Swaziland Experience in the Use of Agric Input Vouchers Support to Farmers. Draft study FANRPAN...


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Swaziland Experience in the Use of Agric Input Vouchers

Support to Farmers.Draft study

FANRPAN Dialogue &AGM-2-5 September 2008

Lilongwe- Malawi

Situation Analysis:• small land-locked country (17,364KM2)

• population is 927,718 (1997 census) 1m.

• lower-middle income economy .

• 69% of populatn below poverty line of E71.00 (~US$10.00) per month

• HIV prevalence- 26% (DHS- 2006/07).

• Kingdom headed by HMK Mswati III

Situation Analysis Co3n’t.

• HMK- judicial, executive & legislative Powers

• Parliament constituted-House of Assembly 65 seats & House of Senate with 30.

• system is not a multi-party based.

• Government headed by the P.M. DP HMK

• Ministers appointed HMK advice of P.M.

• 26th of July 2005 a new Constitution

Land Ownership:

• Swazi Nation Land (SNL)-held by HMK on behalf of the Swazi people- Subsistence- no irrigation.

• TDL- Individual Tenure Farms- commercial- irrigation facilities.


• 2 out 4 regions never recorded a good harvest since 1992.

• Swd declared drought a disaster

• Relief task force-the Disaster Task Force. Now-National Disaster Managn’t Agency.

Food Distribution

• Institutionalized for more than a decade, as a response to food crises & chronic food insecurity.

• Partners- NDMA, WFP, VAC, NGOs

• Targeting- VAC assessments, NDMA, NGOs.

Food and Inputs 4 Child-Headed H.H as a Social Protection

Intervention Project:

• JICA committed a total of E24 m ($3 m) over 3 years – start 2004 season

• to be used in source food and agricultural inputs, materials.

• Aim- support food security, and preserve home assets of selected child-headed households in the 4 regions.

• Govn’t purchased inputs & delivered them.

Emergency Drought Response project- Save the Children Swd& UK

• humanitarian response to food crisis due to drought & forest fires in 2007/08.

• Combined food aid & cash transfers.

• Targeting : VAC Participatory techniques of proportional piling- Most Vuln-Middle wealth& well-off.

• M&E has interesting results.

restore smallholder crop production- Agricultural

(ITFs) • MOAC requested FAO to assist 50 000

households inputs.

• FAO supported 30 000 HH, EU 20 000, WV- 2120 . Vouchers $43/ hh- E300

• ITF- in 25 Tinkhundla centers

• Targeting VAC assessments NDMA, NGOs, WFP and FAO.
