Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


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  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor



    C program to VB program Converter

    IntroductionC Program to Visual Basic Converter software is unique software which is

    used to convert C language code into Visual Basic Code. There are thousands

    of line code is written in C language that need to converted into Visual Basic

    due to shift over in the technology. Instead doing it manually this software is

    prepared to convert C code into VB Code.

    PurposeThe purpose of this document is to specify requirements and to give

    guidelines for the development of above said project. In particular it gives

    guidelines on how to prepare the above said project. This document is

    intended to be a practical guide for people who developing this software.

    ScopeThis software is very generic. o it can useful for any software company who

    have c code and they want to convert into VB Code. It saves much time for

    these type of companies.

    GoalThe goal of project is to convert the C language code into Visual Basic Code.

    !s we "now manually when you converting the code it ta"es very long time.

    #here as this program convert it in a minutes.

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    OverviewThis project mainly prepared to save the time and manpower$ when do it

    manually naturally it ta"es much time. But this program will convert the code

    in a minutes. %ven though it will not convert the whole project$ it covertsindividual files. It save much time and money.

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    Hardware and Software requirement

    Hardware Re uirement

    Processor & Intel Core 'uo (.) *+, or more

    -! & / *B or ore

    +arddis" & 0)*B or more

    onitor & /12 C-T$ or 3C' monitor

    4eyboard & 5ormal or ultimediaouse & Compatible mouse

    So!tware Re uirement

    6ront %nd & Visual Basic ()/) %7press edition

    Bac" %nd & ql erver

    8peration ystem & #indows 0


    #indows 9

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    Contact us to buy this project

    -a"sha Infotech :Bangalore

    "cademic Pro#ects

    So!tware Pro#ects wit$ Source Codefor BC!$ C!$ B. c$ . c$ 'iploma$ B.% students

    Project !vailable in & Visual Basic ;.)$$Visual Basic ())0 ()/)

    ! P$ !

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    Product %itle / 0e& &ased onlinepro#ects


    Par"s Budgeting !nd anaging /()/

    #ashing achine Customer Care!dministration /()(

    8verseas Call Center %mployeeanagement /()?

    Police 'epartment Vehicle!dministration /()@

    Police 'epartment tationwise%mployee Program /()1

    Police 'epartment Promotion !nd

    Transfer anagement/();

    Traffic Police Case -egistration ystem /()9

    Traffic Police !reawise 'uty !llotment /()0

    chool Children +ealth !nalysisProgram /()A

    Birth !nd 'eath Certificate-egistration ystem /(/)

    Car Par"ing Controlling !nd anaging /(//

    Tours !nd Travel Call CenterProcessing ystem /(/(

    Club ember !dministration /(/?

    etro Train mart Card Issue !nd-echarge ystem /(/@

    +ighway Tollgate Toll Collectionystem /(/1

    Private Courier Company!dministration /(/;

    Courier Vehicle !dministration /(/9

    #or"order Processing ystem 6orCompany %mployees /(/0

    Cement #arehouse !dministration /(/A
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    chool Boo"s upply anagement /(()

    #ee"ly aga,ine Indent !nd'istribution ystem /((/

    %vening 5ewspaper 'istributionystem /(((

    5ews Paper !dvertisement -evenueCollection ystem /((?

    5ewstv Vehicles !dministration /((@

    5ews %diting ystem 6or 5ews TvChannel /((1

    5ews %diting ystem 6or 5ewspaper /((;

    Tv Program !dministration !nd%mployee !llocation /((9

    Company 3egal Cases anagement!nd Information haring ystem /((0

    %lection Process 'atacollection !nd-esult !nnounce ystem /((A

    'ata Collection 6rom %lectronic Votingachine

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    Pre:school Children 'ay To 'ay!ctivity -egistration ystem /(@)

    5etwor" Based Billing ystem 6or !Branded tores /(@/

    'igital oney Transaction Dsing obilePhones

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    ms Based oneyorder ystem 6orPost 8ffice 'epartment /(1A

    %lection Card -egistration Process /(;)

    %lection 5omination 6iling ystem 6or%ach Constituency /(;/

    %lection #inners -egistration !nd!dministration ystem /(;(

    Baby 6ood anufacturer Client!dministration /(;?

    oftware Pac"age 6or 6ish %7portCompany /(;@

    Cruise hip Tour !nd Travel


    Cruise hipwise Tour Boo"ing ystem /(;;

    %lectric Car Battery %7changeanagement /(;9

    !dministrative Processing ystem 6or%nvironment 'epartment /(;0

    !dministrative Processing ystem 6orPollution Control 'epartment /(;A

    !dministrative Processing ystem 6orocial #elfare 'epartment /(9)

    oftware Pac"age 6or inistry 8f-ural 'evelopment /(9/

    oftware Pac"age 6or inistry 8focial #elfare /(9(

    oftware Pac"age 6or inistry 8f+ome !ffairs /(9?

    oftware Pac"age 6or inistry 8fPower /(9@

    %mployee Transfer anagementystem /(91

    cience eminar ember -egistrationystem /(9;
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    -egistration !nd !dministration 8fIndian %mbassies In 6oreign Countries /(99

    Image torage !nd earching ystem6or urvey 8f India /(90

    Car howroom !dministration /(9A

    Product 'isplay !nd election ystem6or Customers /(0)

    'riving 3icense Computer Based TestProgram /(0/

    ob election 8ffline %ntrance Test!nd -esult Processing ystem /(0(

    !sset anagement ystem 6or !


    3ife Insurance !dministration /(0@

    Property Insurance !dministration /(01

    +ealth Insurance !dministration /(0;

    !ccidental 'eath !nd 'ismembermentInsurance /(09

    !utomobile Insurance !dministration /(00

    Boiler Insurance !dministration /(0A

    Bond Insurance !dministration /(A)

    Business 8verhead %7pense 'isabilityInsurance !dministration /(A/

    Casualty Insurance Policies /(A(

    Chargebac" Insurance !dministration /(A?

    Corporate:owned 3ife Insurance


    Crop Insurance !dministration /(A1

    #orldwide %arthqua"e -egistrationystem /(A;

    %mployment:based Immigrant Visaystem /(A9
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    Centrali,ed Visa Processing ystem /(A0

    Customer Information anagementystem /(AA

    Budget !llocation !nd Process ystem /?))

    %$e !ollowing pro#ects availa&lewit$

    asp'net VB(C) coding wit$ *SS lServer

    +ava1 +SP coding wit$ m,S l

    -ata&ase ServerPHP wit$ m,S l -ata&ase Server

    Product %itle / 0e& &ased onlinepro#ects


    8nline Customer Care anagementystem 6or ! Branded Product /1)/

    8nline Police 'epartment Informationite /1)(

    /)th tandard 8nline %7am-egistration ite /1)?

    8nline %ntrance %7am !nd eatProcessing ystem /1)@

    8nline Car Boo"ing ystem 6oraruthi u,u"i Cars /1)1

    8nline ovie Tic"et Boo"ing ystem /1);

    !ntiques -egistration !nd !ction ite /1)9

    etro Train 8nline Time Table ite /1)0

    8nline Tollgate Toll Collection!dministration !t ultiple Points /1)A

    Courier Trac"ing !nd 'istributionystem /1/)
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    Transport Vehicle 3ocation Based-eporting ystem /1//

    8nline #arehouse !nd toc" Position!dministrative ystem /1/(

    #ee"ly ag,ine Indent !nd Processystem /1/?

    Correspondence Course election !nd-egistration ystem /1/@

    Plant Information toring !nd haringystem 6or Bio 'epartment /1/1

    !nimal Information toring !ndharing ystem 6or oological


    8nline oo Information ite. /1/9

    8nline +otel -oom Boo"ing ystem. /1/0

    Preschool 6ranchisee !dministration!nd 3isting 8f 6ranchisee chools In'ifferent City


    8nline 5etwor" Based Billing ystem6or Branded tores. /1()

    8nline Tender !dministration ystem. /1(/

    8nline 8pen Bidding Tender Processystem. /1((

    8nline aterial upply -egistrationystem 6or anufacturers /1(?

    +ighly Professional 'octors!ppointment -egistration ystem. /1(@

    Instantly 8nline oney Transferystem. /1(1

    Dnique Id Card -egistration ystem. /1(;

    8nline Product 8rder ystem. /1(9

    8nline Pi,,a 8rdering ystem 6orBranded Pi,,a Center /1(0

    8nline #estern Dnion Type ite To /1(A
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    end oney 8nline

    8nline Income Ta7 Payment ystem. /1?)

    8nline Pan Card Processing ystem. /1?/

    8nline !ction Bidding ite /1?(

    8nline Bugtrac"er To Trac" ProjectBased Problems /1??

    College !lumini ite 8r 8ld tudent!ssociation ite /1?@

    8nline College !dministration /1?1

    8nline 'ocument haring !ndanagement ystem /1?;

    8nline 'riving chool !dministrationite /1?9

    %ban"ing !dministration$ 8nlineBan"ing -egistration !nd Processing /1?0

    %mployee Time anagement ystem$To Trac" %mployee In !nd 8utTimings.


    !utogeneration 8f -esearch PaperBased 8n !vailable Content /1@)

    8nline +ospital anagement /1@/

    8nline Insurance anagement /1@(

    8nline 4nowledge anagement !ndharing ystem /1@?

    8nline etro Train Project /1@@

    8nline issing Child -egistration !ndProcessing ite /1@1

    8nline !ir Tic"et Boo"ing ystem /1@;

    8nline Boo" hopping ite /1@9

    8nline Ias %7am !nd -esult Processing /1@0

    8nline 5ews Posting !nd Publishing /1@A,_Online_Banking_Registration_And_Processing_Academic_Projects.htm,_Online_Banking_Registration_And_Processing_Academic_Projects.htm,_Online_Banking_Registration_And_Processing_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Track_Employee_In_And_Out_Timings._Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Track_Employee_In_And_Out_Timings._Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Track_Employee_In_And_Out_Timings._Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Track_Employee_In_And_Out_Timings._Academic_Projects.htm,_Online_Banking_Registration_And_Processing_Academic_Projects.htm,_Online_Banking_Registration_And_Processing_Academic_Projects.htm,_Online_Banking_Registration_And_Processing_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Track_Employee_In_And_Out_Timings._Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Track_Employee_In_And_Out_Timings._Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Track_Employee_In_And_Out_Timings._Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Track_Employee_In_And_Out_Timings._Academic_Projects.htm
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    8nline Classified -ealestate ite /11)

    8nline Company hare Trading ite /11/

    8nline Commodity Trading ite /11(

    8nline Point 8f ale !dministration /11?

    Port Trust !dministration !nd hipControl ystem /11@

    8nline hopper %card$ To BuyProducts !nd In Turn To *et omeBenefits


    8nline ocial #ebsite /11;

    Time anagement !nd Project

    Progress !dministration/119

    Did !adharcard /110

    #ebbased +ostel anagement /11A

    8nline #edding Card -egistration !nd'isplay ystem /1;)

    8nline Pdf Boo"s Dpload !nd'ownload ystem /1;/

    8nline Information Dpload !ndViewing ystem /1;(

    8nline Picture elling !nd haringystem /1;?

    8nline !ll Type 8f Classified #ebsite /1;@

    8nline ulti 3evel ar"eting ystem /1;1

    ember -egistration !nd Product'istribution ystem /1;;

    Vehicle -egistration !nd earchystem 6or Police 'epartment /1;9

    Criminals -egistration !nd earchystem 6or Police 'epartment /1;0

    8nline ailed People -egistration !ndearch ystem /1;A,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    ugar Cane Crop -egistration ystem6or ugar Cane *rowing 6armers /19)

    Pincode Based Post 8ffice earchingystem /19/

    8nline #eather 6orecasting ite /19(

    !ir Pollution -egistration ite 6orConcerned 'epartment /19?

    %arthqua"e #orldwide Informationite /19@

    8nline cholarship -egistration !ndProcessing ystem /191

    8nline Two #heeler Commission

    Based !uto Consultant ite/19;

    Preowned Car ales !dministration 6orBranded Car anufacturer /199

    8nline Compliant 6iling ystem 6orConcerned 'epartment /190

    -egistration 6or ! 6ree +eart8peration !t atya ai +ospital /19A

    8nline Passport -egistration !ndtatus Info ite /10)

    8nline Patent ubmitting ystem /10/

    8nline 6und -ising ite 6or ParticularCause /10(

    #eb Based -ecruitment anagementystem /10?

    +oliday -esort -eservationanagement ystem /10@

    #eb Based Claims Processing ystem /101imple Image *allery #ith ember

    #ise 3isting !nd 'eleting /10;

    8nline 'ictionary 6or Particularubject /109

    ports tudent Information ystem /100
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis c to Vb Convertor


    8nline chool anagement ystem /10A

    8nline obile Phone Customer Careystem /1A)

    8nline ovie 'atabase$ Info 8f !ll Theovies /1A/

    Theft Vehicle -egistration ystem /1A(

    %mail Based essage 8r 3etter'istribution ystem 6or Post 8ffice /1A?

    !sset anagement ystem 6orTemples 8r Trusts /1A@

    3oan 'efaulters -egistration !ndharing ystem 6or Ban"s /1A1

    ultilevel Chess Competition-egistration !nd election Process#ebsite


    !ctive #ebsite 6or Internationalonetary 6und !n International


    Interactive #ebsite 6or International8rgani,ations /1A0

    8nline Blood 'onors Info ystem /1AA

    5omination !nd Processing 8f 5obelPri,e ite /;)),_Info_Of_All_The_Movies_Academic_Projects.htm,_Info_Of_All_The_Movies_Academic_Projects.htm,_Info_Of_All_The_Movies_Academic_Projects.htm
