Sydnee scovill. There are two types of this biome Temperate and Tropical rainforests They are...



 The Indian cobra is a highly venomous snake, as well as biting a distance he will spit venom if it enters the opponent eyes causes damage.  The snake actually forces the venom through his fangs by exerting muscular pressure on the venom glands. It sprays it out in twin jets.  The front 1/3 of it’s body and spreads out long it’s flexible neck and ribs and loose skin to form a unlike hood. Which on the back are resembling eyes to trick the predator.  The Vine snake is a remarkably slender, elongated species. As it lies amid the branches of forest trees. It’s proportions and greeny– brown coloration makes it almost indistinguishable from the abundant creepers and vines.  It’s head to is thin elongated and equipped with rear fangs and mild venom. A slow moving predator active in day time and night feeds. If it is threaten it puffs up it’s front of it’s body revealing it’s vivid coloration usually hidden under scales and opens it long mouth wide.

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Sydnee scovill

There are two types of this biome Temperate and Tropical rainforests

They are found close to the equator Both rainforest are endangered They are wet and damp It rains almost everyday

The Indian cobra is a highly venomous snake, as well as biting a distance he will spit venom if it enters the opponent eyes causes damage.

The snake actually forces the venom through his fangs by exerting muscular pressure on the venom glands. It sprays it out in twin jets.

The front 1/3 of it’s body and spreads out long it’s flexible neck and ribs and loose skin to form a unlike hood. Which on the back are resembling eyes to trick the predator.

The Vine snake is a remarkably slender, elongated species. As it lies amid the branches of forest trees. It’s proportions and greeny– brown coloration makes it almost indistinguishable from the abundant creepers and vines.

It’s head to is thin elongated and equipped with rear fangs and mild venom. A slow moving predator active in day time and night feeds. If it is threaten it puffs up it’s front of it’s body revealing it’s vivid coloration usually hidden under scales and opens it long mouth wide.

The mangrove tree has wide spreading stilt roots that support the trees in the tidal mud and trap nutritious organic matter.

It has thick bark that helps to limit moisture evaporation from the tree trunk . They have a special to enable them to survive in the environment. Many large trees have massive ridges near the base that can rise 30 feet high before blending into the trunk. Butterness roots provide extra stability especially since roots of the tropical rainforest are not typically as deep as those trees in the temperate zones. The trees have adapted to live in wet , marshy conditions.

Picher plant vines in the family of nepenaceae have leaves that form a Picher that is complete with a lid . sweet of foul smelling nectar in the Picher attracts insects.

That loose there grip and fall into the liquid down ward pointing hairs prevent the insects form escaping the insects are digested by the plants to provide nutrients. Picher plants are not epiphytes are but climbers rooted in the soil.

A dessert is a land of extremes . Extreme heat and extreme dryness.

Sudden flash floods and cold nights. The desserts are a second tropical rainforest Because dessert are such a harsh environment that

it has names like death valley ,the place from where there is no return, and the empty quarter.

The dessert is very ,very dry even the wettest dessert only get 10 inches of precipitation a year. It is cold at night and is about 100 degrees in the morning and it is 40s to 50s

the Sidewinder has a extinctive hornlike projection over each eye and takes refuge of a burrow of another animal of under a bush during the day at night it emerges to hunt it’s prey it moves with a sideways motion known as sidewinding he is pushing to the ground at these points and this provides the leverage to move it sideways. Sidewinding has the advantage of reducing contact between the snakes body and the hot sand.

the Gila monster is a heavy body lizard with a stout tail which can store fat for use in periods of food storage the Gila lives on the ground under a rock of in a burrow which it digs itself of takes over for another animal.

The two members of the Gila family are only venomous lizards.

The venom is produced in the lower jaw enters the mouth via grooved teeth at the front of the lower jaw it flows into the victim as the lizard chews

The stem of the Saguaro cactus stores all of it’s water.

Photosynthesis occurs at the top layer of the stem instead of the leaves.

It’s large nets of roots extend form it’s trunk The roots collect water after rain. The water keeps it alive until the next rain. Saguaro is used in jam and it’s woody skeletons are

used to build materials. It is only found in the Sonoran dessert

Since many plants store water in there spongy tissue.

Animals will eat them for moisture the thorns keep the safe from many animal predators

You can find many Prickly pears in the Chihuahuan dessert
