Synopsis, Simon Boccanegra



Simon Boccanegra, Synopsis

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Genoa must elect a new doge. Paolo Albiani and his friend Pietro, leaders of the people's party,

seek support for the Corsair Simon Boccanegra amongst both patricians and plebians. Simon,

who liberated Genoa from pirates, is only interested in the position because it may enable him to

wed his mistress, Maria, the daughter of the patrician Fiesco. Fiesco has con cealed his daughter

from Simon, who is unaware that she has in the meantime died. Fiesco takes leave of his dead

child and his palace in Genoa. Simon pleads for reconciliation. Fiesco will offer it on condition

that Simon deliver up to him the daughter he has had with Maria. Simon cannot meet this

demand because his daughter has disappeared mysteriously without a trace. Unreconciled the

two men go their separate ways. Simon forces his way into the palace of the Fieschi and finds

Maria dead. At the same time the people declare him to be the new doge of Genoa.

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Act OneTwenty-five years have passed. Simon Boccanegra's lost daughter is living near Genoa

unre cog nized under the name of Amelia Grimaldi. She had been taken in by the convent of

Pisa and raised under the name of the patrician family Grimaldi whose daughter Amelia had

died there. In this way she was able to rescue the fortune of the Grimaldi family which was in

danger of being confiscated by the state after the Grimaldi sons had left Genoa for political

reasons. Amelia is in love with the young patrician Gabriele Adorno. He belongs to a group

plotting to overthrow the doge as does Fiesco, who has returned to Genoa incognito under

the name of Andrea. He offers his paternal protection to Amelia without recognizing that she

is his granddaughter. The doge seeks to win over Amelia for his favourite and present chan-

cellor Paolo Albiani. She repudiates the overtures, pointing out Paolo's selfserving motives, but

begins to trust Boccanegra and tells him the story of her background. The doge recognizes

in her his missing daughter by Maria. Thereupon he rejects Paolo's courtship and earns him-

self an embittered enemy. Paolo and Pietra resolve to kidnap Amelia.

The senate is assembled in the council chamber. The doge refuses to embark on war with Ve-

nice so as to spare his country the additional strife of a fratricidal war. The meeting is disrup-

ted as the populace enter bringing Fiesco and Gabriele Adorno before the doge. Gabriele

confesses to having murdered Lorenzino, the kidnapper of Amelia Grimaldi. Lorenzino admit-

ted before dying that he had been won over to the deed by someone more powerful. Assu-

ming that the doge is the instigator, Gabriele intends to kill him. Amelia, who has managed

to free herself, intervenes. She declares that she knows who the guilty party is, but will not

reveal his name. She pleads that Gabriele be forgiven. Simon Boccanegra is able to subdue

the conflict between patricians and plebians. He senses who the guilty person is and de-

mands of Paolo that he pronounce a curse on the unknown offender before the assembly.

Paolo is forced to curse himself.

Act TwoPaolo has joined a conspiracy against the doge and wants to kill him. He has secretly gained

entry to Simon's chamber and places a slow-working poison in the drinking water. In addition,

he wants to convince Gabriele and Fiesco, imprisoned in the doge's place, to murder him.

Fiesco refuses; Gabriele, however, is undecided because he believes that Amelia is now the

doge's mistress. As Amelia will not reveal to him the real reason for Simon's affection for her,

Gabriele resolves in his mindless jealousy to carry out the murder. Deeply moved by his

daughter's un swerving love for Gabriele Adorno, Simon promises to pardon his mortal enemy.

Worn down and tormented by the burdens of state, he drinks the poisoned water and falls as-

leep. Amelia is able to prevent Gabriele from murdering the sleeping doge. Simon reveals to

his enemy that he is Amelia's father. Deeply ashamed Gabriele pleads for forgiveness.

When a mob, in cited by the patricians, demands the doge's downfall, Gabriele joins forces

with Simon. He wants to help him in his struggle for peace. Simon promises him his

daughter's hand.

Act ThreeThe patrician conspiracy has failed. As Amelia and Gabriele are being married, Paolo is led to

his execution. On the way he confesses to Fiesco, who has now been released, that he has

poisoned the doge. Simon's strength is rapidly failing. One last time he looks at the sea to

which he is so attached. He welcomes Fiesco as a harbinger of peace, as he can now show

him that Amelia is Maria's long lost child. The mortal foes make peace. The dying doge bles-

ses Amelia's and Gabriele's union and declares Gabriele to be his successor.

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