System Study



xccx scc

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The existing system for the recruitment in High Court of Kerala is a manual system.

Applications forms are issued from the recruitment cell of the High Court for individual

applicants. The filled application forms are collected and processed manually to prepare a

list of eligible candidates. Call letters for written test are sent to eligible candidates.

Written tests are conducted at different examination centre allocated to the candidates.

Eligible candidates are called for interview and final selection process is done. There is

no electronic support in the present recruitment system.

Limitations of existing system

Operations are time consuming

Cannot update or check records easily

Registers and files must be prepared to maintain records

Searching and retrieval of data is difficult

There is no provision to validate the data being entered. This results in the

accumulation of useless data, which in turn slows down the data retrieval

Not efficient as it is prone to human generated errors.

Speed of accessing information is low


The new system provides a fully automated recruitment system offers the following


It provides a facility to keep the records for common application form issue


It helps to edit the application form issue record if error occurs

It helps to view the issue details

It provides the facility to keep the record for the filled in application form and

categorize the applicants as qualified or not

It helps to view the applicants are qualified or not for the written exam and


It provides a facility to allocate roll number and centre to each qualified candidate

for the written exam

It helps to generate hall ticket for all qualified candidate

It helps to generate defect letters for all disqualified candidates

It helps to generate attendance sheet to mark the attendance for the written exam

and interview.

It helps to keep the record of attendance.

It helps to keep the record of written exam mark and interview mark

It helps to generate short list and final rank list

There is also a facility to create new user, new centre, new post and new basic



The main benefits of proposed system are:

Time required for the process of maintaining records is reduced considerably

The system is user friendly, secure and saves a lot of time

Reduces the effort of the end user and is more accurate