Survival kit check list




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Survival Kit Check List


A) Food

1 Top ramen, or any kind of dried food like crackers, or beans

2 canned food

B) Fire

1 Fire starter2 Lighter3 cotton balls Strike anywhere matches

C) Water

1 bandanna or some kind of cloth (to strain water if needs be}2 Water purification tablets of some kind, (Can be bought at any sporting goods store)

D) Shelter1 Emergency blankets 2 Pull Over ponchos (you can make cut them at the seams and make them into walls to keep out the wind) 3 cordage (paracord, hemp cord, floss, anything you can use)

First Aid

1 Band-Aids

2 Drawing Salve

3 Petroleum jelly (vasaline)

4 Salt (to put in cuts to help prevent infection)

5 Gauze Bandage (roll, that sticks to itself no metal clips or velcro)

Things to get found

1 Flares

2 Glowstick

3 flashlight

4 laser

5 If you’re really desperate build a fire and put green leaves or any kind of green plant and create smoke

6 Survival Mirror

Necessities to see

1 Flashlights make sure to have extra batteries (also for the lantern if it takes batteries

2 lanterns (if the lanterns don’t take batteries make sure to have extra fuel and mantles)

3 candles

Hunting for your food:

1 Knife small pocket knife and a pretty good size buck knife or bowie knife

2 paracord (use to tie things together for a shelter, and to make snares)

Fishing Gear

1 fishing line (8-12lb should be good, 50ft atleast but it’s always good to have as much as you can

2 different size hooks (preferrably, small, med, lrg)

3 weights (split shot works best)

4 knowledge on how to rig a hook and make a pole

5 screw eye hooks (atleast 4, since you can reuse them)