Sustainable Energy Mod.1: Fuel Cells & Distributed ......complexity of fuel cells and fuel cell...


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A.A. 2011-2012

Sustainable Energy

Mod.1: Fuel Cells & Distributed

Generation Systems

Thermochemical Power Group (TPG) - DiMSET – University of Genoa, Italy

Dr. Ing. Mario L. Ferrari

A.A. 2011-2012

Lesson XI

Lesson XI: fuel cell systems (models)

A.A. 2011-2012

Models for Both Cell and System Analysis

Lesson XI

�Three different approaches for studying and developing fuel cell systems:

�mathematical models;

�physical emulator:

�reduced scale test facility;

�actual scale facility without expensive or critical components;


A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (1/18)

Lesson XI

�Mathematical models are critical for fuel cell scientists and developers as

they can help elucidate the processes within the cells, allow optimization of

materials, cells, stacks, and systems, and support control systems.

�Mathematical models are perhaps more important for fuel cell

development than for many other power technologies because of the

complexity of fuel cells and fuel cell systems.

�Some of the most important uses of mathematical fuel cell models are:

�To help understand the internal physics and chemistry of fuel cells.

�To focus experimental development efforts.

�To support system design and optimization.

�To support or form the basis of control algorithms.

�To evaluate the technical and economic suitability of fuel cells in


A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (2/18)

Lesson XI

�Model approaches:

White box

Grey box

Black box

Full equation models (no coefficients)•Available only for easy domains

•Example for CFD: Direct Navier-Stokes (DNS)

3D models with coefficients•Example for CFD: turbulence models (k-ε)

2D models with coefficients•Example for CFD: turbulence models (k-ε) + symmetry

1D models with coefficients•Example for CFD: average values (1-dymensional domain)

0D models with coefficients•Example for CFD: global equations

Lookup tables from experiments•Example for CFD: compressor maps




y a





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A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (3/18)

Lesson XI

�In many higher level applications, the predictive requirements are modest.

In some cases, the operational characteristics of the fuel cell are not even a

degree a freedom. In such cases, relatively simple models are satisfactory

and appropriate (fuel cell is a black box model in economic analysis or in

application models).

�On the other end of the spectrum, models intended to improve

understanding of complex physical and chemical phenomena or to optimize

cell geometries and flow patterns are necessarily very sophisticated, and

usually have intensive computational requirements (usually 3D models with


�In the middle different complexity levels are possible: 1D models for 1-

dymensional components (e.g. for finding shock waves) or 0D models for

plant analysis (also real-time models for real-time applications).

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (4/18)

Lesson XI

�Despite the availability of quite sophisticated fuel cell models with well-

written code and convenient user interfaces, the fuel cell developer or

engineer must be a critical user.

�Obtaining experimental data on the behavior of fuel cells (especially

internally and at the micro-level) can be difficult, time-consuming, and


�Much of the data on fuel cell performance reported in the literature is,

while phenomenologically often interesting, insufficiently accurate and

accompanied by far too little detail on the test conditions to be usable for

model validation.

�It is almost impossible to infer kinetic data without spatially resolved data

on current density, temperature and species concentrations.

�As a consequence, the validity of fuel cell models must be critically

considered for each use. The user of the model must be thoroughly familiar

with the assumptions and limitations embedded in the models.

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (5/18)

Lesson XI

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (6/18)

Lesson XI

Value-in-Use Models

�Value-in-use models are mathematical models that allow the user to

predict how the unique features of fuel cells will create value or benefits in a

given application.

�A typical model of this type would be an economic model that helps the

user to predict the cost savings resulting from the installation of a fuel cell

CHP system in a building ( generally efficiency and emissions versus load

curves are enough).

�The models are then used, for example, to evaluate the cost effectiveness

of a fuel cell CHP system or compare it with other CHP options.

�Another well-known type of value-in-use model is the well-to-wheels

analysis (energy consumption, environmental impact, transportation cost


�A critical subset of value-in-use models is that used to help establish the

manufacturing cost of fuel cells.

�These models typically consider the individual processing steps (material

costs, capital cost, and labor requirements for each process step).

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (7/18)

Lesson XI

Application Models

�These models are used to assess the interactions between the fuel cell

power system and the application environment.

�The most common use is in vehicle applications where the dynamic

interactions between the power system and the vehicle are very complex.

�Several commercial providers of dynamic vehicle modelling software have

developed Fuel Cell modules (e.g. Gamma Technologies’ GT Power, MSC

Software’s MSC.EASY5 and others).

�The best-published vehicle simulator of this type is ADVISOR (Advanced

VehIcle SimulatOR) developed by the National Renewable Energy


�The model assesses the performance and fuel economy of conventional,

electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles.

�ADVISOR simulates the vehicle's performance under different driving


�Michelin provided data for a tire rolling resistance model, and Maxwell

provided data for an ultracapacitor energy storage model.

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (8/18)

Lesson XI

Thermodynamic System Models (1/5)

�Fuel cell system models have been developed to help understand the

interactions between various unit operations within a fuel cell system.

�Most fuel cell system models are based on thermodynamic process flow

simulators used by the process industry (Aspen Plus, HYSIS, ChemCAD).

�Other models are home-made models: more sophisticated 2D or 1D

models (dynamic approaches too).

�The accuracy of the basic thermodynamic models is quite good, but

because the fuel cell sub-models are typically lumped parameter models or

simply look-up tables (validation is necessary).

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (9/18)

Lesson XI

Thermodynamic System Models (2/5)

�DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory has been engaged in the

development of systems models for fuel cells for over 15 years.

�ASPEN is a sophisticated software developed to model a wide variety of

chemical processes. It contains a library of models that simulate process

equipment and processing steps, and it has a chemical component data bank

that contains physical property parameters (used to compute thermodynamic

properties and chemical equilibrium).

�Nernst-limited model designed to compute the maximum attainable fuel

cell voltage.

�Separate voltage adjustments are applied for current density, temperature,

pressure, fuel utilization, fuel composition, oxidant utilization, oxidant

composition, cell lifetime, and production year.

�Stand-alone fuel cell power systems have been investigated, as well as

hybrid systems using a wide variety of fuels and process configurations.

Unit Operations Models for Process Analysis using ASPEN

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (10/18)

Lesson XI

Thermodynamic System Models (3/5)

�Argonne National Laboratory developed the General Computational

Toolkit (GCTool) specifically for designing, analyzing, and comparing fuel

cell systems and other power plant (automotive, space-based, and stationary

power systems).

�A library of models for subcomponents and physical property tables is

available, and users can add empirical models of subcomponents as needed.

�Components available: PEFC, MCFC, PAFC, SOFC, heat exchangers,

reactors and vehicle systems.

�GCTool has been used to analyze a variety of PEFC systems using

different fuels, fuel storage methods, and fuel processing techniques.

�Examples include compressed hydrogen, metal hydride, glass

microsphere, and sponge-iron hydrogen storage systems. Fuel processing

alternatives have included reformers for methanol, natural gas, and gasoline

using either partial oxidation or steam reforming.

Argonne's GCTool

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (11/18)

Lesson XI

Thermodynamic System Models (4/5)

�Matlab-Simulink environment

�Visual tool

�Modular tool (library of component models)

TRANSEO Tool by TPG of the University of Genoa (1/2)

C MEX Functions




Thermo-physical properties

C MEX S-Functions




Component models





Flow composition

Additional data






Thermodynamic and physical

properties of water/steamand

other 27 gases









A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (12/18)

Lesson XI

Thermodynamic System Models (5/5)

TRANSEO Tool by TPG of the University of Genoa (2/2)

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (13/18)

Lesson XI

3D Cell/Stack Models (1/3)

�Fuel cells: wide range of possible stack geometries and the wide range of

operating parameters.

�A number of three-dimensional stack models has been developed for

understanding phenomena and optimizing the cell.

�The stack geometry is discretized into finite elements, or volumes, that can

be assigned the properties of the various stack components and sub-


�At a minimum, the models must represent electrochemical reactions, ionic

and electronic conduction, and heat and mass transfer within the cell.

�Several advanced 3D modelling:

�Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFC) – based Fuel Cell Codes.

These are based on commercial CFD codes (e.g. StarCD, Fluent, AEA

Technologies’ CFX).

�Computational Structural Analysis – based codes. These are based on

publicly or commercially available 3-dimensional structural analysis

codes (e.g. ANSYS, Nastran, Abacus).

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (14/18)

Lesson XI

�The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) developed a 3-

dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

�3-dimensional CFD models can address critical issues such as temperature

profiles and fuel utilization.

�CFD analysis computes local fluid velocity, pressure, and temperature

throughout the region of interest for problems with complex geometries and

boundary conditions.

�A 1-dimensional electrochemical element is defined, which represents a

finite volume of active unit cell.

�This 1-D element is then used in FLUENT, a commercially available

product, to carry out 3-D similations of realistic fuel cell geometries.

�Details: single tubular solid oxide fuel cell, six chemical species (H2, CO2,

CO, O2, H2O, and N2). Fluid dynamics, heat transfer, electrochemistry, and

the potential field in electrode and interconnect regions were all simulated.

3D Cell/Stack Models (2/3)

U.S. DOE-NETL's 3-D Analysis (1/2)

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (15/18)

Lesson XI

�Results indicate that current density and fuel consumption vary

significantly along the electrolyte surface as hydrogen fuel is consumed and

current flows around the electrodes.

3D Cell/Stack Models (3/3)

U.S. DOE-NETL's 3-D Analysis (2/2)

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (16/18)

Lesson XI

1D Cell Models

�In 1-D models, all of the critical phenomena in a cell are considered in a

1D fashion.

�Generally they incorporate the following elements:

�Transport phenomena:

�Convective mass transport of reactants and products to/from the

surface of the electrodes

�Mass transport of reactants and products through the porous


�Conduction of electronic current through the electrodes and

current collectors

�Conduction of ions through the electrolyte and electrodes

�Conduction, convection, and radiation of heat throughout the cell

�Chemical reactions:

�Electrochemical reactions at or near the triple phase boundary


�Internal reforming and shift reactions taking place inside anode.

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (17/18)

Lesson XI

Electrode Models (1/2)

�As described in an excellent review by Fleig, one can distinguish four

levels of electrode models:

�Continuum electrode approach. In this approach the electrode is

represented as a homogeneous zone for diffusion, electrochemical reaction,

and ion- and electron-conduction.

�Multi-particle approach. This approach recognizes that electrodes are

typically made up of many particles that have different (at least two) phases

with different characteristics.

�Local current density distribution approach. A refinement on the multi-

particle approach, this approach considers that current-densities are not

necessarily homogeneous within the particles, which can strongly impact

electrode resistances.

�Micro-kinetics approach. In this approach, the individual reaction steps at

or near the TPB are considered. Although analytical solutions (in Buttler-

Volmer form) can be found if a single rate-determining step is considered,

generally a numerical solution is necessary for multi-step reactions.

A.A. 2011-2012

Mathematical Models (18/18)

Lesson XI

Electrode Models (2/2)

A.A. 2011-2012

Physical Emulators (1/8)

Lesson XI

Reduced Scale Test Facility (1/2)









Integrated Planar




Rolls-Royce Fuel

Cell Systems




Insulated Vessel(Simulates the Anodic

FC Volume)

Heater Inside

Venturi Tube


Main Body



PIPPIP--SOFCSOFC: Pressurised Integrated Planar SOFC




Insulated Vessel(Simulates the Anodic

FC Volume)

Heater Inside

Venturi Tube


Main Body



PIPPIP--SOFCSOFC: Pressurised Integrated Planar SOFC



Integrated Planar




Rolls-Royce Fuel

Cell Systems




Insulated Vessel(Simulates the Anodic

FC Volume)

Heater Inside

Venturi Tube


Main Body



PIPPIP--SOFCSOFC: Pressurised Integrated Planar SOFC




Insulated Vessel(Simulates the Anodic

FC Volume)

Heater Inside

Venturi Tube


Main Body



PIPPIP--SOFCSOFC: Pressurised Integrated Planar SOFC


Anodic Recirculation Test Rig by TPG of the University of Genoa









0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2


( ∆∆ ∆∆p

)/( ∆∆ ∆∆

p) 0

Experimental, T2=23°C, p2=1 bar Experimental, T2=150°C, p2=1 barExperimental, T2=23°C, p2=2 bar Experimental, T2=150°C, p2=2 barExperimental, T2=23°C, p2=3 bar Experimental, T2=150°C, p2=3 barModel, T2=23°C, p2=1 bar Model, T2=150°C, p2=1 barModel, T2=23°C, p2=2 bar Model, T2=150°C, p2=2 barModel, T2=23°C, p2=3 bar Model, T2=150°C, p2=3 bar

A.A. 2011-2012

Physical Emulators (2/8)

Lesson XI

Reduced Scale Test Facility (2/2)

Cathodic Recirculation Test Rig by TPG of the University of Genoa

A.A. 2011-2012

Physical Emulators (3/8)

Lesson XI

Actual scale facility without expensive or critical components (1/6)

Hybrid System Emulator Rig by U.S. DOE – NETL (1/2)

Name: Hyper facility

A.A. 2011-2012

Physical Emulators (4/8)

Lesson XI

Actual scale facility without expensive or critical components (2/6)

Hybrid System Emulator Rig by U.S. DOE – NETL (2/2)

A.A. 2011-2012

Physical Emulators (5/8)

Lesson XI

Actual scale facility without expensive or critical components (3/6)

Hybrid System Emulator Rig by TPG – University of Genoa (1/2)

Fuel cell emulator

Steam injectionMicroturbine (T100)

A.A. 2011-2012

Physical Emulators (6/8)

Lesson XI

Actual scale facility without expensive or critical components (4/6)

Hybrid System Emulator Rig by TPG – University of Genoa (2/2)

A.A. 2011-2012

Physical Emulators (7/8)

Lesson XI

Actual scale facility without expensive or critical components (5/6)

Hybrid System Emulator Rig by DLR

A.A. 2011-2012

Physical Emulators (8/8)

Lesson XI

Actual scale facility without expensive or critical components (6/6)

Hybrid System Emulator Rig by the University of Trieste

A.A. 2011-2012

Main Prototypes (1/3)

Toyota MCFC Hybrid System

A.A. 2011-2012

Main Prototypes (2/3)

Lesson XI

Siemens-Westinghouse SOFC Hybrid System

The 220 kWe PSOFC/GT hybrid cycle power

system, the world’s first such hybrid, designed

and built by Siemens Westinghouse, and

operated at the University of California,

Irvine, in early years of 2000.

LimitationsLimitations: : operationoperation hashas nevernever overcomeovercome the the

60% 60% efficiencyefficiency thresholdthreshold, , thusthus notnot yetyet

demonstrateddemonstrated; ; controlcontrol and and dynamicsdynamics notnot fullyfully


A.A. 2011-2012

Main Prototypes (3/3)

Lesson XI

Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems SOFC Hybrid System

Tests on 125 kW system: not able to reach nominal conditions
