Syndrome Vertebrobasilar Stroke




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Table 1

Anatomic Region Function Vascular Supply Clinical Features

Syndrome Ipsilateral Contralateral


Regulation and control of muscle tone, coordination, control of posture and gait

• Vertebral artery

• Posterior inferior cerebellar artery

Anetrior vermis Gait, trunk and leg dystaxia

Posterior vermis Truncal ataxia


Modulation of sensation, movement and consciousness

• Posterior cerebral artery

Weber 3rd nerve palsy Hemiplegia- arm & leg

Claude 3rd nerve palsy Cerebellar ataxia, tremor,

Benedikt 3rd nerve palsy Cerebellar ataxia, tremor and corticospinal signs


Paralysis of upward gaze and accommodation, fixed pupils



Modulation of sensation, movement and consciousness

• Basilar artery

Locked-in syndrome

Bilateral hemiparesis- arm & leg, facial weakness, lateral gaze weakness, dysarthria

Foville Lateral gaze weakness, facial

Hemiparesis- arm & leg


Millard-Gubler Lateral gaze weakness, facial weakness


Raymond Lateral gaze weakness

Hemiparesis- arm & leg

• Basilar artery

• Anterior inferior cerebellar artery

Marie-Foix Arm and leg ataxia Hemiparesis- arm & leg Hemisensory loss- pain & temperature


Modulation of sensation, movement and consciousness

• Vertebral artery

• Posterior inferior cerebellar artery

Wallenberg (Lateral Medullary)

Nystagmus, Vertigo, Ataxia, Sensory loss in face, Hoarseness, Dysphagia, Horner syndrome

Hemisensory loss- pain and temperature

• Anterior Spinal artery

Medial Medullary

Weakness and later hemiatrophy of tongue

Hemiparesis- arm & leg, Hemisensory loss- touch and proprioception


• Occipital lobe

• Visual perception & recognition

• Posterior cerebral artery

Balint Bilateral loss of voluntary eye movements, poor visual-motor coordination, inability to

• Infero-medial temporal lobe

• Visual discrimination

understand visual objects

• Posterior cerebral artery

• Top of Basilar

Anton Bilateral loss of vision, unawareness or denial of blindness

Thalamus Integration of sensory and motor systems

• Posterior cerebral artery

Dejerine-Roussy - Hemisensory loss- all modalities, hemi-body pain
