to his agneoMasral work. Botti moat be made'to Ssel the avicwardnea of 4be wrong way.

"The federal govemmest has re­cently provided for vocational agricul-ttve tlntMigiMat the United States by a fund, w^neh in several years will amount t 6 S f ,300,080! -'This year Vir­ginia, geta 116,000 of that amount w h i f h itiM ha riaiiA tr>y»thw w i t h t t i ^

, iGss Bowena G. Merchant, dangitter !j«e Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mwdumt,

mfrHWi^awi'Mr** Warri^ln ft ntt, a yooBg merchant, onENfigifriM, , rere^ qoietly aMUTied te Wisshingfaw Vimday by B«v. nswrstd F. Downs. !!%« young e o n { ^ will make their ibome at Dumfriea. The bride is well Imown in Manassas where she has vls» i t e d her aunt, Mrs. R. J. Adamson.

state appropriatian. The entire srui mast,be devoted to vocaSoBSTagricuI tnre and .the sdmols jnus t eompiyL-.

.The teadier of agrici^ptars must be a graduate of an agricnltarkl col

- Mr. A. L. MaoMht^as aeosptod-a; -lege of'^apptospl standing, » M t have pvsHlonln the •hwtfh! 1 1 ; ^ p l a H f T i r ^ -—^—• • • — '•'—' ,the e(|wval«>t of -two years peBcti<»r

sapswSwaa on<be £ a n s r « a ^ SMst 7ot«4he satire year to the scty>oI wwk.

2. ^^aeb claaa' in agrietdt«re mns^~ h a v e a Mtiwtlwrnii

B t « a ilay. 3. B ^ n taking vocational a^ieol-_

lure out at* be huied yiUi those In}' Bon vocational .

4. Each student of vocational agri-ewttnss bsors a day for-h s ir-aontb yeiiod o » ^ soma h e i a project t h s f r - ^ jai»llol[^ w i t h tK. ,1m.. ww>^

Mr. Edward Tapseott, of Washing-tesi; ^ visitiwg his p a w s t Mrs. J. E. 'CasKott ^

M*v'A. Biextea, of Plsasa^t Level, has b r o o a ^ hih Chevrolet car home

Mrs. U e y d , of iopOxL, visited at ttio the hoow of Mrs. William Lioyd aad .familx.Jissdav. . -- . — *

A mzmbar ct peoplo attended the IgaysK masting at Fat sat HIB Chnreh aatntday.

Ms. Braat wiQ hoM isrr i i ss *t Fores* Hill aimdM J^ l s iuom at S o'clock.

Mr. Sfchttd Airfsisaa was a Joflin

eh#I row able to attsnd sch^I 'agaia. .M. ny other little ones are sgif>rlng| frn:n ooTds " f

.- teahorr Misses Meta aadi



Oppowte Lewis & Brawn's BlaKkanuth S h i ^


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • a i * a a a a i s a a i • • • • • • • • • • • ! • • J

5. Any boy or girt of less than ebl-lege grade and under l l j a a n o l a g a is' eligMerfor this coarse wfaeth^ he has completed tiie grades or not.

"TfasR is Uttie uaie in teacl^ng a thing ^^kt will be forgotten bef(»« i t i s pat in practice, and for tliis it is the pmfose of tins cooase to pio-•i<te praeticad wo ik fa the form of home prejectSr laboraiery 4utd ftatf' work that is paralM with the sob jeeta sta^MTEi'claaa. Some people do not

^we Latin more than one* in twenty >oar«, whereas, they are daily ndng the things they are ieartiing ia a vo­cational course, and are s p r i n g tfiess hi a practical way."

A preposition waa intr«d6eed for tkis organisation of a company to es-tabiish a eo-«peratSv« caaniBg factory ia Pritice WiHlam County on a tot convenient to the railroad. Upon mo-

MF.~iSd Mri -WnKim GarT«tt andT^**°"- t h e ^it^utiie Luiiui.ilUi* w«» in-ended tiie teachsf*' ia- BiUy, jr.. ^ r s . Wtllmm Jordan and;'*™'***' *** ''**^^ • »?>•«•«•» *« ^ .isisas last week. ., • Miaa . iosa ShirUyawtored t * lV*ab-^ ™'*"* ** ^ ^ naxt SMPting nf thaJn-.^

. V, «nd ^irls attendsd' tngton on Sunday last, retaining M o n - H ' ' * ^ " ^ ^"^^ ***" ^^^ ^ ***• ...t .A.t Fnday. , day aft€«Tioon. visabihty of the project. u-«-f Tivinii: near rjit-t WtssWa^GatfisoT! wis » Manassas 1 The-a»setin« adjoonsd at li;SO

htintinp "sjtor one iay la.st vi-epk. p. m. _ •p*-

-,,-iiif'«t mar, '^ f- KT,,- ' .

-.-ad*' £ tnr '~'' ff^'trt- " . -—tM tm I'ptui n » "(Tuartpr

eeTl (n-en him by mistake pm i? hard to beat.

-ivir-h of an Mr Wil'iarr. R. G ssom ar; e r


:h- K M;!hr.-.Ti -.f


prac:;rp Tiusir r.as Trw
