SYNOD COUNCIL MINUTES INDIANA-KENTUCKY SYNOD, ELCA … 2015 Synod Council minutes.pdf · the 500th...


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JUNE 5, 2015




Officers: Bishop Bill Gafkjen, Vice-President Ted Miller, Secretary Judy Bush, Treasurer Sue


Clergy: Pastors Amy Beitelschees-Albers, Jessica King, Tim Knauff, Jerald Mielke, Randall

“Randy” Schroeder, and Pamela Thiede

Laity: Bernie Augenstein, Connie Esposito, Elizabeth Gaskins, John Andrew Landschulz, Gary

Manning, Pattiann Meeks, Danielle Nuss, Marilyn Saum, Paul Trickel, and Chris Walda

Staff: Assistant to the Bishop Pastor Rudy Mueller and DEM Pastor Nancy Nyland

Synod Attorney: Josh Tatum

Auxiliary Representative: (Lois Noel) absent

Churchwide Representative: Rev. Vicki Garber

Guests: Kathryn Lohre, ELCA Executive for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations

Absent: Rita Betts, Amy Kruse, Nancy Walter, Pastors Wendy Piano and Charles Strietelmeier,

Assistant to the Bishop Pastor Heather Apel, Interim Stewardship Director Pastor Jerry O‟Neal,

and Director of Communications Danielle Burrus


The Synod Council met in Salon A of the Indianapolis Ballroom, Marriott East, Indianapolis,

Indiana, the site of the 28th

annual Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly held from June 5 through

June 7, 2015. The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Vice-President Ted Miller.

Bishop Gafkjen noted that April, his assistant, is out with surgery recovery and she is greatly

missed; that is the reason there are not hard copies of the agenda. He noted that 13 synods have

their assemblies this weekend. He adapted a prayer for this meeting, shared it with those synods,

and they requested to use that prayer; he will use that prayer during devotions. Our companion

synod is West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod; they are selecting a new bishop this weekend

and they will be held in prayer. He noted Kathryn Lohre and Pastor Vicki Garber‟s presence

with the synod council; they are a tie and a connection to churchwide. He began by reading

Psalm 130 (Waiting for Divine Redemption) and noted the word „hope‟ in that text. Other

comments that he shared were as follows: It is Yahweh, God, who provides steadfast love with

great power to redeem. Ever and always our hope is in the Lord. We know that as we pray,

hope will come. There is forgiveness with you and you will be revered. Breathe, Holy Spirit,

Breathe. He closed with the prayer he crafted and shared with the other synods in assembly.


Vice-President Miller noted that we had a very full agenda during the Synod Council meeting

with some additions. He welcomed Pattiann Meeks back from illness and John Andrew


Landschulz back from college. He welcomed Kathryn Lohre and turned to Bishop Gafkjen to

introduce her. Bishop Gafkjen noted that she serves as assistant to the presiding bishop of the

ELCA, Bishop Eaton. She has been a leader outside the church as well serving a two-year term

as president of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA and serving as

assistant director of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University. He has the joy of serving on the

Word and Service Roster Task Force with her and he considers her a very good friend.

Kathryn said that she was determined to get here however she had to because she has been

requested several times. Her comments are included below.

She always feels welcomed in our ELCA synods and noted that it is a joy to walk

with you in this holy conversation that has begun in the mission territory. She continued

that Bishop Eaton specifically sends her greetings to you and that we are in her thoughts

and prayers. She wanted the group to know how much our bishop, Bishop Gafkjen, is

appreciated throughout the church and ecumenically. He is a gifted leader.

We have significant ecumenical developments. In January, Bishop Eaton led a

delegation to the ELCJHL, Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Jordan and the Holy Land.

Bishop Eaton was able to visit the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Bethany-Beyond-the-

Jordan, the newest church of the ELCJHL, built at site where it‟s believed John the

Baptist baptized Jesus. The Evangelical Lutheran Church at Bethany-Beyond-the-Jordan

was built in part with the help of an ELCA Mission Investment Fund. It is a phenomenal

ecumenical facility there. The Jordanian government had gifted land to several churches.

The Israeli settlement expansion has carried on; while they were there another expansion

barrier was developing. They visited the Vatican and joined the Palestinians to advocate

for the barrier not to be expanded. They then visited the Anglican Church in London.

They are working on a joint declaration summarizing the ecumenical agreements from

the past many years. She invites prayers for this significant ecumenical movement.

In Bishop Eaton‟s letter to the assembly there are important pieces. There will be a

worship jubilee following the Youth Gathering. You can find information about it at and then search for Worship Jubilee. It will be July 19-23 in Atlanta,

Georgia. She mentioned the work with unaccompanied migrant children and families

fleeing their homes in the Northern Triangle countries of Central America. Companions

in the region have shared about their struggles, root causes of this migration and avenues

for ELCA response. ELCA members, synod bishops and churchwide staff have borne

witness to and talked about ELCA plans for strategic engagement. There is a strong

partnership between ecumenical partners regarding disaster relief. Through the Lutheran

World Federation, we work with refugees and internally displaced people in Syria,

Cameroon, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Kenya, Jordan, Ukraine, Iraq and

many other places.


Upcoming in June the annual council meeting of the Lutheran World Federation will

occur and there will be reports on Lutheran self-understanding and planning for the 12th

assembly of The Lutheran World Federation which will occur in Namibia in 2017 and

the 500th

anniversary of the Reformation. The growth in the church is in the southern

hemisphere; ninety percent of those in Namibia are Christian and more than half the

population are Lutheran. How do we think about the next 500 years? How do we live

out our relationship with the global church?

One of the new projects has to do with our relationship with religious leaders of all

faiths – Jews and Muslim, in particular. The Project on Case Studies of Inter-Religious

Faiths should be available next year for congregational study. It is hoped to engage

national conversation about inter-religious conversations.

Bishop Gafkjen noted that Bishop Eaton‟s letter is on the website in the section dedicated to

the 2015 Synod Assembly. He also noted that Pastor Rudy Mueller and Linda Henke are going

to the worship event in July. Pastor Heather Apel is going to the Youth Gathering in Detroit.

There was time for questions and answers. The first question was how can congregations

prepare for the conversation on inter religious dialogue. The answer is as follows. Materials are

being prepared for congregational use. There is much about it on the ELCA website. A

declaration by Martin Luther that was very anti-Semitic was not helpful. In April 1994 the

ELCA Churchwide Council adopted the “Declaration,” which repudiates Luther's anti-Jewish

writings, expresses deep regret for their historical consequences, and reclaims the desire to live

in "love and respect for Jewish people.” She mentioned the document, WHY FOLLOW LUTHER

PAST 2017? A Contemporary Lutheran Approach to Inter-Religious Relations. It describes four

Lutheran principles regarding inter-religious relations.

She was asked about the role of Kathryn Johnson who is in our synod. She is a professor of

historical theology and is the Paul Tudor Jones Professor of Church History at Louisville

Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. She has remarkable gifts and international

relationships. Don McCoid will retire and Kathryn will come on the ELCA staff as assistant to

Bishop. She will be the director of Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations of the Evangelical

Lutheran Church in America beginning September 1. She also has served as assistant general

secretary for ecumenical affairs and acting director for theology and studies at The Lutheran

World Federation in Geneva. She was instrumental with the act of repentance and reconciliation

with the churches of the Mennonite-Anabaptist tradition in 2010. She is part of the group that is

engaging in the world declaration. She has been active with Catholic and Lutheran dialogues.

Bernie Augenstein noted that his wife is Catholic and their son is a priest; he would like to

chat with Kathryn.


Another question inquired about the relationship with LCMS, The Lutheran Church –

Missouri Synod. She related some of the experiences she has had and noted that there has been

so much grief on both sides. Bishop related his recent experience in Fort Wayne with LCMS.

Pastor Pamela Thiede tries to include Lutheran World Federation churches in the prayers of

the church, she asked if there is a place on the website that lists churches that are in communion

with each other as members of the Lutheran World Federation. Kathryn said that she will send

the link to the Bishop to share with the others.

Bishop Bill noted that we are in a covenanted companion relationship with the HKBP in

Indonesia. HKBP stands for Huria Kristen Batak Protestan. HKBP is pronounced ha-ka-bay-

pay. It is the governing church body in Indonesia and is a part of the Lutheran World Federation.

Pastor Vicki Garber, ELCA church council member representing the Indiana-Kentucky

Synod, affirmed what Kathryn Lohre said regarding ecumenical relationships as she has

experienced positive work with Presbyterians. There is significant work going on. Bishop Bill

noted that there is a report coming from the task force that he works with.

Pastor Vicki noted that the church financial committees are working on funding and

redistribution of resources. She noted there is a lot of good stuff happening there. There is a

desire to move forward together. Bishop Eaton‟s themes “we are church, we are Lutheran, we

are church together” have been a strong guide. Pastor Vicki stated that the churchwide council is

spiritually grounded, a group that prays more than any other she works with. She stated, “We

covet your prayers and help.” She loves the work on the Church Council.

Kathryn wanted to thank the group for leading from a position of abundance. Many want to

start from a position of deficit rather than a position of abundance. She stated that we need to be

sure we are about abundance if we are to engage our young people. She closed by stating that

she is excited to be here.


Ted reported that he had a written report in the dropbox. He indicated that this has been a

great year in the council and he thanked the group. During the Synod Assembly he will ask all

synod council members to stand. There has been excitement with the work with Lisa Negsted

and Michael Bischoff. He reviewed the Synod Assembly agenda for the day and indicated that

we would like as many Synod Council members as possible to be in attendance during the

orientation to Synod Assembly session at 4:15 p.m. in Veterans Hall. Synod Council members

will register for Synod Assembly with others beginning at 3:00 p.m. There will not be room for

Synod Council members to sit up front during Synod Assembly. Voting will be done differently

this year. There will be an area cordoned off for voters only which will be different from

previous assemblies.



Vice-President Miller continued. There are elections to the Executive Committee each year.

The committee consists of the four officers and three elected positions. The elected positions are

lay male, lay female, and clergy. There are six returning clergy – Amy Beitelschees-Albers,

Jessica King, Jerry Mielke, Randy Schroeder, Pamela Thiede, and Charlie Strietelmeier. There

are six returning lay female – Liz Gaskins, Amy Kruse, Pattiann Meeks, Danielle Nuss, Marilyn

Saum, and Nancy Walter. There are two lay male – Bernie Augenstein and Paul Trickel.

Members were asked to vote for one in each category; ballots were filled out. Josh Tatum and

Nancy Nyland collected and counted the ballots.



Vice-President Ted then led the discussion regarding how to orient new members.

Information before the meeting would be helpful. Mentoring was endorsed, lay members can

help those who are being replaced, someone who is currently on council can mentor the new

person, contact prior is important, opportunity for contact is important and can occur in a variety

of ways, Gary Manning, Connie Esposito and Chris Walda volunteered to contact new lay

members coming on council.

Josh returned and reported the election results. Among the 20 ballots for lay female Liz

Gaskins received 11 votes and was declared elected. Among the 19 ballots for lay male Paul

Trickel received 16 votes and was declared elected. There was not a majority for the clergy

position. Where there is not a majority, the group decided to select from the top two. However

among the 20 ballots for clergy Amy Beitelschees-Albers, Randy Schroeder, and Pamela Thiede

each receive 4 votes. The group voted then among Amy, Randy and Pamela.

The second vote for the clergy position yielded 10 votes for Pastor Amy, 5 votes for Pastor

Randy, and 5 votes for Pastor Pamela. A motion was made to elect Pastor Amy to the executive

committee; the motion passed. Based on tabulation of ballots and action of motion adoption, the

Synod Council

VOTED: SC/2015/27: that, pursuant to S11.01.01., Liz Gaskins, Paul Trickel, and

Pastor Amy Beitelschees-Albers were elected to one-year terms as members of the

Indiana-Kentucky Synod Executive Committee.

Vice-President Ted discussed the election of bishop process which should begin in

September. He noted that we have a relatively cumbersome process as detailed in the synod

constitution. The form (attached) that was used to gather input from throughout the synod for

the election process in 2009-10 was shared in the dropbox. After discussion and motion and

second, the synod council

VOTED: SC/2015/28: that a form similar to the one used in September 2009 be

used to gather input from synod congregations regarding the gifts deemed


important for the holder of the Office of Bishop and matters of priority to be dealt

with by the bishop during the term of office in accord with S9.04.01.a.


Secretary Bush reported that the executive committee had approved a waiver of fees for the

Synod Assembly for campus minister Jeff Schacht, diaconal minister.

Secretary Bush referred for consideration the previously distributed draft minutes of the April

2015 Synod Council meeting. It was moved, seconded and the Synod Council

VOTED: SC/2015/29: that the minutes of the April 17-19, 2015, Synod Council

meeting, pages 2151-2177 be approved.


Treasurer Miller referred to the treasurer‟s report (Attachment A) that was filed in the

dropbox. Mission support is $360,273 as of the end of April which 21% of the $1.7 million

budget which indicates it is on target to meet the budget. Operating cash remains positive at

$43,000. The operating bottom line shows a $41,000 positive variance due to Mission Support

and administrative expense positive variances. The endowment principal remains intact; in fact

one-third of the endowment net assets are accumulated earnings. She encouraged individuals to

contact her if there was a question.


Finance Committee chair Paul Trickel reported that the 2016-17 proposed budget was in the

dropbox. After the Synod Council action in April modifying and approving the proposed budget,

there was a change in the amount anticipated taken from the endowment.

The audit has been completed and it was a clean audit, a very positive audit. The auditors

were appreciative of the synod staff and their cooperation.

There was a conference call with Bob Benson, Mission Investment Fund Vice-President and

Treasurer, May 24. They discussed their possible services. The Finance Committee is bringing

a recommendation to implement the pilot program with the Mission Investment Fund Financial

Services Organization. Chris Walda explained the proposal using the slides in the dropbox. The

MIF Financial Services Organization can provide the following services for synods: Banking,

Treasury Management, Revenue Collection and Reporting, Accounts Payable, Accounts

Receivable, Payroll, Accounting Services, Financial Reporting, Audits, and Budgeting Support.

Benefits that the FSO can provide include cost savings or reallocation of resources, improved

financial controls and fraud prevention, best practice processes and procedures, best practice,

consistent process for Synod reporting, audit efficiency, focus on Synod ministry, and fixed costs

for duration of pilot. The proposed pilot would be for three years with cost of $25,000 for each

of those three years. Financial Services Organization would begin management of finances


February 2016. There would be an evaluation in 2018 with possible new pricing beginning in

2019. The pilot would be with six to eight synods.

Bishop Bill indicated that Region 1 has been using this model for several years. He also

explained that he has been working with the personnel involved in the transition. If approved the

MIF would begin working with staff in August. After discussion the Synod Council

VOTED: SC/2015/30: that an agreement for a three year pilot program with MIF

FSO for financial management including annual audits be approved.


There is a changing relationship with Diakonia. They do a training program offering

spiritual enrichment and theological understanding for lay people. Bishop Gafkjen indicated that

there is a difference in understanding of the outcomes of the training. They are reworking their

curriculum and Bishop Gafkjen is working with them. He considered it a very positive change.

With regard to roster concerns, Bishop Gafkjen is recommending that two pastors who have

requested remain on the roster after retirement. The Synod Council

VOTED: SC/2015/31: that Pastor Melvin Schroeder (Pleasant View, Indianapolis)

be granted retirement status with the Indiana-Kentucky Synod.


VOTED: SC/2015/32: that Pastor Paul F. Hegele, (Ascension, Louisville) be

granted retirement status with the Indiana-Kentucky Synod.

Bishop Gafkjen reported that two pastors have requested continuation of on leave from call

status. In both cases this is a renewal of their on leave from call status. Based on Bishop

Gafkjen‟s recommendation, the Synod Council

VOTED: SC/2015/33: that Pastors Liberty A. Lausterer and Kelli Skram be

granted on leave from call status for a third year.

Bishop related that Sven Schumacher, executive director of Lutheran Child and Family

Services (Indianapolis), will be going to Germany in October. There will be tree plantings in

commemoration of 500 years since the Reformation and birth of Lutheranism. He had inquired

if the synod would like to participate in the tree planting. The cost would be approximately

$500. Upon motion and second, the Synod Council

VOTED: SC/2015/34:to approve planting a tree in Germany with Sven

Schumacher’s guidance and direction, raising funds by using an appeal during

Synod Assembly with any funds short of the $500 needed taken from Portico health

designated funds.

DEM Pastor Nancy Nyland requested approval of a grant for $48,300 from the ELCA

campaign funds for congregational renewal. The title of the grant is Connect -- Jesus--one

another--the world. The grant is a request from the Renewing Mission Table. Transformational


Ministry process extends through two years with four training workshops during that time.

There is homework each time during the six month period. There is hope that there will be

renewal of congregations.

In January 2015, the DEM, five members of the Renewing Mission Table, one member of the

Christian Education Team, one member of the worship team, and one member of the

Stewardship/Mission Support Table attended the TM 2.0 Part 1 & 2 training in Bloomington, IL.

The five members of the Renewing Mission Table came back and taught the rest of their table-

mates what they had learned. In March a two-day retreat was held with the DEM and members

of the Renewing Mission Table. The basics of IK Synod TM Process – Connect was developed

at this two-day retreat. Members of the Christian Education Team, Worship Team, and

Stewardship/Mission Support Table will develop and train the components of renewal for their

specific area. This is the reason that a member of each of these teams attended the TM 2.0


It is hoped that by the fall of 2018 – 45 Indiana-Kentucky synod congregations will be

engaged in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod TM Process – Connect. Participating congregations

will develop a new understanding of what it means to be church today. These congregations will

engage in renewal activities that will transform the life and culture of the congregation.

Grounded in Bible study, prayer, conversation and action reflection, congregations will engage

in a transformational ministry process to live out the Gospel of God‟s vision for the world.

The grant funds will be used for the training and implementation of the project. After

discussion, the Synod Council

VOTED: SC/2015/35: to approve the application of a grant of $48,300 for ELCA

campaign funds for congregation renewal to implement the TM Process – Connect

in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod to begin as soon as possible.

Assistant to the Bishop Pastor Rudy Mueller noted two changes in interim pastor

assignments. Pastor John Kost will be assigned to St. Paul‟s (Batesville) and Pastor Douglas

Mmari will be assigned to Salem/Shalom (Indianapolis).

Bishop Gafkjen reminded the group that he would be on sabbatical, part two, Wednesday,

July 1 through Tuesday, August 9. He is planning some leisure activities and family time.

Additionally, he will be spending time discerning whether to be available for a call as bishop.

He will notify the synod in September whether he is open to a call. He expressed appreciation to

the council for their support. He indicated that he was looking forward to Synod Assembly and

what it holds for us.


There was one congregation constitution that was submitted and reviewed. Josh Tatum

reviewed the constitution for Resurrection Lutheran, Indianapolis, and made the recommendation


that the constitution be approved. He had referred it to the task force but they did not have time

to meet so it was moved and seconded that the constitution be approved. The Synod Council

VOTED: SC/2015/36: that the constitution for Resurrection Lutheran Church,

Indianapolis, Indiana, be approved.


The next meeting is Friday and Saturday, September 18-19, 2015, at St. John XXIII Retreat

Center, Hartford City, Indiana. The following volunteered for the following responsibilities:

Meeting worship and devotions: Pastors Jessica King and Randy Schroeder

Missional monitor: Paul Trickel


Vice-President Ted noted how much he appreciated the willingness for the council members

to volunteer. He thanked each person going off council for their participation and service. He

will be asking individuals to stand during his part of the Synod Assembly. Everyone will be

asked to come forward during sending Eucharist for installation. Also, it will be helpful for

Synod Council members to be available during the holy conversations Saturday afternoon and to

be in prayer for the process.

Individuals responded to the questions that were listed as a guide to reviewing the meeting.

Comments that were made are as follows.

When I come home from these meetings, I am glad that I am a member of I-K synod. This is

one of the most peaceful times on Synod Council. We are not an island; we are working with

those of other faiths. The whole theme and mindset of seeing something new, asking new and

different questions, seeking new ways. Bishop Bill related his t-shirt years ago – “We‟ve never

done it this way” on back “ponder a new what the almighty can do”. Discussion of the tree, no

negative. That‟s the abundance piece. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on SC; inspiring,

uplifting, gives me the opportunity to share with congregation. The conversation of abundance

has helped me to know how to present the budget. It has been a very trying time for Finance

Committee; we should lift them up in prayer. Prayer was offered for the Finance Committee.


At 11:50 p.m. Bishop Gafkjen asked everyone to stand and led in the singing of the

doxology. Box lunches were provided for lunch.

Respectfully Submitted in His Service,

Judith A. Bush, Secretary


Attachment A


Attachment A


Attachment A


Attachment A


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Attachment B
