t lyl.Kentucky High SchoolAthletic Association 1 Reports/20032004... · t lyl.Kentucky High...


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lyl. Kentucky High School Athletic Associationt.1 $, . e 2280 Executive nrive - Lexington, uy ,csos-www.khsaa,org - (8ss)2o-s4w (85s)29s-5o9 (fax)k


Superintendent, Principal, and Athletic DirectorMonticello High School

Brigid L. Devries, Commissioner .

Larry Boucher, Assistant Comm issioner

April 3O, 20t4

2003-2004 Title IX Annual Repod Forms Submission

From :


Su bject:

Enclosed please find a copy of Form T-65, The 2003-2004 Title IX Annual Renort FormsChecklist. ln addition, you may find an attachment with corrected copies of the forms submittedby your school personnel. Please review this inform ation so the forms can be com pletedaccurately in the future.

Also, KHSAA Audit Staff may have requested a re-submission of some of the 2003-2004Annual Report Forms or need additional inform ation on your athletic programs. Please stlbmitthis inform ation by the date requested if this is applicable. Copies and aII KHSAA Title IXdocuments must be kept current and included in your permanent Title IX File at the school. AIIdocuments are subject to Open Records Requests.

Should you need any fudher information, please do not hesitate to call anytime.

KHSMForm T65

Revised 4/04. . . pj . .jj3..:,:.. .: .+ . :k.(J1, àan . , . .k,jd--;;/h .L? $' . ' : ..,' ' -. -.:z .:31--1:,..J ,.. . . ë . r

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u' U NA .àvil y.. .


TO: KHSAA Member School Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors

FROM: Brigid L. Devries, CommissionerLarry Boucher, Executive Assistant Commissioner

DATE: A ril 30, 2004

RE: 2004 Title IX Forms Submission

School Monticello Hi h School Reviewed by Fran Edwards

The following is a status report regarding the required 2003 - 2004 Title IX submission of forms duein to the KHSAA office by April 15, 2004. Appropriate audit personnel have reviewed these forms and thefollowing is a summary of this review.

1. Checklist of Forms properly submitted in a satisfactory manner:

7 GE 19 Annual Verification 1--36 Bud et Ex ensesV T-1 (Summary Program Cbart'l) ./' T-41 (Checklist - Overall Interscholastic Program)./' T-2 Summa Pro ram Chart 2 V T-6O Correctike Action Plan7 T-3 Summa Pro ram Chart 3 V T-63 lnterscholastic Surve Results7 T-4 Summa Pro ram Chart 4 vf T-68 Five Year Summa' ./' T-35 Bud et Ex enses

I I . StatusA. 2003 - 2004 Forms are satisfactory and no further information or action is necessary at

this time.B. V Errors have been noted with respect to the following forms:

. Form T-36,' A corrected copy of this form has been returned to you for placement inour ermanent Title IX file to ensure ro er submission in the future.

c. The followin forms were omitted and must be submitted b school re resentatives:D. Other Recommendation and Comments:

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FJISJ.KFoun G'lq :9

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t # ' .-'.*1rà - . ...- .a-rvtai:/ t4!i :k-hltl .itiL4i( b'vriztin 2003-2004 KENTUCKY HIGH SCH OOL ATH LETIC ASSOCIATION

ANNUAL VERIFICATION OF TITLE IX PROCEDURES(Tt) be submitted by April 15, 2004 along with other required forms.l

1 ': '''' ()171 ?', The MONTICELLO INDEPENDENT High School MONTICELLO Kerjtucky(Name of High School) (Ci'ty)

cei-iitles to the lfeniuck'-/ High School Aililetic Aààtsdfàtiöh flixi tlît l-dllbsving is an accufatd àii-d Iftte réprescniàti6il 5f ihefacts surrounding compliance with 20 U.S.C. Sections 168 l-1 682, e't. Seq. (also known as Titlc IX)

1 certify the following provisions in accordance with records at the schnol contained in the ptrm anentTitle IX file! and to the best of my knowledge have cpmpletkd the following tasks. (Al1 boxes must becheeked)

E7 Established a gender equity commitlee at the high school. (list corrtmittee persolmel mld pravideattachment if necessat'y)

Nmne Address Phone Title

Marla Kelsch RR3 Box 7052 Monticello K 42633 606-348-8292 Girls AD/Basketball CoachDeana Hart RR 6 Box 7875 Monticello, Ky 42633 606-348-9321 Asst. Basketball Coach-Girlsaohnny chaplin RR1 Box 397 Mohtieellop Ky 42633 606-348-0388 Principalsheila Tucker RR 1 Box 339-H Monticello, Ky 42633 606-348-7160 ESEA chapter Supervisor

Michael whittenburg RR 4 Box 379 Albanv, - NK 42602 606-387-9416 Teacher/Asst. BasketballJane Dalton 75 Guinn Drive Monticellop Ky 42633 606-348-4825 Teacher

Jake Asberrv 478 Big Springs Road Monroe? TN 38573 931-823-8811 Tvacher/Baseball CoachTarnmy Adams 336 Hill Creek Drive Monticello, Ky 42633 606-348-4722 Parent

(2 Scheduled a minimttm of three meetings dtlring the 2003-2004 school yem' on the following dates:November 1 9 , 2 0 0 3--- 6 : 0.--0 p.-...m . - - .

b'ebruary 25 , 2004---5 : 30 pom.April 28, 2004---5:30 pam.

Q Designated the follow-ing personts) as the Title IX coordinator for the school:Athletics Only

Marla Kelsch Girls AD RR 3 Box 7052 Monticelloz Ky 42633

Name Title Address /324-g1.94 a - a z q z

Ià Sclwol persolmel are continuing to make periodic reviews of the boys and girls athletics yregramreflected in the Corrective Action Plan.

Q In addition to the above information, tlze above referenced school maintains a eomplete permanent

file relative to Title IX records including copies of the self-assessment audit, a11 corrective actioll plans, and

otller related materials.

m <' 020e1 a - Signature D te .


Superintendent Signature chool Boa d Chairpersons' Siguature''vbknfl tpF-l'gf/=/ covy to aL-JSWW' - k$./' ai' JtJJA; dttolicata fz; F7'rJe LkFschoclfolder)l . .u .

Students Added to Title IX Committee

Sierra Adams 336 Hill Creek Drive Monticello, Ky 42633 606-348-4722-Jun10rLaura Silvers RR 1 Box 460 Monticalloz Ky 42633 606=348-4396- FreshmanTyler West RR 5 Box 5390 Monticelloz Ky 42633 606-348-6200- JuniorKnox Piercy RR 1 Box 4388 Monticello: Ky 42633 606-348-9999-1reshman



Kldszt'tFoou TlRev, 8/03

Partiei ation O orttlnities Test One

(Column 1) (Column 2) (Columlz 3) (Celumn 4)

Program Enrollm ent Percentage of Number Of Pereentage ofTotal lnterseholastic Total

. ... ...- .. -. - .-.- . . . . -- . - - 'Ea .. axz ! ..u u.a .u y... . . . . n a .. y ! -. !.w =.w. j u- . - - .- . n - .- é.! ..,.. r w -. z ! . ------ .I 11 r 'r-- ' ' ' 'J ' ' ' ' ' 'J ' ' t I ''- '' 'E' '-' 'J ' 1/' '' '' ' 1' I -'-- k': '' ' '< ' 1)' ?'t ' ' '-' ' ' 11(d

ouble audl ) triple co-unt)

Row 1 GIR1,S 1oj 49.3% 70 52.6%

50.7% 63 47.4%R0w 2 BOYS 104

Row 3 Totals 2 0 5 100% 1 3 3 190 tyo

Instnlctions: ''ltfttmber of s2' grade stttderits & below useé in Column 3and Column 4 calculationslf applicablu:

Detcnuine the tota.l number of gids mzrolled, (place in Row 1, Colutlln 1),Determine the tetal number of boys enrollet (place in Row 2, Colulun 1).

Add the total aumber of girls and boys elu-olled to determinc total enrollment, (place in Row 3, Colum.n 1).

Calculate the percentage of total em-ollment that is female. (Divide Row 1, Column l by row 3, Column 1 and placein Rôw 1, Column 2.) Cakulate the percentage of tota) emollment that is maie. (Divide Row 2, Column 1 by Row 3

,Colttmn l and place in Row 2, Column 2.) Note: Row l , Column 2 plus Row 2, Column 2 should total 10084.

Ask the hcad eoaches to review the mostupdatednames of those individuals who are on the tenm aswho were cut from the team or

place in Row 1 , Colmun 3). ln order to determine the totalbe counted each time he or she pafticipates on a team , For

example, if Jane Doc ctnnpetes on the varsity voileyball team, thc jtmicr varsity volleyball team, the jtmior varsitybasketball team, and the varsily softball team , she should be eotmted as four pm-ticipants (do not illclude club orintramural sports participants, cheerleaders, dance teams, or pom sqads). Calculate the same way for boys and

* 8th d t'udetlts arld below play on a Freshman, Junior Varsity or Varsity tearn, tlleygirls. In addition, shotlld gza e s

,should also be cotlnted for each team and sport on which they padicipate. If applicable, please asterisk the above

d' d tudents & below are included in the totals. Using the same procedure, dctenuinenotation as to how many S g'ra e s

the total mtmber of illterschclastic atkletic participants that are boys, (and piace in Row 2, Colnnm 3). Add Row 1,Column 3 plus Row 2, Column S to get total participants and place in Row 3

, Column 3 .

eligibility or squad lists for their teams. Ask coaches to confirm theeî the tlrs't date of competition, an.d cross out the names of thoseto the first competitive event. Determine the total number ofquit the tea:m prior

itztcrscholastig athletics participat:ts that are girls, lazldnumber of athletics participants, arl individual shotlld

Calculate the percentage of female pr icipation. (Row 1, Colur.cn 3 divided by Row 3, Colunm 3 and place in Row 1,Column 4.)

Calculate the percentage of rnale pm icipation. (Rc)w 2, Colunm 3 divided by Row 3, Column :3 and place II'I Row 2,Column 4,) Note: Row l , Cotunm 4 plus Row 2; Colulun 4 shouid total 100%.

Note.' Nvhile bring within three percent is not a formal compliance standard; if the percent listed in Row !, Cclumn 4 is

within :3 % of Rgw 1, Cclumn 2. thcn it provides a good target withic which compliance is likely,

' Si nature: - Dttte: -# '-WPrincipal s g

Copyright :999, Goqtt Spurts, Inc., Tirlt LX &nd Geltde: E twit'y Spectatlsts. AlI rights rtservtd.



Participtttioll Opportunities Test Two

columa 1 Columnx 2 Colttmn 3 Column 4 Colum n o-

1 um ber - umber nf umber of um ber of Percent ofProuram of eam s P'a rtieipants Teams Added Participa' nts Totalb

.. -.... . - .. -...--- -. -.. ...... --:-- .....-. . ... --.-= , , . - ---- . . --. - - . . --.x... .. .. . --.- . ,-u, - . .- .- . . .-... . - .-...-..-urrently. v v . .> v n . n à . .4# ears Last 1d lve r)' Dizx 'Addetlffered

. -m Lust oearsYears

.)' k) :;$. /i;!4 j! ï.'ë.. ' j.-l ')j7qJ- :ij!t'?li ' 'yzlz ' (ZLjSL IJ''.s: q)k 4 8: q -,8 ,! zj .iùjyg:;...@; py, ,;:4-u rqyryu? k: k .j,rk1@ uf,- ,, (j5 fj)à ;/! Ei1 151 '7r/ii t' rfsk')tp b.kqvnvpq c:ë tzFt (-,$ )k-. oroj r uy;f,tk;ykj-:.. t'zyjkykrE-;;jp $

(1E libik 1:;1 '143!4/ (11. nd;?- :21L llr. :b; It -- .41, r.-t6k&:,: , p,- yly-yix. pkys,.x

.gzjjq..s- ty ,,,jp.j:.ia., ,...;;v......y- j,.kNy-y,,t!,-j-,;.6--lJ : s ii. s s.';SJ8 . . , k

r'lg. 4)$ ) ' ''jrjlt. -. '7: p L('ut rb ;)9, @)ç ! ldtïrà' 5' r t .>' r'A''/?Jh!pL.('>1*4s(LC)ft' ..yêzi/iy-'hszcxaky4xclt-h -'..,C,-. - 78<$q,;.k, jî.q$,.. xts. ,j.t,pja:.,.. z-,,. rycyvzjz. ,-;ay., k,u ('$k1rE z(: .l,xâ..ku zjg, = v y ... . ., ,dtl)l 5!17!1/7' -z;t:; ,) ., -ti/?' . . (jj; (ljlh -1k *12 '1k '7 .yy,!r,jy.. ,ya.;:y.u,tw, yryëijz'ïs.llïsrj b)t;:. .. ayv

p t,) 4..

tqx,.. .;p, .,uN î.-o;j. .ry:q ,;;),g

. ;g.,bû.j y, gtjâ::jâ--

. -- ksv-d:k-tk 1 k 2..t? .,t,;-- è-. - i ,kï;:.-:.tk:. p.,-..-s.-.. kf-,j -.&' t! t--tû ,3;-.--,$.. -,. .,. ,,F '-i:çi . rcss--' .-,$,. ' h -.) ,-.,. .(?-.. x iï Z'.L.jF Ns-,.r- ,,!,;;:. zjy-k:t-yi-;..- :-!tr- q pytpc'L-t , tr.;--,.$21 3$/$/ .2,$ 1k 1(: 419 ïr J(!k * --- --- --- --- --- --- ï'. 7%îk' -?ht:CF-e&hki. Jk:ït:,!?t,'i,p'yï,?F1,'ïj.-k p:!.tjC'.'@!,1tq9d'' .. ICGt. 'tzv'î'k rad. +-T Q; j.::1,.tpj. j. a-.e. jrt p>:...,,tejyïj%. gyy.tj., yps. , . j),.,,,. :, .,;3. r..cz 8k... -

0 w 4 t t) t a l : 7 7 0 3 5 5 7 8 . 6 '.s

t Lp.W kp q: 'j) jlF'n J ''! ' $1 ' 'J @;, tr iL' @ :2 $- . tjt. uqc-ts:lJ( uj , zs'fitpfayy/rliEs-jlp qtrrpljjr'-ar-,ër w---' - .11 63 fssi -1 -1 1E1 ''sr'lz-s'lhl--'b '.2's' ' '''''- '''-:p' '. Jp- ::-+':' ''s k' &'-. i$ r7''ei1! '. -.-',$g7'-. t't'''s' -''êiii 4E;4 -!471/r t:!,F -!$;r .-1k,: 1tr- tii 11 ,',' ,çp$. .t-)-)i ;,ï:1.. )1- -,k trr-ayjj. .. .,tspu.-,

s-....y..ujj:L$-,,x, -.yyj.#p.,<p., g:z.; h.s$r ,..(: .kzsv-zzq v. . .. . .. ,

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îyqtjiiyyg;. .rr(j;,jjr,a,.j(j.,,ajgk., jyyyj-. jvj j,,...$s.. iq :- -( .:3 à 7?..é... ...

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-raq, gùeq, ....>y.ut4y. s':a,.- q1:lp nf/!s/r ?77?' Elibll:- 1:), 1!1 IECIZ -. ---- ---- ---' ---' ---- ---- r,'-7

. .;t,L..-bb. izu----. (. svs.r, -.. ',',- , ï! s-: . r. .,-uç- .t?:. !. .;..... '1 $<t '! '*z- .>o ytE! ''>,.x ,c: ùr 7$. ) .ls?'' .tr7t :1 4 srnuNo .. . ï kk.. Vv ,. . 6 6g y q a a y,0AV 8 total: 2


If.1'I3.,â.AFonu 72Rev. 8/'23


For Colunm 1, list the number of interscholastic teams offered for girls and boys at each competitive level (varsity,jtuzior varsity

, and freshman). For girls, total cacll of the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys, tctal Rows5, 6, and 7 irlto Row 8.For Column 2, list the numbcr of palicipants at each Ievel

. For gjrls, total each of the eohies in Raws 1, 2, and 3 intoR

ow 4. l7or boys, total Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8. Note: The totals in Row 4 for girls and in Row 8 for boys must Lethe same as the totals in Form T-1, Celumn 3, Rows 1 and 2 rcspectively.For Column S, list the llullnber of interscholastic teams that have been added in the last five years at each competitivelevel. Count cach team addcd dtlring the 5 year period only one timt

. e.g. Girl's junior varsity soccer was added 3years ago, colmt the team only once, not 3 times. For girls, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys

,total Rows .5, 67 a'nd 7 into Row 8.For Colunm 4, list tlze number of participam s that arc cm-rently on cauh level of the teams that were added in the lastfive years. If a team was added previously bttt no longer exists, there are no cunvnt pal-tkipants to be added fcr thatteam . For girls, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, arld 3 into Row 4. For boys, total Rows 5, 6, and 7 iuto Row 8 .For Colum.n 5, calculate the percsntage of participants that have been added in the last five years

. For girls, takc theratmber in Colurnn 4, Rcw 4 and divide by the number in Coltumn 2

, Row 4. For boys, take the number in Columc 4,Row 8 and divide it by the number in Column 2, Row 8.

Note: If the percentagc of ctu-rent participants added in the last t'ive years is 25% cr greater, ccmpliance with test two may l)e

possible. If less than 25$4, then compliance with test tlu'ee shoul:l i?tl analyzed. CAUTION: 25% is not a formai colnpliance


Principal's Signature: r oate: -# .-c3vz



KHSAAFonu 7'3Rev ï/O2

Participation Opportunities-rfest Three

t'citt lk&V kltffà/ètt'l: zktN#siitittb '#/.t',tbà#ï% i7/fiik kkj/Eèffkk j/bRT(j).

. j.. ë 2 ' . , .g j :GTRT,S l ::y : BOYS

. . ''

)): k . f:

@ es / NO) ,7 i : :: ';E (Yes / No).

. . ' ' ' .'' '.

1. For a sptlrt ntlt currently played at tlw intersdlolastic Ievel :: y) ' ( ' y ; é . . .(varsity, junior varsity, or freshman) in ypur school, is there an NO : E NO

.. .




. .. ,




. j




g .




,intram ural team offered for that sport? iï i :. . i . ' . ' .







(: . .


. g






!: .2. For a sport not currently offered in your iuterscholastic èr j2::'7:. Llf,.. . '. r ' ! ':' ; !. . ''1 .athldies program, is thcre sufficient interest to form a viable r '

.,1)i::::.)uo ;, L, y,j xointerscholastie team based on participation ()n an intramural it

, : ::!,!!:-. -.7t -!'.è.i ' -'tteam or com muuit

.y recreation teams? ;.. .j1.,;.zt t. ;. !

. . . k



: . . : ' 'YES @ ,0'):())) ! Yes3. For a sport not currently offered, is there suflkient interest to ; ;:,c 2.,:,.!j wsootyaa.lwrrenni s '!)fy('t): 'ik,ll''form a viable interscholastic team based on student responscs (

. jyq. .(.;( wsennj.s*soccer ,'g q : .r,from the interscholastic Aurvey? '': :?.

.è . . :. ( :

4 For a sport zurrently offered at the varsity level enly, is there yti: ( ryif'. y t : j y uoi teresf to form a viable team for a junior varsity, or N0 yi;) . gë,suflieient n

:y g-' 4:ë1E ':?' ' ' '' ''' '1.. J.'. . : .':( ï ' 'èfreshman team that is not currently otxere :2, 2

4 . ' L r '' : E.5. For a sport currently offered at the junior varsity or freshman 'q) k'

::;. ) : ; : . y.Ievel is there sufjkient interest to form a varsitjr team not N0 ';. . ( : NO: . .. . ! ' .y


r . .. . , . :currently offered? :: ,

6. If you answered YES to question (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5), are . : S: '.. . '


. :


r. , . .r ! :


, . .


there enough high schools iu your geographie area offering the : : ë vas. . . 7 . ; . 2spert (at the appropriate level) to allow for the development of a : :

';.j' ' . .'reasonabie âchedule of competition? :: 'i

Principal's Siguature: ' oate: f'-é-o.v

Copyright :999, Gvod Sprlrrâ', Jrlc., Tltle lrancf Gendar .Et.pfJ-p Specialisu. -7kll rights reservcd'.

KHs/kckFoclu T4



Levels of Com petitioq Test One

1,4!'n n 1 .. . . .... - n- 14-.4 mzo- . 7-. . . . .. . - .. . ... . . -. .. . - .... - .0 1-1.., m- n 3 -. .. . .-.. - .. 'k . .t ta n m- - l - , u - - b e r o 'f - 0- a m - - s . , u ..- b e r n.- f 'P e r c e rxt a n'- e zo 't.1 .

. .p . *

.z. ,lrls evels urrentl ffere artlm a nts a rtlm ants a: .ac

evel1 arsi -()w 4r . .

4 3 9 5 5 . 7 %

.2 ..

, l()4v 2 ).v..

o 3 f r () s :1

tbqtx k hkss.;t kk)),L L' 'TJiILX:tI'' k' t trnxyr:i tù $1- 'x bkq ?'.àt'ï:z'' ''< 'TI;-t f:zjt- b ?n;J. A'ègi ! ' t 'I;C bfzf ' ''LL.- t k/ 5:/12j4::6 i. ir'i.' tbk T'' ï ,:2,7$1' 7-!:(: rzh R 1'' %;J ? w 'n'k J yxltàgu. .'tà Nlëklvlqpjjjik.; t(i. 1, :kj .L, z1.8 t k tz vKx.- t-3aij

sijç ï. -. i fu$ëp;k- - $,w.,x vsqt-j?L: , ,oy,q;rw>x)w'y:,-;; :1-. kry---. .-yi&gv R,ç.-=. y k,.:q js, -xk.,J +t. ly JûgE'rj....,1a.ol'. , r '$ , 42k$., ..$. h k, ku j ,9 %,..us%,. ,- , çlj ...ra,:xp)1:5, 1l: 4(:, 1tl tplL ll. .' 'kz''2**!.E./>z'M>'.- t'1Aswv-=- Ll'è k';8k1 -'Tgr .j?.'5:.' . 7hd.p. t,<?>' t'>' xrkt'ï kuv:lzp f-. .a<r 2:vtu$y:*..r.:..,-:s$tv*k x-4-,:f'j!:-.-k )tjr-ï-y i7t;

.:! -.1ë:>2ë- L51'ï'$;$'-:v:jor-.'lr.; y?r$':-%.x j

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k-alrf/: 'h.);t@tus:u2T.L s y1'rr.y ,s--)k)k-:;e;t.k - ,;! r-ea ).è;! àb. :4.,. pucctrsiik : ; jryrrsqsxvlkns ùLvjt q ;sq..y-ï & m?d ;y. r1:,0..: jkgf vî-.svl è; iu $ àîz ït atka j r). :k zgL;- q , : Tkq î rNp;.q( rjy.,g, . j;j ,.,gk; jëypp5..j$ >'d t'iqtér, k- ;L..sq3 p olqs-..ù ,- r %.. tl rip st rkkù' ss..kl):-i t,fà lk. 'tjyfst izù ?) ,). $1: s;k J; r;. ,7 (() yh . Jhn $ ip nàkp ,,3LLv.6 ksjj-j h)'L:.L.:j Su 1 ïrl'q kx è's?iît? ;;,x!.'' r .;.R. ; :2.1 ë: , të.k),?#.,..!.c:'i'1t..xG a411=v-<.>....w%-...=.....'a ....; .!<-'':4,w.-....-ts:%wtJ.u>nr:y3çJxv/. , ...4. 'lhmkicsm.'rer'.@ . .).t . .:kvt<.x/$!k7,:k#.!k:,krkvof.,x1@*, ïàh,t..ùsk'sEi';ft tktxz/ q .OyS

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7 fros -O .

qlu-g?@ Ljk-bjxk'. :6 il'lt' qi'l ziLx' qàrïitz :'AF it:y t kfç'kt! '! j!J;'tëùtkï. ' t )<< %'k:;o-K;p- l K .1%'ct':,:1- i''k-kss t' A :'k' t; ' 'ë,h zïj r 1; tlwLïi (7' ï $!:841.4t'- x $1. 'Ip'tt x.: 'ài-.k fy). )k o ( y !N 2!jj :j jhl..jr'sj'.! s.. .-. k .-$-, j ,.,.ran p.k.$ p t ?..).:-n j -)(,. k-.- .y.,sa,-.. 1. .T87. . ;';t.k;é, ë$.-r u-y ;p.' ;, ;.b'.-f Lcrt:à$7-... gqsrk,, >xu z- k,j,k -)y, ., ,- . -: ' ; j#;k-. . , j zkgsv p h ;k..u:, yx:.jz rj.. ) p?.d:;l 31f311? liil 1l7 dr;k it ;E1t 11 4-, 4k.'1ih'-', . -->- . a-osrzià'' :1 ' t '5, F'F'd. za%.z-.î.mn. urv-kl; !th-..E'--: i,'û:.- X.r-qq-2 t$. ïq'irh' .s-x.. :J-qF$a--. ' ' hqr?iq-----l :..1's il''-.%w. ' <' ïziïbi-i'.j :. r)j. pr,,. #. '. ,L,1'.)')' +.'j-t.,r' C :5. (v.,V.J.zJ4 tr,t-:,xa.xkït;,,j1;jb10ë y's'-y,., .,.'ar.',',F=.qs;'. ,f.:.' .q.a':j.;fq1t',q. yuzéscy,q.gs,. .*.o%,I:.:ua: .jsv/,,,rt.- , x-j-:,.)-<p,2;s. wrqq;j'5)jyk1)z'aà'i8-'- 'ii' r'-i ' ïkq-''' -'1'q b.*. exr, 'r.f lb'n 'rk,r t-:t&---'$!:h- . 'z',g -ksv.gy H-ry. .t ' -'a'. '' --2''Giyjy,.,r:s, tj,-, k =L..- ï -'pt,r,, ï'rap,. , 5: d --y,uçî,.-gky. E ',' îrav. ' -'=y. j y .,ys,y, C-:y

, 'lrf,s

'!vw,,q#.,. ï,. -'1 ';zb-(n, .


ys (j; gy t >''.j-j jrtsj, --ïh--...:yy,,- .b--s6?3.. j,'2t. krlk-jysku .. u.q .-'--èyîu) Aak, 9xC1.,,àr; ùj,.-âa,, $) '6t,;.rj

nhrxgjk,,- >+%+<x ,y , -$u:,: ùj, .x,sr-- -<&j!y, -1-.-'-$tk,yy;-t!t ö.,,,.

. ujy, '> -.tj:. ' ---j)(:J.., +z. --Isg -It'jy,,,;sjëjky;.: (m!,rEd.

1 i--spr.'b t xrw' . bzb,3.jL.-$T',bLn?j ' gyks kau . z jy,y y r- :kk ;);, z r : . ry ï: .z.F , g y ,:î ,-tk.ygj.r. . . -.)Lô., .. :,jy,sh:sr:, .et .);y-); j , iyjj, y,- ,. ,,$s ujy. .,. lyyrj ,j. zjsytjy; yy.-ym ,k, -s,.?...y1qt.. -.*', rr t1.A-,,r-; ï. 9--ï 9,.'1.7 - ; krsq:./A.p.. s k . rj gy .-gr- lp-;: k. 7$ gps .j, r: -;, :; ,g . ;yg t.,$ - ,.s,,. ..s,j-,, yrjqlt. .)t,:, sw-... -jrk.,,.,,: ,(,. tvp ét, spyjk ,)3 ,,. g.,;â,.q. , r,.rr, ;;... , ,, gj , - ., po

à. x rxtzk-qh , 'auub:llki ;'.!tt--tl, 'lqlacztl ,=i. . .rs ;-.. .q vo $u . . . . 'hzx y. .e pf. q .sq ...l Column 1, list the number of interscholastic teams offered for gi1-' ls and boys at eaclk competiti've lcvel;

varsi jun ior varsi , and fres au, ( cfer to .Fo1 T-2, ccolnmodation of terests and bilities,


Summa Proafrram hart -7, Column 1 ,

For Column 2, list tlw numbsr of participants at cach level. For girls, total the entries in Rows 1

, 2, aud Sinto Row 4. For boys, total the entries in Rows 5

, 6, and 7 irlto Row 8 . (Refer to Fon'n T-2,Accommodation of lnterests and Abilities, Summaly Program Chart 2, Colunnn 2.)For Column 3: calculate the percentage of female atld male pateticipants at each level.For girls' varsitj,, jtlaior varsity, and frosh, respectively:. Divide Column 2, Row l by Column 2

, Row 4, and place the percentage in Uoiumn 3, Row l ,* Divide Uoltuzm 2, Row 2 by Coltmm 2, Row 4, mld place the percentage in Coiumtl 3, Row 2.* Divide Coltmm 2, Row 3 by Columrl 2

, Row 4, and place the pcrcentage in Cclumn 3, Row S .*

Fot' boys' varsity, jtlnior varslty, and frosh, rcspectivcly:* Divide Column 2, Row 5 by Coluran 2

, Row 8, and place thc percentage in Column S , ROw 5.. Divide Coltuzul 2, Row 6 by Colunm 2

, Row 8, and place the percentage in Coltunn 3, Row 6.* Divide Column 2, Row 7 by Column 2

, Rovv s, and placc the percentagc in Column :3 , Row 7.

Principal's Signature: r Date: # - 0 XCopyright 1999, Gbtp# Sports, fzyc. , Title I.Y an4 (Jpr:(ï'&' Eguity uq/cc/tz/ràs, ..tS rights /':.çcr;'cJ.

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Checldist - Overall Intqrscholastic Athletics Prezram

K H S z%AFo nzl 1d4 IRcv 8/03


. ( espond ba sed ()tk Internal valuation by ehec 'ngeaS Of o llance .the a ro rlate column.)

I S' S' 1l P I

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ccommodation of Interest and bill'tiesX

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Scheduling Of am es and Practice t'm e


1 and Per iem llowancesravex



cker ooms Practice0 ,

d ompeti ti ve Faci li ti es Xan

di c al d Traini n o. Faci l iti ese &

d Services Xan

Pub 1 1- c ity


Support Servlces


thletic Scholarshipsx


1l cvutorl 27


ouslng and lnlng Facllltlesd Services xan

ecruitment of Student thletcs

Principal's Signatul-e: - Daie: - f-- 5

Copyright 1999, Gootisports, Inc., Ffrg Lvand Sczzfi'ar Equilv Specialixtz. A1I rights reserved.

<1 CD *1% C) CZI< yh 'xcm x- u >V. & U= M



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/ïr tr ;hy yiçi $Ci û it lthL!ti: ):îû riêti: hIQFISZYAForfn T53Rcv. 8/0:8

2003-2004 INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS SURVEYStlmmary of Stuclent Responses

Instructions:1 . Summarize the Student Athletics Intezest Smweys Fonm T-61 by listing the total number

of responses on the line next to each sptm .

Under the Other Categozy please provide a listing of the sports as well as the ntunber ofstudents who arc interested in participating.

Please sign and datc the Sunnnaar.y Form (T-63) and mail the Summary Foam only to the

KHSAA by April 15, 2004. Do not mail the studer.t surveys (Form T-61). Howevcr, theseFonus should be maintained in your files in the event they are requested subseqtlently


1 7 2 Number of Surveys1 7 2 Total Retptrned (z1 minimum of80% rérzfrn is expected)

8- 1 1 Grades Stlzvcyed

How W as The Stlzvey Administered? English Classes

(e.g. was it given in aIl English classes, or all home rooms, or advisee/advisgr'?)

Fall Sports (List Total Number of Participation Responses)s Cross Cotmt.ry (Girls)2 Cross Cchuntry (Boys)8 Ficld Hockey (Gir1s)na Football (Boys)4 Golf tGirlsl1 2 Golf (Boys)22 Soccer (Gir1s)1 2 Soccer (Boys)4 a Volleyball (Crirls)q 1 Vollcyball (Boys)

Winter Spm4 (List Total Number of Pat-ticipation Responses)30 Basketball (Gir1s)29 Basketball (Boys)9 G'ymnastics (Gir1s)1 4 lndoor Traek (Girls)q 4 lndogr Track (Bo).-s)26 Swirnnning & Diving (Qirls)5 Swirnrning & Diving (Boys)

Sum mary Page No. 1

1 2 Wrestling (Boys)

Spring Sport (List Total Nttmber of Paz-ticipation Responses)3: Baseball (Boys)27 Fast Pitch SoRball (Girls)1 3 Slow Pitch Softball ((Jirls)1 6 Termis (Gir1s)i :ï Térmis -(zoà,i)1 6 Track (Girls)1 : Track (Boys)

Other Spez-to (Frcm Student Stuwey T-6 1 Queltiol'l 10)

Nnme of Spol't


Hacky Sack

Powdnr Puff Football

MotorcrossMartial Arts



Diuar.7fn Tvtaln .

BowlingNumber of Students who pazticipate in Intramural Sports


(From Student Stuvey T-61 Question 5)** Monticello Schooly System does

SDOX Heres howBasketballBaSEBALL




Sports Program

ArcheryDance Team


List lntramural Spoz'ts st-udents are interested in adding:

(From Student Survey T-6 1 Question 6)

Number of Students lntereste:l InPazticipating

- 1

Sport NkunberSoccer 10

Football 25Volleyball 3Softball 2

Wrestlinc 2Hacky Sack 3Basketball 2Cheerlmadding 1Powder Puff 2Tennis Summary PRge N0.à


RugbyFencingBadmitten/ArcheryBowlingMartial Arts


Participation in Non-school Spol-ts Activities(lvom Student Survey T-6 1 Question 7)

Sport Numberisted S0 YOS 1 1 6 NOhlra Sports were ).


Reasons for not participating in interscholastie athletics,

(From Survey Question 8)

Response N umber

1 7 1 prefer other activities such as band, chorus, etc.

3 1 l don't have tim e: 3 The practice schedules and game times are inconvenient24 The sport 1 like isn't offered4 It' s too expensive6 I pret-er to participate in clklb Or intramtu-al sports8 W orking9 Other


Sttzdent Stlggestions to encourage participation

For Good Heàlth Reason-s-, Sc-h-larsh.ip-s raa. sons- - 2 e-FO-Od. z -la-ower -price z Have a Debate Team ,Football Team-3, Offer Extra Credit

, Have Exhibition during Schcolp Kakc Sports Fun,More Sports-z, Martial Arts: Have Rewards, Make Naw Fricnds, Send around a Sign-up ShectHave Coaches not related to Playprs

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Pr' lnalrs Q- ture n ww,xz. u. ma a K eD

Sum mury Page No. 3
