Systematic Silence About NDAA Proves Plot To Destroy U.S. Is Real, Vindicating ConspiracyTheorists



“This year we are witnessing not just a series of brutal but fundamentally independent human rights violations committed by disparate governments around the globe. This year we are witnessing something far more fundamental and far more dangerous.

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Systematic Silence About NDAA Proves Plot ToDestroy U.S. Is Real, Vindicating ConspiracyTheorists

Saman Mohammadi

1. Infowars.comJanuary 13, 2012

“This year we are witnessing not just aseries of brutal but fundamentallyindependent human rights violationscommitted by disparate governmentsaround the globe. This year we arewitnessing something far morefundamental and far more dangerous.This year we are witnessing theorchestrated destruction by the UnitedStates of the very basis, the fragilescaffolding, upon which internationalhuman rights have been built,painstakingly, bit by bit by bit, since theend of World War II.” – William F.Schulz, former Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, speaking in 2003. (1).There is a conspiracy of silence about the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, otherwiseknown as the “Indefinite Detention Bill.”

This treasonous violation of the rights of Americancitizens and all human beings on “Battlefield Earth”must be understood in the larger political andhistorical context of the American Deep State, whichprofessor and author Peter Dale Scott says “refers toa parallel secret government, organized by theintelligence and security apparatus, financed bydrugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect thestatus and interests of the military against threatsfrom intellectuals, religious groups, and occasionallythe constitutional government,” (2).

The American Deep State has covertly created anindefinite detention regime in the United Statesbased on acts of state terrorism and other forms ofpolitical violence such as assassinations.

The false flag September 11 attacks in 2001 and the

assassination of President John F. Kennedy in1963 stand as the pivotal historical events in thebureaucratic formation of the American DeepState and its total takeover of the Americanconstitutional republic.

Seen from this perspective, the NDAA is allpart of the plan. Its swift passage by the Senateand White House is a clear indication that theAmerican Deep State is preparing for big events,even bigger than 9/11. Since it is a creature thatfeeds on drama and violence, it will producegreater drama and violence.

A basic reading of the current political andeconomic situation suggests that the AmericanDeep State is in the process of triggering variousdomestic and foreign crises, such as a war against Iran and an economic collapse, in order toconsolidate more power and control at the executive level.

A full-frontal attack on Iran by the American Deep State and the Israeli Deep State would quicklydevelop into a global state of emergency, which will be used by the traitors in Washington toimplement their global authoritarian agenda and exercise their unchecked power againstawakened American citizens more openly.

The evil monsters who own the American Deep State, and give this beast its purpose, havepsychologically and spiritually separated themselves from the American people and commonhumanity to such an extent that they exist on a different plane of social reality. They are free tocommit atrocities like the September 11 attacks not only because the laws of America don’tapply to them, but the laws of God as well.

Murder and mystery are in the DNA of the American Deep State. Since the death of JFK, it hassilently suffocated the American Dream in the long night of amnesia, during which the

American people were put in a state ofdeep sleep by the mind manipulators inthe CIA and mainstream media.

What has existed under the AmericanDeep State is what author and teacherMichael Tsarion calls a “psychicdictatorship.” Tsarion said in 2006 in alecture in Los Angeles: “The real war isa psychic one. The real war is onconsciousness. And too many people areforgetting this in this conspiratorialmovement, so to speak, or in alternativehistory. And I will not ever make that


In 2012, the psychic dictatorship is cracking. As a result,the American Deep State is forced to bring into being amilitary dictatorship in America, and that is where theindefinite detention bill comes into the bigger picture.

Thus far, the manipulators of the public mind have beenable to suppress public knowledge of its crimes by itsStalinist control of the mainstream media. But they areincreasingly unable to twist the meaning of events andpass off political fiction as historical truth to the Americanpeople and the world because of the downfall of the globalmainstream media and the rise of reality on the Internet.

Unlike before, the majority of the American people arepolitically awake and profoundly distrustful of the federalgovernment and the political leaders of both parties.Naturally, this crisis of confidence means thatWashington’s political crisis is not far away.

The political crisis in Washington can no longer be suppressed and kept hidden from theAmerican people and the world.

There’s a storm coming.

The 2012 presidential season is exposing the ugly side of politics one too many times. Now thetruth is laid bare for all eyes to see.

And what do they see? An American body politic that lies buried under the empty surface of liesand political artificiality.

Machines like Barack Obama and Mitt Romney stand on the grave site, both of whom areworking for a generational andtreacherous political goal tooverthrow the Bill of Rightsand America’s constitutionalrepublic. Their job as politicalleaders is to manipulate themasses and pacify politicalresistance from the Americanpeople to the establishment ofan authoritarian globalgovernment that will becontrolled by the same corruptbankers who were behind the2008 financial crisis.

That crisis was engineered by the big banksto bring down America, and financiallybleed it to death. So far, they havesucceeded. America is collapsing accordingto plan. But don’t count on any politicianor “news” anchor to announce its death andthen list the causes why.

Still, there is hope that America will berenewed. In the graveyard of nations,America’s headstone reads: TheExperiment failed, but the Dream lives on.


Van Bergen, Jennifer and Valentine, Douglas. (2005). ”The dangerous world of indefinitedetentions: Vietnam to Abu Ghraib.” Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 37(2-3), pg. 449-509.

2. Scott, Peter Dale. “The “Deep State” behind U.S. democracy.”, April 6,2011.

This article first appeared on Saman Mohammadi’s blog, The Excavator

First NDAA, Now Enemy Expatriation Act

Chuck BaldwinInfowars.comJanuary 13, 2012

On the heels of the National DefenseAuthorization Act (NDAA), otherwise known asthe “Indefinite Detention Act,” comes anotherdraconian bill designed to give the federalgovernment the power to turn American citizensinto enemies of the state for virtually any reasonit deems necessary. Stephen D. Foster, Jr. hasthe story.

“Congress is considering HR 3166 and S. 1698also known as the Enemy Expatriation Act,sponsored by Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and CharlesDent (R-PA). This bill would give the USgovernment the power to strip Americans oftheir citizenship without being convicted of being ‘hostile’ against the United States. In other

words, you can be stripped of yournationality for ‘engaging in, orpurposefully and materiallysupporting, hostilities against theUnited States.’ Legally, the term‘hostilities’ means any conflictsubject to the laws of war butconsidering the fact that the War onTerror is a little ambiguous andencompassing, any action could belabeled as supporting terrorism.”Foster goes on to say, “I hope I’m

wrong, but it sounds to me like this is a loophole for indefinitely detaining Americans. Onceagain, you just have to be accused of supporting hostilities which could be defined any way thegovernment sees fit. Then the government can strip your citizenship and apply the indefinitedetention section of the NDAA without the benefit of a trial.”

See Foster’s report at:

Ever since Congress passed the Patriot Act back in 2001, it seems the floodgates have beenopened for more and more intrusions and abridgements of those fundamental liberties expresslyprotected in the Bill of Rights. From the Patriot Act, to the Military Commissions Act, to theNDAA (Indefinite Detention Act), and to now the Enemy Expatriation Act (EEA), these biggovernment toadies in Washington, D.C., are clearly and unmistakingly declaring war on theAmerican people.

I invite readers to see my column on the NDAA at:


Have we forgotten the MIAC report out of the State of Missouri back in 2009? In that officialState report, supporters of Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin were identified as potentialdangerous “militia members,” and Missouri State law enforcement officials were notified to beon guard. Beyond that, anyone that identifiedthemselves as being pro-life, pro-Second Amendment,anti-Federal Reserve, Christians who believe in thereturn of Christ, and even returning Iraq War veteranswere likewise targeted as potentially dangerous toMissouri State law enforcement personnel.

After the MIAC report surfaced, Ron Paul, Bob Barr,and I sent a letter to the governor of Missouridemanding that the report be removed and that the Stateof Missouri repudiate the report. After a firestorm ofoutrage by thousands of Americans all over the country(not just in Missouri) the State of Missouri did indeedremove and repudiate the report.

Totalitarian regimes throughouthistory have attempted tomarginalize those people that thestate intended to target forpersecution. Once a group orgroups of people had beensufficiently marginalized, it wasn’tlong before public condemnationand then military retaliation tookplace. Legislation such as thePatriot Act, the MilitaryCommissions Act, the NDAA, and

now the EEA authorize military power to be used against US citizens, and given the propensityof government propagandists in the National Press Corps to marginalize groups of people whoseideas are thought to be politically incorrect, it’s only a matter of time before the executive branchof the federal government begins utilizing the dictatorial powers that have been granted to it byCongress. And, unfortunately, many State governments seem more than willing to participate inthe Machiavellian machinations put forward by Washington, D.C. The MIAC report in the Stateof Missouri is a prime example.

Sadder still is the way so many Christian pastors and churches have become little more thanglorified cheerleaders for Statism and Militarism. While the Trojan Horse of Big Governmentsits unnoticed in Town Square, so-called Christians spend most of their time either trying to killeach other because of differences of opinion over secondary doctrines, or trying to turn theirworship services into miniature versions of Walt Disney World.

I ask you, did you hear anything from your pastor regarding NDAA? Did you hear anything fromyour pastor regarding the Patriot Act or the Military Commissions Act? If not, do you really thinkyou will hear him say anything about the EEA? Again I ask you, are not the fundamentalprinciples of liberty as valuable and as scriptural as the so-called “family values” we hear pastorstalk so much about? I would argue that without the undergirding foundational principles ofliberty (codified in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights), the so-called “family

values” would become moot very quickly! BeforeHitler’s government could begin marching people off toconcentration camps, it had to destroy the foundationalelements of liberty in the hearts and minds of theGerman people–including German pastors and churches.A government that doesn’t respect your liberty will notrespect your life, your family, your religion, or yourmorality!

At this point, I invite readers to watch my address fromlast Sunday, January 8, 2012. In this address, I dealforthrightly with the NDAA and show the scripturalinstruction regarding how unlawful and illegitimategovernment is the chief source of “tribulation” that the

Bible talks so much about. I also give ascriptural outline as to how Christian peopleare to relate and respond to government–bothgood and bad. Watch my Sunday address at:

While we are on the topic of liberty, someonehas produced a fascinating clip ofCongressman Ron Paul showing thepredictions he made on the floor of the USHouse of Representatives back in 2002–alongwith the fulfillment of those predictions insubsequent news headlines. People who viewthis brief You Tube video might just begin tounderstand why Congressman Paul is the onlyPresidential candidate who truly understandsthe causes of this loss of liberty taking place inour land. See Dr. Paul’s speech on the House floor at:

Given the way congressmen and senators from both major parties are willing to grant dictatorialpowers to the President, it seems likely that the EEA will pass in much the same way as did theNDAA. It seems to me that the longer we keep expecting Washington, D.C., to solve ourproblems, the more our problems will increase. Remember the sagacious words of PresidentRonald Reagan: “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”Listen to that quote at:

If we are going to “guard and defend” (Daniel Webster) our liberties, it is going to take states andlocal communities to do it, because those miscreants in Washington, D.C., are doing everythingthey can to dismantle our liberties, not protect them. We need State governors, lieutenantgovernors, attorney generals, and sheriffs to stand in the gap NOW! And in that vein, I invitereaders to follow the Fanning-Baldwin Montana gubernatorial campaign at the followingFacebook and Twitter pages:!/FanningBaldwin

In the meantime, beware! The Enemy Expatriation Act is coming soon, and with the way thingsare going, YOU could be deemed the enemy!

This post first appeared on Chuck Baldwin’s blog.

U.S. Gov’t Forks Out $100 Million in Grants toSecure Repub and Demo ConventionsNoel Brinkerhoff

2. All GovJanuary 13, 2012

Seeking to ensure the protection of topRepublican and Democratic politicos, theU.S. government has funneled $100million to the host cities of this year’spresidential nominating conventions. Thiscalls into question why the 42% ofAmericans who identify themselves asindependents or members of smallerparties should have to foot the bill forpolitical parties that are supported by only31% of the population (Democrats) and27% (Republicans).

Tampa, Florida, received a $50 million federal grant to help it prepare for the RepublicanNational Convention, scheduled for August 27-30. City officials are expecting large protestsoutside the three-day event, featuring many of those from the Occupy movements that took placelast year around the country.

To handle what could be as many as 15,000 demonstrators, Tampa has purchased an armoredSWAT vehicle and may bring in up to 2,000 police officers from other cities to bolster its locallaw enforcement.

More than $3 million will be spent on new digital video communication technology that cantransmit images from police helicopters to officers on the ground using handheld receivers. Thecity also plans to install 60 surveillance cameras in the downtown area.

The Democratic National Convention, set for September 3-7, will take place in Charlotte, NorthCarolina. That city too received $50 million from Washington to help pay for police training andequipment upgrades. Like Tampa, Charlotte intends to import between 2,400 and 3,400 officersfrom around the state to expand security around the convention site.

22 Signs That We Are On The Verge Of ADevastating Global Recession

1. The Economic CollapseFriday, January 13, 2012

2012 is shaping up to be a verytough year for the global economy.All over the world there are signsthat economic activity issignificantly slowing down. Many ofthese signs are detailed later on inthis article.

But most people don’t understandwhat is happening because theydon’t put all of the pieces together.If you just look at one or two piecesof data, it may not seem that impressive. But when you examine all of the pieces of evidence thatwe are on the verge of a devastating global recession all at once, it paints a very frighteningpicture. Asia is slowing down, Europe is slowing down and there are lots of trouble signs for theU.S. economy. It has gotten to a point where the global debt crisis is almost ready to boil over,and nobody is quite sure what is going to happen next. The last global recession was absolutelynightmarish, and we should all hope that we don’t see another one like that any time soon.Unfortunately, things do not look good at this point.

The following are 22 signs that we are on the verge of a devastating global recession….

#1 On Thursday it was announced that U.S. jobless claims had soared to a six-week high.

#2 Hostess Brands, the maker of Twinkies and Wonder Bread, has filed for bankruptcyprotection.

#3 Sears recently announced that somewhere between 100 and 120 Sears and Kmart stores willbe closing, and Sears stock has fallen nearly 60% injust the past year.

#4 Over the past 12 months, dozens of prominentretailers have closed stores all over America, and oneconsulting firm is projecting that there will bemorethan 5,000 more store closings in 2012.

#5 Richard Bove, an analyst at Rochdale Securities, isprojecting that the global financial industry will loseapproximately 150,000 jobs over the next 12 to 18months.

#6 Investors are pulling money out of the stockmarket at a rapid pace right now. In fact, as an articleposted on CNBC recently noted, investors pulledmore money out of mutual funds than they put intomutual funds for 9 weeks in a row. Are there somepeople out there that are quietly repositioning theirmoney for tough times ahead?….

Investors yanked money out of U.S. equity mutualfunds for a ninth-consecutive week despite abullish 2012 outlook from Wall Street and aDecember rally that’s carried over into the NewYear.

#7 There are signs that the Chinese economy is seriously slowing down. The following comesfrom a recent article in the Guardian….

Growth had slowed to an annual rate of 1.5% in the second and third quarters of 2011,below the “stall speed” that historically led to recession.

#8 The Bank of Japan says that the economic recovery in that country “has paused“.

#9 Manufacturing activity in the euro zone has fallen for five months in a row.

#10 Germany’s economy actually contracted during the 4th quarter of 2011. At this point manyeconomists believe that Germany is already experiencing a recession.

#11 According to a recent article by Bloomberg, it is being projected that the French economy isheading into a recession….

The French economy will shrink this quarter and next, suggesting the nation is in arecession as investment and consumer spending stagnate, national statistics office Inseesaid.

#12 There are a multitude of statistics that indicate that the UK economy is definitely slowingdown.

#13 In the UK, the average price of a gallon of gasoline has risen to an astounding $9.67.

#14 It is being reported that the Spanish economy contracted during the 4th quarter of 2011.

#15 Bad loans in Spain recently hit a 17-year high and the unemployment rate is at a 15-yearhigh.

#16 According to a recent article in theTelegraph, the Italian government isforecasting that there will be a recessionfor the Italian economy in 2012….

The Italian government predicts GDP will contract 0.4pc next year, but many economistsfear the figure is optimistic.

“We can say without mincing words that we have already slipped into recession,” saidIntesa Sanpaolo analyst Paolo Mameli. “We expect GDP to keep contracting for the next3-4 quarters.”

#17 Italy’s youth unemployment rate has hit the highest level ever.

#18 The unemployment rate in Greece forthose under the age of 24 is now at39percent.

#19 Greece is already experiencing a full-blown economic depression. About a thirdof the country is now living in poverty andextreme medicine shortages are beingreported. Things have gotten so bad thatentire families are being ripped apart.According to the Daily Mail, hundreds ofGreek children are being abandoned becausethe economy has gotten so bad that theirparents simply cannot afford to take care of them anymore. The note that one mother left with herchild was absolutely heartbreaking….

One mother, it said, ran away after handing over her two-year-old daughter Natasha.

Four-year-old Anna was found by a teacher clutching a note that read: ‘I will not becoming to pick up Anna today because I cannot afford to look after her. Please take goodcare of her. Sorry.’

#20 In Greece, large numbers of people are simply giving up on life. Sadly, the number ofsuicides in Greece has increased by 40 percent in just the past year.

#21 In many European countries, the money supply continues to contract rapidly. The followingcomes from a recent article in the Telegraph….

Simon Ward from Henderson Global Investors said “narrow” M1 money – whichincludes cash and overnight deposits, and signals short-term spending plans – shows analarming split between North and South.

While real M1 deposits are still holding up in the German bloc, the rate of fall over thelast six months (annualised) has been 20.7pc in Greece, 16.3pc in Portugal, 11.8pc inIreland, and 8.1pc in Spain, and 6.7pc in Italy. The pace of decline in Italy has beenaccelerating, partly due to capital flight. “This rate of contraction is greater than inearly 2008 and implies an even deeper recession, both for Italy and the wholeperiphery,” said Mr Ward.

#22 The major industrialized nations of the world must roll over trillions upon trillions of dollarsin debt during 2012. At a time when credit is becoming much tighter, this is going to be quite achallenge. The following list compiled by Bloomberg shows the amount of debt that some largenations must roll over in 2012….

Japan: 3,000 billionU.S.: 2,783 billionItaly: 428 billionFrance: 367 billionGermany: 285 billionCanada: 221 billionBrazil: 169 billionU.K.: 165 billionChina: 121 billionIndia: 57 billionRussia: 13 billion

Keep in mind that those numbers do not include any new borrowing. Those are just old debts thatmust be refinanced.

As I mentioned at the top of this article, things do not look good.

The last thing that we need is another devastating global recession.

As I wrote about yesterday, the U.S. economy is in the midst of a nightmarish long-termdecline. The last major global recession helped to significantly accelerate that decline.

So what will happen if this next global recession is worse than the last one?

Sadly, the people that will get hurt the most by another recession will not be the wealthy.

The people that will get hurt the most will be the poor and the middle class.

So what should all of us be doingabout this? We should use thetime during this “calm before thestorm” to prepare for the hardtimes that are coming.

As always, let us hope for thebest and let us prepare for theworst.

But things certainly do not lookpromising for the globaleconomy in 2012.