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Halloween 7º ano Swoos

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Halloween31st October

Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu

Halloween is a very important festivity for English and

American people.

Halloween has its roots in an ancient Celtic festival to

celebrate the end of summer.

The Celts believed that on 31st October the spirits returned to the

earthly world.To avoid being recognised, people wore scary masks when they left their homes during night hours.

Nowadays children love wearing scary costumes.

They dress up as ghosts, bats, vampires, skeletons, witches…

Houses and gardens are decorated with ghosts,

skeletons, pumpkins and other scary things.

Jack O’ Lanterns are the most important symbol at Halloween

and people like cutting pumpkins in many forms.

The Irish have a tale about the origin of Jack O’ Lantern…

Jack was a bad, drunken Irishman who had tricked the devil.

When he died, he was unable to enter Heaven or Hell because of his

bad behaviour. So he had to walk the Earth with his

lantern until Judgement Day.

On Halloween people organise parties at schools, at home and

in streets.

Children knock on people’s doors and say “Trick or treat?”. If they

don’t receive a treat (sweets), they play tricks on them.

Trick or treat ?

Food is very important at Halloween parties so it is very

well decorated.

Watch this Halloween video…


Happy Hallowee
