· group of Indian students, expats from...


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Language Policy


Language Philosophy 1

Language Profile 2

Language Curriculum of 3

Primary Year Program 3

Middle School Program 4

International General Certificate of Secondary Education 5

Diploma Program 6

Professional Development 7

Roles and Responsibilities 7

Resources 7

Action Plan 8

References 9

Language Policy



The SIS creed, ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ reflects the philosophical antiquity

of its guiding principle of harmonious coexistence; we endeavor to imbue the

students with the ability to embrace diverse ethics, aesthetics and


At SIS all teachers are language teachers and language learning refers not

only to the learning of a specific language but it includes all activities that

enhance academic rigor. Language thus permeates the curriculum to explore

different perspectives and appreciate diversity. Language is the robust engine

that propels the students on a rich journey of inquiry, learning and

communication. It enables them to unravel a unique portal of learning into a

world sans borders. Language acquisition and competence opens the

gateway to lifelong learning.

We realize and cherish the need to encourage proficiency in more than one

language apart from mother tongue as the acquisition of second language not

only augments the cognitive skills but also fosters a class room climate that

encourages risk taking. Studying foreign languages whets their analytical

skills and bulwarks their creativity.

‘Multilingualism’ is the tether that can bridle language barriers; SIS believes

that learning in languages other than the Mother tongue and English affords a

cultural cauldron in which diverse skills meld and mould to create global


Thus, we lay emphasis on including academically significant (Hindi) and

popular languages (Spanish and French) as well as regional language like

Marathi as per the state mandate its learning being mandatory during the

primary and secondary years. Moreover, we are open to exploring possibility

of regional language or for that matter any native language at Standard level

(self-taught option). Inquiry based, differentiated learning dovetails

collaboration, communication and interaction; we thus ensure that students

learn languages as a means toward an end and not as end in itself.

Language Policy


2 Language Profile

2.1 Introduction

Symbiosis International School caters to a varied student body, who are a mixed

group of Indian students, expats from France, Japan, Korea, UK, USA etc.. along

with students of Indian origin who have lived and studied abroad. Due to this

linguistic diversity the student body includes students with different mother tongues.

SIS believes in the IB concept of a mother tongue as the student’s “best known

language” or” first language”.

However the main language of instruction in school is English. In case of the second

language, the respective language along with English forms the language of


Hindi being the national language as per the constitution of India, it is offered as a

subject at all levels. However Marathi being the regional language is taught at the

PYP and MSP level as made mandatory by the state legislation. The foreign

languages (non-native) offered at SIS are French and Spanish.

Hence all the languages offered in school are encouraged as the medium of

communication in and outside the classroom.

Language Policy


2.2 Language Curriculum at SIS

2.2.1 PYP – Primary Years Program

Planning Pedagogy Assessment

First language

English is offered as the first language Second Language

English is offered as the second language(ESL)

Hindi- Taught from Grades 1 to 5 ( all skills*)

French- Taught from Grades 1 to 5( all skills* along with a focus on vocabulary building) Additional Language

Marathi- Taught from Grades 1 to 5 ( speaking and listening)- State Mandate

Extensive use of audio visual aids

Activity based and skill based teaching and learning

Emphasis on communicative approach

Incorporation of group work

Exposure to the target culture(field trips, school events etc)

Differentiated Instruction

Criterion referenced assessment

Skill based assessment

Formative and summative assessments

Accommodation and Exemptions

*Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting.

Spelling and pronunciation- School accepts both British and American styles.

Students have a choice of learning a new second language when they move

from PYP to MSP

Pastoral Care Department of the school caters to the children with special

Education Needs and tries to main stream them. A student identified with

Language Learning Needs is supported through its remedial program using a

wide range of strategies and tools. (Please refer to the Pastoral care

Department’s Special Education Needs Policy).

Language Policy


2.2.2 MSP – Middle School Program

Planning Pedagogy Assessment

First language

English is offered as the first language Second Language

English is offered as the Second Language(ESL) - (all skills*)

Hindi- As second language- Taught from Grades 6 to 8 ( all skills*)

French- As second language - Taught from Grades 6 to 8 ( all skills*)

Spanish As second language - Taught from Grades 6 to 8 ( all skills*)

Marathi – State mandate to be implemented from the next year

Extensive use of audio visual aids

Activity based and skill based teaching and learning

Emphasis on communicative approach

Incorporation of group work

Extensive exposure to ESL students through language Laboratory sessions

Differentiated Instruction

Criterion referenced assessment

Skill based assessment

Formative and summative assessments

Cambridge Checkpoint Exam

Accommodations and Exemptions

*Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting.

Curriculum at the Middle school level is drafted in school and aimed to cope

up with the IGCSE curriculum.

MSP intends to lay a foundation for IGCSE and DP

In grade 6, the students have an option of changing the second language they

had opted for at PYP.

Spelling and pronunciation- the school accepts both British and American;

however encourages the British style.

Language Policy


2.2.3 IGCSE - International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Planning Pedagogy Assessment


English is offered as the first language-(Oral Endorsement-Code 0500) [Core and extended levels offered]

English is offered as the second language(ESL) –(Speaking Endorsement-Code 0511) [Core and extended levels offered] Optional

Hindi- As second language- (Reading, Writing and listening skills)* Speaking component is going to be introduced as an assessed component from 2018 examination series.

French(Reading, Writing, listening and Speaking skills)

Spanish (Reading, writing, listening and Speaking skills)

Use of audio visual aids

Activity based and skill based teaching and learning

Emphasis on communicative approach

Incorporation of group work

Extensive exposure to ESL students through language Laboratory sessions

Differentiated Instruction

Criterion referenced assessment

Skill based assessment

Formative and summative assessments

Mark scheme based

Entrance test administered for New Admissions(English, second language, Math and Science)

Accommodations and Exemptions

Language Policy


[*Spelling and pronunciation- School accepts British English]

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint is a diagnostic test conducted in English,

Mathematics and Science. From May 2016, Cambridge is also conducting

checkpoint test for ESL. SIS will opt for it from May 2017 batch.

Checkpoint scores and detailed analysis of results help in the subject

selection for IGCSE especially for choosing FLE or ESL.

3 years of exposure or formal education at the Secondary Level (Grades 6, 7

& 8) is mandatory to opt for a second language (Hindi, French and Spanish)


2.2.4 IBDP – International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

Planning Pedagogy Assessment

English A-Group 1-English Literature [Compulsory] ( Standard and Higher level)

Group 2:Language Acquisition course Hindi – Language B (Standard and Higher level) French- Ab initio Spanish – Ab initio

[Since French and Spanish are offered at the ab initio level, students with some prior language of French have to opt for Spanish at the DP level and Vice Versa. School supported self-taught option for any language to be considered if need arises]

Interactive learning techniques

Research based learning

Cooperative learning

Communicative approach

Use of audio visual aids

Criterion referenced assessment

Formative and summative assessments

Mark scheme based assessment

*Skills: speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting.

Language Policy


Spelling and pronunciation- school accepts both British and American

Academic referencing: Chicago Manual Style

Assessment records are maintained and shared periodically with the students

as well as parents.

3. Professional Development

In keeping with our philosophy of all teachers playing the role of language teachers

the school gives them an opportunity to attend various IB workshops and other

language training sessions. To enhance their language skills the school also

conducts various in-house training sessions.

4. Roles and responsibilities of language teachers:

Although all teachers are language teachers, primarily the English and all foreign

language teachers are responsible for the language acquisition and development of

a language curriculum in the school that is in accordance with the IB requirements.

The language teachers play the role as a mediator of language and culture. Their

responsibility is much wider than developing the necessary language skills,

knowledge and attitudes. In addition to the full attainment of communicative

competence, the language teachers should also focus on the aspect of international

dimension and develop students’ intercultural understanding.

5. Resources:

The school has a varied range of resources that can be used for language learning

and teaching. Eg. Books, CDs, Magazines etc. Online resources or podcasts etc. will

be ordered or subscribed for as and when required. The language department keeps

itself up to date with the currently available resources in the school and puts in the

requirements for the next academic year before the academic year ends.

Language Policy


6. Action Plan:

The process of drafting the language policy and the data gathering techniques

required for the same to be made more comprehensive by including more

surveys, discussions and feedbacks from students, parents and other


The self-taught options for, French and Spanish as Language B and EAL

support will be explored.

Walkthroughs by colleagues and HODs will be introduced to enhance

professional development

Planning Language Pathways to be systematized

Maintaining of language profile for each student- The available data needs to

be compiled in a methodical way and systems of sharing the data to be put in


Diagnostic tests for languages to be introduced during the orientation to

identify the language needs

Differentiation will be paid more attention by formalizing it as part of the unit

planners and implementing in actual teaching learning scenario.

In MSP & IGCSE, we need to formalize the integration of language in other


Language Policy



International Baccalaureate. Guidelines for developing a school language policy.

Wales: International Baccalaureate Organisation (UK) Ltd, 2008.

International Baccalaureate. Guidelines for school self-reflection on its language

policy. Wales: International Baccalaureate Organization Ltd, 2012.