survey results


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This shows that my magazine should be aimed at white British ethnicity.

This shows that the age of the readers of my magazine should be ranged from mid teens to early 20s.

The gender of my magazine audience should be fairly equal but maybe leaning slightly more toward females.

The price of magazine will appeal more to my audience if it is cheap, close to £1.

Genres of music are fairly equal here, so my magazine would be most successful if aimed mostly at rock, pop and RnB.

This shows that Tv programmes and reviews and also celebrity may help to improve sales of my magazine.

Students are most likely to buy my magazine.

The supermarket seems to be the main place where magazines are bought, so my magazine would need to be eye-catching to grab the audiences attention against other magazines.

New music and interviews are features that most interest my audience, so I will include these in my magazine.

36.4% of people who did my survey buy music magazines once a week, and with a cheap price, it seems like a good idea to have a weekly magazine.